#these are all a lot but it's really the b&w one for me
kisses4reid · 3 days
missed it pt.2 | ·˚ ༘ spencer reid ,,
summary - penelope brings a belated cake for you that leaves everyone guilty. what better way to say sorry then a belated party as well?
genre - spencer x bau!fem!reader, barely angst, fluff, forgotten birthdays and sorry’s
warnings - mentions of forgotten birthdays, being sad, crying, umm cake??? y’all not rocking w cake??? y/n uses she/her pronouns
w/c - 1.2k+
a/n - thank you for the request anon! the idea is perfect and so r u for requesting it, i rock w you
request - I was wondering if you were up for a part 2 of missed it???, maybe where someone on the team suddenly remembered that it was readers birthday, and tells the rest of the team about it ( maybe in the elevator, when they’re all heading home & reader left early or smth ). And Spencer’s like yea I went to see them yesterday & they were pretty messed up about it, and they all start to feel really bad, so they come up with a plan to set up reader a berlated surprise b-day party at rossi’s or smth, and reader cries because she’s never felt so loved and appreciated before!!
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Penelope scurried into the office with a leather red bag on her elbow and a large container that covered the lower part of her face. She peered over the plastic and scanned for the one person she was looking for, but instead she was met with a muscular man trying to suss out the tuperware that smelt amazingly sweet. "Hey babygirl," Morgan greeted with a smile, "You baked me a treat?"
Garcia walked further into the bullpen with Derek close behind her, "It's not for you, chocolate thunder. It's for Y/n." She replied matter-of-factly.
She placed her bag and the cake container on your empty desk and furrowed her eyebrows in the search for your presense which seemed to be absent.
JJ and Emily walked by with their cups of coffee in hand, joining Derek's confusion. Emily spoke up, "Why would Y/n need a cake?"
Spencer glanced then. He felt an unfamiliar rush of anger push him out of his chair. He bit the inside of his lip.
Last night, you had poured your heart out to him on the reasons you didn't tell others about your birthday, about much even. Would it be betrayal to expose you? Would it be kind? Spencer pondered as Penelope's mouth went agape in disgust.
She smacked each of the detectives on the arm, recieving groans and gasps from them all. "Are you kidding? It was Y/n's birthday yesterday. I was supposed to give her this yesterday but I was sick so..." Even a person like Penelope could read the subtle signs of regret on the profiler's faces. They screw their lips, glanced at each other - and Spencer - and didn't meet Garcia's eyes. Penelope sighed in anger and she started vocalising the very thoughts that were circling Spencer's mind.
"Are you guys serious? She worked 12 hours with each of you bozo's! And not one of you remembered? Not even a gift? Or a 'happy birthday Y/n'? You guys are unbelievable." She huffed and slapped her hand on the top of the cake container. "Where's Y/n?"
That's when the blonde turned to Spencer. "Uh- She went home early. She finished her paperwork pretty quickly." Emily, JJ, Morgan, and now Hotch - who had been wathcing from his office - all started packing up. Their cups of coffee were poured down the sink, and the sunshine was coming to a close. Spencer's hardened grip on his satchel was turning his knuckles white.
There they all were. Garcia's anger pouring out of her in determined and disciplining paragraphs about care and love and being a team, and Spencer's was pouring into his uneven breaths.
"I can't believe not one of you remembered. Not even Spencer! I mean-"
"I remembered."
The elevator went silent, the digital display counting down quickly. Spencer gulped and fiddled with his bag, avoiding eye contact with anyone at the memories of last night. Depressing, heart-breaking, beautiful. A lot of things happened last night. Some good, most bad.
"I went to her apartment last night with a cake. She was..." There was no lying to a team like this, "devastated."
JJ sighed, "We should do something."
Aaron nodded and brought out his phone, texting Rossi who also left early with you.
This week was full of tears and crying, snotty noses and new boxes of tissues. And today was no different. Though you promised yourself that yesterday was the last day you'd feel sorry for yourself, tears crept to your eyelashes even at the glass of the perfume Spencer had gifted you. It smelt amazing.
Your bed was a mess, your living room desolate and the kitchen long unused.
Today, you would get over it. You've gotten over it for years, why is this one any different? Is it because you thought you had found another family? Is it because Spencer proved people can care, but don't? Maybe it was because instead of wishing you happy birthday, you're father sent a photo of your sister's sports awards and asked why you didn't send her a congradulations text.
Today, you would get over it.
Today, I will get over it.
Your phone buzzed against your kitchen countertop as steam and the smell of onion and garlic filled your kitchen. You glanced, being met with a call from Derek, but being too slow to pick it up. And then suddenly there was a knock on your door.
You shut off the oven, wiped your hands on a cloth towel and tucked some loose hair behind your ears. Not only was this person interrupting a brand new recipe you had been reccomended, but also the reruns of your favourite sitcom. A sigh escaped you as you approached the door, preparing to explain that you were busy, but when you turned the doorknob you were met with deja vu.
Your team was beaming at you, all holding plates and bowls of various sweets and treats, as well as sandwiches and a large cake you assumed was decorated by Garcia.
"Happy Birthday Y/n!" They all screamed, not really in time but close enough to sound rehearsed. A smile slipped out from you as you laughed in shock. You felt your cheeks redden from the attention, feeling slightly uncomfortable and out of place, but you stepped aside to let them in anyways.
