#there is in-depth explaination for each of these designs but most of them amount to ''what is semi-opposite of them thematically speaking''
redstonebug · 2 years
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A couple of doodles i made a little while back brainstorming Helsmit thoughts off the top of my head, including just for fun some... Vault Helsmits? Hels Hunters? you get it.
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animehouse-moe · 1 year
The Case Study of Vanitas Manga Covers Explained
So, it has come to my attention that some people haven't clued in to the themes and symbolism of all of the covers for The Case Study of Vanitas. So, I am here now to explain the intricacies and important and impressive details of each cover so everyone can appreciate how outstanding these covers are. So without further ado, time to get a little too into something benign and slightly pointless.
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Volume 1
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So, allow me to state the obvious first. The "theme" of Vanitas here is Vanitas, as it's an actual painting style that combines vanity (go figure) with death essentially. Putting the opulence of life in opposition with the absolutism of death. You see it with the skull wearing a crown, for one, or the other skeletal figures that decorate the mirror.
Well, I guess I should explain that first, actually. Each cover has a mirror, in one way or another. A look into the characters, a reflection of themselves through both the frame and the actual contents of the mirror.
So anyways, in the mirror, we have the blue moon and the spider's web that we associate with Altus Paris. The undeniable connection that Vanitas has to the Babel Incident, Vampires, and Vanitas of the Blue Moon. As the first volume cover it's very well designed to evoke that connection without giving readers a touch more.
Volume 2
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Next up we have Noe (one of my favorite covers). This one is interesting for a few reasons integral to his character as a Vampire. Firstly though, we have the two important bits cresting the the mirror, a pen and paper (to be taken as a journal) and the blue flowers of Noe's childhood with his teacher. They are integral aspects of his character in that he was never afraid of the blue moon like other vampires, and that his family's ability to feel the memories of others through their blood.
Alongside that we have his Teacher in the mirror, hands wrapped around Noe. It's pretty evident symbolism for how much his Teacher has him wrapped around his fingers, and how he's the controlling force within Noe's life. Outside of the mirror though, Noe is covered in blood from drinking it from someone. This is pretty easy to relate to Noe's line about a certain someone's fate, which he mentions within the first volume.
Volume 3
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I find this cover particularly interesting, though it is not quite my favorite. Once more we see the Vanitas style applied to the mirror, though this one is special. It's a mirror that goes both ways. We're only seeing it from Vanitas' side. Regardless, Vanitas is both stained with blood and marked, while sharing the chain of the Book of Vanitas with Noe. This is pretty clearly symbolizes the nature of their connection, that Noe is chained to the book rather than Vanitas himself in this case.
Aside from that there's nothing incredibly crazy to it, though the water from the mirror and Vanitas' side disappears on the exterior of the mirror once it passes the plane that the mirror exists on. Essentially, the water only exists in the mirror and on Vanitas' side of it. The same can be said of Noe, as the "rest" of them on the volume is colored completely different.
Volume 4
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I really love this one. The mirror is decorated with all manner of flowers to make it "pretty", and Jeanne is all dressed up as well. However, her mirror is coiling around her arm, trapping her in place. She's unable to leave it, stuck within it so to speak, eternally struggling to view herself how she so desires. But, we have Vanitas' hand pulling against this. He is there to free Jeanne of her mirror, to free her of the blood-stained thing that she desperately tries to hide.
It's a pretty straightforward theme that doesn't have a great deal to explain, but it has a really incredible amount of depth to it, especially considering the second part of the anime.
Volume 5
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This one, this one is very interesting. It's arguably the most unique/divergent of the bunch. It doesn't adhere to quite the same rules as the prior 4, but still conducts itself like it does. I won't act as confident with this one, but I believe this cover to be from within the mirror. Things are as they are, and they are effectively trapped by the Beast of Gévaudan, which hovers menacingly in the background through the mirror.
Most interestingly however is the smaller details. We don't get to see Noe's right hand, and the book of Vanitas is not visible compared to it being featured in both of Vanitas' previous covers. Alongside that, we have the foreshadowing of the cover, with a certain spear covering Vanitas' leg. It's very well done and impressively creative, but is just a little too divergent from the rest for me to really sell my standpoint on it, so there's certainly room for personal interpretation here.
Volume 6
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Really, all these covers are just so pretty. Here with Astolfo though, there's a couple of things that stand out. The spider's web, the butterfly, the damaged and odd mirror.
Let's start with the overall appeal. It's decrepit, it's damaged- tattered, if you will. A mess, a state of disrepair or lack of care. It all speaks to Astolfo's character, what his life left him as, and where he aims for. It's another more unspoken cover that digs deep into his character. For example, Have you realized that what they stand upon is a pile of skulls? Or that there is a fungus or something of the sort in place of the withered and dying roses along the bottom of the mirror? Or that the mirror itself is thorny?
Volume 7
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I do quite enjoy this one for how simple it is. Jeanne Jaques and Chloe share a mirror in this volume cover to better represent their relationship. And along the outline of the mirror is a type of music sheet to better relate to Chloe's history and purpose. To cap it all off is the positioning of the mirror though. Shining a light down from above, like they're trapped in a dark cage and it is the only source around them.
It's just really well done, and then there's the details on Jeanne Jacques, that he's the only one with blood on him, that his eyes are glowing and that he has that flame alight his left shoulder. It's really expert work and stuff you might not typically pick up on.
Volume 8
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I could speak on this mirror for ages, but I will endeavor to keep it short. The mirror isn't just Domi's reflection, it is Domi. She's losing her sense of self, she's losing who she is, being pulled deeper into the cracked and dark mirror. Falling deeper into the visage of her brother Louis who has turned his back on her. She has her sword drawn, a sense of duty mixed with fear and sorrow is traced across her face. She's afraid that the boundaries that comprise Domi are being broken apart, not much unlike the mirror, and that she'll lose sight of herself as guilt drags her deeper into memory.
Vol 9
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Butterflies are something that we manage to see quite a bit of in these covers thanks to their symbolism. But more interesting than that is the standout butterfly, the one butterfly for noe that shines red against the hues of blue that Vanitas finds himself slumbering beneath, trapped within the desires of Mikhail.
It's a rather self-explanatory cover, but still a very solid one. The exterior of the mirror meant to mimic the Book of Vanitas, with pins decorating its exterior to "hold" it in place similar to how you pin an insect up to display it. Along with that is another show of the symbolism of chains, though this one in a different manner. It does not attach Vanitas to Mikahil, but rather Mikhail uses it to trap Vanitas.
Volume 10
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And we finish the foray into the covers with volume 10. This one is very pretty, and the only cover in which we don't directly see Vanitas' earring. Of course, the mirror is his earring, as well as a window into both Vanitas and Noe.
More than that though, the mirrors themselves continue the theme of chains, as they decorate the exterior of the hourglass figure. Vanitas being responsible for the dark and rainy mirror of the top, with Noe taking the brighter bottom half. It's an interesting one to see given the covers for volume 3 and 5, but one that fits incredibly well with where the story leaves off at. Showing the opposite natures that the two posses, but that regardless, one will always fall into the other.
So there you have it, my takes on the importance and symbolism of Mochizuki Jun's expertly crafted manga covers. There's really such a great deal to appreciate in them, especially given how light the designs can be for them. They clearly went to great lengths to attach a theme to the covers that would be integral to the overall approach they have with the characters, and for that I'm really thankful (and impressed).
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rolloollor · 5 months
Deleted Scene from Dark Fire (Smoldering Desire) Where MalleRollo Storm Idia's Room
I wanted this to work and tried it a few ways, but it always felt like filler to me. Anyway, here's one version of it. It's not super polished or anything.
Note that this has an abrupt end since it's where I went "No, this isn't working." I'm the kind of writer that has to write out the majority of a scene before I realize it isn't working...
This scene takes place soon after the birthday. I replaced it with Ortho dropping in to check up on Rollo.
As they walked to their final class, Flamme turned to Malleus. “Do you think we could find Ortho after school? I should apologize for… the confusion.”
With no club activities, they had some free time between their last period and dinner. They had vanished on the younger Shroud without explaining why, which would have startled anyone. Lilia had handled it. But he doubted that was good enough for Flamme.
“We could try, but I don’t know where he spends his time. The older Shroud would. We could visit him.”
“In his room, I suppose. We can go there?”
“I’m certain we can find it.”
And so, once freed from scholarly restraints, he brought Flamme to the dorm entrances. One thing Malleus had noticed in his time at Night Raven College was that the Ignihyde mirror had the least amount of traffic. It also had one of the more geometric designs, along with a Cerberus’ three heads glowering at anyone who dared approach. Quaint.
They passed through.
A staircase hewn from rock stretched in front of them, climbing around a natural stone pillar. Behind them, scores of boney fingers reached through blue mist. Skeletal figures with glowing ultramarine eyes rose from the depths to support an ancient building—likely the dorm itself. Nothing but the sound of languidly flowing water and the distant whirr of electronics reached them. Desolate. Ominous. It was no Diasomnia, but the aesthetic had promise.
Flamme started up the steps, every footfall echoing out into the ether. "This completely unsuitable for a child," he mumbled.
“He can fly, so the lack of any railing poses no threat.” Malleus caught up to Flamme. He ensured that he stood between Flamme and the edge of the stairs because he might rather take a fall than use magic to catch himself if he slipped. Not that Malleus couldn’t pluck Flamme out of the air, if need be.
