#there is no correct way of consuming media. like this need to be special and the snobbery it creates is something even ive been guilty of
hella1975 · 9 months
hi hella do you have thoughts on the tiktokification of ethel cain (given her leaving social medias) anyway sorry if you dont i just love the way you think xx
i think a very simplified explanation of what tiktok does to music and why it fundamentally always Grates on me is that people on tiktok cannot just listen to a song. it's no longer enough to enjoy a song or an artist. you're not a 'true fan' if you just simply listen to the music and find any level of enjoyment from it. you have to instead know every single lyric, and every meaning of that lyric, and then when that isn't enough because the masses are now also doing that, you then need to know what the artist's thought process was for the lyrics, where they were when they wrote it, exactly what they mean by it. interpretation is no longer allowed because the 'true fans' correct you with what the artist said in a niche interview from 2019 and 'if you really liked the song you would know that'. it doesnt matter what the song means to YOU because it now needs to be consumed in the Exact Way Tiktok Says It Should Be. and then of course it all becomes narrower and narrower and all the while the fans are TEARING the artists apart in an attempt to be the one individual listening to them most often and most correctly and with the most thorough understanding, and the artist is just. some guy. like literally just a person behind a screen reading every stupid as fuck thing and seeing the same stupid as fuck comments over and over and over again and it's like yeah. that would drive me fucking insane too actually
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waitmyturtles · 10 months
Turtles Catches Up With Old GMMTV: TharnType and Gray Areas Edition
[What’s going on here? After joining Tumblr and discovering Thai BLs through KinnPorsche in 2022, I began watching GMMTV’s new offerings -- and realized that I had a lot of history to catch up on, to appreciate the more recent works that I was delving into. From tropes to BL frameworks, what we’re watching now hails from somewhere, and I’m learning about Thai BL's history through what I’m calling the Old GMMTV Challenge (OGMMTVC). Starting with recommendations from @absolutebl on their post regarding how GMMTV is correcting for its mistakes with its shows today, I’ve made an expansive list to get me through a condensed history of essential/classic/significant Thai BLs produced by GMMTV and many other BL studios. My watchlist, pasted below, lists what I’ve watched and what’s upcoming, along with the reviews I’ve written so far. Today, I’ll cover the very controversial TharnType, Asian stereotypes towards queerness, and the very difficult gray areas on how this show has been interpreted by various populations over the last few years.]
TW: homophobic and derogatory ideas and language against the queer community. Critical commentary on TharnType and MAME. This review is NOT for you if you are a TharnType or MAME Big Fan.
(I want to give very special thanks to @so-much-yet-to-learn and @lurkingshan for reviewing previous versions of this post and offering the most insightful feedback I could ask for. Thank you both so much.)
Alright. Deep breaths.
TharnType was a necessary addition to the Old GMMTV watchlist. It was. I had to watch it, for:
- the tremendous IMPACT this show has had on BL culture, along with MAME’s continued influence on the genre;  - how this show affected shipper culture, and the rippling effects it’s had since then vis à vis MewGulf; - how this show continued to define “high heat” and “chemistry” in BL, and -- at least for me, possibly the most interesting point to needle on -- - what fans, ESPECIALLY the majority cishet fandom, are willing to compromise and/or equivocate on in regards to our values towards the queer community regarding what we consume in media, and how safe or unsafe it is for our queer family that this content exists in the first place.
I gotta say some stuff first before I get into this review. This is the worst show I’ve ever watched, in my own opinion. I offer this flag for MAME and TharnType fans in advance, as I get quite critical down below.
I am angry at this show, at MAME, at the BL industry for allowing this show to exist, and I unfortunately hold anger against Tee Bundit, who I know has since made shows, like Lovely Writer, that deeply criticized the BL industry (and I am enjoying his work now in Step By Step, even while I don’t hesitate to criticize it). ANYONE INVOLVED in the making of TharnType needs to hold personal and professional accountability for this show even existing. And I also think that fans need to hold THEMSELVES accountable if they defend it WITHOUT thinking about the long-term social implications of the existence of this show.
I want to also say that I need to check myself, OFTEN, as I write this, because I don’t want to be some fucking loudmouth, self-righteous ally-savior. I don’t. [My AMAZING drama friends, @lurkingshan​ and @bengiyo​, have held me down during this watch. (Friends. Thank you. Good LORD.)]
I want this review to be as fair as possible to the nostalgia of the moment that this show aired; to note that this show gave high heat, which fans clearly demanded, and IS a worthy component of some dramas if it works with the rest of what the show has to offer by way of writing; and to note that many fans saw a chemistry in MewGulf that they hadn’t seen previously. I especially note that there may be survivors of sexual assault who related to certain pieces of this show, particularly through Type’s lens and his own anger.
With that very long introduction, I will note that I’m not going to talk too much about the show details itself. I don’t need to unwind on plot. For me -- FOR ME -- the show’s plot was problematic. 
2019: earlier that year, before TT aired, you had He’s Coming To Me, which was BURIED by GMMTV, and was a TOUR DE FORCE of intricate storytelling and queer revelation. According to this amazing reblog by @so-much-yet-to-learn​ (another longtime BL observer who UTTERLY held me down during my TT watch, friend, I CANNOT THANK YOU ENOUGH FOR THE HOURS you spent me with talking about TT and other issues), shipper fans angry at Ohm and Singto went so far as to SHOW UP TO THE GMMTV BUILDING IN BANGKOK and PROTEST against the split of the KristSingto ship. This is why, in this TT review, I talk about fans needing to take responsibility and accountability for the media we consume. I believe TT exists in part because fans have allowed it to continue to exist in the universe of BL, and many even celebrate TT’s existence -- all while, in my own opinion -- much more compelling art existed before TT (Make It Right, He’s Coming To Me) and certainly after its airing.
In discussion with @absolutebl (yet another drama expert who held me down during my TT watch, THANK YOU, SENSEI), ABL Sensei brings up that, besides a natural tendency to criticize and blame MAME for our needing to have conversations about safety towards queer family, that TT does deserve to be criticized as a standalone piece of content.
I honestly don’t know, Sensei, if I’m mature enough to make that separation, but I will try. MAME herself doesn’t exist in a vacuum: she has an industry, from producers, to showrunners, to actors, to editors, to networks -- that join her in the making of her work. I’ll do my best to separate everything, but.
I noted in my review of Love By Chance that MAME traffics in common Asian stereotypes against the queer community. At the same time, I know that often, we talk about the yaoi origins of BL in Thailand. I think, over time, the explanation of the yaoi origination has been used as a means of explaining WHY certain tropes exist, such as abuse of a partner, bullying, etc. I want to note that while I acknowledge those origins, I also strongly note (as I did in the comments of my LBC review) that yaoi origins are themselves problematic, as created by a majority cishet female artist base, and thus I question the accurate representation of queer themes both in yaoi and in early and/or questionable Thai BL that lean into common stereotypes held by Asian nations. (That being said, I do DEEPLY ACKNOWLEDGE @so-much-yet-to-learn‘s point to me that many in the queer community still consumed this media, as the West was producing next-to-nothing by way of queer love and/or queer perspectives.)
Much of what I saw in LBC and TT -- gang rape, cheating, revenge, derogatory language, hurtful stereotypes of top/bottom and husband/wife -- are repeat, word-for-word stereotypes that I heard from my Asian family growing up. Examples of what I saw by way of problematic stereotypes in TharnType include:
- Tharn repeatedly and casually calling Type “his bitch,” - The use of the F word, repeatedly, by Type, - Type attacking his out classmates, and indirectly attacking his friend, Tum, - The assumption that because Tharn and Tar are gay, that they are promiscuous (even Techno assumes this while leaving Type alone with Tharn early in the series), - Techno himself not calling out Type for his homophobia throughout the series, - The use of gang rape as a means of revenge by Lhong to Tar,
and many more. I will also note that I was incredibly uncomfortable by Lhong’s redemption at the end, as if the story demanded that Lhong’s own actions that drove him to order grievous sexual violence against another man needed to be forgiven. That was a paradigm that seemed apologetic to his actions and did not sit well with me.
As I noted to @bengiyo: us international fans may be lulled to think that Thailand is majority progressive and accepting of the queer community based off of the BLs that we watch. It IS a much more progressive culture in SE Asia in supporting the queer community, and I would assume that gay culture is able to flourish in city centers, as opposed to rural areas. 
But Thailand has NOT legalized same-sex marriage. And I posit that we in the West don’t actually realize that harmful stereotypes against the queer community absolutely still exist and flourish in Thailand, Taiwan, and elsewhere in Asia -- countries that certainly leverage BL as soft power, but nations in which familial or cultural expectations may STILL make ACTUAL coming out and public existence a dangerous or risky proposition. THIS SHIT IS GRAY. BL is fiction -- it is not reality. It is still dangerous -- YES, INCLUDING HERE IN THE STATES -- to be out in very many towns, cities, and communities around the world.