They hugged you, quietly and whole-heartedly apologised, and started setting up the surprise birthday lunch with Morgan's playlist filling the apartment. As Rossi passed he whispered, "Did you try that recipe I told you to try, the one I said at your belated dinner?"
Rossi was the only other person other than Penelope and Spencer to know your birthday. In fact, you two had the dinner planned for a week beforehand. You nodded with a smile and he joined the rest.
Spencer stood at the now closed door with a smile. He fiddled with the bottom of his sweater as he waited for you to turn to him, and when you did his hand latched onto yours discreetly. Your eye widdened slightly, gaze meeting his when he bent down slightly to whisper to you. "I wasn't sure if you would appreciate them showing up here but..." He smiled softly, "I think you deserve at least one good birthday."
Tears nearly brimmed your eyes before you heard your friends howl in laughter in the background, "Thank you, Spencer." A tear escaped you and he wrapped his arms around you. He was warm and his hold was tight with care, it made your heart stutter more than it already was. "Sorry," you giggled nervously and wiped your eyes. He gazed down at you and looked at you with confusion. "Why are you sorry?" "I'm crying at a party- A party for me." You said the last word like the scenario was a dream or seemingly impossible and it made Spencer's heart hurt. "That's okay, Y/n. As long as it's happy crying." He held your shoulders and rubbed his thumbs in comforting circles. "Yeah- Yes. I've just never felt this..."
You glanced at the crowd in your kitchen, full of people you loved and cared for. People you thought didn't care enough, but put an effort into a celebration that doubled as a massive and genuine apology for their mistakes. Nobody had ever said sorry to you for missing your birthday before.
"Loved?" Spencer's voice was soft as he finished your sentence. "Loved." You nod in agreeance, beaming at the tall boy so hard you felt like your heart was on display.
taglist (open!): @jeffswh0re @reap3erslov3 @candyd1es
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chrxnicdaydream · 3 days
have some silly skk wedding hcs bc. idk i just wanted to yell w someone abt them
chuuya cries in sporadic bursts the day of but taken altogether it's like 3 hrs of hysterical sobbing
dazai doesn't cry at all because he slips into like a shocked fugue state the second he sees chuuya but he DOES bawl like a baby the next morning
nobody who attended remembers past like hour 4 of the wedding and six months later they're still uncovering some of the wild shit they did during the afterparty. this is because the wedding staff accidentally became part of the celebration and the photographer, who was supposed to record the whole thing, ended up sleeping with one of the cast. it was kunikida.
just to be obnoxious ranpo proposes to poe and chuuya has to be held back by a crying w laughter dazai from Physically Attacking Him
dazai insists on having a bouquet to throw, which he purposefully angles for akutagawa to catch. atsushi faints, lucy's face progresses from angry -> considering in real time (they r a throuple real)
chuuya picks his best man/maid of honor fairly easily (hirotsu and kouyou duh) but dazai basically told the ada to figure it out amongst themselves and come back to him with their decisions (he's lazy/genuinely didn't know who to pick and wanted to outsource) and there was Actual Violence
lots of drama over whether or not to invite mori and verlaine. turns out to be a nonissue bc all verlaine does is cry in a corner about a) rimbaud and b) holy shit my little brother is getting married and after hour 6 mori and fukuzawa disappear from the event (neither they nor anyone else remembers this. very lucky)
ango receives an invitation with no context and has like 3 mental breakdowns about what this means for his and dazai's relationship
7 hours in (it was a long party) kenji's cow somehow shows up (he swears up and down it wasn't him, everyone's very confused the next morning)
it was a sunset wedding, dazai wore white and chuuya wore blue
adam and shirase and some other members of the sheep are there. adam makes fast friends with kyouka, meanwhile the former sheep are very narrowly spared dazai's wrath, mostly bc he keeps forgetting they're even there. it's a big wedding
tachihara tried to drunkenly breakdance, gin laughed so hard she thought she got heart palpitations and was afraid for her life. she went to look for mori and walked in on him and fukuzawa. none of them remember this but now gin feels a vague sense of horror every time she looks at her boss and she's not really sure why
yosano tries rizzing kouyou up and fails by any normal metric (yosano: please please please please please please please please please please) but kouyou is Tipsy and Charmed
dazai does indeed burn the marriage certificate (TRY RETURNING ME WITHOUT A RECEIPT, CHIBI!!). chuuya is so in love he starts crying again
higuchi and tanizaki had philosophical discussions about life on the rooftop and accidentally solved the secrets of the universe. they do not remember this
kunikida returns from his steamy rendezvous with the photographer and immediately sets his sights on ango. drunk kunikida knows what he wants (twinkish men) and when he wants them (now). there is a reason one of the most important ideals in his notebook is to Not Drink
the guild is there and are generally having a good time until fitzgerald sees tsujimura (only there as ango's plus-one, got abandoned bc of drunk kunikida's machinations) and calls her a blue-haired liberal, and hey, what's a party without a brawl in the middle of the dance floor
between the guild and the wedding staff half the people at the party weren't even invited. which is why the doa and hunting dogs are also there
kenji, kyouka, q, elise, and aya are having a Kids' Party in a separate room with adam as an extremely enthusiastic babysitter (well, more like occasional check-in-er, he's swinging back and forth between the parties). tecchou joins them after a while and has a great time, as all except aya are extremely fascinated by his unholy food combinations
bram and lovecraft kickstart their enemies-to-lovers arc the second they set eyes on each other
