#the in-universe one is that it's just a training outfit like the one anakin wore in the hologram from rebels
stairset · 9 months
It's been like a year since Tales of the Jedi came out but it's still hilarious to me that when returning to early Clone Wars Ahsoka they took one look at the age inappropriate tube top that's impossible to take seriously and said damn did we really put her in this and just retroactively gave her a better outfit and there was just an unspoken agreement with the audience that we would just roll with it and pretend that that was her outfit the whole time.
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mandaloriangf · 4 years
you know what fuck it alternate last jedi scenes
not fully thought out but roll with me
were introduced to luke as rey tries to give him back the lightsaber. his face is full of sadness and there is an air of palpable loss. he pushes it back into her hand, closing her fingers overtop of it. they have some dialogue, where she pleads to be trained and he declines, referencing the loss he experienced the last time he taught force users. she pleads again, trying to emphasize the necessity and drastic situation witu the force order. luke doesnt answer and instead asks her how she found him. rey responds that a few droids, and commander organa helped her. luke visibly perks up at the mention of organa, and quietly asks "...Leia?". Rey nods and replies "She misses you. R2, and Threepio too." Luke sits down, and motions for rey to join him, and she does. Luke stares out over the sea towards the horizon. Almost wistfully, he begins to speak. "We trained together, once. Leia and I. She took to it like a fish to water. We had to stop, though. Force training.... It takes time. Time she didnt have. The galaxy needed her, still needs her. Theres always a place for women like her, strong, devoted, determined, focused. Always somethin that needs doin, needs fixin." He pauses for a moment, staring off into the sea. "...Theres no place for people like me anymore. Not out there. Im a relic of the past, just like the temple here. Past its time..." He looks over to Rey. "The battle youre facing, it wont be easy. Whenever shadow falls over the galaxy, it spreads. Fast. And it doesnt let go without a fight. You, Leia, your friends... I hope you're prepared for a war, because thats what theyll give you. And.... I can't send you into somethin like that unprepared. Couldn't call myself a Jedi otherwise, not that theres anyone left to care. I'll train you, as best i can, make sure you have a fighting chance." As he says this, Rey grins widely, and excitedly goes to hand him the lightsaber, but his face becomes stern. "Only in the force though. No lightsaber training." Rey goes to protest, that she has to know how to fight the first order, but luke repeats himself. "No. Thats my one condition. I'll train you, for Leia, and for the light, but I wont train you with the saber, not now and not ever." His expression is one that brokers no arguments. Looking dissapointed, Rey agrees to his terms, and Luke lightens up, and now you can see some of the luke of the original trilogy luke in him. Rey gets her own room, and Luke trains her in the ways of the force. She has noticeable strong points and weak spots. Shes a natural at aspects of using the force on people. She excels at using the forces connections to people, to persuade like in the interrogation room, but luke shows her other aspects of it as well. It is revealed that during her fight with kylo in tfa, she unconsciously tapped into this ability and used the force to bolster herself, to sharpen her senses and reflexes, and to use the force to predict kylos attacks, and that it was triggered by her worry for finn. Luke further explains that through the force all things are connected, and noticing her natural inclination towards force connections, encourages her to try and see if she can use the force to see someone. luke explains that its easier with people you feel a strong bond and connection to, and as rey meditates, we see the screen pan to finn, before hes awoken from his coma. Rey frowns, and murmurs to him "I promise I'll make this right for you, Finn" and, as if in response, we see Finn stir slightly, but doesnt awaken. She then visits chewie, who is working on the milleniun falcon with poe, and then to Leia, who senses Rey and smiles towards her, knowing that shes found luke and that theyre both okay. Afterwards, Luke explains that most of the study of the force focused on its ability for combat, and that reys talents could have uses even he might not know of, foreshadowing the use of the force to heal in TROS (rn im leaning towards force healing and force inspiration being finns primary talents, and finn healing poe).
