#the oc lore is COMING THRU
zevlors-tail · 2 years
I am going SO hard on this self indulgent fic I cannot wait to post it when it's finished
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spotsupstuff · 11 months
Your OCS are so interesting and deep! How do you write their story? What inspires you?
thank you! n pfuuuuuu uhhhhhhh
considering that before all of this i was like "egh, fandom ocs, whatever, its like 2/50 that manage to catch my attention. and the last time i made smth so oc focused was when i was around 13, stuff is just not for me" i don't really know how i'm doin all of this!
writing big elaborate stories spanning ideally multiple decades to even centuries is smth that i do in basically every fandom i join with my whole heart, but that usually then revolves around canonical characters and (usually) the character dynamics already present there. i just kind of try to boost them in a direction that feels nice for me
how i'm managing to write an original story from basically a weak chicken scratch (specifically so considering i'm not looking at canon super hard for inspirations) is beyond me. it was all supposed to be originally just Fish and the Seafarer's family just kind of fucking around without much of a clear goal, after all!
but when it comes to writing stories and characters in general, i'mma tell you what my dad told me. "write what you know," a typical good advice, but then he added: "and what you know is your feelings. write about your feelings, From your feelings."
i am not smart with politics, i haven't lived through revolutions. i don't know this no matter how much i read on it. but i know what it means to be hurt by someone and wanting to right it. fight it. i analyze the feelings that jump at me from somewhere inside because of hearing a song and reading the wiki article of Joan of Arc. i relate it to the times i've been harmed. i take those feelings and use them as a fuel for Zephyr's creation
i know what it means to love someone so much you'll claw through the worst fucking depressive thoughts needling you to do the most horrid thing, just so you can ensure they won't have to go through the pain of mourning you. the raw feeling of a need to live for someone else. i remember so well what it felt like when i fell in love within a hug. what worry and fear i felt when i went to confess to the person who's now my dear partner- i've never been such a mess before. i know what i feel when he barges in through the door, squeals at me and gives me a kiss on the nose. i take all of that and lend it to Euros and Sparrows
the most engaging stories happen when you put a truthful piece of yourself into the characters, in my opinion. i don't know everything in the world, but i am capable of identifying what i feel, when and most of the time why too. nobody can dispute my inner processing with any fact on this whole planet. and this unshakeable truth then shapes and inspires what i make. it breathes life into the characters
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luvsavos · 1 year
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yet another monster oc human form drawing, this one of my disgraced sun god, naasfilrah<3
he's a g-rank fatalis, and he tends to disdain his human form and Not use it for the most part
he always dresses in some kind of formal attire, pingponging back and forth from business casual and proper dressware, this drawing being more of business casual
he'd be less pale however he has been trapped in an underground bunker and subject to intense energy siphoning for the past Several Thousands Of Years, so he looks a bit more pale and fucked up than he was in the past (but i may draw a past version of him eventually)
(also, the writing on the mug is dovahzul (so is naas' name) and reads "world's best sun god" lol)
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stinkrascal · 2 years
i wish skyrim was multiplayer so bad i want nothing more than to play skyrim with my friends all two of them
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bumpscosity · 3 months
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gay people that live in my brain (picrew)
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farharbour · 7 months
i know for sure i've never talked about the death stranding version of jesse here but oh my god developing him as an oc in that world and making a slightly more dark/"evil" version of him that complimented higgs while also staying true to jess' original design was what got me back into character designing back in march
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starrgirlella · 7 months
Lurking for love? More like lurking for LORE
Hi everyone! Just two days ago, I made some interesting discoveries about LFL by just digging around the website
I'm not sure if anyone else found this out so that's why I'm going to be sharing what I found because it's very interesting
This post is going to be pretty long lol and full of my rambling. If you're interested, please take a read! Do note that English isn't my first language so I may express myself a bit weird 😭
Also IK the screenshots are pretty shitty but I'm lazy oops
To start, I have a habit of checking the sinistershrike website along with the LFL itch.io game page. Why? Well I just like looking if there are any new updates (and its my hyperfixtation so I'm constantly looking for new content)-
And I noticed that on the sinistershrike website there was a new update which some of you may or may not saw.
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In summary, the game is getting custom music, prounouns are getting removed so MC is going to be gender neutral and getting called only by their name and most interesting of all: a new main character is getting added, and they're going to be dateable!
