#the mailman never puts packages in my mailbox bc he hates me
attachablepenis · 2 years
in honor of my packer arriving ive changed my name
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kai-ni · 6 years
I am Concerned about getting packages bc I’ve had two incidents in the last two weeks where neighbors got my packages instead of me . . . I hate this town’s usps...
One was the reptiblr gift from kaijutegu, I just happened to walk up to the mailboxes while this nice old lady was staring pensively at my package she’d gotten out of the package box - the mailman put the key in the wrong mailbox :/ I told her kindly my name was on it and she was like OH ok good I had no idea what to do with it lol!
So luckily I happened to walk up at the right time and get it, yeesh.
And the second was my ‘my aquarium box!’ It wasn’t delivered when the tracking said but later I found it sitting in front of my door at like 8pm - obviously a neighbor got it and kindly left it for the proper person, thankfully.
But I know some neighbors are not gonna be as kind!!
I have two things from my amazon wishlist that show as ‘purchased’ but I never got, and I can’t access tracking for since I didn’t buy them, so if you got somebody something off this wishlist for the reptiblr gift exchange and it shows as delivered, TELL ME if it isn’t one of the things below that I DID get, cuz it’s LOST:
- x1 Abutilon exo terra plant (thank you kind person!)
- x1 Abutilon exo terra plant, x1 Galen Erso figure (thanks kaijutegu! <3)
- x1 ABG mix (THANKS!!! mystery friend... I’m rly excite about this!)
Missing items could have also been purchased by my dad, but he says he didn’t, so... I am confuse. I’m just concerned my neighbors stole shit, it would not surprise me with some of them :/ and I have a poor track record with usps in this town and stolen mail. So.
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