#the governor twd
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Philip Blake x Fem reader
Requested by: none
Warnings: Smut, manipulation, mention of killing, the governor being the governor
A/n: 18+ NSFW! If you don't like the warnings, please don't read! PLS KEEP MY COMMENT SECTION AGGRESSION FREE!
It has been 5 months since him and his people had taken her in, she used to think he was a good man...a good leader.
Philip had threatened Rick, attacked the prison, and attempted to kill Michonne. Now she stands over him, her heart racing. The room is dark, dimly lit by the light of the moon.
She looked over at the bedside table, and the knife that sat on top. Carol had told her to go back to Woodbury and kill him, but now that Y/n was standing there...she didn't know if she could do it.
"Why don't you come lay with me, honey?" He asked, his deep scratchy voice coming from the darkness.
She felt a shiver roll down her spine, and arousal fill her to her core. Y/n ran her hand up is bare chest, leaning down and pressing her lips to his.
Y/n laid down beside him, his arms wrapping around her and pulling her to him.
Philip planted a feather light kiss to her forehead.
"You were leaving, weren't you?"
"What?" She asked. "N-no."
"Shh. Don't lie, Y/n."
Her heart started racing again, fear spreading through her body.
"You scare me."
"I know..." Philip whispered. "I won't hurt you, you just have to stay."
Y/n tried to sit up, but he held her to him. His strength almost hurting her.
"You were gonna kill me?" He asked.
"What did I say about lying?"
The sudden silence was bone chilling, only their breathing could be heard. His warm hand began to slowly rub her back, comforting her enough to speak.
"I'm sorry."
"I know you are now. Roll over."
"Roll over."
Y/n cautiously laid on her side, facing away from him. She could feel his erection through his sweats, and his hot breath against her neck.
"Take them off, sweetheart."
Y/n pulled her pants down her legs and kicked them away, a moan nearly escaping her when she felt his tip against her entrance.
"You want this?" He asked.
Y/n nodded, his grip tightening on her hips.
"Let me hear you say it. I wanna hear you tell me how badly you want my cock."
"Fuck, yes! Please just fuck me!"
A smirk spread over his face, "Such a naughty little thing."
Y/n gripped the bedsheets as he pushed it, her cum leaking down his shaft.
"Mmm." He groaned. "So fuckin wet."
Philip's fingers looped around her throat, his hips thrusting hard into hers. His lips next to her ear as sinful pants and moans escaped him.
"You're mine, you will stay."
I hope you enjoyed
Reblogs are welcome 🤗
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natacatts · 1 year
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39 - The Governor/ Phillip Blake from The Walking Dead (TV)
I really enjoyed him as a villian. he’s probably the most compelling one throughout the show. and his death made sense to me. i also really liked how the writers made him very hateable to sympathetic to even more hateable in a really effective and non tacky way. he honestly kind of reminded me of soldier boy from the boys but i’m not really sure why. he was a really good villian and with the introduction to negan i’m really missing him rn
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!?!?!i forgot the governor straight bites merle's fingers off!?!?!
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scarisd3ad · 4 months
Would it ruin everything if I made the governor readers dad in tteab because he’s in his mid to late 40s right? And readers dad is mentioned to have left early on sooo it’s possible that readers dad could be the governor and she’s only 26 in this season so if the governor is like 47 that means he was like 21 when reader would of been born and could have been another reason why he left so early on….I want to know if this would fuck everything up lol.
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Made to Suffer
“I'm afraid of terrorists who want what we have. Want to destroy us! And worse … because one of the terrorists is one of our own. Merle … the man I counted on, the man I trusted. He led 'em here. And he let 'em in. It was you. You lied, betrayed us all. This is one of the terrorists. Merle's own brother. You wanted your brother. Now you got him.” — The Governor.
Carylering On<33333333
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ltmirro · 15 days
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Practice makes perfect
Request: please could you write one where Rick helps inexperienced reader shoot a gun and he also teaches her how to defend herself? Thank you!
A/N: hope this is okay!! Would you all like to see a daryl version of this??
Rick grimes x fem! Reader
You were new to the prison environment, you had stumbled upon the prison when you had lost your people to the dead. It was terrifying but thankfully Rick grimes and his people welcomed you in with open arms— or… well. Held at gunpoint. But that’s beside the point. You had been here for almost 18 days now and you were fitting in just right. You had found comfort within Hershel the kind man who seemed to be incredibly loyal and genuine. Not to mention his kindness towards everything was gratefully accepted during times like these. Beth too was a sweet girl but there were a few of the group who seemed a bit rough around the edges. Not that you minded of course, you were just glad you could say you had some kind of “friends.”
