#there’s so much more i can say abt him but i forced myself to strip him down to his bare essentials
definitelynotshouting · 8 months
Hello again! Im so sorry to hear you feeling well when i sent in my ask the other day :( hoping that the life series drop tmrw will provide a much needed distraction for whatever you need it to :)
"I know the, um, this morning didn't go… very well… but… if I could—""
"Good, he thinks, but it's a rote sentiment, not half so vicious as it had been only hours earlier."
- oh??? 👀 i am looking
- Im assuming this is the meeting they had about taking grian back to hermitcraft (and the revelation that grian feeds on emotions to survive)?? Very curious
- Now that metaphor about the childhood coat being stained is a lot more painful
"even stolen energy can't make up for that."
"everything he'd never had the first time he— well, when Grian, the real Grian— had died."
- "stolen energy" omg i am biting ankles over this.
- And the "real Grian" thing. Yeah
- This is one of those moments where grian's whole situation is so much more potent and vivid. Imagining living as myself, but knowing im occupying someone elses body, and having my very lifeforce sustained by others?? Its not hard to understand why grian internalises and hates himself for being "a parasite". Idk thats probably very obvious to everyone else but this is the first time ive really thought about all of what that entails
"Starving hands reach out from the depths of his mind to pull him back, stumbling, under that dark waterline."
- Love how the word "starving" implies that G falling asleep is more of a survival mechanism forcing him under so that his body can feed rather than only exhaustion
"he's pressed a knife to every promise he's ever made since the day he emerged,"
- shaking you
"His existence lies in the shadows of these distorted fractures, jagged hopes and dented dreams, forever fated to cut his hands on the fragments."
- Man 🧍
- Dont have any words. Just tears.
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AAAAAAAAAA SUN ANON I ALWAYS LOVE SEEING YOU IN MY INBOX!!!! Gods im so glad these lines resonated with and interested you, they were a ton of fun to write
I have a brain today so i can actually expand on some of the things youve pointed out instead of just aiming heart eyes at you for the compliments fjsndjsjejke so for the first point, yes!!! Scar and Xisuma returned to the others post chap 6 and were like "Well that sucked!! Wow!!!!" I wouldnt say theyve given all the information to everybody, because they themselves aren't exactly ready to discuss that beyond the immediately required basics, but everyone else was given the gist: convo went badly, Grian is being taken back to Hermitcraft on Scar and Xisuma's insistence. Both Scar and Xisuma feel fucking horrible for how that conversation went down-- nobody had a good time there. So while the plan is to eventually get everyone up to speed, they're sorta taking this time to be miserable about what was essentially a fight that ended in stripping Grian of his autonomy
There's also a little cross-communication happening here in the background, btw: Scar and Xisuma have a pretty big picture now, but Tango, Mumbo, and Pearl have been fed that false info abt the potions being potentially useful. So, yknow :) just smth to keep in mind there haha
Your point about how it almost feels like Grian falling asleep is a survival mechanism is spot on the money. It's essentially him falling into a state of low power mode, where everything but his most basic of functions is shut down for a brief time in favour of preserving energy-- i would honestly consider it more equivalent to a coma than actual sleep. Hence Tango's concern, and subsequent relief when Grian woke up; the entire time he was unconscious, he was fully unresponsive. So, yknow. Real nerve-wracking to see, especially after that prior full week of unresponsiveness as his body struggled to maintain itself.