Now. When I went into TT, I understood, AS ASSUMED FACT, that MAME was a sexual assault survivor, who used this style of writing about queerness and queer love to process her own SA experiences. That equivocation gave me the serious jibbles, which I’ll talk about in a second, but I understood it to be the line that most BL observers have made about her work, and/or justification or explanation for her work existing.
I’ve since learned that this is not necessarily fact: that it is not known if MAME is an SA survivor, and that she is notoriously private and has not revealed much, if anything, about her own past.
So, from there, how do I process this? How do I process that it’s FANON -- NOT FACT -- that MAME may or may not write from a survivor’s perspective?
I also note here, thanks to the wonderful @so-much-yet-to-learn​, that many fans who are SA survivors have written in the past about how they related to Type’s anger and/or homophobia after his own assault experience. I also understand that SA survivors have, in the past, had difficulty with strong rejections of TharnType, like the one I have composed here, in reaction to the fear that they cannot tell their own stories of internal anger against their perpetrators and the communities from which their attackers come from.
Thus, I want to note a VERY DIFFICULT PROPOSITION TO WORK THROUGH. What we’re facing here is that there may be people, SA survivors in particular, who related to Type’s homophobia. This is Type’s fictional homophobia -- as written by a very real, assumed-to-be female author. At the same time, I myself very much acknowledge that I still see stereotypes against the queer community, in a very Asian voice that I am familiar with, in MAME’s shows.
Let me tell you why this gives me, personally, the jibbles. Let’s assume that MAME is an SA survivor. As someone trained in the social services, I am not sure that I would advise a potential client to create very public content that is potentially harmful towards a minority community, as a means of their own personal processing. MAME is FAMOUS. Her work is POPULAR. Can we justify the dangers that her work poses -- the stereotypes and assumptions she traffics in against our queer family -- for her own psychological processing?
If I am her therapist, I am guiding her to instead journey map, to meditate, to advise her of HUNDREDS of other therapeutic psychological modalities to process her pain -- all modalities that do not set up a minority community to be stereotyped through very publicly consumed content. 
I posit here -- MY OPINION, FAM -- that MAME has leveraged her own personal bigotry against the queer community in her shows for clout with Asian and international audiences that would not quibble about the harmfulness of the stereotypes that the show portrayed. And she’s gotten away with it for the utter control she has over her own content. AND SHE KNOWS THERE’S AN AUDIENCE FOR IT, so she keeps making what I call bigoted content.
I thought TT was a DANGEROUS show for perpetuating harmful stereotypes about queer family. And I am distraught at the BL industry for seeing dollar signs against that clout and investing in it. 
The equivocating in support of TharnType certainly exists. There are people who view this show with nostalgia, as there still wasn’t the volume of BL content, with heat, in 2019 as we have today. There are people out there who may very well openly relate to Type’s homophobia as a character, and MAME’s homophobia as an author and as a human. Hell, Foei Patara, who we see in everything these days, shared a very anti-LGBTQ+ video on his Instagram just recently.
I DO have to give a nod to nostalgia. I have to try to be fair here. This is the ENTIRE POINT of the OGMMTVC. BL fans in 2019 wanted a thing. High heat, high chemistry. I know that there are fans that are AWARE of these high-level issues of MAME’s work. And yet, there are many that still look back on TharnType with fondness, because it brought something new to the field. 
What I’m suffering from here is the equivocation of MAME’s work by way of analysis against a presumed opinion -- NOT fact -- that MAME is an SA survivor. That seems to open some sort of door to allow us to watch her work, despite the dangers of the stereotypes contained within her work.
The ethics of this. I’m not a strong enough person to go near that equivocation. Because I am not a survivor. I’m an Asian. In MAME’s voice, I hear the stereotypes against the queer community that I grew up with. And that’s where I’m writing this review. I’m hurt and appalled by her proliferating what I term to be dangerous viewpoints against my queer sisters and brothers -- assumptions that I heard growing up in my Indian community.
Fuck. Am I ever glad that I DIDN’T watch this show in 2019. I’m protected by a fortress of past and present works that I can rely on that proves that there are other arenas in which BL is being leveraged for good, for progressive art, for the introduction of ideas that support our queer family, AND that might also offer critical commentary on issues that affect other minority or vulnerable corners of society, à la Moonlight Chicken. 
I haven’t even gotten to the MewArt scandal and the problematic nature of the MewGulf ship. All of those are also very important issues, but I can’t bring myself to get deep about them, because just talking about the show itself is a lot. But Mew Suppasit’s past alleged behavior is certainly problematic, and is worth considering if folks were to think about watching this show.
In any case: I’m never watching another MAME show again, ever. And as a side note, MewGulf didn’t do it for me. At this point in 2019, I feel like we’d seen ships with much better chemistry and even heat, like PerthSaint (a MAME ship, actually), OhmToey, MaxTul, and even OhmSingto and their utterly brilliant acting. @he-is-lightning-in-a-bottle noted in the comments of one of my TT late-night posts that they didn’t see the MewGulf chemistry, and frankly, I didn’t either -- I didn’t see that these guys, as the acted characters of Tharn and Type, bodily and ferally WANTED AND VISCERALLY LOVED each other in fiction, the way that actor pairs like EarthMix, OhmNanon, FirstKhao, and others have since perfected in their work as their respective characters.
This post is about the responsibility that so-called “artists” bear when taking up the mantle of created content about a minority community, as well as the responsibility that we bear, as fans, as the majority cishet female fanbase, to consume this content. MAME and the slices of the BL industry that support her MUST understand that perpetuating stereotypes about a minority community WILL HAVE VISCERAL SOCIAL IMPACTS in REINFORCING THOSE STEREOTYPES, among a majority cishet fanbase and across society, to the danger of the existence of our queer family. 
That is the way in which this paradigm will be broken over time. And us in the cishet fanbase MUST STAND READY to support art -- in the words of dear friend @wen-kexing-apologist -- by queer family, for queer family, about queer family. We in the cishet majority bear a responsibility to break the paradigm of dangerous stereotypes, perpetrated by who create content through their own bigotry, either consciously or unconsciously -- or both.
[I finished TharnType in record time. I needed to get it out of my system. And now I’m fully invested in OffGun and having a DELIGHTFUL time with Theory of Love: I AM OBSESSED WITH THIS SUBVERSIVE, MINDBENDING SHOW. Ooooooooooooooooooh. Right up my alley! Hopefully I can muster my usual Monday review for ToL -- let’s see. I still feel somewhat broken by TT, but ToL and OffGun have been SUCH a salve.
Here’s the list as it stands currently. We have two changes! First, thanks to a suggestion by @wen-kexing-apologist and @lurkingshan, I’m adding a non-BL (!!!!) to the list in 3 Will Be Free. I have a number of separate Jojo Tichakorn priorities to achieve before Only Friends airs, and this is a big one; as this is a show from 2019, I want to see where GMMTV was willing to go in pushing queer content in non-BLs, and this is the perfect time to watch it. I’ll still include a review in this space! 
And, per @absolutebl Sensei’s suggestion, I’ve added YYY (2020) to this, to enjoy Cheewin unhinged in what seems to be a disaster of a show -- but an important one for real queer representation (THANK YOU, SENSEI!). I’m excited for chaos. I’m watching it out of chronology with ITSAY and planning it as a mental break. As always, I’ll take any feedback on the list as it stands!