Sometime during the night after training with luke, rey has another dream, similar to the one when she held anakins lightsaber. We hear a familiar voice repeat "Rey... these are the first steps..." as the camera pans through the island towards a secluded location. Another night, rey decides to find it, and follows the path in her vision, until she finds someone in a cloak. As she approaches, the figure turns towards her, and pulls down the hood, revealing ewan macgregor!obi wan, in the outfit he wore as ben on tattoinne. they have some small talk, and obi wan says that while he understands lukes reasoning, its important for rey to know how to wield her saber. rey asks what he means, because luke wont tell her. obi wan recounts the betrayal of ben solo and how he became kylo ren. rey asks how he knows luke, and obi wan replies that he was the last of the jedi, and that he trained luke as he trains rey now. rey notices his use of past tense, and how that would make him even older than luke now, and yet he doesnt look it. obi wan replies that the universe is out of balance, and that those that have passed may return through the force, if there is a need for it. From then on, as luke trains rey in the force, obi wan trains her to use a light saber at night. During the montage we notice that while rey starts off strong, she eventually starts to struggle with the saber, and gets frustrated. Obi Wan explains that the wielder and the saber must be as one, and that the saber chooses the wielder. In confusion, rey asks "Didnt it choose me?" referencing her vision in tfa. Obi Wan explains that the saber is old, and that it was calling out for someone, and that rey heard it, but its true wielder is someone else. Obi Wan then explains that to continue her training, she must forge her own light saber, and explains what that entails. Rey seems excited at the prospect, and her background as a scrapper is put to use. She makes the handle with ease, using bits and pieces of scrap around the island, and seems pleased with the result. The handle is inelegant, but not ugly, and while cobbled together from various pieces, there is a kind of unity to them. It more closely resembles reys staff. The final piece is kyber crystal, retrieved from within the jedi temple. While Rey journeys through it with Obi Wan, they talk, and Rey comments on how familiar obi wan is, despite never having met him before. Obi Wan smiles sadly and remarks that she reminds him of someone as well. Long ago, the jedi werent hunted down, and he had to flee into hiding after losing everything dear to him. He tried to settle down into a normal life, and met someone and started a family, but their child was force sensitive, and drew the attention of the empire. His family was split apart as they fled, and he never saw them again. Luke, to him, reminded him of the family he never got to have, and now he is reminded once again...
I have no idea how to continue from here, but heres some key points
-Rey Kenobi babeyyyyyy that was always my fave theory. Obi Wan never got to raise his children, and they lived their life unaware of their force sensitivity. They eventually had rey, but her own force sensitivity drew the attention of the first order. They left her on jakku to keep her safe, intending to return, but the first order killed them before they could
-FINN SKYWALKER anakins lightsaber chose him, but because of age and neglect, could only weakly call out. Rey was the first force sensitive who touched it, sparking it to life. After finn used it in tfa, it yearns to go back to him, and fulfill its destiny of restoring balance. Both finn and the lightsaber cast off their dark past to restore balance and justice to the galaxy
-Some nice scenes with obi wan and luke, and some with leia and luke. its a damned shame they didnt interact more in the sequel trilogy.
-Snoke abuses reys force connection ability, as that is also his talent, and uses kylo to block and antagonize rey
-Most of reys training is interspersed throughout the movie as the pov changes between her, finn, and poe
-lots of references to the last jedi so the audience thinks it could mean different things, until the end of tlj, where finn finds out hes force sensitive and the heir to the skywalker legacy and lightsaber, and that its him who is the last true jedi
-i didnt watch tlj or tros so i have no idea what happened in those movies to reference those plot points here, sorry (unu)
-TLJ is interspered with scenes of kylo bein a nazi fuck and plot build up for him and snoke being the anatagonists of tros
-disney pay me for the emotional damages i suffered from knowing r#ylo happened
OMG i really really really like your way of explaining that the lightsaber actually calls to finn
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djarin-skywalkers · 6 years
A New Life ~ A Star Wars Story
Title: A New Life
Rating: General
Word Count: 2,268
Characters: Anakin Skywalker, Padme Amidala ,Luke Skywalker, Leia Organa (Skywalker)
Summary: In a universe where Anakin never turned to the Dark Side, he and Padme enjoy a little domestic bliss.
Notes: Hello there. I needed to write some good old fashioned fluff for this family who never saw any of it.This could be the start of a new series documenting the domestic family life of the Skywalkers. Hope you enjoy!
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Padmé loved her job, as difficult as it could be at times, and as much as she felt the political world was growing more corrupt with each passing day.
 The endless fight was frustrating but she felt good was doing her part in trying to restore the Republic to greatness.
 There were many stressful days, especially over the last several months with the confirmation that Chancellor Palpatine was a Sith Lord and his subsequent death (at her own husband's hands).
 Anakin had faced trial but was acquitted of the crime, with testimony from Master Windu and Master Kenobi. As far as they were concerned Anakin had done his job, discovering the truth and while they would have preferred to have Palpatine surrendered to them alive, given the circumstances and that he saved Master Windu, he was not charged.
