#there’s more backstory abt them but it would take too long to explain WAA too many little details KJWW I have another post abt jackdaw
iamfabiloz · 2 years
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sorry 4 da mental unwellness last night here’s oc drawings
jackdawstar and Fernpaw grew up together and were really close until there was a flood and Fernpaw died saving jackdaw :[ jackdaw grieves for his lost friend, and the last image is him telling his nephew Pinesap all abt fern 😔
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lemonfezt · 4 years
Thoughts for ep 11
Ugh. Kagura. Why do you have to be so precious 😭
This is the first episode post-beach arc, so we really get to see the changes from each characters. I'm gonna discuss Tohru and Kazuma first. Yup, Tohru with that serious "I won't give up" attitude is sending me. I almost forgot how the cat's burial is not on the Sohma estate rather faraway. I appreciate they didn't add that much music in the first part coz it was a really serious conversation between them. And that BIRD. That BIRD flying when they're discussing the curse. The amount of foreshadowing in this series has been too many to count so I would definitely rewatch this series again after it's done. We also get to see the outside vs inside (particularly the zodiacs) perspective towards Akito. It's great that Kazuma really pointed his view Akito as a fragile, child who's prone to screaming while the zodiacs view him as god who is to be feared and respected. It stresses as one of the reasons why they can't defy Akito. Also, Kazuma just really told Tohru to be herself and when she smiles, it gives them strength and the world seems gentler (damn right! And technically he's also correct on his advice esp given how that advice worked in the last chapters of the manga). And yes, every Tohru and Rin interaction is always acknowledged. Even just crumbs of it. I'm sure anime viewers would finally grasp that Tohru and Rin has the same goal (CAN'T WAIT FOR THEM!!)
Next, Shigure's house moments is one of my favorite scenes to watch in this series. I just find them quite heartwarming like Ayame's bit wherein he's concerned for Yuki (aaah!!)and Kyo telling Tohru he's going out but covered her ears when Shigure's just mentioned that it's a date. (CUTIEEEES!) Also, I cannot get over Yuki's face when Kyo told him that it's his job to take Tohru home. Aah that face. Never knew that reaction would eventually lead up to be the best fight between the two. Though, tbh I kinda like when their fights are just like this. Not too hostile but it's still pretty freaking hilarious.
Now on to Kagura!! I was really indifferent to her when I first read the manga. I thought she was just a side character without any heartbreaking backstories (which is quite stupid of me coz of course she's gonna have one. She's a zodiac) but when I read the confession scene. Just seeing the tremendous regret on her face was utterly devastating. I knew I would get teary-eyed when she explained her reasons for befriending him. Even if it was born out of pity, she eventually still loved him. She's flawed, she's very aware of her guilt and Kyo's pain so I applaud her for bravely speaking to him about it. I love her even more because of it. If there were more scenes about her, I'm sure she would end up becoming one of my favorites. Also, I'm not gonna end this without mentioning Kyo. He was really calm and level-headed in this ep and I'm so glad he's becoming more and more emotionally mature (tho he still has a long way to go) and not gonna lie, that hug scene got me. Seeing Kagura crying and clutching his shirt really hurts.
In addition, the backstory between them really hits me in the anime more than the manga. It's also wherein we realizes more of Kyo's life before her mother's death and how isolated he was (tho kyo looking like he waa swimming away from kagura was too adorable to look at)
If I have one comment tho, I guess the first part wherein they went home was a little too fast so some scenes for me were quite rushed and awkward but I kinda understand given how they're merging 3 chapters.
Really a tearjerker ep and they have to add those bits between them when they're playing during that hug scene was glorious. Damn this show wouldn't give me a break 😭.
Next week is Hatori and Mayu's ep. I'm just as hyped for their backstories as Kagura's. I'm also qute excited coz I get to see Hatori and Mayu interact (😍😍😍) As I said, they wouldn't really catch us a break!
Bonus: Yuki and Kyo sharing that one braincell once again will never get old
+Bonus: I have mixed feelings abt Kyo's shirt. It looks super good on him at the same time, I keep getting distracted on it everytime there's a serious moment my brain's all "maaan poor kyo/kagura" and the other half was like "he looks really dashing tho"
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