fyodor, dazai, kajii, and nikolai start up a game of Knife Monopoly, to everyone's surprise the extremely determined caterer sweeps them all. sigma is smitten at once and immediately starts to flirt with her (the caterer is a milf who is seduced by sigma's transgender rizz, sigma will eventually have an entire 'convincing the stepkids' family movie arc)
teruko FUCKS IT UP on the dance floor, haruno is so impressed she immediately falls into her first disastrous sapphic crush
hirotsu and natsume mutually agree to restart their homoerotic situationship without ever even actually saying two words to each other, someone has to take skk's place now that they've more or less gotten their shit together
katai wasn't there physically but was supervising through security cameras. he's the only one who will ever know everything that happened that night and deleted the footage due to trauma :( sorry katai
tsujimura and mushitarou bond over how desperately they Do Not Want To Be There
skk Try to have a romantic wedding night(/morning, given how long the afterparty stretched) but they are both too drunk, chuuya trips and falls flat on his face and dazai laughs so hard he throws up
omg i started yapping and then i just didn't stop. i didn't even know i had this many thoughts in my head. i am sending this before i can regret it feel free to delete if u want to
anon. THESE ARE SO GOOD OMG???? i could literally visualize a whole fic just by reading these hcs
adding my comments under the cut so it doesn’t get too long 🫣
ok first of all… the skk crying hcs??? CANON OMG im so obsessed
Ranpo turning skk’s wedding into his engagement party is so true of him. he absolutely would
Dazai totally would insist on a bouquet to toss, & him throwing it at to Akutagawa is so funny 😭
KENJI’S COW IM SOBBING it reminds me of that wan episode where Atsushi asks Dazai what Yosano needed & he was like “… a cow!” boba eyes & everything
i had never thought of Adam & Kyouka being buddies but my life is changed now tysm for this revelation
NOT GIN BEING SCARRED BY ZENKU SKK 💀 someone get my girl outta there
ok but tipsy + charmed Kouyou is a vision
Chuuya tells Dazai that burning the marriage certificate means they’re not married anymore & that’s when Dazai finally breaks down into tears
ok Higuchi & Tanizaki is another duo i never considered and i LOVE IT???
omg i love the kids party & skk are both good with kids so they definitely would make sure the kids are taken care of 🥹 Adam would be such a good babysitter, and Tetchou too??? omg giving me fic ideas with this one
super invested in this caterer x Sigma arc tbh
ykw i was thinking abt bsd rarepairs the other day & couldn’t figure out who to ship Teruko or Haruno with… should’ve thought of this honestly
now that you mention it… i actually love the idea of Tsujimura & Mushitaro but i think it’s mostly bc her hair matches his suit PFFT
skk’s ideal honeymoon = SLEEP 😫
i’m so glad you didn’t stop yapping non, this was so wonderful tysm i feel blessed 🥹🩷 please feel free to yell abt hcs or say hi anytime!! 🫶🏻💕💕
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matchandelure · 27 days
binge read all of kaiju no 8 a couple days ago :::) and im all caught up w the anime now too i am hooked holy
#haha i start my internship in a couple days so im feeling really shitty and anxious and need to bury my feelings w new media#I LOVE THIS SERIES??!!! A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#i didnt do research before starting the anime like i usually do..so i had zero idea who the voice actors were#BUT THEN I HEARD HOSHINA SAY ONE LINE AND WAS IMMEDIATELY LIKE. ASAGIRI GEN IS THAT YOU?!?!??!?@??@?@!?!!?!?!!!#IT IS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AND OOOOOOOH THE ACCENT IS PERFECT!!!!!#hoshina is my favourite.....silly guy who wields his sword for fun... i also caught up with b side bc i heard he was the main#and i cried lol...#also cried a couple more times during my run through the manga haha#kafka... ohhhhh kafka as a protag!!!!!! HES SO SO AMAZING#guy in his 30s fueld by a promise w his childhood friend to stand next to her and eliminate all the monsters#THE WAY HE CARES SO MUCH ;O; THE IMPACT HES HAD ON BOTH RENO AND KIKORU#KIKORU MY DAUGHTER ;O; SHES DONE SO MUCH SHES DONE SO WELL SHES AMAZING SHE DESERVES SO MUCH PRAISE AND LOVE#yea....i like these guys i think they are very very cool I CANNOT WAIT TO LEARN MORE ABOUT THEM#honestly kn8 episodes are gonna be what gets me through the weeks now...#both these eps and ALSO THE NEW TOURABU ANIME BUT IM SO SAD ITS ENDING IN 3 MROE EPS :(((#literally either teared up cried or screamed or all 3 a ton as i watched each episode tkrb will always cheer me up#i am gods most predictable pathetically weak soldier i saw hoshina who smiles like ranpo and laughs and jokes around constantly and yet als#has this huge sense of like... what is my purpose. what is my proof of existence. how can i be asked to just drop the one thing that ive#kept at all my life. thats all i have out here thats the only way for me to save people and prove i existed#that keeps me this role in this force in this organization and this is all i ahve to live for#HES SO URUHRHTUGHGSDFKJFK#GUY WHO ON THE SURFACE SEEMS SO HAPPY GO LUCKY AND SIMPLE WHO SHOUDLERS AND KEEPS SO MUCH TO HIMSELF WHO IS SO PASSIONATE ABOUT ONE THING#THAT HAS SHAPED HIS ENTIRE LIFE WHO CARES SO SO MUCH AND JUST WANTS TO DO WHATEVER HE CAN BECAUSE ITS ALL HE CAN DO#i discovered bsd when i was 14 years old discovered ranpo bsd and was never the same#comfort character fr actually..so comfort character that it transcends just the one series#lol enough rambling i shall go back to playing hades watching one piece with kn8 manga tab open split screen style and listening to p3r#soundtrack so that i can stop thinking and forget that i am actually somehow a person#willows rambling branch
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surprise, bet you weren't expecting THIS
ok but real this is technically just a test. wasn't actually aiming to really make this lmao, but things lined up and i realized this sounded good actually so i was "hmm maybe i should post that." idk if i'll make a video for this so for now just take the audio ig.