 Anakin had been the hero in her eyes in rescuing Master Windu though Anakin himself had not seen it that way.
 The political world had been a mess since the incident and she had only just recently returned to it, having taken leave to spend time with her newborn twins.
 There was much to rebuild and tensions to resolve and all of it took time and patience that was fraying.
 After a long day with meeting after meeting, with no helpful conclusions, she couldn't wait to return home to her family.
 Just the thought of her children returned the smile that the stress of the day had removed.
 They had just passed their six month and were both little bundles of joy and energy. They babbled, Leia more so than Luke, and it was nonsense but she loved listening to everything they were trying to say.
 She hurried home, anxious to see her family.
 However, as soon as she opened the door she was met with an empty and quiet room. Usually Anakin had the twins in their play area and the room was full of delightful giggles as they played with their toys and their father.
 “Welcome home, Mistress Padmé!” C-3PO greeted joyfully as he came into view, emerging from the corner of the room.
 She smiled kindly at the family droid. “Hello Threepio. Where is Anakin?”
 “Master Ani took Master Luke and Mistress Leia to bed.”
 She knew her last meeting had run a little late but she hoped her children would still be awake. Judging by the quiet of the apartment, she knew they were asleep for the night and tried to swallow her disappointment.
 She did love her job but she didn't like all the time she missed with her family.
 At the very least she could look in on them while they slept and spend the rest of the evening with Anakin.
 “Thank you, Threepio.”
 She crossed the room and slowly opened the door to the twins bedroom. Her stomach dropped at the sight of their empty cribs. The room was quiet and still, as if no one had been in it all day.
 “Threepio?” She whirled around and Threepio hurried over to her.  “The bedroom is empty.”
 “Oh yes, my apologies Mistress Padmé, I should have clarified. Master Ani took the young ones into the master bedroom.” He turned and motioned towards the other bedroom door.
 She released a sigh of relief, the pressure in her chest loosening and she smiled, thanking the droid again.
 As she headed toward their bedroom she wondered why Anakin had brought them in there.
 For the first couple of months, they'd allow them to sleep with them, especially if they couldn't sleep through the night.
 Once they had started sleeping through the night they were transferred to their own room and it was only a rare occasion they brought them into bed with them. Padmé didn’t want to spoil them but getting Anakin to cooperate with the rule was a struggle.
 She slowly, quietly opened the door and peered inside the dimmed room.
 Her heart warmed at the sight that greeted her.
 Anakin was fast asleep on their bed, Leia sprawled longways across his chest and Luke sprawled across his abdomen.
 He had one hand on each of their backs, keeping them securely pressed to him.
 One of the most wonderful sights in the world to her was watching Anakin with their children.
 The incident with Palpatine, and the reveal of their secret marriage had caused him to leave the Jedi and in the six months since he had done so, she'd never seen him happier.
 The nightmares that plagued him were mostly gone. There was still the occasional night he woke up in a sweat and left the room to compose himself. Sometimes she'd find him back in bed with her the next morning, his arm slung over her waist, clutching her to him but most often she found him asleep in the chair in the children's room.
 Anakin had always been fiercely protective of her, both due to his Jedi training and his love for her. Their children were no different. From the moment he first held them in his arms they had his heart just as much as she did.
 Some of the weight and burden had been lifted off of him once she safely delivered the twins with no complications but she knew there would always be fear, and perhaps darkness, preying upon his mind.
 The day Palpatine was killed he came to her, shaking and collapsing into her arms, and confessed how close he had come to turning to the Dark Side.
 She had been frightened and worried for him as he fought his demons, but the birth of their children brought a renewed hope, light and purpose to his life
 He almost always wore a smile, because he was always around her and their children. He didn't have to hide his affections for her in public, though she urged him that she still had to maintain a certain amount of decency in the public eye.
 However, he could proclaim her as his wife and he did so at every opportunity. Four years of secrets and they could finally be the couple, and family, they dreamed of being.
 All of Coruscant knew who her children were because Anakin couldn't help but show them off. They took his name and therefore affectionately became known as the Skywalker Twins. She remembered Anakin as a child and knew as their children grew, somehow they’d inherit his affinity for trouble-making, especially with Anakin being with them in their daily life.
 The twins were still young yet, just barely starting to sit up and move around by themselves, but she could see their unique personalities beginning to form and couldn’t wait to see who they’d become.
