christopherherondale · 8 months
quentynmartell >> valarrtargaryen
previously theresagray, blackfyredaemon; and tracking #tuserelena 🩷
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If no one in the entire world cared about you, did you really exist at all?
Tessa Gray
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lectophile · 4 years
Bits of Dialogue: Clockwork Prince
The following belongs to Cassandra Clare’s Clockwork Prince.
“Gideon and Gabriel,” said Tessa. “They’re really quite good-looking, not hideous at all.”
“I spoke,” said Will in sepulchral tones, “of the pitch-black inner depths of their souls.”
Tessa snorted. “And what color do you suppose the inner depths of your soul are, Will Herondale?”
“Mauve,” said Will.
“Perhaps we could say she’s a mad maiden aunt who insists on chaperoning us everywhere.”
“My aunt or yours?” Jem inquired.
“Yes, she doesn’t really look like either of us, does she? Perhaps she’s a girl who’s fallen madly in love with me and persists on following me wherever I go.”
“My talent is shape-shifting, Will, not acting,” said Tessa, and at that, Jem laughed out loud. Will glared at him.
His beard was long and white, his eyes crested with thick white eyebrows. He reached out and laid a hand on Will’s shoulder. “Nephilim?” He said, his voice gruff and thickly accented. “Is it you?”
“Dear God,” said Will, putting his hand over his heart in a theatrical gesture. “It’s the Ancient Mariner who stoppeth one of three.”
“Ah’m ‘here at t’bequest of Aloysius Starkweather. Art t’lads he wants or not? Ah’ve not got all night to stand about.”
”Important appointment with an albatross?” Will inquired. “Don’t let us keep you.”
“What my mad friend means to say,” said Jem, “is that we are indeed Shadowhunters of the London Institute. Charlotte Branwell sent us. And you are...?”
“Young Herondale, are you?” he barked as Will stepped forward to introduce himself. “Half-mundane, half-Welsh, and the worst traits of both, I’ve heard.”
Will smiled politely. “Diolch.” (Diolch means thanks in Welsh)
“What is this?” he went on now, spearing an unfortunate object on a fork and raising it to eye level. “This...this...thing?”
“A parsnip?” Jem suggested.
“A parsnip planted in Satan’s own garden,” said Will. He glanced about. “I don’t suppose there’s a dog I could feed it to.”
“There don’t seem to be any pets about,” Jem—who loved all animals, even the inglorious and ill-tempered Church—observed.
“Probably all poisoned by parsnips,” said Will.
“Stand up straight,” Gabriel was saying to Tessa meanwhile, impatiently. “No, straight. Like this.” He demonstrated. She wanted to snap at him that she, unlike him, had not had a lifetime of being taught how to stand and move; that Shadowhunters were natural acrobats, and she was nothing of the sort.
“Hmph,” she said. “I’d like to see you learn how to manage sitting and standing up straight in stays and petticoats and a dress with a foot’s worth of train!”
“So would I,” said Gideon from across the room.
“You’re the shape-changer, aren’t you?” he said. “Magnus Bane told me about you. No mark on you at all, they say.”
Tessa swallowed and looked him straight in the eye. They were discordantly human eyes, ordinary in his extraordinary face. “No. No mark.”
He grinned around his fork. “I do suppose they’ve looked everywhere?”
“I’m sure Will’s tried,” said Jessamine in a bored tone. Tessa’s silverware clattered to her plate.
Jessamine, who had been mashing her peas with the side of her knife, looked up when Charlotte let out an aghast, “Jessamine!”
Jessamine shrugged. “Well, he’s like that.”
Jem would think she had utterly lost control of herself. No wonder he couldn’t face her at breakfast. She could barely face herself in the mirror.
“Did you hear me?” Will said again, clearly disappointed at the reception of his announcement. “I said I went to an opium den last night.”
Charlotte looked up from her toast. Slowly folded her newspaper, set it on the table beside her, and pushed her reading glasses down her upturned nose. “No,” she said. “That undoubtedly glorious aspect of your recent activities was unknown to us, in fact.”
“So is that where you’ve been all this time?” Jessamine asked listlessly, taking a sugar cube from the bowl and biting into it. “Are you quite a hopeless addict now? They say it takes only one or two doses.”