“I mean the décor.” Flamme gestured toward one of the skeletons, its skull pointed toward the path, as though it could observe them. “But it is dangerous, as well.”
As they entered the dorm building, they found the common area. The vast room had pairs of couches sprinkled about, each with a gap between them. A massive object made up of black, inorganic roots stretched from the floor to the ceiling. Charts and symbols made of light flickered in the air.
A grand total of two students, aside from himself and Flamme, made use of the place. They sat across from each other, each engrossed in their own square of flashing colors.
Flamme marched over and stood beside the table between them. “Excuse me.”
One jolted and jerked his head toward Flamme. The other, wearing black earmuffs, had not noticed anything amiss.
The Ignihyde student looked Flamme up and down. “You’re… in the wrong dorm.”
“I wish to speak to Shroud. Where is his room?”
“Ah. Yeah, good, bother him instead of me. Go out through there,” he paused, pointing to a pair of metal sheets without doorknobs. “And down the hall. His room is the last one on the left.”
Without bothering with thanks, Flamme returned to Malleus’ side. They left the pair of students to their squares.
Were most Ignihyde students like Shroud?
The two doors glided apart to allow them through once they approached. On the other side, archaic pillars lined a hall with walls, floor, and ceiling covered in triangle designs. Between certain columns, graphs made of light displaying something or other hovered. Not a speck of dust remained on any surface.
A silver disc rolled horizontally across the ground, making a whooshing sound as it came around a corner. It had no eyes. How did it know where to go? Malleus couldn’t tear his gaze away from it, even as they passed the thing on their way to the leftmost part of the corridor.
"What do you imagine that round creature is doing?" Malleus asked Flamme, nodding toward the disc.
Flamme's eyebrows furrowed as he gave Malleus a long look. "I believe that is a vacuum."
An absence of matter? No, that wasn't right. Whatever it was, Flamme’s tone didn’t sound promising.
"It’s cleaning,” Flamme said.
All by itself. It had quite a bit of ground to cover, so it must have been dedicated. “How admirable. But it can’t handle a gargoyle. Correct?”
“No.” Flamme’s pace slowed. He glanced at Malleus from the corner of his eye. “Would you rather have a machine assist you?”
What a ridiculous question. “There is no one I would trust more to work with gargoyles than you.”
Finally, the end of the hall came to meet them. Instead of a window, opaque black glass, framed in yet another triangle, hung on the wall. On their right was another passageway with sliding doors and no way to open them. They refused to part at their advance.
“Should we knock?” Flamme asked, glaring at his reflection in the metal.
“No need.” He channeled magic, wrapping it around both components of the door.
Flamme clicked his tongue. “This is a waste.”
“It won’t require much.”
The sliding doors juddered and wobbled as the material whined, but they stood no chance. A screech sounded from inside the room—Shroud, no doubt. Finally, the two metal sheets thrust apart, slamming into their hidden compartments. The way was now clear.
A pajama-clad Shroud whirled around in his swivel chair, knocking an open instant noodle cup onto the ground. Brown liquid oozed onto his rug. But the area around the chair, which should have been blue like the rest of the fabric, was already darkened by previous stains.
“Augh, dark spirit has invaded! I’m not ready for PVP!” Shroud cried.
Sometimes he seemed to speak a different language. “What is Pee Vee Pee?” Malleus asked.
Shroud pointed at Flamme. “What’s he doing here? You led him to me! Did he hit you with a status effect?! Confusion? Anything but charm!”
Flamme surveyed the room, but the younger Shroud was not there. Only then did he turn to face Shroud, who blanched and covered his face. One of his fluffy trouser legs (covered in pink and green creatures of some sort) had landed right in the overturned cup noodle mess.
“Cease your rambling, Shroud,” Flamme said. “I had hoped to speak to Ortho. Do you know where he is?”
Shroud steeled himself for something, perhaps expecting a blow. When Flamme brought his handkerchief to his nose, but did nothing else, Shroud eased his arms down.
“Oh. Yeah… he said something about…” His voice became too quiet to hear.
“Speak up, Shroud,” Malleus said.
Another flinch. He snatched a blue rectangle off his desk and held it up to his face.
Odd… but Flamme did something similar, did he not? Though he could at least maintain eye contact with his handkerchief.
“He mentioned your, uh, talk. He was worried about your doki doki panic more than anything, but don’t you think it’s kinda weird to spring that stuff on him? You’ve barely had a conversation. How did you even get those dialogue options? Normies, I swear…”
Either Flamme had understood what a dough key was or he had refused to even entertain the word because he sneered at Shroud. “Oh, you think have a leg to stand on when it comes to questionable decisions. The impudence of criticizing me when you—”
“Flamme.” Malleus put a hand on Flamme’s arm which, thankfully, captured his attention. “We came here to look for the small Shroud. He is elsewhere. Don’t fight with the larger Shroud.”
Frowning, Flamme sniffed. “At least keep your room clean to set a good example.”
“Hah!” Shroud peered from over the top of his rectangle. “He’s not some monkey see monkey do kid—he’s good on his own!”
 “Ah, it all makes sense now.” Flamme tilted his head up and looked down his handkerchief-covered nose at Shroud. “I couldn’t understand how such a well-behaved child could develop from your tutelage, but I suppose we should be glad he knows a poor role model when he sees one.”
Again, he stopped, but he threw Malleus a glare. Worse, Shroud chose this time to let out his strange laugh.
“Shroud, you are not helping.”
Perhaps he should have known better than to bring them together. The younger Shroud was friendly, but the older one was anything but.
“He has a lot of dialogue for a boss we defeated already.” Shroud sighed, shaking his head. “Ortho’s with his club right know. The Film Appreciation one. They spawn all over the school, so who knows where they are today.”
Flamme flattened his lips into a thin line. Indeed, this news complicated things.
“Then will you pass on a message for me?” he asked, the words small, hesitant. “I want to apologize for disappearing without warning. And… I want to thank him. He was very helpful.”
This was the perfect opportunity for Shroud to petulantly tell him no and spew some more words no one else understood. But Shroud said nothing for a moment, his gaze on the floor. The spilled cup noodle had, no doubt, gone cold by now.
“Fine. Quest accepted. Just don’t barge into my room again.”
Flamme huffed. “Rest assured, I have no intention of returning. Let’s go, Malleus.”
If Flamme was satisfied, then that was enough for him. They departed. Flamme hurried down the hall, his arms straight at his sides—he must have wanted to leave as soon as possible.
“Wait! Aren’t you going to fix my door?!” Shroud called after them.
He had ruined it—etiquette dictated that he should go back and fix it. But Flamme didn’t acknowledge Shroud’s comment and, if anything, increased his pace. Malleus matched him. Shroud could repair his own machinery.
They rushed their way through the cavernous common room and out to the staircase that led back to the mirror. Flamme finally slowed. He treated the steps with the respect they deserved, no doubt thanks to his responsibilities in the bell tower.
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manlyquail · 3 months
Netflix Avatar
I've got many thoughts I want to get out and so why not just make a "nobody asked and nobody cares" word vomit about my opinions on the Netflix Avatar series!
It'll be below the cut, but let me say I thoroughly enjoyed it but am on the fence about if it did need to exist or not given how perfect the original is. I could go either way honestly, and would watch more if more came out, but I'll explain more stuff in spoilers below.
I'll break this into a few sections, Positives, Negatives, Neutrals, and some sort of summary for my thoughts, but there is probably going to be some overlap since some things could fall into a few categories.
Positive First:
So this could stem from trauma from the last time things came around, but I thought the bending in the series looked way better (for the most part...). The opening scene alone felt like an atonement for how done dirty Earthbenders were in *that movie* and everything felt really fluid.
The characters in general all felt really true to themselves (again, for the most part). I was skeptical at first when news came out about Sokka's removed sexism, but honestly with the way his character arc played out based on the pressure to be a leader and a warrior I think it still worked out fine.
There was a surprising amount in the series that I thought would be material that would just get cut out, which was simultaneously a pro and a con. It was good to see a few certain story elements (SECRET TUNNELLLLL) but the way they overlapped in order to get several things in at the same time makes some of them a pro and some of them a con.
The payoff for "MY CABBAGES" had me rolling. 10/10
For the most part, every time I saw a character I knew immediately who they were. Costume and character design were great, sets and backgrounds were beautiful, everything on this front felt good.
One highlight is tied to the changes made around Zuko's backstory and his crew. His belief in not sacrificing the soldiers and them being assigned to him (and Iroh's telling of this fact to the questioning soldiers) was a great addition in my opinion. It added more depth beyond just the sympathy originally given to Zuko because of his scar.
Each (recent) Avatar getting their own spot in the light was fun. Roku's personality was enjoyable even if he was only around briefly.
Finale was super fun to watch, the effects of the moon changes across all the characters and the spirit rage had me pretty hyped.
In general the balls to burn so many people alive caught me off guard as far as ratings go, but I won't complain!
The sexism addressed in the North was a good bit of development for a few characters, although without Sokka's sexism through the early parts and a moment that really felt close to 'She has help' I'm a little on the fence about the impact it had there.
Absolutely loved June.