Tango's role here is indeed deliberate, both on a watsonian and doylist level!! The reason however is the exact same for both: Tango is a little more removed, personally, from this situation. Grian was-- and is-- his friend, ofc, but he's not as close to whats happening. Meanwhile, Xisuma is in 24/7 server babysitting mode, Pearl is not fit to be a caretaker, and Scar and Mumbo were tearing themselves apart by trying to sit and look after him. So Tango got assigned caretaker duties 😂😂😂😂 it was an effective way to divvy up tasks and keep everybody busy, and somewhat hilariously, so far Tango is the only person Grian isnt supremely upset with for one reason or another. And thats why he's continued to stay in caretaker mode lol he is truly just. The only guy who can rn
I also just sorta think of him as a surprisingly emotionally savvy fixer-type, in terms of personality. Like. I think he just gets what people set down in front of him, yknow? Although hell if he knows what to do with it once he's got em. He fumbles a lot, sure, and he defaults to fix-it mode, but he is getting the message when Grian essentially says "i dont wanna talk anymore" without actually saying it
As for Grian and his headspace, rn, theres definitely a complexity at work here where he wants to die and is very genuine in that, but he IS also grateful he's seeing his friends. He cant deny that. As painful as it is, he still loves them very much, and ultimately he's trying to do this for their own good as much as for his own sense of punishment and relief. I think like... now that he's really creeping up on what he has planned, and the pieces are suddenly becoming a reality, theres a bit of dissonance he's fighting against to stay on course. He wants his friends happy; he also wants to die. He's so overwhelmingly tired; he is, as much as he feels he doesnt deserve it, glad to have his friends close. That sort of hopelessness mixed with a warped sense of comfort that he got to see and interact with them one last time. If that makes any sense. Its a bit of complexity i wanted to make sure i added in, because people are so rarely fully decided on any course of action they choose to take, without even a single flicker of doubt (and especially one so final as this). Im glad youve picked up on that, and that you appreciate what i was trying to set down with it!!! :D
This was such a lovely message, as always-- you are very sweet, sun anon, and i appreciate you lots :] i hope you're having an excellent day!!!
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starxscream · 3 years
I am newish to your blog, tell me about yours ocs!! Tell me their lore and trivia if you feel? Do they stab as a warning? Would they neglect their least fave AC villager and hit them with a net or think they all little beans who deserve love? Or they don't want anything to do with video games! Tell me about them to your heart's content, I would love to read!
oh god oh fuck i didn’t expect to get this far uh hi JJDHFJDNFJDJC
well. well! well!! i’ll start off with my MAIN OC bc I love him the most and that’s!! Diogo!!
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art by @/puppetgenders (thank u ily bby)
i won’t get into TOO MUCH bc he’s the protag of an original story me and my boyfriend are writing, Set Aside the Crown! (technically…all of our ocs r in it rly but yknow sshhh) i need to save some for the story :3! (which u can read what we have out over at @cadenzacity haha shameless plug i’m so sorry)The robot version is his “canon” version and then we have human au for au purposes JFNSJFHDJ (he is not 9ft in human au. i promise.) he is a non op transman also! love that for him, king
BUT UUHH he was created as one of the last couple musical/idol robots that a shut in scientist/engineer had been making for over a few years! After a falling out Diogo left tho and now he’s kind of. vibin. if u can call it that JFNEJVNRJF he’s ‘nice’ outwardly only to keep up appearances but in reality he’s a cold-hearted ass bc he doesn’t like getting close to others and simply views himself as being “above” the rest. Very hard to genuinely get to know. He loves being around people tho bc he thrives on attention just, u won’t ever rly get to know him for him JFNEJFND he’s a smartass who knows how to get what he wants and isn’t afraid to step on people to get it<3 and that’s fame n power babey! There’s a lot to unpack with Diogo but. yknow, spoilers <3 but he’s rly quite lonely in actuality but. throttles him. you have to open up sir. sir please. basically he’s the definition of “he’s a bitch and i love him SO much”
(he does however really love unicorns! no reason for this he just does. and bc he was built to have cat like features he is capable of purring! and has a lot of unconscious habits. catboy. he’s the pretentious asshole that gets the stupidly long order at starbucks. he is not immune to headpats- but good luck reaching up there. if he actually likes you he can actually be somewhat generous, think like a more bitchy rarity LOL kind of an idiot when it comes to his own emotions despite being good at reading other ppl. collects rocks! fucking loves rocks and crystals! has a whole room that he uses to display them!)
as for ur questions, yes he does stab as a warning if he knows he can get away with it, he does neglect his least fav ac villager and will go out of his way to move their home into the far corner and box them in with jail bars so he doesn’t have to look at them, BUUUTTT he’s not rly a video game person so JFNEJFJDND unless someone got it for him he wouldn’t rly think to ever play it. i think he’d like pokemon tho no reason other than i do and i said so
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papers4me · 4 years
Fruits Basket 2019 ( ep,10)
So~ the episode started with a nightmare & ended with a dream.
