#the moment we begin to create immovable definitions about the human existence is the moment we make it difficult for people
psa: people are allowed to experiment with their gender expression without making definitive statements about their gender identity :)
let people tell you what/who they want to be perceived as rather than prescribing it for them. this includes if people want to identify as cishet despite not strictly adhering to conventions and norms.
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astrochats · 4 years
Astro Scales: the breakdown by sign
In our first post, we introduced the Astro Scales system and discussed each element’s heart and head values. In this post, we will further break down each element into its three signs, and explain what distinguishes the signs from one another.
The Astro Scales system derives its name from a pair of scales, where we envision head and heart values being weighed against each other. Some signs weigh the head value above the heart value, some weigh the heart value above the head value, and some place an equal weight on both values, balancing the scales.
For example, while all fire signs struggle with the primary conflict of now vs. later, we argue that the charging ram Aries weighs now, the fire heart value, above the head value of later. By contrast, the archer Sagittarius believes in the value of biding their time, despite the draw of fulfilling their desires immediately; thus Sagittarius weighs head over heart. Meanwhile, proud Leo, king of the jungle, constantly balances immediate reward against delayed gratification. 
We observe these 3 configurations of the scales (heart over head, balancing both, head over heart) in all 4 elements, giving each of the 12 zodiac signs its own distinctive character.
Fire signs (now vs. later)
Aries: now
The first sign in the zodiac, Aries the ram bursts into existence with an uncontainable life force, as if to announce to the world, “I am here.” It’s therefore no surprise that Aries leads with the heart value of now over the head value of later. Although Aries understands on some level that waiting can lead to greater rewards, the cost of forgoing the immediate rush of instant gratification is often too high for this impatient sign. More so than any other fire sign, Aries embodies the action principle of fire: a flame’s existence depends on a continued fuel source, or it will be extinguished. Thus it is important for Aries to feel a sense of forward momentum with all of their actions, and stasis is very uncomfortable for them. Aries may feel anxiety about not getting what they have set their minds to and if they cannot follow through with their plans, they can feel lost and unlike themselves. It’s instinctual for Aries to prioritize the desires of their heart above the head. This means that while Aries is very good at making decisive moves to instigate the outcome they desire, others can feel steamrolled or ignored in Aries’ hasty actions.
Leo: balancing both
Ruled by the Sun, Leo is a sign that flourishes when it’s in the spotlight. Leos are generous with their warmth and their love; being around them can feel like basking in warm sunshine. Leos shine brightest when surrounded by other people, and their need for continuous attention from others explains why Leos balance the heart value of now against the head value of later. For Leo, balancing these values means pursuing all of their immediate desires, while making concessions so as not to lose their audience. The lion is the king of the jungle, and like all kings, Leo walks a fine line between luxuriating in all the perks of being at the top, yet always being aware of the precariousness of their position. There is always someone next in line, waiting to usurp a king who shows weakness or loses the support of his followers, and proud Leo feels keenly the cold shadow that descends upon them when the spotlight is turned on someone else. For this reason, it is rare to see two Leos in one group of friends. Though people are quick to characterize Leos as overconfident and self-absorbed, these traits can be attributed to this sign’s tendency towards idealism and a general wholehearted optimism for life. 
Sagittarius: later
Although Sagittarians may be known for their impulsivity, a second look at this sign reveals a surprising willingness to bide their time. Note that of all the fire signs, Sagittarius is the only one represented not by an animal, but by the archetype of the archer -- the hunter, who must lie in wait for the perfect moment to strike, reflecting how Sagittarius weighs their head value of later over their heart value of now. Another aspect of the Sagittarian mythology involves the figure of the centaur, a half-human, half-horse. While Sagittarius may feel the primal urge of now from beneath its hooves, its higher faculties are able to temper these urges. Ruled by Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, Sagittarius is willing to take a gamble on waiting until later in the hope of reaping greater rewards. Sagittarius feels most like themselves when they have the freedom to explore various options and are able to escape when life gets too restrictive. These tendencies result in the endless optimism and adaptability Sagittarians bring to all of life’s ups and downs, but can also result in an impression of flightiness and unreliability.