 She watched them adoringly for a long minute, not wanting to take her eyes off of them. Also not wishing to disturb them, she slowly turned to back out of the room.
 As she moved, Anakin stirred on the bed and she froze in the doorway.
 His brow furrowed, his head shifting as he slowly rose from slumber. His eyes opened and landed on her.
 “Padmé?” His voice was rough with sleep.
 “Hello.” She greeted quietly with a sweet smile and stepped slowly back into the room.“I'm sorry I didn't mean to wake you.”
 His eyes squinted, adjusting to the light  drifting into the room. Then he peered down his nose, checking on the babies still sound asleep atop him. His lips curved in a smile as his hands twitched on their backs and then he glanced back up at Padmé.
 “That's alright.” He whispered. “I hadn’t meant to fall asleep.”
 He blinked again, clearing the final remnants of sleep.
 “What time is it?”
 “A little after seven.” She answered, walking over to the vanity. She figured as long as Anakin was awake, she might as well change out of her work clothes and get more comfortable.
 “Seven?” He cursed under his breath. “I'm sorry, Padmé. I didn’t make dinner. I completely lost track of the time…”
 “It's fine, Ani. I'll have something sent up.” She gave him a smile as she pulled her hair loose and it toppled in waves across her shoulders.
 She enjoyed decorating herself up for the day, and compared to when she was Queen, her senatorial outfits were very simple, but after a long day she also looked forward to relaxing in nothing but a nightgown.
 “How was your day?” He asked, turning his head toward her. She couldn’t help but smirk at the sight of him, practically pinned to the bed by their sleeping babies. Bless his heart, Anakin didn’t seem to mind a bit. “Uneventful, I hope?”
 “It was.” She said and sighed as she began to slip off her dress. “Though, in my case I think I prefer eventful.” She carefully hung the dress and then grabbed a blue silk nightgown from the closet. “As always the senate cannot seem to agree on anything so nothing is moving forward.”
 “It feels like you’ve been saying that for weeks.”
 “I have.” She shook her head and slipped on the nightgown. “I knew it wouldn’t be easy trying to get back into the job but it seems worse than ever. People don’t trust each other and it seems that everyone is afraid to take a stand for what they believe to be right.”
 Anakin raised a brow. “I know you don’t.”
 “I don’t.” She agreed and then sighed. “But I’m not enough.”
 “You’re the best thing that could ever happen to that senate.”
 Her face softened in a smile as she walked slowly over to the bed. “I think you’re a little biased, Ani.”
 “Biased? Well tell that to the little boy whose first encounter with a pretty girl was a young but strong-willed Queen.”
 A small smile crossed her lips. “And the Jedi padawan who was assigned to protect me and then married me in secret despite every rule telling him he couldn’t.”
 He smirked unapologetically. “And now I’m still married to her and the father to her children so I don’t see your point here.”
 She shook her head affectionately. “Not everyone sees me as an angel and not everyone is going to agree with me, certainly not about politics. I will fight for peace in the republic for as long as I live, I just wish I could have a little breakthrough.”
 “You’ll have one, one would hope they’ve got some capacity to use their heads.”
 “I hope you’re right.” She sighed and then smiled softly. “But enough about the senate. How was your day? The babies give you a hard time?”
 Anakin frowned and his thumb gently brushed across his slumbering daughter’s back. “I think Leia might be coming down with something. She was running a low temperature and was fussy all day which, of course, made Luke fussy.” He sighed quietly and shook his head slowly. “I swear sometimes they share a brain.”
 Padmé quietly perched herself down on the edge of the bed. She carefully reached over and placed a gentle hand to her daughter’s forehead.
 “Is she alright?” Leia's skin was slightly warm to the touch but not hot enough to be too alarming and she seemed to be resting peacefully.
 She could now see her little fist had grabbed hold of Anakin's shirt and the material was still clutched tight in her grasp.
 She glanced down to Luke and found her son had drooled considerably, making a dark colored wet spot on Anakin's shirt.
 “I think so. She finally fell asleep like this and then so did Luke and well, I had no other choice if I wanted them to stay asleep. I know they'll be up later but they didn't nap and Leia especially needed to sleep. And as for me, well, as it turns out, two warm sleeping infants are very comforting and I've been asleep all afternoon.”
 She smiled weakly at him. “Sounds like you needed it too.”
