#these sum up my favs too: angst and whump
sassyandclassy94 · 2 months
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Before and after the battle🗡️
I just realized that I never shared the SwanFire artwork by EliphantArt❤️✨
She didn’t put a watermark on it so PLEASE DON’T REPOST ANYWHERE
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alittledizzy · 4 years
Top 3 fav and least fav tropes?? (3 each hehe)
before i make this list i wanna be extra extra extra clear that my least faves are not a judgement on people that like them and it’s fully personal preference! 
top 3:  - coffee shop/university au. gimme the meet cute and slow build of figuring out an attraction is mutual and falling in love with all the sweet moments.   - whump with hurt/comfort, medical h/c. lumping all these together because what i enjoy about them is the common bond they all share that it’s two people overcoming something together and leaning on each other. i think what really draws me to these stories is that they almost never contain elements of angst that are between the two main characters? i don’t have to worry about a relationship miscommunication that makes them break up or something.  - self discovery/sexual discovery. this is like the straight up opposite of the second in my bottom three list. i love stories about people discovering who they are, who they love, what kind of person they love, and what kind of relationship they want to be in. i love reading about navigating new information about themselves and coming out and first relationships and understanding what feels right and fits for them. i think this is just one of those things that happens because i didn’t embrace my sexuality until college (and even then like, a couple years into college, and didn’t actually realize what fit for me until my late 20s) and i made so many wrong decisions that i get a lot of gratification about reading people figuring it out in a way i didn’t until way too late. 
bottom 3:  - d/s. my experience with this is weird because i used to write it very regularly. but it was mostly to make my partner happy and i realized once she and i broke up that i didn’t actually get anything out of it besides writing with her, and it was kind of freeing to be done with it.  - woke up gay/only gay for you. this isn’t common at ALL in phanfics anymore but when i first got into phan it was a weirdly persistent thing that people would write dan and/or phil as straight guys with active straight guy sex lives that were best friends and roommates and suddenly just discovered they were attracted to each other with like, no other real exploration of sexuality involved in the story. i think it can be written - and written well - that a specific person is someone’s sexual awakening but i only really enjoy it when it’s a lead in to that person discovering their sexuality, not when the sum of it all is ‘and suddenly i want your and only your dick, the end.’ and of course, this does happen in a lot of other fandoms, too.  - break up fics. i don’t know what happened, man. when i was younger i could not only enjoy reading them but i also write them sometimes! the angst didn’t bother me then. but the older i get the less of a stomach i have for it. i can take two people struggling to overcome obstacles to be together but when the obstacle is them questioning if they want to or should be together based on nothing but their own feelings, it just makes me feel like of queasy and i’m not about that fanfic reading life even if there’s a happy ending. 
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