There's probably a few smaller things I missed here or there but in general lots of positives, thought with those comes
I'll get this out right away because this was honestly the biggest gripe I had out of anything else. I was not entirely sold on Azula, Ty Lee, and Mai. For me they personally looked too young, the rounded cheeks felt too innocent didn't sell me on the fierce and sharp features Azula demonstrates in the show, but I'm really trying not to get too hung up on this element. Azula is honestly an impossible standard, and I think what was demonstrated was still okay, but I'll be brutally honest that her victory at the very end over Omashu took a lot of the wind out of my sails, especially following the dramatic war of the North. I think maybe the actresses could grow into the characters, but when I picture scenes like the desert standoff with everyone versus Azula it just doesn't vibe.
Airbending when it was first shown felt a little too 'wee I'm on a wire and special effects!' which was somewhat painful. The combat aspects of it felt a lot better and the glider scenes worked, but I was pretty nervous when Aang first made his way down from the towers.
The Kiyoshi scene while cool at first felt brief and somewhat underwhelming. We saw some guys get grabbed by water tentacles and then a big swirl tornado of all the elements but that was really it. People got tossed around and the instant they retreated the state ended. It was cool to see Kiyoshi but I feel like the badassery could've come through at least a little more.
They really nail over the head 'Friendship is magic!' almost too much. Each Avatar basically told Aang not to have attachments or get too close to people because its bad juju, and the lesson 'I only got this far because I work with my friends' got old fast.
Aang additionally didn't do any learning with Katara during her waterbending training headed North. I'm on the fence about this because a lot of extra drama was cut out (no Bato, no pirates and the questioning about morals of stealing a scroll, no jealousy of Katara from Aang's training, etc.). Additionally one weird change (I know I noticed this as a positive earlier), but the Cave of Two Lovers was entirely a Sokka / Katara scene, and the narrative was compressed a little bit so that their 'sibling love' on an emotional level was the reasoning the badgermoles escorted them out, as opposed to either music or following the lights (which they brought up the lights but then made it a red herring?). On that note this cave appeared in Book 2 on the return trip to Omashu, but here it just showed up to get Katara and Sokka into the palace (warned about Palace Guards which I guess also weren't a problem, and this was at the top of the city but tunnels under... anyways...).
A small nitpick but something I remember laughing at; Katara does a training scene where she hits herself in the face with water and proceeds to try and wipe it off, but she's entirely dry, so that... just felt funny.
Avatar Roku didn't get much time in the light either (not even a dragon), and several spirit moments were crammed into one. Yue is a fox spirit that was randomly in the forest, Wan Shi Tong was there to (only heard by Aang) give an ominous warning that his friends would be in danger, and then Koh was also there to... just be a creepy cannibal centipede? These all showed up during the Hei Bai plot thread which didn't even get resolved (the villagers got brought back but I don't recall ever seeing the spirit again; cut for time?). The Koh thing felt out of place as well because this was the motivation for Aang to go all the way to the fire nation to see Roku, who told him to just let them die before Aang took an idol from Koh's mom back to trade for a whole bunch of people. During this 'Koh will feed soon' period Aang made it all the way to the fire nation, did his Roku meditation, got kidnapped by June and turned in to Iroh and Zuko (presumably all the way back on the mainland?), got kidnapped from his kidnapping by Zhao, spent time in prison, then the entire Blue Spirit rescue, with Aang hiding out even longer from fire nation patrols before making sure Zuko got back to his ship safe, and then made it back in time to save everybody from hungry hungry Koh. Honestly just so much here that it made the whole segment feel a tad clunky.
Now this is a list of things that I'm on the fence on and could probably go either way on.
Bumi being the biggest thing here.
Now Bumi's character changes at first were jarring. His identity being revealed immediately was a surprise, but his throwing a big fancy party and seeming like a weirdly hedonistic bad comedian felt off. His original personality I think showed through just enough to keep this from being a negative, but the fun of Bumi was how he was messing with Aang to try and provoke a memory from him while also just being batshit crazy. This would sometimes crop up, and the fight between the two was pretty slick, but otherwise it felt like Bumi was more of just a jaded old man. It became about Aang teaching him a lesson and not the other way around, which in the way felt justified with Bumi being consistently at war for 100 years, but on the other didn't feel like Bumi. I guess I leave this neutral purely on the grounds that this is a reimagining and not just the same story vomited back out in live action, but it's still one of the tougher changes to adapt to.
Another small change is that Aang did zero bending of any of the other elements outside of the Avatar state. He didn't train with Katara as I mentioned, nor did he have his interaction with Jeong Jeong to give him mini trauma about fire bending. Not the biggest deal but still noticed, which makes me wonder how they'll handle his bending in the future.
Azula being Zhou's contact and source of resources felt a little off, as did his learning about the spirits. Zhao was downplayed so much to be a random nobody in the live action version and then he 'needed an edge' and learned about the spirits (and how to kill them with a spirit knife?) right before the siege. Honestly the original of 'I stumbled upon this information unintentionally back when' wasn't great justification either but still.
Several of the Ozai scenes were a little offputting as well. Right before dying (to Iroh instead of the spirit, which again, random change) Zhou mentioned that Zuko only existed as the flames to forge Azula, but there was a lot of sorrowful emotion in Ozai's actor that made him seem oddly sympathetic in a lot of scenes. Lines as well which change context after the 'revelation' are hard to get a feel for as well, such as Ozai's reminders to Azula that it was Zuko and not Zhao that discovered the Avatar. In scenes like this it feels like Ozai is actually trying to defend and support Zuko, but with the motivational thing for Azula was this just him poking the bear? Either way, maybe a subsequent watch will change my thoughts on this, so for now its neutral.
Overall I honestly had a good time with the series, but it really just drove me to go back and start the original all over again. It was by no means bad, I'd recommend it as a watch even if just for the numerous easter eggs, but I really don't know if it's good enough to justify existing. There were some changes I really liked, such as the change with Zuko's crew, and some others that I think have potential as reimaginations such as Bumi's narrative, but others like the cave, the Koh stuff, Yue being a fox that showed up in the forest felt like they should've just been left out.
Anyways, I do recommend watching it all the same, especially to get you in the mood for the original and to at the very least set a different standard for live action Avatar than what we had in the past.
Thank you all of nobody for coming to my TED talk. I really just wanted to get this all down somewhere for my own sake but I'd be interested in other's takes on it too!
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kaijuparfait · 3 months
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Hazbin sona
design subject to change, very self indulgent, i've spent way too much of my time thinking about her and how she works:
everything can be explained by "i do what i want" and "because it sounded cool"- also i'm just using my art style for this, i'll mess around with the Hellaverse style at a later date
Sinner - Died from food poisoning (Gluttony)
Overlord - Owns and controls the largest portion of agriculture in hell
-- Makes plants grow faster, healthier, and in higher quantities
All bodily fluids are acid :D (a play on "citric acid")
-- Can consume and digest any and all foods and items, no matter if they are rotting and/or normally inedible, with no repercussions (this includes things like Val's smoke/love potions)
-- Acid can also be used as a weapon, being very dangerous if consumed or comes into contact with people/items
---- Can be used as a healing agent for small wounds and/or muscle/joint aches when in very small amounts
-- Acid can be secreted from glands around the base of each claw
The large, orange parts on her head, arms and legs are not her actual limbs, but are instead orange-like "armor"
-- They have the texture of normal oranges and are stronger than a regular orange- not by much, they can handle normal hits, but anything sharp or above your typical punch/kick will cause damage
---- This can be used as an advantage, as attacks on these parts of the body can lead to a larger amount of acid leaking out, even without hurting the body
-- The claws themselves are similar in texture to orange seeds, but are much stronger and can be sharpened and rounded at will
-- The parts around her head retract quickly, usually to protect the head and face from wind, dust, smoke, and simple, weak attacks
Clothes are based on a Native American ribbon skirt (default form).
The outer skirt splits open on either side in the Full Demon form to reveal another skirt underneath, similar in style to certain Native American women's fancy shawl regalia
-- The chest piece/cape is also based on that from Fancy Shawl regalia
Belt is a leather concho belt, with plain, circular conchos all around and a plain, heart-shaped concho on the front
The color palette aligns with oranges and limes
-- Hair is soft and curly, resembles that of rotting oranges in color
Leaves are decoration, they are not weapons and act similar to animal ears, corelating to her expressions
In combat, Citrus is best suited for things up close.
-- She is fast and her attacks hit hard, but she has no long range attacks and is very defensively weak
---- The best she can get with long range is by putting acid into breakable containers and throwing them, but that is very limited and depended on her aim, throwing abilities, and the limited time it can be stored before burning through the container
Despite having fairly good eyesight, having 4 eyes messes with her depth perception
-- Upper/Main eyes are more for day-to-day use
-- Lower eyes are for a wider peripheral and better "night vision" (not 100% night vision, but can see better in low light)
---- In her Full Demon form, the main eyes compound for an even wider peripheral and better movement detection
Eyes are red, like that of a fruit fly
In comparison/relation the canon cast of HH:
-- One of the nicer Overlords, but matches their lack of hesitation to cause violence and a general want for power
-- Takes the title of "Youngest Overlord", she's still an adult but has both been in hell for a lesser time and died at a younger age than any of the other Overlords
Its a conscious decision to not interact with most Overlords- and even just most people (she doodles on napkins during meetings)
-- Idolizes Missi Zilla and sees her as a big sister
-- Looks up to Alastor and Carmilla in some ways
---- Alastor for his power and abilities
---- Carmilla for her business power and place she holds in hell as a well known weapons dealer
-- She enjoys chatting with Nifty and Angel about various topics, from how their day was to any gossip they've gained
-- Had one conversation with Husk and went "father figure"
-- Taller than Nifty, but shorter than Vaggie
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morpheussons · 4 months
Nora and me
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Trigger warning: sexual content, drugs
Nora is a peasant disguised as a genius princess. We met some months ago in a club, waiting in line next to the toilets for, well, you know, not the toilet and ended up in the same cubicle. We didn't leave each others' side for 48h. She looked ravishing and hotter than a Thai super chile.
