#therell be like one or two songs i like and thats it but this is something else
demadogs · 2 years
i am so dead serious when i say this, stranger things would be NOTHING without their synth music
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thelakesuite · 4 years
- i have decided that frank gets 'shaved' (aka fake beard taken off and his hair tidied up) in the parlor by william just after he comes in from the well, while leonard and albert (and probably rose too) are arguing about how they werent supposed to fuck with the well etc.. i do want to include checkmate as a song to evenly split the songs into four acts (first years at the house ending at the elixir, the triplets ending at voodoo, albert fucks shit up and dies ending at checkmate, completing the ritual ending at roots), but it'd be choreographically light and probably the shortest of the songs. there should likely be a scene between these two to break things up but im not sure what it would be?
- the tree/clock in roots will have ten branches that the sacrifice jars (and vials) will be hung from
- god im rly still debating on the arrival. on the one hand itd be cute to have the whole family out for a Big Dance Number and lay down some intrigue but on the other hand it just feels too nonsensical for the tone im tryna reach? if thats the word. i don’t have any familiarity with smaller cast musicals so it feels like a big dance is required
- crow is actually present for a good portion of this, though usually only talking to william. narrator, vessel for exposition, what have you. the actors are never around (or awake) to notice him tho. he may also do voiceover giving the year & season of most scenes (aka wherever it changes significantly).
- i have another line! for fertility! from albert! "You know, Emma, our father wasn't entirely unsuccessful. The [universe] just preferred his mutt to survive. May those same stars align for you as well." see it sounds like he's supporting her but he's actually wantin those start to align to kill her lol. he says this just before he leaves n sams already gone. just droppin one liners.
- im wantin to have a lot of callbacks in this thing, at least in the first draft. james falls over and dies at the end of the elixir with mary standing directly behind him all shocked, just like human-william and corrupted-william in the prologue
- while we're talking about the elixir. turning point bout 1/3 through the song (maybe 1/2 but thatd the latest) james comes down to stage front while the background panels are ~dramatically~ pulled back, the basement backdrop is lowered, and the furniture is switched out. probably the most complicated transition in the show considering the time limit. corrupted stagehands hand james some Liquids while he alchemies all over stage and mary tries to stop him
- more bits on voodoo, may have said some of this before. therell be a few lines where albert is mimicking either sam or ida, and the mimickee(?) sings with him (which are the only parts they sing). somewhere past the halfway point, albert chucks aside samuel's doll and starts to do some tango shit with ida. of course, sam gets chucked aside too (as much as a stage fall can provide), and gets his eye cut out as some of the corrupted stagehands drag him off alive :(. similar happens to ida before the last line, but not as harshly
i'm probably moving later this month (still yet to be closed but the furthest date is december 2nd best i recall) and we are Packing so i'm not likely to work on this much anytime soon. i'd also want to wait for albert's game to release or for us to at least get more information on it, in case it characterizes the vanderbooms contrary to what i have, but here i could at least finish act 1 before albert comes into play (hopefully). the dream is to finish this to be fully released on roots' 5th anniversary, but that might be the release date for al's game for the same reason.
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lokh · 7 years
I'm hoping to one day have a table at a con so I was wondering - what's it like when you do - do you get a lot of traffic, is it hard, is it more or less exciting than imagined - and what prepwork would you suggest (aside from the obvious: have stuff to sell)?
ive only been tabling for 3 years so im also working out what to do and what not do but ill do my best to help out!!
on traffic it really depends on a) where your table is b) the time of day and c) the day. i got situated just in front of a door the first year and that means a lot of people going by. the place tends to empty out whenever an event (eg cosplay comp) is on, so theres less traffic then, and more people show up on saturday than sunday (though i dont think this is necessarily tru anymore??? we got a lot of normies [for lack of better word lm ao] coming in on the sunday, im suspecting they were just walk ins and that by sunday most people kno smth is going on at the center so they can decide to pop in. this year there were those flight issues tho so maybe thats why sat was relatively empty)
i dont think that it is hard so much as it feels hard? especially ur first go around, therell be a lot of things u didnt expect and u will feel like u were ill prepared (eg theres no good way to get posters on weird fuzzy fascia board, ran out of change, nothing to roll up posters with, everything is a total mess under the table, accidentally ripping prints, ur stuff wasnt tacked down so a gust of wind blows everything......) but i think its to be expected!! its a learning experience and can be pretty fun in and of itself. tho ive also only shared tables, and that can definitely help out
umm im not the best person to ask about excitement levels tho lmao..,,,, personally im on high alert the whole time jic someone wants to buy something so theres not really any time to get bored. talking w ur tablemate is fun, i brought a guitar this year so there was that too (p fun to see ppl recognise songs =P) AND!!! the best part is seeing cosplayers tbh??? its great omg. also seeing people flip out over ur stuff, i think its p exciting but i guess it rly depends on the person?