VSQx by Hatsune Dan, distributed by Yumeko. Some minor tuning edits by me. Mixing also by me. Original song by wowaka.
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guideaus · 13 days
i watched wolf children and im not sure i liked it LOL
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megumi 🤝🏽 yuuji
dying even if it’s only for a good minute only to be brought back to life bc fate realizes if they died for real then they would need to find someone else to fuck over. those two are like fates favorite barbie dolls.
apologies if this post is going to seem all over the place, just bear with me. i don’t even know if you’re going to see this BUT it’s okay bc i need to get this out my system 😭.
starting off — god, imagine the chaos that will ensue when megumi tells nobara & yuuji about his very tragic history with the zenins. but like he wouldn’t even tell them straight up, he’ll just make a little deadpan joke (my sarcastic, sassy son) & the others would look at him like : ??? wtf do you mean by that sea urchin head???
like imagine itafushikugi going shopping for like traditional japanese clothes for a little festival or some shit (megumi was dragged by his spikes to come along) & nobara is having the time of her life finding outfits for her & the boys. like it got to the point where she’s dressing them herself & she shows megumi an outfit that looked similar to the robe he was forced to wear bc of the zenin (it’s obviously not the same) & megumi just refuses to wear a robe with similar color patterns to the zenin robe.
megumi: that looks like the outfit the zenin forced me to wear. i wonder what happened to it, cause the last thing i know, i got blood all over it. so as the second member of the zenin hate club, im not wearing that….
megumi: wait that blue one looks decent. i’m going to try it on.
nobara: …did he really leave without giving us the “ getting blood on a zenin’s robe” story?
imagine maki complaining about naoya in front of the first years, & maki just brings up naoya’s onesided beef with megumi & her stories of how naoya was so petty back in his childhood made him remember who tf naoya is (megs have selective memory, it’s okay)
megumi: ugh, he was so annoying. i remember when he came to my middle school back when gojo was busy dealing with the aftermath of his evil ex boyfriend evil plan & he basically kidnapped me. i was stuck in a car with that man for 40 minutes..you would hate him nobara.
maki: yeah you would hate him nobara.
yuuji: i’m sorry he kidnapped you??? why did you say that so casually?
nobara: fuck that. megumi is a disney princess, we know this already. BUT we’re just gonna gloss over gojo had an evil boyfriend?
& imagine when megumi finally tells his friends about the zenin clan was when yuuji just came back from the dead & they were asking how tf that’s possible. & somewhere in that conversation megumi just let it slip that his heart stopped beating once & itakugi looks at him in silence:
megumi: yeah the zenin clan basically forced me to exorcise some curses & complete a ritual to get a snake — that snake fucking bit me. it was my least favorite. but yeah i basically died. then yuuta brought me back. then i was blind for a good minute.
nobara, yuuji, & even sukuna:
megumi: it was a terrible time for me. gojo was even more clingier & protective. it got to a point where he started treating me like i was 6 again… reading me bedtime stories, singing me lullabies & describing the pictures in the stories since i was…yknow blind.
cue itakugi & even sukuna wanting to burn down the zenin but ofc they can’t do that…so they settle for pulling pranks on the members & traumatizing them ofc.
IM ALSO imagining how funny it would be for yuuji to be jealous of yuuta. like bro is basically living yuuji’s fantasy world. i’m giggling at the idea of yuuji fighting for his life to be either megumi favorite or nanami’s favorite.
you also opened my eye to the potential of maki & tsumiki… like i also like to imagine that in a happier world, they would understand each other on such a deep level. but they would also find parts of the other that they wished they had. but on a happier note i like to imagine that megumi would suffer whenever it was brought up that his aunt is basically dating his step sister. like maki would be a menace to megumi. every little thing he do? maki is texting tsumiki in a corner.
maki watching itafushi cook together in the kitchen: i can’t believe megumi has a boyfriend. it’s so cute that he thinks that he can hide this from me. lemme go snitch to tsumiki.
maki listening to megumi describe his fight with sukuna, a cursed spirit who apparently has a stripping problem: oh my god. megumi is truly yuuta’s boy. they both got cursed spirits obsessed with them…i need to tell tsumiki.
maki to megumi after witnessing his suicidal tendencies: don’t make me tell tsumiki.
i honestly love your story. the way you added so much more to megumi childhood is beautiful. it just make soooo much sense. but also your characterization of gojo is so precious to me. i’m waiting for gojo to go apeshit on the zenin. i’m also giggling in anticipation at gojo finding out about yuuta attachment to megumi. i like to imagine him to be kind of worried about it actually, bc that’s not fucking healthy. but i imagine him getting used to it since megumi will have a protector in the form of yuuta & his power of love.
i’m also curious to see mai’s role in this story since.