I think I can generalize the way Nora's body is shaped and apply it to her personality. There has to be a correlation between character and body shape. Everything about her is focused, sharp, pointy, directional, intentional and loaded with energy. The same goes for the shape of her anus, otherwise it would be impossible to explain the sheer force of her farts. She could fart so vehemently that you felt the sofa trembling sitting next to her. Once, at a home party, she sat on the kitchen table, sipping a mixture of alcohol and some unidentified liquids, obviously drunk, and farted so powerful through her glittery dress that the MDMA, carefully presented on the mirror, scattered all over the table surface. The gays went crazy. Keep her ass away from the drugs. I mean, literally.
Also, her intelligence, movements, jokes, her drunk gaze and semi-articulated speech pinch the atmosphere as an embroidery of filth and decadence. She's in fashion of course, earning shitloads of money by judging young designers and models while floating in the rush of drugs and low self-esteem. Because although she looks fabulous and hip, in an unguarded moment you can see the depths of self-loathing and despair in her eyes. She embodies and owns it, wears them as a sad trophy, a weakness leveled up to an admirable feature. 
According to Nora, the eyes tell everything: they luxuriate, they shine, they "profoundalize" and deepen like rubies, they make the outfit shine and not vice versa, and will move the attention to the places that matter most. When you treat your eyes like jewels, the crowd looks where you are looking, your eyes will suck their attention and everyone will succumb to the radiating power. Being looked at is being seduced, it’s Nora acknowledging the worth of you existing. There is so much in her gaze and people want to be part of all that, be part of the world she’s looking at, part of her attention and life. There's no diamond that can compete with Nora's finely-honed eyes, and no money can buy the little time she takes interest in you. 
Nora and me are a bad combo, we ignite the worst parts of each other, two drinks of alcohol and combustion happens in our brains, spilling indecencies like pouring champagne over a tower of crystal glasses. Once the lid is off, we sparkle vigorously. In an instant, everyone is affected. It’s a bush wildfire, everyone turns flammable by our contagious energy and the madness spreads like chlamydia in a circuit gay afterparty. Things happen there, and me loosing my glasses at an orgy is the least worrisome. Since I moved to the capital, this is my 5th pair. I really have bad eyesight, so the moments my judgement was impaired by blurry human bodies, I sucked too many questionable dicks attached to even more questionable body parts. I frequently asked her not to bring her dealer home. Last time we ended up sucking his dick in the bathroom and it was terrible. After that little adventure I had to talk to my team of therapists, main conclusion: it's not me, it's my trauma. That's a broad concept though, am I referring also to that time the police broke my front door because I'm queer, or to my precious childhood memory of my dad jerking off on my little brother's face and made me watch? But enough about me.
I don't know when she sleeps or if she even dares to. Her brains processing her lifestyle every night must be like Sisyphus rolling 3 rocks at the same time, considering the amount of drama and intrigue she collects on her way to the next shoot in Paris or Rome. I love her deeply and I cast myself as the safe haven in her escapades, not that there's much left of safety once the drugs kick in and my mind goes berserk. She has a same ‘me’-person in every city she roams, from Sarajevo to Shanghai, and I truly feel them gays, tumbling around in her slipstream while she passes through their lives as an intoxicated fighter jet.
The best talk we ever had was under a living room table at 4 a.m., trying to recover the dropped bag of 3MMC by sniffing it off the floor, between the crumbles of garlic bread and Tuscany olives. "I miss my dad", she said, staring at the purple high heels, tapping the floor nervously just in front of us. I don't want to know how that triggered the memory of her father, but her voice was sincere and raw. I wiped away some white powder and crumbles from under my nose and asked where he was right now. “He's dead”, she said. “Somewhere in a mass grave in Serbia, I don't know”. “Ok”, I mumbled, “that's a mood killer”. Normally that would cheer her up, but the way this hurt animal lifted her head from the floor and looked at me, nope, not this time. ‘So rude', she said. 'You're shit and you know it' and she pushed me but fell on her side while trying and bumped her head to the table leg. “You fucker”. That was it, really. Nothing more. Or I don't remember anymore. She then rolled over to the sofa, climbing it while violently pushing away two guys making out. I sat there for 10 more minutes, trying to make sense of her dead father and how she became this person, before making my way through the dance floor towards the toilet. On hands and knees, meanwhile being petted, sat on, hit, pushed and stomped. When I finally reached the toilet, I stared into the dark water and blacked out.
I woke up under the sofa some 18h later, and Nora was already on a mission to Amsterdam. I only received some nonsensical text messages later that evening, meaning she was probably doing ok.
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golfcartsguide · 1 year
What Is A Deep Cycle Battery? (A Closer Look 2023)
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Most electric golf carts have deep-cycle batteries. It is, therefore, important for golf cart owners to understand the term deep-cycle battery so they can maintain their carts properly.
In any off-grid or renewable energy system, a deep-cycle battery is a crucial component. Long-term power storage applications often use these batteries. The purpose of this article is to explain deep-cycle batteries, their types, uses, and charging methods.
What Is A Deep Cycle Battery?
Battery deep cycle units are designed to be discharged to a greater extent, usually up to 50% or more of their capacity. These batteries provide continuous and reliable power. 
A deep cycle battery’s depth of discharge (DOD)is important because it determines how much capacity is used during a single discharge. When a battery is fully discharged, its DOD is 100%. These deep-cycle batteries can easily handle the deep discharge of 80%-100%. 
Monitoring the state of charge (SOC) of the battery is also important since it indicates its current capacity.
There are different types of deep-cycle batteries— each having its own advantages and disadvantages. Here are some common ones:
Flooded Lead-Acid
Gel and AGM 
Deep Cycle vs. Starting Battery
The purpose of starting batteries, also called cranking batteries, is to provide a quick burst of energy to start an engine. These batteries have many thin plates, which provide a high current for a short time. These batteries are not designed to be deeply discharged and then recharged. It can damage the battery and shorten its lifespan if you do so.
On the other hand, deep-cycle batteries are designed to be charged and discharged repeatedly. These batteries have thicker plates, enabling them to provide steady energy over a longer period of time.
One of the main differences between deep-cycle batteries and starting batteries is their construction. A starting battery is designed to deliver a large amount of current for a short period of time. In contrast, a deep-cycle battery provides a lower amount of current for a longer duration.
Another difference between deep-cycle batteries and starting batteries is their state of charge. The state of charge of starting batteries must always remain high, while deep cycle batteries can be discharged to a lower charge without deteriorating.
How To Tell If A Battery Is A Deep Cycle
The following ways can help you identify a deep-cycle battery:
Check the Label: Battery labels should indicate whether they are deep-cycle batteries. Look for terms like “deep cycle,” “marine,” or “recreational.”
Look at the Size: Deep cycle batteries tend to be larger and heavier than regular car batteries. Additionally, they have thicker inner plates that can withstand deep discharges.
Check the Amp-Hour Rating: The amp-hour rating indicates how much energy a battery can hold. Compared to regular car batteries, deep cycle batteries have a higher amp-hour rating.
Look for “Deep Cycle” Features: Deep cycle batteries usually have thick plates, reinforced posts, and special separators that improve performance.
Batteries labeled as “deep cycle” are not all the same. The capacity and lifespan of some batteries may be higher than those of others, so it is important to choose the right battery for your specific application.
Types Of Deep Cycle Battery
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A wide range of deep-cycle batteries is available on the market, each with its own unique characteristics and advantages. The following are the most common types of deep-cycle batteries:
Flooded Lead Acid Batteries
The most common deep-cycle battery type is the flooded lead acid battery. While affordable and reliable, they need regular maintenance to perform at their best. These batteries have a liquid electrolyte that can spill when tipped or damaged.
Sealed Lead Acid Batteries
The sealed lead acid battery is similar to the flooded lead acid battery but without the need for regular maintenance. The batteries in this category are commonly used in emergency lighting systems and uninterruptible power supplies (UPS).
Gel Batteries
Unlike liquid batteries, gel batteries use a gel electrolyte instead of a liquid electrolyte. The batteries are maintenance-free and last longer than flooded lead-acid batteries. A gel battery is commonly used in renewable energy systems and marine applications.
Absorbed Glass Mat (AGM) Batteries
An AGM battery is also a sealed lead acid battery but uses a fiberglass mat to absorb the electrolyte. As a result, they are more resistant to vibration and shock than other types of batteries. AGM batteries are commonly found in RVs, boats, and backup power systems.
Lithium Ion Batteries
Lithium-ion batteries are modern deep-cycle battery that offers several advantages over traditional lead acid batteries. Battery life is longer, lightweight, and can be discharged deeper without damage. However, they are also more expensive and require special charging devices.
What Are Deep Cycle Batteries Used For
The deep-cycle battery is commonly used in applications that require a reliable and steady power source for a long time. The following are some common uses for deep-cycle batteries:
Solar and wind power systems
Golf carts and electric vehicles
Boats and marine applications
RVs and campers
Backup power systems for homes and businesses
Telecommunications and UPS systems
Deep Cycle Battery Lifespan
The lifespan of a deep cycle battery depends on several factors, including its type, depth of discharge, and charging method. Deep-cycle batteries can last between 4 and 10 years with proper maintenance and usage. Although lithium-ion batteries can last up to 15 years but are more expensive than lead-acid batteries.
