#there are Nazarbaev Intellectual Schools that are literally one lf the best schools in the country
for very very strange 3 years the name of capital city of Kazakhstan was... Nursultan. Like Nursultan Nazarbayev. The still alive first president(out of 2) of Kazakhstan.
Why only 2 you ask, haven't Kazakhstan gained its independency in 1991 with other countries? Yes I answer you. It is just that every post-USSR country is fucked up in their own way. So.
Nursultan Nazarbayev was president of Kazakhstan from 1st of December 1991(before Kazakhstan even signed official declaration of independency) to somewhere mid 2019. 28 this man was ruling Kazakhstan.
And guess what. After this quickly elected Zhomart Tokaev decided to rename the capital Astana(literally Capital city from kazakh) to Nursultan. Because he was such a good leader:) He needs to be remembered:).
Anyways. They changed the name after Bloody Qantar of 2022. We returned to Astana!
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