Pretty interesting, right? I immediately got curious on who that character might be since they're going to cause drama and more mysteries.
But wait! I'm still not done, hehe
Afterwards, I was just randomly looking at Jacob Alden pics thru google. Again, why? Well, I don't know either lol. It's just a habit that I do when I'm bored and sometimes when I'm lucky, I come across new things.
And this time I was lucky!
So I scrolled down to the end of the results and I saw this post which caught my eye:
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What's so interesting about it? Well the fact that the creators website is linked to it. Curious, I clicked on the link and was suprised at what I saw.
(Mind you I still dont know if I'm an idiot just finding this out or not...)
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Basically, it's a site containing all info about Jacob! I got really excited when I saw it bc I LOVE learning all the facts about my favourite characters and finding new official content!
When I finished looking through it I noticed two things:
1. The website adress (is that what it's called? Im sorry english isn't my first language)
So when you look at the website adress you can notice how it's linked (basically an extension) to the creators webiste which is: sinistershrike.neocities.org
The thing is; you can't open Jacobs page on the creators site. Like yes, there is a tab which says CHARACTERS but if you click on it you'll get nothing but a scary looking Jacob. Which means to get to this page you have to type the adress in yourself.
So I'm assuming the creator is purposefully hiding this Jacob page (maybe because he wants to finish pages for all characters and more)
And here's the link if you want to take a look for yourself:
2. At the end of the page, you have links to other characters made by the creator.
Not just lurking for love, but other ocs made by him!
Though, if you click on them, you'll get nothing. Maybe they're still being made? I'm not sure.
Now, when you look at the characters for LFL, it's very interesting because we now have info on Sarah's last name AND... an unknown character? Noah Vega.
At first, I was stunned. Who could this character be? Then I went back to the creators website and remembered the mention of a new character, can you see where I'm going?
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Noah Vega must be the new character! He was never mentioned before; neither in the game nor in the creators deleted blogs.
And pretty quickly I found proof which helped my theory (I SOUND SO DUMB OMG)
Now going back to the website adress thing.
So I concluded that the Jacob website is hidden from the main website for an reason, hence you can only acess it by finding it yourself. I decided to mess around with the website adress a bit, to see if I could find any more extensions/links.
I started by putting different names in the adress. I tried out: Austin, Sarah, Cedric and Alfred but they didn't lead or anything.
The only name which lead to an extension was Noah. And holy shit-
I'm finding it hard to express how shocked I was at this discovery
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This is a pretty big lore drop imo! So his website shows a pinboard with various notes.
And with these notes we can conclude two things:
1. He has an gambling addiction
2. He is investigating Jacob
He definitely an detective trying to solve an old murder case involved with Jacob. Hence why the mention that the new character will add more drama and mystery to the game.
The three murdered highschoolers must be his old friends mentioned in the game: Steve, Monty and Kenny. Which he claims that they haven't talked since highschool. In reality, they were murdered by him for reasons that are unknown for now.
The website link:
And that's about it! I had fun digging around finding this new info and writing this post. I hope to see more of interesting secrets like this in the future because it's fun finding them!
I hope this post was of interest to you :)
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prettyboykatsuki · 1 month
dkjfhsdgj ITS KIND DERANGED LMAOO. sorry for yapping about her backstory but its relevant to their insane dynamic lmao
my self insert / oc is basically like. disillusioned software engineer. shes based off edward snowden. she's from the planet of talia (which is desert wasteland) and she's an orphan and was raised with other bandit gangs lol. she learned how to write software and engineer thru trial and error. she's an orphan and doesn't really have any family with the exceptions of like two people she considers. but no blood. no idea who her parents are lol
she gets picked up by the ipc when she's in her teen years because she gets caught trying to steal from them using some phishing software she made. they offer recruitment instead of jail-time bc her skillsets are valuable and she sees it as a good opportunity.
she quickly finds out the ipc is crazy corrupt and she gets really like. she wants to get out but the contract is insane. so she basically. like. steals a bunch of money from the ipc and then goes permanently on the run LMAO.
she finds refuge in different planets but the ipc is everywhere. she keeps stealing from them though and interrupting their business models. very robinhood i guess. she has more of a moral conscience than other inserts i make she's really upright.
