#the kid at the back geo
lilithaphro · 9 days
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the person created this trend deserves have 10 lovers 😭
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cresentxv · 29 days
Hey, I hear you too get bored easy and want fanfic requests, so I come bearing some! >:]
In any case, if you do choose to write one of my requests, I wholeheartedly appreciate it! Remember to cater for yourself, and have an epic week!
So, Geo. I guess a more angsty one? One where he essentially is ignoring MC due to..."a variety of reasons" (hint hint he likes them but refuses to admit it)...and MC sorta stops trying to talk to him?? It can have a stupidly sweet/horrifically sad ending (whatever you want lol), but I feel that sometime during the course of this Geo would be the type to subtly drag you away from other people out of sheer spite for them. Also his jealousy metre? Hello?
Like Geo just coming to terms with his feelings, and...maybe the small chance of it being too late to confess them. (Or MC hugs and forgives him idfk I just want Geo content lol).
So...to the Anon who owns this account, I wish you a wonderful week! All the best to you! :D
― Geo & Reader
Pairing(S) : Geo x GN! Reader Genre : Angst . Warning(S) : Geo ignores Reader , Reader gets fed up of Geo and ends their friendship , no happy ending . A/N : FIRST ANGST HOPE THIS IS GOOD .
Word count : 410
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― Geo has been ignoring you for some time now and honestly you thought it was just who he was but you began to notice that he never ignored the rest and actually stayed with them but whenever he would see you approach the group he would leave not saying a word to you ,
you had asked Crowe about it and all he said was , " Im sure he'll warm up to you soon . " , but that never happened . But what happened , when you started hanging out with the group he never really ignored you or avoided you but now he was just different & its so fucking confusing to you ,
you were getting frustrated with him every minute you thought about it what had you done to drive him off ? You guys were ok just a few weeks ago and now hes just avoiding you like the plague and you hated it .
after thinking over & over on what you should do you came up with a conclusion & today was the day you were gonna do it even if it will make it awkward but you just couldn't handle it anymore , I mean after so many attempts to try to reconnect he made it obvious he didn't wanna talk to you so why be so called friends when he doesn't even trying in the friendship .
It was almost the end of the day and as soon as you would hear the bell you'd ask to talk to him in private .
After being dismissed you walked up to Geo asking if he could talk to you which he obviously said no but you had tugged on his sleeve saying it was an emergency which kinda caught his attention before dragging you to a secluded area demanding you to talk
" Geo .. I dont think we'd make good friends so I think it'll be best for us to stay strangers . " I had finally let it all out while staring straight at him , I tried to look for any sadness in his expression but all he said was a simple , " Ok . " I had stared at his figure that was walking away all I had got was a simple ok ..
But something I hadn't seen was the way Geos hands trembled and quivering lips .
It was his fault for pushing you away .
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saneandrocking · 9 days
I'm happy you're home
Walks for hours in the dark feeling all hell Of course, going out at dawn wouldn’t be a good idea, not in a city like this, not for someone like him. It was a stupid idea from the start, when he woke up on an uncomfortable mattress in a cold room, staring at the ceiling as if looking at a monster capable of swallowing him whole. He thought about it when he got up, when he put on his sneakers, when he walked to the door, and when he left. Geo was nothing if not a realistic person. That’s why, when he heard footsteps behind him while walking between an alley and a large wall covered with bushes, he knew it wouldn’t end well. He knew that if he turned his head, he would find something inappropriate, at the very least. Even so, against all the warnings in his head, he did. He found a silhouette, almost ghostly. You got a 9 to 5, so I'll take the night shift He recognized it and stood there, waiting for that ghost to step into the light, if it had the courage to do so. The street was dimly lit by a streetlight about 5 meters away from Geo, meaning he himself was in a region of semi-darkness. The ghost had also stopped when he did, confronting him with its presence and low, interrupted breathing. Geo scoffed and, turning on his heels, resumed walking. And I'll never see you again If I can help it He didn’t feel intimidated by his pursuer, who was slow and indiscreet just to provoke a reaction from him. When he heard a cough, an involuntary shiver ran through his body - you can train your mind, but your heart is unfaithful to your principles. Nevertheless, he kept moving forward, feeling more alone than ever. In five years I hope the songs feel like covers Now, if when he got home he saw a bruised face, with cyan eyes staring at him as dull as stone and thin lips curved in a smile, he told himself that none of it really mattered. Mentally, he convinced himself that it didn’t matter that the blood on his brother’s clothes didn’t seem to be his. Or that even when Hyugo seemed exhausted, he heard him say he was happy to be home. He did avoided thinking that he too was happy at that. Am I a masochist, resisting urges to punch you in the teeth, call you a bitch and leave Why did I come here to sit and watch you sit and stare at your feet? What was the plan? Absolve your guilt and shake hands?