“It wasn’t really an opium den,” Tessa protested before she could stop herself. “That is to say—they seemed to have more of a trade in magic powders and things like that.”
“So perhaps not an opium den precisely,” said Will, “but still a den. Of vice!” He added, punctuating this last bit by stabbing his finger into the air.
Will looked at Jem thoughtfully. “I seem to have woken up with what they call a Monday mouse,” he said, pointing at the bruised skin under his eye. “Any idea where I got it?”
“None.” Jem helped himself to some tea.
“Eggs,” said Henry dreamily, looking at his plate. “I do love eggs. I could eat them all day.”
“You might be surprised to know,” said Will, “that I saw something rather interesting in the opium den.”
“I’m sure you did,” said Charlotte with asperity.
“Was it an egg?” Henry inquired.
“Perhaps you should be there when I speak with him,” said Charlotte. “Nominally, you are the head of the Institute—”
“Oh, no,” said Henry with a look of horror.
“No, you’re still weighting the point too much—and what do you mean, you don’t like me?” Gabriel demanded, handing her another knife as if by reflex, but his expression was very surprised indeed.
“Well,” Tessa said, sighting along the line of the knife, “you behave as if you dislike me. In fact, you behave as if you dislike us all.”
“I don’t,” Gabriel said. “I just dislike him.” He pointed at Will.
“Dear me,” said Will, and he took another bite of his apple. “Is it because I’m better-looking than you?”
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emmablackthxrn27 · 5 years
Tessa: Are you always this cocky?
Will: No, only on Tuesdays or when beautiful women are involved
Tessa: You think I'm beautiful?
Will: Its Tuesday
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sarahwatts20 · 6 years
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For words have the power to change us
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eachpage · 5 years
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"One must always be careful of books," said Tessa, "and what is inside them, for words have the power to change us." . . . #bookstoread #clockworkangel #tessagray #shadowworld #shadowhunters #artfrombooks #art #theinfernaldevices #books #bookstack #bookstagrammers #bibliophile #quotes #theresagray #aboutbooks #booksaremylife #booksaremagic #readabook #readersofinstagram #readersareleaders https://www.instagram.com/p/BvWv6GRH06n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1erg4oy06lkep
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dearholder · 7 years
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ashiromina · 3 years
A bit late (I apologise 😢) but tagged by the lovely Sonia ❤️ @kurozero and cutest Lisette ❤️ @itadorii-yuuji ; thank you both for thinking of me ❤️❤️❤️
Tag game #1
Rules: make a playlist shuffle with 10 tracks.
(This is all over the place)
1. Bryan Ferry "Is your love strong enough"
2. John Mayer "Shot in the dark"
3. Hyolyn & Dasom "Summer or summer"
4. BiSH "Be ready"
5. Hyde "On my own"
6. SNSD "Chocolate love"
7. Clinton Shorter "A right to decide" (The Expanse S4 Soundtrack)
8. Taeyeon "Wine"
9. Moshimo "Aoi Cider"
10. Rayelle "Something that I like"
Tag game #2
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Tag game #3
This gets long so I'll add a
Why did you choose your url? From Jolyne Kujo from JJBA! Very excited about the upcoming new season *3*
Any side blogs? I have a non-anime blog @theresagray and a sideblog from that account with kpop and asian (mostly Chinese, Japanese and Korean) dramas @taesyeonkim (I am really into Hospital Playlist these days, everyone should watch it!! So good and heartwarming and all the feels!!)
How long have you been on tumblr? 2009; they should pay me for staying at this point!!
Do you have a queue tag? Just q. when I remember to add it. I’m terrible at it, I just added it again to posts recently.
Why did you start your blog in the first place? One of my besties introduced me to Tumblr and I’ve been hooked since!! I made this anime blog specifically because I wanted an anime only dash, with no drama. (I was in some hardcore fandoms back in the day and oh boy) Anyway, this anime blog and the dash with the people and blogs I follow are peaceful and lovely and just overall great!
Why did you choose your icon? I just really like this guy? I’m shallow. Very shallow.