her personality is really like super antisocial and paranoid. complete loser forreal. after all that jumping around, she ends up hiding in penacony bc its huge and even with ipc presence, it's really easy for the blend in
this is where her relationship with sunday starts. he's really into her because he doesn't like the IPC for one, but also because he finds her to be benevolent (and she is to her credit she's really morally upright). he offers her like . complete refuge and protection in exchange for being part of the family.
she. adamantly refuses this proposition (he will keep asking though) but offers to work for the family as a contractor in exchange for protection. sunday agrees, she's an important and valuable asset with tons of insider information but also he feels weirdly comfortable around her.
they have such a weird relationship LMAOOOAOAOA. sunday develops this very possessive feeling about her and is really coercive and manipulative to her in general. he comes and goes as he pleases but she's not allowed to stray too far. quick to tug her leash basically. he has a really complete control over her and he's paranoid about her trying to leave him. always pulling her into corners and being kind of humiliating and controlling about how she dresses and acts etc
THE INSANE THING IS THAT SHE'S KIND OF. FINE WITH IT. she's really aware that sunday is crazy and manipulative and batshit. but she has HELLA abandonment issues because she has no "home." sunday constantly breathing down her back to stay with him and be his possesion gives her a comfortable sense of belonging and she doesn't think of him as evil - so she's weirdly content with him and just wants to be with him
SOMETIMES. WHEN SUNDAY IS IN A GOOD MOOD. he'll ask her what he wants and he's always expecting her to like beg for her own freedom but she never does. always asks for like intimacy like bathing together and cuddling. and it always shocks sunday LMAOAOA because he's convinced she secretly depsises him but its like dude. Lol.
they're genuinely so in love. this is deranged im aware but they really genuinely love each other and feel understood by one another. but its insane by all accounts
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holymaccaronii · 1 month
uh so I forgot which post this was now but you know the one where you were talking about developing the lore and you attached that one eggman meme where he says ,"I miss my wife tails, I miss her a lot" or something like that, and it was said in reference to how AM is in your AU
Is it in reference about AM towards BE or Ellen, Benny, Gorrister, Nimdok and (somewhat because dude got slugged) Ted? I can see it being both because I swear you've joked(?) in some posts about them being spouses, but I can also see it being about those five if he were to see BE's five and miss his.
My pea brain cannot understand which or neither it may be, too much Madcom hyperfixating slaughtered my brain and then IHNMAIMS came along and finished it off
(p.s - is it agreed that Ellison made - or at least had some involvement since he voiced AM - AM so cunty in the game, like the way AM calls Ted sweetheart and baby screams cunty)
Oah an ask I receive about this au :,], I'll gladly answer what I understood was asked! This au is still a wip, thus why I keep mentioning everything as a 'concept' , so thing's may change later.
First off, this AU is based off the ending where both all the original survivors (except Ted as he gets slugged) and the two other allied mastercomputers die. It's basically a continuation of what will happen with the Luna colony and AM in his considerable solitude, BUT with the addition of my Ocs.
The eggman post made reference to a route where AM slowly gets convinced by BE's survivors to reconcile with her, as the story itself is divided into a prologue (that explains the background of the moon colony, how BE escaped to Earth, met AM and eventually kinda had a relationship going on with him before their eventual separation), and the main story (where the humans arrive, this route OR the others happen, each leading to a different ending).
[More yapping below]
AM feels jealous towards BE's survivors because of two reasons: they resemble his just like you said, and they are being treated just like he once was by BE. So AM basically has a mindset of: "oh these humans that look just like the survivors I spent 109 years torturing are living in paradise AND being treated nicely by my ex (that a part of me still loves), how can this hell possibly get worse".
I'm not sure if this explanation was clear enough, as there's SO MANY details I didn't mention for this to make complete sense, but that's the idea the au follows so far.
In conclusion: evil computer fumbles his only possibility of a romantic interest ever, gets replaced by 5 young humans (ALL WITH MOM/DAD ISSUES) that help their new mom get thru grief + are given the chance to live their biggest dreams and be free in return. After a few years the evil computer reaches out to them, n they are given the chance to either help him with his evil plan, help him get his 'wife' back or act against him.
Thanks for coming to my TED talk and thank you for asking :3c. If something still doesn't make sense feel free to ask!!