The Kid at the Back does not belong to me, and I have no rights over the game, nor will I be earning anything from this work.
Since I found out that Geo and Hyugo are brothers, it has been on my mind. Could Hyugo be doing whatever he's doing to climb the hierarchy? Does Geo know? Is Hyugo doing this for Geo? Do they live together? Is Geo the kind of brother who loves his older brother, but something tragic happened, and nothing is the same anymore? Is Hyugo a good brother trying his best?
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yuu9o · 4 months
It's just a sketch today, as I'm now starting to draw the entire cast and boy- it's so fun to practice drawing with all of them
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I'm still struggling to draw hyugo hair but he is now my second best boy
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My headcanon on Deryl is whenever he is practicing, groups of girls will just swoon over and kyaa kyaa~ the entire time, bet some will just take his towel as a prize possession- and hyugo is the type of said Yaho! Or Ossu! when he greet Sol, he kinda give me that vibe
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since we agreed to be wingmen, may i please request some relationship HCs for my pretty boy, Sol? thank you, ILY ♡ i really appreciate you!!
Insatiable (Sol x MC/Reader - Relationship HCs)
Anon, I hope you enjoy reading this as much as I did writing it. <33
I'm feeding you all well tonight. >:]
TW: Couple mentions of being railed but that's about it.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Insatiable: incapable of being satisfied : quenchless. had an insatiable desire for wealth.
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Sol had dreamed of being with you for years.
So when, after spending a long time cultivating the perfect words and personality, he would strike.
When you sat on his lap in the library, he was taking his all to not get rock-hard right then and there. Frankly, he was on the verge of fainting from how flushed he felt.
He can't wait for when he can have you on him every day and not just on his lap.
Over the course of him slowly developing a friendship with you, along with sabotaging Crowe behind the scenes, he learns everything about you. He doesn't have to rummage through old files or photos, he has you! In the flesh!
And he will use all that info to his advantage.
Gets you gifts all the time, small things he claims to have 'reminded him of you'.
Eventually asks you out after he takes you to a place with your favourite food.
You oblige, of course. How can you not? He's a delusional maniac who needs emerge- been an awesome friend to you! Plus he's hot.
When in a relationship with you, he is probably gonna show up at your residence (with permission this time!!!).
Will help you study whenever you ask for it and is actually excellent at teaching things to you.
Alas some of you choose to do other forms of exploring during that time smh
Will hold your hand if you allow it (he refuses to do anyth- a lot of things without your consent) iykyk
When in private? This man is all over and sometimes even inside you.
He's nibbling, suckling, caressing, biting, holding, hugging, kissing, railing you as much as possible.
With consent, of course.
He'd never do anything while you were, say, asleep. That'd be so naughty of him.
And he's a good boy for you, is he not?
He'll bark for you.
Sol will also cook for you. You don't have a choice, he wants to do this for you (he's good at it as well). Although...you do sometimes get weirdly sleepy after dinner.
If you get harassed by someone? They're going fucking missing.
If someone hits on you? Dead.
Someone hits you? Tortured, dead, mutilated.
Sol's a petty guy.
But is it so wrong to want his angel all to himself?
Due to the fact he's huge that's what she said and strong af, he def is the type to pick you up and take you places if you're too lazy or sore to walk, or to get something off of a high shelf.
