#the other zines I'm modding are lovely and they let me know I'm not crazy for my feelings on the matter
blackcherryvelvet0909 · 8 months
I'm Free
Just dropped out of a zine I was modding for. It's a Fire Emblem one and it's the sole reason I'm done with that fandom for the majority. I know I'll have people coming for me to tell me I'm the asshole and whatnot - I don't care. I've dealt with the bs long enough and I finally had it. Don't test me - you won't like what you get back.
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amidststars · 4 years
[1/2] URGH YES that zine thing makes my blood boil too!! no worries if you don't wanna post this or wanna delete this later but like... it's SO aggravating and disheartening to see these ignorant attitudes in the fandom, and it's ESPECIALLY jarring to see it written out in a way that's so... professional? Like I'm mostly accustomed to seeing folks ranting and raving where it's clear they're probably new to fandom and are just throwing a misguided tantrum, but...
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God, yes!!! It’s been 24 hrs and I’m still livid. And now they’ve blocked anyone who spoke out against them. What a joke of a mod team.
There’s another post floating around with a screenshot of their original stance, and it was so well-worded. Basically, that they weren’t responsible for what people shipped, and if someone was conflicted about another contributor, they should make an educated decision and do what was best for them personally.
But now they’re backtracking and pandering to a bunch of antis??? Weak. Weak and spineless. They may have tried to make it sound professional, but it’s really just ugly feelings covered up with fancy words.
I remember being in fandom for the first time. I’d read/see something, and if I didn’t like it, I’d go find something else. No hate. No tearing other people down. It was so EASY.
It’s crazy how... well... crazy people have become over the years. You’d think people would be more understanding. At the very least, realize there’s a difference between fiction and reality. It blows my mind, honestly. And it’s really sad that the mods caved and did this to such an amazing artist. I try not to be petty, but I can’t help it here. I hope this decision hits them hard in the long run.
I kind of went on a rant of my own, but I’m really glad you sent this! It’s nice to see other people as disgusted by this as I am.
On a more positive note, it makes me so unbelievably happy to know you like my blog! I’ve been through too many fandoms and ship wars to care what other people think anymore. I’m fandom old at this point. This is my escape, and I don’t have the time or energy to cater to anyone else. I’m going to post whatever I love— and you should, too!
Don’t let anyone make you feel embarrassed for enjoying the things you do. If my blog and its mess of fandoms and ships gives you the motivation to post more of what you love, I can rest easy knowing that something worthwhile came out of my time on tumblr ❤❤❤
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