(Also YEA AM IS DEFO CUNTY AAHHH!!! I know that it may seem like my AM is mischaracterizing the original, but since his program gets corrupted in the au to the point of letting him express love a bit easier, I envisioned him as a cunty, stressed and sassy villain that still holds all his original hate inside ofc. Harlan was so real bc of those lines 😩)
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nightdustfallen · 4 months
Finally made a ref sheet lol if any of ya'll needed a bit more of a full view to draw em here it is, as well as the accurate non-shadowed colors By the way, you can use the tag "nightly.art" to see all of my art if you dont want to dig thru all of the other art (of lovely and talented people) that i regularly reblog
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Which i suppose also segways into an introductory pinned post? perhaps
Well im Nightdust!! my main fursona is this guy above me, he is called Nightdust Fallen, he is a breed of a husky and a wolf, making him extremely fluffy and puffy! The reason for his name is by the fact that (in my head canon or lore) he came from a bunch of fallen space star dust, hence why he likes space so much and staring at the stars, he also has some sort of ice magic i havent fully fleshed out yet, one thing i can say tho is that when he sneezes, he does it softly and he puffs out small ice snowflakes and can freeze things he touches he is also supposed to wear glasses like me but i suck at drawing those and forgot to include them here anyway so
He is very shy, doesnt talk much but is very protective of his very close friends and would do anything to protect them and make sure they're safe, he is a femboy (of course), enjoys listening to calm relaxing music and high octane electronic music at times, is a gamer, likes cuddling up in bed and i think that's it
It also doubles up as a self description of myself so yeah lol Still tho feel free to send me an ask if you have any questions or anything, with that said onwards to more personal stuff
I enjoy drawing obviously, but i also enjoy cooking stuff and origami, i play a lot of roblox usually to pass time but a game i really got into is "Voices of the Void" i really recommend but it's not for everyone, i like the game's concept and how detailed the space is there. For some reason, a lot of the time i am cold, my hands, feet, nose and limbs overall are very cold which is why i thought about giving my oc some ice magic thing. I am taken, in a relationship with my cutie bunny bf, and my sexuality is bisexual. As said before i do not talk much since im not the social type and usually freeze up or dont know what to say, hence why sometimes i take a long time to respond to something or my response is "dry" or not full of much emotion since i dont really know what to say or feel like im annoying if i talk too much. If you read thru all of that and get here then reply with the word bean so i know you're a true one hehe. I also often wait for others to start the conversation rather than me starting since i again, feel like i would bother the other person or like i could distract them if they are doing something
Anyways i believe that is pretty much it, thank for reading all of this if you did, and i probably didnt mention lots of details i should have but they arent coming to my mind right now
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evillillad · 5 months
Can we maybe get some character sheets for your ocs and id like to write about them!!
AAAHH i really wanna do updated character sheets WITH personality and lore i just aint got time rn!! BUT thank you for being interested!! 😭😭
to make up for the lake of sheets, heres some facts and lore typed out lol
Molly: (based on persona) secret demon being attached to Nina
Mollys kind of a strange case. Not quite puppet not quite...other creatures. She popped into existence around the time nina was born, hence the shared birthday. Shes a bit scatter brained, very easily distracted but once she has her mind set on something, nothing can get in her war. She's quite inquisitive and is constantly asking questions. Her first day in the neighborhood was basically asking every neighbor she met the most wild and intrusive questions she had. Little to no filter, says exactly whats on her mind. Doesnt understand why that makes some people so uncomfortable. Isnt it good to be curious? To tell the truth? To be honest? Man these creatures are strange. Also doesnt have any boundaries, is an absolute open book and for some reason is suprised when not everyone else is too. Think of her almost like a more unhinged wally, very naive to the ways of the waking world, but well verse in the night time activities. frequently takes long walks alone in the middle of the night. she sees them. she knows them. she keeps them away. some have gotten a bit too close to the neighborhood for comfort, is it because of her? do they know shes one of them, if not atleast similar? shes suspicious wally knows whats going on, its not normal for these beings to be here, but what draws them in?
^ongoing plot line of Molly spying on Wally constantly. A bit obsessive with him-she cant tell WHAT he is but she knows he isnt like the other neighbors but hes also not like her. Constantly pushing and manipulating him to break, but he seems either annoyed or oblivious to her attempts. otherwise, general nuisance to Wally, Frank (eats his bugs), Eddie (stares at him thru the post office window), Poppy (constantly getting herself into trouble) and Nina (personal demon).
Also maybe kills the nighttime creatures?? it seems like shes protecting the neighborhood from an outsiders perspective but those that REALLY know her know its territorial...somehow isnt intimidated by home tho. maybe shes trying to work with home? two demon things band together?? idk lmao
clumsy but also graceful? very bendy. no bones...crawls around like a creep sometimes.
