#the fox lady doesn't have a name officially?
mwolf0epsilon · 10 months
Talking with @milfcutlawquane and @lost-on-kamino about AU stuff always yields amazing results. I love you guys <3
Previous Posts: [X] [X] [X] 501st Species Swap Examples: [X]
There are clones that take longer to change species. This is either due not having any impactful experience with another species of sentient and thus the infection process stalling, or due to not being in contact with other clones for very long periods of time.
Examples of clones who take a while to change are:
Ponds, who worked primarily with humans so it took a while for a species to actually stand out and stick with him (getting abducted by bounty hunters sure leaves an impact on a person).
Boba, who was majorly isolated from other clones so he became infected when he came into contact with Ponds and the clone officer (even so his changes only began when he entered puberty, so for a while he thought he was immune).
Gregor, who was MIA for a very long while so he wasn't exposed until he regained his memories and managed to get back to the GAR all on his own (some people started making bets on what he'd become due to him being virtually the last fully grown clone to be affected).
Another set of fun developments from my conversations with Rey and Rogue are:
Ponds gets to survive in this AU and he decides to take in Boba rather than just let the kid get tossed into prison. It takes some convincing (not because Mace doesn't think Boba learning from the clones wouldn't be good, but because he's concerned the war will not give anyone the time necessary to actually get the kid on the right track), but Ponds gets his way and he's officially named Boba's custodian. The kid also has mandatory supervised community service and classes he has to take, but honestly he's got it good compared to the alternative.
Ponds becomes a Palliduvan due to his encounter with Aurra Sing, and Boba becomes a Trandoshan a year after he's taken in by Ponds.
Cody becomes a Kaleesh, which honestly surprises no one considering the 212th's close shaves with General Grievous. He has joked about potentially altering his bucket to resemble a mixture of clone helmet and Kaleesh mask, since people keep remarking his face looks a little naked when bare.
Gree becomes a Mirialan, which he uses as an opportunity to learn more about their culture and customs. By showing a newfound eagerness to learn from them, Gree and the rest of his battalion become much closer to Luminara and Barriss. This has a majorly positive impact on Barriss especially.
Wolffe has to learn to come to terms with the trauma Ventress caused him since he's become a Dathomirian. He feels isolated from the rest of the 104th who've become Kel Dor, and it doesn't feel fair to him that she stole more than his eye from him, and that she had more of an effect on him than he's comfortable admitting to.
Bly finds that thanks to him and the majority of his men now sharing a species with their general, Aayla is no longer the center of unwanted attentions. He knows his general can handle herself (and would have no qualms beating up anyone who tried anything funny), but it always bothered him that some people had a tendency to openly drool while watching her. As it stands now, it's hard to find one attractive Twi'lek lady among many attractive Twi'lek men, although come to think of it, now they're all being gawked at which is not ideal either. That's the only aspect of being a Twi'lek he's not overly fond of. The blatant fetishization.
Fox has no option but to just accept he's an Amaran for reasons unknown to him and has to learn how to keep his emotions hidden all over again. His poker face is still flawless, but now he has a tail that reacts to his moods and it's a bit of a nightmare learning how to control it. It doesn't help that his Commanders and Shinies all seem enthralled by the dang thing.
There's a lot of positives to the change, but they do not outweigh the one negative that sets the Coruscant Guard on edge: Why is it that now that they don't look like clones, people suddenly accept that they're not soulless meatdroids? They have ALWAYS been individuals, so why should a change of species/appearance be the thing that convinces the people that used to not trust/hate them? The Guard doesn't like how shallow a change of perspective this is, and only trust the few people who've always been kind to them.
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clowny-rolls · 17 days
Random HCs for delarune characters that are entirely based off canon
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His eyes are blue. IRL, my eyes are blue, and i wore spamton glasses for a costume, and they looked like big black circles, so that put the mental image in my mind of him having blue eyes
He can remove his arms and jaw. In the official artwork, the only part of his body that is visibly jointed is his jaw, so i hc'd that his elbows and shoulders are jointed under his coat. Nobody ever talks about this, but in the game, part of his glitching, his jaw literally comes off.
He can speak spanish. BRUH, THAT'S ACTUALLY CANON.
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(also the only times I've heard "hochi mama" was when someone was describing a pretty lady while speaking spanish-) toby fox literally hired fangamer for the sweepstakes. And there's canon lore in it
spamton's middle name is actually Gary. Why? Gary Thuerk. Inventor of electronic spam mail.
He hates being short-shamed. Who in the right mind doesn't??
He has lil black horns. That's literally the only horns i draw on demons 💀
His hair is long and tangled. Being locked away for about ten years with no hairbrush or scissors? yeah.
His hair is dark blue. I like the idea of jevil not having any white on his body. I don't like white-haired jevil for that reason. His teeth are yellow, his eyes are black and gold, i also hc that his nails are naturally black
Clawed feet. I don't like hooved jevil. One, how would he keep his feet flat, and two, i grew up with clawed-feet imps (only exception for hooved imps are the helluva boss ones). I imagine people with hooved toes having curved feet, so they need shoes with raised heels (Michael from Panic Swing)
His blood is blue. I mean, why de fric wuld it be red-
He likes rubber ducks. They're cute lil things. Also if he could have a car, it'd be a jeep for his ducks.
He doesn't know how to feel about spamton. 🤷
...i don't have very many hcs of him besides he likes big trucks and was created when dess went missing. I think that's the time Kris' headband went missing.
He doesn't care what you call him as long as you're being polite. Since he is sexless, it doesn't matter. I based this off my dad (he's transfem, but doesn't care what you call him.)
He likes being pet. SEAM IS A KITTY CAT
he lost a few teeth when jevil attacked him. I imagine him having a plastic mesh in his jaws, keeping his teeth on (and his teeth are black cuz the mesh is black, and the white paint wore off after several years), and when jevil slashed a few teeth out during his attack.
Seam has an orange belly. In the lightworld, the cat plush has an orang belly, so i based seam off dat.
Seam has beans. Why? Cuz i like cat beans 😎. They cute.
He has an old carousel music box that belonged to jevil once. I imagine he boxed up everything that belonged to jevil, exept the music box. It's not in on the shop shelves because he's not planning on giving it up anytime soon.
He practically raised jevil. It's evident he's a lot older than jevil, and was friends with him since he was a child
His fur can grow back after being cut. He's alive, so why not?
I'm the original
She's afraid of people under 5''4. They might bite her knees
She has google in her brain. It makes sense and is funny.
She has a soft spot for children despite saying she doesn't like them. This is based off how she treats lancer. That's her precious baby boy.
She erased spamton from her memory. I mean, why would she care?
She has a lil camera in her visor, and her visor is one-way, so you can't see inside, but she can see outside in 4k.
She has had multiple bodies. Each one looking similar, but gets more advanced every update. She looked entirely different when she was first created, but starting looking like something sci-fi during the 90s. She also couldn't walk until then. Her appearance didn't change much after the 90s, except she became shinier, taller, and the inside changed a lot, as she was upgraded once every two years. Now she's advanced enough to pass off as living.
She doesn't understand emotion as well as normal people. I mean, she understands it sorta, but not as well since she's AI.
She can get wet. I mean, her being in water sorta freaks me out cus she's a robot, but i imagine her becoming waterproof after a few upgrades.