Is 110% made for domesticity, this guy will do all the housework, also gives 'Acts of Service' vibes. (Yes I know he's all 5 but so what)
He also blushes really easily, so teasing him is an awesome form of entertainment...just. Try not to do it on the day before an event or school day.
Will bury his face into yours as much as he can, your scent calms him down.
Also will sleep however and wherever you want, he was born to be yours and to oblige every word that comes out of your gorgeous little mouth. <333
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vii-strawberry · 14 days
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Meet, the Sporty Trio! Contestants of Olympieus University, we have the Top Ace, Ice Princess and the Ruthless hunter, for this year's sports festival!
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Geo, maybe Sol and Hyugo x a reader who's...uh...strange. Say they get bullied, like, badly, but they just do not care. Just being apathetic to it, they feel pain, they simply are just not bothered to deal with it. Like at all.
I can’t help but think of nick from rotten dinner, anyways
Not proofread, uhm kinda short D:
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Hes PISSED, he already has friends who get bulied, (Britney, and deryl, not so sure about deryl). But you as well?— its like their asking to get their asses beat.
He cares about his loved ones to death, even if he’s bad at showing it, after all if he didn’t care about you guys he wouldn’t hang around.
He would clean and patch you up after you get bulied. Every scab, cut and bruse you get just pushes him more over the edge. he would confront and threaten them and with his reputation and stature, they likley leave you alone.
But some people just wanna act tough, and if they wanna act tough then so will he. He'd beat their asses to a pulp.
As for you hes honestly annoyed?- angry? At the fact that you dont care. He loves you no doubt but the way you just go about your day, like its nothing.
Somthing inside him BOILS, because thats just not normal, there just has to be a reason why. The fact your used to getting bullied, used to getting treated like subhuman trash, it just makes him feel horrible and angry.
Even though it doesn't bother you, he tells you to tell him if it does.
He love you and tries to make you know that. Exept he sucks, but thats just how geo is you know?
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Hyugo angry, annoyed, people nowadays are just so rude.
But you take it like a champ and he’s honestly proud, even though he hates every time you get a new bruise or scar, how it makes him feel angry and bitter, your strong, and he’s in awe
Who gets up and acts as if it’s nothing after getting their ass beat? You!!! his awesome lover of course!— but seriously tell him next time they pick on you.
He wouldn’t kill them, he has morals and hates injustice. Those people are somones kid, sibling or lover. They make somone happy and to kill them over personal matters would make too much of a scene. he only has so much time left; Killing somone would make the clock tick faster.
Of course somtimes they are actually horrible people, he'd snoop around, finding out details about them. He hates injustice more than anything, so in the case they are actually horrible criminals who’ve committed the unforgivable, bet your ass that they would be dead come morning.
On the other case, if they were just some bully he would blackmail them, anonymously of course— he can't afford to draw attention to himself. Hes trying to be civil, while he could just kill them, he knows he has limits and cant just kill whenever he pleases.
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Theres blood on his hands. No mercy, not a second thought. He murders them in the dead of night. They won’t hurt you anymore, he made sure of it.
He’s angry, disgusted that people like them were stupid enough to put their hands on you.
He’s so worried and concerned for you, he’s shaking and trembling asking if your okay, pampering you and giving you the royal treatment but when you assure him it’s fine, that you don’t really care he’s confused, then mad you don’t care, but not at you— no never, he’s mad at them.
Why doesn’t it bother you? Are you used to it?— tell him everyone and anyone who ever put their hands on you.
He’s ballistic and ravenous while ending their lives, slowly and as painfully as possible, he doesn’t care how stupid and irresponsible he’s being, he doesn’t care that hyugos gonna scold him for making such a mess. Anyone who touches his soulmate will end down 6ft in the ground.
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sadsimp · 1 month
Hi!! was wondering if u can do a tkatb characters with mc with low self esteem?
TKATB with a mc with low self esteem <3
I’m so sorry it took this long😭 I hope you like it <3 
I’m not sure if you meant platonic or romantic, so I tried to make it for both :)
I feel like she wouldn’t notice, like at all. She’s probably is the reason with her comments tbh.. 
