#then give me attitude when I’m like ‘they’re just a part of my headcount now’ like STAY WITH THE GROUP NOW
shannonswizzies · 2 years
Rant ahead
#okay so#I teach pre-k just so everyone knows before I go on my thing#so I have the oldest class right the 4/5 year olds YKNOW#and our youngest are little 2 and a half year olds so I GOT BABY BABIES#okay so we had our field trip to the pumpkin patch which we do every year without a hitch#this year we had A T O N more parents wanting to go which fine#like 5 in my class alone#so my NEWEST BEEF WITH PARENTS#if you are going on a field trip with your YOUNG CHILDREN TO A VERY PUBLIC AND PACKED PLACE#p l e a s e dear god either take them or let me watch them#PICK ONE JUST PIC K AN OPTION I AM SO USED TO WATCHING THEM I PROMISE YOU I DO NOT ACTUALLY NEEED YOU#but doing that back and forth BULLSHIT WHILE I HAVE 15 OTHER CHILDREN IS NOT THE MOVE#because I am now my headcount is all over and now I have 5 children who I don’t FUCKING KNOW IF THEYRE WITH ME OR NOT#AND THEN!!!! THEN!!! NOT ONE BUT T W O TWO TWO T W O OF MY CHILDREN#T W O OF THEM BEGAN WONDERING OFF like I need you guys to understand this is a huge farm/cornfield/pumpkin patch BIG PLACE#wander WHATEVER IM NOT FIXING IT#NOT A PARENT IN SIGHT SO I T O O K THEM#only to have their parents COEM TO ME A WHOLE 15/20 MINUTES LATER BEING LIEK ‘oh sorry I got distracted’#then give me attitude when I’m like ‘they’re just a part of my headcount now’ like STAY WITH THE GROUP NOW#I’m not risking losing a little child#keep in mind this is with MY class#the little guys ONE OF THE DAD’S WHOLE ASS LOST HIS CHILD CAME PNICKING OVER FOUND HIM S O B B I N G AND HE WENT TO THE TRACHER FIRST#anyways#pick one#I really honestly truly am so used and OKAY with having all my class because they are little Angel babies for me#(and yes I got many compliments on how polite and sweet my littles are from the staff thank u one of the best behaved groups THANK YOU)#I lost my train of thought#pls if you come on a field trip just stay with the group or don’t#pick a side choose a side I don’t c a r e what side you choose PICK ONE
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clara-licht · 4 years
Just Out of Touch | Part Two
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Summary: Midtown’s Academic Decathlon team managed to score a field trip to the one and only Stark Industries Headquarter located in Stark Tower, leaving behind a Peter Parker who was not allowed to join for “faking” documents regarding SI internship. In a strike of fortune (or unluckiness) for the team, they had Tony Stark’s own daughter to guide their tour. And she was not happy.
Join their trip through the industry with glimpses of a certain arachnid and a young Stark’s relationship!
Pairing: Peter Parker x Reader
Word Count: 10.4k
Warning: cursing
Note: thank you so much for your enthusiasm in this story! I really didn’t expect this to take off like it did! I hope you can enjoy this one, although I think this chapter might be a little confusing and rushed, especially the ending. As promised, I posted the badges’ designs used in this story yesterday, so check it out by clicking the link below if you’re interested.
Title Inspo: BTS & Zara Larsson - A Brand New Day
Part One | Badge Designs | Best of Me Masterlist | Marvel Masterlist
Ned looked at MJ, confused. "What was that?"
"I'm not sure." MJ frowned. She glanced at Hecate's exhibition next to Spider-Man's.
Despite being acquainted to Spider-Man, the public knew little to nothing about the vigilante called Hecate. They just showed up out of nowhere one day, focusing mainly on kidnapping cases. Unlike Spider-Man, medias never really said anything incriminating against them, seeing as all they did was found kidnappers, beat them, and returned the children to police stations.
Police officers were wary due to their violent nature against the kidnappers. They always made sure the criminals were beaten half to death. Public supported them, saying kidnappers deserve it, so law enforcers couldn't really do anything.
Yet it seems that (y/n) had something against the hero.
Once everyone was gathered and Mr. Harrington finished his headcount, (y/n) led them back to the elevator, asking FRIDAY to take them to 25th floor.
(Y/n) blinked as something dawned on her, "Merda, I forgot to explain about the tower before the Museum." She clicked her tongue, irritated. "This is why we have interns to do tour!" She grumbled.
The students glanced at each other, confused and unsure about what to do. They didn't want to upset their guide (more than she already was anyway) by saying something they probably shouldn't.
The elevator dinged and they exited. Instead of a reception table like the Hall of Heroes, they were met with cubicles upon cubicles.
"An office?" Flash scoffed, "What are we going to see here? How to sell a phone?"
(Y/n) turned to look at him with a heated glare that made him flinched, "That's exactly what you're going to see. What, do you think an industry can survive only with R&D? Do you even know how real life works?" She snapped venomously, eyes glowing dangerously.
"I'm sorry for his attitude, Miss Stark." Mr. Harrington hurriedly intervened, pushing Flash behind him. "He's just a bit too excited to see the labs, you know, coming from a science school and all…"
Thankfully, a middle-aged woman came and interrupted before (y/n) could possibly curse Flash out. "Welcome to Stark Industries' Marketing Department!" She greeted them with a cheerful grin. "My name is Sarah Keynes and I'm Public Relations Officer! Midtown High School, right?"
"Yes, they're from Midtown. I assume the presentation is ready, Mrs. Keynes?"
"She was basically burning Flash not even a minute ago and now she's so professional-looking, that's awesome." Yasmin whispered to Jason.
Jason nodded and whispered back, "It's like earlier didn't happen at all."
(Y/n)'s back was straight, hands clasped in front of her, chin lifted just a bit, and her expression was mild. She made eye contact with Sarah and her eyes were calm. No one could tell she was livid just a moment ago.
Sarah smiled, "Indeed it is, Miss Stark! We know you will be punctual as you always are. If you would just follow me."
They followed Sarah to a meeting room of sorts on the floor where a small group of people, mostly wearing intern badges, were standing in front of the room. In the middle of the room was a big table surrounded by chairs, which they were asked to sit on. (Y/n) sat on the back of the room, leaning against the wall.
"Once again, welcome to Stark Industries' Marketing Department!" Sarah exclaimed.
"We have some of our team members who will join us in learning about our department here," she gestured at the group of people beside her who waved at the students, "and I promise we're all friendly here, so if you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask! Let's begin now, shall we?"
One of them, a man in his early thirties with an employee badge, thanked Sarah before opening their presentation.
"Hey guys, my name is Roberto Salvatore, Advertising Manager. Let's start with…"
(Y/n) tuned out once Roberto started the PowerPoint slides. She already knew everything about their Marketing Department, Pepper made sure of it.
"This is so boring." (Y/n) lamented as she slouched on the table, a tall stack of paper sitting in front of her innocently.
Peter, who was doing his homework, looked at the dejected figure beside him. "Can't help it, you're going to take over the company one day, after all."
"But why do I have to read all of this now?" She pouted. "Why would I need to know every single detail about marketing! I bet dad didn't even know any of this when he was CEO."
"To be fair, he did admit he was a shitty CEO."
(Y/n) grumbled, "Not helping."
Peter let out a laugh and gently ruffled (y/n)'s hair, (y/n) halfheartedly swatting his hand away.
"Hey, Pete."
She turned her head, now her cheek was pressing against the table and she could look at him directly. "If I don't want to take over SI, will you?"
He tilted his head slightly and looked back into her eyes. "It's called Stark Industries, (y/n). It belongs to Starks."
"I'm dad's only child, as far as we know. Maybe in the future I'll have a younger sibling, but if I don't or we don't want to, who will take over then?" She wondered. "And I know I won't be able to manage the whole company alone. I'm not like Pepper. She always said I'm so much like dad, and you know how he is."
Peter dropped his pen in favor of holding (y/n)'s hand and squeezing it.
"You know Mr. Stark won't force you if you don't want to."
(Y/n) gave a non-committal hum.
"And you know I'll always have your back."
(Y/n) gave another hum.
"So if you ever need help, I'm always available."
(Y/n) suddenly sat up and stared at him with wide eyes. "Wait, you said that Stark Industries belong to Starks only, didn't you?"
She grinned mischievously. "If you marry me, you can take my last name and be a Stark so you can take the company too!"
"WHAT IS THIS ABOUT MARRIAGE?" Tony's loud voice boomed, saving the now red and speechless Peter from having to form any sort of reply.
(Y/n) spent the time working on her newest project schematics through her phone, sometimes looking up when a discussion topic seems interesting. Despite Flash's remark earlier, the group was actually interested in and was invested through the presentation, throwing questions related to the topic here and there. The marketing team had prepared some quizzes related to the presentation and answering students now had a gift bag with them.
"That's a wrap, guys! Let's give an applause for our marketing team!" Sarah clapped her hands, prompting the others to follow.
Realizing the presentation was over, (y/n) glanced at the clock on her phone before putting it away and moved to the front of the room.