*sighs in disappointment at gege writing choices*
since she had a crush on megumi…yeah. but imma just interpret that as she wants to be his family. it keeps me sane
i also wanted to ask if there’s a chance that you would write a megumi POV of what happened in the zenin clan? ofc i would understand if you wouldn’t since it leaves a much more ominous feeling to the events. plus yuuta running commentary is a good mix of angst & humor so ofc i understand.
Yuuji: man fushiguro almost checks the boxes for a Disney princess. except he was never kidnapped or enslaved
Megumi, sold to the Zenin clan, who later kidnapped him: *sweating*
Nobara and Yuuji would be the co-vice presidents of the "fuck the Zenin clan" club if they knew what happened. They would be the presidents but yuuta and maki are already in a death match for the position and they're trying to avoid the bloodshed. they are not allowed to be treasurer because neither of them know how money works.
megumi is unaware that a formal club has been formed.
Megumi is suffering SO HARD in any world where maki and tsumiki are together. they won't stop ganging up on him when it comes to his love life and general wellbeing and holding hands where he has to see it. maki lectures him about his suicidal tendencies in the field, holds up one finger, calls tsumiki, and lets her pick up where she left off. maki tries to talk to him about relationships one (1) time and he tries to drown himself.
see i'm pretty open to writing a megumi POV but it, like most of my stories, falls in this nebulous category of "if i have the time." like, i've thought about writing megumi's pov before, there's a lot of stuff that happened that exists as like, background knowledge for me that will never make it through yuuta's pov because it doesn't make sense for yuuta to find out about it. It would be very tonally different, but if i did write it, it would be a different work entirely and i'd be making sea glass gardens into a series.
i'm eternally tempted by the siren call of making my works into a series. If i did it with sea glass gardens, i would want to add a one shot of Megumi's pov during the time leading up to sea glass gardens and a short multi-chapter of the gojo, nanami, shoko teen parenting trio. If I have the time, it will exist; if i don't, it won't.
#ironically the one thing that WOULD endear yuuta to yuuji is finding out about all of this#yuuji would instantly love him for all he did for Their Boy. it's the only way i see megumi actually fessing up to what happened#i think megumi's just someone who's really private and uncomfortable with people knowing a lot about him and he would try to hide this from#itakugi for as long as he could. it probably eats at him that the second years all saw him like this. i think he just hates feeling vulnera#megumi gives him the /extremely/ abridged version of events to get yuuji and nobara to chill about yuuta and how he acts (yuuji is convince#that there's no one who could be that perfect nobara keeps looking for homosexual explanations) and they instantly veer hard into finding#out everything there is to know about the zenin and how to hurt them and also yuuta's like. beloved in their eyes. megumi is their boy.#they love their boy. yuuta saved their boy. ergo they love yuuta now. it's simple math.#tonal shift is a huge sort of struggle with me as a writer just because i change my styles with every narrator#which is why it's kind of hard to flip between works if the tone is too different. i was trying to juggle sea glass gardens and toy rosarie#and i was just internally screaming b/c yuuta and jack could NOT be more different with narration styles and i was like 'fuckkkkkkkkk'#with yuuta i structure sentences with a lot of 'space' in them. i don't have a better word for it i'm not actually trained in writing so#it's all just whatever shit i made up along the way i have no officially terms. anyway. Yuuta's sentences are structured to have this sort#of detached distance between the actual message and the start of the sentence. So we end up with a lot of sentences that start w/ structure#like “yuuta thinks” and Yuuta feels“ b/c I think of yuuta as a very detached person because of how he lived. it's a survival mechanism.#a lot of the meat of what he feels has to come in almost absentmindedly. So you end up with Yuuta's suicide scene and losing the knife and#him having a line like “He swears he never meant any of the bad things he did” and the fact that he thinks his own survival is a bad thing#/he's/ to blame for is almost backdoor'd in as a given premise. it's assumed. it's not even the point of the sentence. he's been living wit#jack murdock meanwhile is an intensively retrospective character that's meant to make you almost feel claustrophobic from how “close” his#narration style is. a lot of the actual message is conveyed through imagined scenarios and emotional recollection. he's a character steeped#in regret who has been torturing himself with it for years. yuuta's survival mechanism is isolation but jacks been yearning to get back wha#he lost for so long and dreaming of it that he's steeped in really vivid internal imaginings.#with jack you have multipage lamentations remembering his son buying cereal with him but yuuta drops the fact that his parents stopped#loving him at some point and it's not even the most important thing in the sentence. it's included as a qualifier because yuuta has accepte#so much of the bad things that happened to him when he shouldn't have whereas jack hasn't accepted ANYTHING that happened.#Yuuta uses a lot of very clean cut grammatically correct narration and jacks is riddled with a bunch of “ain't's” and grammatical errors.#he has an accent for lack of a better term. so you end up w/ two characters who convey information in different ways prioritize different#info in their sentences use different sentence structures etc. so megumi would have a /very different/ style and tone from yuutas that woul#sort of shape any fic that came through him because all of my fics are primarily shaped through the narrator's voice. it's also why I set#kind of hard lines about whether a fic can have any narrator or just specific narrators b/c it determines the whole tone.
