#the inugami family
may8chan · 2 years
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The Inugami Family - Kon Ichikawa 2006
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obisamya · 1 year
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kotone furukawa as tamayo nonomiya THE INUGAMI FAMILY (2023)
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nine-frames · 2 years
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“Countries may fall, but their rivers and mountains remain.”
犬神家の一族 (Inugami-ke no Ichizoku - The Inugami Family), 1976.
Dir. Kon Ichikawa | Writ. Norio Osada, Shin'ya Hidaka & Kon Ichikawa | DOP Kiyoshi Hasegawa
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shysheeperz · 1 month
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bcdwclves · 11 days
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i have a few more dickheads to add to the cadejo-sovsbane family. they're the absolute worst best?.
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hilltop-insane-clinic · 6 months
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Inugami Ouga - Mission: Yozakura Family
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pikelart · 2 years
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Added lots of new merch to my store! Pls check it out!
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may8chan · 2 years
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The Inugami Family - Kon Ichikawa 2006
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"You can't go around judging people on first impressions. That's how mistakes get made." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Honjin Murders
"The police investigate footprints and look for fingerprints. I take the results of these investigations and by piecing together all the available information logically, I am able to reach a conclusion. Those are my methods of deduction." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Honjin Murders
"The Killer had submitted the problem of a locked room murder and dared us to solve it. It was going to be a battle of wits. Perfect. Challenge accepted! If it was brains and logic and wit that were required, I was ready to do battle." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Honjin Murders
"In our world there are some things so dreadful, so terrifying that you would scarcely believe they existed. They are things that common sense and accepted practice would dictate are impossible, but they do exist. Out of reason... that's right. It's a mad state of affairs." - Yokomizo Seishi, Death on Gokumon Island
"Yet, while his unchanging gratitude and devotion to the priest's family were certainly commendable, Sahei failed to realize that everything - even gratitude - has a limit that should not be exceeded, and that his excessive gratitude toward the Nonomiya family would embroil his own kin in a series of bloody murders after his death." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Inugami Curse
"Thirty years can weave strange patterns in the tapestry of life." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Inugami Curse
"With the blind spot that had been hindering his thought process finally removed, everything had fallen into place for him with great speed. All day yesterday, he had been stacking building blocks of deductive reasoning in his mind, with the result that now he had reproduced the entire complex structure of the mystery." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Inugami Curse
"Were it not for the events that I am about to relate, doubtless my life would have continued in that impoverished, humdrum vein. But one day a spot of red was suddenly split on the grey of my life: I embarked on an adventure of dazzling mystery and stepped into a world of blood-chilling terror." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Village of Eight Graves
"Nothing is more frightening in this world than ignorance and stupidity." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Village of Eight Graves
"The events I am about to describe are filled with such darkness and sadness, are so cursed and hate-filled, that not a word I write can possibly offer the faintest glimmer of hope or relief. Even as the author, I cannot predict what the final sentence will be, but I fear that the relentless dread and darkness that precede it may end up overcoming the readers and crush their very spirits in its grasp." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Devil's Flute Murders
"Everyone here is a bit twisted somehow. All they feel for each other is suspicion, resentment and fear. I couldn't tell you why that is. It's as if they're all just waiting for their chance to stick the knife in. As if they think that if they don't, then they'll be on the other end of the blade." - Yokomizo Seishi, The Devil's Flute Murders
Yokomizo Seishi has also been added to the BSD-Bibliophile Online Library!
You can find more information about Yokomizo-sensei on the following pages: List of Books in English Quotes and Facts Collection Fun Facts Author Connections
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linkspooky · 1 year
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A  jujutsu kaisen fanfic rewrite on the Zen’in Massacre Arc where Mai Zen’in survives in the end. Please read here and leave a comment on AO3. 
                                   commission by @oakyvii
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yoursweetvalo · 2 days
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List of books and movies mentioned by Acchan!
Might post an anime version of this soon <3
仮面の告白 “Confessions of a Mask” by Yukio Mishima (1949)
生きるヒント “Living Tips” by Itsuki Hiroyuki (1993)
斜陽 “The Setting Sun”  by Osamu Dazai (1947)
“The Picture of Dorian Gray” by Oscar Wilde (1890)
こころ”Heart” by Natsume Soseki (1914)
“Crime and Punishment” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1866)
人間失格“No Longer Human” by Osamu Dazai (1948)
死霊“Death Spirits” by Yutaka Haniya (1948)
猫鳴り “Neko Nari” by Numata Mahokaru (2007)
“Coin Locker Babies” by Ryu Murakami (1980)
グロテスク “Grotesque” by Natsuo Kirino (2003)
“Notes from Underground” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1864)
“The Brothers Karamazov” by Fyodor Dostoevsky (1879-1880)
“Salomé” by Oscar Wilde (1891)
破局 “Catastrophe” by Tono Haruka (2020)
新宿鮫 “Shinjuku Shark” by Arimasa Osawa (1990)
堕落論 “Discourse on Decadence” by Ango Sakaguchi (1946)
五分後の世界 “The World Five Minutes from Now” by Ryu Murakami (1994)
*Manga*悪魔の花嫁 “Bride of Deimos” by Etsuko Ikeda, illust. By Yuuho Ashibe (1974-1990)
九月が永遠に続けば “To Continue Forever in September” by Numata Mahokaru (2005)
彼女がその名を知らない鳥たち “Birds Without Names” by Numata Mahokaru (2006)
怒り”Rage” by Shuichi Yoshida (2014)
悪人 “Villain” by Shuichi Yoshida (2007)
The Green Mile by Frank Darabont (1999)
Bohemian Rhapsody by Bryan Singer (2018)
The Godfather by Francis Ford Coppola (1972)
Pierrot the Fool by Jean-Luc Godard (1965)
The Elephant Man by David Lynch (1980)
老ナルキソス Old Narcissus by Tsuyoshi Shouji (2023)
時計は生きていたThe Clock was Alive by Seijiro Kouyama (1973)
The Mission by Roland Joffé (1986)
Poongsan by Juhn Jai-Hong (2011)
Midnight FM by Kim Sang-man (2010)
Pusher by Nicolas Winding Refn (1996)
Misery by Rob Reiner (1990)
From Paris with Love by Pierre Morel (2010)
異人たちとの夏 The Discarnates by Nobuhiko Obayashi (1988)
Purple Noon by René Clément (1960)
Bonnie and Clyde by Arthur Penn (1967)
狂い咲きサンダーロード Crazy Thunder Road by Gakuryuu Ishii (1980)
Undo by Shunji Iwai (1994)
犬神家の一族  The Inugami Family by Kon Ichikawa (1976)
The Shawshank Redemption by Frank Darabont (1994)
The Brave by Johnny Depp (1997)
Here is the link to my actual twitter thread, I update it every time I run into a new book or movie he has mentioned! The information to make this list was taken from several inerviews, radio programs, and even some of the Fish Tank Bulletins. If you know any other book/movie he has mentioned but is not here, do not hesitate to let me know!