Kagura:I have decided to force myself to ignore Kagura’s ( over that top comic relief with cartoonish exaggerations-Tom & Jerry like) behavior towards kyo & strip it down to its core. Toxic Forced Love. I found her way more interesting that way!. She beats him, chases him, & manipulates him all in the name of love. She’s either in denial & blind of his complete refusal of her or can really sees it but chooses to ignore it. I find both possibilities equally tragic. The fact that no one is pointing this out to her is even more tragic. Not for kyo’s sake but for her sake. I mean who’d point it out for kyo’s sake? yuki or shigure? none. But for her sake, isn’t there anyone around to tell her... u deserve to find someone who’d choose to love you for yourself not because he’s forced or you are his only chance of happiness. As cursed zodiac woman, kagura cant marry a non-cursed man, so she chose kyo..but kyo didn’t choose her. for love to be happy, it needs to be mutual. one-sided love is the most tragic type of hove.
-There is an element of secrecy when it comes to kyo. Although yuki wears many masks, he explains himself to tohru & the audience thro many monologues. We can infer that he was traumatized by Akito. But it remains to be known how & for how long. Kyo is the most straight forward with his actions & with others. but he doesnt complain to tohru as much & we never heard his inner talk. He had a nightmare that we didnt see. He had a flashback that was so fast & purposely vague... whatever happened, it destroyed him.. i didnt see what kyo saw in his nightmare..but i saw its effect.. he was so shaken that the only way to calm himself is to hug himself pending down in such a sad way... to me, it looked like he was torn to pieces & attempted to hold himself together..he was triggered by Kagura’s you are getting along with yuki. Then shigure’s why u talk like its your duty to hate yuki. Kagura thought she made a happy remark, shigure knew what he’s doing. Tohru’s it’s okay if u don’t get along with yuki shows how different she is from them all. She saw that his hate for yuki is a tool to protect himself.. something like a coping mechanism.. right know he needs to hate yuki for whatever reason. Kyo knows he’s not much in the right because he says I don’t want to see..I dont want to think..not yet..this really tells me it IS a temporary coping way & he knows it but he’s not ready to confront himself yet. I love that! because ppl need their own pace in accepting tragedy, yes, help is needed, intervention is needed..but mind their own pace/time. people differ in how they cope & when they are ready to heal. wrong & faulty coping mechanism are harmful but they are one step closer towards realizing you need to confront yourself, they act as a medium until you wake up.
- kyo’s behaviour with tohru changes in such small & slow steps. This episode, he agreed to go on a double date with the the most annoying people to him ( Kagura & Yuki), simply because tohru showed excitement at the idea. He pops tohru on the head after she comforted him..maybe to lighten the mood or take her attention away what he said or to say thank you..whatever..but it is so kyo to use action/body language instead of words. He sucks at those & can get frustrated..but he can express himself with actions or his body.
- the double date is anything but a double date! lol... Kagura in her bubble hugging a man who looks the other way, kyo in pain physically & emotionally, tohru thinking abt shigure, yuki getting so philosophical about metaphors & riddles..lol..I can safely assume there is no romantical love yet with these kids.
Shigure: is a schemer. He has no problem using someone as inncocent as toher..Why? who’s side he is? the dream part is confusing me.. I’ll think it over through the next eps.
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wereikonics · 5 years
iKON's MAKNAE: JUNG CHANWOO  Appreciation thread
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:33 PM - 26 Dec 2018
I just want to warn those who are reading this. If you're an OT6 fan, pls feel free to unfollow me and pls do not interact w/ anything related to this thread i.e. don't reply and don't quote RT. We don't need that negativity.
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The world is already cruel enough for all of us. Spare us the dramatics. I am tired of defending #Chanwoo from all of you. Though I'm tired of it, pls know that I won't stop doing it. So please allow me to spread love to others without your negativity tainting it. Here we go.
When M&M happened, I had no doubt in my mind that Chanwoo will be iKON's 7th member. I was as sure of it as I was that all OT6 will be in iKON. There was something abt him that captivated me. He wasn't the most talented or the most eye-catching. He wasn't even the most talkative.
