#thessum rant
nek0mars · 2 years
A Review of The Ssum (from the perspective of an MM fan)
Ok, so the first thing I would like to say is:
Please be considerate toward Ssum; it’s an entirely different game from MM, and despite there being similarities, SSum is NOT Mystic!! (but you all know that, surely ^^)
However, I will be comparing things in my rant...because I am one of those Mystic Messenger Fans ;-;
(Also I see some of you all asking Cheritz for more MM content...I get it, I want some more too but...we all have heard that Cheritz has (supposedly) said that updates for content will be sparse or MUCH less frequent
(however I have heard from someone that they said after Ray's AE, they were planning on stopping updating in general other than new start screen CGs, BUT YOU NEVER KNOW, I'M PATIENTLY WAITING FOR A VANDY ROUTE IDC)
So first things first: Teo.
I’ve already seen people say this, but he’s sort of...bland? In fact, he actually seems like a mild mixture of Zen, 707, and Yoosung. He’s an aspiring film director who likes to game in his spare time, and is helping test developing AIs. After growing up with Mystic, it’s strange to see such a normal character!
The typing speed is extremely slow, and you can’t speed it up.
The only way to speed it up (from what I’ve seen) is to pay $9.99 for fast typing speed. That’s...a lot more than Max Speed in MM.
Here’s some comments I found in Ssum already, lol:
"mystic messenger >>>>>"
"give me 200 days of content of jumin han instead"
"i am confused lol"
"i really miss yoosung"
"i don't understand this HEEELLLLPPP"
"this game is so confusing lol"
Aside from the MM comments, I see a LOT of people being super baffled about the interface of Ssum. There are a ton of features that MM never had, and for former and present MM fans, it’s very new and confusing.
There’s also the fact that the purchases aren’t made to be a one time purchase. In fact, the packages are SUBSCRIPTIONS. Meaning you have to pay MONTHLY. Some people just cannot afford a subscription (myself included).
This, along with the fact that everything seems overpriced, is making MM fans a bit irritated that they can’t fully enjoy this new game without having to spend money.
Here’s some of my personal opinions on the game!
The interface is really nice! It’s smooth, it’s clean, it’s modern and new :)
The voice acting is really cute and high quality, and I appreciate that.
However, the way that Teo talks with you in the chatrooms and over the phone is a bit strange. It’s a bit sudden, and feels sort of rushed.
I mean, it’s only two chats in and he’s talking about how he feels flushed talking to you!
I also understand the idea of talking to only one person to get to know them, but it is honestly strange to not have a wider option of characters. (Is Cheritz planning on adding more characters? I genuinely do not know)
Also, a little detail, but you can’t pause the phone calls. I understand that you’re simulating a real phone call but what if I’m busy? ;-;
For MM fans, it's definitely not going to overtake Mystic.
It doesn’t have the same “charm”, and I feel like MM fans are just going to hold onto Ssum simply because it’s a Cheritz game.
We do need to keep in mind that Cheritz has spent 4 years creating this game. That’s very commendable (...despite the fact they kept telling people they’d release it, ...only to push it back another few months)
Still, I do know mystic fans want Mystic content to continue rather than have to deal with an entirely new and different game.
MM attachment shouldn’t be carried over as irritation for Ssum. BUT, that irritation is understandable considering MM is what we’ve lived off from Cheritz for a solid 6 years.
My closing thought is that I genuinely believe that people who have never played Mystic will enjoy Ssum! Having a clear slate and not having gotten attached to the former game will definitely allow for hardcore Ssum fans to crop up.
Unfortunately, I know that I’ll always be a die-hard MM fan.
Thanks for reading!!
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givememyssum-one · 2 years
Even Tinder is more interactive than this game
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huiyongg · 2 years
SSUM Review~
!~Spreading the Ssum~!
  Okay, so this would have been wayyy more positive if I had made this any earlier. But I encountered many bugs today and felt like making this post. I also felt very dissatisfied with some features while playing. Especially since I’m a big fan of Cheritz and have been waiting for the game since the very first SSUM Opening was revealed around 4-5 years ago I’d say. 