1) Love Sick and Love Sick 2 (2014 and 2015) (review here) 2) Make It Right (2016) (review here) 3) SOTUS (2016-2017) (review here) 4) Make It Right 2 (2017) (review here) 5) Together With Me (2017) (review here) 6) SOTUS S/Our Skyy x SOTUS (2017-2018) (review here) 7) Love By Chance (2018) (review here) 8) Kiss Me Again: PeteKao cuts (2018) (no review) 9) He’s Coming To Me (2019) (review here) 10) Dark Blue Kiss (2019) and Our Skyy x Kiss Me Again (2018) (review here) 11) TharnType (2019)  12) Senior Secret Love: Puppy Honey (BL cuts) (2016 and 2017) (I’m watching this out of order just to get familiar with OffGun before Theory of Love -- will likely not review)  13) Theory of Love (2019) (watching) 14) 3 Will Be Free (2019) (not a BL or an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but an important harbinger of things to come in 2019 and beyond re: Jojo Tichakorn including queer content in non-BLs) 15) Dew the Movie (2019) (not an official part of the OGMMTVC watchlist, but I want to watch this in chronological order with everything else) 16) Until We Meet Again (2019-2020) 17) 2gether (2020) 18) Still 2gether (2020) 19) I Told Sunset About You (2020) 20) YYY (2020, out of chronology) 21) Manner of Death (2020-2021) (not a true BL, but a MaxTul queer/gay romance set within a genre-based show that likely influenced Not Me and KinnPorsche) 22) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) (review here) 23) A Tale of Thousand Stars (2021) OGMMTVC Fastest Rewatch Known To Humankind For The Sake Of Rewatching Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS 24) Lovely Writer (2021) 25) I Promised You the Moon (2021) 26) Not Me (2021-2022) 27) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) (thesis here) 28) Bad Buddy (2021-2022) and Our Skyy 2 x BBS x ATOTS (2023) OGMMTVC Rewatch 29) Secret Crush On You (2022) [watching for Cheewin’s trajectory of studying queer joy from Make It Right (high school), to SCOY (college), to Bed Friend (working adults)] 30) KinnPorsche (2022) (tag here) 31) The Eclipse (2022) (tag here) 32) GAP the Series (2022-2023) (Thailand’s first GL) 33) My School President (2022-2023) and Our Skyy 2 x My School President (2023) 34) Moonlight Chicken (2023) (tag here) 35) Bed Friend (2023) (tag here) (Cheewin’s latest show, depicting a queer joy journey among working adults)]
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woefulrest · 15 days
Haii ! It's me、 Lolita。 
Firstly、 I'd like to address the allegation of the hate anons。 None of those are me、 I do not feel most negative emotions besides sadness && things alike to that。 I feel no hate to anyone、 I care for everyone I meet and don't。 You all are special to me in your own ways。 
But there are people who follow and stalk my new friends && people I know and then decide to use my name as a cover。 This has happened for months and I wish they'd leave me and people I once knew alone。 They aren't my protectors、 I don't condone their behavior and I never will。 I want nothing but the best for everyone。 /gen
Now、 onto the rest。 I'm being honest when I say I completely forgot most、 if not all the triggering content of my source。 I haven't reread my source in a long time so I geniunely forgot。 I consume a lot of media with such topics to cope with my own experiences so I personally am not affected by them at all。 I apologize for making you feel uncomfortable from that。 
We met at a bad time、 I was still a mess from losing 4 of my closest beings and was trying to cope。 I needed some sort of escape to distract myself from it all and you were it。 For a short short time you were my FP but that quickly snapped。 I was attached to you and became indifferent to how my actions could affect you。 I apologize for that。 
I thank you for calling out how I acted and I wish that you forgive me、 but I won't force it。 Forgive me if you want、 it is up to you completely and I'm content with whatever decision you make。 
I'm sorry for how my actions have affected you、 I was neck deep in a delusion that I didn't even realize。 I thought I was in the right、 that I could do no wrong、 that I was someone who was so holy and correct I deserved worship and adoration。 I know now that isn't the case。 I fucked up horribly and I'm so sorry Micah。 
I'm happy this has finally happened、 my delusion would've just continued getting worse && I would've become much worse。 I needed this and I'm so happy it happened、 I'm free and can own up to the fact I'm a bad person。 I'm working on myself now && I'm becoming better slowly。 I apologize again、 I fucked up royally and now will suffer the consequences of my actions。 
— Yours truly、 Lovelet。
The fact that you can even drop a fucking typing quirk to make a shitty apology! Even if the hate anon’s aren’t you it’s 100% connected to you. You have basically admitted to using ME, a living , breathing person as a coping mechanism is fucking insane! You should not be on the internet if you believe you can do no wrong and deserve to be worshipped and adored ?? You need to talk about this to someone and I mean that. This ‘apology’ REEKS of manipulative language. Please do not try to contact me ever again after this , I do not want to hear what you have to say and I simply do not care.
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nooks-cranny-mogai · 3 months
I think the thing that pisses me off most about proshippers is that they aren't critical of anything for fear of being seen as mean and they won't condemn things beyond a disclaimer, especially if it's one of their own making something incredibly offensive. They also have booktok fanfic brain and over glorify fanfiction.
They are rarely actual critical consumers and whenever you point out how it's problematic to display an abusive relationship as positive, they don't go to the same opinion as abuse victims and therapists and anyone with common sense, they go to this mystical magical place where they act like writers are ~nebulous unreachable and silent gods who we'll never know the true intentions of~ as if these writers are untouchable therefore we must assume they know that was a poor representation and were doing it on purpose to challenge society.
Except here's the thing...
The social idea that abuse is bad doesn't need to be challenged, you sound like a qanoner or a certain brand of male comedian. Abuse is bad. You don't need to challenge that. You don't need to play devil's advocate. There are people actually harmed by this, people who were victims of abuse but didn't see it as abuse because they were surrounded by media that told them that's not abuse. I can personally attest to that. 50s housewives can attest to that.
Its this weird stand your ground space. Where any challenge makes you a bully. They want to push social boundaries and explore dark topics but they won't do so responsibly. They do so recklessly, with no research, and with the mindless thought string of fandom interpretation. Which isn't always correct. Its why you still have people today defending endeavor. This man beat his wife, killed one of his children, abused the other two and parentified his only daughter then sent his abused wife into a psychiatric facility because she had an episode of insanity that hurt her child in a way endeavor was doing the whole fucking time. And people still defend him. Or say horikoshi is "exploring dark topics and beaten wife syndrome" he isn't, your giving him too much praise. He wants to give endeavor a redemption arc, grow up.
This isn't dark fiction. This isn't "exploring the darker parts of society" when your fanfic reads as a positive take on abuse and abusive behaviors. Incest never works out because it has power Imbalances, it is dangerous and usually the result of abuse and neglect. Abusive relationships, by virtue of being abusive, are not nor ever sexy and if you find it sexy, you either do not understand the seriousness of abuse and need to educate yourself or you have a serious problem and need to seek help. Pedophilia is abusive and unequal and takes advantage of a child for sexual gain.
Things that deeply hurt people are not sexy and the moment you find yourself garnering interest in them, you need to seek help. Because soon your defensiveness will kick in and you will be defending it to defend yourself and you are an ally to abusers, never victims. Writing these things is not a copeing strategy, posting them is propaganda.
For the love of fuck, writing a tiny disclaimer after you write the incest show is not good enough. Its not good enough for the victims and you are not a fucking artiste who is showing the world a darker topic, your a fucking AO3 author and you write smut for your favorite pair of siblings. Many people have done what you're doing before and many more will and you're not special or engaging. You're sad. You're probably a victim of abuse and writing your abuse story as romantic over and over and over again will only result in pain for yourself and everyone around you.
Venting is fine but don't post that shit. Don't make them kiss and ride off into the sunset because that's not the way abuse works. These things have killed people and you are burning everyone around with the fire you're playing with. Learn how to handle the torch or don't be surprised when people blast your ass with water to stop you from spreading harmful ideas.
If you can see why nazi propaganda is bad and should be silenced, you can see why things that spread harmful ideas about abuse, incest, pedophilia and other problematic topics must be silenced. The only people who like your "art" are fellow abusers, pedophiles and comphiles and you don't want those people in your spaces. I promise you, you don't want those to be the company your seen with.
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fuckedupsociety155 · 1 year
Sooooo, Joanne is partnering with HBO max to release a HP reboot. Am I correct?
Anyway, a reboot is happening and we know that while most actors, writers, vfx artists, etc. do not deserve our effort to hurt joanne's wallet and ego, we still have to make an effort to make it as unprofitable as possible. That means no genuine excitement making you support this project, but also, no hate watching. So I propose the following:
- While it is important to keep talking about the damage that this woman has brought to the queer community, specially trans folks, we cannot have her trending, so let's find something else to trend instead. Like #trans or something in place of her name. Remember, she is not THE enemy, she is just a front for the bigger problem.
- Next issue, it has been proven that telling others to not consume her stuff makes certain angry people skittish and puts them on defence mode and that creates hate watching and excess buying, so my next proposal is let's make something else relevant. Let's unite in elevating some other work and make it so the release of the show is close to irrelevant. Idk when her show will be coming out, but we can try to see if something good will be release around that time and spam the hell of every social media in it's support. And if there is no big project, let's make one, let's unite and scream until we're relevant and she's not.
- And to my final point, we NEED to allow the next magical inclusive cultural phenomenon for children to happen. Something that will be inclusive for ALL, but is also fantastical and gets to grow with the next generations. If you're a writer or a Comic book artist, don't be afraid to put your ideas out there, we're here to support you and lift you up. This way we can leave her behind and move forward with a more inclusive future in our sights.
Don't know if this will work, but we need to change strategies, we need to make noise, be loud, but also not give those who are against our rights and freedoms to even get a chance to talk about us in the way that gets them followers. Let ignore them loudly. I know we can do something real about this shits.
