#the way merlin’s mom and childhood best friend (and morgana & gwen) ALL call him out on how obviously in love he and arthur are?!!?!!???
POV you’re a medieval townsperson in a poor village that’s being frequently raided and the only plan anyone has is for this one mom to go fetch her son from another town, but when she comes back, not only is it with her son- who you remember as this weird awkward kid- and two other women, but with the fucking PRINCE of an enemy kingdom. and after you recover from the shock of that, you realize that the prince and the weird kid are like……… really close. they’re always having private conversations and staring into each other’s eyes and you heard tell that the prince is sleeping on the floor of the kid’s hut? you remember hearing that this kid was the servant to the prince, but clearly you missed something along the way, because this literal actual prince who is here in your town won’t stop smiling fondly and making the world’s most obvious heart eyes at this random lanky teenager from your small village.
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ittybittycommitty · 3 years
What if Merlin the show but g/t? This fanfic includes g/t fluuf, fearplay, characters changing sizes
(Also includes Morgana/Gwen)
Part 1-Part 2-Part 3
Chapter 1
There was an uncomfortable silence between Merlin and his mother. Her fingers shook as she tied his bag to his back, and she kept pulling her hand away to wipe her face from tears.
“Mom… It’s for the best…” He said, turning around and grabbing her wrists gently. She looked down.
“I know... I just wish that wasn’t the case…” She looked up and ran her fingers through her sons hair.
“Please be careful my boy,”
“I will, I promise,”
“Okay you say that but then you go and do reckless things,” She laughed softly but her eyes were still sad. He kissed her forehead and smiled at her before turning to the door.
“And don’t forget to write! And visit!” She said as she watched him step out into the darkness. He nodded and closed the door slowly, leaving Hunith standing solemnly in her dimly lit house before collapsing into a chair and grasping her face in her hands.
Merlin gave a heaving sigh as he looked back at his childhood home. He had to hurry to the meet up spot because sunrise was quickly approaching. Gaius would be waiting there and the ride to Camelot would take all day.
Of course Gaius had to meet him a safe distance away from his Sprite village just in case Gaius was followed. You could never be too careful.
“Gaius?” He called out after climbing up a small tree. He had finally reached the meeting spot and the sun was slowly crawling into the sky. A head of gray hair popped up nearby and a figure stood up, rising up above Merlin.
“Merlin?” The man said, looking around keenly.
“Down here,” He said, waving his arms. Gaius looked down at him and smiled.
“Ah, there you are,” Gaius bent down to get at eye level with the small boy. Merlin had no memory of meeting Gaius as a child, so he felt nervous being so close in proximity to a human. He gripped his bag tightly. Gaius was oblivious to the small boy’s nervousness and put out his hand.
“Let’s get going my boy, we have a long ride to Camelot,” Merlin gulped and stepped cautiously on his awaiting hand. He struggled to keep balance as Gaius lifted his hand and carried him to his horse.
“Would you like to ride in the saddle bag or in my pocket?” Merlin honestly didn’t know which one would be better, he’d never been in either of those things before. But being close to this human was making him uncomfortable.
“Saddle bag,” He replied. Gaius opened up the bag and slipped Merlin gently inside. Merlin landed on a big pile of soft fabric and began situating himself as Gaius got on the horse. As the two rose off Merlin was surprised how much he was being jostled, he tried his best to ground himself but it seemed he would have to live with it. He popped his head out of the bag and watched the scenery pass by. The sun shone across golden fields and the breeze rustled the trees and glistened in the sunlight. Merlin was entranced. He rarely left his community in the dark, shady part of the forest. He started feeling optimistic about his new journey in this new place if it meant seeing more sights like this. Gaius glanced down at the bag and saw Merlin’s small head poking out. He chuckled to himself, finding it very cute.
