#the slow interview
dendrochronologies · 4 months
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maya angelou saying the funniest thing anyone has ever said about editing, which i can never let myself forget EVER AGAIN [x]
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loumandiel · 2 months
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INTERVIEW WITH THE VAMPIRE 1.02 "...After the Phantoms of Your Former Self"
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liyazaki · 2 years
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bon appétit, louis 🩸
interview with the vampire | ep 2: after the phantoms of your former self
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idontwikeit · 1 month
Lestat de Lioncourt // I'm Your Man
You're an angel, I'm a dog Or you're a dog and I'm your man You believe me like a god I'll destroy you like I am
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jaggedjot · 2 months
There is a note of surprise in Louis' first words to Daniel (“You've grown old, Daniel.”). For all that Louis has observed Daniel from a distance over the years, despite his being so familiar with Daniel’s autobiography that he has fixated on minor details within (“There was an offhanded remark in your memoir about this dessert. I hope you don't mind.”) and can immediately find the page of a specific passage, Daniel’s mind is unfamiliar to Louis in a way he does not seem to expect. It is such a contrast to Louis’ letter to Daniel, where he writes as though the pair aged together (“The passage of time and the frailties that accompany it have provided me perspective. And I suspect the same might be for you, as well.”), describing their previous attempt at the interview failing due to a shared “boyish youth”, even though Louis was almost a century old when it took place. Time does not mean the same to an immortal being, and the series leaves it ambiguous whether a vampire and a human can ever really understand that difference.
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skitskatdacat63 · 7 months
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"Sometimes you learn more things from the difficulties than from the celebrations"
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jesncin · 4 months
ABC / Half-indonesian/chinese half-english white-passing guy here, I really appreciate the amount of love and passion you(you both?) have put into the recent Superman stuff. I'm not personally that deeply a fan of DC, but being able to see characters that I share experiences with - written by people that are also like me - is a beautiful experience.
It's strange being mixed. I'm not quite either. I still feel like an alien intruding in on spaces I shouldn't be in, either way, but.. Clark does too, as does Ms. Liando. Thank you.
P.S; If/when Lois discovers Superman and Clark are one in the same, how would the dynamics shift, and how would it go? If you have any ideas on that.
Aaw thank you so much (indeed we both wrote and drew the comic)! I totally get it. Being mixed third culture kids ourselves, the concept of "belonging" to a community is a complicated one.
Well now I can't give that all away haha! I still have to cook the idea of Clark coming out to Lois as Superman in the oven for a lot longer before I'm ready to write it (mentally, it feels like a relationship milestone that they hit and not a story with themes quite yet), but here's what we're definitely not going to do:
Lois jumps off a building (or puts herself in danger) to force Clark to out himself before he's ready ❌
Lois smugly interrupts Clark before he comes out as Superman, showing off that she knew already ❌❌
Lois gets mad at Clark for keeping secrets ❌❌❌
Lois tries to harm Clark to prove he's Superman ❌❌❌❌
Lois Liando would understand as a fellow immigrant why Superman would hide himself and go by a different name. That's one of the things the Private Interview comic was about after all! They both had secret identities of their own, in different ways. Of course she's curious, but she does respect Superman not wanting to tell her that yet. I like to believe Liando has the emotional intelligence to understand that superheroes keep secret identities to protect people they care about on top of that. And the idea of Liando trying to out an immigrant before he's ready makes no sense to me.
At most I can say she'd feel complicated about it. The closest analogy I can think of is having a queer friend who you've known for years and are super tight with, but they only trusted to come out to you recently. Regardless of how good an ally you are, or if you're queer too, you'd feel complicated about it. Why did it take so long? Did you do something that made them doubt telling you until now? etc. It's important to me that Lois and Clark become really close and have known each other for years before he finally tells her. The slow burn of mutual trust ✅✅
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shelfperson · 8 days
dark dark nights and violent things // vaudevillian girls and violin strings // all of these are the prettiest things when i’m in love
they’re so cute 🥰 hope nothing bad happens to them 😊
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loumandiel · 2 years
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Jacob Anderson should get an emmy for this single acting choice of going tongue first alone. Will expect this level of commitment from every actor from now on
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touchd0wn-boy · 8 months
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i think the interview went well
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yridenergyridenergy · 7 months
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very-feral-lesbian · 1 month
“cause i see what everybody else sees, i watch the same show, i don’t think the buddie fans are wrong”
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joenateuser · 27 days
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Felix Mallard | via Teen Vogue
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bivampir · 2 years
Lestat crying and kneeling in the woods while Louis gets head 🤝 Antoinette smoking and crying while Lestat gets hatefucked by his ex in her own house
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All My Own Stunts
Josh [Homme] comes and sings on this one. He’s very dominant, his voice. When you record his voice it just sort of leaps out, it’s great. What else can I tell you about that one? It’s got another reference to cowboy films. It just says, “I’ve been watching cowboy films on gloomy afternoons” which were something I were doing at the time. It’s also where we let ourselves have a bit of a wig-out.
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thebirdandhersong · 1 month
fun things from this week:
did my taxes on time (I am a big girl and I do my own taxes now) (it took about 10 minutes because someone has no source of income)
ate 2.5 really good macarons and proceeded to dream about more macarons before realising that that was a futile wish
wasted many hours not doing things I was supposed to do and not doing things I wanted to do, either, because my anxiety level was through the ROOF and I was depressed as all heck post-leaving the dorm
post-leaving the dorm, was a blubbering mess
planned out the rest of the year in my journal in cheerful colours and then proceeded to return to depressive state after that high of productivity and optimism
slept a lot
slept more
ate a great deal of yoghurt, cheese, and snacks such as goldfish crackers in a vain attempt to cheer myself with the reality of having good food to eat
had 1+ moment of sadness seeing term 1 boy problem (whom I'm still friends with) post about his new girlfriend
had 1+ moment of agony thinking about term 2 boy problem and thinking: boy howdy, I'd love to be loved by someone the way he loves his ex :-)
had 1+ moment of grumpiness because everyone and their dog (I kid you not. I know 6 couples who got together) got into a new relationship last month and then 1+ moments of shame for being grumpy about that
went thrift shopping with my brother and have gained his respect as someone who has Fashionable Thoughts (I picked 2 sweaters for him that were not black and he looked fine in both) (he thought they were green because he had his sunglasses on the whole time and was mildly surprised to find that they were, in fact, not green when he took them off. Clearly the clown gene runs strong in this house)
chose articles of clothing that I personally believe I look BOMB in (pants! cute dress! green shirt that I need to alter but that I'm really happy with!)
made more silly little playlists to deal with things :)
squandered precious time on Pinterest, that black hole of a fantasy world
procrastinated big-time
rewatched Moonstruck
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