How To Charge A Deep Cycle Battery
Charging a deep cycle battery correctly is essential to ensure its longevity and optimal performance. Different charging methods will be used depending on the battery type and charging system. Charge deep-cycle batteries using a charger that is specifically designed for them and follow the manufacturer’s instructions. Undercharging or overcharging a deep-cycle battery can significantly shorten its lifespan.
Choose the Right Charger: Select a charger specifically designed for deep-cycle batteries. Using a regular car battery charger can damage a deep-cycle battery.
Check the Voltage: Use a multimeter to test the battery’s voltage before charging. If the voltage is below 12 volts, you should use a trickle charger to slowly increase the voltage before using a regular charger.
Connect the Charger: Connect the charger according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Ensure you connect the positive (+) and negative (-) terminals correctly.
Set the Charge Rate: Select a charge rate that matches the battery’s specifications. To avoid damaging the battery, charge it at a slower rate.
Monitor the Charging Process: Monitor the charger while charging the battery. If the battery starts to get hot, stop the charging process and let the battery cool down before continuing.
Disconnect the Charger: Disconnect the charger once the battery is fully charged. It is important not to overcharge the battery since it can damage it and reduce its lifespan.
To properly charge a deep-cycle battery, follow the abovementioned steps. Failure to do so can damage the battery and reduced performance. 
The deep cycle battery plays an important role in off-grid and renewable energy systems, boats, RVs, and other mobile devices. The various types of batteries are designed to provide a reliable and steady power source over an extended period, and each has its own advantages and disadvantages. Investing in the right deep-cycle battery for your application and charging it correctly will ensure optimal performance and longevity.
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The Truth About Lottery Software:How does Lottery Software Work?
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Lottery software represents a fusion of innovative technology and the age-old pursuit of chance. In essence, it's a sophisticated tool designed to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and generate predictions for lottery draws. But its significance transcends mere number crunching; it symbolizes a shift in the way we approach games of chance, transforming blind luck into strategic decision-making.
Imagine a vast digital library filled with millions of lottery outcomes, each one a unique snapshot of chance in action. Lottery software, developed by Lottery software providers, acts as a librarian, sorting through this immense repository to extract nuggets of insight. It examines which numbers tend to appear together, which ones have been conspicuously absent, and how often certain combinations recur. These insights are then distilled into predictions for future draws, offering players a glimpse into the murky depths of probability.
But make no mistake – lottery software is not a crystal ball. It doesn't offer guarantees or certainties; rather, it provides probabilities and likelihoods based on historical data. It's a tool that empowers players to make informed decisions, to approach the game with a strategy grounded in statistical analysis. At its core, lottery software operates on the principle of probability, leveraging algorithms to sift through vast troves of data collected from past lottery draws. This data encompasses everything from winning numbers and prize amounts to the frequency of specific combinations. Through meticulous analysis, the software seeks to uncover patterns and trends that might elude the casual observer.
The user experience is paramount in the design of lottery software. Developers strive to create interfaces that are intuitive, user-friendly, and accessible to players of all backgrounds. From sleek mobile apps to web-based platforms, the goal is to demystify the complexities of statistical analysis and make it accessible to the masses. One of the key benefits of lottery software is its ability to save time and effort. Instead of manually poring over past draws and performing calculations, players can rely on the software to do the heavy lifting for them. This frees up valuable time that can be better spent refining strategies or simply enjoying the anticipation of the next draw.
But perhaps the most significant advantage of lottery software lies in its ability to level the playing field. In a game where luck often reigns supreme, it offers a glimmer of hope to those who are willing to embrace strategy and analysis. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a novice player, lottery software provides a pathway to greater understanding and, potentially, greater success.
How Lottery Software Turns Luck into Strategy:
Lotteries have always held an irresistible allure, promising the chance to turn a modest investment into life-changing wealth. But what if I told you that behind the seemingly random draw of numbers lies a sophisticated system of algorithms and software? That’s right – lottery software exists, and it’s revolutionizing the way we approach these games of chance.
In this blog post, we’ll delve into the intriguing world of lottery software, uncovering its secrets and explaining how it transforms luck into strategy in a way that’s both clear and captivating.
Understanding the Basics:
At its core, lottery software is designed to analyze historical data, identify patterns, and make predictions about future outcomes. It takes into account factors such as frequency of numbers drawn, number combinations, and statistical probabilities to generate recommendations for players.
But don’t be fooled – lottery software is not about guaranteeing wins. Instead, it’s about maximizing your chances of success by making informed decisions based on data-driven insights.
How Lottery Software Works:
1. Data Collection: Lottery software begins by gathering vast amounts of historical data from past draws. This includes information on winning numbers, prize amounts, and other relevant statistics.
2. Analysis: Once the data is collected, the software employs advanced algorithms to analyze patterns and trends. It looks for recurring number combinations, hot and cold numbers, and other factors that may influence future draws.
3. Prediction: Based on its analysis, the software generates predictions for upcoming draws. These predictions are not foolproof but are rather probabilities based on the patterns identified in the data.
4. Strategy Development: Armed with these predictions, players can develop their own strategies for selecting numbers. Some may choose to follow the software’s recommendations closely, while others may use it as one factor among many in their decision-making process.
Key Features of Lottery Software:
Here are key features of Lottery software:
User-Friendly Interface: Lottery software is designed with the user in mind, featuring intuitive interfaces that make it easy to input data, view predictions, and make informed decisions.
Customization Options: Players can often customize the software to suit their preferences, adjusting parameters such as number ranges and prediction algorithms.
Real-Time Updates: Many lottery software programs offer real-time updates on upcoming draws, ensuring that players always have the latest information at their fingertips.
Educational Resources: In addition to predictions, lottery software may also provide educational resources to help players understand the underlying principles of probability and statistics.
Benefits of Using Lottery Software:
1. Increased Chances of Winning: While there are no guarantees in the world of lotteries, using software can significantly improve your odds by leveraging data-driven insights.
2. Time Savings: Instead of manually analyzing past draws and crunching numbers, lottery software does the heavy lifting for you, saving time and effort.
3. Strategic Advantage: By incorporating statistical analysis into your gameplay, you gain a strategic advantage over other players who rely solely on luck.
InnoSoft Group’s Expertise:
Innosoft Group is a leading software development company with a dual focus: providing innovative lottery management software and establishing itself as a premier sports betting app development company.  Their dedication lies in delivering innovative solutions, specializing in developing robust and efficient software tailored specifically to your industry's needs.  Their team of skilled developers combines advanced technology with industry knowledge to create comprehensive solutions that streamline processes, enhance security measures, and optimize performance. Innosoft Group's commitment to innovation and excellence makes them a trusted partner for businesses seeking reliable and customizable software solutions to meet their unique needs.
Lottery software may not hold the key to unlocking untold riches, but it certainly offers a compelling alternative to blind luck. By harnessing the power of data and algorithms, players can approach the lottery with a strategic mindset, maximizing their chances of success while still enjoying the thrill of the game. So why leave it all to chance? Give lottery software a try and see where it takes you on your journey to jackpot glory.
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kendallcoupons12 · 11 months
Unleashing the Expertise of Dental Implants Specialist
Dental implants have become a revolutionary treatment option in the field of contemporary dentistry for those who lack teeth.
Dental implant specialists, usually referred to as Implantologists, have a distinct combination of abilities and knowledge that allow them to reconstruct smiles with accuracy and consideration.
In this blog, we'll delve into the realm of dental implants and consider how important it is for these professionals to help their patients' lives change.
Dental Implants Explained:
Understanding dental implants is essential before delving into the importance of dental implant specialists.
Dental implants are made of biocompatible materials like titanium and function as artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed in the jawbone.
These implants provide a durable replacement for missing teeth by serving as a solid base for the attachment of prosthetic teeth, such as crowns or dentures.
The Role of Dental Implant Specialists:
Dental professionals who have completed further training and education to become authorities in the field of dental implantology are known as dental implant specialists.
They are able to give customized treatment plans and carry out implant procedures with accuracy because of their extensive knowledge and expertise.
Here's why their function is crucial:
Professional Assessment and Diagnosis:
To establish a patient's suitability for dental implant treatment, dental implant professionals thoroughly evaluate the patient.
For an accurate diagnosis and a unique treatment plan, they evaluate variables such as bone density, oral health, and general medical conditions.
Surgical Competence:
Implantologists are highly skilled surgeons who can insert dental implants precisely.
With their knowledge, they can handle intricate anatomical components and guarantee the implants are positioned for maximum functionality and appeal.
Choosing An Implant And Integrating It:
For long-term success, picking the proper implant type and size is essential.
Dental implant specialists can choose the best implant system for each patient because of their in-depth knowledge of the systems on the market.
They make sure that the implants are properly osseointegrated with the surrounding bone, increasing implant stability.
Excellent Restorative Practice:
# specialists are crucial to the ultimate restorative stage, working closely with prosthodontists or general dentists.
In order to ensure the best possible functioning and aesthetics, they offer advice on designing and creating prosthetic teeth that seamlessly match the patient's natural dentition.
The Development Of Dental Implants:
In the field of implant dentistry, dental implant specialists stay on the cutting edge of scientific and technological developments.
