#the most important person in her life is taako and he’s just chilling in this scenario LMAO
jerreeeeeee · 26 days
the thing is i very much understand the appeal of lupcretia narratively bc they are foils who betray each other and then forgive each other because the force of their grief and guilt brings them to an understanding and i also understand the appeal of blupcretia bc its a three person relationship who disagree on something major and split apart leaving one party feeling abandoned when the other two agree against her and what does that mean for the fact that the rest of their lives outside a horrible timeloop are supposed to start soon Because of that decision and disagreement like i get it narratively its interesting!! but here’s the thing: i just have an unshakeable belief that lup is straight
#+ w/ regard to blupcretia the appeal of that one depends on the Assumption that romantic relationships are prioritized#yk what i mean?#like its only really interesting if you assume they’re intending to also be life partners/prioritized in each others life#thats why the creeping feeling of betrayal in lucretia is interesting at all#bc she’s assuming the three of them are a Unit#like thats why its more interesting romantically than platonically (still very very interesting platonically)#but i really don’t think romantic relationships Are always prioritized and i especially don’t think LUP of all people does so#the most important person in her life is taako and he’s just chilling in this scenario LMAO#he has no skin in the game so even if youre like yeah lup DOES prioritize him over both her romantic partners it doesnt… add any depth#and taako and lucretia have their own extremely complex & interesting dynamic and that doesnt benefit from lucretia being w/ lup either#like i tend to think taako and lucretia were already pretty close w/out lupcretia being a thing so that doesnt lend any more complexity#+ all that's not even to mention that i dont think lup or barry as characters really have romantic chemistry w/ lucretia#that and i just really do think lup is straight#taz#mine#ive also seen a fic abt taako/lucretia where she feels betrayed bc he chose his family over her (his girlfriend?)#which i guess is interesting enough but i truly truly cannot ever see them in a romantic/sexual relationship#that's absolutely not their dynamic. even aside from the fact they're both gay as fuck LMAO#not trying to vague something very specific dont anyone go like. hunt this down and harass the author ofc#just thought it was interesting. another concept that in theory could be narratively fun but i cant ever see happening. except way stronger
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argonaut--keene · 5 years
28 with Lup & Lucretia, please!! :')
28: “Girls night in?”
Word count: 1,817
Warnings: Death mention, survivor’s guilt, grief, alcohol (y’know, normal Stolen Century shenanigans)
Summary: In which Lucretia has had a difficult few years and Lup is determined not to let her be sad all by herself.
Send me more of these?
It had been…a rough couple of cycles.
Two years ago, Davenport and Barry and Lup had all been killed in a negotiation for the light gone very poorly. Taako and Magnus stormed in the next day and took the light by force. “Should have just let them all die, those assholes,” Taako muttered that night as they fled the city to hide out in a remote forest until the year was over. Merle gently reminded him that not everyone on the plane was such an asshole and they did not deserve to die just because some of their leaders were terrible. Lucretia sat in the corner quietly, hiding the tears that dripped down her cheeks by letting her hair fall in front of her face.
In the next cycle, the light had been relatively easy to find. Lucretia had left most of the team on the Starblaster to do their research, and had taken Magnus with her on a months-long voyage through the culturally rich civilization. She had befriended their guides, a couple of kindly tieflings, and had been truly enjoying the journey when they were attacked by bandits. Both of the tieflings and Magnus were killed. Lucretia returned to the ship alone. She had a hard time writing anything down the rest of the year–it was too difficult to see the pages past the blur of her tears.
Nobody had died so far this cycle, but Lucretia was tired of being on such high alert. She was tired of spending her time grieving because every new person she met would be gone forever from her life within a year. Becoming even more quiet around her family, Lucretia withdrew from everything and tried to sketch every person she remembered meeting from the past five years. Two of those cycles, they had failed to get the light. Most of the people Lucretia was drawing were dead.
One evening, there was a knock at her door. “Do you need something?” Lucretia called distractedly. She couldn’t remember if the child she was sketching from one of the failed cycles was an elf or a human. How could she not remember something like that? All she could recall was that he had a freckle on the tip of his nose and he wore a purple stone on a string around his neck.