 First, off the bugs, my most significant bug has not been fixed EVEN with the new bug fix update v1.0.2 is me not being able to enter a chat, and it is stuck in wake time. This morning I was able to do the wake-time chat but when it came to breakfast it stated that I had to wait 21 hours, for the breakfast chat. What’s even stranger is in 21 hours it wouldn’t be my next breakfast chat it’s just a random time. I thought it was odd and restarted my game and even logged into another phone but to no avail. It was already lunchtime and the bug still persisted. Because of this, I am missing a full day of chats, I had already emailed support and have not gotten a reply since it normally takes 1-2 days for a reply back but then I’d assume my problem would already be fixed but I wouldn’t know because it’s not fixed yet.
 A few other bugs were not being able to collect my exp/support in planets, which is very frustrating because that’s the whole point of making a post is to get exp and support it would show the icon of exp but I would not be able to collect it. I also would constantly get notifications about chats that I already did or am currently in which was very strange. I would also constantly get “poor network connection” even though my wifi is fine and everything on my phone works fine. 
A few other things that I felt dissatisfied about is the pricing, normally I don’t mind things like mobile games needing money but here it feels over the top, like not being able to change your schedule/daily pattern without paying even though people’s schedules change constantly. Also, the subscription is so pricy, $25 dollars a month for just a few more options, it is so insanely priced because normal subscriptions are $5-15 and those are for big games or tv subscriptions. Paying $25 dollars a month for a mobile game is insane. Having it be a one-time purchase would have been way better and being able to buy some of the features as a stand-alone. For example, the private Teo account is really the only thing I’m interested in, and wish I could just buy that as a standalone without having to pay $25 dollars a month. Also, the other purchases are greatly overpriced as well, for example, the Incubating Aid Bot which basically only incubates the emotions by itself for $90 dollars. More than a full game on the switch or ps5. 
One minor ick I have which may not be applicable to everyone and it's more of a rant is me getting 8 bunnies, 8!! I don’t have any rare colors or anything they are all just relatively the same color bunny and I only have 3 nonbunnies which are by the way all in the Space Herbivore category. So what’s the point of having all these bunnies they don’t do anything in storage and even if I bought the upgrade I would still have extra bunnies, also bunnies are the worst creature as well because it takes the longest and doesn’t give good things. It just kinda really hurts trying to grind up for a new creature box just to see another bunny, though this isn’t really cheritz’s fault as much maybe I just have bad luck, as I am very familiar with gacha games. It's just very strange that the rates are so so skewed when there are lists and lists of creatures to collect.
Also, the fact that most of the other features seem just like something added on like we barely get to interact with Teo, and whenever we do it’s for a very short period of time. I just wish we could talk to him more so I actually feel a connection like with Mystic Messenger. I get that it’s 200 days full of chats but I’d rather have more chats go on during the day and have it be 100 days instead. Because realistically am I gonna be able to play this game for 200 days straight? I feel like it’s less of an otome game and more of just another game with a random guy talking to us every now and then. 
Now let’s go to what I like about the game, I actually think the daily schedule thing is very sweet and nice because it adapts to us instead of us having to adapt to it. I also think most of the planets are quite tasteful and it brings a smile to my face whenever I see someone supporting my post or seeing a heartfelt post from someone else and being able to support them. I also think the creatures are very cute if I just didn’t get all bunnies because seeing other people get really cute ones while I’m stuck with the same ones makes me sad. I also think it’s very impressive how much artwork there is and how many pictures we get, and the music is quite nice as well. The interface is also very adaptable and easy to use. 
To conclude, I think this game had a lot of potentials and I was really really excited about it but the actual end result feels very lackluster. I do believe that Cheritz can improve this game as it’s only 4 days since release.
Sorry for the very long review and or post. Bye Bye~
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yagirlsheila · 5 years
The ssum
I'm sorry but...The Ssum has been "out" (I'm talking about the demo being released in only some countries) for a little bit more than a year and we haven't heard any other announcement from Cheritz.
A single announcement regarding the ssum would be pretty good, like "oh, sorry, working on Mystic Messenger makes it so that the ssum is delayed so please continue to wait!".
At this pace I'm starting to think that Cheritz has abandoned the Ssum project, at least momentarily... I understand how their other game has a lot more attention currently (I'm still playing Mystic Messenger myself) but a bit of information would be cool :c.
I don't mean to be rude, developing a game takes a lot of time, specially for a project as ambitious as the Ssum. But a notice on their social media would be good.
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