Water signs (feeling vs. fantasy)
Scorpio: feeling
Of the three water signs, Scorpio alone is represented by a non-water-dwelling animal. Compared to the dark, nurturing ocean depths where Cancer and Pisces live, the harsh, flat desert where the scorpion dwells contains few hiding places; here, everyone is stripped bare. Similarly, this sign favors the heart value of raw feeling over the head value of fantasy, which they see as a watery world of self delusions and concealments. Even as they are drawn to the boundless promise of the mystical and fantastic, Scorpio accepts that they live in the physical world and must adapt to its harshness rather than seeking escape in dreams. Scorpios feel things intensely, and they have a hard time hiding or masking their emotions, seeming even to revel in the darker side of their nature. Since they see the world and other people with clear eyes, without the veneer of idealism, they find trust and vulnerability difficult. Scorpio’s combination of intensity and penetrative perception gives them a magnetic quality, which can be attractive to many. But when tangling with this guarded sign, know that physical passions do not necessarily translate into emotional intimacy.
Cancer: balancing both
Cancer the crab walks between the watery world of fantasy and the earthly sands of real sensation. Though they are often stereotyped as sensitive and moody, this reputation stems from the tug-of-war between Cancer’s heart value of feeling and head value of fantasy. Far from being mutually exclusive, this sign’s heart and head values often feed into and build upon each other. For a Cancer, real-life feelings are heightened by their fantastical imaginings, while their fantasies are imbued with real attachment. For example, in everyday conflicts, it comes naturally for Cancer to cast others in the roles of hero and villain. Conversely, this sign’s romantic daydreams can replicate or even surpass the giddy euphoria of actually falling in love. Because Cancers attach equal weight to their fantasies and their lived emotions, it can be extremely painful and disappointing for this sign when experiences don’t live up to the expectations set by fantasies; this is when Cancer may retreat without warning behind a spiky exterior. However, a person who is able to coax this sign out of their shell will find a uniquely soft and nurturing nature: a Cancer’s affection is given wholeheartedly and without reserve.
Pisces: fantasy
Pisces the fish lives entirely submerged in the ocean depths of fantasy, so much so that Pisceans often seem to inhabit their own plane of existence. With this sign of dreams, the subconscious, and the spiritual, the head value of fantasy comes so naturally that they may have difficulty separating fantasy from their emotional reality. For Pisces, fantasy involves a predisposition towards creating deeper meaning from the apparent randomness and chaos of life. This may morph into existential dread if Pisces begins to consider the possibility that reality is actually random and devoid of meaning. Everyday, practical matters tend to fade into the background in the face of these looming existential questions, which may contribute to this sign’s “head in the clouds” reputation. While Pisces, like other water signs, is highly emotionally attuned, their fixation on fantasy can make it difficult for this sign to express or indeed, truly experience their immediate feelings. This results in Pisces’ susceptibility to absorbing the feeling currents of others around them, as well as their reputation for empathy and sensitivity. A Pisces who is too detached from the truth of their own feelings can become oversensitive and withdrawn.
Earth signs (conviction vs. compromise)
Taurus: conviction
Famously stubborn, Taurus’s stability comes from their firm heart value of conviction, which they weigh over the head value of compromise. Because Taurus’s sense of identity is so grounded in their personal convictions, being confronted with the necessity of compromise can feel like an affront to Taurus’s self-image. This is why Taurus, more than any other sign, is known to fear change despite recognizing the importance of growth -- after all, compromise by definition requires us to leave our comfort zone in some way. Like the immovable bull, Taurus prefers to stick to what they know and trust, not only in their beliefs but also in their habits and environments. While they are aware, as all earth signs are, that there are times when we must prioritize practicality and/or the common good, it costs more comparatively for a Taurus to repress their innermost beliefs. Although this sign may come across as stubborn and obstinate at times, others know that they can trust Taurus to be honest and reliable.
Virgo: balancing both
The maiden associated with Virgo embodies purity of course, but also carries a sheaf of wheat, representing the harvest. These two symbols encapsulate Virgo’s balancing act between their heart value of conviction and their head value of compromise: while it is important for Virgo to uphold the purity and clarity of their personal convictions, this service-oriented sign may not always find it necessary or appropriate to impress these convictions upon others. The harvest is emblematic of humans’ interdependence with each other and with nature; Virgo’s approach to compromise follows a similar principle of being conscious of how your actions affect others. They are careful not to be offensive or take up too much space, and tend to disdain those who act rudely or thoughtlessly. Balancing conviction and compromise can be a struggle for Virgos, who feel they must remain true to themselves even as they wish to avoid making a fuss. This may account for some of this overanalytical sign’s tendency towards anxiety and neurosis. Virgos treat each word and action they put into the universe with extreme care, but even so, they may stay up late at night regretting their decisions.