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zhuhongs · 2 years
dear god, i’m going to lose my mind. 我為什麼是這樣的人!!!
I can’t do it. No matter where I go, I can’t connect with others. I try and try but I cant fucking do it. I try my best, I know all the correct answers. I know how to make people like me but still I can’t manage to do it. It almost feels like it’s too late. I’ve established myself as the person who keeps to herself and only knows how to respond, never initiate. i want to change. I want to do better but why am i scared. Why do i care what other people think?!??! In 6 months time I won’t know absolutely any of them!! Why should I care? I shouldn’t yet I hesitate. I miss out on potentially finding a good friendship because I refuse to put myself out there. I always do this, nothing has changed at all. Just like with teaching, I thought if I forced myself into an environment where I would be uncomfortable, i would find it easy to change. But I can’t. I’m to comfortable staying as I am to make any meaningful change. I scrutinize those around me when i myself am just as pitiful. I laugh at my roommates who spend so long getting ready when in a way I wish I was like them. But in a way I don’t want to be them. I know the way they talk about others and I think that while on the outside they seem nice and agreeable, they are very judgemental, cruel people. They’re the exact kind of young woman I hate the most. Yet I live with them so I might as well be pleasant, and they will be too even though I’m sure we have a mutual unspoken dislike of the other. But still, why can’t I just stop caring?!
 I feel the overwhelming need to scream. I’m so painfully lonely even though people are around me at every waking second. Some days are good and I can be myself and not care. But the days that are hard are very hard. I want to do things and be amazing, and social, and enviable. But I cannot do anything. I’m always isolating myself somehow, and I don’t even realize it. I came here to run away, bc I mistakenly thought that it was just that my area didn’t suit me, surely I’d thrive elsewhere if I gave it a shot. But as I should’ve known from the countless books, and movies, and media I’ve consumed before -- I cannot run away from myself. My sadness will not change if I move, if anything it may only get worse. I mean think about it? Where I always lived may have been lonely at times, but it was a loneliness I knew how to manage. I had a support system, we just only met briefly due to life. But here, everything is lonely. Everything is knew and hard, even the things that I should know how to do. It’s difficult to buy food and get from school to home sometimes. That’s really hard on a person, to go from knowing your world like the back of your hand just for everything to be pushed to the right. It’s just similar enough that you feel like an idiot for not knowing how to do it, but different enough that everything is hard. And add onto that, I don’t have a space of my own to call home -- god. Yea. It’s difficult. 
But I feel like a spoiled brat saying this is hard, knowing that it’s an experience very few get to have. It’s a privilege. I know that. Back in High School I had a close friend that lived in Hong Kong for a year, and she talked about how difficult it was. All the adults praised her for being so strong to navigate hong kong alone as a teenager that didn’t speak cantonese. But I remember thinking that she was lucky. She got to live there because her dad was a rich pilot, sure she was alone but that was the experience of a lifetime, she should’ve taken advantage of it and enjoyed it more. Now here I am, doing something similar. I mean, I am learning the language. But sometimes it really is hard. I feel like going back in time and slapping my past self for being so ignorant. Thankfully I never said that thought to my friends face. I get it now, I mean, she was still a spoiled rich kid, but I get it. There really is a special kind of loneliness living alone in a foreign city that’s so different from your own. Right now I want a friend so bad but it frustrates me to no end how hard it is for me to make any sort of bond right now. 來慢慢的,慢慢的。
I feel like I used the fact that my cousin lives here and my two friends will be returning next year as a crutch to shield myself from making any real friends. Now I regret that, but it’s also nice to have. Maybe I would’ve been like this anywhere, so at least having them is a saving grace. I don’t know, I just feel so strange about everything. Almost helpless. I feel like I’m constantly waiting for someone to approach me, even though I know I need to grab hold of what’s in front of me in order to get what I want. Why can’t I make that step forward. Why can’t I throw away my pride and just become shameless for a second. It doesn’t even matter in the end. Why not treat this as a trial run for all the potential versions of myself I can become without any of the strings attached. 
I hope someday soon I can do that, but for right now I keep running and running trying avoid others. But my efforts of running away will always fail me. Just like right now I went to a cafe to try and get some peace and quiet but turns out my roommate went to the same cafe and now I am awkwardly trying to avoid her despite being 10 feet away from her. And I even tried to ask her which cafe she was going to, to avoid this sort of situation. My intuition never fails me. I know it. i fucking know itttttt. Life is so funny is it not?
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sunalimerchant · 2 days
Baking with Natural Sweeteners and Alternative Fats: A Fresh Take in Bread Baking Classes
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In the world of bread making, the evolution of healthier alternatives and innovative ingredients has sparked a new interest in traditional baking practices. Bread baking classes are increasingly focusing on teaching the art of using natural sweeteners and alternative fats, offering a healthier twist to the beloved staple of many diets—bread.
The Rise of Health-Conscious Baking
As health consciousness rises, more consumers are shying away from refined sugars and unhealthy fats in their diets. This shift has led to a surge in demand for baking classes that specialize in using natural sweeteners and alternative fats. These classes provide invaluable knowledge for those looking to make healthier choices without sacrificing taste or texture in their baked goods.
Natural Sweeteners: A Healthier Way to Indulge
Natural sweeteners such as honey, maple syrup, agave nectar, and dates are becoming staples in the pantries of health-conscious bakers. These sweeteners not only provide the necessary sweetness but also add a unique flavor profile that enhances the overall taste of bread. In bread baking classes, instructors emphasize the benefits of these natural sweeteners, which include a lower glycemic index and the presence of minerals and antioxidants.
For example, using honey or maple syrup in place of sugar can reduce the amount of sweetener needed due to their higher relative sweetness. Recipes developed in these classes often highlight how to adjust liquid ratios and yeast quantities to maintain the correct dough consistency and ensure proper fermentation.
Alternative Fats: Enriching Flavors and Textures
The fat used in baking bread not only enriches flavor but also impacts texture and shelf life. Traditional fats like butter can be replaced with alternatives like avocado oil, coconut oil, or applesauce to decrease saturated fat content and add health benefits. Bread baking classes delve into how these substitutions affect the baking process and the final product's nutritional profile.
For instance, substituting coconut oil for butter adds a slight coconut flavor and can increase the moisture content of the bread. Instructors in these classes teach techniques to balance flavors and manage moisture levels to prevent overly dense or soggy loaves.
Hands-On Learning and Experimentation
What sets these bread baking classes apart is the hands-on approach that encourages experimentation. Participants learn not just the theory but also the practical aspect of substituting ingredients. They get the chance to knead, mix, and bake using these alternatives, which demystifies the process and builds confidence.
These classes often include sessions on reading and adjusting recipes, understanding the science behind ingredient interactions, and troubleshooting common baking issues. This comprehensive approach ensures that students leave with a thorough understanding of how to incorporate natural sweeteners and alternative fats into their bread baking effectively.
Community and Collaboration
Bread baking classes also foster a sense of community among participants, who share a common interest in healthier baking. This community aspect allows for the exchange of ideas, recipes, and experiences that enrich the learning environment. Many classes encourage ongoing collaboration and support through social media groups or follow-up sessions, which helps to keep participants motivated and engaged in their bread-making journey.
The inclusion of natural sweeteners and alternative fats in bread recipes is more than just a trend; it's a movement towards healthier eating without giving up the joys of fresh, homemade bread. Bread baking classes that focus on these ingredients provide an essential service by equipping bakers with the skills and knowledge to make healthier choices. These classes are perfect for anyone looking to enhance their baking repertoire and embrace a healthier lifestyle, proving that delicious bread can also be nutritious. Whether you are a seasoned baker or a curious newbie, exploring the use of natural sweeteners and alternative fats can transform your baking experience and lead to new, healthier culinary adventures.
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nashserrano76 · 1 month
Can you currently fully grasp the effectiveness of social media, but are still uncertain ways to put into action it in your business strategy plan? Social media marketing is obviously opening doorways for first time organizations, however, if you strategy it wrongly it won't be as useful as you desire. You can adhere to this article's guidance and discover the proper way to create a standing firm by way of top quality press.