 She moved her hand to first brush across his forehead and then pushed her fingers through his hair. He hummed in pleasure and his eyes fluttered, a small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
 “They're exhausting.” He said with a small sigh.
 Carefully, so as not to wake the babies, she laid down on the bed against Anakin’s side.
 “But worth it.” He finished in a whisper, brushing a feather light kiss across Leia’s head.
 Padmé smiled and pressed a gentle, tender kiss to his cheek. “You're such a wonderful father, Ani.”
 His smile widened and she nuzzled her nose against him before settling her head against his shoulder.
 Next to the warmth of her husband, listening to the quiet sounds of her children breathing as they slept, all of the stress of the day melted away.
 The dim lighting and the comforting atmosphere of the room caused her eyes to fall heavy.
 She smiled softly as she felt Anakin shift his head and press a gentle kiss to her head.
 She hummed quietly and carefully lifted her hand to place over his where it rested lightly on Leia's back.
 She drew even more comfort from the rhythmic rise and fall of her little girl’s breathing.
 “I love you.” She whispered, pressing her lips to his shoulder.
 “I love you.” He echoed just as quietly but full of love.
 Forgetting about dinner and all her other responsibilities, she closed her eyes and let herself begin to drift off.
 Her life wasn't perfect by any means but it was these moments that made it wonderful and she couldn't imagine her life any other way.
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gffa · 7 years
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I had a conversation with @skymurdock about Jedi clothes that basically went like: skymurdock:  Now I wonder about the Jedi who pops up like "I WANT TO PUT SEQUINS ON MY ROBES".  Anakin went the emo route other Jedi go the GLITTERY EUROVISION route. darthluminescent:  They might be gently discouraged from it, but if they really wanted to, I bet they could easily.  The Jedi seem to be VERY FIRM about letting cultural traditions be kept or just wearing whatever, if that's what you truly want to do! skymurdock:  So like technically you could make an excuse for wearing glitter-covered robes as a cultural tradition of your people. darthluminescent:  YEP.  Or, like, I guess if you really want to wear a bright red tube top and a mini-skirt, well, all right, Ahsoka, go ahead. AND THEN I WANTED TO TALK ABOUT JEDI CLOTHES.  Because, yes, there are a lot of beiges and browns in Jedi clothes, but we see other colors plenty of times and very few outfits are actually identical.  Plenty of Jedi wear dark clothes like Anakin does.  Plenty of Jedi (including Anakin!) seem to be wearing not necessarily a brown, but possibly a dark maroon.  Some Jedi have patterns on their clothes!  We see cultural details in the Mirialans and Tholothians and Togrutas and Zabraks! Nothing about the Jedi clothes seems to indicate that there’s any one single way to wear them, that it’s any kind of mandatory uniform.  If that were so, Ahsoka’s outfit would never have happened!  There are obviously themes with the Jedi, they’re a living and breathing culture (though they’re limited in scope the way everything is in Star Wars, like any one planet seems to have only ONE culture and it’s often extremely limited in what they show of variations of it), which means they have a style of clothing that’s common.  But you really can’t swing a lightsaber in the Jedi Temple without hitting someone who deviates from the “norm”.
A few examples of the “basic” Jedi outfit, what most people think of:
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(Larger version here.) Is there a lot of beige and brown in there?  Yeah, sure.  But no two outfits there are the same, each character has their own individual set of clothes.  For example, Tiplar and Tiplee also have individual designs, despite similar coloring.  (Though, in some lights they can look downright peach/orange.) But sometimes colors can be deceiving!  Just look at Anakin’s outfits:
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(Larger version here.) On the left is Anakin as a Padawan, on the right as  Knight.  Sometimes the tunic underneath his tabard looks brown, sometimes it looks maroon and sometimes it looks like it could be either.  And more where it really looks red/maroon to me (if a bit more towards brown, as the light weans). And then two comics images where, one time it’s very much brown (from the Dark Horse Republic series), and other time it’s almost pink (from the Dark Horse Clone Wars series, iirc) even despite it being contrasted against Ahsoka’s very much red outfit.