Merlin found himself becoming sick after about an hour on the ride, sinking down into the fabric and holding his stomach. Maybe he should try to sleep? He rested his head back and slowly closed his eyes, smiling just a bit seeing the light filtering into the bag. It felt serene, this warmness and sunlight, and even with his stomach turning against him he felt calm. He found it rather easy to fall asleep, with the help of a mix of sleep deprivation and calmness.
When he woke up he felt something prodding at him, his eyes shot open and he saw a giant hand reaching into the bag with a worried face peering in past it. He scrambled upright and the hand retreated.
“Oh, you were just asleep, thank god,” He chuckled nervously. “Well we’re almost there, just a couple more hours or so, thought you might like some water,” Merlin stood up and climbed out of the bag, seeing they were parked near a stream. The horse was bending down to get a drink. Before Gaius could offer his hand Merlin was traveling across the horses body and sliding down it’s neck. He grabbed its mane and lowered himself to the ground right next to the water. Gaius watched him in astonishment, but that was nothing to what happened next. Merlin lifted his hand and a droplet of water rose out of the stream and levitated towards the boy. Gaius knelt down to get a better look, startling Merlin and making him lose his water.
“Oh! Sorry I just wanted to see what you were doing,” Merlin looked up at him then returned focus to the water. He repeated his action and lifting a larger water bubble out of the water. Gaius gasped softly and reached out a hand.
“Wonderful… You’re very talented,” Merlin felt pride gush in him but his arms were shaking. It didn’t take long for the spell to collapse and the water to explode into a little spray. Gaius jumped a bit.
“But also inexperienced, I see why Hunith sent you to me, I have many books that can show you how to control that power of yours,” Merlin panted and his legs shook. He nodded up at Gaius before bending down to get water with his hands.
After they had hydrated and rested, they were back on the road again. Merlin stayed awake this time and watched the view as they traveled. He saw many birds and even a deer, it ran away as soon as they came close but the creature took his breath away. And as they approached the towering walls of Camelot, Merlin retreated back into the bag but peaked out at the huge city, his jaw never closing. He was already overwhelmed by one human, but seeing probably hundreds walk about around the horse was deeply unsettling. He hid in the bottom of the bag as he heard the conversations and footsteps outside. He even heard some of them address Gaius, but the conversations were muted out by all the other voices. It was overwhelming, he covered himself with the fabric and stayed that way until the noise died down outside. He felt the horse moving around and suddenly there were hands around the bag. Gaius had taken the bag off the horse once it was in the stables and was now carrying it across the courtyard. Merlin stayed completely still and held his breath. He knew it probably wouldn’t do anything but he was too anxious to think. It felt like it went on forever before the bag was set down.
“You can come out now Merlin,” Gaius said, watching as Merlin stayed still for a while before slowly stumbling out. He looked up and looked around at the huge room he was now in. It was filled with bookshelves littered with books, bottles and various herbs. Seeing Gaius staring down at him, Merlin quickly gathered himself and stood up.
“Thank you for letting me stay with you,” Merlin said after gathering his courage.
“Oh so you do speak!” Gaius said with a smile, Merlin blushed but kept his cool, walking across the table and getting a better look at the bottles filled with various colored liquids.
“It’s no problem my boy, Hunith is a good friend of mine,” Of course Merlin knew this, Hunith talked about him often; the only human to ever show her kindness. “And since I’ve been studying and collecting magic books for many years, I knew I could at least be of some help to help you stop your… accidents,” Merlin rubbed his arm nervously.
“Alright, I set up a secretive place for you to sleep, you should be able to study in peace here while I treat patients,” Gaius said, leading him over to a wall where Merlin could climb up to a little loft surrounded by books. Merlin clambered clumsily up to the ledge and peered down at Gaius, who was smiling up at him. He looked back and saw a small bed and a big pile of books. They were human sized books of course, but Merlin was happy with what he could get.
“What do you think?” Merlin looked down and saw Gaius walking away towards a door at the other side of the room, presumably his room.
