#the equilizer 2
popcornforone · 10 months
Attending Mr York
Continued from One Week with Dave York
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Original One week with Dave York Master List
Thank you all for the wonderful words & likes & reblogs regarding One Week with Dave York. I did say this wasn’t the end of these two & I have kept my promise.
There were certain things that as I wrote the original that I thought could be looked back on in their relationship & how it progressed over the three years before we got to the week we spent with them. So I’ve written some additional chapters for what happened before during & after the chapters & aftermath.
Like with the previous ones these will be posted on Saturday morning for you all & might not come in order chronologically. But I couldn’t put Dave & his ex house keeper & nanny down. We need to go further with them.
Warnings: DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE UNER18! DAVE YORK COMES WITH HIS OWN WARNING! Established sexual relationships (except for 2) adultery, fuck buddy, piv & PIa sex, unprotected sex, sex toys, Dom sub relationship, violence, murder, death, teasing, tasting, cream pie, oral sex.
All feedback is welcome. Thanks for reading as always.
Here are the chapter titles so far
The Interview
Red wine
Teasing & Tweezing
The Fashion Show
Cardio on the stairs
The night of the assassins what really happened
The Diner
Steve & his wrists
Training (see link for all the training chapters)
Christmas Eve
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drip au sketches + board doobles
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periastra · 2 months
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♡. tags ; 1 — equilizer bars, music
♡. tags ; 2 — dots, squares, dotted paper, geometry
♡. tags ; 3 — dashes, diamonds, dots
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the-heart-of-a-monster · 11 months
(just discovered this yesterday) ok a few points, 1. shads it was VERY DANGEROUS to not warn sonic considering he was FLYING THE DAMN PLANE. yes i get your hangry and possibly geting chronic pain from bad chaos but that does not equil the same pain of having your body completely broken down and remade multiple times a week! let alone while driving! 2 shadow probably has a skewed pain tolarance anyway. like yeah these boys are sturdy as heck and get pounded a lot but he was geneticly designed to-
(cont ->) fight so they probably took that into acount.
3 i get that shads has lived with chaos a long time, being forged of it in a way but he's not the only one. sonic and amy also have glowy eyes, and i think its (mostly, gaia aside) cause of their own connections to chaos yeah shadow is part alien but hes got strong chaos too. shadow was made with it, knux is the guardian of the master, but sonic is the real master of chaos energy, thats why he gets a super form everyone learned it from him.
the emeralds practicaly love him, allowing him to use their power like that, considering how long hes been keeping them around and how he taps into them so easily, he probably dosent need to focus as much as shad or knux do it just feels natural/instinctive to him, and that means on top of gaia energy messing with his head hes suffering from the chaos imbalance as well, heck he was connected to the emeralds when it happened thats probably part of why even in daylight he feels miserable!!
i think you're onto something here, keep up the great work
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retphienix · 3 months
While I both entirely, 100%, agree with the sentiment that arcane energize isn't necessary, that we have a billion options for energy economy, that energize is not a one size fits all solution, that people oversell the value because they don't have it, all that jazz.
Also, no.
because the primary value of arcane energize isn't that it's a good energy solution, it's that it's a good energy solution IN THE ARCANE SLOT.
Because the entire time I didn't have it, it annoyed me because it's an energy solution that fits into a unique part of your build that a lot of builds have a "free" slot for and would much rather use that slot on energy than using it on damage etc and they are instead forced to use mod slots and helminths for energy.
And now that I have it?
Guess what, fucko!
It's amazing having an energy solution that's in an arcane slot!
It's NOT always the best solution, half the time I stick with like equilibrium or nourish or HA etc, but the fact we have like 2 arcane solutions for energy and both are ROUGH AS HELL to get, kinda sucks!
Of COURSE people without it value it so highly, it's a build option that can entirely shift a build away from equil/nourish/HA etc and open up multiple slots of a build in return for 1 arcane which a lot of frames are more than okay with "losing"!
It's NOT the best energy solution, but holy hell is it convenient and BiS for a lot of simple builds.