Here you were positioned near the gate where walkers were pressing themselves against, ruthlessly clawing at the metal structure desperate for the taste of flesh. You stood silently staring and listening to their groans and moans your hand numbly gripping onto the pistol that dangled by your side. It might’ve seemed stupid but you had never shot a gun in your life. And now that you were in this situation you wished you had accepted the many times family members offered to take you to the shooting range when the world was still normal. You exhaled shaking your head before you pointed your gun at one of the walkers heads, squinting your eyes slightly your finger resting upon the trigger as you tried to figure out how to do it, footsteps slowing just behind you— ricks scrutinising eyes examined you thoroughly before he cleared his throat. “The safety’s one” his thick accent touched your ears and you quickly glanced at him “what?” You murmured nervously “the safety’s on. That’s why you can’t pull the trigger.” He vaguely explained taking steps towards you before stopping beside you, slender fingers grasping onto the metal of the gun as he stood side by side with you his arm brushing lightly against yours “look,” he tilted the gun your way his thumb brushing against the metal before a click was heard “safety’s off now.” He spoke before slowly handing it back to you. “Try now.”
He took a step back giving you room to try but now under this much pressure you felt your nerves kick in. You were worried that because you didn’t know how to shoot a gun without looking like an idiot you’d be seen as someone lesser and be kicked out the group. But really that was just your over thinking. You hesitantly pointed the gun towards a specific walker Rick remaining silent as he observed you fingertips lightly brushing against the handle of his own gun it was just engraved into his mind to constantly do just in case he had to pull it on anyone or anything at any point. You couldn’t ever be too careful… you glanced back at him momentarily he was hard to read, you then looked forward again steadying your breath as you attempted it. And with one last deep breath you pulled the trigger the bullet flying through the air and zipping straight past the walkers a silent cuss leaving your lips as you shook your head embarrassed. “Not bad.” Rick spoke calmly, as if noting your anxious state and how you seemed to be slightly apprehensive about shooting the gun. He took a step towards you stopping beside you “have you ever shot a gun before?” He questioned and you glanced at him before shaking your head “no. I didn’t like using guns when the world was normal…” you murmur nervously and he only nods. “That’s understandable” he soon comments “I was a sheriff in Atlanta before all of this.” Rick began talking, your eyes snapping back towards him as you listened to him silently admiring him his jaw slightly clenching every now and then his baby blue eyes holding many memories within them. His eyes moved to look at you “so I was all involved in guns and protecting myself and my people.” He spoke as if trying to make you more comfortable. Opening up little by little…
“My wife…. She hated the thought of our son using guns. She refused to let him near them. Even when I offered to train him up for if anything ever happened she wouldn’t let him… even when the world went to shit… she wouldn’t let him touch a gun…” he analysed you as he spoke “until I convinced her enough… I wish I had held back slightly..” he swallowed thickly glancing down at the ground as he remembered the thought of Carl shooting his own mum. If Rick hadn’t of taught him how to shoot a gun then would Carl of shot Lori? It was a question left for speculation. No one truly knew. But Rick did feel guilt when he thought on it really hard… that’s why he tried to push it all down. Keeping it all at the back of his brain. “So I get where you’re coming from. But knowing how to shoot a gun now is… something we all need.” He spoke simply turning his back to you momentarily before he pulled his own gun out the sun reflecting off of the metal slightly making it glint every now and then “just copy my stance alright.” He spoke and you nodded watching as he put one foot forwards the other foot remaining in place almost as if he was bracing himself before he held the gun with two hands— one on the handle and trigger the other cupping it slightly as if to keep it stable. “Holding with both hands isn’t absolutely necessary but holding it with both hands keeps your focus and hands from shaking.” Rick explained and you nodded watching as he shot the gun the bullet immediately piercing the skull of the dead as it collapsed onto the ground. “Your turn.”