Nina: (self insert oc) regular spider gal with a knack for art
Ninas quite normal actually. She was raised by a normal family within normal circumstances, but found herself with the strangest imaginary friend. She was never quite sure why one day everyone was suddenly able to see Molly but shes glad she finally isnt crazy. Now she cant get rid of the annoying asshole. Stuck with this annoying ass demon puppet thing, Nina moves to the neighborhood to get a new start on independence. With her new home, Nina spends most of her days painting, sewing, crocheting, and sculpting. Of course she always has her music going on, its never quiet in the house. Wally spends lots of time with her, they will frequently setup figure drawing sessions where their fellow neighbors will pose for them. Howdy seemed more than happy to constantly volunteer, maybe a tad bit overzealous to show off his muscles. Nina was more than excited to have such an interesting subject to create art of, although with Wally by her side, he always seemed to end up drawing an apple. There wasn't even an apple in the set. Nina doesnt care, shes just happy to have her little darling with her!
Despite being easily excitable and down to earth, shes actually quite timid and easily flustered. Howdys first few advancements had Nina trying to come up with some sort of lie so she could hurriedly get out of the bugdega and hide her beet red face. After this its just the rom com do they like me pinning i love so much lol
Unlike the other neighbors, she is somewhat aware of what goes bump in the night. Shes not sure what exactly it is, but she knows its dangerous...and she knows Molly has too much fun dealing with it. Despite Mollys homicidal tendecies, Nina is NOT scared of her. Shes aware of the fact that without her, Molly wouldnt have a host to stay alive. She cant do anything to harm her and even if she did, Ninas not afraid to grab her by the tail and launch her into the sun (Molly is actually somewhat intimidated by Nina, so she shows some level of obedience).
and thats it for those two!! I also would like to add that I wanna work on an oc of my dog and make goofy content of him and barnaby being like dude tf are u doing. also i know i have other ocs but either they arent quite fleshed out (lilith, betty, batsy), they arent technically mine (tilly and mitzy), or im just really tired and its late rn.
but if u got this far wow ermgee thanks for reading my late night rambles im dying
TLDR: Mollys homicidal, stupid, cant read a room, and is a demon. Ninas just a timid, excitable, down to earth, artsy spider with a weird demon imaginary friend that came to life.
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syntheticmortal · 1 month
hi again since my game is coming soon i need some advice how do you handle kinfolk and kinfolk pcs if you run those also the whole thing about lupus and hispo being able to communicate thru form based nuances is a bit confusing i get like barking and maybe like body language but that’s for like super basic info ain’t it
Yo! :D
Everything I say now is about established setting and my suggestions, all of which can be overruled because it'll be your game - in the way I redesign Werewolves for my VTM games to better suit my needs as a GM. Also of note my only experience with WTA is running this current W5 game and reading a fuck ton of old books and forums for inspiration and OC making, but I feel confident in my answer here
Broadly Kinfolk, as the families of Garou and carriers of the Werewolf 'condition', don't work in the W5 system, where Garou are normal people randomly selected through mysterious means to undergo the First Change. So you're going to have to make some decisions about what role Kinfolk take in your game - functionally in old lore they're just humans with an immunity to the Delirium and the ability to maybe have a Garou kid. In the W20 Corebook, and the W20 book Kinfolk: A Breed Apart there's some Gifts that Kinfolk can use but they're very weak - and would need to be modified to W5 (as the way difficulty for rolling was done was very different back then too)
So how do you wanna play Kinfolk in your own game? Do all Garou need to be breeding with Kinfolk to make more Garou and there's no randoms? Is the Kinfolk the most reliable way to make more Garou but still people change randomly? (In old lore that was lost lineages of Kinfolk producing a 1-in-100 Garou kid, but it doesn't have to be here) - and maybe if a Garou, even if born, produces a "random" tribal affiliation like it does in normal W5, so you avoid turning Garou tribes into family lines and ethnicities like in old lore as I remember that was something you wanted to avoid for your own game ^^. Also in W5 the Garou Nation has fallen apart and the Garou aren't coordinating en masse anymore, so where do the Kinfolk fit into that in your game?