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shysheeperz · 2 months
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hilltop-insane-clinic · 5 months
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theanimeview · 9 months
[Trope Interest] Twin Bodyguards and Their Hunter Sister in Supernatural Works
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Source: Promotional/Cover Art for Kyousougiga, Jiu Jiu, and Trese
By: Peggy Sue Wood | @pswediting
For some time, I’ve been fascinated by the trope of twin bodyguards who can shapeshift from humans to dog forms and their accompanying female “hunter” character. I find it interesting that this trope appears with enough frequency to be noticeable, yet it lacks a specific name, unlike “Single-Mind Twins” or “Tag Team Twins.” There are several examples of this trope. To name a few examples, Kyousougiga (Japanese) features the character Koto being followed around by her “brothers,” A and Un; Jiu Jiu (Japanese) has Takamichi followed by her shape-shifting, half-demon wolf-dog familiars, Snow and Night; and Trese (Filipino) has Alexandra with her adopted brothers, Crispin and Basilio.
Upon further review, I think that the trope of twin sidekicks/bodyguards and female hunters in supernatural comics and animation likely draws from various sources of inspiration and cultural mythology. One possible influence is the traditional Japanese folklore of “Inugami,” or “dog spirit.” Inugami were said to be the spirits of dogs that were killed by humans and were often summoned and used for various purposes, including protection, curses, and revenge. In some stories, Inugami could take on human form and even possess humans and other animals. Interestingly, these spirits could become attached to bloodlines, following a family through their descendants.
Another possible influence is the Japanese mythology of Komainu, lion-dogs that guard the entrances of Shinto temples/shrines, or the Shisa, which serve a similar purpose. Both of these seem to have derived from the Chinese (or Imperial) guardian lions, which symbolize protection (one physical and one metaphysical). Either way, around the world and over time, dog spirits have often been portrayed as both guardians and harbingers.
While I’ve come to understand, at least in part, the dog-twins potential origins, I still struggle to understand or find a related myth to a singular female hunter-type character. There is Artemis, the famous greek/roman myth character who is goddess of the hunt, but her image and story rarely overlap with the hunter characters seen in works that have this two+one combination. Moreover, the close emotional bond that the three tend to share in the stories–often portrayed with familial-nature (adopted siblings with no romantic interests)–seems to be a significant factor in the continued use of this trope. Continuing in our prior examples, Koto is searching for the black rabbit/her mother; Takamichi is hunting demons, and Alexandra is after monsters.
The twin sidekicks are always depicted as “protectors” or “guardians” to a female lead, often with her occupying an adopted sister role rather than existing as a love interest. They are portrayed as loyal, fierce, and powerful, with the ability to transform into large, intimidating dog-like creatures to defend their master. Overall, the dog servants are depicted as essential members of the hunting team and play a significant role in the story.
Of course, the influences behind Kyousougiga, Jiu Jiu, and Trese may have come from other supernatural comics and anime that have used similar tropes in the past. They may also have combined these cultural sources with their own stories to create a unique take. Regardless, it is an interesting trope to examine, and I continue to wonder about its specific origins.
If you have any ideas about the specific source(s) for this trope, I hope you will share them with me in a comment or message as I really do not know and am very interested to learn about this idea. Thank you for reading!
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elliottjpg · 11 months
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Every six months or so my brain get possessed by my Lupin III monster AU again. This time I had both free time and motivation, so you get drawings!
Lupin: Vampire. He's been around since the Meiji period. The Lupins are a line of vampire sires/sirees rather than a family (they're also thieves).
Jigen: Inugami. In Japanese folklore they are dog spirits that possess people. For most of his life he thought he was a dysfunctional werewolf.
Goemon: Kami. He's the spirit of the sword Zantetsuken. He can take human form and wield the sword himself. His real name is Ryusei (shooting star), he named his human persona after the famous samurai thief.
Fujiko: Jorogumo. In Japanese folklore they're shapeshifting spider yokais who take the form of beautiful women to seduce men and eat them.
Zenigata: immortal by eating ningyo flesh. He figured the only way to keep up with an undead creature like Lupin was to become immortal.
I'll put more detailed info in a reblog!
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