“It’s nice, thank you,” Merlin called back in reply. Gaius yawned.
“Alright, I’m going to sleep, I can show you some stuff to read in the morning… And remember, stay out of sight to everyone but me,” Gaius said before retreating to his room, leaving Merlin alone in the big room. He took a deep breath and sat back on the bed. It wasn’t like his bed at home, humans aren’t very good at making tiny things that’s for sure. Even though he had slept for many hours of the day he was exhausted. Maybe it was the stress. No matter, he curled up in the cloth and plopped down for a night of well deserved rest.
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schoolastica · 4 years
Ships in the night, part 1
My fic is also on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/19266412
Like ships in the night You keep passing me by We're just wasting time Trying to prove who's right
December 2th, 2005- St. Mary’s Hospital.
Morgana couldn’t believe that she was holding her tiny little girl in her arms for the first time. She couldn’t believe that a tiny human being was nested in her until this day and that now it was fully formed and ready for this world. The baby was barely a day old, all wrinkle-soft skin, eyes yet wide shut and dressed in a pink blanket. She was perfect, she smelled perfect, and Morgana was going to be the best mother to her daughter, better than her own, and she was going to protect this baby from everything….and everyone.
-What are you going to name her? - asked Gwen, who was on the very uncomfortable chair beside Morgana since the beginning of the labor.
-I was thinking about Elizabeth? - said Morgana, looking over to Gwen, who made a face at hearing the name- C’mon, it’s not that bad!
-No, it’s just too common for a Pendragon. - said Gwen, laughing. Witch made Morgana chuckle slyly
- Thanks for being here Gwen. - Morgana’s eyes saddle filling with water. Her only companion had been Gwen, her elder sister Morgause had went to France to pick up Morgana’s mother, Vivienne, so they could see the baby. Morgana’s father was coming from his business trip.
- Where’s Arthur? - Morgana asked Gwen. She appreciated Gwen dearly, and she tried to make herself stronger, but she wanted her family with her so bad.
- He’s……. coming from the office, you know how the traffic can be in December. - Gwen seemed eager to change subjects, almost as if she was hiding something.
A chilling thought passed by Morgana's head.
- He’s not searching for Merlin, isn’t he? - Morgana’s voice had a dreadful tone. Gwen got up from her chair and started picking up Morgana's stuff from the room to start packing up. It looked like she was hidden, Gwen was incredibility easy to read. - Gwen? - Morgana asked again.
- Arthur and I both think that Merlin has the right to see his daughter- Gwen said while trying (and failing) to look busy
Morgana’s memory took her back to the time where she also thought that. A time where Merlin was such a sweet, caring young boy, with wide blue eyes and a precious smile. This time has passed, the only good remaining was in her arms right now, sleeping peacefully.
- Alright, but only if Arthur finds him….
Gwen smiled at that and stopped packing to come near Morgana and take the baby from her. Gwen held the baby enough time for Morgana to change clothes with some help from the hospital nurses that came by at the right times.
When Morgana came back to her bed, Arthur entered the room. It was visible that he was useless when his wife didn’t sleep in the house with him. His clothes were rippled, his hair was messier than normal. It looked like he barely slept. He came in holding a pink balloon written: "IT'S A GIRL" and a bouquet of red roses in his other hand. He came in alone.
- Here, this is for you – He handled the bouquet of roses to Morgana, smiling – For the mommy and this- he turned to the baby in Gwen’s arm- is for my new niece- He handed the balloon to Gwen as if the baby was going to take the balloon.
Morgana and Gwen laughed at this.
- That’s not how it works, love- Gwen said- Leave the balloon and sit down to take the baby.
Arthur did as he was told almost in a trance, he held the baby near his heart, watching every corner of her face as if she was going to disappear.
- How could this beauty come from Merlin and Morgana, I could never know- He whispered to Gwen, almost involuntary and instantly feeling guilty.