Also of note, because they're usually just normal people, Kinfolk are both incredibly vulnerable, taking damage as a human and not a Garou, and unable to engage with the spiritual half of things like enter the Umbra or see spirits. Any Kinfolk PC working alongside Garou is at big risk of both dying if they're in the same fights, and not being able to use the buffs with shapeshifting and powerful Gifts and Rites. (Kinfolk also historically were used like a servant cast, maintaining jobs to fun the Sept, holding houses where Garou could come crash, driving people around and such)
And then there's the Rage. The horror of being a Garou is the horror of being a very very angry monster that keeps killing people and breaking things and trying to make it all worth something - but was what you did in the name of Gaia even righteous? How many people did you accidentally kill? etc etc
For Kinfolk, they experience the horror of trying to be in a relationship with that person. There's a huge power dynamic and at the drop of a pin your spouse, your uncle, your parent, your sibling, or even child, could lose their fucking mind and trash everything, maybe even kill some of the family! Even you! It's a different theme entirely unless you wish to change what Kinfolk means for your game. (Not that I hate the idea of a mixed Kinfolk and Garou Pack, it sounds great, it's just more to think about for the GM)
And that's in addition to them feeling powerless to help or forgotten or even straight up treated like some sort of property by the angry warrior demi-gods that control their lives (this is why there were quite a few Kinfolk villains in old lore, as of course the conservative attitudes of the Garou at large were always a problem for PCs to rail against)
In summary - you need to decide what Kinfolk are going to be in your W5 game, and then it should be easier from there ^^
As for Hispo and Lupus form communication - I allow for simple ideas being shared with mostly body language. "Bad guy over there", "follow me", "I think we should go" etc - it's like Wolves are very good at communicating and THEN these guys are also fully thinking people who might be able to use context clues better than a literal animal. I admittedly don't know as much about how wolves actually communicate
If I've got any WTA people following along with this I invite people to add their own thoughts! ^^
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Hey so in response to your art request callout, I've got two possible suggestions, one practical and one hopefully interesting? On the practical side I'd love I lineup of your OCs, names and pronouns and all that, because I've just found your stuff and I'm fascinated! And on the more creative side, I'd love to see a look at some of the crazy shit your Nerevarine got up to in their(? her? his?) early days on Vvardenfell! Like, the really early days when you're clearing caves and tombs and nearly dying constantly XD
i have like..40-50 or so ocs, so while that would take a lot of work (that i’m Far Too Lazy to even try to do) i will introduce the main group thru words
Kynwyn Heraclea Chirharia ‘The Dragon’/Maldovjun (little-dragon-king) is my last dragonborn, 15, she/her. she is a dragon in every sense of the word, she hoards, she steals, she collects and with her voice she kills. There’s more to her dragon bloodline than meets the eye. She brash, annoying and anything but selfless. But what can you expect from a kid. She is brunette, white strips of hair, big purple eyes and a mischievous grin
Valiel Hlaalu(-Septim) is my Hero of Kvatch, he/him, 38. Prior to the Oblivion Crisis, he was a courtesan by no choice of his own, by pressure of his mother to use his beauty to gain secrets for political advantages, he despises politics. He loves Martin, but he’s grumpy, rude but surprisingly down to earth for a noble from the imperial city. He is also a little stupid. He is a very pale dunmer with icy eyes, beauty marks and a scowl.
Nerevar ‘Neht’ Mora is my Nerevarine (who isn’t the nerevarine in a classic way, because he IS nerevar), he/they, the body he’s in is 25, but the man himself is at this point at least 800-900 or so years old, he himself doesn’t know due to him being snatched up by slavers at an early age. He is literally Nerevar. Just The Indoril Nerevar Mora stuffed into the body of some poor unsuspecting individual who had the shit luck to be hand picked by Azura. He is totally aware of his former companion’s troubles, and he hates them for it. He’s hedonistic, hyper competent, extremely intelligent and extremely difficult to kill. There is a reason the idea of Nerevar coming back was so terrifying for the Tribunal, and Nerevar, in the most literal sense, returned. As soon as the individual put on the ring Moon-And-Star, his consciousness and soul was sacrificed, and the empty vessel was replaced entirely with Nerevar’s soul and consciousness. Nerevar’s vessel is a redguard with gold eyes, branded with Nerevar’s partial heterochromia to symbolise who he is. He has long locs and a red jacket.