However, Jung Chanwoo was the only person who was introduced in the show that, imho, was considerate towards what OT6 was going through. He realized that he's piercing through a bond that's so strong that his introduction to the group would not be received well and so he waited.
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Photo Caption: (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
CHAN WOO only smiles, perplexed
B.I. - CHAN WOO, what are your thoughts on this?
Chanwoo - I like the song
From the very beginning, Chanwoo has always been the kind of person who refuses to be a burden. He wants to stand with his own two feet. He refuses to be acknowledged just because Hanbin was a great leader.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Pictures of Chanwoo wiping away tears in the practice room
I love Chanwoo because he's always been self-aware of his capabilities and his position in the group. When faced with frustrations of things not going well, he recognizes the fact that compared to the others, he is lacking. He did not hide. He did not cower.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
To be honest, I’m quite disappointed
about the fact that I’m not good.
and that I’m a burden.
I know I can do this but I’m not doing as well as I thought.
What he did was he stayed behind in the practice room to catch up to the groupmates he's pulling behind. His sense of self-accomplishment was strong enough to push him to do well and to prevent himself from lingering at the bottom line.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: They said it would be a very difficult journey
and told me to brace myself.
So I’m not gonna give up even if it becomes really hard.
One of the reasons why Chanwoo blended in so well at that time was because Chanwoo, who was an outsider, already shared the same fierce determination and thirst for improvement that the OT6 was identified with.
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Photo Caption:  (Screenshots from Mix and Match)
Chanwoo: I’m so disappointed.
Chanwoo: I don’t want him to think I’m not good enough.
Picture of a frosted glass door with the word ‘STUDIO’ in unfrosted glass
Picture of a paper that reads DUFFY LYRICS - “Mercy” along with the lyrics
Narrator: Chanwoo is practicing alone till late at night. 
He worked so hard to be acknowledged for his effort. He finally did in EP 6. But what squeezed my heart about that episode was the fact that Chanwoo shed tears because despite his efforts up to that point, he can't be fully happy while taking YOYO's spot.
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He wasn't even at the bottom three at that time & yet he felt so bad taking a spot from the OT6. I realized at the end that he must have felt guilty since he'd always felt incapable. He must've thought that despite his efforts, someone else still deserves it more than he did.
At that moment, I thought to myself: "If there is anyone that should be with the OT6, it'll be Chanwoo." Because this kid has enough heart and empathy to realize that his success could be someone's failure in OT6. 
To me, a person w/ the kind of attitude to set aside self-greed to feel for those around him will seamlessly mold himself in the tenacious wall that OT6 have built around themselves. Because OT6 reached that far by thinking of the well-being of their members than themselves.
However, his anxiety and worry continue even after debut. After all, it can't be denied that their debut in 2015 means that Chanwoo only had over a year of professional training. He only had abt year to completely blend himself in the team.
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Photo Caption: 
Chanwoo reading a letter onstage during their Japan Tour
“will I be able to fit in?” “Won’t I just be a burden to them?”
“will the fans acknowledge me?” “Everyday I was feeling anxious and worried”
“And I promised myself, I have to debut in iKON and show them”
“my cool side to repay them”
People don't realize that #CHANWOO has YEARS to catch up to when it comes to training. If you're a true iKONIC, you should've realized that Chanwoo was able to improve this much despite the huge time differential of training compared to others.
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
B.I. instructs Chanwoo and helps him practice dancing one on one in preparation for their upcoming performances. Various iKON members can be seen resting in different places around the room. 
B.I. - Let’s do it more seriously.
B.I - One more time.
B.I - One more time.
Picture of Chanwoo sitting on the floor, his hair drenched in sweat.
B.I - You turn your arm like this here. 
Do you guys ever think about how much he had to work harder to not be the black hole in iKON? Do you ever think about the humiliation and disappointment he must have felt each time he practice one-on-one with Hanbin?
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Photo Caption: Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: I’m so tired that I can’t talk...
CW: We checked all the flow lines and then we checked the dance matching along with the music. 
CW: As you can see, we are practicing one by one with B.I.
CW: It’s also like this for around a month in Korea. 
Each session must've felt like a harsh slap of realization of what level his skills are compared to the others. This was taken just a year ago. Many would think that a debuted idol wouldn't work this hard. But Chanwoo isn't like that. He knows his goals & he WILL pursue them.