- And did you find him? - Morgana inquired- Merlin, I mean.
Arthur changed a glare with Gwen before answering.
- Gaius finally got him into rehab- Arthur tried to smirk a little- So that a good thing, right?
Morgana nodded. It was for the best. Arthur was still holding the baby as she was going to break.
- Have you decided on the name yet? – Arthur questioned.
- Please, don’t go for Elizabeth. - Gwen joked.
- Ew, not Elizabeth, Morgana! - Arthur shared the fun on that.
- No, it was just a thought – Morgana laughed at them- ……. Her name is Wynn.
June 13th,1991- Pendragon Mansion, Central London.
Morgana’s 13th birthday started epically. As usual, she woke up early and a pack with new clothing and shoes was waiting for her at the end of her bed. This was a normal present from her dad. Her birthday was the best one because it was right at the beginning of the summer in London, which meant all her friends from Wycombe Abbey hadn’t travel yet. This summer was even more special, it was the last summer before Morgause went to university and officially cut relations to her childhood….to the plays with Morgana, Arthur, and Merlin.
She dressed up in her new clothes and went to take her breakfast. As usual, Uther had already gone to work, but he always came back at night to take her (and only her) to a special dinner. But as usual, Hunith, her and her siblings’ nanny had made breakfast to her and Arthur and Merlin were already eating (on the disgusting way the boys
- Hey birthday lady, look at you- Hunith left the kitchen counter to fix her clothes better- I made an entire breakfast for you and Morgause was up until late fixing your all-girls party.
- Thank you, Hunith- Morgana sited down on the table. She didn’t want to tell Hunith that Morgause was up until late with her boyfriend. Arthur said a quick ‘happy birthday” to Morgana with his mouth full of food.
Merlin, however, as he seemed to do often, glassed at Morgana with a full-on adoration look. He almost always looked flushed and shy when he was near Morgana. Now he looked starstruck. Morgana smiled at him and Merlin deeply blushed.
The rest of the day passed normally. Arthur and Merlin were both 11 years old and the holidays had just begun, they were out of the house as soon as they could. Morgana stayed in, her friends from WA came by for lunch, where she would through a birthday lunch party on the party ballroom of, he mansion.
The lunch party was, indeed, very beautiful decorated, full of pink and purple balloons and great food by Hunith, and she got tons of presents. The ballroom was gigantic on a 13-year-old view and 25 pre-teen girls found it fascinating and so important. Morgause showed up to take "official" pictures and Morgana never had been as happy as this day.
The ballroom door was always enormous and Hunith insisted on having it opened, so during one of the moments where Morgana could catch a break, she noticed that both Arthur and Merlin where sited by the end of the stairs looking adoring to the girls. They went away as soon as Morgana frowned at them.
When the party came to an end the ballroom was incredibly dirty and Morgana was exhausted. She and Morgause took all of her presents up to her room in 3 trips to the ballroom. At the end of the last trip, Morgana finally went to take a bath and look at her presents until she could go dinner with Uther. However, she noticed that a present bag was on top of the present pile, that wasn’t that before. She took the pack and opened it, revealing an old looking notebook with leather covers and yellow pages. Inside, it was written:” The story of Princess Morgana, and how she dominated all the dragons from the country of Albion” by Merlin Emrys. This was in Merlin's handwritten. Morgana never has gotten a better present.
Morgana sends a photo of Wynn to the rehab center when she's 4 months old. She never gets an answer-back.
Like you watched at fourteen as it went down the drain And pops stayed the same and your moms moved away
Morgana vowed that she would never be like her mother. She remembered that as har mother crawled Wynn in her arm. She recalled making this promise when she was 8 years old.
Vivienne Gorlois was a golden age French actress. She was born to be a diva, all blonde hair and brown eyes. The thoughts about marriage and children were thrown upon her and she wasn’t ready to take it. She met Morgause’s father at a Hollywood MET party, he was already married and in a lot of ways she only kept Morgause because she knew the man would hate it.