Why did you choose your header? N/A
What’s your post with the most notes? From my better days when I had Photoshop, this one still haunts me haha. I think aside from this viral one, my others with most notes are around 7k+. Sometimes they’re still being reblogged after all these years though?? I’m very emotional when it happens ;A;
How many followers do you have? 1642. I’m very grateful for everyone who stuck with me after being semi-absent for so long and having stopped making gifs! ❤️
How many people do you follow? 419. Been on a following spree for the past weeks! Still ongoing!
Have you ever made a shitpost? A lot of times; especially on my non-anime blog, particularly during Eurovision.
How often do you use Tumblr? I’m now doing my best to check in every day or every other day, even if I’m not active and don’t reblog. This anime dash brings me joy :’)
Did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? Yes, but for the love of me I can’t remember. It was something very stupid, that’s for sure.
How do you feel about “you need to reblog this post”? Not my thing; I don’t like the feeling of guilt some of these posts bring out, and the emotional blackmail. Ultimately, Tumblr is a fandom-centred blogging platform, which is for fun. But if it’s regarding a truly serious issue and if anyone is in a bad situation, I do reblog it if I believe it can help.
Do you like tag games? Do you like ask games? Yes to both!
Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous? Everyone is a superstar to me ❤️
Do you have a crush on a mutual? ❤️ you’re all gems
Tagging for whichever of the three games you like! @osamusmiya ❤️ @space--cowboys ❤️ @ozvasselius ❤️ @nxmikaze ❤️ @kyojuuros ❤️ @upperrankthree ❤️ (No pressure, only if you want/have time!)
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lydiastormborn · 5 years
Answer 21 questions, then tag 21 people you’d like to get to know better
tagged by: @ishidasui thanks marie it’s been ten years since i made a txt post on here
nickname(s): olakun comes the closest me thinks
zodiac: cancer
height: like 165cm
last movie i saw: portrait of a lady on fire. it was good, god the cinematography of brittany... take me there
last thing I googled: light up the night
favorite musician: hozier, f(x), shinee,...
song stuck in my head: life saver by ren
other blogs: i had anime sideblog but then it died lol
do i get asks? no lol
following: 99
amount of sleep: a mess.... around 7-8 usually
what i’m wearing: red sweat pants, yellow tank top and pink sweater
dream job: feeling mariekun in that i’d like to not work and still earn lots of money.... idk quality control in food industry would be alright
dream trip: ahh there are so many but i’m drawing blank rn.... def would like to go to japan and new zealand
favorite food: pasta...
play any instruments? sadly no... always wanted to tho, saxophone or piano would be swexy
languages: polish is my native, my english is pretty alright, i had french for six years but like. this fact sounds fake? a tiny bit of spanish and japanese
favorite songs: gonna name some that i listen to a lot recent-ishly:
kakusei by superfly 
sad day by fka twigs
i beg you by aimer
alterlife by rina sawayama
tbh all vocals from promare ost sorry it be like that
random facts: 1. was drinking beer while doing this 2. next ~3 months of my life? basically godspeed get rekt
describe yourself as aesthetic things: scented candles, ocean waves, tea, leather and denim jackets, making 1534 lists
tagging @violemma @portanto @theresagray only if you want to etc etc
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mind-demon · 5 years
Imagine if Jem told Will he loved Tessa... before proposing to her.
Jem: Will, i have something to tell you
Will: ducks became extinct? If it isn’t that the-
Jem: i’m in love with Theresa Gray and i will propose to her soon
Will: wait so ducks are still alive?
Will: oh shit
Will: no—wait— i wanted to do that
Jem: ...propose to her?
Will: tell yoU thAt i lOvE hEr bUt yes, that too
#clockworkangel #clockworkprince #clockworkprincess #theinfernaldevices #tid #tmi #jamescarstairs #williamherondale #willherondale #jemcarstairs #theresagray #tessagray #wessa #jessa
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carlylynndraws · 6 years
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Happy 4th of July!🇺🇸 This piece (I really enjoyed working on it) is of @architect.of.olympus and @done.with.olympus portrayed as Tessa Gray and William Herondale. I loved their cosplay for them and their photos so I had to draw them🖤➰ • • • #williamherondale #willherondale #herondale #theresagray #tessagray #artblock #infernaldevices #clockworkangel #clockworkprince #clockworkprincess #jimcarstairs #jemcarstairs #themortalinstruments #art #artist #originalart #artistsoninstagram #digitalart #shadowhunters #shadowhuntersart #fanart #cassandraclare
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─「♔」〝All the stories are true.〞
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lectophile · 4 years
Words of Wisdom: Clockwork Prince
Everyone is afraid of death. We may be born of angels, but we have no more knowledge of what comes after death than you do.