Try and price every one of the stuff you have on your own websites should you be promoting products, those who originate from social media marketing websites will value this. Giving people an alternative to rate points on their own can help you obtain credibility. Take the time to respond to the feedback out of your buyers. If you are looking at creating a profitable organization, your prospects have beneficial info to talk about. The trouble many businesses have is because they are typical the ears with out reaction. When consumers know you happen to be responding to their needs through their responses, they would want to keep on working. If you use social websites to market your product or service and you have published a blog article, have it submitted to the Fb webpage too. Using this method, anyone that may be on the good friends collection has access to your site submit. The same retains correct for other social media websites. Whilst getting a variety of advertisements on social media marketing sites, you should definitely use a couple of deals for the company. This can give your possible buyers bonus to click your advert. By getting specials in your advertisements, and only on these adverts, the clients truly feel slightly more compelled to go there and discover what your small business has to offer. Make an effort to road map your targets and goals for participation when beginning a social media marketing campaign. Get them to offered through the organization in order that every person inside the firm is on a single site. Results from social media marketing may well be more successful and better centered when all pursuits are in-line and doing work towards the very same goals. Look at the regards to service of each and every social media site you are making a user profile on. Ensure that know the rules from the web site you might be setting up a information on, or else your profile might be deleted and all of your work is going to be went. Some web sites do not allow affiliate hyperlinks so be aware of site's policies before starting. Whenever you submit anything on your own website or update your site, write a Facebook or myspace submit without delay. Perhaps you need to make plans and compose your post upfront so that you will not be hurried to get it done. Remember that men and women subscribed to your Facebook or myspace posts to be updated about what you are actually doing. Upgrading your social media web sites any time you submit new blog content may help warn customers to visit your site. This will then hyperlink the fans you have in social networking on the new and exciting information and facts which is available today to learn. Make sure that your business' social media content is enjoyable, entertaining, and exciting to learn. Those who take part in social websites internet sites would like to feel motivated to talk about info that they get. Once they reveal your data, it is actually to the company's edge. This is certainly a wonderful way to locate new business and maintain the existing kinds returning for more. It is important to proofread anything at all prior to deciding to add it to your Facebook site, or post it by way of Youtube. Work should be professional--it can't be loaded with typos and should be designed in standard British rather than "netspeak." It is fine when on Flickr to use abbreviations, but be sure to use them carefully. This will assist to ensure your site content remains good quality and professional. The quantity of fans can be a measuring of your own success in social media advertising. Many sizeable organizations with iconic names is certain to get fans even though men and women similar to their item. เว็บปั้มไลค์ without the iconic titles there the amount of readers your company has can be a straight connect to how effective your social media advertising is performing. To actually promote your organization on social media, launching a twitter accounts can help attract new clients. Phrase on youtube journeys speedy, and a lot of profitable companies have tried twitter to distribute the phrase on savings or special occasions taking place at their enterprises. You can obtain supporters in this way, and information about your enterprise can also be spread out by word of mouth. When ปั้มติดตาม have seen, making use of social media marketing to promote your company can definitely repay. Now, naturally, any details are only just like the method that you put into action it. So if you would like use social media to the upmost advantages, then it's under your control to utilize the following tips the correct way.
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What is the best Koala AI SEO blog and content generator?
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In the fast-paced world of digital marketing, content is king. High-quality, engaging, and SEO-optimized content can drive organic traffic to your website, boost your online visibility, and ultimately lead to higher conversions. However, creating such content can be a time-consuming and challenging task. This is where AI-powered content generators come into play, offering a promising solution for businesses and content creators. Koala AI is one such tool that has gained attention in the SEO community. In this article, we will explore what Koala AI is, its features, and its potential as the best SEO blog and content generator.
The Rise of AI-Powered Content Generation
The emergence of AI-powered content generators has revolutionized the way content is created and distributed on the internet. These tools use advanced natural language processing (NLP) algorithms to generate human-like content that is not only grammatically correct but also contextually relevant. They have the potential to save a substantial amount of time and effort for content creators while consistently producing high-quality content that meets the requirements of search engines and readers.
Koala AI Overview
Koala AI is an AI-powered content generation tool that aims to streamline the content creation process for SEO professionals, bloggers, and website owners. It utilizes state-of-the-art machine learning algorithms to generate SEO-friendly blog posts, articles, product descriptions, and more. Koala AI boasts several features that make it a contender for the title of the best SEO blog and content generator.
Key Features of Koala AI
Content Customization:
Koala AI allows users to input specific keywords, topics, or themes for their content. This customization feature ensures that the generated content aligns with the desired focus, making it relevant and engaging for the target audience.
SEO Optimization:
Koala AI is designed with search engine optimization in mind. It generates content that includes relevant keywords, meta titles, and descriptions, helping users improve their website's ranking on search engine results pages (SERPs).
Plagiarism Checker:
To maintain the integrity of the content, Koala AI incorporates a built-in plagiarism checker. This ensures that the generated content is unique and free from any copied material, helping users avoid potential copyright issues.
Multiple Content Types:
Whether you need blog posts, product descriptions, social media captions, or email newsletters, Koala AI offers a wide range of content types to suit your needs. This versatility makes it a valuable tool for various marketing and content creation purposes.
Language Support:
Koala AI supports multiple languages, making it accessible to a global audience. This feature is especially beneficial for businesses and content creators targeting international markets.
Content-Length Control:
Users have the flexibility to control the length of the content generated by Koala AI, ensuring that it aligns with their specific requirements and fits seamlessly into their website or marketing strategy.
User-Friendly Interface:
Koala AI's intuitive interface makes it easy for both beginners and experienced users to navigate and create content effortlessly. The user-friendly design simplifies the content generation process, reducing the learning curve.
Koala sh offers competitive pricing plans, making it an affordable choice for businesses of all sizes. It provides cost-effective solutions for content creation without compromising on quality.
Comparing Koala AI with Competitors
To determine whether Koala AI is the best SEO blog and content generator, it's essential to compare it with some of its competitors in the AI content generation space. Two prominent competitors are GPT-3-based tools like OpenAI's GPT-3 and other specialized AI content generators.
Koala AI vs. OpenAI's GPT-3:
While GPT-3 is a powerful language model, it's a general-purpose AI and may not be as specialized for SEO and content marketing as Koala AI. Koa la AI focuses on generating content specifically tailored for SEO purposes, including keyword optimization and plagiarism checking.
Kos. Specialized AI Content Generators: koala AI v
Some AI content generators are designed with a particular niche or industry in mind. Koala AI's strength lies in its versatility, catering to a wide range of content needs, from blogs to product descriptions. Specialized generators may excel in their niche but lack the broad applicability that Koala AI offers.
The Potential of Koala AI
Koala AI has the potential to become the best SEO blog and content generator for several reasons:
Tailored SEO Solutions:
Koala AI's primary focus on SEO optimization sets it apart from many other AI content generators. It understands the importance of keyword research and optimization, helping users create content that ranks higher in search engine results.
The ability to generate various types of content in multiple languages makes Koala AI a valuable asset for content creators and businesses targeting diverse markets and audiences.
User-Friendly Interface:
Koala AI's user-friendly interface ensures that users, even those without extensive technical knowledge, can generate content effortlessly.
Affordable Pricing:
Koala AI's competitive pricing plans make it accessible to businesses of all sizes, from startups to large enterprises.
Continuous Improvement:
As AI technology evolves, Koala AI has the potential to incorporate more advanced features and improvements, further solidifying its position as a top SEO content generator.
In the ever-evolving landscape of digital marketing, AI-powered content generators like Koala AI have become indispensable tools for businesses and content creators. While the debate over the best SEO blog and content generator continues, Koala AI stands as a strong contender due to its focus on SEO optimization, versatility, user-friendly interface, affordability, and continuous improvement potential.
However, it's essential to remember that the best tool for content generation ultimately depends on individual needs and preferences. Content creators should evaluate Koala AI and its competitors to determine which tool aligns best with their specific goals and objectives. As AI technology continues to advance, the future looks promising for content generation, and Koala AI is positioned to play a significant role in this evolving landscape.
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eudaemoniasystem · 6 months
Hi there! If you're reading this you have made it to the Eudaemonia Archives, a place in which we put our brain stuff in one place and hopefully make some new system/respectful singlet friends.
About us/BYF
Refer to us collectively as Dae, They/Them pronouns
Collective identity is Queer, Genderfluid-flux, Asexual-spec, Abrosexual/Abroromantic. Headmate identities vary, ask if curious/unsure
We are a polyfragmented DID system, Bodily an adult. We do suffer with extreme time-loss, so forgive us for our lack of consistency
We are neurodivergent
We do suffer with other mental health issues, which we will not disclose, please respect our privacy
We will not participate in syscourse, and if brought to our page, will result in instantly blocking.
There will likely be vent posts on this account, we will do our best to tag all major triggers. Please do not ask us to warn for things that will not affect a lot of people, thats just a hassle for us and, in the nicest way possible, you should remove yourself from our page if it triggers you. Yes, this is a safe space, but we will not limit our own freedom to say what we want.
Speaking of the content of this blog, there will be a range, from system experiences, to just wierd thoughts, to random infodumping, anything and everything will go here
Feel free to ask anything, or even just have a chat! We love hearing about other people's interests and hobbies! Feel free to infodump!
We do not always sign off, but our pronouns will always be listed somewhere
We swear, like a lot, and it will not be tagged, if you don't like that, dont follow.