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Photo Caption:  Behind the Scenes video during iKON’s Japan tour 2018 
Close Up of Chanwoo as he talks in iKON’s temporary practice area, his hair drenched in sweat.
CW: There is no shyness
CW: Even though I am embarrassed, but if I don’t work hard we can’t do it. 
CW: I’m thankful for B.I-hyung who is monitoring closely.
CW: I’ll work hard.
I've said this before. I hate people who count lines per member. Line allocation will never equate to song quality. Hanbin giving lines not suited to Chanwoo's skills will only be detrimental to him. But does Chanwoo deliver? YES HE DOES!
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Tweet Citation and Photo Caption:
The utilization of the colourful vocal tones of the members allows a portrayal of different kinds of heartache. #CHANWOO didn’t get a ton of lines but I’m not disappointed. Line distribution is about how you deliver those lines. Chanwoo delivered a tenfold of emotions. #iKON
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The way #CHANWOO opened the song with his low melancholic tone just hits you straight to the heart. It wasn’t extravagant; it was impactful. It was subdued, almost too passively, but that’s what one goes through during a break up. You can’t do anything but accept it.
At the bridge, when all the instrumentals were stripped down to almost nothing, I cried bec of the weight of emotions delivered within those two lines. #Chanwoo ’s part was the culmination of all the emotions depicted in this song’s narrative. His voice is just perfect for that.
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Can also be found in ‘Goodbye Road’ Song Analysis Thread:
I want people to realize that #Chanwoo was able to perform this well because he did not sit on his ass all day long playing games. Nobody else knows more than Chanwoo himself how much he is lacking compared to the others. We all have only seen a glimpse of his talents.
I want to remind you that this year's releases were mostly written in 2015. We have yet to fully taste what these boys have to offer years after 2015. Don't get stuck on what could've been. It's been 4 years since the show.
Ask yourselves this: in any of iKON's dance practice videos, was there ever a moment when Chanwoo was a blackhole? As a matter of fact, Jinhwan makes more mistakes on choreo than Chanwoo ever did. This boy did not get on stage despite his injuries just for you to discredit him.
This boy did not get into iKON because of pity. He didn't get on that stage because he was forced to. He worked his ass off day in and day out knowing that his lack of skills could be harmful for the rest of them. But even when that fear lingers, he didn't let it foster.
Though Chanwoo has this fear, he would never beg for lines from Hanbin. Hanbin allows this because this is the only way Chanwoo will truly improve and genuinely feel accomplished. There is no shortcut to success.
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Photo Caption: iKON on Weekly Idol
Chanwoo is speaking to Hanbin while they are holding hands
CW: This is what I want to say.
CW: I’m not good which is why I have a small part.
Yunhyeong points toward Hanbin as he looks to Chanwoo
Yunhyeong: Tell him now that you want bigger parts
CW: I’ll work harder
So before you question Chanwoo's work etiquette, I want you to think about the position you're in. Because at this moment, as you write those comments discrediting Chanwoo's hard work, it isn't his ass sat on a chair with your face buried in front of a computer.
I'm ending this thread with Chanwoo's poem. Because I want people to realized that regardless of how much hate you throw, we're all just trying our best to live on. We're all on the same ground. You're not special.
[YT Link to iKON TV - Junhoe PD Episode excerpt - Jung Chanwoo’s Mosquito Poem]
Disclaimer: All photos belong to their rightful owners. I leave all credit to the rightful translators. PS: If I continued to make this longer, I'm at risk of a heart attack because of pent up frustrations lol PSS: STAN CHANWOO PSSS:
@/bianxstan on Twitter -  8:32 AM - 15 Dec 2018
If you're truly a fan of iKON, you would understand why it's hard for Chanwoo to bring his members to film for his YT. Chanwoo is a very considerate person. He would never do anything to make someone uncomfortable.
Besides, he knows how it feels like for the members because he lives the same lifestyle. Also, the members are not selfish to refuse to go on Chanwoo's channel. They help him out when he asks. So please, give Chanwoo the freedom to film whatever he wants with whoever he wants. 
Please subscribe to Chanwoo’s YT Channel if you haven’t already
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