con food is super overpriced and ur sitting down for hours on end!!!!!! bring FOOD
write down expenses on production so u kno when ur breaking even
this one isnt necessarily prepwork but when ur actually tabling note down whats selling so 1) u kno how much money u got and 2) u kno which prints are selling! theyre a p reliable indicator of whats popular at the time 
TRY to print stuff early. arnd here everyone prints at the same place so about a week or two out from the con the place is all backed up
figure out how ur gonna carry all ur stuff in conjunction w how ur gonna get there
think of ur table layout? im not gr9 at displays etc so im still working on this, but its always a good idea to know how to arrange stuff as it does affect visibility and consequently potential purchases
familiarise urself w the con regulations ie when to show up n get ur ticket/lanyard and if u can try and make bump in times the day before. ur morning self will thank u especially if ur cosplaying
i dont have a lot of advice by the way of prepwork orz mostly bc it involves me throwing myself out of the house in a rush and arriving a whole hour late BUT thats what i got!!
hope it helps!
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lil-red-panda · 6 years
1. selfie Ill post one last2. what would you name your future kids? Im not sure I even want kids so.3. do you miss anyone? Therell always be people4. what are you looking forward to? Better weather finally5. is there anyone who can always make you smile? Yvie and Eb6. is it hard for you to get over someone? It takes time7. what was your life like last year?Different job, i was not really expecting what was about to happen lol8. have you ever cried because you were so annoyed? Yeah9. who did you last see in person? My mom10. are you good at hiding your feelings? I think so11. are you listening to music right now? Suprisingly no12. what is something you want right now? A hug13. how do you feel right now? Tired14. when was the last time someone of the opposite sex hugged you? Idk but im guessing it was Eulissa15. personality description Idk I think im kinda funny16. have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn't? My quiet about alot17. opinion on insecurities. Meh18. do you miss how thing were a year ago?Meh, no19. have you ever been to New York? Ive been through it lol20. what is your favourite song at the moment? I think i gotta say Last of the Real Ones21. age and birthday? I just turned 23 a few days ago22. description of crush. Hmmm where to start. Well shes gorgeous, a little shorter than me, has a killer smile, and her eyes 😍23. fear(s) Heights24. height 5'1125. role model Noone26. idol(s) American? Billy?27. things i hate Does myself count?28. i'll love you if... Youre a decent human being?29. favourite film(s) Scott Pilgrim vs the World30. favourite tv show(s) Steven Universe, XFiles31. 3 random facts I work the overnight, I have a camper in my back yard where I stay if its warm enough, and i occasionally doodle32. are your friends mainly girls or guys? Its a mixed bag but i think theres more girls33. something you want to learn Im not sure34. most embarrassing moment Realising the shittiness of two old friends35. favourite subject Conspiracy Theories36. 3 dreams you want to fulfill? Big House, Big Car, amd a big ring37. favourite actor/actress Cant say i have one38. favourite comedian(s) Same39. favourite sport(s) Same40. favourite memory 41. relationship status Single42. favourite book(s) I havent read a book since high school43. favourite song ever Jeez im not sure44. age you get mistaken for 19/2045. how you found out about your idol I dont have an idol46. what my last text message says I wasnt im sorry47. turn ons Butts48. turn offs 49. where i want to be right now Australia 🇦🇺50. favourite picture of your idol No idol51. starsign Aquarius sun/ Virgo moon52. something i'm talented at I would say breathing but that's not even true53. 5 things that make me happy Bubblegum, friends, zelda, music, weed lol54. something thats worrying me at the moment Feelings55. tumblr friends I dont talk to yall because im awkward as fuck and am not good at conversating56. favourite food(s) Free?57. favourite animal(s) Panda, Penguin, Hedgehog58. description of my best friend Hmmm where to start. Well shes gorgeous, a little shorter than me, has a killer smile, and her eyes59. why i joined tumblr.It was to follow Mark Rosewater to keep up with mtg
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