But! If you come out and say it, she’d get it I think. If it was the Mean Girls, she’d want to fight them I’m sure. Another food fight? Perhaps..👀 
If something she said makes you upset and your esteem go down, i honestly don’t think she’d apologize right away. You’d have to tell her what she said was hurtful and then she would apologize. 
If someone else made a comment? Hands are thrown✊👊 She stands up for you and won’t let anyone talk shit about you. 
I feel like she would understand, and try to help with the ways that help her. 
She’d offer to prepare a bath for you and get some of your favorite snacks, before watching a movie together. She’d let you pick(reluctantly) and when/if she gets bored during it, she would speak up and tell you not to listen to the others. That you’re fine just the way you are 🩷
He wouldn’t care💀😭
He’d be like “Not my problem 😐”
But let’s get into our fantasies and make him nice 😌
He’s very observant, so he’d probably know real quick. He’d ask you about it out right and bluntly. He doesn’t beat around the bush. 
If you deny it, he’s not gonna be mad. He understands that it’s not something you want to admit. He would hope you would tell him the truth. 
If you confirm his suspicions, he’d be subtle. 
He can tell by the way you curl in on yourself when someone comments about you. He glares at the people who even talk to you, and tell them off. 
He’d bring an extra hoodie or sweater and offer it for you. He’d share some of his food with you, much to the dismay of Deryl.
He’s suggest you come over to his dorm/place/home and set up something nice. He’d offer some tea, wrap you up in a blanket with him, and put on some soft music to soothe you to sleep💜
I don’t he’d notice quickly, but after a while he might catch on. Key word “Might.” I don’t think he’s very observant honestly. 
He’d notice how quiet you get and comment on it. He’d ask if you’re okay and try to cheer you up. He’d listen intently (try to anyway. He love him for it), nodding his head along. He would understand and say you’re not alone. 
That it’s normal for people to feel this way and everyone feels like that sometimes. Even him! 
He would hold out his arms and try for a hug. He’d squeeze you tightly and nuzzle his nose in your hair/neck/cheek/etc
He’s probably the best with jokes and making people feel better. He’d ask what he could do to help, if there’s anything, and try to do it immediately 💛
I feel like she wouldn’t notice either honestly. You’d have to be out right with your thoughts and feelings.
She’s completely understanding and offers all the ways that helped her in the past. 
She’d suggest bubbles baths, taking a nap, journalling, hanging out with Brittney-
She’s shyly offer a small hug and hold you for as long as you want. She’d rub your back while humming a tune. If you want, she’d even scratch your back for you. 🧡
I’m sorry I don’t have much else 😭
He notices quickly too. He probably won’t comment and just wait for you to say something. 
He’d try to be subtle with his ways of helping you. Maybe a compliment on your hair one day, another on your outfit, one about how lovely your smile is, another-
And so on. 
If you tell him he’s completely there for you. He’s smiling softly at you as you explain your feelings and he’s nodding along. He’s not entirely sure how to help, but if you tell him he’ll do it. He’d do anything for you. 
He’d ask what he could do. He’d take what you say and also his ideas, while doing some research to help. 
He’d write down some motivation quotes and add them to your work stuff with hopes you’ll see them. 💙
He would know immediately and he would try to help you the best he can.
He’d make you cute little lunches with compliments or inspirational words made out of food. 
He’s already offering his shirt, just take it. It’s there to make you feel better! Totally not any other reason..
If you want to talk about it, he’s more than happy to led an ear. 
He’d also try to distract you I think. He’s always eager to spend time with you, and this is a good excuse! He’d suggest a bunch of different stuff like a museum, art show, etc.
Many museums have sculptures, and he would go for those ones specifically to show you that you’re perfect the way you are. People in the ancient times thought they were beautiful, so why aren’t you? You are. 💚
He’d try to distract you from your thoughts I think, once he realizes them. He’d probably take a bit of time before he does notice though.
He’d invite you to watch movies, listen to inspirational stories, or funny tv shows with him. 
I’m a firm believer he’s all for aggressive positivity. Waving his arms in a heart shape and screaming affirmations to you. 
He’d be very protective, glaring at anyone who dares look at you the wrong way, and then turning back to you pouting about how they were interrupting. 