“Luuuuucy. Can I come in?” It was Lup. She didn’t sound urgent, but she did sound determined. And when Lup was determined, there was no point in trying to resist.
“Alright.” Lucretia closed her sketchbook as Lup bounded into the room.
“Listen, Luce, you know I love you to pieces, right? So please don’t get snippy when I tell you that you absolutely gotta stop hiding in your room all the time. It’s not healthy, babes,” Lup told her. “I know you’re an introvert, but this isn’t that. You’ve been avoiding us.”
Straight to the point then. I should have expected that. Keeping her expression neutral, Lucretia said, “I haven’t been avoiding anyone. I’ve just been busy with my work.”
“Your work, huh? Can I see it?” Lup hopped up to sit on Lucretia’s desk. She didn’t look like she had any intention of moving anytime soon.
Lucretia didn’t really want to explain what she had been doing. Lup might not understand why she needed to do this; and besides, Lucretia had a feeling that she would start to cry if she tried to talk about it. And she was just so tired of crying. She said nothing. However, she didn’t stop Lup from taking the sketchbook from her hands and flipping through the pages.
“These are nice,” Lup said softly. “Are these people you met during the cycles, Luce?”
Clearing her throat, Lucretia nodded.
“Who was this?” asked Lup. She pointed to a sketch of an older elf woman wearing a scarf on her head.
“I don’t know. I never asked her name. She was at a church I visited three cycles ago. She took care of the children who had been orphaned because of the illness that year.”
Lup’s ears positioned themselves slightly downwards as she frowned. “We didn’t get the light that cycle.”
“I know.”
There was a minute of silence as Lup turned more pages. Lucretia heard a quiet sniff when Lup saw the sketch of the young boy that wasn’t quite finished yet. Placing the sketchbook down carefully on the desk, Lup wiped her eyes and reached out to tilt Lucretia’s chin up. “You’re right, you have been busy,” she allowed. “That’s important stuff.”
“I don’t want us to forget them,” Lucretia stated simply.
“Yeah. Yeah, I get it. But, Lucy. You can’t isolate yourself, okay? Even if you’re sad, even if you’re having a hard time. Actually, especially if you’re having a hard time.” Lup smiled sadly. “Okay?”
Lucretia looked down at her hands and shrugged. “I don’t know.”
“Well, um, how’s this? I’m not gonna let you isolate yourself anymore,” Lup let her know. “We’re all hanging out tonight, I’m taking you out to the common room to have dinner and a fun night together.”
With a weary sigh, Lucretia said, “I’m sorry, Lup, I’m just…not up for that.”
Lup nodded thoughtfully. “Gotcha. Okay. I know exactly what we’re gonna do, then.”
“And what’s that?” Lucretia said.
“Well, if you’re okay with it, which I think you will be.”
“Girls night in?” suggested Lup. “C'mon, just you and me, chillin’ in here and talking and hanging out. We can do whatever you want. I’ll make Koko bring us snacks and drinks.” She gave Lucretia a winning smile. “Whaddya say?”
“I say, I probably don’t have a choice in the matter,” Lucretia said, pretending to give in grudgingly. But really, that didn’t sound too bad. Lup could be loud and rambunctious when she wanted to be, but she was just as capable of being quiet and understanding, and she seemed to know instinctively when a person needed each type of affection.
“That’s my girl,” Lup said happily. She patted Lucretia’s cheek. “Now, I’m gonna be right back. Put on some PJs.”
Lucretia obliged, and put on her most comfortable pajamas of a t-shirt and flannel pants while she waited for Lup to return.
“You decent?” Lup barely waited for the answer before she walked right in, wearing a tank top and shorts and carrying several blankets and multiple bags of candy and chips.
“I try not to have food in my bedroom,” Lucretia said helplessly.
“I’ll clean up any mess, I promise. Now, I sent Taako to bring us hot chocolate and wine, ‘cause I wasn’t a hundred percent sure what kinda night we’re gonna be having. But uh, both? Both sounds good.” Lup was already setting up a blanket fort on Lucretia’s bed. “And I told him that he’s not allowed to have any, 'cause it’s girls night. I said that if he’s lonely without me, he can go cuddle up with Magnus. He flipped me off, but he is getting those drinks, so I think we’re good.”
