viktheviking1 · 3 months
Confession V2
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(This is kinda outta context. I tried to make it make sense. If you want to know what really happened that led up to this scene, I've got links to my fanfic at the bottom. I hope you enjoy anyway!)
Blitz hadn't seen Stolas in so long. Between Stolas getting kidnapped, and then getting kidnapped himself, he had realized how precious time in this life was. Not to mention the giant lump in his throat as he watched his old friend and first crush live the life he always wanted, and get to love whomever he pleased. Stolas had told him once that he loved him, and he brushed him off. He wouldn't make the same mistake again.
So when he knocked on the door of Stolas's mansion, on a day that was distinctly NOT a full moon, he had one goal in mind.
"Hey there, good looking." Blitz said, leaning in the doorway.
Stolas was clearly taken by surprise, "Oh! Hello, dear. What can I do for you?"
"The better question is what can I do you for?" Blitz grinned.
Stolas couldn’t help but let a goofy, sheepish smile, sprawl across his face, “Heh. He he he! How silly.” He started giggling little hoots.
Blitz seemed to let out a sigh of relief, “It’s been so long since I heard that sound.”
Stolas immediately stopped, “Oh-! I’m sorry.”
“No, no, no!” Blitz closed the space between them, and grabbed his hand, “I meant . . . that I missed it.”
Stolas’s heart flipped, and he looked down at their hands. He tangled their fingers together and he watched as Blitz squeezed his hand.
"You know . . . I've had some time to think. . ." Blitz started, looking away as he blushed, "about you and I. About our arrangement. About how I . . . really feel about you."
“Oh~? And how do you feel about me?~”
He expected a sarcastic return, a witty comback, or at best, a flirtatious remark. He was not expecting for Blitz to grab his cardigan, and tug him down, and kiss him roughly.
Blitz pulled back after a moment but didn’t let go of him, pressing their foreheads together, “I love everything about you, Stolas. I love your creepy bird mouth and the way you laugh. I love listening you talk about your stupid hyperfixations on plants and toads and constellations. I love how much you worry over your daughter and how a simple text from her can make your day. I love how you are somehow so shy and sweet, and somehow the k*nkiest motherf**ker alive and that you know what you and chase after it. I love to listen to you sing in the shower and watch you gaze at the sky. I love you so much, Stolas." He let go of his shirt and cupped his face in his hands, and pulled back to get a better look at him, "and that's why I've been so scared to hurt you. And I know being with me would mean a lot of hard decisions, public ridicule, and general trouble for you. Not to mention my tendency to be the worst of bad luck charms."
"But if you really do think for some crazy, insane reason, that I'm worth all that, then . . ." He nuzzled him and smiled, "why the f**k not?"
Stolas stared into his eyes, stunned. He reached up and pinched Blitz's cheek.
"Ow!" He shouted, but didn't let go of his face, "what the f**k was that for?!"
"I had to check if I was dreaming." Stolas blinked.
Blitz laughed, "You're supposed to pinch yourself to prove it."
"Oh, that's right." Stolas grinned.
"Dumb*ss." Blitz chuckled, and the two fell into another kiss. There tongues tied together in a familiar fashion, the sweet taste of renewed love and churros on their lips. It was also so completely different from their kisses of the past. Before everything was hot, passionate and fast, but this was a tender, honest kiss. A purity in it that neither had ever had before.
Stolas felt a sharp pain, and pulled away suddenly. Standing at his full height, he reached his hand down to rub his butt where it hurt, "Ouch!"
He looked down at Blitz who was grinning mischievously, "So? Is it a dream?"
It took him a moment to realize what had happened, but when he did, he burst out laughing.
". . . It wasn't that funny." Blitz smiled, eyebrows drawn together.
"Oh yes, my dear," Stolas leaned down and picked Blitz up, letting him sit on his arm, so he could face him, "Yes, it was."
Blitz snorted, "You have such a weird sense of humor."
Stolas giggled, "You're the one who made the joke!"
"I know what I said and I stand by it." Blitz nodded.
They both laughed together.
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viktheviking1 · 3 months
My Stolas x Blitzø fanfiction The Pompous and The Prick, is coming to an end. What should I write next?
The problem with the Fizzarozzie fanfic is that if how they actually met and got together is revealed in the show, I might loose motivation to write and/or you guys might loose motivation to read. 👀🤷‍♂️
The problem with the Good Omens idea is that I'm not an expert on the lore, so I'll probably mess up and I'm worried some people would get unreasonably angry about it 😅
*Please note that ultimately, the decision is up to me, but I definitely do want to hear your input!
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viktheviking1 · 3 months
. . . Huh?
What's this?
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Is that . . . 300 Kudos?
(Long sigh) . . . I am so excited guys, don't get me wrong . . . But did you really have to give me this on the week that I specifically said I wouldn't post anything?
I want to throw a party! I want to celebrate! I want to thank everyone who got me there! But NoooOOOoooo, if I post a thank you this week without a chapter people will be upset!
This is just a ploy to make me post s chapter this week, isn't it? Well it ain't gonna work! I refuse!
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