Anyways I gotta go farm however many hours of mirror defense I think, I want arcane steadfast as well lol
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colleenispunk · 7 months
I’m mad at tumblr because I can’t put all of them
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redsshrinkingcoyote · 2 years
AFK for mental health
i'm going dark for a while,no SMs,no twitch ,nothing. 1; my cpu is down and will needs tweeks once the parts are in to get it bck up and running(and thats not taking into account that it may need a windows reinstall).
2: I've gotten far to many "Go delete yourself"s today over the fact that I refuse to allow Emotnal ABUSE and Bullying of others over FICTIONAL people/Situations.
Its Not just the Potter thing,Its also the CONSTENT Death treats and Harrsment of Ao3 Authers becuase people can't read the bloody TAGS.It's Hate/Smear campains with 0 or doctored reciepts against creators becuase a fan felt butthurt(Vivipop/Lore Orlympes,VIC "Edward Elric
It's Hate/Smear campains with 0 or doctored reciepts against creators becuase a fan felt butthurt(Vivipop/Lore Orlympes,VIC "Edward Elric)
its the day in day out of telling people they are HORRIBLE people simply becuase they engage in fandom,becuase they are Clearly"pedos,groomers,Incert this HATE group here," all becuase they partake in a fandom work where the subject matter is NOT for MINORS,has fictional minors,Or the OP of that Fictional piece of work Turns out to be TRASH with TRASH Pol world veiws(but there isnt ONE OP Creator that isnt Probmic if you follow the money,this includes movies,TV,Video games,Soial media p[latforms,Anime,Manga,Books,magazines basicaly if money changes hands i gerentiue you someone somewhere on that line of creation is not going to follow the "Good" world veiws but i digress becuase im getting off topic. The point is I am TIRED of watching the CONSTENT bullying on BOTH sides of the fence and getting told to go Off myself or having to explain myself becuase people can not read or understand context clues. so
So With that I am removing myself and my works for a bit poissibly permintly but that remains to be seen. For one most oif my works are outdated fan works no one reads anyhow and im in a differant place in life so(pluss i lost all the drafts when my cpu died)And two theres 0 point in puting out works of fiction if people are justt going to ignore the tages and use it as a reason to harras. Most if not all the works ive done fan art for are DOA so theres 0 point to leaveing them up.
So For my mental health ill not be partisapating in disscusions any longer on ANY SM. I May put Twitch on to bloster the numbers of those watching for creators i still care about but Ill be MUTE as my voice dosnt need nor wants to be heard from. My Mental health needs to come first and until folks get the FICTIONS DONST EQUIL REALITY and stops the bullying of folks over their fandoms ill not be not Voiceing my veiws. Clearly You Do YOU is no longer headed in the current climete.
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k00293449a · 3 months
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In todays painting workshop we did life painting. Today was just about gesture drawing and finding where the light and shadow move around the body and surrounding areas. For the colour pallet I mixed an equil amount of red yellow and blue to get the darkest colour on the pallet and from there split that into 2 separate piles and mixed different amounts of white into the separate last 2 separate piles creating 3 different values of the same colour. After the gesture painting the class then arranged all the drawings in a more visually pleasing arrangement to display.
I liked how we worked with light and shadow to create movement in a still image. I would like to use this technique further with this project.
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treinoedietasaudavel · 11 months
Pode fazer abdominal todos os dias? Descubra a verdade por trás desse exercício popular!