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firebenders-are-cool · 2 months
Years ago I came up with an ATLA fic idea for the earth avatar after korra and it was kinda good but I stopped caring about it. as I developed the plot and transformed my initial (flawed) idea, I got less interested in it because it was no longer the same idea. I basically wanted to write Trope A, didn't like that it was such a bad rendition of Trope A, fixed it, and got bored cause it wasn't Trope A anymore. I absolutely don't have the time (or desire) to go write it now (especially with avatar studios coming in hot with a new avatar), but damn I hope an alternate universe-me wrote it.
#atla#basically it was the same issue genji had and kyoshi had and all the fics have with not knowing who the new avatar is. Confusing two ppl#/not sure which is which#person A was abandoned at birth and given to family B#family B also had a child at the same time (gasp) which was person B#They grew up together in B's family. Both are benders#B was super clever and brave and maybe a bit headstrong but otherwise everything everyone expected of an avatar#kinda crappy parents of B are warned around age 14 or something that A and B could be dangerous together by Some Secret Source (villain for#and *insert political factors here* parents of B abandon them both.#[both A and B are mixed earth and fire nation]#A is a bit mellower and follows B's lead a lot of the time / doesn't mind not being the best at everything.#A and B go on adventures/solve mysteries on why their parents left both of them etc#that's like the first act and they find out one of them could be the avatar#they're poor btw. anyway#They of course make friends along the way (similar to aang's aventure-journey arc) and bam team avatar 3.0#except they don't know who the avatar is. gasp#so they look for people who might know how to find that out and they're like “it doesn't matter if it's you or me it's fine!” But ofc B#is really confident that it's them#blah blah they train and they find out Person A is the avatar. world crumbles#B is shocked and maybe there are issues beforehand yknow but A leaves for training and B is left in the dust feeling useless#Now abandoned by both family and friends in their eyes#B retreats and disappears for a few years as A trains. A does avatar things. B secretly gets involved with the Wrong Sort [villains]#maybe something spiritual? unlike lok2? who knows. Not me#leads up to A and B confronting each other and it's sad. A does not want this. B feels betrayed cause of x and y events#B obviously feels justified in their cause#*cue fight* but something changes w/ the villain and B's reality starts to crack#A convinces B that it's not all lost. Insert something about their parents again#gasp B's parents were threatened maybe. or not. Never decided#B starts to come around and together they kick ass. B has a LOT of community service hours to fill#protagonist to villain (maybe antihero?) to protagonist again
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sad--tree · 3 months
well shit. just checked out the lineup 4 bluesfest this year and i may have 2 actually brave the crowds 4 once. there might just be enough ppl id wanna see to make it worth it, altho tbh matthew good is almost enough for that on his own lol coz like. matthew good!!! that's the music of my freakin childhood man!! (*the most canadian sentiment ever)
#but also: ben howard; orville peck; charley crockett; mother mother#and of course. motley fucking crue. for some reason. i mean why not right? lol#ftr no i dont know why its called bluesfest when theres so much non-blues. they DO have blues its just. theres a lotta other stuff.#idk. perpetual mystery here in the nations capital.#i REALLYYYY wanna see matt good tho i was supposed to in 2020 and he CANCELLED instead of rescheduling like every1 else 😭#still might go to mtl in april to see him tho. festival sets are just Not the Same lbr#NOW i just gotta see if any of the artists i wanna see are on the same days..... pls..... so much more cost effective....#my whole life ive lived here and ive never been 2 bluesfest. maybe thisll be the year that changes#hmmm. $280 for a 'pick any 3 days' ticket is Not Bad At All.... definitely gonna b Pondering this further....#tho $410 for a full pass is also not terrible. relatively speaking bc tgats is still Not A Small Amount of Money#not sure the full lineup is worth that 2 me tho#HMMM#anyways hey bluesfest. why the FUCK is your website so bad my god the scrolling lag good fucking lord. what the fuck are u DOING back there#also also. on the topic of music festivals. i KNOW its not coming back but.... heavy mtl return W H E N 🥺😭🙏🔥#i just. wanna go 2 a metal music fest. w/o breaking the bank and/or subjecting myself to festival camping. which i refuse 2 try by myself.#not that we really have that sorta festival here at all but it seems the Really Big european ones are like that and uhhh.#it just seems like A Lot to do that solo. for a first time doing smth.#ANYWAYS !! still contemplating whether i want 2 spend altogether Too Much Fucking Money to see metallica and iron maiden later in the year#like on the 1 hand its A Lot Of Money plus id have to travel (edmonton 4 metallica; mtl or TO 4 maiden)#on the other hand. those guys arent gettin any younger. and the FOMO is unfortunately real af when u never know if theyre gonna retire#or like. DIE. (ok ok or like. idk break a hip or smth lol) ( they arent THAT that old just. u kno. fear.)