"We still have some time before lunch, so I might as well tell you things about the tower I forgot to earlier. Is it okay if we use the room for a bit, Mrs. Keynes?"
"Of course!"
"Thank you."
As the marketing team left the room, (y/n) turned on the projection and put in her credentials. Anyone could access their account from anywhere in the building as long as a capable device was available. This was for the sake of convenience.
(Y/n) found the file she was looking for and accessed it. A hologram of the tower sprung out in the middle of the table, making the group awed.
"You are currently in Stark Industries Headquarter here in Stark Tower. This tower was previously named Avengers Tower, but after the team's fall out, dad sold it. There were complications-" She stopped, frowning.
"Didn't the Vulture's daughter go to your school?"
Some of them squirmed uncomfortably on their chairs.
"Liz was our senior before she moved to Oregon." Betty answered softly. Memories of Liz still hurt her sometimes. She was good friends with her, after all.
Of course, (y/n) actually already knew this.
"Pete, hey, look at me. Come on."
Grunting, he slowly opened his eyes despite his pounding head that screamed at him to just pass the hell out. He squinted; the soft light emitting from the park's lighting was somehow blinding to him. He didn't notice that it was drizzling until a few drops slid down from his eyebrows.
(Y/n) smiled at him. "Hey. Let's get you out of here, okay?" She spoke softly, careful of his senses.
Her words made him realize where he was. "How did you find me?" He asked, voice raspy.
"That's for later. Come on, can you climb down?"
Without replying, Peter gently held (y/n) close to him and jumped down. (Y/n) didn't let out any sound, as if she already guessed Peter was going to do that.
She led him to a car she stole from her dad and strapped him in before reaching for a towel and a soft blanket on the backseat. She gave him the blanket and used the towel to rubbed his hair slowly.
Peter was quiet as he let her dry him. He wasn't drenched; the sky was kind enough not to give a storm and gently pour some droplets instead. Still, he was thankful for the blanket warming him.
Once satisfied with her work, (y/n) threw the towel back to the backseat, went into the driver's seat, and drove away.
"Do you want to tell me what happened?"
Peter looked out the window, sighing heavily. His whole body ached. The pounding in his head hadn't gone away. He was almost 100% sure that he had a concussion.
"Aren't you supposed to be in homecoming right now?" (Y/n) asked again, stealing glances at him while trying to still focus on the road.
For a moment, Peter didn't reply. (Y/n) didn't pester him and kept driving in silence.
"He's her dad."
"The Vulture. He's Liz's dad."
(Y/n) glanced at him. He looked dead tired. And hurt.
"Liz? The girl you have a crush on?"
Peter nodded slightly. "He hijacked Mr. Stark's moving plane. I had to stop him."
"And you did."
"Yeah, I did…" He trailed off. "But why don't I feel good about it?"
Nobody said anything.
"Yeah, anyways, he tried to steal our moving cargo and Spider-Man stopped him. Dad then realized it was more of a hassle to leave this tower since it's powered by the arc reactor."
The hologram zoomed at the bottom of the tower, showing the huge arc reactor beneath.
"People would actually kill for its blueprints, you know?" She shook her head. "So he bought this tower back and made it the headquarter for SI. This tower has 100 floors, because dad likes the even number, and top 5 floors are private residential area and private labs."
The group started murmuring amongst themselves. Private residential area?
"When I said residential, I mean it. We live here when we're not out of the city, it's convenient. Of course, dad still has several other houses, but personally, I like this tower the best."
Because it's closer to Peter, she thought.
Besides the arc reactor, one of the reasons Tony had bought the tower back was for Peter. He realized that he couldn't stop the kid from being Spider-Man, with or without the suit. Helping keeping him safe was the least he could do, and if having Stark Tower means easier for Peter to reach when he needed something, then Stark Tower shall remain.
It had nothing to do with (y/n) blowing up at him for taking Peter's protection (the suit, not something else, you dirty minded) and asking (forcing) him to be more active in their mentorship.
Nothing at all.
(Besides, Tony had also developed a soft spot for Peter. He looked at the boy and saw a much better version of himself.)
"The floors are divided into the departments; Marketing, Human Resource Management, Accounting and Finance, Legal, and Research and Development. Other departments like Production and Purchasing are on other branches of SI. Most branches have R&D labs because dad, as I quote, will go crazy if he doesn't have any lab to mess around after a shareholders meeting." She rolled her eyes.
(Y/n) swiped away at the hologram, effectively shutting it down. "Okay, that's it. Now let's go get lunch."
The cafeteria was bustling. (Y/n) told them they had $40 inside their badge and they could buy any food they wanted from the cafeteria simply by swiping their badge to pay.
"Gather in front of the elevator at 1.30 PM on the dot. Now go eat."
As the group dispersed, she headed back to the elevator and asked FRIDAY to take her to the top floor.
A voice called out her name when she stepped out from the elevator.
For the first time that day, (y/n) let her lips curved up to a genuinely pleased smile.
Peter was sitting on the sofa in front of the TV, a messy sandwich in his hands and soot on his cheek. His clothes were clean, although his hair was dirty with dust and she could smell something burnt. He must had changed his clothes. It wasn't hard to figure out what he had been up to as he did tell her he was messing up with DUST earlier.
Something must had blown up.
"What did you explode today, Mr. Scientist?" She asked playfully.
(Y/n) raised an eyebrow, still smiling.
"…I connected wrong wires when trying to fix DUST's heat sensor."
Chuckling, she shook her head amusedly and made her way to the sofa. Peter handed him a wrapped sandwich after she sat down which she accepted gladly.
"How's your presentation going?" Peter asked between bites.
(Y/n) peeled the sandwich wrapping away, showing the gorgeous rib sandwich practically dripping with warm barbecue sauce. The smell was heavenly.
She took a big bite, moaning quietly as the flavor burst on her tongue.
"I love ribs." She mumbled, still chewing.
After she swallowed, she heaved a sigh. "Presentation was boring. I still have some to do after this, but really, it just feels like a waste of time."
Peter hummed thoughtfully. "What is it about anyway?"
(Y/n), already prepared to answered any questions that he might shoot her, answered easily with a lie, "That upcoming high school internship program dad came up with."
Peter stopped chewing. "That's real?" He asked, frowning.
"Of course it's real!"
"I thought it was just a joke or something to cover my alibi…"
(Y/n) stopped chewing as well and put down her sandwich. "You know, I'm not supposed to tell you this yet," she started slowly, "but dad is planning on making you the head of internship program."
If (y/n) hadn't anticipated it and held a hand in front of Peter, his sandwich would've flown away with how hard he practically jumped out of his seat.
"You're his first of his only two personal interns, who also happen to be the only two interns of SI still in high school. He said it's an obvious choice, to make sure the upcoming high school interns will be more comfortable." She explained, putting Peter's sandwich on the table in front of them. "Pepper agrees with him, so there's that."
Peter's eyes were wide.
"No, no, that's an awful decision!" He stammered. "I'm not leader material! I barely even know what I'm doing! I-I'll mess it up!"
"You saw me! I blew DUST up because I connected wrong wires! That's such a newbie mistake! And what about Spider-Man? I barely have enough time now, I'll neglect my responsibilities!"
"And my school! Nobody believe I'm an intern in the first place, but head of program?! Principal Morita will have my head for lying extensively! They already disregard my internship papers anyway-"
(Y/n) pulled Peter down to sit back on the sofa and gently grasp his chin.
"Hey, look at me."
He did.
"Remember what you told me when I said I can't take care of SI alone?"
Peter didn't answer, but his eyes that looked back at (y/n)'s had calmed down slightly.
"I'll always have your back. So if you ever need help, I'm always available." (Y/n) smiled at him. "You don't have to worry about messing up, Pete. You're not doing it alone. Harley will take the position with you and I'll always help if you need me."
Peter sagged on the sofa, crossing his arms. "Still…"
"Also," (y/n) scowled, "this time I'll make sure they believe you, so now worries for that one."
"What do you mean?"
(Y/n) only smirked at him, offering no explanation. "Finish your sandwich, Spidey. I have to go downstairs soon."
Slightly grumbling, Peter reached for his sandwich. "Oh, where's Harley, by the way? I haven't seen him today." He asked before biting into his sandwich again.
"I think he said he wanted to mess around in R&D today."
"Maybe I should visit him later."
When (y/n) went back downstairs after leaving a pouty Peter with a peck on his cheek, she was greeted with the sight of Ned massaging his shoulder with a grimace amongst his friends. She was actually familiar with Ned and MJ's faces, having seen their pictures whenever Peter told her about his school day. Keeping her dad's words about formality in mind, she didn't show her familiarity at all.
Although now Ned was acting weird. She knew that gesture meant he hurt his shoulder, but what happened during the short time she wasn't there to supervise?
"Mr. Harrington," she called the startled teacher, "is everyone accounted for?"
"Y-Yes, Miss Stark. We're all here and ready to continue."
"Anyone needs bathroom breaks before we leave?"
Several of them lifted their hands.
(Y/n) looked around before catching an intern's eyes.