Lucretia couldn’t help but smile as Lup chattered. She had to admit, the company was nice. She didn’t feel as trapped inside her memories anymore. And when Taako knocked on the door, saying that he was leaving the drinks outside and that he hoped Lucretia knew that he was definitely, absolutely furious that she was hogging Lup for the night, he was laughing the whole time and ended the speech with a “Have fun, you two,” so Lucretia figured that he wasn’t actually angry.
Lup pulled her into the blanket fort and handed her a hot chocolate. “We’ll switch to wine later. So…wanna talk about anything?”
“I…” Lucretia shook her head. She drank some of her hot chocolate. “Like what?”
“I don’t know, babes, anything?”
“I’m just, um, tired,” Lucretia admitted.
Lup flicked her ears. “Would you rather just go to sleep?”
“No, I meant…in general. I’m just tired. I feel like I can’t stop moving. I’m not…caught up with the rest of you, if that makes sense? I’m still stuck somewhere behind everyone else.  It’s why I’m trying to draw everyone, because…if I can record everything that’s happened so far, I might be able to keep moving.”
Lup hummed understandingly. She gave Lucretia’s arm a reassuring squeeze. “I get it, honey. I’ve had that feeling some cycles, too. It’s not easy to just keep leaving everyone behind, huh?”
“No. No, it’s not easy,” said Lucretia. “And it’s exhausting.”
“It definitely is that,” Lup replied. She paused for a second, then reached for the bottle of wine. “Time to switch drinks, I think. Hey, Luce? Get your sketchbook. We’re gonna sit and remember everyone we left behind and toast to them until we feel better.”
Lucretia didn’t argue with that.
A few hours later, they had gone through every single page in the sketchbook. Lup even remembered the names of a few more of the people in the drawings, and Lucretia penciled them in. Both of them were crying a little by the end. Lucretia decided that she didn’t want any more wine and curled up against Lup’s side with her sketchbook clutched to her chest.
“I’ve gotcha.” Lup sniffled. “Are you, um, feeling better?”
That’s a complicated question. “I think I will be,” she murmured. “I don’t feel…great, right now, but I do feel…lighter? That doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry.”
“It does make sense, I totally get it. Ohhhhkay, I think I’ve had enough wine. Hey, hey, c'n I like…stay here tonight?” Lup asked.
“Definitely.” Lucretia was glad that Lup had suggested it, because she probably wouldn’t have asked her to stay and she didn’t really want to be alone.
“Mind if I deconstruct the blanket fort? I’m not super chill with enclosed spaces,” added Lup.
“You built it!” Lucretia said, managing a quiet giggle. “But yes, of course.”
Lup laughed as well. She pulled the fort down and covered the two of them in the blankets. She put her arms around Lucretia’s waist and snuggled her close. “Thank you for saying yes to this,” she said softly. “I know I said we were doing it to stop you from isolating, but, y'know what? I kinda missed ya. I feel like we haven’t spent much time together over the past few cycles.”
“I’m sorry,” Lucretia whispered.
“Not your fault, babes. We get busy, life gets hard. Sometimes we die.” Lup chuckled. “Gods, what a weird thing to say so casually.”
“Pretty weird,” agreed Lucretia. She yawned.
Lup turned the lights off. She hugged Lucretia closer. “This was nice,” she said after a few minutes. She sounded sleepy. “Let’s do it again. Make girls night in a regular thing. Maybe not always with the crying part, but, y'know, sometimes we just need that.”
“I’d like that,” Lucretia said, closing her eyes. “Goodnight.”
“Night-night, Lucy.”
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wiiindyblathers · 7 years
RULES: Tag nine people you want to get to know better!