He would try to bake something or get you treats from a local bakery. I can imagine him putting the little treats into a cute box with ribbon. In order to get the desserts, you would have to accept some compliments 🩵
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n-lol · 5 months
So I did a thing...
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Sanrio x KATB 🗣️🗣️🗣️⁉️
Credits to the creator of the game: @fantasia-kitt
I'm in absolute love with it and the characters (especially Sol)
Inspired by this little (accidental summon circle) doodle I made in class
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krazyyyyyy · 24 days
An Unlikely Savior Geo/Reader
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Synopsis: When in a moment of peril, a surprising individual comes to your rescue.
Warnings: Blood and Injury
Words: 1602
Notes: Had this idea on my mind for a while, and finally conjured up the willpower and strength to write it all down last night. Enjoy!
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It had been just your luck, getting jumped by a group of guys while just trying to walk home from school. You were unaware of their motive, but it wasn’t out of the ordinary for bad things to happen on the streets of this town, especially at night. You were lucky to escape from the men; getting a couple of good hits on them before running as fast as your legs could take you. 
Unfortunately, you didn’t escape unharmed, as one of the men had been armed with a pocket knife, which he buried nearly to the hilt into your upper arm. The wound left you bleeding profusely, leaving a trail of blood behind as you limped through a dark and secluded alleyway.
The extensive loss of blood made your head dizzy and every muscle in your body ache. Your breathing had become irregular and heavy; growing more and more exhausted as you pushed yourself to keep going further; hopefully putting some distance between you and the men. With any luck, the men would give up their assault on you and move on to the next unlucky victim, but you knew luck wasn’t always on your side.
After putting what seemed to be a good enough amount of distance between you and your pursuers, your legs gave out from underneath you; forcing you to the ground in utter exhaustion. You managed to crawl to the wall of the alleyway and lean your back against it; your hand clutching tightly onto your gaping wound in an attempt to slow the rapid bleeding. You were on the verge of losing consciousness, which would put you at great risk considering you were bleeding out and had no idea where you were at the moment.
At the very worst, you could succumb to your injury and die in the middle of this alleyway if you didn’t get the help you needed. But, considering you were alone and no one knew of your location, it was safe to say you were screwed.
You were leaning your head back against the coolness of the wall, steadying your breathing as best you could, fighting against the strong wave of lightheadedness that severely threatened your state of consciousness.
Even in your weakened state, you could make out the sounds of quiet footsteps making their way toward where you were sitting. The men must have followed the trail of blood leading right to you. You couldn’t move in this state, never mind fight. You had no other options, but to give up and endure whatever the men had in store for you; at least you would probably be unconscious for whatever they did.
Your heart raced as the footsteps got closer to you. You close your eyes, expecting the worst. Instead, a familiar voice speaks in disbelief, “What the hell?” followed by the sudden rustle of clothing.
There was a sudden tightness on your wounded arm that made you wince. Tiredly, you opened your eyes to witness what was happening. With blurred vision, you can make out a figure in front of you; even as your vision begins to clear, you don’t believe the sight in front of you.
Geo kneeled in front of you; dressed in a black long-sleeved turtleneck… but not with his usual purple hoodie. He was focused on your wounded arm, urgently tightening whatever he had wrapped around it to stop you from losing any more blood.
“Geo…?” You tried to mutter out. Maybe you had already passed out and this was all just some kind of weird dream you were having.
“What the hell happened to you?!!” He cuts you off abruptly; his voice sounds panicked rather than his usual cold and stoic nature. 
“Walking home… attacked…had to…runaway.” You struggle to speak, as your head pounds in pain. It felt like the whole world had been spinning around you, making it extremely hard for you to focus on anything.
“Shit…” He cursed, examining you for any other injuries that you may have. Taking notice of your distracted gaze, he puts his hands on both sides of your head, gently holding it; trying to redirect your gaze to him.
Once your eyes meet, He speaks softly; voice barely above a whisper, “I’m going to get you help, but you have to stay awake, okay?” It was oddly bizarre to hear his voice speak to you in such a manner; it made you wonder if this was actually Geo who was in front of you and not some angel in disguise.