And then there’s Anakin as a Padwan:
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In The Phantom Menace, he’s wearing lighter colored robes, but in the Obi-Wan & Anakin comic he’s wearing darker colors in the comic itself, but the lighter colors on a variety cover.  The Republic comics had him in darker colors, the Jedi Quest novel covers varied between dark colors and lighter colors.  Given that variants and novels are probably the lowest on the canonicity scale, I generally go with Anakin wearing darker colors from probably as soon as he got back to the Jedi Temple.  (But you can also go with just that he changed his mind sometimes!) He’s not the only one who wears DARKER COLORS: - Evan Piell wears straight up black clothes - Plo Koon seems to be maroon in color (and another), but can seem brown in other lights - Saesee Tiin is brown with maroon as well - In The Essential Readers’ Companin, Siri Tachi was drawn in dark colors - Tholme wore black and dark gray - Yarael Poof’s colors can seem very red at times - Shaak Ti wore browns and reds - Cin Drallig could be brown or maroon (he definitely looks more maroon in the Saga Films photos) - Finn Ertay wore a dark maroon dress as well - Aayla Secura wears black or dark brown - Depa Billaba wears dark brown over a white/beige shirt - Ima-Gun Di wears maroon as well OTHER COLORS: - Rig Nema wore slate blue/gray (and her character design) in TCW, along with a unique headdress and design - Tahl wore pink and blue in The Essential Readers’ Companion, though, in the comics she wore pink and blue and gray (and had a completely different design) - Bruck Chun was drawn in blue in The Essential Readers’ Companion - In the Dark Horse comics, Depa wore brown, blue, and grey - Pong Krell wears orange OTHER DESIGNS: - Sifo-Dyas had some pretty fancy clothes - Jocasta Nu wore typical colors, but in a unique design and had patterns on her tabard - Shaak Ti’s outfit was unique to her as well and there’s definitely a good amount of red in her design - Ima-Gun Di also has a pattern on his tabard CULTURAL DETAILS: - Luminara and Barriss both were Mirialan and had tattoos on their faces and hands, headdresses that covered their hair, dark clothing, patterns on their clothes, and accessories.  (From The Clone Wars and again, some close up detail from the Saga Films and full length.) - Eeth Koth had Zabrak tatoos - Finn Ertay and Vokara Che and Aayla Secura all wore headdresses - Aayla Secura’s outfit seems to be influence by Twi’lek culture - Adi Galia and Stass Allie and Katooni all wear Tholothian headdresses - Shaak Ti and Ahsoka both wear Akul-tooth headdresses JEDI KIDS:
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(Larger version here.  Sources: The Phantom Menace, The Clone Wars, Kanan: The Last Padawan.) - In The Phantom Menace, the younglings are all wearing basically the same outfit, with some mild variation in color - In The Clone Wars, there’s much more variety!  While the colors are in the same earth tones genre, no two of those outfits are alike!  Even their winter coats are all different styles!  (We see them again later in The Wrong Jedi wearing different outfits.) - In Kanan, Caleb and Tai Uzuma and Sammo Quid are all wearing the same basic outfit, but they’re initiates at this point and it’s not really clear how much it’s a uniform vs how much it’s three kids choosing the same outfit.  (Since it looks very much like what Anakin is wearing, as you can see in that panel.) - But of note in the Kanan panel  is that Sammo has a Twi’lek headdress and Tai has either tattoos on her face or some sort of jewelry, to go along with her hairstyle and circlet. AND THEN THERE’S AHSOKA TANO:
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(Larger version here.) I decided against including Ahsoka in any of the other sections (aside from the cultural one) because I think she’s really the most telling case and I wanted to address her all at once:  She wears red in all three versions of her Jedi outfits, all very bright red, not just possibly dark maroon.  Her style is very unique, it’s not really like any other designs we see.  Hell, her first oufit is a tube top and mini-skirt over leggings! And she best illustrates the point I’ve been ultimately rolling my way towards: Nobody says shit to Ahsoka about her outfit.  It’s not just Anakin saying she can wear whatever she wants, because he first meets her and she’s already wearing her first outfit.  Do most of the Jedi tend to wear earth colors or blacks?  Do they tend to have similar-ish designs?  Yeah, because they’re a culture, that’s how the canon chooses to show it visually. But are Jedi required to wear any of those things?  NO THEY ARE NOT.  They can wear whatever they hell they want to and nobody will give them shit about it.  :D If a Jedi wanted to wear a glittery, sequinned outfit, THEY COULD.  If they wanted to wear a mirrored discoball tabard, THEY COULD.  If they wanted to have a train of space peacock feathers, THEY COULD. (Just, generally, they don’t, because this is fiction and colors are used to help add to underlying meaning and signify group culture, so you can’t just go with only in-universe explanations.)
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