"Hey! Uh, Miss Macready!"
The intern looked surprised like a deer caught in headlights. Maybe she didn't expect to be called out by her name by the company owner's daughter that day.
She approached (y/n) hesitantly. "Yes, Miss Stark?"
(Y/n) was pleased when she saw her intern badge and found out that she knew the intern's name. She remembered seeing her around when she was in Finance Department.
"Can you show these students to the closest bathroom? I need to address something right now."
"Right away, Miss Stark."
The Finance Department intern, Mindy Macready, beckoned the students to follow her, leaving (y/n) and a handful of the leftover students in front of the elevator. Mr. Harrington had gone with the rest.
Seeing the students were occupied with talking between themselves, (y/n) moved closer to Ned who was still massaging his shoulder and talking with MJ in hushed voices.
"Mr. Leeds."
Ned turned around quickly, expression not unlike Mindy when (y/n) called her earlier.
"(Y/n) Stark knows my name…" He muttered in disbelief.
Ignoring his mumbling, (y/n) asked, "What happened to your shoulder?"
He hadn't even gotten over his surprise of (y/n) knowing his name, but now she noticed his pain?
Ned could only gape, leaving MJ to respond, "A kid in our class is a jerk."
(Y/n) narrowed her eyes in displeasure. "And does this kid called himself Flash?" She sneered.
At this point, MJ wasn't surprised that (y/n) had known about Flash. She deduced that Peter must have told her a lot more than just Flash anyway, so she only nodded curtly.
"You don't have to tell me what happened, I'll find out later. Thank you, Miss Jones."
(Y/n) took them to visit Legal Department where the Director, a surprisingly young man on his late 20s or early 30s named Isaac Latimer-Reed, talked to them briefly about what his department deal with. SI's Legal Department didn't only handle cases related to their products and company name; SI had included legal aid in each of their employee's contract. Tony had put some of his best lawyers to work in the company instead of just for himself. Shall an employee ever find themselves in a situation where they needed legal aid but couldn't afford it, SI had their backs.
"So if someone is in a fight with her husband or something, you can help them, I don't know, divorce him?" Flash asked with a frown. Why something so trivial? He had thought. "Isn't that against privacy?"
"It's not something that simple." Isaac said. "What if that fight results in violence? What if one of them had lifted a hand against the others? Our employees are free to talk to us and give us enough reason to make a case. We had freed quite a number of our employees from their abusive family simply after they just told us what happened."
Isaac smirked, "They didn't stand a chance against us. No matter how hard you try to hide a rotten core, the smell will always escape."
His dark expression made the students gulped and stepped back a bit.
(Y/n), on the other hand, smirked alongside Isaac.
She had always liked the man. He was quite a shrewd man who wouldn't stop pursuing "justice". That was how he got to such a high position despite his young age. Tony knew he needed someone sharp who could be ruthless in his Legal Department, and Isaac was the perfect candidate.
"We are against violence here in SI." (Y/n) said out loud, gaining their attention, "Any kind of abuse or bullying is not tolerated. Whether it's verbal or physical, direct or implied, we do not accept such behavior." She glanced at Flash who definitely had a sweat rolling down the side of his neck.
After some Q&A session, (y/n) thanked Isaac for his time and led the group away.
"Miss Stark?" Zoha called out. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but can we get some water before proceeding, please?" She asked, Yasmin nodding beside her.
"Follow me."
They stopped by the closest kitchenette. As she promised, it was fully stocked. For a small kitchen in an office, it was quite bizarre to see baskets of chocolates, cookies, and snacks beside plates of fruits and nuts. A coffee and tea station on the side of a big fridge and a juicer and blender beside it didn't seem quite… right either.
"You can eat and drink whatever you want but finish it here. We're heading to the labs after this."
She let them snacked around in the kitchenette for less than 10 minutes before whisking them away.
"We have a lot of R&D labs." (Y/n) explained, "In this tower alone, R&D span from 61st Floor to 80th. Each department usually have 10 floors max, but since dad is biased, R&D got more attention."
"Excuse me, Miss Stark?" Charles called. (Y/n) looked at him, waiting. "What does R&D interns do? Are they classified to do experiments by themselves?"
"Not really." She answered. "Level 1 interns mostly make reports and do research with or for their supervisor. Sometimes they'll get to help with the fun part, but that's for level 2 interns, usually."
"And level 2 interns?"
"Product testing, chemical experiments, engineering trials, they're allowed to do them all under supervision or with their supervisor's permission. Level 3 interns don't need supervision, but they still have to report."
The elevator dinged.
"Come on."
The floor they were at was spacious. Unlike the offices with their rooms and sections, the lab was mostly just open space with tables and cabinets. On the far end of the room was glass doors leading to testing rooms, while on the other end was a white door leading to the floor's supervisors.
"Welcome to Medic Lab!" A man in his 40s greeted them with a smile. He was tall and lanky with dark hair and equally dark eyes with laugh lines around them.
"This is Dr. Henry Clark, this lab's Assistant Director. He'll be Director soon though." (Y/n) introduced. "Dr. Clark, Midtown Science and Tech."
Henry blinked in surprise. "Midtown? Isn't that-"
"Yeah, it is." (Y/n) cut him off.
"Is he here?"
(Y/n) shook her head, "No, he's upstairs. He's going to T04E later, I think."
"Bring him here sometimes, will you? We're extremely grateful that you're here a lot, but we need both your brains sometimes too, you know!" He laughed. (Y/n) only smiled at the man.
Being very interested in the health department, (y/n) spent a long time in this particular lab. Unlike Peter who was more into engineering, although he did help out in various labs sometimes.
"Who are they talking about?" Abe whispered.
Henry turned to the confused students, "As Miss Stark said, my name is Henry Clark and this is Medic Lab 01. We focus on the medic field in this lab, especially on the chem side. Medicines, to put it simply."
He brought them further inside, passing through several scientists having heated discussion over a white board filled with numbers and equations.
"While focusing on pure chemistry, we also work closely with the lab above us which focus on chemical engineering. Sometimes with H03BE too, but they're more likely to work with people from Tech Labs instead of us." He stopped in front of a table filled with equipment and solutions where 2 interns were waiting for them.
"What is H03BE?" Ned asked.
"Oh, sorry, that's the code for labs!" Henry apologized. "That one is also medic lab, but for biomedical engineering."
"How about this lab?"
"What does the code stand for?"
"This lab is H01C, because this is the first lab in 'health' department and we play with chemicals. Only scientists and interns in R&D use them though, since it's more just to make reports easier to categorize."
"Officially, this is just Medic-1." (Y/n) added.
They gathered around the table. "Currently, we're trying to find a breakthrough in our Alzheimer's disease cure and how to deal with autoimmune issues. We almost got it, really." Henry continued.
"I'm still most excited for the cancer research though." An intern with fire red hair said with a grin.
"We're going to a little fun test with you guys to see your potential! Maybe you're good enough to be an intern here and might get scouted!" Another intern with cropped black hair exclaimed.
"What do you mean by scouted?" Cindy asked.
(Y/n) spoke before Henry or the interns answered, "I will explain that later, it's part of this trip program."
When (y/n) had told Peter she had presentation for the internship program, it wasn't exactly a full-on lie. SI planned on scouting students from field trips and it just so happened that the owner's daughter was guiding one. She was supposed to explain it on the last session.
The group looked at each other with grins. A chance to be an intern in SI? Hell yes!
"You're the boss, Stark." Henry grinned. "Let's begin, shall we?"
It was a simple enough test. They were given written reactions such as (2C12H22CaO14 + O2 → 22H2O + 21C + 2CaO + 3CO2) and they had to figure out which chemical solution it applied to and conduct it. Being from STEM school, most of them could figure their reaction out, although some who clearly didn't pay attention in chem class struggled. Finding out which solution was easy, but how to make it react?
Ned grinned as grey snake-like foam rose from his heated calcium gluconate. So far, he was the fastest guy to successfully figure out his reaction, only being beaten by Zoha.
"You're fast!" Henry said as he looked at Ned's petri dish. "Can you explain what you did?"
"Yeah, it's simple." Ned answered. "C12H22CaO14 is formula for calcium gluconate, and it reacts with O2; oxygen. But calcium gluconate doesn't just automatically react with oxygen. It was completely fine touching air before we started, so I heated it up and it reacted."
"Very good." Henry complimented with a smile. "Now do you know why it becomes like this?"
"The molecular structure expands due to the heat. This grey foam formed because any water contained inside vaporized and hydroxyl groups within the compound were dehydrated."
"And in conclusion?"
"Calcium gluconate rapidly decomposes after being heated."
"Great job!" Henry complimented again. Ned thanked him happily before Henry moved on to MJ who created a bright blue flash and loud sound that sounded like woofing, shocking Jason beside her.
MJ grumbled under her breath, "Out of all things, they just have to give me nitrogen monoxide and carbon disulfide to burn."
As Ned took pictures of his grey foam (after Henry said he could, of course), (y/n) stood beside him and peered at the petri dish.
"That was quick. I thought you're more into coding."