You nod, keeping your eyes locked on his piercing greenish-blue ones… Had his eyes always been so enchanting? You never fully had the chance to admire them before, and what's a better time than when you're on the possible verge of death?
You felt yourself get lifted off the ground into a pair of arms that held you like a piece of fragile glass. Geo had picked you up bridal-style and had begun to walk toward one of the openings of the alleyway. His eyes would shift from you from time to time, making sure you were still somewhat awake and alert, but most of all alive. 
Your arm had gone completely numb. It felt as though it seized to exist on your being. Looking over at your injured arm, you notice a familiar purple fabric has been used as a bandage for your arm. The fabric is that of Geo’s hoodie, which he usually wore on a daily. A part of you felt guilty for having to be the reason the hoodie would be soiled in blood, and ultimately ruined… Maybe after this was all over, you would buy him a new one as a thank-you gift for everything.
Geo had left the alleyway, making haste toward what you assumed to be his car…given how pricey it looked. He opened the passenger-side door, gently setting you down on the seat, before carefully strapping you in. He quickly enters through the driver's side door, turning on the car as he does so. It doesn’t take long before the car is set into motion and makes its way towards the nearest hospital.
Resting your head against the window. You settle for staring at the scenery as the car drives by it. You were exhausted, but you intended to keep your promise to Geo to stay awake; regardless of how hard it was.
With his eyes focused on the road, Geo spoke out to you, “You’re not walking home alone anymore. Either I'll walk with you or I’ll drive you home, but I can’t let you walk by yourself anymore… not after this.” He sounded like a mom scolding her child, but there was meaning behind his words. Maybe he was more caring than he led people to believe with his usual icy demeanor… or maybe it was only toward you.
You muster out an airy “Okay…” in response, a weak smile on your face. It felt nice to know someone cared and would go out there way to ensure your safety
The car ride wasn’t long, as a local hospital came into view. Geo parked his vehicle, exiting it to walk over to the passenger-side door to pick you up once again. He was quick to start walking toward the entrance of the hospital.
While he walks with you held tightly in his arms, you speak, “Geo?” 
 He shifts his gaze to you, “What?” His tone returned to its usual bluntness.
“If I die…tell my mother… I loved her…” You meant it as a joke, but it couldn’t hurt to take precautions, right? 
You’re surprised when Geo lets out a slight snicker; something you never thought you’d hear before. Now, you definitely thought you were starting to hallucinate, that, or fate was playing a sick trick on you.
“You’re an idiot…” He looks down at you tenderly, a hint of a smile lingering on his face. It was unnatural for you to see him do such things, but it was a welcome sight nonetheless. At least you could die knowing you were able to see the rarity that was Geo’s smile; something that even Deryl couldn’t even imagine coming from the stoic male.
No more words are said, as he makes his way through the hospital doors, instantly grabbing the attention of a nearby nurse who had been walking by. One of the nearby male nurses came quickly to take you from Geo’s arms, which Geo allowed with much hesitation.
Something stirred in Geo once your warmth left his arms, leaving them to feel cold and empty. He could only watch as you were rushed into an emergency room, to begin an operation on your wound as soon as possible. Geo thought he’d just head home for the night and come check on you come tomorrow morning. But his legs had their own idea as they walked him toward one of the many chairs in the waiting area, where he sat in wait.
Geo never made it home that night. Sitting in the waiting room for hours waiting for something–anything that would let him know that you were going to be alright. Perhaps he stayed due to the guilt of not being able to find you sooner, or maybe he stayed for his own personal reasons which he held close to his heart. 
Whatever the reason, one thing was for certain. He would remain in the frigidness of the hospital, for however long the operation took. All he knew, was that he couldn’t leave until he had seen you safe and smiling at him with that angelic smile of yours once again.
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End Notes: May or may not make a second part of this short story. But, Sol is going to be next once I think of a good prompt, so he will be my top priority for a hot minute. Otherwise, I hope you enjoyed it!