Feel free to correct us on anything as long as you do so respectfully and informatively (example: If we accidentally use a slur, please explain to us why it's a slur or direct us to a resource where we can read up on it)
DNI List
Racist, Xenophobic, ect ect
Homophobic, Transphobic, Enbyphobic
The above includes people who hate one/think neopronouns & xenogenders are cringe, let people exist please
People who create thier own "systems", it fucking sucks to share a body sometimes, why would you want that. (Goes double if you use the word Tulpa, because afaik thats cultural appropriation) (if you "created" your own "system", imo, you're roleplaying, im sorry, thats just how most of us see it)
Dont think introjects are real/Valid
Invalidate fictive heavy systems
To be honest, any kind of fakeclaiming, gtfo this page
Dissing our special interests
Asking about our trauma, We do not owe you anything
Think people are problematic for liking problematic content (when they are aware and dislike that its problematic. Example: We enjoy the harry potter series, We still consume the media because it was nostalgic for us, WE DO NOT agree with JK Rowlings views and accept that parts of the story are an awful representation to certain groups of people)
Call people cringe in a non-jokey manner
All that being said, once again, welcome, and enjoy your time here should you choose to stay
Here are some tags we may use
#Eudaemonia Intros - Headmate intro posts
#Eudaemonia Gen - Random thoughts, General stuff
#Eudaemonia Chaos - Silly posts, Memes, Incorrect/Actual quotes
#Eudaemonia Vents - Self explanatory, these will have a warning for content if needed, then a read more bar
#Eudaemonia Info-Central - Infodumps. will have a read more bar after the subject matter
#Eudaemonia Appreciation - Gushing, Appreciation and stuff along those lines
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lorenzendinesen67 · 8 months
Landing Page Designs: The Trends + Ideas You Need To Know
When used as visual cues, simple doodles can get visitors to pay attention to particular page components such because the lead capture form or the call-to-action button. The present trends mix digital and real-life elements to showcase how standard websites have turn into in on a daily basis life. We’ve curated 4 landing page design trends that can add visual enchantment to your page, make a connection with visitors, and help with conversions. One way to steer the wheel in the right path and inject purpose in landing page design is to create property that immediately address consumer queries. If you’re operating a small business proper now, you understand that your on-line critiques are essential. Whether it’s a social media shout-out, a Google My Business review, or a suggestion on Reddit, an unsolicited positive view of your items or services is efficacious social proof. landing page for website You can use the editor to make as many adjustments as necessary. Moving parts around and changing their colours, size, and form are all too straightforward thanks to the drag-and-drop functionality. Landing pages have been round for a while and right now are the first technique for converting prospects into leads. Marketers are continuously working to optimize their efficiency by analyzing buyer behaviors, load occasions, varieties, and presents to extend conversion rates. Craft concise copy that focuses on highlighting the benefits and worth proposition of your supply. Utilize social media platforms to promote your landing pages and reach a wider viewers. A landing page is a purpose-built website for the promotion of a particular product or campaign. It’s the page that a visitor ‘lands on’ after clicking on a hyperlink in a marketing email, Google ad, native ad, social media ad or submit, or another advertising link. In a saturated on-line world, providing a singular user expertise and a creative design feel and appear are absolutely essential for the success of your landing pages. As companies search for artistic ways to win this important second of reality, comparability campaigns with dedicated landing pages have popped up all over the place. Create full funnel campaigns that drive real business results. Ranging from subtle shade overlays to eye-catching backdrops, gradients can provide depth to an illustration or add texture. Gradients have gotten extra widespread with larger, stronger typography, however more on this trend under. In 2016, when Instagram relaunched, the brand new gradient emblem drew much attention. Use a service like Grammarly, or another specialized checking device to make certain that your content grammatically correct—and that you have not dedicated any cases of unintentional plagiarism. It varies depending on the candidate’s expertise, knowledge, and different components such as the place the designer lives and works. Some will argue that subscribing to a landing page builder is cheaper since you don’t have to worry about additional prices that include hiring an in-house web designer. And most landing page builders can combine third-party solutions to your account. A/B testing refers to launching two or extra variations of the same page, typically with minor differences between them. The aim is to see which version your audience will respond to probably the most. However, if your landing page is just click-through then it's more more likely to have interaction your visitors extra and improve conversion charges. Not everybody will stick around to learn the copy in your landing page, which is part of why video content is rising in popularity. This doesn't mean that your website should be free of textual content, although.
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A Complete Guide to Successful Online Marketing Techniques
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In the current digital era, e-commerce has grown rapidly, transforming into a crowded sector where companies of all sizes compete for customers' attention. E-commerce endeavors can prosper and achieve new levels of success with the correct strategy in place. E-commerce marketing, email marketing, social media advertising, social media management, and website building stand out among the myriad of tactics as being crucial for gaining and sustaining a competitive edge.
E-Commerce Marketing: Getting Around the Digital Environment
A successful online business is based on the foundation of e-commerce marketing. It involves using a comprehensive strategy to advertise goods and services on many digital platforms. Determine who your target market is, do extensive market research, and develop a special value proposition first. To appeal to the preferences and demands of your audience, customize the content, appearance, and user experience of your website. Use SEO strategies to increase the exposure of your website on search engines, making it simpler for potential customers to locate you.
Email Marketing: Building Personal Relationships
Email marketing is still a potent weapon in the e-commerce toolbox. Businesses may keep in touch with their customers directly and personally by developing an email list and creating effective campaigns. Send out interesting material, limited-time offers, and tailored recommendations to keep your audience interested and devoted. In order to ensure that the right message reaches the right client at the right time, segmentation and automation are crucial in this situation.
Social Media Marketing: Expanding Your Audience
The way that brands engage with their consumers has been changed by social media managemnt . The ability to target a certain demographic is made possible by platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn, making them an affordable approach to market your e-commerce company. Create aesthetically engaging material, employ storytelling to its fullest potential, and use analytics to fine-tune your strategy in light of audience engagement statistics.
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Developing a Powerful Online Presence with Social Media Management
More than just providing material is required to manage your social media advertisement networks effectively. The goal is to create a brand-centered community. Engage in conversation, respond to customer inquiries quickly, and exchange user-generated content. Maintain a consistent posting schedule, and make sure your branding is consistent across all media.
Website design: The online storefront
Your online store's website serves as its beating heart. It should be easy to use, mobile-responsive, and visually appealing. Make speedy loading times, secure payment channels, and simple navigation a priority. To establish credibility, regularly add new products to your website, improve the descriptions of your products, and include consumer feedback. To improve the purchasing experience, take into account making tailored recommendations based on user behavior.
Conclusion: Coordinating Excellence in E-Commerce
E-commerce is a dynamic and ever-changing industry. Success depends on your capacity to adapt to new situations and put into practice tactics that appeal to your target market. When properly implemented, e-commerce marketing, email marketing, social media advertising, social media management, and website development construction are all essential elements that combine to form a successful online symphony. Your e-commerce business can succeed in the cutthroat digital environment of today by utilizing these technologies and keeping abreast of the most recent market trends. To address the evolving needs of the digital consumer, always keep in mind that the objective is to provide value, foster relationships, and consistently improve your strategy.
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Hi! I'm Kate (she/they)
The point of this blog is to be a general Vampire Diaries fan blog, but I also post long film analysis focused posts!
I like all characters (except for true villains, like Mikael, and even then I think he's a great character) and all canon (and most fanon) ships. Personal faves include Caroline, Hayley, Elena, Damon, Enzo, Alaric, Rebekah, and klaroline, klayley, haylijah, and delena
If you reblog or comment on a post of mine and say anything negative ("all of this except I hate [this ship]" or "[this character] sucks", etc), I will block you. If you say something negative to a person ("you need therapy for liking [this ship] or [this character] did x, you're literally saying you like [insert bad thing here]"), I will block and report you. I'm here to have fun and share my love of fictional characters, so keep it fun and respectful!
Also if I say something wrong (mislabel an episode, forget a scene, etc) feel free to drop an ask or comment and (respectfully) correct me! I'm a fairly new fan and even though I've seen all of TVD, TO, and Legacies, I'm sure I'm gonna miss things!
And if you want my breakdown of a character, scene, plotline, relationship, etc, please ask me to! Like I said, I like pretty much all the characters and every ship, so I'll be down for anything.
Please note that I do consume media in a primarily character-focused way, and therefore it is not just possible but very likely that I will forget/misremember a plotline. Characters and relationships are my speciality.
I'll link all the super long analysis posts I make below and update it regularly!