She's the most advanced robot in the cyber world. All the other robots look simpler and more robotic
Rudinn and Hathy
I took one specific rudinn, and one specific hathy to hc both
They besties. Thier kinds are both assigned to work together, but these two only do well cuz they tight. They homies.
The rudinn i hc'd was the bakesale one lmao.
The rudinn is named Rexun, and the hathy is named Larry.
Also Rexun's cousin is a ranger.
There are only two people that have ever made him lose his cool (and guess who they are.)
He Fr can't be fazed easily.
He can tolerate jevil more than spamton. This is based off a deltarune hack where you can put jevil in the cafe. It unfortunately breaks the game, and jevil can't talk, but the texbox shows up and his talking animation runs. (Also his talking sound effect can be heard)
He's strong. This was hinted to be canon so idk if it's canon.
@cicada-ncc-1701 @cheesyjester
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ae-neon · 1 year
Nesta Archeron in the Autumn Court
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Other Neris Autumn Court stuff: (X)
[Non-political Neris because if I get into it, this will be 28 pages long]
She arrives in Autumn one month before the Hunt.
During her official introduction at court she wears a deep green dress, mermaid cut, the ends of the sleeves and tail made to resemble peacock feathers. It's the loudest thing she's ever worn so she opts out of jewellery.
She's almost horrified to find the dress barely stands out in the sea of outlandish fashion of the Autumn Court
Eris worries he'll have to spend most of his time babysitting an obnoxious Night Court brat but he finds Nesta surprisingly quiet aside from her sarcasm and wit.
He feels his power draw to the surface the first time they dance together, held hostage by that blue grey gaze.
She plays the aristocrat well enough that most things only take a few lessons and he ends up working while she buries herself in a book.
Nesta slowly adopting an Autumn sense of fashion but still holding back on the busier patterns and jewellery
There are things about Autumn so familiar to Nesta they feel like memories and things so strange they feel like dreams
Nesta wearing black pants and white shirts with fancy sleeves and ruffles
Nesta learning fire dancing and Autumn Court dueling
Eris being insanely stylish
Eris making sure his tailor and shoemaker include little couple details in their wardrobes to stir rumours
Nesta in embroidered coats, riding pants and knee high brown leather boots
Nesta pretending she can't be arsed to get into Fae history but becoming fixated on certain eras and people
The Lady of Autumn gives Nesta a fan made to look like a peacock's tail in remembrance of Nesta's first proper attendance at court.
It's subtle but Nesta can feel her magic rise closer to the surface in Autumn, the way the flames around her seem to burn brighter and the wind whispers as it flows through the sea of trees.
There are ruins in the woods near the Forest House that Eris tells her were once a part of the sprawling construct. The stairs circle into nothing above but lead down into a dark flooded tunnel below.
Nesta is almost sure she sees a ripple and hears something whisper her name as she stares down into the blue black water.
Nesta's favourite lessons become the fire dancing. The art lies somewhere between the classic steps she'd learned as a child and some sort of martial arts, flames all the while painting vivid pictures.
She hates to admit how beautiful Eris looks as he performs the movements.
Nesta asking Eris about certain details on the people and places she's reading about. Him answering earnestly and in full, sometimes they go on and on for hours - lost in quiet conversation
Sometimes, walking through the woods, Nesta sees figures moving between the trees, feels a chill run up her spine when she's sure something brushes past her
She dreams too, strange dreams about running through the woods with blood in her mouth, on her hands. Sometimes Eris is there, red hair glinting in the corner of her eye
The closer they get to the Hunt, the more she sees, feels and hears. The more restless the thing inside her becomes
Eris seems to sense it too, he grows quiet around her, watching and waiting
Other things watch and wait too; owls and foxes, wild horses and stray cats. She isn't sure if these things are happening in her dreams or not.
One day they walk out deeper into the woods than she's ever been. Eris quietly beside her all the while. Too quiet. So quiet she isn't sure he's there when she doesn't look.
It's two nights until the Hunt and she still isn't sure what that means or why it feels important.
She turns to see Eris, amber eyes watching her, leaning against a bone white tree. He's beautiful and terrifying, like her.
Nesta wonders if it's just another dream. She's sure she can hear his heartbeat. As loud as a drum.
She knows it in her bones before it happens, that she is the Hunter.
That Autumn, and Eris, had been waiting for her. That she would kill Beron and that the magic inside him would find its way into her.
Well, that took a turn.
I didn't plan this out and I actually have like 4 other Neris drafts but oh well. Also, this is definitely more Nesta than Eris but maybe I'll do another when I'm in a better headspace.
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archiveikemen · 1 year
Ikemen Villains Prologue: Chapter 6
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I do not own any of the Ikemen Series content being uploaded on this blog, everything belongs to CYBIRD. Please support them by downloading and playing their games.
read this before interacting with my posts
Victor: From this moment on, you are officially a “fairytale writer”, a position exclusive to “Crown”.
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Kate: A fairytale writer…
Tall Young Man: … What is that?
Victor: It’s a position I just created. I’ve always wanted to have your spectacularly wicked deeds written down in a record.
Victor: Kate will live in the castle from now onwards and work alongside the members of “Crown”.
Victor: The members of “Crown” will also keep an eye on her, to make sure she doesn't reveal any secrets.
Victor: During this time, Kate will write down your evil deeds. Just like she’s writing a fairytale.
Victor: It will become a very valuable resource for the research being conducted on “curses”, and function as an activity report of “Crown” to Her Majesty the Queen.
Aloof Man: … You just want someone else to do the report writing because you can’t be bothered to do it yourself.
Victor: I think it’s a wonderful idea! If you decide that you want to take on the role, I can give you a tour around this castle.
Kate: H-Hold on!
(I guess it’s safe to assume that I’ve escaped death this time, but this is still a very important decision to make!)
Kate: One month. — For one month, if I fulfil my role as a “fairytale writer” and keep your secret…
Kate: Will you set me free?
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Victor: …
William: Fufu… seeing you get taken aback is a rare occurrence, Victor.
William: Alright, Kate. As per your wish, I’ll trust you and set you free after your one month term.
William: I will arrange for your workplace to receive a letter from Her Majesty saying that you will be working for the royal court for a month.
William: This is fine, right? Victor.
Victor: … Yes, of course, Will.
(... Good. Most importantly… my head is still connected to my neck…)
(Just for one month… if I keep their secret, I can return to my normal daily life.)
(I also have to write down the sins of these people.)
William: It’ll be inconvenient if you don’t know our names. All of you, introduce yourselves.
Cat-Like Man: Okie dokie! I’ll go first!
(... Huh?)
I suddenly felt a sense of déjà vu when I saw the way he came forward.
Kate: I think I’ve seen you before… oh!
(This man was at the play I went to last month… he’s a stage actor!)
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Liam: You already know me? That’s great. I’m a stage actor on the surface, and a member of Crown behind the scenes. My name is Liam Evans.
Liam: Let’s get along well from now on, cutie Kate-chan.
Liam gave me a starry eyed look and a wink as he kissed the back of my hand.
My heart, that was once filled with fear and anxiety, gradually relaxed.
(I thought all the members of Crown were aristocrats, but it looks like I was mistaken.)
Kate: It’s nice to meet you, Liam-san.
ℹ️ as usual, i'll be dropping all the -chan and -san for simplicity's sake. i only used them for this two lines to show that mc was being formal towards liam before he told her to be more casual.