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lilithaphro · 14 days
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Don't let her appearance and immediate actions fool you. she is very strong and at times very cruel
-She was kicked down to low class because she punched a classmate who had to be hospitalized ;-;
- She likes to watch Geo as he shoots his bow. And after every workout, she would wipe off his sweat and prepare water and snacks for him
-She love cuddles Geo from behind.
- She always ask to borrow his hoodies.(why not :3?)
-Lily likes literature, and is very good at writing poetry. She once wrote a love poem for Geo on Valentine's Day _(ˇωˇ」∠)_
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writer-room · 2 months
Hey. The Finders have no idea that Bonzle was captured. Fritz and Spitz are still waiting, playing video games in the Monastery, for Cole to bring their sister out of hiding now that the blood moon is over. Geo is still sitting by the window, watching and waiting for a dragon on the horizon to return his kid safe and sound. Cole took a very unsure Bonzle, assured them all everything would be okay, and they'd be back soon. He promised he'd find a way to protect her.
Don't think about how they'll smile when Cole finally trudges back, happy to know he's okay. Especially don't think about the Finders stopping, looking out over the group, and how Cole can't look them in the eyes when they turn to him and ask; where's Bonzle?
#ninjago#ninjago dragons rising#lego ninjago#dragons rising#bonzle#finders#cole#cole brookstone#geo#fritz#spitz#text post#angst#talk#LISTEN TO ME#COLE LOST 2 WHOLE FAMILY MEMBERS DURING THAT BLOOD MOON#HES GOING TO NOT BE OKAY!!!!!!! HES DOING SO BAD#mans is a FATHER and he PROMISED he'd keep his kid safe. he promised it to the OTHERS#and hes going to have to walk back up those steps and admit to being a LIAR and a FAILURE#hes not obviously sht just went sideways but you KNOW he blames himself#geo very worriedly stayed behind w fritz & spitz FULLY TRUSTING that cole would keep bonzle safe & bring her back#he loves him so much (in a gay way. u know it to be true) so he trusts him IMPLICITLY to keep them safe. hes done it before#can you imagine the HORROR when cole comes back and hes...alone. with no one else but the other ninja (minus 1)#geo realizing what happened before the kids. the way everything just freezes and drops. cole curled so tight in on himself#and cole cant say hes sorry because he cant even look at them. he lost family hes had for over a decade & a kid he claimed his own for year#you saw how he was w child wu. you saw how desperate he was to keep bonzle safe. AND KAI IS GONE TOO???#homeboy is having the literal worst day ever. imagine him trying to tuck fritz & spitz close while on one knee trying to explain it all#and bro jsut feels like hes literally the worst person in the world#something something 'you dont get to stay with the ninja & be happy. i tried to protect you from what hurt me as a kid'#'and instead your right in the thick of it'
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papsthepepsota · 8 days
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Sol and Hyugo with a clingy MC
Sol + Hyugo
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Would 100% not mind
Would enjoy it 100%
Sol is definitely clingy but doesn't outright says he is but it is obvious, especially if the two of you are dating
If your hugging his waist in bed or something he would pull out his sketchbook and start drawing you
If you spend the whole day with someone else and then after you cuddle him he would also be super clingy, I feel like even more then you
Would mumble something along the lines of marriage, jealousy or wanting more of your attention, and if you ask if he said anything, he would say no
If it was the morning and you guys had school that day he would suggest skipping that day
If the two of you need to get up and stop cuddling and you tell him no he'll most likely listen, he has a hard time saying no to you
Calls you little lamb, lamb, and pumpkin
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Is also clingy but most likely not as clingy as Sol
We don't know much about Hyugo's problems, but he did kill a man, so I fo feel like he's protective and there would be times where he would hug you tightly
Would give you a nickname based on your personality or appearance
Would try to play video games while you cuddle him
Loves it when you mess with his hair
Would force you to watch one of his detective movies
Would call you his detective partner, I don't remember the proper name while writing this.