Uther fell for her as most people did: she was charming and had a French accent. They dated for over a year, enough time to have pictures in tabloids, to have a daughter and to Vivienne make Morgause’s father jealous. So, when Morgana was only 2 months old, Vivienne eloped with Morgause’s father (a huge scandal) and left her 2 daughters with Uther.
She was gone for 7 years and some months, send two postcards, one from Australia and one from Mexico. She wrote that she was traveling the globe, discovering herself, having the time of her life. Never once she wrote ‘I miss you” or ‘I love you’. The 7 years without her wasn’t nearly enough time to heal. Morgana and Arthur hadn’t known another mother beyond Hunith. In Morgause’s time with her, Vivienne only spoke French, but when she left Morgause was so traumatized that she never (never) spoke French again, she also only started calling Uther ‘Father” only 2 years ago.
She came back in 1986, on a Sunday, calm morning. Morgause, age 13, went to get the door and when she started to take a long time Uther went to get her with Morgana. It was just the strangest scenario; A beautiful woman by the door, surrounded by bags, asking “How are you honey?” and saying “I missed you so much’ while Morgause was catatonic. Uther made the first thing a parent do to protect their children; he went to the door and blocked the view from the girls and started to discuss with Vivienne.
Morgause ran to her room, locked it and didn’t came back. Morgana felt that she was numb, almost like she was an executor of her own life. She only remembers parts of that day. The thing she most remembers is Vivienne saying, ‘a Mother’s right” and this phrase being screamed a lot. At some point, her mom finally managed to enter the house and bring the bags with her. She looked at Arthur and said she knew him; everybody knew when Uther Pendragon has a child. She recalls Vivienne toying with her, siting her in her lap and combing her hair, talking fast about the world, he presents to the girls, how her parents forgave her, and she was going back to France, with her parents. She recalled Uther’s steel expression, saying ‘You don’t have the right!” and she is laughing at him.
Morgana didn’t say a word. The first time she felt like a puppet doll and she just couldn’t say anything. She got tons of presents, from every part of the world and Uther got the promise to hear from Vivienne’s lawyers. It was an amazing, scary experience.
It was worse for Morgause. She didn’t go out of her room. Uther took her dinner upstairs, got into her room and only came out when Morgause fell asleep. She also didn’t go to school on Monday and later that same week she went to a therapist.
Morgana would never be like her mom.
The worst of everything was the tabloids. They made a scarcely when Morgan showed up in a maternity dress in the Paris Fashion Week 2005 with no partner. But she was strong and her clothes brand “Avalon’ had just been released. And when she came out of the Hospital, a sea of Paparazzi tried to take pictures of a 2 days old baby. Thank God that Arthur hired a security team. They spend a beautiful week in the Pendragons mansion, Uther prepared an entire nursery for Wynn and redecorated Morgana's room. His way of showing that he cared was spoiling his granddaughter rotten. Then Morgana went to her Penthouse in center London, where she had prepared Wynn's real nursery. She didn't release an official picture or the name, but Paparazzi took the baby's photos anyways and she then revealed Wynn’s name with an entirely new section of designed baby clothes with her name.
Like ships in the night letting cannon balls fly Say what you mean and it turns to a fight Fist fly from my mouth as it turns south
August 11th,2007
Wynn's 16 months old when Morgana knows Merlin's out of the rehab and back to his home in Ealdor. She scented him another photo on Wynn's first birthday but she still got no response. Wynn Pendragon is perfect in all the possible ways. Her black hair is fluffy and tamed, she was the palest baby ever, with such smooth skin. She has dimples and an adorable nose and huge, deep blue eyes. She had Merlin’s lips and chin. And when she looks at Morgana, everything seems to make sense.