Liam: Just “Liam” will do. No need for honorifics, okay? And also, this is my buddy Harry—
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Harrison: More like his partner-in-crime. … I’m Harrison Gray. Feel free to call me Harry, if you'd like.
Kate: Nice to meet you too, Harrison.
Harrison: I have a curse of a lying fox. … Now, is that the truth or a lie?
Harrison wore a thin smile, his milk tea coloured hair swayed softly, and I caught a waft of a minty smell.
Kate: … I’m guessing it's the truth?
Harrison: Hmm, you think so?
If we were at the corner of a street right now, countless ladies would be squealing because of his flirtatious glance.
Harrison: You’ll find the answer to that on your own. You have a whole month.
(... This man is rather hard to figure out. I can’t tell what he’s feeling at all.)
(But one thing's for certain is that he’s very well-liked.)
Alfons: Allow me to introduce myself. My name is Alfons Sylvatica.
Alfons: I’m looking forward to playing with a sweet little robin like you for the next one month.
(Huh? Did he just say he’s going to play “with” me…?)
Alfons: This is Earl Elbert Greetia. You can consider me to be his friend and close aide.
Elbert: … Elbert. … Nice to meet you.
Kate: My pleasure to make your acquaintance, Sir Elbert and Alfons.
Elbert: … Al, is this lady beautiful?
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Alfons: Not as beautiful as you.
Man Carrying a Shotgun: Hey, hey. Mind your words in front of a lady, don't be rude.
(It’s not completely false, though. I doubt there are many people who can hold a candle to Elbert’s beauty.)
Roger: I’m Roger. I used to be a doctor. I’m glad we have some time to get to know each other, young lady.
As I reflexively braced myself to see an intimidating smile, Roger raised his eyebrows in amusement.
Roger: We’ll be spending a month together. Let’s get along… yeah?
Kate: … Yeah.
(There’s still some people I don't know the name of…)
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lassieposting · 2 years
I love the fan pack!
I was wondering what head canons you have for each of the Raze siblings?
Okay so, firstly these are shared with @thats-so-craven
The Family In General
Skug's maternal family are incredibly wealthy old money aristocrats. His great-grandfather was the younger son of an Anglo-Norman Duke, who came over with the Norman invasion and was given A Lot of land in what is now County Dublin. He and his siblings all grew up on the ancestral family estate. As prominent nobility, it's impossible to avoid mortals, so they - like a lot of wealthy sorcerer families hiding in plain sight - officially use a false name for the entire household. Skug's family uses the surname Sionnach (Fox).
Ónora - 29th April 1360
She's an Elemental with an inactive ambidexterity gene - she has no second discipline herself, but she can pass ambidexterity on to her children.
She's straight.
Ónora Is Not Quinlan:
She's one of four children - she has two brothers, Alacrity & Thane, and one sister, Estrilda. The other three have a different mother; Ónora is the daughter of her father's second wife. Ónora only becomes heiress to her father's lands and wealth when her brothers are killed in the early years of the war.
She's the absolute biggest Daddy's girl. He cannot say no to her.
She grows up with Corrival! Their family estates neighbour each other's, so they're playmates as children and stay close as they grow up. The oldest five children, especially Carver and Skulduggery, remember Corrival visiting often when they were small as a sort of uncle figure, but over the years Abrogate's jealousy drove a wedge between them and eventually he - Abrogate - put a stop to the friendship. He puts a stop to pretty much all her friendships, really.
Unlike Lardo's Quinlan, Ónora is not some swashbuckling adventurer. She's a noblewoman in 14th century Ireland. She's unusually well educated for her day, and she's quite remarkable in that she's a woman in a position of political power, but she's not a warrior, was never taught to fight, and very much behaves as is proper for a lady of her station to behave in that time period.
Her father establishes diplomatic ties between the reclusive sorcerer Communities in rural Ireland and the outcast/misfit mages living in mortal towns like Dublin. Ónora follows him into that line of work, serving as an ambassador of sorts, but as a woman she has to work a lot harder and do a lot more to be taken seriously as a competent politician. She helps write several important and influential treaties, including one which legalises the practice of necromancy in Ireland and negotiates religious freedoms for followers of obscure magical faiths. She meets Tenebrae during this period, basically doing the same job Solomon Wreath does in the 2000s.
She helps fund the initial Sanctuary effort, and she's later asked to serve as an Elder after one of the Council is killed. This is where she meets Abrogate, who's a sort of. Witcher-type at the time - an itinerant monster hunter for hire.
She has. Kind of a tragic life, really. She marries Abrogate during a period where the English are invading and taking land from Irish nobles, and she badly needs a husband because women are allowed to own land in their own right under Irish law but not under the law of the invaders, so she's facing losing her home. She likes him a lot, and thinks she could love him, but they marry far too quickly and she doesn't really know him that well when they become man and wife. At first, they live quite happily together. But when Carver is born, she has a very traumatic birth experience and suffers from pretty crippling PPD, which goes on to be the case in pretty much every pregnancy she has. Once Abrogate realises that having kids doesn't give him meaning in life, and neither does being married, their relationship very quickly goes downhill as he spirals into madness and violence and she spirals into depression and self-medication. She's a neglectful, kind of toxic mother, but she's very much the product of her circumstances and her suffering, which most of her children realise to varying extents.
Carver - 18th May 1573
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He's primarily an Elemental. I haven't chosen his secondary discipline yet.
He's straight.
"Tadhg Sionnach" - Tadhg means "poet" in Irish; he's named after an ancestor of his mother's.
Heavily parentified from a very young age, he feels responsible for his siblings' care, safety, attitude and behaviour. He can be a bit nitpicky and overbearing, but he means well.
He's his mother's Emotional Support Eldest Son, which messes him up good. Their relationship is rife with covert emotional incest - she's not getting her emotional needs met by Abrogate (love, support, protection etc), so she turns to Carver and dumps those expectations on him instead. He's expected to defend her against his increasingly unstable, aggressive father, be there for her no matter how distant and uncaring she gets, never criticise her, and stay Mama's baby boy forever.
Quiet, people-pleasing, mature-for-his-age nerdy bookworm. Huge advocate of not rocking the boat.
500 Year War:
Officer in the Sanctuary's army - he buys a commission not long after his Surge.
Very by-the-book in his approach to military tactics; he's all about honour, fair-play and chivalry. He's born a bit late to be a knight, but he would've made a good one.
Will probably never forgive himself for leaving early-teens Skug to shoulder the brunt of the abuse to save his own skin
Maintains a relationship with his parents out of obligation for a lot longer than he's comfortable with
Corrival has him posted abroad for a lot of the conflict, which gives him space to actually develop a personality
Honorably discharged from the Sanctuary's forces after the war
Currently teaches History at the University of Roarhaven, the first educational establishment specifically for sorcerers. His courses are about magical history specifically, mostly the 500 Year War.
Has calmed down considerably and prefers to live at a slower pace. He's realised the world isn't going to end because he's five minutes late to a lecture.
Still a bookworm. Gets very enthusiastic about his subject. Generally well-liked by his students.
Used to offer correspondence courses for sorcerers before he was approached to teach on-campus.
2020+ has not been fun for him. He's only just figured out how to work the interactive whiteboard they installed like ten years ago. Zoom makes him want to kermit.
