#the fey family
raincandyart · 1 year
Dollie redraw! (I am not posting the one from nine months ago it's so bad)
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[ID: Four photos of a digital drawing of Dahlia Hawthorne from the game Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney: Trials and Tribulations. The first photo is of the artwork which is drawn in brightly saturated, contrasting tones like reds, oranges, pinks and purples. Dahlia is drawn with added blue magatama earrings and a lace choker. She is shown looking down at the viewer, while her shawl hangs around her elbows and floats off a bit at the ends, with pink blood pouring out of her eyes. It drips off of her hands as she spreads her arms out, letting her hair, which goes from natural red hair to red to orange to yellow at the ends, wildly twist around in the air behind her. Her hair is drawn perfectly symmetrical as it floats and twists around her head. Her dress flies out at the ends past the viewer. There are five black psyche-locks and chain, both with white lineart, behind her, although two of the chains come out infront of her dress and the viewer can only barely see four of the locks as they are behind the character. A blue light emits from the bottom of the art, casting features of Dahlia as blue, purple or blended out into shades of pink. The background is dark deep purple, yet Dahlia has a lighter purple light around her. There are glowing orange flames also behind her at the base of the drawing. The second photo is of just the base colours. The third photo of the lineart of just Dahlia Hawthorne. The fourth of the lineart of just the psyche-locks. /end ID]
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ace-attorney-dms · 1 year
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I love Maya and the utterly unhinged precedent she set for all the future weird little girls of Ace Attorney. So, of course, I had to make her a playlist! A more grown-up version of her playlist to accompany her older self in the storyline. :)
Image is mine. I took it in an obscure county in Alabama. It's quite an astonishing waterfall out in the boonies lol
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ladykailolu · 7 months
Marigold has that green Magatama right?
Imagine mean old Morgan trying to take away and destroy hers because she “doesn’t deserve it”
It’s a bit hard when Pearl likes having a matching necklace with Marigold so just snatching it will upset her precious Pearl.
So she takes it when she sleeps and tries throwing it in the trash.
So Marigold wakes up distressed and fussing over where her Magatama is, as her mama gave her that. It’s special.
Luckily, Pearl finds it in the trash and gives it back to her.
But maybe one day Morgan takes it and throws it off that bridge that Phoenix later falls off.
It stays there for a while until old Nick in his delirious state, finds it nearby where he washes up. And so he grabs it before blacking out again and being taken to the hospital.
So when Marigold goes to visit him, she finally gets her magatama back.
I feel like whenever Marigold doesn't have that magatama on her person, she loses that connection to her mother. Like she feels that her mother's spirit is so distant and faraway that she feels completely alone, especially when she's living with Morgan. So Marigold doesn't sleep, and if she does, she more often has nightmares and disruptive sleep. Pearl, the closest person to her at this time, sees just how much she's struggling and tries to help, but she's only a 5-6 year old girl and doesn't know how to help. And let's say that Marigold is more susceptible to getting sick when she doesn't have her magatama with her.
If Morgan tossed it off that one bridge before she went to jail, then by a stroke of luck, the magatama washed up on shore and actually stayed there! Let's assume that there's no or very little snow on the river bank, so when Phoenix falls in, so he finds it in his stupor and puts it in his pocket before he passes out. Maybe he even hallucinates and thinks that it's a sign from Mia, that Mia is there with him in spirit and trying to help him out. Alternatively, he could interpret it as his "number" being up and he's gonna meet Mia again real soon.
Flash forward when Marigold visits Phoenix in the hospital. He's still sick but lucid enough to remember that magatama and give it to Marigold to cheer her up. And it works! She would hug Phoenix for finding it, but seeing how he's still sick, it wouldn't be a good idea. Flashforward to the end of the trial and Marigold tackle-hugs Phoenix.
Since that magatama is green, could it be made out of green jade? Jade comes in many colors, and I found a picture where it's cut to the shape of a magatama:
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One of the significance of jade is that it symbolizes Heaven and Earth. It's a tool that brings spirits of the departed closer to Earth to be among the living, even if for a little while.
What do you think happened to Mia's magatama? Was it buried with her? Or would Maya or Marigold (probably Maya) carry it with her as a nice reminder of Mia? I feel like separating the magatamas would be like separating the family. Or did you say that Marigold inherited Mia's magatama after her passing?
The magatamas are slightly translucent, and apparently, the more translucent the piece of jade, the more valuable it is. Jade was highly revered in Chinese culture, to the point where there's a Chinese saying that goes like this: 'you can put a price on gold, but jade is priceless.' Fittingly, there was a large swath of time where jade was worn exclusively by royalty and nobility.
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letssetsailor · 2 years
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Let’s have some Mia Fey appreciation!
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ministarfruit · 4 months
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day 12: karma ♡
(femslashfeb prompt list)
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caljordan · 1 year
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“Are you crying from Ace Attorney sprites?”
“The way that our mannerisms are a reflection of the people we are surrounded by got to me.”
“All right.”
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distanttraceofbeauty · 6 months
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they're coming out with some official suit jackets and the phoenix one has dahlia and iris in it. Btw. If you even care.