Capricorn: compromise
Even as the mountain goat Capricorn steadily ascends the mountain, it never loses sight of its grounded perspective. Capricorns weigh their head value above their heart value; although they have as strong a sense of their convictions as other earth signs, it is unlikely that a Capricorn will allow these private convictions to interfere with their ability to compromise. Compared to other earth signs, Capricorns tend to come across as more patient when dealing with people because they try to accommodate everyone’s differences in order to move forward. Another way to understand this value could be “compartmentalization,” something that comes naturally to this sign. Some may call Capricorns cold because of their ability to put distance between their actions and their personal feelings/allegiances; they would simply call themselves realistic. Compromise serves most Capricorns well -- in the long term, they will be able to build respect, recognition and a reputation of dependability in the eyes of others.  
Air signs (knowledge vs. faith)
Aquarius: knowledge
Ruled by Uranus, the planet of revolution and rebellion, Aquarius the water bearer is characterized by independence, originality and humanitarianism. Aquarians are not known to be followers; their determination to walk their own path emerges from their heart value of knowledge, which they prioritize over the head value of faith. If you want to recruit Aquarius to your cause or way of thinking, you’d better be prepared to explain every step of your logic. For Aquarius, blindly following a belief that is not their own feels like a betrayal of the principle to seek truth. Even if an Aquarius hasn’t yet developed their own perspective on a subject, they are eager to pick holes in someone else’s viewpoint in order to better understand the other person’s logic. Since Aquarians tend to forget that most people’s beliefs include emotion as well as logic, this sign runs the risk of coming across as cold or unemotional. Yet it is equally common for Aquarians to attract those who admire their unique perspective. 
Libra: balancing both
Portrayed as a pair of scales, it comes as no surprise that Libra is the air sign that balances the heart and head values of knowledge and faith. The heart value of knowledge gives Libra a clear view of their own beliefs, though they are unlikely to offer these opinions unless pressed or in the company of someone they fully trust. This is because Libra wishes to avoid conflict and maintain a sense of equilibrium in most situations, and it comes naturally to this sign to reflect other people’s opinions back at them, telling others what they most want to hear. Libras are seen by some as indecisive or “fake” because their behavior can change depending on their company. However, this is not to say that Libras are simply humoring the other party; they believe that each person has their own truth that they live by and they are willing to reconcile disparate opinions with their own, especially when faced with an emotionally charged appeal. In this way, this harmony-seeking sign can manage knowledge and faith simultaneously without sacrificing either; the result is Libra’s distinctive charm and agreeable nature. 
Gemini: faith
Gemini’s ruler Mercury is the fastest-moving planet in our solar system. Accordingly, Gemini, the mercurial twins of the zodiac, always thinks a million thoughts at once. Their talkative, loud exterior tends to mask their propensity to overanalyze and doubt their own logical flow. Gemini weighs their head value of faith over the heart value of knowledge: it is often easier for a Gemini to take someone else’s words as truth rather than stick to their own knowledge, unless the other person’s opinions strongly contradict systems that they already know to be correct. Although Gemini is much maligned for the stereotype of being “two-faced,” this sign isn’t being consciously duplicitous; they are simply so faith-oriented that it is difficult for them to maintain their former beliefs in the face of someone else’s forceful opinions. A Gemini’s fluid, fast-paced thought process can accommodate many different and conflicting truths in rapid succession -- to arrive at a single, final truth is the real challenge for this sign. For Gemini, knowledge seems less like a stable destination and more like a never-ending journey of considering each possibility and perspective.
Thanks for reading! xxx fon & bells 
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rama-baktha · 4 years
Vedic view of the Universe
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Current research remains incapable as of now of describing the creation cycle. The Big Bang Theory and the Steady State Theory contain several flaws in the circuits that do not apply to anyone. I'm not going to think about Ancient Evolution Theories either here. I will mention what the Vedas are saying regarding development. Vedas, including the Scriptures for Christendom, was the holy book of Hinduism. The development has several facets and in this blog it's not practical to speak about them, but I'm just going to think about specific stages of development.
Vedic Interpretation
Srimada Bhagavatam Chapters 2.5 and 3.10 deal with the cycle of development. Remember that rather than 4 central Vedas, the Puranas, Upanishads are now regarded as part of the Vedas. Before I mention the argument, let me make clear that English has no exact parallels to the words used in Vedic literature. Therefore, I use the words and vocabulary many interpretations use as the same meaning can be interpreted from reading the original text in Sanskrit, or in related languages as Hindi. To better understand them please refer to Srimada Bhagavatam Chapters 2.5 and 3.10. Starting now on, I'll use SB to link Srimada Bhagavatam to Bhagavata Gita, and BG.