Thankfully, this time Ned could hold his surprise and just grinned at the girl. "Chemistry is fun when it's actually conducted and not just lectured on. How do you know I like coding?"
"Peter told me about you and Miss Jones." (Y/n) answered simply.
"You can just call me Ned and her Michelle, you know." Ned said. "A friend of Peter's is a friend of ours too. He talked about you a lot."
(Y/n) flushed a bit, "He did?"
"Yeah! It's as though we know you already!" He chuckled.
She silently glanced at the grinning boy.
Maybe I should try to make more friends…
Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw Flash frowning at his paper while grabbing cesium and-
Is that water? Wait-
Before Flash could drop the alkali metal into a flask of water, (y/n) quickly reached her hand out.
A loud clink sound echoed as water dripped down from the table to the floor, stopping Flash from dropping the cesium.
"ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND?!" (Y/n) yelled.
Everyone in the room halted.
"DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT WOULD HAPPEN IF YOU PUT THAT IN WATER?!" She yelled again, eyes glowing with anger.
"Uh, I…" Flash mumbled out. His eyes moved quickly from (y/n)'s furious face to the small petri dish with cesium in his hand.
"It's, uh, it's iron salt…?"
(Y/n)'s face grew even redder as she tried to held back her anger.
Henry approached them and gently took the petri dish away from Flash who was shaking with fear. "This is cesium, young boy. It reacts violently with water. If you had combined the two, that glass flask would explode and hurt you." He explained.
(Y/n) snatched the paper containing the reaction assigned to Flash and scoffed, "You were supposed to form valence oxide and took cesium? Cazzo! Do you pay attention in class?! YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO MIX FERROUS AND FERRIC IN BASIC SOLUTION! DO YOU EVEN KNOW HOW IRON SALT IS SUPPOSED TO BE LIKE?!"
Trying to calm the girl down, Henry patted her shoulder, "Calm down, Stark. This is also my fault for including cesium on the table. Everyone is okay, that's the important thing."
"But what if I didn't notice what he held, Dr. Clark? What then? His parents may have signed the papers allowing him here and swearing not to blame us for accidents, but you and I know those papers mean little to parents whose children are hurt!"
(Y/n) snapped her eyes back to Flash, "You're from STEM school, for fuck's sake! And you're in this decathlon team! You're supposed to be smart," she emphasized, "yet you can't do this simple experiment?!"
Flash, clearly offended, snapped back, "It's not my fault that you put unsafe things here! What kind of work environment is this?! You just put danger on my life and I can sue you for this!"
"Flash!" Mr. Harrington tried to scold, but (y/n) had grown even angrier.
"VAFFANCULO!" She shouted angrily as she took a step closer to him, the anger in her eyes looked so close to snapping.
And maybe she would have done something to Flash if the lab's sliding door didn't suddenly open and Harley hurriedly rushed in and held (y/n)'s arm back.
"Whoa there, calm down, Princess Stark." Harley soothed, "FRIDAY told me there was almost an incident and I heard you screaming your favorite Italian word, so what happened?"
"Why don't you ask this figlio di puttana?!" (Y/n) gritted out, although the glow in her eyes had started to settle.
Mr. Harrington quickly grabbed Flash who was just opening his mouth to retort back and put him behind his back with a quick glare, warning him not to say anything stupid.
"I apologize, Miss Stark, I truly do, please forgive him! I'll make sure he won't do anything stupid anymore!" He bowed his head.
Knowing (y/n) was still too pissed off to say something intellectual, Harley answered, "I'm sure it can be forgotten. It's okay. Can someone tell me what happened, though? I might have to report this upstairs later…"
Henry sighed, "The young man almost put cesium in water, but (y/n) stopped him."
Harley nodded, "Okay, and?"
"What do you mean, 'and'?"
The sandy-haired teen snorted, "There's no way (y/n) would just tell this guy to go fuck himself if she stopped him in time."
"Flash mouthed back, saying he would sue SI or something." MJ interrupted.
Realization dawned on Harley and he nodded again. "Yeah, that sure can pissed Princess Stark off."
When he turned his glance on (y/n), her face had lost almost all of its redness and her eyes were no longer glowing, but he could still see repressed anger in them.
"Do you want me to take over?" He asked gently. "Peter is in T04E, do you want to go there instead?" He asked again, murmuring softly.
(Y/n) heaved a heavy sigh and rest her forehead on Harley's shoulder. "It's fine, I can continue." She mumbled. "We're scheduled to go to T04E after this anyway."
"Alright, alright." Harley patted her head. "Want me to come with you?"
Feeling her nodded against his shoulder, Harley cleared his throat. "Alright then, let's forget about what happened here and move on, shall we? Dr. Clark?"
"Ah, yes," the good man stepped closer to them and clasped his hand, "that's all for today, everyone. Good job on your work! I hope I'll see you again, maybe as an intern or even an employee here someday."
The group hesitantly chorused a thank you before Mr. Harrington hurriedly ushered them out from the lab to follow Harley and (y/n) and before long, they were back in the elevator again.
"Okay guys, we're heading to Tech Lab now!" Harley said cheerfully. "It's one of my favorites, if I'm being honest! This particular one, especially."
"Why? What's in the lab?"
"He's just allowed to make things explode. Can't do that in medic-researching labs." (Y/n) said shortly.
Harley just grinned at her.
The elevator opened.
"Welcome to Tech-04, guys!"
Unlike Medic-01, Tech-04 was more… chaotic.
Medic-01 was relatively quiet, maybe some discussion here and there with liquid upon liquid sloshing around. Sometimes small pops when wrong solutions were mixed. Tech-04, on the other hand, was filled with a lot of noise.
Someone was groaning and then grumbling at a circuit board in front of them, a solder whirring (should it even whir?) on their hand.
Two people were arguing loudly over hologram displaying blueprints.
Another person was hitting a small bot with what looked like a small hammer, making loud clanging sound every hit.
Some tools were accidentally dropped, the metal hitting floor sound followed by a loud 'sorry!'.
Heavy machines made weird noises that sound so unfamiliar to a high schooler's ears.
Harley and (y/n) walked in, unbothered by all the noises around them. The group flinched at sudden noises, but they followed the two silently.
"Usually we take tour groups to Tech-01, but they're doing something classified right now." Harley explained. "Since you guys are from STEM school, we thought Tech-04 is the best place to visit since every cool stuff happens here." He grinned.
"Holy shit are those arrows?!" Tyler screeched out.
"Those were supposed to be Hawkeye's prototype multifunction arrows, but after the Accord debacle, Tony dumped them."
"What's that?" Cindy pointed at black bracelets on a display. "It looks like normal bracelets…"
"Black Widow's widow bites." (Y/n) answered.
Cindy tilted her head, "Bites?"
"Electroshock weapon."
"You just saw Hawkeye's weapon, what makes Black Widow's surprise you?" (Y/n) scoffed, still feeling irritated from before.
"Tech-04 is the best lab because a lot of Avengers weapons were designed here!" Harley exclaimed. "Almost all of them had something that came out from this lab sans Tony because he doesn't like people touching his stuff. A bit stuck up, isn't he?" He chortled.
(Y/n) rolled her eyes at him. "Can't help it. The last time he trusted his stuff with someone, Stane dealt him a bad hand."
"Not true, the last time was when he left JARVIS with me!" Harley argued.
"That was because he had no choice, dumbass."
"Still counts!"
Sniffling, Harley turned away from the girl.
"Anyway, we have another test for you all! You got tested in Medic-01 to see your chemistry knowledge, here in Tech-04 we'll see your engineering skill!"
They gathered around a big white table, scraps and tools scattered on top.
"Nothing hard, just make a simple bot in 20 minutes. You can use everything on this table. Don't forget to name them, we'll take a look and judge them. Who knows, maybe someone will like your work and want to scout you."
"Time starts now!"
Harley left the group who immediately began working and stood a little to the side with (y/n).
"How are you feeling?" He murmured.
(Y/n) tilted her head up, softly hitting her head against the wall behind her. "Still a bit annoyed, to be honest. That little piece of shit." She grumbled.
"I feel like I've seen him before."
"That's Flash, Harls."
"Flash?" Harley turned to her, startled. "That Flash? The one Peter talked about?"
She nodded.
"Well… Fuck."
"Fuck, indeed."
For a moment, they stood there in silence, watching their assigned group tinkering with various tools while chattering within each other. (Y/n)'s eyes followed Flash's every movement like a hawk.
"I think he did something to Leeds earlier." She mumbled.
"What is it?"
"I don't know, but Jones confirmed it."
Harley hummed and looked around. His eyes caught a tablet sitting on top of a cabinet near them. He pushed himself away from the wall.
"Wait here."
He approached the cabinet and grabbed the tablet before going back to (y/n).
The tablet, a standard StarkPad issued for every department in SI, was locked with password. They easily unlocked it with the lab's code.
Harley quickly accessed FRIDAY with his credentials.
"How can I help you, Harley?" Her voice came out from the tablet.
"Can you show us security footage from- when was it again?"
(Y/n) snorted.