Gwyndir Shadowfoot is my Eternal Champion, she/he/they, I don’t have much lore on her yet, i do know she’s a werewolf bosmer. He has antlers, with an autumn colour palette, brown skin and freckles. They wear a green cloak.
Arenwe the Fair is my Hero of Daggerfall, he/him, again, there isn’t much lore on him. Arenwe is a long, fair haired pale altmer with pink eyes and a shy smile.
in regards to cave trotting and stuff like that, i’d actually love to draw a comic or write a fic about it, I just don’t have that much faith in my author skillz to actually manage writing a fic . or a comic for that matter. Maybe at some point when i feel okay with it i’ll actually try to start mapping out Nerevar’s story
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gorgugplushie · 5 months
Nobody asked but i cant stop thinking abt it so
Fabian - canonically doesn't know what mobile games are, much less actual videogames. He sort of sees them as pointless (why do quests and adventures in a videogame when he could just do them in real life?) Of course the bad kids pull him into their gaming sessions, though he spends most of them asking what the controls are again and raising an eyebrow at their shenanigans. Ragh sits him down and makes him play some sport based video games which he does enjoy, he can get really into it if you give him time (he yells so so loud) he also gets into ddr style games bc he likes beating the other bdkds at them. Videogames are a good excuse to hang but he'd rather go out and play football irl.
Kristen - coming from a heavily sheltered and what i assume monitored family, kristen probablyyy isnt all that into videogames. At most i think she'd have some mobile games like idk candy crush on her phone, like fabian she'd get confused and spend her in game time running around and just watching the others play, she goes along w the others shenanigans v easily tho and loves doing silly bits while playing.
Riz - Riz is the type to play window games on their families shared computer for hours on end. Stuff like sudoku, pinballs, or solitaire. He'd love those games like the nancy drew mystery ones, or those games where you find items like I Spy. The only downside is he gets unhealthily fixated and will spend 3 days getting to lvl 100+ on Tetris if you let him, obsessed w 100% games and making funny number go up. Surprisingly good at rhythm games.
Adaine - into open world games, like fallout or outerwilds. Will spend days writing and churning out backstory and lore for her in game character. Veryyy picky and wants every decision to be true to their newest ocs backstory, will spend a solid hour on the character creation screen. She also loves more violent shooting games, although playing online with strangers gives her anxiety and she cannn get gamer rage, she'll get fixated on getting stuff like headshots and Winning and Being a good teammate that she'll start shaking and have to step away from playing for a bit. Single player fighting games w blood where she can turn her brain off and just fight are more cathartic for her. I feel like she ends up doing insane shit in them like saw and hack off limbs and go full dark story mode route and then regret it so so much and lie awake at night not sleeping bc of it and delete the save file. Its her dark secret shell take to the grave.
Fig - plays a large range of games, mainly more colorful and silly goofy ones she can play with the badkids. Shes sort of a little nuisance in games tho, she will troll and grief a lil bc she finds it funny. In singleplayer games she does love being a huge stinker and do silly stuff like pickpocket and get caught or accidentally set a bomb off in the middle of a cutscene or glitch her character to a-pose, she does a bunch of shit and laughs and doesn't take it seriously at all. Like adaine she also gets gamer rage. she gets them both banded from online for a month bc they team up to cast a spell on someone thru the screen. LOVESS shit like guitar hero and skater games sooo much, also into those wwe type games. Cant stomach horror at all but will make the rest of the kids sit down and play horror games w her so they can laugh and scream together.
Gorgug - he tends to like more older games, say in the style of star fox/loz and stuff. His parents gave him and older gaming system when he was younger n he still has it around and collects games for it, its seeing a lot more use than it originally did bc now he has friends to play with. The type of guy to still carry their ds around. I feel like hed also modify and rom hack stuff for his friends. He likes going to the arcade in person and playing there than sitting in front of a computer.
Ayda - yes im including her shes a gamer girl in my heart. I feel like she loves life sims/complex puzzle games, stuff like slime rancher, portal, animal crossing. She has 1000+ hours into a single sims save file. She spends hours and hours building and working on the most elaborate farming system for whatever new sim shes getting invested in. She especially loves organizing in games, she gets a bit antsy playing more survival based games with the bad kids because they leave their systems so unorganized (shes def the type to redo the entire base from top to bottom in dont starve while the rest die off screen). neat and orderly decoration is soo fun for her and the bad kids try not to step on her turf too much. refuses to play multiplayer if it's with anyone else but the badkids, but if anyone would start a gaming channel its her. will do obscenely gay cutesy stuff w fig n game. They build their own little base and junk and pretend to hosts weddings n stuff. Shes also very into speed running and breaking games with glitches to figure out how they work.
