#thennn a Porky compilation comic book from 1942? then things get a little ambiguous with the age but generally span from the mid 40s
ducktracy · 14 days
Do you own any Looney Tunes production art?
i’m incredibly fortunate enough to say that I DO!! i own this wonderful photostat model sheet from Porky the Wrestler!
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a photostat is essentially the ‘30s equivalent of a photocopy, so it’s not THE actual model sheet drawing, but it was still in the hands of at least one of the animators who worked on the short! if you hold it at a certain angle and get the light to reflect off of it, there are actually some indentations of writing, as if someone was writing on a piece of paper on top of it… and of course the hooves and side snout drawn in marker which aren’t meant to be there (maybe it was a slow work day?)
i actually still haven’t gotten it framed, i need to… but i also just really enjoy being able to hold it in my hands and try and make out the writing indentations on top and also lose my mind at Oh My God Someone In The Tex Avery Unit Touched This At One Point. plus, the material is glossy/has a cardboard sort of feel to it (like a more sturdy printed photograph) so it’s not as delicate as animation paper and gets along fine sitting on my shelf as is HAHA. still, definitely want to find a proper means of displaying it sometime!
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