"Don't laugh! You didn't tell me!" Harley complained indignantly.
"Footage on the trip group after lunch please, FRI."
"Right away, (y/n)."
"Hey, fatso!"
Ned and MJ didn't respond, continuing eating their lunch in peace.
And that peace was interrupted when Flash clasped Ned's shoulder and pulled him back hard, making him fell from the backless chair. "When I call you, I expect an answer!" He sniggered.
Unluckily for the two, Mr. Harrington was in line waiting for his meal, completely missing the exchange.
MJ quickly stood up and pushed him away to help Ned. "What the hell, Flash?!" MJ exclaimed angrily.
"Not my fault he's so heavy he can't stand gravity pulling him down." Flash snickered.
"Why you-"
"It's fine, MJ." Ned assured, putting a hand on her arm. "What do you want, Flash?" He asked tiredly.
Flash ignored MJ's heated glare (an amazing feat, really) and smirked at Ned. "Why haven't we heard anything about Parker, huh? If he's really an intern someone would've said something, right? Especially since we're from the same school."
Ned rolled his eyes.
"We only visited the Museum, Flash. Do you think he works there? He's probably in the labs a lot."
"Pfft, there's no way he's in the labs! That fucker can't even do anything right! The only thing he can work as is probably a janitor or something."
He reached out and gripped Ned's shoulder, nails sinking into the muscles tightly, ignoring Ned's wince. "So how about you stop lying and tell us the truth, hm? You're just embarrassing yourselves."
Already fed up, MJ grabbed Flash's wrist and forcefully removed his clutch on Ned's shoulder. "How about you stop bothering us, huh? Why are you so obsessed with Peter anyway? You in love with him or something?" She hissed out.
"I'm just saying that people deserve the truth after hearing stupid lies over and over again!" He snatched his hand back, huffing indignantly. "Fucking Penis Parker…
"You're the one spreading the news, Flash. Peter never really said anything." Ned mumbled, one hand massaging his sore shoulder. He could actually feel nails indent through his shirt. Flash's grip was just too tight.
"Oh shut up." Flash scoffed and finally left them.
"I'm going to kill him."
"Don't stop me, Harley."
The angry glow on her eyes returned, this time even brighter. Her (e/c) eyes almost looked like neon blue. Her face was completely blank, only the wide glowing eyes showing just how much anger she was feeling.
Harley held unto her shoulders and crouched down slightly to match her eye level. "Calm down, (y/n). Your eyes are glowing."
"As they should."
"No, they shouldn't!" He whispered-shouted. "Come on. Take a deep breath."
(Y/n) gritted her teeth.
"My bad." Zach said, reaching down to take a screwdriver that fell from the table.
Mr. Harrington frowned. "Did I knock it over?" He mumbled to himself, grabbing the fallen wrench.
"Shit, my pliers!"
"An earthquake?!"
The table was shaking violently, throwing tools down to the floor. Above them, lights were flickering on and off.
Alarms started blaring.
"(Y/N) STOP IT!" Harley tried to shout between the panic screaming.
(Y/n)'s (e/c) eyes were now fully neon blue, glowing brightly in the dark room. She took a shuddered breath and squeezed her eyes shut.
"Harley…" She whispered. "I can't."
"How do you get used to your power?"
"Hmm?" Peter looked up from his on-going web fluid. "Practice, I guess…"
"What did you do?"
Peter put the flask on the table. "That depends on which power I try to control. Like my super strength, for example. I practiced juggling eggs and tomatoes without crushing them. It's a lot harder than I thought it would be."
(Y/n) hummed and looked up to the ceiling, contemplating.
"How about you?" Peter asked.
"Yeah. Hecate is always mindful of the children they saved. Their control is amazing."
"…That's Hecate. Not me."
Peter dropped his arms. He removed his gloves and walked towards the girl and plopped down beside her on the sofa.
"We've talked about this, (y/n). Hecate is you and you are Hecate."
"Sure doesn't feel like it." (Y/n) mumbled.
"Is it because of the pronoun?"
He propped an arm on the backrest. "Didn't you come to the conclusion that you're bigender?"
"Yeah…" She sighed. "But that just makes Hecate feel more like a separate being than me."
"Why are they not you?"
(Y/n) removed her stare from the ceiling to Peter's face. "When I go out as Hecate, I don't… I don't feel like (y/n) Stark." She said softly. "When I don Hecate suit, I just… changed, I guess. Hecate feels like a different person. Hecate doesn't think like (y/n) Stark and they sure as hell doesn't act like (y/n) Stark."
Her voice dropped. "Their control over their curse is also better than (y/n) Stark's."
Peter shuffled closer to her and pulled her into an embrace. He buried his fingers into her hair, gently playing with them slightly. "Spider-Man feels like a different person too. But for me, I know that it's because of the mask." He murmured against the side of her hair. "Why do you think they feel different?"
"I'm not sure…"
"Also, it's not a curse, (y/n). It's a gift."
"A gift? Given by HYDRA?"
"Where it comes from doesn't matter. How you use them does."
"Yet I can't even use it without hurting someone as (y/n)."
Peter pulled back, looking straight into (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes. "How about this; if you ever feel like you're not in control of your power, you tell me. I'll try to help you."
"Can you?"
"We can try."
(Y/n) kept her eyes firmly shut. She could hear everyone screaming in fear as everything in the room shook. Small tools even started to flew around, narrowly missing some people.
Harley tried to shout words of encouragement to calm her down, but to no avail.
It was only when his hands holding her shoulders were replaced by another pair and a familiar voice murmuring out her name did she finally open her eyes.
"Hey, Hecate." He smiled.
She shook her head. "Not Hecate. This is (y/n). Hecate wouldn't lose control like this." She whispered.
"Listen," Peter said softly, "Hecate is in you, whether you feel like they are or not. Hecate is you, (y/n). You can be both Hecate and (y/n) at the same time."
(Y/n) shook her head again.
"Close your eyes, (y/n)."
She did.
"Now think of the times you went out as Hecate. Recall those feelings. How did you know to stop when a child, bruised and hurt, was near you? How did you know not to harm them?"
And that was the thing with Hecate. They may have a violent nature when it came to despicable people who decided that taking a kid from their parents was a great money source, but when faced with said kid, they would cease all action. They may thirst for the blood of those people, but they would never harm a hair on a kid.
Because they knew what it was like to be that kid once.
"And that's how I became Spider-Man." Peter concluded.
"I wonder if that kind of spider still exist."
"Well I know that I killed the one that bit me."
(Y/n) snickered. "So your power comes from an experimented spider, huh?"
"Yep! And you?"
"Same as you."
"Experimented spider bit you?" Peter frowned.
"Nah, they experimented on me instead of a spider."
"Wait what-"
She stretched her stiff shoulder. Sitting for too long did that to your muscles. "Where do you think I was before I live with dad?" She said nonchalantly. "HYDRA took me when I was about 6. Thought I was a great asset, really. Made me do lots of jobs too. Dad found me during a mission."
Peter almost choked on his own saliva. "W-Why did you never tell me?"
(Y/n) blinked. "You never asked." She deadpanned.
After Peter regained his bearing, he braved himself to ask another question. "Where's your mom now?"
He almost choked for the second time.
"Dad didn't know I'm his daughter, so he tried to track my mom. Turns out she died a few months after I was kidnapped, so, yeah."
"I guess that's why kidnapping cases irked me so much." (Y/n) hummed thoughtfully. "Children don't deserve that kind of horror. I remember being so scared those first few weeks."
As he guided her through breathing exercises, the shaking around her finally started to cease as her heartbeat slowed down.
(Y/n) opened her eyes to find Peter's own warm brown eyes looking straight to hers. "How are you?" He asked softly.
She bit her lower lip and hung her head in shame.
"Hey, come on, eyes up here, Princess Stark." Peter lifted her chin up.
"…I haven't lost control like that since years ago." She murmured. She didn't dare to even steal a glance at Peter's face. She kept her eyes down to the floor, letting the shame fill her.
"What the fuck is Penis Parker doing here?!"
Peter turned his head, finally seeing his decathlon team for the first time. "What the-"
"And what the fuck was that?! It doesn't feel like earthquake! What kind of freak shit is this?!"
Peter was about to speak when he felt (y/n)'s shoulder shaking under his hand. Eyes widened, he looked down at her only to find her already glaring at Flash, eyes alarmingly glowing again.
So he did what he knew would definitely distract (y/n) from possibly killing his classmate.
Peter grabbed (y/n)'s cheeks and quickly pressed a quick kiss to her lips.
And distracted she was.
Finally pulling his face away, he could see (y/n) blinking owlishly at him. The glow in her eyes had gone, replaced by the beautiful (e/c) he loved.
He didn't bother to see how Flash or the rest of his teammates reacted to seeing him, the nerd of the group, openly kissing the infamous daughter of Tony Stark.
He did, however, registered Ned's delighted giggle and MJ's sigh.
Unfortunately, (y/n) seemed to still be aware of her surrounding and caught Flash's squawk.
(Y/n) closed her eyes and sighed. She side-eyed Flash with a slight glare.