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aro-aceattorney · 1 year
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Im a firm believer (and always will be) that maya and mia had a very complicated relationship. I think part of what makes mia so interesting is the fact that she kind of sucks? She left home to chase down what ruined her family, but she never even got the chance to fix it. And now maya’s left with this huge burdan to deal with alone. Don’t get me wrong, maya *loved* Mia and always will, but i think their relationship is alot more interesting once to take into account how much strain mia put on it by leaving. Idk. They’re the sisters ever
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thelassoway · 3 months
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2012 Leap Day Episodes: Modern Family || 3.17 Leap Day Parks and Recreation || 4.16 Sweet Sixteen 30 Rock || 6.09 Leap Day
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exaltedfuzz · 1 month
Miss Fey
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City Girl
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Mia takes Lana to Kurain
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Bonus: so small
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bunny-banana · 3 months
Fey women when they see Phoenix Wright
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dottyistired · 2 months
i'm taking maya fey away from people who say she hates the kurain channeling tradition and would want to "break free" from it
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ladykailolu · 11 months
You wanna talk about sad thoughts?
Imagine this, After waiting for Mama to finish a trial while waiting in the lobby, Marigold sees her and Uncle Wright walk out with a funny-looking man in an orange shirt.
Mama tells her Uncle Wright will be watching her for a little while, while Mama takes care of something.
Flash forward to a few hours later, Wright goes to drop off Marigold at her office,
Everything is dark and stuff is all broken. And over by the window, Marigold sees Auntie Maya crying and Mama slumped over against the window.
Poor little thing runs over to Mia and starts shaking her shoulder
"Mama, wake up!" "We gotta go home now" "Mama?" "Get up, I wanna go home"
Sad and confused, she turns to Phoenix and asks
"Why won't Mama wake up 🥺"
Imagine having to explain to your boss' daughter that her mother is dead
But we don't have time for that because soon enough the police come and take Auntie Maya away
Poor 3 year old Marigold is just left there with Phoenix.
Sad and confused
Honestly, how do you tell ANY 3 year old that their parent just died??? Well, I've been digging into it, and the best way to handle it is to be honest with the kid and tell them what really happened, watered down of course and simplified to make it age-appropriate. Euphemisms generally aren't helpful. So, as painful and shocked as he is himself, Feenie pulls little Mari off to the side and tells her what happened. That her mother is dead. That somebody killed her.
Mari is still confused, as expected, but there isn't really much that Uncle Feenie can do when he's worried about Maya and has to prepare for trial. He'll tell Mari more about it later; he's sure that she has many questions, the worst of which may be one simple word--Why? Why did her mother have to die?
I don't think a three-year old would understand the "why" behind it all. She would understand death at it's simplest--a cessation of life. She can't talk to her mom anymore. Her mom simply isn't around.
She still doesn't understand it when she's sent to live with Aunt Morgan, and she's sad, but playing with Pearl helps cheer her up. And she still gets to see Aunt Maya and Uncle Feenie again, so she doesn't feel lonely. Maybe she's a little young yet, but Mari senses some icy vibes from Aunt Morgan, like it seems like Aunt Morgan is displeased with her at every turn, like she's slightly bitter about something.
Which leads me to this: considering that Mari is Mia's child, she's got the blood of the current Kurain master (Misty) in her. So maybe Morgan realizes that wiping out only Maya in her grand plan is not enough. She's gotta wipe clean the last of Misty's descendants from the face of the Earth. And when she sees that even Mari has spiritual power, she knows what she must do.
But do you really think that Morgan would go as far as to murder a little child? The same age as her youngest daughter??? Maybe she would urge Dahlia to make it look like an accident so she can alleviate some of the guilt. Because if she lets Mari get away and only Maya dies, Mari could always be set to become the next Master (even if that doesn't happen for years). But then maybe Godot listens in on Morgan's calls and realizes that both Maya and Mari are targets (at this point, he doesn't realize that Mari is his own daughter).
Then aa3 last trial plays out as it normally does. It just so happens that Dahlia was targeting Maya first then was planning to get Mari. Then Godot intervened and stopped it. Mari finds out about the whole plan and feels betrayed by her aunt and shocked by it all.
Btw where do Pearl and Mari stay after Morgan was sent to jail again? I got this vibe that they stayed with Maya and hung around either in the Kurain channeling school or Uncle Feenie's office.
(Imagine that Mia had a secret box hidden somewhere in her office with a gold locket decorated with a picture of a red and gold marigold on the front in slick enamel. She intended it to be a gift to Marigold as she got older. And inside the locket is a picture of Mia holding Marigold. Mia kept this small box with her everywhere to remind herself of her beautiful daughter. It echoes Misty carrying a picture of her daughters around with her.)
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sceebybeeby · 1 month
⚠️spoilers for the entire aj trilogy lol⚠️
is this even anything? don't answer if it isn't
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lorillee · 11 months
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sorry i doodled out the first one as a dumb expression practice and then things got wildly out of hand (feat. obligatory waiting for godot joke). anyways i havent played aa4 yet so i know this is definitely like wildly continuity breaking but I DONT CARE 💥💥💥💥💥💥 this is my new vision. ive got much more extensive thoughts on this but since this is already getting pretty long for an art caption if you want to know just send me an ask or something. anyways yeah the ideal ending for godot is for him to go live in kurain with pearl and maya i think 😎👍
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kitamars · 1 year
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so it was valentines day yesterday huh
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