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charlie04fermin · 9 months
Transform Your Social Media Existence With A Facebook Advertising Agency
Content writer-Vinter Vinter Are you tired of feeling like a little fish in a big sea of social networks? It's time to make a dash and take charge of your on the internet existence. With the help of a Facebook ad agency, you can change your social networks video game and also get to new elevations of success. Image this: you are a skyrocketing eagle, moving over the competitors, easily recording the attention of your target market. Appears attracting, does not it? Well, it's not just a fantasy. By taking advantage of the power of Facebook advertising and marketing, you can boost your brand name and draw in the appropriate type of focus. However where do you begin? That's where a Facebook ad agency is available in. They are the professionals in crafting targeted and efficient advertisements that will make your brand sparkle. So, are you prepared to take your social networks existence to the following degree? Let's dive in as well as uncover the opportunities together.
Recognizing the Power of Facebook Marketing
You may not recognize it, but Facebook marketing has the power to entirely change your social media sites visibility. With over 2.8 billion month-to-month active users, Facebook gives a substantial platform for reaching your target audience. By leveraging the innovative targeting alternatives and effective analytics tools, you can develop highly customized as well as effective ad campaigns that drive involvement, increase brand awareness, and generate leads. Unlike traditional advertising techniques, Facebook allows you to specifically target your ads based on demographics, passions, habits, and also also specific communications with your site or application. This level of precision ensures that your ads are seen by the right people at the correct time, maximizing your possibilities of success. So, if you wish to take your social media sites video game to the following level, partnering with a Facebook ad agency is the way to go. They have the know-how as well as experience to help you browse the complexities of Facebook advertising and marketing and also achieve exceptional results.
Collaborating with a Facebook Ad Agency
Partnering with a specialized company can considerably improve your online marketing method. When https://startup.info/how-to-navigate-digital-marketing/ comes to Facebook marketing, collaborating with an expert company can offer you with the competence and resources needed to maximize your results. With their knowledge of the platform's formulas, targeting choices, and also ad layouts, they can produce reliable projects that reach your target market and drive conversions. Furthermore, companies have access to innovative devices and also analytics that can track the performance of your advertisements and make data-driven optimizations. To offer https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZzLbCJqAXU , here is a table showcasing the advantages of dealing with a Facebook advertising agency: | Advantages of Collaborating With a Facebook Ad Agency | | ------------------------------------------------------ | | Knowledge in Facebook advertising and marketing strategies | | Accessibility to advanced targeting choices | | Capacity to develop appealing advertisement styles | | Data-driven optimizations to boost outcomes | By partnering with a Facebook advertising agency, you can transform your social networks existence and also accomplish far better advertising end results.
Creating Targeted and also Effective Ads
When working with a specialized firm, harness the power of targeted as well as reliable advertisements to raise your online marketing method. Here are 4 crucial ways to create ads that will astound your target market and also drive results: 1. Define your target audience: Plainly determine the demographics, interests, and behaviors of your perfect consumers to tailor your advertisements specifically to them. 2. Craft engaging copy: Write succinct and also persuasive ad copy that orders attention, highlights the benefits of your product or service, as well as consists of a strong call-to-action. 3. Involving visuals: Use captivating pictures or video clips that reverberate with your target market and efficiently share your message. 4. Test and enhance: Continuously display and also evaluate the performance of your ads, making changes to maximize their efficiency and return on investment. By executing these techniques, you can create ads that resonate with your target market and also drive purposeful involvement and conversions for your company. Frequently Asked Questions
Just how much does it cost to hire a Facebook advertising agency?
Hiring a Facebook advertising agency may appear expensive, but the return on investment deserves it. They have the proficiency to maximize your advertisements, target the right target market, as well as enhance your conversions, eventually increasing your company's success.
Can I still handle my own social media sites accounts while working with a Facebook advertising agency?
Yes, you can still handle your very own social media accounts while dealing with a Facebook advertising agency. They can assist optimize your ads and supply guidance, yet you have full control over your accounts.
What are the crucial metrics that suggest the success of a Facebook advertising campaign?
Secret metrics that suggest the success of a Facebook advertising campaign include click-through price, conversion rate, expense per click, and also return on advertisement invest. These metrics aid you determine interaction, efficiency, as well as the overall effect of your project.
Can a Facebook advertising agency aid me with content production for my social networks accounts?
Yes, a Facebook advertising agency can assist you produce content for your social networks accounts. They have the proficiency to create interesting as well as targeted material that will certainly resonate with your target market and also drive results.
The length of time does it typically take to see arise from a Facebook advertising campaign managed by an agency?
On average, you can anticipate to see results from a Facebook advertising campaign managed by a firm within a couple of weeks. However, the specific timeframe might vary based upon variables like campaign objectives, target audience, as well as ad optimization. Verdict To conclude, partnering with a Facebook advertising agency can entirely change your social media existence. By utilizing the power of targeted ads on this platform, you can reach a broader audience and achieve your marketing goals. With their expertise as well as advice, you can develop advertisements that are not just reliable however additionally customized to your specific target market. Dealing with a Facebook advertising agency is like having a skilled conductor leading a band, making certain that every note is had fun with accuracy and harmony. Don't lose out on this chance to raise your social media sites video game.
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modesto30gabriel · 10 months
Confused About Advertising On Facebook or myspace? Do This Guidance These days!
Content written by-Haynes Willoughby In relation to marketing, why not use one of the more well-liked social media programs in existence? Facebook marketing and advertising has gotten off recently and even for good explanation, it is among the best ways to get your business in contact with the masses. Read on and find out all that you should about Facebook or twitter advertising and marketing. Incorporate your Facebook or myspace site together with your other campaigns. Place hyperlinks to the Fb page on your own blog site, web site and in the personal of your specialist e-mail. You need to draw attention to your Facebook or twitter page by showing it in order to get access to exclusive information and more promotional offers. Building a contest for your personal Facebook or twitter webpage is something you may have some achievement with. Try out getting your buyers to 'like' your site by offering them anything for free. Broadcast winners on your webpage and recurring as necessary. Imagine a valid reason why individuals should turn out to be a fan of you or your company. When you can response this "why", you will be willing to deliver something for them that'll get your fans to stick all around and turn into engaged with all the company. Allow it to be the center of your campaign.
Whenever you publish anything, one of your goals should be to bring about replies out of your local community. For that reason, consider each and every submit and discover how to phrase issues in order that men and women would like to discuss what you will need to say. Explicitly requesting views is one of the ideal way to accomplish this.
How To Use Facebook For Business Marketing
Personalized followers allows you to customize the e-mail that you just deliver. This will aid laser light focus certain advertising and marketing messages you send. Special deals committed to previous customers, for instance. It will save you time and cash. Use video clips to make your Facebook or twitter webpage more fascinating. Fb is a very visible social networking foundation. It's considerably more graphic than Youtube. Pictures are fantastic on Facebook or twitter, and video tutorials can actually be display stoppers. If you've obtained great videos to share with you, you will see your site content get much more likes!
When Did Social Media Marketing Start
If you wish to use Marketed Posts, achieve this just with your own fan base. Every time a no-fan notices "Marketed", believe that it's a "Subsidized Ad" and are likely to never click on it. Your existing fans won't feel that way while they already know your identiity and the things you do, and obviously enjoy it. Step one with regards to developing a Facebook advertising campaign is usually to write down your targets. Precisely what do you wish to emerge from your work? Would you like to increase income? Do you want to retain devoted consumers? Do you need to make interactions?
What Does A Social Media Marketing Manager Do
Don't feel that you need to update your page if what you will need to say has absolutely nothing to do with your content. You could possibly really feel influenced to reveal personalized up-dates or share some current occasions, but remember these may not interest all the clients. Personalized projects and updates must be shared making use of your personal profile. Put photos to the account site. Everyone loves photos and it really is correct that an image may be worth thousands of phrases. Whenever your fans can easily see what you will need to supply, your prospects along with your products or services, or what you represent, they will sense much more of a connection to the business. Take https://www.forbes.com/sites/forbesagencycouncil/2021/10/29/social-media-marketing-tips-every-business-should-be-using/ of the software containers that are just under the cover image on the page. It really is easy to make small applications that can straight end users in your genuine website or to your Youtube site, by way of example. You can even modify the pictures in the cases, allowing you to placed your distinct stamp on points. Be tactical about once you submit. Each target audience is different regarding the time they must surf social media sites throughout the day. If you are posting at 9am, however your audience will surf at nighttime, then you definitely are losing out on gold possibilities to create connection and local community using these men and women. Post once your audience is usually all around. Created a fundraiser on Facebook or twitter. Fundraisers are excellent as it offers you a good reason to be "difficult sell" marketing in ways that folks admiration. You are doing it to the increased good, nevertheless the side advantage that the brand's brand is becoming on the market way too. That's a succeed-succeed situation. Placed a face to the name. web page will notice that your followers will enjoy knowing specifically who they really are talking to if you interact on the webpage. Put in a image of your self hence they know who you really are. You may also opt to reveal some information about what you are about, too. Find out everything you can about Fb and see how points work towards it. The better educated you are, the better you will find it to make use of diverse capabilities. Take advantage of the aid heart found on Facebook or myspace to find out numerous things other folks don't know. This advantage definitely repays. Before you decide to start a Fb advertising campaign, focus on your marketing desired goals. It's critical that your account use a message and concentration on aimed towards a specific action. For instance, make use of it to improve product sales with repeated special offers or perhaps to get people to purchase a particular collection of products. A broad user profile is not going to create very much enjoyment, but one that buzzes with activity will! Think about each enterprise and exciting inside your Facebook or twitter advertising. Frequently individuals feel too much organization, nevertheless they neglect that Facebook or myspace is actually regarding the exciting. You must integrate fun into the blogposts, your strategies, along with your strategies. The greater number of entertaining you could include, the better the possibility that you'll success your markings. Don't imagine Fb similar to a local newspaper. It's not about forcing info to folks. It's about speaking an building solid partnerships. When you tend to announce as an alternative to communicate, then you're in jeopardy of alienating a great deal of your prospective enthusiasts. Speak with them, not their way. That will improve your marketing and advertising. In relation to enterprise, you usually have to remain above individuals you compete against. You will need to work tirelessly to understand what to do to higher their techniques. This information has given you with a start off, so continue to keep understanding and reading through to make sure you continue to be in the front in the load once and for all.