To offer patients the most cutting-edge possible treatment options, they constantly refresh their knowledge. Some significant developments include:
Guided Implant Surgery:
Dental implant specialists can arrange implant placement with the finest precision using computer-aided design and 3D imaging.
The accuracy of the process is maximized, the amount of invasiveness is reduced, and the patient's comfort is increased with guided implant surgery.
Dental Technology:
Implantologists may now create digital impressions of patients' teeth thanks to the development of digital dentistry, which makes it easier to fabricate highly precise and unique implant restorations.
Patient-Centered Care:
The patient-centered approach of dental implant specialists is one of their defining traits.
They make an effort to make their patients feel at ease and sympathetic, addressing their worries and offering direction during treatment.
Dental implant specialists are the unsung heroes behind the numerous smiles that dental implantology has helped to restore.
With their knowledge, they enable people who are missing teeth to regain their self-esteem, dental health, and general well-being.
While coupons expressly for dental surgery are rare, it is still a good idea to check online for any discounts or other special deals on dental treatments, including surgeries.
If you're thinking about getting dental implants, enlisting the help of an experienced
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windowreplacement · 1 year
How to Choose the Best Window Replacement for Your Home
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Windows are an important part of the aesthetics, comfort, and energy efficiency of a home. If your window frames are rotting, or if they're sagging or leaking, it's time to replace them with new ones. This can also improve your home's comfort, safety, and value - and help you save on your energy bills. Replacement Windows Explained: How to Choose the Best Product for Your Home
If your windows no longer serve their purpose, it's time to replace them with replacements that are more energy efficient and offer better style options than your old ones. Replacing your windows is a big investment, but it can pay off handsomely in the long run.
A good window replacement company should have a reputation for quality workmanship, so it's important to shop around and find one that will deliver a product that looks great and is made with high-quality materials. It should also provide a warranty on its products and installation.
Replacement windows come in a variety of styles and materials, with wood, vinyl, fiberglass, and aluminum-clad wood all available at different price points. You can even find custom options if you're looking for more extreme customization.
The first step is to measure your current windows for replacement. This can be done by measuring the height, width, and depth of the window opening. Then, compare the measurements to make sure that the new windows will fit tightly within your existing frame. If the two measurements are within 1/4-inch of each other, you can go ahead and order your replacement windows.
Once your windows are measured, you'll need to decide whether you want full-frame or partial-frame replacements. If your existing frames are in good condition and have no rot or insect damage, you may opt for partial-frame replacements. These windows are slightly smaller than their original counterparts, so they don't obstruct the view outside your home.
Another option is a pocket or insert window, which fits in your existing frame and is made to look like the original window. This is a popular choice if your windows have a traditional look but need to be replaced for energy efficiency or security reasons. How to Get a Permit for Window Replacement
The Department of Buildings does not require a permit for window replacement projects in most cases, unless the original windows are located in a building that is designated as a historic district or landmark. In this case, approval will be required from the Landmarks Preservation Commission.
A full-frame window replacement offers slightly more glass than a replacement window, but it also adds a water management system that can prevent mold or rot inside your home. It's the best choice for older homes that need a window upgrade.
A window's lifespan depends on the type of material it's made from and the amount of maintenance that's required. For example, a wood window that's properly cared for can last decades with minimal maintenance, while fiberglass or vinyl windows need more frequent maintenance. When choosing a replacement window, look for a company that offers a lifetime warranty. This will ensure that if your new window fails to perform as expected, you won't have to pay the cost of a whole new window installation. Check out this related post to get more enlightened on the topic: https://www.encyclopedia.com/literature-and-arts/art-and-architecture/architecture/window.
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epgmachinery · 1 year
How to Choose the Best Makita Drill to Buy
It is most likely that Makita is the largest maker of combination drills in the United Kingdom. Their drills are easily recognizable by their trademark colour scheme, which can be seen on construction projects, job sites, and workshops all over the globe.We will walk you through all that you can expect from Japanese power tool giants in the realm of cordless, high-quality combi drills here in this guide that we have prepared for you. This tutorial will go over each combi-drill in-depth and explain its specifications. Because of this, we will be able to recommend the best Combi Drill and the makita cordless drills best for you.Comparison of Corded and Cordless DrillsThe vast majority of drills may be classified as either cordless or corded drills. The ease of use and the amount of force available are the primary areas of difference between these two drills. Since there is no need for a bulky battery pack, corded drills are often lighter overall.Brushless Motors as Opposed to Brushed MotorsWe must have a fundamental comprehension of a DC motor’s operation before we can compare brushed and brushless motors. A DC motor uses magnets with opposing charges, which causes them to be attracted to one another.The fundamental concept that underpins the design of a DC motor is that the piece that rotates (referred to as the rotor) should maintain an opposite charge, which should attract the magnets that do not move (referred to as the stator) in front of it so that there is a continuous pull in that direction.Drill TypesYour drill has to have a certain purpose and technical criteria to successfully bore into the substance you wish to drill. A Drill Driver would be the best tool to make holes in plasterboard and wood. In contrast, if you intend to drill into masonry or stones, you will likely want something with greater power and a hammer action function.Makita Drills: Some Background InformationMakita is widely regarded as one of the most successful producers of electric power tools worldwide. It is a tool brand that was designed to the highest standards and then put through extensive testing. As a result, it should not come as a surprise that their distinctive blue and black drills are widely used on building sites and in workshops all over the globe.Their power tools have seen several important modifications, including an upgrade in motor technology, an ergonomic improvement, a reduction in size, and a switch from NiCad batteries to Lithium-ion batteries for batteries. Because of this, the company was able to offer its customers a battery that requires no maintenance and can withstand a wider temperature range.Closing RemarksBecause every tool manufacturer focuses on producing their product in a certain niche, it is difficult to determine which brand of tools is the superior option. The fact that Makita drills is one of the most well-known and successful brands is, without a doubt, primarily attributable to the company’s years of expertise and unwavering dedication. The firm has built a solid name in the industry because of its consistently utilizing high-quality components and producing trustworthy and effective instruments.Originally published at https://epgmachinery.com on February 3, 2023.
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uramirez6 · 1 year
These are the different genres used in this project:
Magazine: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure's character designs and poses are heavily influenced by different models from magazines. Famous fashion brands such as Gucci have acknowledged JJBA's fascinating art and design. With that in mind, they collaborated with Araki to make an illustration of his characters showing off Gucci bags. That is how impactful Araki's art is shown through his work with Gucci and in his own manga.
Summary: This genre is important in this project because it gives a deeper explanation of how color affects the mind. In a way, it justifies the reason why color in art is so important. Goethe's theory of colors is the reason why an accurate color wheel is a thing. This summary conveys how complementary colors are viewed naturally by the brain and how it helps give a sense of balance, which is an important aspect of art.
Dictionary: A dictionary can be helpful in any scenario when it comes to a project. For example, it helped define what Post Impressionism is and gives the audience a sense of understanding what type of art inspired Araki. Without that understanding, that section of the project would not give much justice to Araki's art.
Informational video: Informational videos can help with giving a more in-depth explanation of a subject with interesting visuals. Jojo's color theory can go very deep and this video covers a good amount of information that would take ages to type out. In addition, it reinforces the idea of JJBA using color in very unique ways to really speak to the audience.
Critical analysis: A brief critical analysis can really be useful to give unbiased information. The critical analysis explains how different colors were discovered through the same experiment being replicated. It establishes the idea of a color wheel having darker to even lighter shades that artists use. Without an improved color wheel, there wouldn't be contrast in art.
Interview: An interview is effective in expressing an author's thought process when asked the right questions. In this interview, color schemes were brought up because Araki uses different ones for each of his cover illustrations. It helped convey that Araki indeed enjoys giving readers a unique experience claiming that he puts more "emphasis on giving readers different feelings and impressions through different color combinations." In addition, he imbues a balance of both fantasy and daily life elements into his art which makes his illustrations unrealistic but satisfying to see.
Comic Strip or Graphic Novel: A picture or panel of the series would do its art justice. Instead of using words to convey how color is effective, it is undoubtedly better to give an example of it. His art is in all of my posts and especially in the "western influence on JJBA" one. It is very good at allowing readers to experience that feeling that Araki's art gives first-hand.
Website: Different websites have helped me gather photos of Araki's different work outside of his manga such as his illustrations for the Gucci collaboration. Having a plethora of websites to choose from really helped narrow down the information since most of them repeated the same thing about Araki's art: it is very unique.
Research Project: Reusing old projects can be very controversial but at the same time very useful. I reused my Color Theory project on JJBA to help explain how JJBA has a well-driven plot and different color palettes that further reinforce it. Without color, Jojo would seem bland and almost generic in a sense. After all, it is the unique color usage and its popular western references that got it to rise in fame.
Critique of a Published Source: This genre can help give a more personal evaluation of the topic. I believe it helps express how color contributes very well to the series and it actually holds importance in the art of Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Plus, a non-biased and honest review can show how powerful color truly is in the JJBA series.
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longjl · 2 years
Remote desktop manager enterprise serial
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To learn more, please download the use case about this topic. QUESTION: Can we integrate Remote Desktop Manager with our existing Privileged Access Management (PAM) solution?Īnswer: Absolutely! We collaborate and partner with leaders in the PAM industry including BeyondTrust, Centrify, CyberArk, ManageEngine, and Thycotic. This makes life a lot easier for Joe, and it helps his company save a significant amount of money.