Very polite, very proper, a bit old-fashioned. Little old ladies love him.
Alt!Serpine is in his class. Carver hates him.
Skulduggery - 31 December 1578
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He's inherited a very watered-down form of Abrogate's Compelling Voice ability, which is why he used to be so good at inspiring his soldiers and why China says that you can't help but like him and want to fight alongside him. He has no idea he has this ability - he thinks he's just charismatic.
He's bi.
"Ruadhán Sionnach" - "Ruadhán" means "auburn-haired" or "red-haired". Carver named him, and he took it very seriously, so he got a nicer name than most of his siblings. His given name is basically "Little Red Fox".
He's. Arguably more challenging as a kid than he is as an adult. He's a) highkey love-starved and desperate for attention, b) an unmedicated ADHD nightmare child and c) unable to please his parents no matter what he does, so he's the most prone to acting out, breaking rules and just. Doing his own thing.
Designated family scapegoat from birth; Abrogate has doubts about Skug's paternity, and hardcore resents him for it
Like adult Skug, he's sweet at heart. He tolerates a lot of shit from his siblings without complaint, and he's the one who'll take responsibility for something he didn't do so a younger sib doesn't get caned. He lets Confelicity bully him into letting her dress him up for a lot longer than he's happy about.
500 Year War:
By the time he dies, he's a decorated General
Court-martialled so many times for doing stupid reckless shit oh my god. But the stupid reckless shit tends to work out for him and save lives, so he's never dishonorably discharged. Or shot. Much to Guild's dismay.
He's given his commission as a reward for leading the Forlorn Hope at the battle of Black Rock.
Unusually for an officer at this time, Skug enlists as a regular soldier (with Ghastly and Hopeless), and works his way up through the ranks rather than just buying an officer's commission. He leads from the front, doesn't ask his men to do anything he's not willing to do himself, and treats them like equals rather than inferiors. They're fiercely loyal as a result.
Talented, ruthless tactician & strategist.
Adores his wife. Adored by his wife. He does not know what the fuck he did to deserve her but he is so glad he did it.
Confelicity - 27 February 1582
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She's a Sensitive primary, I haven't decided her secondary yet.
She's straight
"Banbhán Sionnach" - "Banbhán" is a word for a small pig. ~3yo Skug gets to name her, and, as you can probably tell, he's not very happy about his new sister. Confelicity is a colicky, shrieking baby, and he doesn't like the noise, so she's named for the scream of a piglet.
Highkey spoiled, bratty and demanding. She's very much the Little Princess.
Her tantrums are colossal when she doesn't get her own way. The nursery maids are terrified of her, so they just give her whatever she wants.
She's basically Skug's first bully. Carver is quite a bit older, so when it's just the three of them, she'll scream and stomp her foot and throw things unless he lets her dress him up in pretty gowns and put ribbons in his curls, so they can have a ladies' tea together like Mother does in the parlour. Carver will sometimes intervene on his behalf, but the nursemaids expect him to put up with it to stave off a tantrum.
She's? Fiercely intelligent, and especially good with numbers. Managing household finances is part of her education as a lady, and she excels at math.
She's a daddy's girl - right up until she isn't. She's Abrogate's favourite while she's obeying his every order and parroting his commands at her brothers, but that goes right out of the window when she realises that he's intending to marry her off to someone she's never met in the name of personal social advancement. She elopes as a teenager with the first person who proposes to her, and that's the end of that special relationship.
500 Year War:
Adult Confelicity is a socialite and philanthropist with a string of ex-husbands as long as her arm, each of whom has more money, a better title or more land than the one before. Some of them died and some of them she divorced, so she's got kind of a scandalous reputation as a possible black widow.
Frenemies with China after Skug introduces them after China first leaves the cult. They're pretty catty to each other whenever they're not being catty about other people together, but as soon as ganging up on Skug is an option they're the dearest of companions.
She's put that math expertise to use and become incredibly wealthy; she talks her husbands into investing in this project or that company, and it usually pays off for her. She's a money launderer extraordinaire.
She has a few kids, all daughters. She's...not a great mother. Like, she loves her children, in her own way, and she's a lot better to them than her parents were to her, but she's dealt with her upbringing by becoming cold and distant and emotionally closed off, so she's not the most maternal. Her love is mostly in the form of making sure her daughters get all the opportunities she never did, and that they never need anyone for anything.
Controversially refuses to take sides in the war, and is very public about it. She funnels funds into both sides, keeping herself and her family safe by steadfastly remaining neutral. This pretty much napalms her relationships with most of her siblings, who are firmly Team Sanctuary.
This backfires on her badly in the end. She's discovered using her connections, blackmail she's gained from her lovers and money she's embezzled from the projects she funds to run an operation smuggling the families of high-ranking Sanctuary officials out of occupied territory, so nobody else ends up like Skugwife and Skugbab. Ultimately, she's executed by Mevolent's forces, and subsequently given a bravery honour by the Sanctuary.
Francis - 12 June 1584
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He's an Elemental primary, secondary undecided.
He's bi but. Very conflicted about it, thanks to Abrogate
His given name is a girl's name. I haven't decided which girl's name, but it's like. Painfully feminine. Think like, Annabelle, Evangeline, Rosalind level girly. Confelicity named him, and she very much wanted a sister, so she was super salty when he was born male. She decides that she's having a sister, whether he likes it or not.
He's sweeter, gentler and more sensitive than Skug and Carver, and Abrogate wastes no time in getting on his back about it. Francis doesn't like fencing lessons. Francis cries if he falls off his pony. Francis hides when his parents fight. He hears every variation of "why can't you be a real man", and he's constantly being compared to his brothers in a negative light. This, obviously, is not good for his emotional growth.
500 Year War:
He didn't ever really want to be a soldier? Adult Francis is a rake; his main interests as an adult are gambling, whoring and drinking. But at this point, he has two brothers in the military and he's under a lot of pressure not to let the side down, so he buys a commission because he feels like he has to.
He's? Kind of a mess, honestly. Skug and Corrival are constantly hauling his ass out of the fire - paying off his gambling debts, talking him out of duels, dragging him out of drinking dens when he's so wasted he can't see straight.
He has a complicated relationship with his brothers - he simultaneously aches to be just like them and make them proud and be praised by them, and resents them for setting a standard he doesn't think he'll ever be able to meet. He's always very sorry for his bad behaviour, but he never manages to stop.
Essentially he's a lost kid who doesn't have the skills he needs to deal with his childhood trauma. He's also funny and theatrical and overly generous. He just can't quite get past his destructive coping mechanisms.
He does okay until Skug dies. And then he's left alone with nobody to wrangle him or intimidate people he's on the wrong side of into backing down. He's killed in a duel in the early 1700s.
Petulance - 14 October 1588
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She's an Energy Thrower, secondary undecided. She's very much about anger and explosions and fucking shit up, though.
Deceased - but she lasts longer than most
"Peaches Sionnach" - she's named by baby Francis, and he just? Really loves peaches at the time.
She's Skug's favourite sibling by far, and she idolises him. She's six when he runs away, and she's the only one he leaves a note for.
Very much a 17th century tomboy. She's far too impatient to enjoy needlepoint or taking a turn about the gardens - she always wants to be riding or climbing or running through mud. Her mother absolutely despairs of her, and Confelicity very much sees her as the complete opposite of the sister she always wanted.