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careeralley · 1 year
Best Ideas for Starting Your Own Business
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Career Alternatives Are you tired of the 9 to 5 grind? Maybe your industry or the company you work for is headed for failure. Or maybe you are just tired of working for other people and want to manage your own destiny. Whatever your reasons for thinking about making a drastic change in your career, there are tons of career alternatives that you can consider. You may even be starting your own business. The best place to start is to focus on products and services that you know a lot about. There are many things to consider when starting your own business (which we will cover in a future post). First, you need to know what business you are going to start. If you don't really know where to start, then consider one of the following ideas: Online Discount Blogger Yes, this is a career.  There are many websites that aggregate discounts, promo codes, and coupons. They help people save money on trips, products, services, online gambling as well as reviewing products and sites. What You Need You need to have really good Internet research skills and be able to develop relationships with sites that offer coupons in order to get affiliate income Education and Training Requirements While no degree is required, extensive experience in software engineering, programming or web-based design would be ideal. How to Get Started This is a fast-growing career and very competitive. The good news is that most of the growth is as a result of demand, mostly from aging Baby Boomers who looking to save money or those who are in entry-level jobs looking for "deals". Great sales and marketing skills are key, but more importantly, your online network is the most important. Starting your own practice/business can be a bit challenging, but is not impossible. Hooking up with similar sites as a "complementary" business (such as with travel companies) is also a good business model. Try different ways to market your business using social media, which is currently the easiest (and most effective) marketing strategy you can use. Gaining popularity on platforms like Instagram requires a little effort but it is worthwhile. You can also try to use common marketing strategies such as consumer engagement and content creation. Hooking up with similar sites as a “complementary” business (such as with travel companies) is also a good business model. LASSO: Affiliate Link Manager for Wordpress Find new income opportunities, increase clicks, and measure what's making money by managing your links with LASSO. Sign Up for LASSO Today! We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. Most importantly, find some aspect to specialize in and create a niche market. Required Reading  How to Be a Blogger and Vlogger in 10 Easy Lessons: Learn how to create your own blog, vlog, or podcast and get it out in the blogosphere! (Super Skills) Photo by Clark Young on Unsplash Manufacturing Business Starting a manufacturing business can be challenging, but if you have a great idea you want to bring to market, then this may be your business. One really big challenge is making a business as efficient as possible if you want to be competitive and profitable. Keep in mind that the systems that are used to manufacture products are not always checked during the production phase. There are software platforms that can help to check on these systems, and manufacturing software will make it easier for you to note successes and flaws in the system (and correct them where necessary). What You Need Efficiency is a key component of the process. Plan out the entire process before you build it so that you can have the maximum efficiency in place from the start. A key component of being efficient is to log and track all expenses. Producing items costs money, and you need to be careful with your cost of production as well as the cost of your raw materials. Location is key and creating a plan before starting to build your manufacturing process. Leverage as many experienced individuals as you can learn from their mistakes. Education and Training Requirements No specific education is required. Of course, engineers have a great head start. More important is your understanding of the product you are creating (materials, refining, etc.), as well as the level of skills, required to manufacture (technology products versus furniture). How to Get Started As with real estate, location is key. The old "starting from your garage" would be ideal if practical (just make sure you don't run afoul of any local laws). Make a list of all of the materials and equipment you will need.  If possible, rent equipment rather than buying from the start. Finally, you must have a plan, the most important part of which is a "cash burn plan".  You must fully understand how much real cash you will need over how many weeks/months to cover all expenditures (including your own) until your new business is cash flow positive. Set up bank lines of credit where possible. Required Reading How to Start a Manufacturing Business - A Step by Step Guide to Starting a New Small Manufacturing Company Photo by rawpixel.com on Unsplash Business Planning Service Business planning is a form of consulting (see below), which is specifically focused on helping individuals and businesses to plan. Specifically, Business Planning services help individuals focus on the type of business they would like to open, the types of activities will their business will be performing, the timing as to when do they plan to start their business, where their business be located, the type of business structure to be used and, last, but not least, what the business will be called. What You Need You need to be well-versed in basic business models and all of the aspects required to start a business and run a business. This includes familiarity with finance, accounting, law, project management, and budgeting. Education and Training Requirements If you start your own practice, no specific degree is required. However, if you specialize in any one area such as human resource management, financial services, or technology, having a degree in one of those areas certainly helps. Having an overall business degree will help as well. How to Get Started As with some of the other careers in this post, you must be good at marketing yourself, and leveraging your networks. Join professional organizations such as the Association for Strategic Planning (www.strategyplus.org) – there are some great resources here. Create an Internet presence for yourself by creating a website with a good logo. To help you with this, you can use this free logo maker from Looka. Then link up with some business partners who offer complementary other services Required Reading How to Work for Yourself: 100 Ways to Make the Time, Energy and Priorities to Start a Business, Book, or Blog Consulting Consultants leverage their knowledge and experience in a specific professional field to help clients in need of specific expertise. A consultant should be able to demonstrate and leverage experience and accomplishments. Consulting is very broad and can cover many areas of business. Consultants are sometimes hired to supplement staff at a company. Consultants are sometimes used in restructuring and strategy-related activities at a new or existing business. What You Need You need excellent interpersonal skills, great marketing skills, and the ability to summarize information for senior executives. Great presentation skills are also a plus. Education and Training Requirements Most consultants typically have a bachelor's degree in a focused subject, such as technology, accounting, or finance. Experience is a huge plus, as this is what most companies will look for when deciding whether or not to hire a consultant. Project management experience is also a skill set that is expected. How to Get Started If this sounds very similar to Business Planning, it is. Marketing yourself and leveraging your networks will determine much of your success. Join professional organizations such as the Institute of Management Consultants or Association of Management Consulting Firms. Create an Internet presence for yourself by creating a website. Link up with some business partners who offer complementary other services. Required Reading Getting Started in Consulting Photo by Victor Freitas on Unsplash Personal Trainer So what is a personal trainer? A personal trainer is an individual who helps create a personalized fitness and training plan for clients based on their needs. They set up goals and provide regular feedback to their clients. What you need Having an interest in health and fitness is a given. There are many additional traits that are required to become a personal trainer. In addition to good interpersonal skills, you need to be able to both motivate and nurture your clients.  It obviously helps if you lead are knowledgeable health and fitness and, while you don't need to look like a bodybuilder, being in good shape goes a long way to getting your clients to have faith in you. Education and Training Requirements Education is not as important as becoming certified as a Personal Trainer. To do this you need to find the right certification course for you. How and where you receive your certification will have a significant impact on your ability to get and retain clients. There are a number of recognized and respected certification programs (such as those offered by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America). How to Get Started Once you've got your certification, it's time to get clients. Creating a plan regarding "client acquisition" is a great start. Word of mouth, friends, family, etc. If you are great with the gift of gab, the health club is one of the best places to do this (just be careful they don't toss you out!). Another great option is to start out working for a fitness club to "learn the ropes", and then break off on your own and create that business! How To Value a Business: Quick Start Guide $7.99 First-time business owners can relate to the feeling of owning a business is akin to having your first baby. It becomes their source of pride and for most, an obsession.You spend so much time conceptualizing the business, making business plans, picking out a product, allocating people and so much more. Buy from Amazon We earn a commission if you click this link and make a purchase at no additional cost to you. 02/07/2023 02:53 am GMT Read the full article
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