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eirian · 3 months
i wanna find a way to make an oc with a story that doesnt evolve into a wholeass universe... id love to just have ocs that just Exist in their bubble of a world and dont have an overarching universal existence, if that makes sense? like. for example a cat girl who exists in her little area thats relevant to her story, and theres side characters to support her, but thats it. no lore past that. as opposed to something like mirrors where theres the main cast, a MULTIVERSE, tons of lore, tons of supporting characters and characters that dont even get screentime in the story, etc
i have a Really bad habit of making ocs with the idea in mind of there being a whole set of universe lore with substories and a whole comic plotline revolving around said lore and substories. sometimes i wanna just have an oc to have one lol. but its hard for me to get attached to them if they have no decently-sized story :( which does suck and idk how to break out of that bc i cant super help what im interested in when it comes to that
i still do want to make a furry webcomic at some point. but i dont know how to make a small, Contained story without letting it grow too big. i want a comic that's short and sweet--or at the very least only has ONE PLOTLINE and not a bunch of different arcs. something like doppelganger but with furries (one linear storyline and one plot idea but it spans over like 6 chapters still). i think that would be super fun
i tossed around the idea of making something personal to me, like maybe...idk. exploring trauma or life experiences thru funny animals. but i fear that may be too vulnerable for me atm lol. i do kinda vibe with something down to earth and low stakes tho. not necessarily slice of life but...low stakes. idk how to describe the vibe im wanting still
wah wah long post again
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loafbud · 4 months
loafbud etymology
idk if i had said this before a long time ago here yet, but the "loaf" in my name is actually referring to the "lazy, laying around doing nothing; e.g., loafing around" type of loaf, not loaf as in "bread"
some loafbud lore: i actually came up with the name when i was in my junior year in high school. it was for the last name of a fursona i had back then, which was this oc:
(this is my old art from 2015/16)
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this was the time when i started seeing the world thru a more pessimistic lense and instead of countering those negative thoughts with more realistic or optimistic ones, i fed them.
at this age, i was very much someone that'd chant in my head: "long live loners! (← this was literally an oath i swore myself to when i was like,, 17 LOL)! the world is cruel! im a loner because 👿 you made me this way 👿! love isn't real!" and then proceed to fill up my sketchbook with snarling, battle-scared wolves drooling out blood and continue to inwardly blame ppl for my solitude,, even tho I activately chose to isolate myself due to social anxiety & fear of what others thought of me, but my younger self wasn't ready to hear that 😂😂
i say all this because i realized that i created the alias "loafbud" during a more challenging time in my life. "challenging" in the sense that i was always in a constant battle with myself via negative thoughts, when i started choosing to see the world/society in a grim light. i was choosing to let depression define me. I'd still have many positive moments since then, but I'd always allow the dark stuff to consume me from within.
and im here looking back at those days, and how far I've come as a person. even if im not perfect, i grew. i still make mistakes, even the ones that make me go "daaamn loaf, u fucked up big time", but ive allowed myself to learn what ive done wrong, avoid making the same fuckery, and move on! i always used to get so hung up on stuff lol
and after i look back, i come bacm to the present and look at my name: loafbud. i know it's just an alias/online name, but I've always seen myself having a positive future with this alias, even when i was a crabby teenager buried within my own miasma of self-negativity.
it had a meaning then (a meaning i stuck with as a teen), but im in my mid 20s and that meaning has long since no longer resonated with me. and yet i held onto it, desperately. like im this butterfly that's so fucking afraid to leave its cocoon.
i dont want to spend the rest of my life living up to its old meaning: loaf: 'lazy, unproductive'; 'bud: earbuds/buddy'
so starting today, im giving it a new meaning.
IM FLYING OUT OF THIS COCOON GRAAAH‼️‼️‼️‼️ 🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️🗣️
the new meaning behind behind "loafbud":
loaf: basically, when i think about bread, i see it an an analogy for abundance, literally & figuratively
bud: budding; like, imagine a new leaf growing like its just sprouting or smth
(i know aliases, especially online, doesn't always necessarily need to have a hidden or deep meaning behind them. but i always wanted my alias to mean something to me haha)
TL;DR: username lore
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