She doesn't do anything slowly. She's quick to anger, but quick to forgive. Quick to decide a new hobby is her entire life now, and quick to lose interest in that hobby. Quick to snap when she's in a temper, but quick to apologise once she's calmed down. She's just kind of? A tempest of a person, really.
She runs away from home when she's in her early teens, rides to Dublin alone, and just sort of. Shows up at Skug's barracks announcing that she'll be moving in, he doesn't get a say, she's not going home. She knows he's incapable of saying no to her. They make it work though - like him, she's not afraid to pitch in and get her hands dirty, so she makes herself useful and earns her keep fetching and carrying for the soldiers, helping clean firearms, running messages around.
500 Year War:
She's never officially a soldier, but her magic is combat-based and she's involved in several defensive battles, when Mevolent's forces attack a Sanctuary encampment.
For all that her name is kind of. Edgelordy and gothic, she's actually sort of aggressively positive. Highly practical. She doesn't waste her time with what ifs or could've beens; this is the world she's got, the life she's living, and she'll figure out a way to make the best of it. She's stubborn and bullheaded to a fault, and she is Not going to end up like Francis.
She's a fucking nightmare when Skug meets Wifey. She's that sister who's like, cringily obvious about your crush, smirking and making pointed comments about how maybe you should walk her home, Skulduggery and how you two look perfectly adorable together. She likes Wifey a lot, and she's determined to push them together.
She finally gets married either during or after World War I - technically, sorcerers aren't supposed to get involved in mortal affairs, but she thinks that's bullshit in the case of such massive events, so she signs up as a mechanic with the British Army while all the men are fighting. Her husband is a mortal fighter pilot, and they have a son together.
She's killed in the Blitz of World War II when her son is three, just a year after her husband's plane is shot down in a dogfight.
Uther - 30 November 1595
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Disciplines undecided.
He's straight.
He's born the year Skug runs away, which is quite a shock to Ónora, and she clings to Uther as a result.
He's in the unfortunate position of being the oldest child still living at home. Carver is stationed abroad, so even letters from him are few and far between. Skug has run away and not spoken to anyone in the family since. Confelicity got married and cut her parents off. Petulance runs away when Uther is fairly young, and Ónora is left with none of her eldest children to serve as her emotional support animal.
Yeah, Uther is the Emotional Support Child v2.0.
His role in the family is the same as Carver's was years ago. Listen to, validate and protect his mother, to his own detriment. Raise his siblings and keep them in line so their behaviour doesn't fray her nerves. Listen to her rants about how badly her older children are treating her. He's all she has, her perfect son, what would she ever do without him?
Like Carver, he takes this duty seriously. Unlike Carver, he likes it. He feels mature and important and loved, and he's incredibly enmeshed with his mother.
To the twins, Apricity and baby Respair, he's sort of. He does love them. He wants them to be happy and safe. But he sees them as his responsibility to raise and discipline, so he tends to be a bit overbearing and controlling and critical. He likes to flex his authority over them.
When Ónora is killed, Uther takes it hardest. He'd already learned to hate his older siblings through years of listening to his mother vent about them abandoning her, but having to go live with Skug really compounds it. He blames Skug for not being there - if the Family Scapegoat had never left home, Abrogate would've had someone to beat up on, and his mother would still be alive. He hates that he's gone from being treated like a miniature adult to being treated like a preteen boy, and that his authority over his siblings is revoked. He hates how Skug grieves, and that Skug doesn't remember their mother with the same adoration that he does, and that this brother who didn't even stay around to meet him as a baby now gets to run his life. They clash hard, and Uther hates Skug from the get-go.
As soon as he's old enough, he leaves home and cuts the rest of the family off. He never meets Skugbab, or any of his other siblings' children.
500 Year War:
I haven't thought too much yet about what he does during the war.
He's a draft-dodger though; there's a phase after Skug and the other generals are killed where the Sanctuary is desperate enough to conscript, and Uther is having none of that. He wants nothing to do with being in the firing line.
He's a math teacher. In Handbook canon, the kiddie school still exists, but it's not Bargain Bin Hogwarts. It's a regular school, teaching ordinary subjects, with a magical twist. So like, history class includes both mortal and magical history. Basic sigils are offered as an optional language alongside beginner's French, German and Spanish. That kind of thing.
Bayard - 22 August 1597
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Honestly I haven't focused much on Bayard yet. His magic is something in the Ergokinesis family - not a traditional Energy Thrower, but something related.
He's straight.
What I Have So Far:
Honestly I haven't focused much on Bayard yet. His magic is something in the Ergokinesis family - not a traditional Energy Thrower, but something related. Maybe a Juggernaut - someone who stores kinetic energy and, rather than throwing it, channels it through an object. In Bayard's case, this would be his beloved warhammer, a two-handed weapon the size of a short adult - even before adding bonus magic damage, if he hits you with that thing, you will feel it.
He's the older twin, and he's very protective of Sophrosyne.
He's? Not easily flustered. Not much really bothers him. He's rarely found a problem he can't solve by hitting it really, really hard.
It's pretty easy to assume Bayard is stupid and honestly, compared to the likes of Sophrosyne and Skug, he'd agree that he is. He's a simple man, he enjoys a simple life, and he's never been one for academics or overthinking things. But he's got A Lot of common sense.
Sophrosyne - 22 August 1597
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She's an incredibly powerful multi-branch Sensitive. She doesn't just have very vivid premonitions, she actively has to tune out everyone's thoughts. She hates it.
She's a lesbian.
She's the younger twin.
Probably the most intellectual sibling. In addition to English and Irish, she speaks Latin, Greek, Spanish and Italian. She styled herself after Sappho, her favourite poet, at the age of...somewhere between 11-13. She plays the harp, the lyre and the harpsichord, creates beautiful embroidery, and writes professionally.
She publishes several books of poetry (under a pseudonym, because she's female in an era when that would affect her readership). A decent chunk of her poetry is somewhat melancholic and tends to focus on like, the fleeting nature of life and dreams and longing. The rest of it is...really, really gay. Meeting China around the time she hits puberty is. Something of a formative experience.
Unfortunately for her, her magic is more of a disability than a gift. She begins having visions from about the age of four, and from that point, she spends the rest of her life in delicate health. The visions she has are vivid, all-consuming and deeply distressing to a gentle soul, and because her magic is so powerful, she's like a dinner bell for malicious entities looking to possess a body, so she has to fight off attempts to take her over. She's often indisposed/bedridden, becomes exhausted easily, frequently faints after a vision and experiences chronic pain left over from previous psychic battles.
When she's feeling well, she likes to get involved with a local charity hospital for mortal peasants.
This is ultimately her downfall. When Mevolent weaponises liquefactive necrosis, mortals start presenting at the hospital with unexplainable plague symptoms. And like, this is only a few hundred years after the Black Death. Sorcerers of Sophrosyne's generation would absolutely have been told stories by their parents, who lived through it. She knows what plague can do to mortals. As a sorcerer, she's supposed to be immune to mortal illnesses, so she volunteers to take care of the infected patients to protect the doctors. But it's not a mortal illness, and when she contracts it, there's still no cure. She dies young.
Apricity - 27 March 1599
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She's an Arborkinetic - her magic is all about plants. She talks to her plants, she makes them grow, she can use them defensively if she has to, and she has a few plant-based adaptive abilities.