And before Peter realized it, Flash was flung back to, thankfully, a chair behind him. It was still a hard shove and his back would be aching as hell, but at least it wasn't to (or even through!) the wall, Peter rationalized.
(Y/n) quickly removed Peter's hand on her cheeks and approached the now mildly terrified Flash. She grabbed the front of his collar.
Peter didn't stop her. Her eyes may seem brighter than normal, but the absence of neon blue glow was a good sign that she was in control. That was purely (y/n) Stark needing to vent her anger by threatening a bitch out and not Hecate.  Peter knew better than to get between a woman's wrath and the object of her animosity, after all.
Yeah, a little threat wouldn't hurt, would it?, Peter thought amusedly. He had it coming after all.
"Listen to me, figlio di puttana," she hissed out, face only inches away from Flash's, "if I ever see or even heard about you being a bag of shit like you are ever again, you won't know what's coming for you."
"Don't ever say or even think about Peter and anyone close to him anymore, you fucking hear me? You touch a hair on them, and the end of the world will seem mild compare to what I would do."
Silence fell upon the room.
The trip group was still shaken over the 'quake', and add that to seeing their teammate got thrown back by an invisible force, they were just… stunned. They didn't even really register that Peter was in the same room as them. Aside from Flash, Ned, and MJ, at least.
"Well, this is a disaster."
Tony's voice rang in the lab, catching the attention of everyone in the room. He stood in front of the glass sliding doors, dressed in impeccable suit and wearing a pair of sunglasses despite the lack of sun in the lab.
His eyes swept upon the room. His employees seemed fine, just a bit surprised. They were already used to unforeseen incidents, he supposed. His interns slash pseudo-sons also seemed fine, if not a bit miffed. The group was still shocked, which was no shocker (pun intended).
But then he saw his daughter in the middle of threatening someone, eyes wide and shining, teeth gritted.
He sighed.
At least he knew his scientists would be no problem. They had signed confidential agreement to keep everything happening while in work to themselves in their work contract, especially if it included any of the Starks. The group, on the other hand…
"People, remember your NDAs. You all, follow me." He gestured at the group before turning away.
After a few steps, he stopped as if he just remembered something and looked back, "Oh, and Pete? Take her upstairs, will you? Stay with her."
"Of course, Mr. Stark."
"Harls, come with me. I need the whole story."
Harley nodded but said nothing, prompting Tony to turned away again and started leaving.
"Come on, let's go." Harley told the group.
Ned worriedly made an eye contact with Peter, but Peter only shook his head.
Hesitantly, they started leaving, but not without throwing curious looks towards Peter who already pulled (y/n) back from Flash.
"Go now while you can, faccia a culo." (Y/n) jeered. "I can't promise your life if you don't."
Gulping, Flash hurriedly stood up and ran out of the labs.
Before following the group, Harley looked at Peter and (y/n). "Are you two going to be okay?" He asked.
(Y/n) didn't answer, but Peter slung an arm around her shoulder and held her close. "We'll be fine. Sorry for the interruption, Harley." Peter apologized.
"Nothing to be sorry of. Everything will be okay, so don't think too much about it, okay, Princess Stark?" Harley smiled at the girl.
(Y/n) nodded once.
With a final look between Harley and Peter, Harley left the lab to follow the group.
Peter gently held (y/n)'s hand and pulled her towards the private elevator. He took them to the penthouse, straight to her room.
Once inside, he sat her down on her bed.
"How are you feeling right now?"
(Y/n) sighed heavily.
"Mostly angry." She mumbled.
Peter hummed. He sat beside her, an arm behind her to sneak a hand and hold her waist. She rested her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes tiredly.
"What happened?" He murmured.
Slowly, (y/n) started telling her story, from when she first went downstairs to meet the group until when Harley and her watched the footage.
"I've been on edge the whole day," she confessed, "and I guess that video just pushed the limit."
"It's not your fault, (y/n)."
(Y/n) scoffed, "Maybe not all, but part of it is. I couldn't control my power, Pete! That's just a recipe for disaster!" She yelled in frustration. "It's been years since that happened! I thought I had this under control!"
Peter squeezed her hand. "Alright then. We'll train. We'll practice until you're absolutely sure you can use your power freely even as (y/n) Stark." He said with a smile.
"But how?"
"We'll figure it out."
Although not entirely satisfied with Peter's answer, she only nodded.
"By the way, why did you lead the trip? I thought you said you had a presentation." Peter asked, changing the topic.
Rolling her eyes, (y/n) answered with a slight scoff, "I lost a bet to Harley."
Tony stood in front of the meeting room. Peter's decathlon team was all sitting in front of him, his teacher and bully included. Harley had told him about what happened earlier. Needless to say, Tony was not happy.
He had thought of Peter and Harley as his sons; his children aside from (y/n). The fact that Peter had something going on with (y/n) didn't matter, it was a bonus in his eyes. So knowing that Peter had to deal with a bully every day was not something he could really tolerate. Not to mention that said bully also angered his daughter enough to lose control.
"Why didn't you tell me?" He had asked Harley earlier.
"It wasn't my story to tell, Tony." Harley had answered.
His eyes swept across the room once more. He saw their teacher, Harrington, if he remembered correctly, was openly scolding Flash.
Good, he thought, at least the teacher isn't just ignoring this problem.
"Alright!" Tony clapped his hand loudly. "Let's just keep this short, shall we? I'm supposed to be in a meeting right now and Pepper is not happy that I left."
His face turned serious. "Your parents signed NDAs for you to be here. You are not allowed to say anything about what you saw in this building to anyone, including your parents, or you will regret it. Even if we can't get to you directly, your parents are on the line here, and losing them would be a great loss for you, wouldn't it?"
Some of them gulped nervously. Flash just looked terrified.
"Just remember that I have better lawyers than you ever will. Capisce?"
Once he saw them hurriedly nodded, he grinned. "Okay then! I'll let you ask me questions now for compensation after that incident. Gotta take care of my daughter's problem, right?"
The group looked at each other, still miffed and hesitant to ask anything. They just got threatened to lose practically everything they had, after all.
However, Ned, who already had no intention to tell anyone about what happened thanks to Peter anyway, raised a hand.
"Yes, you, uhh… Fred!"
"It's Ned." Harley rolled his eyes. Tony pointedly ignored him.
Even wrong, Ned still felt joy in knowing that Tony knew him. "Hi, I was wondering about Harley's badge? Don't interns have half-white badges?"
Tony gestured at Harley to answer. "Well?"
Harley scoffed at Tony before answering, "Yeah, mine and Peter's are special badges since we're this dude's personal interns."
"Personal intern?" Abe chimed in, face curious.
"He's hopeless, trust me. This whole building would've burned if it weren't for us." Harley snickered, blatantly ignoring Tony who was glaring daggers at him.
"I'll let you know that I'm perfectly fine being alone in my lab." Tony huffed. "I've been doing it for years and I'm fine."
"Uh-huh, sure, old man."
Betty, pushed by Ned's nonchalance, raised a hand as well, "Mr. Stark? What is the requirement to be an intern here? Harley and Peter are our age, so does this mean we also qualify?"
Cindy also raised a hand, "Earlier we had tests in the labs. They said we can get scouted, is that true?"
"Ah yes, you were supposed to be given the internship program information at the end of the tour!" Tony said. "Basically, we have a new internship program for high school students. The interns will be handpicked by your 'test' results."
When Tony offered no other explanation, Harley added, "We just put the information on our web. Just go to Stark Industries' official website and click on the Internship Program. Sorry guys, you were supposed to get full session on this, but (y/n) was the one who had to give the presentation and she's not… available."
"Or Peter. He's one of the head of that programs after all. Wait," Tony stopped, looking at Harley incredulously, "you're the other head of the program. Why don't you give the presentation?"
Harley only shrugged with a grin.
"How is Parker already an intern?" Flash asked in disbelief. "And Head of Internship Program?!" It seems that his terrified daze from earlier had dissipated, which was really quick. He was quite a thickhead, after all.
Tony squinted at him, scrutinizing. This kid just never stop, huh?
"I scouted him myself." He announced.
Flash was taken aback by Tony's nonchalant answer, but he pressed on, "But why?"
"Because he impressed me. Genius kid, really. Better than nearly everyone I've ever known. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a meeting to attend." He quickly said, already losing any will to interact with children any longer.
Before he left, he did add, "Also, Mr. Thompson, is it? I'll have a meeting with your parents and the principal soon, so get ready."
Flash's eyes widened.
Once he left, the room erupted in chaos.
"What just happened?!"
"Peter is really an intern!"
"Not just an intern, but already head of a program!"
"Who cares?! We almost died again!"
"But we might get to intern here too!"
"No, no, back up! We almost died! And by what?! What was that?!!"
"Wasn't it (y/n)?!"
"How did she do that?!"
"I don't know! But you saw what happened to Flash!"
"I guess (y/n) is Hecate then." Ned whispered to MJ. MJ nodded.
"She looked like she hated her power earlier." MJ muttered. "No wonder she snapped at you when you asked about Hecate."