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girlwithfish · 4 months
like when he asked how im doing he didnt like my response i guess and it turned into an argument which is so weird like its so easy to just ask how u can b there for the other person or say some simple bs like ur doing ur best but it turned into an argument... red flag fr
#all i said was im not doing the best but im getting by etc and then he said some weird stuff abt how he feels hes contributing#and then i say im just in a weird place but im working thru it its just a rough week and then he gets kind of accusatory towards me for some#reason saying he cant just sit there and watch me ruminate or all this stuff thats like a drastic exaggeration it feels? Idk#Like the one time i had a moment last time i saw him was too much for him i guess and thats fine but#i dont like how he exaggerated and also twisted what happened tbh. like acting like i sat there for hours upset or smth is really odd#like if its too much for him thats fine but i dont like the reframing and acting like all i talked abt is how im 'not over my ex' its just a#gross misunderstanding or misinterpretation of what i mactually going thru#which doesnt really affect him That much honestly. imho like#its not like i just sit there and cry or am upset i dont really go to him for emotional support or rely on him he doesnt have to do that#much for me in terms of support IMO. obv ik#being w someone whos been abused blablabla can b a lot but it feels weird when he seemed understanding initially in the beginning and#knew what he was getting into#and just exaggerating abt me is kind of annoyinggggg#nah hes done😭#were just not a good match and i dont think hes very emotionally mature and#also in general not equipped for a relationship like. shit car barely showed any care for me when its only been a month got too comfortable#w me never rly has taken me out has no food at his place like get it together 😭IDK
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valsyr · 2 years
yes this is a freya blog .  no y’all are not exempt from me talking abt odin
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weenhands · 1 year
today i realized for the first time that i have made a massive improvement in myself mentally from the past two years. not so much emotionally or whatever but my mental headspace this past month has been seemingly the best it's been and this entire year so far has still been shitty but ive had alot of maturity and growth from issues ive been dealing with and yah. but i need to improve my eating...its getting worse and i think for the past month ive only been eating one meal a day ((esp bc of my insecurities of having an allowance w my parents, i feel guilty asking for money))
#eating mention#so then i end up. not feeding myself#and i am more picky w food lately#but yea. im really hungry and i only had one meal today...a good meal#but justone. besidrs cereal.#its gonna be my goal to eat as much as i can ((NOT from outside my house bc i hate eating so much junk food))#and to also improve my mental state#its been since 2018/2017 that my life has been going downhill rlly bad#and i feel like im finally at the point where it all went wrong like im full circle and i finally get to be who i was before#my obsessive thinking. my ruminating. my issues with just not being grounded here on earth#and ive been getting lots of clarity and understanding and needed compassion with another situation#that i used to beat myself up abt#which makes me feel happy. ofc its never going 2 b a perfect situation but i think if theres anyone who gave me perfect closure#about the situation at hand its robin from talking to her about it which planted that seed of clarity#and then. thinking of the situation all over again and understanding everything in a way i needed too#which makes me happy#and today i managed to go through this day without my brain being like. its hard to put into words but#without my brain being ocd. because i think this is sort of because of a possible ocd i have#and im excited for tomorrow to hopefully feel the same#im excited to feel better again#2023 will be my year#i need to write all this in my diary i woulr say more but its hard to put everything into words to make it make sense to#whoever is balls deep in my tags#you must fix your heart guys:)) and so far ive been doing just that. ive been making progress. its taken two years and i am making progress#ans i need to reward myself for that
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spaciebabie · 1 year
You've probably been asked this before (sorry if you have) BUUUUUUT what program do you use to draw/what do you draw on? I want to try Art Making but idk exactly where to start yknow
i use clip studio ex! if you're starting off drawing for the first time tho it might b a lil intimidating. theres a lot of features n junk that can help with art stuff tho!! like built in 3d models for figure drawing, patterns and background stuffs. its also got a ton of different brush presets and a store where u can download other brushes ppl have made as well as make your own! its probably one of the best programs out there for art making imo.
i only recently moved ta csp tho (like last year), for years b4 i used paint tool sai! sai is a lot more beginner friendly imo. a lot less intimidating and its also a really good program in general! its good if you have a crappy laptop er smthn since its not very demanding (unlike csp). it doesnt have the 3d models, but you can also make your own brushes and get others. there's no store, but plenty of artists put their brushes out ta download. i moved ta csp cuz i found that as i was improving i was beginning to outgrow the program ^^; it was limiting my art in a way i didnt like and in order ta create the stuff i wanted i realized i needed a different program. but!! other artists find that sai suits their art better and ik a lot of great artists who use it! it just depends on you and what ur looking for :3 OH AND IT HAS A REALLY GOOD BLENDING ENGINE. ITS LIKE. THE BEST BLENDING ENGINE OF ANY ART PROGRAM IVE EVER USED. NOT EVEN CSP'S IS AS GOOD AS SAI'S FR FR SMOOTHEST BLENDING EVER
as for what i use ta draw on, i use an XP-Pen 15.5 screen display and an XP-Pen Artist 24 pro! screen tablets can be quite expensive but XP screen tablets have been a lot easier to afford (SALES. ALWAYS GOTTEN IT WHEN IT WAS ON SALE). b4 i used screen tablets i used a drawing tablet w/out a screen and that also worked out well! it was,,,,,a Tacom???? i think?? i loved that thing i got it when i was 12 and it held up really well until i accidentally broke it my junior year ಥ_ಥ idk if they sell it anymore but drawing tablets w/out screens are usually a lot more affordable than screen ones. the hand eye coordination takes a lil practice, but once ur used ta it you're golden!