She had loved him for such a long time, she thought. How was it that she did not know him at all?
Set me as a seal upon thine heart, as a seal upon thine arm: for love is strong as death; jealousy as cruel as the grave.
For some reason the thought of lying without a false image to hide behind terrified her.
They say time heals all wounds, but that presumes the source of the grief is finite.
If you hold it away from yourself long enough, do you lose it entirely? If no one cares for you at all, do you even really exist?
Your life is not yours to throw away.
Who ever said we were owed happiness? What about what we owe to others?
‘Fell’ into it. Hurtled into it is more like. Headlong-crashed into it. Still, there are always some men like that—just one woman for them, and only she will do, or nothing.
I felt it like a shadow on my soul.
I feel myself dissolving, vanishing into nothingness, for if there is no one in the world who cares for you, do you really exist at all?
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emmablackthxrn27 · 5 years
Will: At least I'm going to die doing something I love
Tessa: Hunting demons?
Will: No, Tessa, dying.
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shhadowhunter · 7 years
May Birthdays!!!
Happy Birthday!!!!
May 10- Lauryn @lesbianyorkie May 11- Rebecca @aphrodhte May 14- Anika @aelin--of--terrasen May 17- Nathalia @theresagray May 26- Suha @richardgansvy
Request a gift from me any time this month! (fic, icons, edit, moodboard, gifset, anything else you can think of)
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ashiromina · 3 years
tag games!!
tagged by @itadorii-yuuji <3 thank you! this was fun ^^
why did you choose your url?
love the hbic jolyne <3 i got mega excited for the new upcoming jjba season
any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
no sideblogs here, but I have a non-anime blog @theresagray and a sideblog there with kpop and asian dramas @taesyeonkim
how long have you been on tumblr?
um... since 2009? god knows anymore, since forever and a day, i'm a veteran but i'll never quit this site as long as it exists, my great-grandkids will inherit my urls lol
do you have a queue tag?
not atm
why did you start your blog in the first place?
for this one, i wanted all my anime and manga love to be in one place :3 otherwise the lovely @lazydolls is the one who got me into tumblr as a whole! <3
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
reading jujutsu kaisen atm and i'm enjoying this guy so far!
why did you choose your header?
what's your post with the most notes?
some of my oooold free! gifs ones from when s1 was airing?? my old bleach gifsets are oddly reviving these days...
how many people do you follow?
311 atm but i'm trying to follow more blogs lately! i want to follow more (active) people ^^
have you ever made a shitpost?
yes, probably a lot of times lol especially during eurovision liveblogging in my early years here
how often do you use tumblr?
i either post/queue a lot or poof for a few weeks/months, there's no in between. my queue atm is one post every hour, or 15 posts per day if i don't have time to fill it up!
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
oh the old days when i got anon hate... i can't even remember the drama anymore lol tumblr has gotten better with this. the classic fights though in the early tumblr times... *sips tea*
how do you feel about 'you need to reblog this post'?
tmi// tbh the sole post i need to personally always and forever reblog is the lovely pretty boy laugh audio which has yagami light's laugh (a classic i tell you!)
also! the video from the gsnk anime with the boys playing the otome game lmao
do you like tag games?
yes! i don't always have time to do them though ;(
do you like ask games?
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
a lot!! there's lots of very talented people here who deserve to be not only tumblr famous, but famous overall for their great skills
do you have a crush on a mutual?
@saikometori is the best waifu <3
rules: choose 1 picture from your camera roll without downloading to sum up your personality and then tag 5 people
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tagging for both games @lazydolls @lydiastormborn @kiraphmi @saikometori @wordsthatkeepyouhome
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