If you were feeling bad or just had a bad day he would pet you
If it gets too hot he would attempt to make the room colder or he would just hold your hand
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Would read while you hang onto him
Would often pet you
If you had a bad day or just were feeling bad he would mess with your hair and would ask if you would want to talk about it
Feel like if it's late would try to order the two of you food
Would rant about books that he read or his favorite books
Would often hold both of your hands in his
If you two had to get up for something he would try his best to make you get up, the two of you can't just lay there all day, well unless nothing is happening that day
Feel like her likes to have his arms pet
Also like Hyugo, he would give you a nickname based on your personality or appearance
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Would kinda be annoyed with you
He likes his head to be pet, but pretends to hate it, saying that it will ruin his hair
Like Crowe, he would also read one of his books while you hold him
Feel like he would have the most comfortable bed
Gives me a bit of a tsundere vibe and would pets your head pretending to be annoyed with it
If you had a bad day and talked about it, the next day he would bring you a little gift
Would play music
If you ask him about his plants he would ho on a whole rant about each of them
Smiles when you're not looking
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Giant bear hugs
Definitely the warmest one
Would be really happy and would tightly hold you
Also very clingy (unless he has to play football)
Would rant about how he got his metals to try to impress you
LOVES it when you wear his jerseys
Two of you would take forever to get up in the morning
You get too hot at times, but he is also very clingy and refuses to let go of you
Makes the house cold so he could hold you for longer
Liked writing for Geo
This took forever, it didn't save the first time and I had to rewrite EVERYTHING, also I had exams and was mentally drained, so here you go, your guys get a bonus for that too.
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asking without shame.. SOL NSFW HCS PLEASEEE 🙏🙏
Sehnsucht (Sol x MC/Reader - NSFW HCs)
I see you horny motherfuckers in my Sol HCs likes, don't think you can hide from me silly billy. <333
Anyway, you're in a established relationship with Sol, so rejoice.
The smutfic will be out after my exams are done, I'm only clearing my inbox currently.
T.W: NSFW content, if you already read this from the title, congrats, you have basic reading comprehension skills.
- Signed by biggest-geo-oogami-enjoyer
Sehnsucht: a German noun translated as "longing", "desire", "yearning", or "craving".
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This man is very. Fucking. Horny.
He even jacks off to you nightly. <33
Will try and smash literally whenever, he doesn't care.
He was born solely to please and pleasure you.
And he's going to do whatever it is you ask of him.
He's a sub.
No. Not that sub, foodies come back here when you've eaten thank you.
A very subby sub.
Mf will whine if you pet him.
Like it's pathetic, you look at him a certain way? He's a beetroot.
Say something? Heh, he's on the verge of asphyxiation <3.
Do something sexual to him? He'll moan.
And he'll be embarrassed out of his fucking mind.
But you don't care, you want him to moan, to whine and whimper for you.
Which is usually why you end up not sleeping most nights, you're too occupied edging and overstimming the guy (he likes it, he likes everything you do to him tbh just make him feel inferior to you).
Tease his cock, just slowly caress it and he'll start begging you to let him cum in about 20-30 seconds.
Loves being babied secretly, although will only make it obvious in the bedroom.
His skin is cold, which is why you're in charge of warming it up via fucking the literal life out of him.
He'll cum easily dw, unless you want a challenge.
Sol's wicked strong, so he can dom very easily and quickly if he's in the mood for it.
When domming, he'll very rarely be cruel to you, only time he'd ever not be gentle with your gaping holes is because you made him jealous.
Then you're gonna get railed.
You don't have a say in that, you're gonna walk funny for the next few days.
Would also be down for dehumanisation.
He has a pet play and scent kink so you could just yank him on a leash and he's be sopping.
Make him sniff you, lap at you, maybe even bite you, and he's gonna be fucking losing his mind.
Not like he already hasn't but anyway-
Essentially. Just anything you do, any way that ends up with him inside one of your holes is good enough for him.
Sol is horny. All the time. And you better get used to it, because while he can handle not railing you, he will eventually turn to somnophilia again.
If you consent to letting him fuck you when you're asleep he'll be softly moaning the whole time. And you fall asleep to the soft symphonies of his whines. Sometimes even wake up to them.
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demoonuga · 23 days
Just Geo the bunny. I like his appearance too much so I drawed him. That's all. Cutie annoying bunny<3
Love ya🇷🇺❤️
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