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boys-and-such · 9 months
sometimes i mayhaps would like a boyfriend
#so here is my life rn im going to explain using letters representing people instead of their names bc there are two people w the same name#a and b are dating and c and d are dating then band d cheat on their respective partners w each other and a and c want to date and they#find out abt the cheating so they all start dating - b c and d are in a play that i am in along with e and f#e and f are also dating - f is one of the only other trans people in the cast so we talked a lot and he said he thought he only liked girls#and was thinking about breaking up with e because he is also a trans guy#one day we were going home from rehearsal and f left then e and i were watching b c and d say bye to each other all loveydovey#and e said he wanted that and i said yeah me too and he mumbled something i couldn't hear and i was like 'yeah' bc i couldn't tell and he#said 'join me!' and held out his hand and i took it and boom we were holding hands (his skin was very soft in case you're wondering) and we#shared phone numbers and said that's like how he started dating f and i was like oh interesting and we left and i realised he was asking me#to date him and i was like okay free bf! two free bf! then he texted me and said f didn't want me in their relationship and oh. no free bfs#and then flash forward i was in the friend group with a b c and d and i made friends with a super controlling guy who didn't want me to be#friends w the friend group and only him and was all 'if you're friends w them that means you don't like me' and we were friends w benefits#so i ditched that friend group for him and he was mean to them and wanted me to be like that too so i was kinda rude to them#flash forward again i finally left the toxic guy wow i have no friends now i was in 1st yr high school but e was in last year middle school#i didnt talk to him much bc i was focused on school stuff and now this year e is in first year of hs and im in the second year and he's#hanging out w the old friend group and I noticed him even before i knew who he was and i was like oh that person seems really cool hm#wonder who he is hes friends with old friend group how interesting OH that is e he looks different but he looks cute and now i kinda want#to text him bc he's in one of my lunches and he was in student council on friday and we looked at each other and i waved hi but he didn't#wave back and now im worried hes heard that im mean bc the old friend group but i still like him bc we were really good friends but also#ive been thinking about what might have happened if we did start dating and i really want to text him but i only have him on snapchat bc id#what happened to his phone number but i don't have it anymore#i really want to talk to him but snapchat gives me anxiety and idk what he thinks of me now#but i really want to talk to him!!!!!#help#what#should#i#do#does looking at him count as flirting#zen is gay :]
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cloneslugs · 9 months
ik rusty and brock are very nonchalant about the clones 19 years down the line but i do think the first time they had to use them must have been awful, assuming jonas sr didn't have it perfected/completed for rusty . the clone slugs are one thing, but the computer housing their memories/selves (the computerized [souls]) is a whole different mess, plus it also just means watching your kids die (for the first time) . and it's not like competent clones are a thing you can test for. sure you can check that the slugs are functioning and healthy, but it's not like you can test your backup data is gonna work bc once you put that into a slug then it's not a clone slug anymore, now it's your son, and neither of you are gonna kill your son . one of you is supposed to keep those kids alive (well really both of you, but one of you is specifically hired for it) & one of you is such a failure in all things science, all you can do is hang on to your father's coattails and hope he keeps you afloat, but you call these slugs your life's work. and sure your dad was doing some clone research when he was alive, but these boys arent his, they're yours. And you dont want to be your father as a father you want to be your father as a scientist, and you make these clones because you're a father, not because you're a scientist . etc etc dont know where i was going w this . rips off my shirt to show off another shirt that says "ask me about my ideas on the vital relationships related to clone slug twin sons"
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reading the end of hiagb made me realize that when following along live i'd read a lot more of it than i thought and it's fun that it's overarchingly how a nut and a bug launched into space b/c of being sick of the world & into a temple at the edge of time & not-actually-infinite versions of themselves re: every [alternate timeline based on different choices/possibilities] can coexist in the same world with every bug tasked w/launching every nut back to the temple for reasons re: maintaining things and all the looping is disrupted by one bug who dated their nut and another bug whose quantum leap error was rectified by being teleported into another nut. the One System Error in an iterative process, one organic Idk Things Just Went Differently This Time As They Always Could've But Maybe Otherwise Virtually Never Did And That's Enough "that's / [one is] all it takes" vs "it's all the same / what's the diff" loops. no rules
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#i think the especial endzone / finale aligned w/my being offline for like 5 mo's....#as well as how reading along had made it like ''ok it's been Years so i don't remember all the stuff from having not reread it'' lol#also the bug whose quantum leap error was rectified by their living in another nut's head trying to run interference to keep both alive....#and in the middle a lot of small Episodes. i felt like i got the ending here better than i did re: back lol#it also reminds me that [idk there could be a lot of Layers of larger/smaller worlds within worlds again]#And [weird really specific ass off the shits situations could be literal] as they were here. scratching my head abt the links b/w abigails#slightly scratching my head abt events here too but that's fine. like oh no there could be details better strung together than w/e i manage#my Win while coughing up blood trying to spontaneously speak to kc green was to announce i read ''hiagb'' phonetically. heeyaghbuh.#i mean it was overall fine i'm sure lmao sweating one's like [oh jeez. couldn't play it cool & ''winningest off the cuff exchange w/a rando#that anyone could ever have'' achievement] like ah it's whatevs. awkward being on either side lol we do what we can#i also never decided whether to think of ''crange'' as like hypothetical carefully pronounced ''orange'' or like ''strange''#end up reading it as the latter. never ended up thinking of emerson bartender as a particular gender though i think they're vaguely A Guy#some more uhh grounded panels featured here lmao. not representative of the usual elevation. or is it???#a bit but not in all ways. there are like a half dozen sphincter related points#anyways i'm shouting out the concept of the just one that goes differently. one little glitch in the mundane system (both/all are you)
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fourteenfifteen · 11 months
i want. to write a novel. one day
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