Merlin shows up when Wynn is 20 months old. He shows up at Morgana’s penthouse, he has a suit on, his hair is tamed, and he shaved. He looks positively sober and clean, and he’s holding a red rose bouquet in one hand and one bag in the other. Morgana lets him in, seriously, what she was supposed to do?
For a moment, she visualized all the possible scenarios. She saw her again at 8 years old, with her mom by the door and her sister in her room. And her father protecting them. Now, she’s looking at Merlin at her own home, staring at him for 2 straight minutes until she could find her voice. She thanked heaven for Wynn to be sleeping at her nursery.
Merlin was more handsome than ever. Last time she saw him (pregnant of 5 months, she went to see him in his old, cranky apartment to tell him that they would have a daughter), he was deadly skinny, dirty and just the rest of the clothes. She was staring at him too much; Merlin blushed and offered her the rose. Morgana wanted to get the rose, she did, but what she saw herself doing was slapping Merlin’s face. Hard.
Morgana was never a violent person, she never even raised her voice, she was an English lady. But when Merlin looked at her confused about the slap, she felt her blood boil. She remembered that feeling, the helpless feeling she felt when meeting Vivienne. But now she was not going to be toyed with. She was furious and nothing was going to stop her.
- What the hell Morgana?!
- How dare you…- She slowly got closer to him, the rose was on the ground (just like their relationship) and Merlin made some steps back with her fury. – How dare you to vanish for all this time and show up at my door, your asshole?
- Morgana….
- No, I do the talking- she interrupted him- I waited for you, God knows for how long- Now Merlin averted his eyes – Now you’re back…. clean. And like nothing has happened.
- I couldn’t come back while on drugs, Morgana!
- So now you’re 100% clean?
- I am.- Merlin sounded pound of himself.
Morgana gave him a dry, sarcastic laugh.
- Congratulations…So that qualifies you to meet the baby, hum?
- Drop the act Morgana, that’s not you. – Merlin said, looking put off.
- No, I act the way I see a better fit for my child!- She faced him, a hard expression on her face – And now your plan its probably to go to her room, make her love you and then leave her to mend her own heart.
- I had my excuses to not see her until now, but she’s our daughter….
- She’s MY daughter. I had her, I carried her for 9 months, I’m with her since her first day and I’ll be until my last day. Can you promise that?
Merlin looked unsure but started to slowly approach her. It was easy, she thought, to just forget what he did and fall back at his arms, but now she always had to think about her daughter first.
- I promise you, Morgana Fay Pendragon- Morgana looked deep into his eyes (he’s beautiful and trustful eyes)- That I changed and that I won’t abandon……your
Morgana's eyes were filled with tears. But not because of what Merlin thought it was.
- Yes, you will- Morgana gave a broken whisper – I know you better than yourself, and whenever you get scared you ran. But let tell me: More than half of the time being a parent is being scared. You get scared of streets, foods, high places, crowded places, and whispers in the night. You must be braver than ever being a parent.
- I will be…. I am being braver just to talk to you. Morgana, you know me well, do you think I want to be like my father?
Morgana seized his image again. She reflected on herself, on how amazed she had been when Vivienne had come for her. Both Morgana and Merlin had similar stories with parents, but at least Vivienne eventually came around. Merlin’s father, Balinor Smith, got Hunith in love and pregnant and then ditched her. He couldn’t be a father, not now, not with her. Merlin found him when he was 18, in a cottage near Kent. What he found there was the most heartbreaking thing: Balinor was happily married and had twin baby girls. To be rejected by a parent, to not even being wanted hurts. And Morgana could see that was not the case. He had gone through a rough time, but he was her, he wanted his child.
Morgana stepped out, freeing Merlin’s way to the nursery. He looked hopeful at the highest degree.
- Don’t even try to get on with me- She warned him- At this moment, she’s more than what you deserve.
The look on Merlin's face was of pure gratitude. Morgana watched as he went to Wynn’s nursery. Well, she thought to herself, anything is better than nothing.
How many of our parents seem to make it anyway?
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