She also inherited a subconscious ability from Abrogate - hers is...what you might call luck. While she believes life is good and things will work out for the best, they tend to do so - she gently nudges the world in the direction she wants it to go, without even realising she's doing it. But that can backfire.
She's straight.
"Dolly Sionnach" - technically the twins both get to name her, but they're 1, and they also refuse to compromise, so Uther (3) takes over. She's named after a toy baby doll, because that's what he thinks she looks like.
She's basically Wifey's mini-me. She's about seven when she's orphaned and taken to live with Skug, and a few years older when Skug marries Wifey. Once she's got that stability, she thrives. Wifey is very maternal and very much wants to be a mother figure to these poor traumatised children, and Apricity is a child who badly wants a loving mother.
She's a bit eccentric, as a child. Wifey has a lovingly-tended garden, and Apricity will sit out there for hours talking to the rose bushes. She's highly imaginative and prefers playing alone to playing with other children.
Wifey instills a deep love of crafty pursuits in her. They cook together, bake together, repurpose old gowns together, make quilts together, all that sort of thing.
500 Year War:
She has zero interest in ever getting involved in the war in any capacity. Like, absolutely nothing about Apricity is combat-worthy at all, she's a super gentle soul.
She marries, and dedicates herself to growing and selling flowers. She gets lucky; the tulip boom happens while she's still a young adult, and it makes her a very wealthy woman.
She really wants children, but she has a hard time conceiving any. Like most of her siblings, she got the same magical ambidexterity gene combination as Skug, which affects fertility. It's upsetting for her, of course, but she mostly stays upbeat about it - she's young, and she has a very, very long life to become a mother.
But then Wifey and Skugbab are killed, and the brother who raised her is butchered for sport and burned on a spike. She loses a huge chunk of her family in one go, and she sinks into a deep depression which. Pretty much brings her entire life down around her ears. She's not happy-go-lucky anymore. She's not optimistic and she doesn't feel like everything will work out for the best. So. Her luck basically turns on her. Because she thinks everything is going to go to shit, that's the way she nudges the world, and then when bad things happen, they just make her feel worse.
She dies in childbirth in the 1700s.
Respair - 3 July 1602
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He's an Elemental.
He inherited a watered-down form of invulnerability from Abrogate. It's a bit harder to injure him, he heals injuries faster, and he can tolerate more pain than most people. He believes this is his second discipline, some form of Vitakinesis - "We're all a bit magically ambidextrous in this family." This is really useful as a soldier. It's less useful in...other situations.
He's heteroflexible.
Alive. Technically.
"Báb Sionnach" - "Báb" means baby. His given name is literally "baby". He's named by three-year-old Apricity, and she is VERY!!! EXCITED!!! ABOUT THE NEW BABY!!!
He barely remembers his real parents. He knows that Skug is biologically his brother, and Wifey his sister-in-law, but they're the only parental figures he's ever known.
Because he was so young when his mother was killed, and he wasn't raised with her dysfunction and Abrogate's abuse, Respair escapes pretty much all the psychological trauma inflicted on his older siblings. He's a healthy, happy, normal kid.
He always aspires to be like Skug, from a very young age. He's an athletic, sporty boy, so he enjoys learning to fight and fence and playing soldiers with the neighbourhood boys.
He grows up into a very good-natured, cheerful, gentlemanly young man. He tends to take things on the chin and just sort of. Make it up as he goes along. He's a lot like Carver personality-wise, but he's more independent and less anxious, a lot more secure in himself.
500 Year War:
He signs up with the Sanctuary as soon as Skug lets him. It's not exactly what he expected - he doesn't get put in Skug's unit, and he's not immediately amazing at all things military - but he does enjoy it and he's generally a promising young soldier.
When Skug and Wifey are captured, the Sanctuary hesitates in its official response, so the people who love them - Carver if he's in the country, Ghastly, Hopeless, Bayard, Respair - mount an unofficial rescue mission. They don't know that Wifey and Skugbab are already dead.
They make it all the way into Serpine's castle, but they trip an alarm sigil and they're forced to flee without Skug. As they're trying to make their escape, Respair falls behind trying to get an opportunity for a killing shot against Serpine, and he's captured.
Serpine is busy with Skug, the object of his obsession, and he doesn't know who Respair is or that they're related. He's just a random young soldier. So he's thrown into the dungeon for now.
Officially, he's Missing Presumed Dead, and Carver never forgives himself for getting their baby brother killed.
Pretty much everyone thinks Respair is dead - including Serpine, who - when he remembered Respair existed after Skug was burned - found his cell empty, and was told that in the meantime, the boy had died of his injuries and the body had been disposed of.
He's not.
Valkyrie has even seen him. She just didn't realise at the time.
"They were in a warehouse of some sort...Dead people, in various stages of dissection, hung from the walls on hooks and large iron nails. They looked at her as she passed, but made no sound." - Valkyrie, Mortal Coil
"No one will know you never left. I can hide you among the corpses here. You'll never be found. I'll tell the Dullahan, and I'll even tell the banshee if she comes to investigate, that I waved goodbye and watched you leave. Who knows what could have happened to you after that?" - Nye, Mortal Coil
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povestotrischane · 1 year
basic mecha vn adaptation details:
- it'll be an eroge for a variety of long and complicated reasons which basically boil down to "the public perception of vn genre has been heavily sanitized in the west, western vns are notorious for being #notlikeothervns and the words "western vn" are mainly used derogatorily, by harkening back to the legacy of classic eroge such as f/sn, tsukihime, fmdm or fucking. i don't know. rance. i feel i'd better attract fans of the genre + combat the increasing sanitization of vns, seen in Every Mainstream VN Release In The West and in increasingly in the japanese market as well (i HATE f/sn realta nua. i'm not saying nasu is good at writing h-scenes or w/e (he's cartoonishly bad at it actually) but i am saying that it's A Choice to take hf, the route about sex and sexuality and the sex = death trope, and get rid of all the h-scenes) + weed out ppl who think ddlc is soooo messed up and genuinely. would not be able to handle 10 minutes of idk. higurashi or smthing" with a side of "ofc sex and sexuality are important thematically, tf do you think i am?"
- 4 routes. gawaine is the narrator. it goes priamus -> ysabelle -> lancelot -> ragnelle. sgatgk doesn't happen until route 4. route 1 is a bit expository and is ultimately about gawaine's political machinations/two-faced-ness, modred stabs the shit out of him a la the alliterative morte in the end. route 2 is basically about gawaine doing whatever the fuck he wants forever, do his actions have consequences? eh. does he want to fuck his mecha? probably. is it more complicated than that but takes a while to articulate? yeah lol. route 3 is about uhm. obsession. it's the remarkable route and gawaine is a total freak idk what to tell you he's so abnormal in this one. route 4 is a straight up horror route in which gawaine IS naturally the perfect chivalrous knight who would never do anything he's done throughout the rest of the vn and also galahad levels of repressed. something is deeply wrong. renard the fox is there. overarching themes surround desire, indulgence/repression, chivalry, idealism, sex and sexuality.