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Fazer exercícios abdominais é uma forma popular de tonificar os músculos abdominais e obter um abdômen definido. Muitas pessoas se perguntam se é seguro e eficaz fazer abdominal todos os dias. Neste artigo, exploraremos esse assunto controverso e forneceremos informações valiosas para ajudá-lo a tomar a melhor decisão para sua rotina de exercícios. Índice do ArtigoAbdominal todos os dias Perguntas frequentes: Abdominal todos os dias - A importância dos músculos abdominais: Os músculos abdominais desempenham um papel crucial na estabilização do tronco e no suporte à coluna vertebral. Eles ajudam na postura correta, melhoram o equilíbrio e contribuem para o desempenho em atividades físicas. Fortalecer esses músculos é importante, não apenas por razões estéticas, mas também pela saúde e bem-estar geral. - Os benefícios de fazer abdominal: Fazer abdominal regularmente pode trazer diversos benefícios. Além de fortalecer os músculos abdominais, esse exercício ajuda a melhorar a resistência, a flexibilidade e a estabilidade do tronco. Também pode contribuir para a redução da dor nas costas e melhorar a postura. Além disso, um abdômen tonificado pode aumentar a confiança e a autoestima. - Fazer abdominal todos os dias é eficaz? Embora a prática diária de abdominal possa parecer uma maneira rápida de obter resultados, a eficácia desse método é questionável. Os músculos abdominais são como qualquer outro grupo muscular e precisam de tempo para se recuperar e crescer após o exercício. Fazer abdominal todos os dias não permite que esses músculos se recuperem adequadamente, o que pode levar a lesões e estagnação nos resultados. - O risco de overtraining: O overtraining, ou treinamento excessivo, é um risco real ao fazer abdominal todos os dias. Quando se exercita intensamente todos os dias sem dar ao corpo tempo suficiente para se recuperar, podem ocorrer lesões por uso excessivo, como distensões musculares e tendinites. Além disso, o overtraining pode levar à fadiga crônica, diminuição do sistema imunológico e até mesmo perda de massa muscular. - Alternativas ao abdominal diário: Se você deseja fortalecer os músculos abdominais, existem alternativas ao abdominal diário que podem ser igualmente eficazes. Incorporar outros exercícios abdominais, como pranchas, elevações de pernas e torções russas, em sua rotina de treino pode proporcionar variedade e desafio aos músculos. Além disso, é importante lembrar que exercícios cardiovasculares e uma alimentação saudável também são fundamentais para a obtenção de um abdômen definido. Perguntas frequentes: Fazer abdominal todos os dias queima gordura abdominal? R: Fazer abdominal todos os dias pode fortalecer os músculos abdominais, mas não é uma forma eficaz de queimar gordura abdominal. Para isso, é necessário combinar exercícios cardiovasculares, como corrida ou ciclismo, com uma dieta equilibrada. É seguro fazer abdominal todos os dias? R: Fazer abdominal todos os dias pode aumentar o risco de lesões e overtraining. É recomendado dar pelo menos um dia de descanso entre os treinos abdominais para permitir a recuperação muscular. Quantas vezes por semana devo fazer abdominal? R: Para obter resultados eficazes e evitar lesões, é recomendado fazer abdominal de 2 a 3 vezes por semana, intercalando os dias de treino com descanso ou exercícios que trabalhem outros grupos musculares. Posso fazer abdominal todos os dias se variar os exercícios? R: Variar os exercícios abdominais é uma ótima maneira de desafiar os músculos de diferentes maneiras. No entanto, mesmo com variações, é importante permitir a recuperação muscular adequada, evitando fazer abdominal todos os dias. Há algum benefício em fazer abdominal todos os dias? R: Fazer abdominal todos os dias pode resultar em um aumento da resistência abdominal, mas os benefícios podem ser limitados devido ao risco de lesões e overtraining. É importante encontrar um equilíbrio entre o treinamento adequado e o descanso para obter os melhores resultados. Conclusão: Embora o desejo de ter um abdômen definido seja compreensível, fazer abdominal todos os dias pode não ser a melhor abordagem. É importante permitir que os músculos abdominais descansem e se recuperem adequadamente para evitar lesões e alcançar resultados eficazes. Variar os exercícios abdominais e combinar o treinamento com exercícios cardiovasculares e uma dieta saudável são estratégias mais eficazes para alcançar o abdômen desejado. Lembre-se de ouvir seu corpo, respeitar seus limites e buscar orientação profissional ao desenvolver sua rotina de exercícios. Read the full article
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productsreviewings · 1 year