Three essential qualities
It includes three essential qualities: goodness mode (Sattva), love mode (Rajah) and stupidity mode (Tamah). (SB 2.5.18) Besides the one which naturally arises due to the interaction of these three forms, there are nine phases of existence. We'll also delve at these nine steps in this report. Eternal time is the primeval root of the three types of material existence interacting. (SB 3.10.14, stage 3.10.11)
Ten manifestations of creation
1. Among the nine manifestations, the first is the creation among Mahat-tattva that is the product of Supreme God's rebirth (known as Karanarnavasayi Visnu). And time turns up. And the three forms, or values, arise in the course of time. The three properties then connect in the course of time resulting in more development. (SB 2.5.22, November 3, 15). Remember that God the Almighty produces energy. And everything (beginning, ending) is occurring at the same moment for him. 2. Product movement is triggered by disturbed Mahat-tattva. Therefore, the false-ego (Aham) is created in the 2nd phase of development in which the material materials, material awareness, and material activities emerge.   3. (SB 2.5.23; 3.10.15) The experiences of the senses and the components are generated in the third step of evolution. Below are the particulars: The first of five components, namely the sky (nabhah), is created from the ignorance of the false ego. The hidden aspect is the sound content, even like the seer is in comparison to the sound heard. a. Due to the transition (reactions) in the atmosphere, the air is created with the consistency of touch throughout the course of everlasting time, and the air is also full of sound from previous successions.b. According to the transformations in the air, the fire is created in the course of eternal time, taking shape with feeling of touch and sound.c. Throughout the course of time, the water is formed, full of juice and taste due to the transformations in the sun. This also has shape, contact, and tone, as before.d. Over time, the earth (solid) created with the sense of odour, due to the changes in the water. The attributes of sensations of the senses are therefore completely reflected in nature.e.The transition was then carried out in the following order: ether (or sky)-> gas (air)-> fire-> liquid-> stone. (SB 2.5.25-29, 3.10.15, line 10.8) 4. The fourth development is awareness formation and job ability building. (SB 3.10.16) Which can be interpreted as universal rules. 5.The 5th development is one of regulating deities by the operation of the style of goodness, the sum total of which is the consciousness. 6. (SB 3.1.17) The 6th creation is the living entity's naive chaos, from which master behaves like a fool. (DS 3.10.17). Then period was realized after the formation of Mahat-tattva. And there appeared 3 attributes of existence inside it. Then they produced the fake ego. Then, due to ignorance mode, it produced matter (5 fundamental elements). Therefore the awareness, and numerous content awareness practices come into action. In other terms, they have created the forces that develop matter, the awareness of material transformations, and the intellect that guides these materialistic practices. Brain was generated by goodness mode. Sense organs were formed from passion mode. When all these were assembled by the power of Supreme God's powers, this universe was formed. Both these are divine manifestations of the Supreme Lord's "maya." Instead came into being a demi-god (Brahma) regarded as the world builder, who has the intellect like the Supreme Lord's. 7.The seventh development process is that of immovable beings, such as creepers, trees with and without flowers, pipe plants, etc. We are of 6 styles. 8. (SB-3.10.19) The eighth step of development is that of lower life animals, such as donkey, horse, butt, mule jackal, tiger, birds, etc. They're not clever animals. (SB 3.10.21-25) September 9. The 9th step of evolution is man-made life. The style of passion is quite prevalent within the human race. In the middle of wretched life, humans are still occupied, however they remain content in every regard. 10.- (SB 3.10.26) The 10th development, actually arising because of the presence between three forms, is the development of the demigods. They come from eight varieties: (1) the demigods, (2) the forefathers, (3) the asuras, or spirits, (4) the Gandharvas and Apsaras, or angels, (5) the Yaksas and Rakshasas, (6) the Siddhas, Caranas and Vidyadharas, (7) the Bhutas, Pretas and Pisacas, and (8) the divine creatures, heavenly musicians, etc. Everything was formed by universe maker Brahma. (SB 3.10.28 bis 29)
The Vedic Cycle
Any definition of existence without determining the duration, form and scale of the world is incomplete. Vedas state our world is around 155.52 trillion years old and the overall life cycle is 311.04 trillion years (which is equal to Brahma's 100 years). In Srimada Bhagwata 5.20.38, the universe diameter is reported as 500,000,000 yojanas (1 yojanas is around 9 miles, thus 4.5 trillion miles). The universe type is in the shape of an egg (brahmanda = brahma+anda). It might be important to remember that the distance travelled by light in one day (186,000,000 * 3600 * 24 = ~ 16 trillion miles) is equivalent to the circumference of the (vedic) universe (approximately 4,500,000,000 * 3,1416 = ~ 14 trillion miles). Useful blogs to read: Samkhya Philosophy Understanding Advaita Vedanta Read the full article
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