#the queen is larger because she goes through a metamorphosis before she’s crowned. which means she’s built almost identical to the fae.
firaknight · 3 years
Due to hyperfixations I am going to talk about the Ripple Star Spa (Lorena you know what’s up)
So, all of it is run by Queen Ripple. To get in, you’ve gotta book an appointment and she’ll handle the paperwork and such. Problem: it’s really rare for anyone besides the members of the royal fairy court to get in. Because of this fact, it’s only thanks to Ribbon and Adeleines extremely lucky status as “one of the saviors of Ripple Star” that she even gets a chance at this. Thankfully, her chances are increased due to how much the queen likes her (see my previous post regarding Adeleines sleep preferences). During one of her visits, Ribbon secretly gets her a reservation for the following day, seeing as Adeleine is not exactly in high spirits.
Adeleine wakes up to a note asking her to go to the queens chambers once she was awake. She’s confused and just gets into a more sour mood upon seeing this (she thinks she’s in trouble for something), but makes her way to the chambers nonetheless. The queen greets her and assures her that she’s not in trouble. In fact, shes got a surprise in store! All Adeleine has to do is follow her through the castle for a bit. Adeleine, confused and still mildly upset (not angry, just kinda... sad.), follows without complaint. They arrive at a sector of the castle Adeleine hadn’t seen before and shes ushered in. A quick goodbye from the queen and she’s alone in a room she’s never been in. A few fae come in and are like “ooooooooohh!!!!!! You’re Adeleine, aren’t you!!! We’ve been waiting for you!!!!!”
She’s very confused.
But slowly, she starts to piece together what’s up: someone got her an appointment in the spa without her knowing. She narrows it down to either the queen or Ribbon, but suspects it’s Ribbon because she’s the only one impulsive enough to do it. At this point, she’s too tired to really care that she’d been set up, and just decides to go along with it. The worst that’ll happen is that she doesn’t enjoy it as much as she thought she would.
It starts with a simple tradition, giving the client a handmade robe based on class (although the queen can overrule the robe one would get and up it to something higher). Lower class robes are simple in color, usually only sporting 1-3 colors, and have very little patterns (lowest has only patterns on the belt, one just above that had patterns along the edges of the robe). Higher classes have more colors and more patterns, with the royal class being elegantly decorated, some having gems sewn into them. The robes are made of a thin, silk-like material (think silk but less slippery so it doesn’t shift around as much and also to make it comfier), and getting to wear one is customary for this. Adeleine is handed her robe, which is wrapped up like a present, and asked to change into it in one of the nearby changing rooms. When she goes to do so and finally gets a good look at it, she recognizes that it’s one of the royal robes, and has to triple check with the fae that they didn’t screw her up with someone else. They wind up showing her the papers they were given and, sure enough, her name is one the papers and the royal robes are circled. At this point, she’s utterly confused, and somewhat concerned about if her papers got mixed up with someone else’s.
Once shes all set, shes guided down a hall into one of the spa rooms, which looks like it’s ripped right out of nature itself. Flowers grow from the floor, water pours into little ponds from rocks around the walls. Fish swim through the ponds, and beautiful plants grow from the rocks. In the center of the room is the comfiest chair Adeleines ever seen in her life. It’s decorated with flowers and crystals, glittering in the early morning sunlight. It’s a beautiful sight. She’s ushered into said chair and it’s even more comfy than she thought. All of the fae tending to her kick up a conversation, chatting about how she’s been and her preferences for stuff, trying to break her out of her nervousness. It works like a charm, and she’s in better spirits in no time.
They show her all the stuff that’s gonna happen; massages, a mani-pedi, styling her hair, the whole package. She’s given sweets and juice cocktails (non-alcoholic of course she’s a child.), maybe even a little makeover just for the fun of it. Halfway through Ribbon probably shows up like “how’s it going?” only to find Adeleine half asleep during a massage. Needless to say she’s pleased with that result.
By the end of it, shes got a brand new hairstyle (they cut it really nice and actually made it look good ((she just kinda fluffs it up in the morning and makes sure it’s not a rats nest)) and not as frazzled), a little bit of makeup, fully done nails, the most clear skin shes ever had, and is feeling more refreshed than ever before. She’s ecstatic to show Ribbon and the queen (she’s never had anything like that from Ripple Star and they do things very differently compared to Popstar) and they’re super happy she’s in good spirits. The fae that worked with her are gushing about how much they like her. She’s human and therefore built super differently to them and has to be handled differently (the fae are built for magic and flight, and they’re also small. Adeleine is built like a person and has a very different body type compared to them). They’re ultra curious and probably wrote down a lot about her so she can be even more comfortable the next time she shows up (which is during her next visit to Ripple Star)
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