League of Legends consists of several categories of playable champions each of which has its own unique abilities. Every champion either has a single-target ability or an AoE ability. The name single-target is self-explanatory, but what kind of ability is an AoE ability? What is an AoE Ability? AoE refers to Area of Effect. AoE abilities are abilities that affect a certain area instead of a singular target. They are especially common in MOBA Games. As every single champion in LoL has some type of AoE ability except for Vayne who is the single champion that only deals single-target damage using all of its abilities. What are The Best AoE Abilities in League? The top seven best AoE abilities in League of Legends are Death Ray, Unstoppable Force, Bullet Time, The Equilizer, Fate Sealed, Pyroclasm, and Final Spark. 1. Upgraded Death Ray (Viktor E) The upgraded Death Ray is said to be Viktor’s bread and butter. It is the perfect ability for clearing minions and inflicting significant poke damage at the same time. Once Viktor gains 100 Hex fragments, he can upgrade Death Ray to become the most lethal ability in all of League of Legends. What makes this ability the best AoE ability in League of Legends is the fact that it has a very short cooldown and good range. You can constantly harass your enemies with it as well as reliably kite your opponents with it. Viktor fires an energy beam along the target path that deals magic damage to enemies hit and briefly grants sight of the area. The path explodes along the beam’s wake after 1 second, dealing additional magic damage to enemies hit. This ability has great scaling with both base damage and total ability power. It is capable of killing the caster minions in one single beam and the melee minions in two beams, making it one of the most powerful wave-clear abilities. 2. Unstoppable Force (Malphite R) Unstoppable Force is one of the most iconic abilities in all of League of Legends. Malphite dashes to a targetted area, knocking up all neutral and enemy targets into the air. This AoE ability is known to be used as an engagement ability and makes a great combo with many other abilities. One of the most iconic combos in LoL is the Unstoppable Force followed by Last Breath (Yasuo R). It has good scaling with base damage and it also scales well with ability power. Malphite dashes with Unstoppable displacement immunity to the target location. Upon arrival, he deals magic damage to nearby enemies and Airborne knocks them up for 1.5 seconds. Malphite mainly uses this ability for the knock-up rather than the damage but if he builds ability power then it will deal a lot of damage in the area it affects. 3. Bullet Time (Miss Fortune R) Bullet Time is Miss Fortune’s signature ability. She fires 84 to 108 projectiles in up to 18 waves over a short period of time. This ability deals an incredible amount of damage, scaling with the champion’s attack damage, and shredding them as long as she stays stationary. This ability is often used when the enemies are affected by a crowd control ability so that they are guaranteed to take significant damage. Miss Fortune channels for up to 3 seconds, firing several waves of bullets in a spread of 6 projectiles per wave in the target direction, with each wave dealing physical damage to enemies hit. Miss Fortune is one of the trademark ADCs and one of the first characters you can unlock in the game. Her ultimate is one of the best AoE abilities in all of League of Legends because of how much damage it deals in a large width to any target she is facing towards. It is a great team-fight ability that can also zone the enemies. 4. The Equilizer (Rumble R) Rumble’s ultimate ability, The Equilizer, is extremely powerful. For some people, it even becomes the reason they pick Rumble. It fires a barrage of rockets along a path and creates a trail of fire. It burns every target in its area of effect to a crisp. It also slows the targets by 35%, providing great utility usage aside from the damage, making it one of the best AoE abilities in LoL.
Rumble deploys a barrage of rockets along the target path that land in a line over 0.75 seconds, creating a field of fire for 4.5 seconds after the last rocket lands. Enemies struck by the impact or within the field are marked as Burning for 1 second, which deals magic damage every 0.5 seconds, Slow slows by 35%, and refreshes continuously while in the area. 5. Fate Sealed (Yone R) Yone is the newest champion out of any champions that are mentioned on this list. He possesses one of the strongest AoE abilities out of any. Fate Sealed allows Yone to dash forward in a fixed direction, knocking up all of the enemies in his way and dealing damage to them. A good Fate Sealed can be the difference between winning and losing a team fight. It is great in combination with other ultimates such as Last Breath (Yasuo R) which can be applied to all enemies that are knocked up. Yone prepares a strike over the cast time, then marks all enemies within a line in the target direction, knocking them down and stunning them for 1 second. He blinks 200 units beyond the center of the last enemy champion struck, else to maximum range instead. After 0.3 seconds, a gust rushes along the same line that deals equal parts physical and magic damage to marked enemies within the area and pulls them towards the location Yone blinked to, then knocks them up for 0.75 seconds. 