"OKAY EVERYONE CALM DOWN!" Harley shouted, trying to gain control over the group.
One by one, they started to quiet down.
"I suppose this is the end of your trip. Remember the NDAs; not a word!" He said, which the group answered with a chorus of yes. "Great! Now follow me to the lobby!"
"You okay, il mio tarassaco?"
"I am now. Sorry about earlier, dad."
"Nothing to worry about. I really have to go to meeting now, but we'll talk later, okay? Take it easy after this, maybe just sleep or mess around in your private lab, if you want to. Don't overexert your power."
(Y/n) smiled gratefully. The public may saw her father only as an egocentric hero, but she knew better. He always tried to be the best dad and she was grateful for it. Tony Stark wasn't a perfect dad, but he tried. He knew better than to be like his own father. Even if his daughter was an accident he only discovered a few years back, Tony knew there was little he wouldn't do for her.
"Okay. Love you, see you later."
"Love you too."
As she ended the call, Harley rushed towards her and pulled her into a tight hug. "I'm sorry for putting you through that hell, Princess Stark! It was that stupid bet!"
Harley let her go with a sheepish grin. "Are you okay now?"
(Y/n) rolled her eyes. "Everyone asked me that. I'm fine. How's the situation?"
"Tony threatened them with the NDAs." He shrugged. "I don't think they really connect you to Hecate, but Ned definitely did."
She nodded in understanding. "Leeds is fine, I think… Peter trusts him."
"He won't tell anyone. But if he knows, MJ definitely does too." Peter piped in.
"You trust both of them, don't you?"
"Yeah, they're great."
(Y/n) smiled at him, "Maybe I should try befriend them then. Share my own secret like you did too."
Peter smiled back.
"Dude! You're the story of the year!"
"Everyone's talking about you and (y/n) now!"
MJ sipped on her drink. "How is she anyway?"
"She's fine. Excited to meet you guys, actually." Peter answered.
"But we met her already?" Ned frowned.
"As a friend, Ned."
For a moment, no one said anything as they chewed on their food. "Hey, so (y/n) is really Hecate, right?"
"Ned! Shh!"
The End
Merda: shit
Cazzo: fuck
Vaffanculo: go fuck yourself
Figlio di puttana: son of a bitch
Faccia a culo: assface
Il mio tarassaco: my dandelion*
I looked these terms online, so they may not be 100% accurate. I’m sorry if I make any mistake!
*My Dandelion: a few months ago, I got into doll customizing and decided to make my own (y/n) Stark into a doll form. When I plugged in her hair, it had poofed up like a dandelion and stayed like that for weeks while I worked on her face-up. I got used to calling her Dandelion after that. Because of this, I’ve been nicknaming (y/n) as Dandelion.
Wow it’s over already... This story was an experience. It started as a fun little thing to celebrate my birthday with and to finally tell Meggie my handle to a 16k-word mess. Thank you so much to everyone who read, liked, reblogged, and commented on Part One! I hope you like this part too :)
Just Out of Touch Taglist
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veroticker · 5 years
Endless - Willow Winters
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Summary (from Willow Winter’s website)
He holds a power over me like no one else ever could.
Maybe it’s because my heart begs to beat in time with his.
Maybe it’s because my body bows to his and his alone.
Maybe it’s because he thought he loved me before he even laid eyes on me.
He thought wrong, it wasn’t me he thought he loved, and nothing has made me suffer like that little secret has. He thought I belonged to him, but he was wrong. It was never supposed to be me.
Our memories are deceiving, but I know what I want now.
What I need more than anything.
I won’t rest until he’s as much mine as I am his.
It’s always been him.
“The sound of heavy footsteps coming closer to me from the doorway at the end of the long hall, makes my body flinch with each step. They’re brutal and dominating. They belong to Carter, no doubt.
Confirming my thought, the brooding beast enters the hall, a bottle of whiskey in his left hand and a tumbler with ice in his right. He doesn’t bother to hide how pissed he still is. Pissed at me, judging from his acrimonious glare. Again I find myself unable to swallow, but I can’t help confronting him.
“What did I do to deserve this?” I bite out the words as he starts to walk past me, down to the hall leading to his wing and presumably his bedroom or office. “What the fuck did I do but merely exist in the painful life I didn’t choose?”
My heart batters against my chest while I wish to either run with fear, or beat him with pent-up rage. I’m not sure which.
Even though my own legs feel weak and numb from everything that’s happened tonight, keeping me planted where I am, Carter’s move forward as he ignores my question.
How fucking dare he ignore me.
With my ragged voice raised, I scream at him until my face is hot. “What did I do to deserve this?”
It only takes three strides before Carter’s powerful presence is towering over me, and I nearly stumble backward. Nearly, but I keep my ground. I’m breathing chaotically and waiting for him to give me something. Anything is better than being ignored, made to feel like I don’t even exist.
“Where do I start, Miss Talvery?” His voice is low as he moves down until his face is eye level with mine. He practically sneers my name and it shreds me from the inside. “You pointed a gun at me. You stand with your ex-lover and your father who have tried to kill me, not once, not twice, but every chance they get. Including the time one week ago, by said, fucking, ex, in which you knew what was happening but said nothing.” The last word is sneered. He inhales deeply, pausing as pain rips through me.
I worry my bottom lip between my teeth before I bite down on it hard. The physical pain is vastly preferable to the emotional pain that boils inside of me at his aggressive attitude.
Carter already knew all of that when he fucked me the other night. When he held me like he loved me. Nothing has changed for me, and I don’t deserve this. I love him. I’ve chosen him time and time again. The fact I’m still here after everything is proof of that.
“And then you tried to run,” he adds and I whip my hand across his face. It’s purely out of instinct, generated by his arrogance and the way I feel used and defiled by him. My palm smacks hard against his chiseled cheek and my fingers follow.
His face is like fucking stone. My hand throbs with a stinging, burning pain and as I wince, my eyes stay on Carter’s unmoving expression. It didn’t affect him in the least. All of the sickness and hurt that ache inside of me, I feel it all and he feels nothing.
“I didn’t,” I tell him, knowing I didn’t try to run. It was only a passing thought and I won’t be accused of anything more than that. Not when everything is stacked against us and I’m doing everything I can to stay by him. Even when he stands firmly against me.
Time passes and he merely stares at me, judging me, but I let him see the pain. I want to hide myself in this lonesome tower he’s put me in, but I stand in front of him with my hands in fists by my side and beg him to feel what I feel. And to take it away.
“I don’t deserve this, Carter,” I say and my voice is strangled. Please just take it all away. I wish he could do that for me. However it entails, I don’t want to feel this way for a second longer.
“I thought they’d taken you,” he continues to talk with a look of disgust on his face, even though pain is etched into his words. “But you were just sneaking out to run away. What a fucking fool I was,” he sneers.”
(review under the cut)
The grand finale, with explosion and death. For whom though?
After 3 books Romeo&Juliet style, the rival families come head to head and the headcount starts to grow. But not before Aria discovers things that’ll change... everything.
The paranormal element is back full blast, a bit too deus-ex-machina for my taste, but it works well for an heartwrenching last part of the book, where Aria has to choose between her father and the man she loves. Oh the angst! But disturbing revelations will help her make her choice.
Carter has already chosen. It’ll be Aria, no matter what. She’s everything to him and, finally, he admits it. At least to himself. But the effect on the gang war--and his own survival--is... devastating.
I don’t want to spoil the ending, so I won’t say if it’s a happy or a sad ending. You’ll have to read the series if you want to know whether Aria and Carter get their happily ever after :)
Series: Merciless #4 (the end)
Hashtags: #mafia romance #enemies-to-lovers #dark romance
Triggers: beware, dubcon of the highest level; also, lots of violence (at least mentioned)
Main couple: Aria Talvery & Carter Cross
Hotness: 5/5
Romance: 5/5 if you like it dark; 2/5 if not
+ a perfect ending, with angst and action and feelings
- the paranormal element seemed a bit far-fetched
Stalker mode
You can suscribe to Willow Winter’s newsletter on her website.
You can also follow her on Facebook.