- ok time for actual lore stuff. gringolet and galatine are the same thing. and by that i mean gawaine's mecha is galatine, in the same way that lancelot's is secace and arthur's is excaliber, etc. but also. galatine is gringolet, because he stole gringolet from the saxons and quickly decided to officially rename it to that of the mecha he's Supposed to have bc he's not stupid. the thing is, gringolet is uhm. an organic lifeform! (think nge or darling in the franxx) and sentient! and gawaine and gringolet are thus able to share a much deeper bond than anyone else in the round table and their mechas. the og galatine probably ended up being renamed to clarent and given to modred, for a mix of reasons (tie up loose ends, a mecha is a lot harder to sneak around than a sword + why would there be a ceremonial mecha? things have to be rewritten here, leads to there only being one sister mecha to excaliber, makes an easily identifiable symbol of modred and gawaine's relationship for when the inevitable fratricide comes up).
- the ladies of the lake are ais, the du hautdeserts are either robots, humonculi, or one of each, magic and technology are kinda blended to the point where pointing out the difference is kinda pointless
- aggravaine beheads lamorak for thematic reasons which come down to "damn. there seems to be a pattern with his brothers and weird psychosexual issues regarding beheadings. how would that apply to him." and uhm. lamorvaine real.
- the current state of arthur's kingdom is uhm. kinda in a bit of disrepair. like even the richest of the rich don't have the best conditions available. the world is practically covered in a thin layer of rust.
- most countries are planets (occasionally they'll also include like. nearby asteroids / moons / w/e), the names + uniforms used/worn by the knights change based on what planet they're on, in writing and in international diplomacy, they always go back to their latin names though
- tristan pilots a dogfighter instead of a mecha bc 1. he's an archer and 2. mechas are reserved for round table knights
- knights are wayyyy more likely to getting into classic sword/lance/fist/bow fights than actual duels
- morale kinda sucks in the round table as a natural result of (thematic reasons)
- uhhhhm i can't think of anything else rn
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jack-is-lost · 2 years
From this Ask Game 🌙Do you have a dream you have never forgotten?
I have three, actually. One of which occurred during my childhood, under the age of 10, the second in my mid-teens, and the third one roughly about thirteen years or so ago when I was officially living on my own. I'll briefly go over them😅
Mind you, these are basically nightmares so some content in these might be unsettling to others — please stop reading if you start to feel uncomfortable. Look after yourself😣
I'll put this under a "keep reading" line.
1)I grew up watching a lot of talking animal films like All Dogs Go To Heaven, Homeward Bound, Balto, Lady & The Tramp, The Lion King, Oliver and Company, Fluke, etc. And we also had a lot of animals as pets; three dogs and four cats. So I'm not too surprised that my dreams sort of revolved around such aspects, ya'know? Keep in mind that I'm about seven or eight. In this particular dream, I am a stray dog running around with other stray animal friends. Just havin' a blast, being carefree, and very much communicating like a Disney or Don Bluth movie when suddenly a man starts yelling at us. We were on his property and he didn't like that one bit.
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I started panicking due to his body language, flailing arms and overly shadowed features, but I had friends to protect so I stood my ground. Then he, very Fox and the Hound style, grabbed a big gun and aimed it at me. I heard the BANG and felt the ground shift beneath me before realizing it was me that had moved — I hit the ground hard. I had been shot. The pain was absolutely frightening. I woke up the moment my mind registered this, of course, and sat up in bed rubbing my chest. I could still feel the pain and I believe that is why this dream has stayed with me all these years.
2) This one is a bit silly, honestly, but still dark in some aspects. I think I was about thirteen or maybe on the cusp of fifteen — hard to remember. In this dream, I was in a car full of friends and we were driving somewhere to camp when suddenly the car jerked off the road — tumbling along the hillside and slamming into a tree. I stumble out of the car dazed, head bleeding, and turn to find everyone is missing. I'm all alone. I start walking along the pavement, calling out their names as I search for them. That's when an old lady walking a small dog in a field catches my attention. Something is off about her. She doesn't look right — her clothes are messy, her body is distorted in a very uncomfortable way, and she is standing motionless. So very, very still while directly looking at me. Without a word from her, the leash is dropped and the dog starts barreling at me at top speed — snarling and yapping. I made a run for it, darting into the adjacent treeline, and trying to outrun the little beast. Seriously, with each glance back the dog looked more monstrous, undead — as if it were transforming with each stride. Imagine Resident Evil Doberman dogs but it is pomeranian size.
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I manage to avoid it as I stumble into what appears to be a circus tent. Believe me, dream me is just as confused. However, what I thought might be a safe haven ended up being a cluster of zombies. Imagine every performer and audience member at an event just stumbling around in a daze before shuffling to a stop, turning to face you, and staring. That unease from before, with the old lady, hitting you 10x harder before the whole crowd starts running at you. I try to escape but... ultimately... I'm outnumbered and, eventually, I'm swarmed. I wake up with the lingering sensation of being smothered, crushed, and out of breath.
3) Last one! I'm about seventeen when I had this dream. I recently moved into a new, yet very small, place with very little to my name. I am quite literally sleeping on the floor in the living room, just to give you an idea. In this dream, I'm in a huge unending house. No matter how many doors I open, what hallways I run down, or flights of stairs I fly down I cannot find a way out. All the while, I am being chased by someone.
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His voice is taunting me from behind, laughter echoing along the walls, and sometimes he just appears ahead of me no matter which way I turn. In his hand is a huge, Michael Myers huge, knife. He is going on-and-on-and-on about how much he loves me, needs me, and that I am only his. His face and voice are unrecognizable — I don't know WHO this man is or why he is so enamored with me. Eventually, after what literally feels like an eternity of running through a house-shaped maze, he tackles me to the ground — pinning me there. I start begging, crying, hyperventilating, and then I play along. Anything to appease. Anything to avoid being killed. This does make him falter. Tears start to fall from his face as he mutters how much he loves me, but that this is the only way to keep me — so that no one else can steal me. Then, like a brick slamming against my chest, the blade pierces me. I can feel, as unrealistic as we know a dream can be, every layer of tissue and muscle being torn through. I feel him break through bone and drive the knife straight into my heart. I wake up, again, with chest pain — rubbing my sternum to ease the sensation away.
Sorry, this was a bit of a read 😅 And it touched on, probably, dark psychological stuff. Hey, good for the spooky season I suppose???
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rtgame · 2 years
be weirder. we need to scare him off.
ok ok ok ok ok ok im really fucking good at this i know how to do this
in resident evil 2, the raccoon city skyline is actually just montreal's skyline 
they almost ported resident evil 1 to the gameboy color and then ditched the entire project when it was 90% complete.
the name "resident evil" was chosen in a company-wide contest
devil may cry was originally resident evil 4 
in resident evil 8, there's a dead by daylight reference! it pops up when you first enter castle dimitrescu, where you can hear survivor meg thomas scream somewhere in the castle. 