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He only needs ONE license to launch Remote Desktop Manager regardless of where he is located. This way, users can access Remote Desktop Manager on any machine or mobile device - anytime, anywhere.įor example, Joe is a SysAdmin who spends part of his time in the corporate office, part of his time in his home office, and part of his time on-site with customers. QUESTION: Are Remote Desktop Manager licenses per user, or per machine?Īnswer: Remote Desktop Manager licenses are per USER. If you are still unsure which option is best for you, contact us and we will be happy to guide you forward. Please click here for a side-by-side comparison of the two solutions. RDM Jump functionality (similar to Microsoft’s RD Gateway).As you would expect, Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise has several exclusive features not available in Remote Desktop Manager Free, including:
#Remote desktop manager enterprise serial free
QUESTION: What is the difference between Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise and Remote Desktop Manager Free?Īnswer: Remote Desktop Manager Free is designed for individual IT pros, while Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise is designed for IT teams (co-located and remote) that need to share remote connections and privileged passwords. And so, to help our customers save their valuable time, below we have provided answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about Remote Desktop Manager: After all, we tech things seriously.We know the most precious thing in business these days is TIME. As active members in the IT community, we work to support our clients’ businesses and provide them with peace of mind.
#Remote desktop manager enterprise serial software
We go above and beyond the average software reseller because we built our business on trust. Our Account Managers and Distribution Team fulfills orders quickly and efficiently, giving our customers digital downloads in record time so they can move on to their next big project. TTT delivers unbeatable customer service, with experts in licensing and high-level technicians always on-call to answer your tech issues in-depth. Our relationship to the Microsoft Partner Network allows us to provide competitive pricing and authentic software and support, all with a much-needed human element. Trusted Tech Team is dedicated to being a reliable resource for all software and technology support needs. Whether you need a Windows Server 2012 Remote Desktop Services 1-user CAL or a Windows Server 2016 20-User RDS CAL, you’ll receive delivery within 30 minutes during business hours when you order from us. The guide also looks at why remote desktop CALs might be needed in addition to regular local access licenses. If you’re uncertain whether to get a device or user license, go to our Windows Server CAL Guide, which will explain the advantages of each and how they can work for you. Searching for remote desktop licensing to fit your deployment needs? At Trusted Tech Team, we have licenses for remote desktop services on all editions of Windows Server 2016, 20. Learn Which Remote Desktop Licenses Are Right for You By purchasing remote desktop user CALs, you can add as many remote users as you want to your existing server. Remote desktop licensing is a must-have for teams with developers and other users away from the local network. Doing so allows remote users to get more done for your home, small business or enterprise using modern cloud capabilities. Remote desktop licenses are add-on s for Microsoft Windows Server that unlock the ability for specific devices or users to access the central server from anywhere they’re located using their existing software. If you need to expand your server environment beyond a local area network, a Microsoft Remote Desktop CAL is the right solution for you.
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amberunit04 · 2 years
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PechaKucha is a storytelling/presentation technique in which the narrator displays 20 slides for 20 seconds each, having to fully explain their ideas within a short time frame. This technique is often praised for helping build confidence in presentation skills, reducing dependence on reading off of slides when presenting and allowing for more concise, informative and short presentations.
As a class, we all had to create individual PechaKucha’s to display various topics that we are passionate about and have the class decide which topic would be most interesting.With my PechaKucha, I decided to choose subjects I care about that are personal to myself, so that I can give a more in depth examination and perspective into the topics.
The first subject I chose to discus was abortion, to me abortion is a very important subject as it’s a very blatant modern display of government controlling of body autonomy that affects me personally as a woman. Although abortion is legal in Britain, I want to make my message clear that abortion laws wherever affect everyone everywhere, creating stigma and unsafe environments for those needing abortion treatment.
The second subject I chose was gay rights, to me this is a very personal issue that has affected me and many of my friends personally as many still face homophobia and transphobia without justice. The specific message I would want to send with a poster on this subject would be the shocking amount of countries where being a part of the LGBT community is still illegal, how homophobes and transphobes are given platforms and voices by trusted news sources such as the BBC, as well as how people can create safe environments, stand up for and support the community.
The third subject I chose was global warming, this is a topic I throughly care about due to its dangerous impacts on mine and others futures when many big polluters don't act or change for the better. What I would be displaying on my poster would be a message solely directed at the big polluting companies instead of how many other environmental posters are addressed at the public, in my own deductions the publics own help for the environment won't have nearly enough impact on the environment as if it came from large corporations who impact the environment the most. With my poster, I would educate on how much damage some of the largest polluters cause to the environment and how the public can stop them through protest, stroke and other action as well as cutting down personally on individual carbon footprints.
The fourth subject I chose was the broad category of animal abuse, however if I were to choose this subject I would choose one of the more specific topics displayed on my presentation slide, such as animal testing and animal racing. If I were to create a poster on this subject, I would centre it around the subject of how to identify animal abuse and what to do and who to contact if you spot it, with contact information and rescue shelter addresses for adoption and sponsorship.
The last subject I chose was period poverty, I chose this as I believe it is a very prevalent and annoying problem that has affected me and others I know multiple times. What I would discuss on this poster would be how pads and other sanitary products are unfairly inaccessible for a lot of people and what measures could be made to stop it, I would also discuss how period pain is often downplayed by the public and sometimes dangerously in the medical field as well.
After I presented my pechakucha, the class voted on which subject I should base my poster off of based on how I presented and pitched each topic. It was decided by my class to make my topic be abortion, I am happy with this result as abortion is a topic I am very passionate about and I had many initial ideas on how I would design a poster based on this topic.
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damonsabatini · 2 years
Variations' Effects on Building Construction Project Costs
It is critical to consider the contract sum, duration, and client's value system when estimating the cost effects of modifications. For instance, if a design change is made, a variance may result in a 1% increase in the projected value. This is because the client could request that the design be altered to meet a specific functional requirement. However, other changes, such as a change in the project's size, could raise costs by up to 15%.
The amount of work that must be finished following a contract may change for a variety of reasons. These differences could be constructive or directive in intent. The numerous variations are discussed in this article, along with any potential time and financial implications. The essay concludes with a thorough explanation of the variables that affect variation pricing. The distinctions between direct and indirect expenses are briefly discussed as well.
Data on project contract variation costs were gathered using a customized table. Contract amounts, contingency sums, project duration, different sorts of variation, and frequency were among them. To ascertain the influence of various factors on cost, the data were analyzed using descriptive, and regression approaches. The statistics were statistically significant if the contracted amount was greater than three per cent. The project took over three per cent if a design modification was over four months.
In Ghana, variation orders are now frequently included in building construction projects. Questions are frequently not asked at the appropriate times, and these changes are frequently not appropriately examined. The cost impact of modifications on clients' building construction projects can be minimized by using the following advice. In-depth project briefs are crucial for the design team. These briefs will aid them in developing a final design and reducing deviations throughout the building stage. Planning should be done in-depth before discussing modifications. The needs of the client should be properly stated in the project brief. To ensure good coordination, construction experts should be consulted both during the project's planning phase and as it is being built.
The percentage variance explains only 1% of the overall variation cost. A positive correlation exists between variance type and duration. The project's duration also influences the cost of the variation. The cost has both a positive and a negative connection with both models. Model 1 fits the data the best, as was predicted. Model two, however, is less suitable for the analysis. Researchers will better understand how to control differences in construction projects because of this study.
In practically every type of building job, variations occur. It establishes the budget and timeline and might postpone contractor payments. The analysis encompassed all completed projects between 2004 and 2014 and examined 348 files. Purposive sampling was used in its execution, and the appropriate parties were polled to collect information on the impacts of modifications. The findings showed that some modifications had a more significant influence on costs than others. A project manager should carefully analyze the implications of each category to avoid the potential cost impact of changes.
This method is especially useful in projects with a lot of variants. Project teams will be able to decide how to make the most of these advantageous modifications by determining which types of variations have a bigger impact than others. This method enables building experts to foresee and manage the expenses and time of construction projects in addition to recognizing variances that will result in a higher cost. This is a vital component of cost-cutting during construction projects.
Financial hardship is the most frequent reason for project change. This frequently necessitates switching out expensive materials for less expensive ones. However, this kind of variation order violates the client's set of values. For instance, a contractor is likely to choose less expensive steel that will oxidize if a client requests a steel window frame. Client-directed modification orders represent a different factor.
Variation orders can result in project overruns, among other expenditures. Clients may not consent to changes in time if they are unhappy with the project's expense. This will lead to more supplies, machinery, skilled labour, and delays. Variation orders may also result in disagreements between parties, deteriorate quality, necessitate rework, or even result in the project being demolished. Although there are concerns, it is yet unclear whether variation orders ought to be permitted or not.
Issuing a variation order can be a complicated procedure, and figuring out which work needs to be done when can be challenging. You must first have the authorized person's approval before you may instruct a variation. An architect, supervising officer, or contract administrator is typically in this position. You should read the contract agreement if you have any questions. The contractor must comply with the variation order's directions after getting the authority figure's permission. If the contractor is unable to fulfil the verbal directions, he must either work out a new solution with the authority figure or return to the original designs and request a variation. No matter if they approve or not, you need to make sure the procedure is streamlined and uniform to prevent misunderstandings and confusion.