Relationship status: can relate to the Wholesome S/O Memes because of my intelligent, creative, badass, and absolutely beautiful girlfriend @catlily1 <3
Lipstick or chapstick?: Chapstick, because I am always Stressed™
Last song I listened to: “2-1″ by Imogen Heap
Last movie I watched: Moana, for like the third time this week lmao
(gonna need multiple paragraphs for these last two bc I have a lot of feelings) Top 3 Characters: Now, I know I talk about Sans and his many variants a lot, but Undyne is the bomb. You can never have enough of this determined fish warrior. She’s simply too awesome. You can do anything while listening to “Spear of Justice”; “Battle Against a True Hero” is a writer’s best friend for hyping up for fight scenes; knowing anime songs by heart is cool when you remember she probably does, too. On a more serious note, though, as a lesbian, she is hugely empowering to me. I know, “she’s just a character” and all that, but... Seeing somebody like her, who never backs down and strengthens everyone around her, who loves her friends with her entire Soul, who isn’t demure or quiet about things that may alienate her and yet succeeds in so much, makes me think that just maybe, I can succeed, too. I can be powerful; I can be important; I can find love; and most of all, I don’t have to be shy about any of it. Next, let’s talk about Symmetra. I’m sure you guys know this already, but, holy shit, she’s autistic! Another role model!!! This lady is the classiest of the classy, the smartest of the smart, and the most badass of the badass. Yeah, maybe you don’t have to aim with the short-range gun, but she still takes skill to play well... And also, when you get stuck with an awful team, it’s fun to put the teleporter off the edge of a cliff and watch them burn, baby, burn. To the enemy team: enjoy getting cooked alive by the Sentry Gate. Oh, you’ve got a nice little sniper perch? Say hello to my supercharged death orbs. Don’t screw with Symmetra - especially before they fix the buff. MotherfUCKING,,, CHALUPA TAACO-BLUEJEANS. The name explains itself, but I’ll infodump anyway. This theory got out of control, and I could not possibly be happier. If she turns out to be canon, I’ll be overjoyed - and if not, we can still keep her as an AU, right? Gotta love AUs. Not sold on the concept? Just imagine Leon turning into a fucking ice sculpture of rage and fear when he sees Taako has a twin. She’s spent the entire series doing nothing but chilling out in a cave, supporting her bro, burning macaroons, and voring evil wizards. What’s not to love? Please, Griffin, give us the butch lesbian wizard icon we need. We can pay you in preemptive fanart. Honorable mentions: Bismuth (she was tied *this close* with Symmetra), Maggiequinnus Burnsides, Peridot, Cecil Palmer, and Sayaka Miki
Top 3 Ships: The number one spot has to go to Hurloane. Hurley did everything in her power to save Sloane until the very end, refusing to give up at every step of the path she knew was treacherous and would probably not survive. Sloane showed Hurley how to enjoy life and look beyond the black-and-white mold without losing integrity, and even when Hurley was at the end of the line because of something she could’ve avoided, she wanted the best for everyone and gave her all to keep Hurley safe. Four arcs later, I’m still holding out for them to be brought back in some wild, convoluted way; maybe as robots like No3113, or the Raven Queen’s new bounty hunters, or perhaps as a sentient tree fusion. I don’t care how it happens, I just want the racing lesbians back. One day, I’ll be able to reblog artwork of Discovery/Recovery without crying, but today is not that day. Nor is it any time soon. I swear, Griffin’s heart-wrenching shenanigans are going to be the end of me... For two, CD!Connverse, because I’m too invested in my own AU and really want these poor children to get a happy ending. Seriously, they’ve been through a lot for their ages; no kids should have to deal with what they have, and yet, they persevere, and through thick and thin, they have each other’s backs. Plus, Stevonnie would look awesome in this AU. Just sayin’. And third, Cherryberry (yes, I know that a lot of people who ship this are creepy as all hell, and I’m just gonna try and stay far away from that), because aesthetic and also I am a mentally ill nerd who has no idea what she’s doing or who she is as a person and clings to the idea of being able to reinvent one’s identity and find love despite whatever damage you’ve endured to remake that identity and survive. Idk bud, I just think it’s cute. Red is really in need of a “knight in shining armor” type to help him through all that angst. Honorable mentions: ALPHYNE, Team Sweet Flips, Taakitz, Polygems, Magnulia, Sans x less existential terror than usual
Tagged by @archival-hogwash
Tagging @supersexyghotmew95 , @withusgranite , @catlily1 , @maidsonas , @theperfecta , @thesketcherlass , @the-final-pam , @squaremomgsquad , and @diet-deity 
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