RE5 character sheva is actually left-handed 
for some reason fox news shows up in resident evil 5? 
nemesis was made in europe so therefore he's european but tragically he doesn't have a passport to prove this 
sonic's voice actor also voices RE character chris redfield 
lady dimitrescu is very likely a lesbian considering various hints in game, eg: her castle is only staffed by women, virtually all of the art in the castle showcases women (and in fact, there are absolutely no men in the castle at all except for the protagonist and the merchant), and never married despite being from a time where women were expected to be wives and mothers. there's more to this but it would take like 5 paragraphs to go over it all 
this isnt a fun fact but the house beneviento section of resident evil 8 is genuinely the scariest thing in the franchise for me :(
fucking jensen ackles almost played leon s kennedy in resident evil afterlife
"mr x" actually isnt the canonical name for the stalker enemy in RE2. rather, he's referred to as T-00 officially but is also referred to as the tyrant, tyrant x, and trenchy (in resident evil resistance). he's called mr x in RE resistance (REsistance even...) at times, but it's mostly just a nod to fans and also not really canon since resistance isn’t canon 
in the original RE3 they (probably) accidentally modeled raccoon city after a japanese city rather than an american city, leading to RC having a lot of very small streets and a very "weird" layout for an american city
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araminakilla · 4 years
Again, almost nobody knows this movie or the franchise, but I found a really intriguing description of the third movie of Tadeo Jones:
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"Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up. Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancient spell endangering the lives of his friends: Mummy, Jeff and Belzoni. With everyone against him and only helped by Sara, he sets off on an adventure that will take him from Mexico to Chicago and from Paris to Egypt, in order to put an end to the curse of the Mummy."
And before asking if the link is true and not fake, the answer is: I don't know BUT there was a case I remember about all the sinopsis of the second movie saying that Sara was kidnapped by an evil rich guy. That's it, those well known pages said he was a rich guy, but there was this little page I found (sorry I got no link of it) that said the evil rich guy's name was Jack Rackham. At first I didn't believe it until some months later where the new sinopsis said that was indeed his name. In conclusion, I take that plot of the third movie as official until proved wrong.
Today in this post I will analyse the sinopsis and give my opinion of it.
"Tad would love for his archeologist colleagues to accept him as one of their own, but he always messes everything up."
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We start good with this. It's already confirmed that is the problem with Tadeo. I assume that he has graduated and become an archeologist by this point, and the plot makes it sound like the new guy trying to be with the cool kids of the group, but failing miserably because of him being clumsy or him breaking something, which leads us to...
"Tad accidentally destroys a sarcophagus and unleashes an ancient spell..."
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No surprise here, I told you he is clumsy. This is interesting because the Spanish plot says he encounters an egyptian mummy, but this says he breaks her sarcophagus, if I were a mummy I would be pretty angry too, enough to put a curse on anyone who did that. But there's a catch, it says that it was an ancient spell, so it was planned for some poor unfortunate soul who is dumb enough to annoy a female mummy. If nobody knew about this curse until the lady mummy broke free I understand but if not, Tad... WHY WERE YOU EVEN TOUCHING THAT THING!? Ahem, sorry. Then there's this part:
"...endangering the lives of his friends: Mummy, Jeff and Belzoni."
First of all, it seems that the curse works only for the friends of the offender, not the tresspaser himself. Clever move, in my opinion. Some people say friends are your biggest treasure so maybe the egyptians mummies in this movie thought that if humans take away their material tresaures, they will take their emotional ones. But Sara is not affected, maybe because she wasn't there in the moment or because she was the damsel in distress in the second movie so I'm glad that she isn't in danger again.
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As for Tad's friends, Jeff and Belzoni just happen to change heads in the concept art, making many pet shenanigans so they will be fine (unless their lifes are in danger if they don't make it in time and they eventualy die because they don't have their respective heads, but that's too dark for a family movie). I'm more worried about our Mummy, the Inca Mummy who not only he already has a curse imposed into him about 500 years ago, but now he gets ANOTHER ONE all because his best friend made a mistake. Talk about bad luck. But that's not all, he gets transformed into a well known monster in the egyptian pantheon. The creature devourer of souls called Ammit. This Godness (yeah, she's female... so Mummy is going to become one too?) is among the most feared monsters to the egyptians (she doesn't have wings but hey, wings are cool so nevermind that) It's possible that like what happened in the movie "Brave" with Elinor and Mordu, our Mummy will begin to lose his human side/soul (or what little he has) and become a heartless soul eater monster. This will be the life that is in more danger. He could lose the little he has of his humanity, that's just cruel and unfair!
Now we get to the best part:
"With everyone against him and only helped by Sara... "
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Wait Wait WAIT. What is this? According to a concept art, Tad travels with Sara, the pets and both the Inca and Egyptian mummies. So what happened? Is this a spoiler to a part of the movie where Tad only has Sara's help? I mean, it's obvious that the lady mummy doesn't like the explorer but what happened to his friend/brother Mummy? I have many theories but those are the more possible:
1) He was influenced by the egyptian mummy to leave him and Sara: Maybe the lady is a female fatale and one of the antagonists of the movie (not the main one, that title goes to a human woman apparently) and convinces him that the humans will betray them and only they can lift the curse without anyone's help.
2) He begins to show a more animalistic side as the curse grows and decides to leave the group to protect them: Having little control over his body leaves Mummy powerless to stop himself from hurting his only friends and decides to leave them for the best, which only would make more conflict because great not only we have to arrive to Egypt before the third day or whatever, but now we have to add finding a leopard/hippo/cocodrile monster being to the list.
3) The Mummies are captured by the bad guys: And it's the job of Tad and Sara to free them before the curse becomes irreversible.
Or the most possible one:
4) Tad "betrays" Mummy and the monster leaves the explorer to find a way to lift the curse himself:
It's more likely that Tadeo wants to be a famous archeologist. The question is: How far he will go to archive this? What discoveries or secrets will he reveal to have the respect and admiration of his fellow archeologists?
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I didn't think this before, but Tad is basically best friends/brothers with probably the most important and prized discovery of all time. How this fact is going to affect their friendship? Maybe Mummy starts to notice this, or maybe Tad exclaims without thinking "I wish you stayed in Paititi!" in front of the bad guys or other people. This will bring back the promise for the first movie and it's sure Mummy will leave Tadeo for a moment, because I'm sure he will be back somehow (this is Tadeo Jones, not The Fox and the Hound after all)
And the last part of the sinopsis:
"...he sets off on an adventure that will take him from Mexico to Chicago and from Paris to Egypt, in order to put an end to the curse of the Mummy."
Why Mexico if the Mummy in question is an egyptian? I have a theory: Ratings. Latinoamerica is the place where the Tad movies have more reception (good reception) and Mexico is the country that made a lot of money probably because Belinda dubs Sara. Other country is Peru because the first movie was about this place. So I think they want to please the Mexicans by showing their country but... Wasn't a better idea to have the mummy being an Aztecan? That way she would have more common things with the Inca mummy as both cultures ended with the Conquistadors (and Pizarro and Cortés were actually distant cousins, weird but true) but oh well they want to go the Egypt.
After Mexico we have Chicago, where Tad lives. I think they are going to the museum Tad went in the first movie to see his profesor friend.
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So wait... Does that mean Incan Mummy and the lady Mummy are going to see all the frozen mummies in that exhibition? Wow, that's actually dark (but kind of hilarous if they both scream)
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And finally we have Paris. I'm betting they are going there for the Louvre Museum which has the form of a pyramid. And Paris is know as the city of love which... Yeah... I can see this is where both mummies fall in love or something (I don't like this idea, it's very cliche but this is kind of a cliche franchise so... yeah)
About the bad guys and what they want... I have no idea, only that it's probably a woman.
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And that's all I got for this sinopsis. Again, I'm sure everyone will scroll over this but I wanted to get all of this out of my head.
I'm glad that Tad's Mummy is going to become a very, very important character in this third movie according to one of the directors, so that means he's going to become more than just some "comic relief"
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