There are several things to take into account when managing a variation order. Variations might easily exceed a project's budget, and contractors might not have the means to shift their staff in a timely manner to meet a request. In addition to the potential for exceeding the project's budget, the procedure can be unpleasant for everyone involved. Assuring that variations are handled effectively and in compliance with the contract is the best method to manage them. Variations' Effects on Building Construction Project Costs
It is critical to take the contract sum, duration, and client's value system into account when estimating the cost effects of modifications. For instance, if a design change is made, a variance may result in a 1% increase in the projected value. The client could request that the design be altered to meet a specific functional requirement. Other changes, such as a change in the project's size, could raise costs by up to 15%.
The amount of work that must be finished in accordance with a contract may change for a variety of reasons. These differences could be constructive or directive in intent. The numerous variations are discussed in this article along with any potential time and financial implications. The essay concludes with a thorough explanation of the variables that affect variation pricing. The distinctions between direct and indirect expenses are briefly discussed as well.
Data on project contract variation costs was gathered using a customized table. Contract amounts, contingency sums, project duration, different sorts of variation, and frequency were among them. To ascertain the influence of various factors on cost, the data were analyzed using descriptive, and regression approaches. If the contracted amount was greater than three per cent, the statistics were statistically significant. The project took longer than four months if a design modification was greater than three per cent.
In Ghana, variation orders are now frequently included in building construction projects. Questions are frequently not asked at the appropriate times and these changes are frequently not appropriately examined. The cost impact of modifications on clients' building construction projects can be minimized by using the following advice. Project briefs that are in-depth are crucial for the design team. These briefs will aid them in developing a final design and reducing deviations throughout the building stage. Planning should be done in-depthly before discussing modifications. The needs of the client should be properly stated in the project brief. To ensure good coordination, construction experts should be consulted both during the project's planning phase and as it is being built.
Only 1% of the overall variation cost is explained by the percentage variance. A positive correlation exists between variance type and duration. The cost of the variation is also influenced by the project's duration. Cost has both a positive and a negative connection with both models. Model 1 fits the data the best, as was predicted. Model two, however, is less suitable for the analysis. Researchers will have a better understanding of how to control differences in construction projects because of this study.
In practically every type of building job, variations occur. It establishes the budget and timeline and might postpone contractor payments. The analysis encompassed all completed projects between 2004 and 2014 and examined 348 project files. Purposive sampling was used in its execution, and the appropriate parties were polled to collect information on the impacts of modifications. The findings showed that some modifications had a more significant influence on costs than others. A project manager should carefully analyze the implications of each category to avoid the potential cost impact of changes.
This method is especially useful in projects with a lot of variants. Project teams will be able to decide how to make the most of these advantageous modifications by determining which types of variations have a bigger impact than others. This method enables building experts to foresee and manage the expenses and time of construction projects in addition to recognizing variances that will result in a higher cost. This is a vital component of cost-cutting during construction projects.
Financial hardship is the most frequent reason for project change. This frequently necessitates switching out expensive materials for less expensive ones. However, this kind of variation order violates the client's set of values. For instance, a contractor is likely to choose less expensive steel that will oxidize if a client requests a steel window frame. Client-directed modification orders represent a different factor.
Variation orders can result in project overruns, among other expenditures. Clients may not consent to changes in time if they are unhappy with the project's expense. This will lead to more supplies, machinery, skilled labor, and delays. Variation orders may also result in disagreements between parties, deteriorate quality, necessitate rework, or even result in the project being demolished. Although there are concerns, it is yet unclear whether variation orders ought to be permitted or not.
Issuing a variation order can be a complicated procedure, and figuring out which work needs to be done when can be challenging. You must first have the authority person's approval before you may instruct a variation. An architect, supervising officer, or contract administrator is typically in this position. You should read the contract agreement if you have any questions. The contractor must comply with the variation order's directions after getting the authority figure's permission. If the contractor is unable to fulfill the verbal directions, he must either work out a new solution with the authority figure or return to the original designs and request a variation. No matter if they approve or not, you need to make sure the procedure is streamlined and uniform to prevent misunderstandings and confusion.
There are several things to take into account when managing a variation order. Variations might easily exceed a project's budget, and contractors might not have the means to shift their staff in a timely manner to meet a request. In addition to the potential for exceeding the project's budget, the procedure can be unpleasant for everyone involved. Assuring that variations are handled effectively and in compliance with the contract is the best method to manage them.
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perezpanduro8 · 2 years
hermes crocodile bag 22
Realreal Purse Professional Explains Why Hermès Birkin Bags Are Expensive With its lush look and feel, handbags crafted from crocodile cover often command the highest costs, in-store and pre-loved. This design masterpiece includes a graphite again which easily goes with another colour you chose to put on. The Porosus crocodile pores and skin, complete with palladium hardware and the signature Hermes lock and key highlight the exquisite look of the bag. Several retailers, including Nordstrom, Gucci, Prada, and Versace, have stopped selling kangaroo skin products. “Jewellery contains gold and diamonds which have an intrinsic worth, making them good to buy as investments. Watches are additionally popular as the worldwide supply shortage as a outcome of pandemic has been driving their value greater to keep up with strong unmet demand for watches,” observed Yeah. “Pawning allows a borrower to redeem their pawned objects anytime inside the pawn interval whenever you pay again the full loan amount and curiosity up to that month. It wasn't until the '90s that the Birkin turned one of the it-bags of the era. At first glance, alligator and crocodile skins are onerous to inform aside. Both reptiles share an identical appearance, however alligator scales are barely smaller and softer to the touch. In distinction to alligator pores and skin, crocodile scales present small pores, visible remains of the animal’s hair follicles – the simplest method to differentiate between them. Many individuals, particularly millennials, have been diving into the luxurious resale market. Rather than purchasing a luxury purse to flaunt with their outfits, individuals have begun purchasing them as investments. We solely promote gadgets that we now have in hand.We never use others' photosand try to mislead our clients as if we've the item in stock. If you see it in our retailer, we now have it obtainable for you to buy except said in any other case. PARIS—Jane Birkin desires to put far between herself and one of the world’s most coveted handbags. Billy Cotton discusses the inspiration behind his new guide, highlighting why he is the go-to interior designer for at present's largest creatives. As the most simply identifiable exotic skin that Hermès uses, Ostrich is the only unique in current circulation that lacks a particular foil marking. The glamorous gown featured an extreme plunging neckline and floor-length skirt that had a central thigh-high split. The singer mentioned selected the dress as a end result of she was attending the event for the film Dreamgirls and wished to “go all out”. At the time, followers speculated that the gown was a tribute to Judy Garland who wore an identical outfit in the 1954 model of A Star is Born. This special order Hermes bag in Porosus crocodile creates a beautiful colour whic... Mightychic offers a rare Hermes Birkin 30 Touch bag featured in Jaune Ambre crocodile and togo. This stunning uncommon Ambre Yellow Touch Birkin bag has fabulous depth of shade. Mightychic offers an Hermes Birkin 35 Rose Scheherazade Porosus Crocodile. This pink crocodile Birkin bag is breathtaking in its depth of colour and fantastic factor about scales. Each yr, solely only a few are manufactured and bought by Hermès, leading to nice demand and willingness to pay on the secondary market. Hermès luggage are made from Lizard Niloticus, originating from the Nile river, or Varanus Salvator Lizard. The scales take up dye very well, and are sometimes launched in brilliant and intense shades. Its skin is recognisable by its multiple pores giving a charming ‘polka dot’ look that exudes femininity, and is a firm favorite amongst luxury crowds. Thus, when you have determined that the very distinctive ostrich is the pores and skin for you, we advocate this glorious classic Kelly Rouge which is in a position to set hearts racing with its deep rouge colour. A really Parisian shade, its tone is brooding, passionate and emotive and is complemented by indulgent gold hardware. This bag was made in 1990, which makes it an incredibly uncommon bag and therefore a unbelievable investment for any Hermes lover. Named after actress and singer Jane Birkin, the iconic bag is hand made and strictly unique, which drives the worth of the Birkin yr after 12 months. Hermès Birkin luggage are the most costly luggage on the earth, ranging from $40,000 to $500,000 for a single bag. Himalaya Birkins get their name from the bag's shade, which fades from smoky gray to pearly white, evoking comparisons with the mountain range. Thank You for sharing this Informative Blog.I hope that you'll share more blog in Future. hermes crocodile Feel free to call us for detailed information relating to our services anytime. Crocodiles are confined to concrete pens until they're slaughtered at round 3 years of age. In their pure habitats, Nile crocodiles can live to be up to 80 years old, however at this facility they are slaughtered at the age of around three. Instead, the collection was quiet and minimal, proper down to the new, structured Octogone purse. It measures just 30cm extensive - smaller than the original Birkin handbag - and is produced from nilo crocodile disguise and features diamonds. If you’re a die-hard fashionista or even observe the style world remotely, you’ll surely recognize this model name. Remember to always hold your CITES certificates too as it might result in your bag getting confiscated must you ever travel abroad without the proper documentation. Iconic Hermès Birkin baggage are objects of intense want and fascination. Starting prices for the smallest and simplest variations value upwards of $10,000, and uncommon, limited-edition iterations, like the Himalaya, can push prices into new stratospheres. Even you have the money to purchase one, there's often a months- or even years-long waiting list to purchase. A "Shooting Star" Birkin has a metallic image resembling a shooting star, stamped adjacent to the "Hermès, Paris Made in France" stamp, that's in gold or silver to match the hardware and embossing. Rarely, the stamp is blind or colourless, if the bag is made of 1 or two leathers onto which no metallic stamping is used. wikipedia hermes crocodile
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