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topicprinter · 5 years
Hey Reddit,​I wrote this post for my blog, but thought you might all find it interesting. Happy to answer any questions!​--​Last week we crossed $15 million in annual recurring revenue (ARR) for ConvertKit, my email marketing company. My original dream was to get to $600,000 in ARR, so I'm pretty thrilled! Over the last six years I've learned and written about quite a few lessons, but it's always fun to reminisce on the highlights, that oddly enough mostly come from the hardest times.1. Focus is everythingIt's fine to start something on the side, but if you want to turn it something real it needs to move to the center of your focus. Years ago I decided to go all in on ConvertKit, moving it from a side project to my only project.Without that decision ConvertKit wouldn't be here today.Anytime someone brags about how many businesses they run I cringe. I'd far rather take one thing and do it really well. I'll leave the serial entrepreneurship for the scattered, the wannabes, or those who are truly far more talented than I am.A friend told me the other day that he was surprised I still only did ConvertKit. At this point we have an incredible team, available capital, and the leverage of an audience. Why not start something else and run it in parallel?Because I know myself.Focus is where I thrive. Focus is where I get results. Focus is everything.2. Choose a nicheChoosing a niche is the easiest advice to give and the hardest advice to take. When you don't have traction, it feels like choosing a niche will exclude the few people who are coming in the door. In reality when we chose "email marketing for professional bloggers" everything changed.Messaging became clear, the product roadmap was trimmed, and the prospect lists practically wrote itself.Without that change—without excluding everyone who didn't fit into the blogger bucket—it would have been incredibly hard to get off the ground.We eventually expanded to "email marketing for creators," which now includes podcasters, actors, YouTubers, authors, artists, musicians, and so many more. Even with growing into that larger audience we are still so much more focused than our competitors who target all small-businesses.3. Use sales to kickstart word-of-mouthWord-of-mouth is the best way to grow a company, but you need traction for the referrals to start. That's where direct sales come in. By choosing a niche, listing out your prospects, and getting in touch directly you no longer have to wait for them to come to you.Each conversation—even though most end in rejection—will teach you so much. At first it's one customer. Then five. Then ten.Immediately you'll notice something crucial: the customers you recruit are higher quality than the ones who just walk in the door. Why would you leave the future of your product up to just anyone who stumbles across what you create?Instead go out and sell to the customers you want. Then ask them for referrals. Finally, when the word-of-mouth referrals kick in, they will be to the right people.4. Do the hard work that doesn't scaleEach sales call would end the same way: "I love what you're doing and I'd love to switch...but it's too much work. Sorry."Ouch. No matter how much convincing I did I wasn't able to overcome that objection. That is until I offered to do the full switch for them for free.That meant getting their account access, moving every form, copying and pasting every sequence email, exporting and importing their subscribers, and so much more! It was terribly unprofitable to do that for a $79/month customer. But early on that was how we got momentum. Every customer matters.So many people told me that wasn't scalable. I needed to use paid ads, SEO, or some other scalable way to acquire customers. That's great if you can make them work, but many can't. So I did the work that no one else was willing to do.John and Patrick Collison famously did this with Stripe. Rather than waiting to follow-up after a promising conversation, they would migrate other startups to Stripe on the spot.Don't wait for the follow-up or have the customer do all the work. Do the hard work that doesn't scale.Today we still offer a free concierge migration for anyone over 5,000 email subscribers. Many of our competitors have copied it and offer it as well.It feels good to make them react to us.5. Find what works and repeat itWebinars were the first scalable growth channel we found that really worked. My first thought was to do those and keep searching for the next thing...but then I realized that we should focus on what's working. We test and iterate like crazy, but then once it pays off we go all in.Over the last three years we've done hundreds of webinars with an incredible number of affiliate partners. They are hard, time consuming, and exhausting. But they work.Run all the experiments. Test. Analyze the data. The when you find something that works be prepared to go all in.6. Building infrastructure to support growth will take far longer than estimatedWe spent our first company retreat fighting fires and rebuilding our server infrastructure. What was supposed to be a time to just connect, plan, and get to know each other turned into an all hands on deck fight to keep our product online.I thought we'd spend nearly all our time building cool new features for customers. But instead the work was in doing what customers care about most: making sure the basics work well. Emails need to send on time and subscriptions need to work flawlessly.There's a lot of software that when it goes down, you just work on something else. Not email marketing. It's core to the entire business and reliability is everything.The infrastructure that was built to support 1,000 customers will break at 10,000. It's crucial to dedicate time to support the growth.7. Funding is optionalRight about now we should be raising a $25 million series A. Or at least that's what our peers are doing. Instead we haven't raised a single dime of outside capital. I put in $5,000 to kick things off, then another $50,000 when I doubled down on ConvertKit.Getting rejected by venture capitalists is one of the best things that's ever happened to me.We built ConvertKit our way, at our pace, and with our values. Every line of code is funded by the creators we serve. I wouldn't have it any other way.8. It's possible with a smaller team than most people thinkToday at ConvertKit we have 38 amazing team members. At $15 million ARR that is nearly $400,000 per team member! A much higher ratio than any of our peers. At this stage 75 employees would be normal.Instead of hiring as quickly as possible to solve every pain, we are deliberate about working on the right things. The constraint requires us to say no, not spread ourselves thin, and only do the highest leverage work.It also means that we can invest in each team member more and carefully craft the culture we want, rather than simply focus on reaching headcount goals.There are always tradeoffs, maybe we could move faster, build more, or support customers better. So we are still striving to find the right balance between team size, efficiency, and total output.9. Culture is everything—and it's not what you thinkWe have so many weird habits as a team at ConvertKit: talking about someone in the third person as if they're not there, long walks in pairs where only one person is allowed to talk, starting meetings by asking, "red, yellow, or green?" and diving directly into the hard conversations.That's because to us culture isn't bean bag chairs and free lunch, but instead an environment where conflict is kind and direct, expectations are clear, and trust is most important.Our version of culture has turned ConvertKit into a place that we all want to come to work.10. Share the profitsThere are two important factors for running ConvertKit as a financially efficient company:Transparent financials. Every dollar spent is visible to the entire company through our open books.Profit sharing. We share more than 50% of the profit in the company with the entire team.The result is that everyone is incentivized to spend money efficiently.We once asked the team: "would you rather go to San Diego or Costa Rica for the next team retreat?"Everyone said Costa Rica.So we did the research and found that Costa Rica would cost about 50% more because of higher housing costs and additional travel logistics. With the complete picture we asked the team again.This time San Diego won by a landslide.That attitude carries over to everyone when they use their company credit card. It's not just the company's money, it's their money. And they spend it accordingly.In the last few years we've distributed over $1,000,000 to the team in profit sharing. All while spending aggressively on growth. That's a number I'm really proud of!11. Always pay your debtsNo, I'm not talking about Game of Thrones, or even financial debt. There's another kind of debt more devastating to software companies: technical debt.The code that worked fine at $15,000 in revenue looks like a joke at $15 million. Not to say you should have spent the time to build it perfectly from the beginning—that's a fools game to try—but instead that every shortcut you take is building more debt. The longer you wait the more interest accrues.We've had to spend a significant of time and money refactoring all of that old code. It's part of scaling. Every software company has to do it, but it would be so frustrating if we didn't expect it and have a plan to pay it back systematically.12. As you grow, your company’s name builds equity. Don’t take that for granted.For years I've wanted to build ConvertKit into a global brand and I thought that meant changing the name to something more brandable. While being focused on this new change I completely missed the trust, care, and love our customers had for the name ConvertKit.You just quietly enjoy the status quo. People only talk about what they want to change. It would be weird to send an email to Patagonia saying, "I really love your name, please don't change it."So when we would receive emails every month from creators who thought ConvertKit was too salesy and they didn't want to be associated with the brand, that wasn't balanced by all the people who had quietly grown to love our name and the brand it represented.Ultimately we decided to stay as ConvertKit, which is a long story that I promise I'll write in full at some point.13. You don’t have to be an asshole to build a successful companyBeing an asshole is one way some entrepreneurs have been able to build big companies. Assholes are often loud about their own success, so we hear about them more than we should. But there are a bunch of good people building exciting companies too. Good people who care for their team, their family, and their customers.Ignore the entrepreneur media.Don’t be an asshole and don’t settle for working for one.14. Surprise launches aren't worth itA surprise launch or release is fun for you… until it isn’t.I love having my Steve Jobs moment by unveiling a new feature to the applause of a crowd. I've done it the last two years at our conference, Craft + Commerce. But behind each of those moments is weeks or months of pushing hard to make a deadline. Trimming the project scope, reprioritizing backlogs, and hoping that everything goes well in the live demo.But that's only part of it. What follows is releasing to customers, which is really painful if you missed the mark on any of your designs, planning, or timelines. That means a ton of tickets in the support queue, frustrated users, and losing confidence in the product.Now we've moved away from launching these big surprises. Instead we work with smaller groups of customers to understand how a new product or change will affect them. Then we use that information to build a smarter launch and rollout plan. A plan that usually involves methodically rolling out to a few features at once.We're still be able to make a splash, but we are able to do it with more confidence and a lot less stress.15. I felt most successful after the hardest decisionsWhile skiing a few weeks ago my friend Anthony asked the group, "do you feel successful?" It was a great question to reflect on while riding the chairlift. I'm always striving to learn more and grow the company, so it's foreign to pause and feel success. That feels like settling when I know I'm capable of more.Overall, I do feel successful, but I was surprised to realize the moments I felt most successful weren't after hitting a major revenue milestone or landing a famous customer.In hindsight, the times I felt most successful were when I leaned on my principles to make the right decision, even though it was incredibly hard.Letting a senior leader go. Rolling back a name change I'd worked on for two years. Restructuring the company.I wrestled with each one. Struggling to have the courage to make the decision I knew was right. But with principles to guide me I could make the decision with confidence.To me success knows that I've built the courage to make the right decision, especially when it is painful and expensive.​--Drop any questions in the comments! Particularly if they relate to software, bootstrapping, and more!
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