He spoke before backing away, and you exhaled shakily breathing in sharply as you attempted to copy his exact positioning slowly raising your gun until it was eye level with you both your hands steadying the gun “like this?” You murmured nervously Rick moving to your side his hands grabbing onto your elbow slightly “tilt” he suggested calmly making you tilt your arm ever so slightly before he moved behind you resting your hands on your shoulders knowing the force of the gun was far too powerful sometimes. He kept his hands on your shoulders “focus…” he advised gently and you nodded focusing as hard as you could. You inhaled sharply lining up the gun more straight before pulling the trigger the bullet piercing through a walkers shoulder “good. You’re getting there.” Rick praised before he reached forwards grabbing onto your hands as he positioned your hands more correctly “just remember they’re dead. Okay?” He spoke almost as if reading your mind. Knowing that you were struggling with the fact that these were once human beings. Just like you and him. “But they…” you swallowed thickly not knowing how to describe it, Rick maintaining eye contact with you “look at it this way y/n…. They don’t feel anything. They only have one job and one job only. Successfully get the food they’re constantly searching for. It’s a cycle… a painful cycle. If you shoot them you’re putting them out of their misery right?” He was right and eventually you nodded. You still needed to detach the people from the actual walkers and whom they once were but that would be a learning curve. “Alright shoot.” He spoke and you took a deep breath before squinting your eyes and once steadying your hands you shot the gun the smell of gunpowder growing stronger but you didn’t mind. You watched as the bullet pierced into the dead’s skull as it collapsed to the ground,
“Good. Again.” He spoke. The sun was starting to set and Rick knew it wouldn’t be long before more walkers started arriving. You then lined up the gun again before shooting the bullet again successfully hitting the Walker square in the head. You continued doing this over and over again until the clouds had turned a deep orangey colour rain specs starting to fall upon you and him “you did great.” Rick spoke with a faint smile “you’re going to be a pro at this soon enough. Gonna put us to shame.” He murmured nudging you playfully and you couldn’t help but smile slightly “thank you… could we do this again tomorrow?” Rick nodded slightly “sure. I’ll get you up at 7 am sharp.” He spoke and you nodded smiling as you began walking back towards the main area of the prison with him. “After all practice makes perfect.” He chuckled out lightly you could tell that helping you practice had alleviated something off of his shoulders and mind… and the same was said for you.
You walked inside with him some people eating some food and others already sleeping “I’m going to go to my cell.” You murmured and Rick nodded “goodnight. Sleep well. If you need anything just shout.” He spoke and you nodded watching as he began walking away. “Rick..” you spoke, making him stop as he turned to look at you Judith being handed to him as he held onto her securely his free hand skilfully putting his gun back onto safety “thank you. Seriously. Uh… you saved a girls life.” You spoke, Rick looking slightly confused but appreciative. “I lost my people. To the walkers…. I was close to just waiting for another herd to come take me down… you and your people gave me a reason to live.” The look on ricks face was difficult to read but he looked grateful, happy and somewhat relieved all at once. “Glad you’re still with us, y/n.” He gave you a nod lips curling up into a small smile. “Go get some rest. I’ll see you in the morning.” He gave you another curt nod before turning around tending to his daughter and you silently watched him before retreating back to your bunk a small sad smile forming on your lips— grateful for him and his people who had given you a reason to survive. You got into your bunk laying down as you began getting comfortable until you heard a slight creek before the familiar teenage boy was hanging over the top bunk “hey y/n” Carl spoke cowboy hat barely staying on and you smiled tiredly at him “hey.” He then disappeared momentarily before coming back continuing to dangle off the bed “don’t fall…” you warned with a tired smile and he only smiled holding out a red packeted chocolate bar for you to take. “Just in case you were hungry.” He spoke not letting up until you had taken it from him before he laid back down on the top bunk “thanks carl.” You spoke hearing the sound of pages turning and you smiled knowing he was reading his comic… what a thoughtful boy… a thoughtful group whom you didn’t deserve in the slightest. But you knew they’d continue over and over again giving you a reason to live.
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morbidmorbid · 1 month
me when i play usher’s “daddy’s home” after braving through a twd episode without daryl
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acecroft · 7 months
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DAVID MORRISSEY as Philip 'The Governor' Blake in The Walking Dead 4.07
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preworkray · 3 months
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sick and twisted brah
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threi · 1 year
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he's so often on his four like for what for seducing other men??????
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the Governor and Milton are so House and Wilson coded
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rheefamilysource · 6 months
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THE WALKING DEAD (2010–2022) ↳ season 3 episode 7
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lesbianbatlucille · 1 year
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cold-v0dka · 8 days
when my type is like this:
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but also like this: (i can't explain)
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I'm just (colorblind) girl
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