6. Pyroclasm (Brand R) Brand’s Pyroclasm (R) is a special kind of AoE ability. It falls under “spreading” AoE abilities, affecting champions in a specific area by spreading from one target to another. Although it may not deal enough damage to kill a champion by itself, it contributes greatly to any skirmish, duel, or team fight. Just like a fire, it burns the enemy champion over time and spreads to other champions if the target champion is close to other opponents. Brand launches a fireball at the target enemy that bounces between nearby enemies and Brand up to four times, dealing magic damage to enemies each time. If the target is ablaze, it is slowed for 0.25s. What makes this one of the strongest AoE abilities is the amount of damage that it provides in a fight. This ability scales very well with ability power and allows Brand to mainly build AP items. 7. Final Spark (Lux R) The last AoE ability on our list is Final Spark. This is yet another iconic ability in League of Legends. Lux’s ultimate ability, Final Spark, fires a laser in one direction dealing a large amount of damage to everything in its radius. It also provides vision of the area that it affects, revealing its targets for a short duration. Lux fires a massive laser in a line in the target direction that deals magic damage to enemies hit and reveals them for 1.5 seconds, as well as granting sight of the surrounding area. This ability is strong not due to the amount of damage it does but because of how short the cooldown is. It can be cast at least every minute at level 1 and twice at levels 2 and 3. It can be used in combination with Lux’s Light Binding which roots the enemies for 2 seconds, giving you enough time to land Final Spark on the rooted target. Final Thoughts AoE abilities are great because you can cast them once for them to apply to more than a singular enemy target. Some scenarios would make you wish your ability only hit a singular target (such as Mordekaiser’s Obliterate (Q) as it deals increased damage if it hits an isolated target), but AoE abilities are widely loved and very beneficial for things such as team fights and wave-clearing. Do you have a favorite AoE ability out of these? Do you agree with our list? What are your thoughts on the newest patch? We love hearing your feedback, so hit us with it in the comment section below! #Top #AoE #Abilities #League #Legends #Guide
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popcornforone · 11 months
Cherry Kisses
A Dave York Fan Fic
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Well it’s been a while hasn’t it, but here we are back on Saturday, back with Dave York, back to where it all began. All because I had a cocktail out & about this week & my mind while I started drinking it made me think Mr York would not approve of this. So here we are now on Saturday telling you how that would all go down.
This is not apart of my Dave York world I have created, this is a stand alone, however It could work for some of the summer vibes I’m thinking of writing.
Synopsis: You are Dave Yorks handler when he flys out on mission, which come with added benefits. But this Sunday night the cocktails you order really make things move.
Word Count: 3200
Warnings: DO NOT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER 18!!! PIV rough sex, cheating, affair, but an established benefits relationship, alcohol, swearing, teasing, fingering, slight choking. Mentions of death violence & blood because it’s who it is. Over stimulation. DAVE YORK AS ALWAYS COMES WITH HIS OWN WARNING!
Thanks as always for the read peoples, all feedback is always welcome. Happy Dave York Saturdays!!!
Sunday night & another successful mission for Dave York. As his handler this means you’ve sorted everything out for him for the mission to be a success before hand & while he’s been on assignment. It also means drinks at the bar & rough sex later. It’s your arrangement. If it’s not in his home state & you are with him, that’s what you do. He needs to let off steam, find a release. 3 double Jacks on the rocks & your pussy are his reward for a successful mission, before you both get back on a flight where he returns to being a doting dad & loyal husband.
You have interconnected hotel rooms & you hear his door shut. He’s alive at least, you can hear movements while you’re busy doing your planning & researching for the next mission in 10 days time.
*7pm bar, down stairs, no dry cleaning required today
That’s the message you receive. He’s very firm, in command & to the point in everything he does. Precision in his work & life. Discipline so then he doesn’t break his own rules. This also means he’s not covered in lots of blood & not injured. No sudden rush to a pharmacy like the 2nd time you were his handler & he almost bleed out on you.
You don’t dress up for drinks, you put on your black jumpsuit that buttons up at the front. You know Dave likes teasing you as he undoes any buttons, your own or his. It doesn’t matter, the words that come out of his mouth are always absolute filth or full of praise, & if you weren’t already in the mood, that would make sure you were aroused. Not that you’d ever say no to those eyes, no one could.
Daves never at the bar first, he always likes to make an entrance like he’s a boyfriend or colleague running late so you both have more alibis in the room. An extra piece of security. This hotel has bar by the pool outside, so you go to that one on this warm early summer evening & order his double whisky on the rocks when you notice their cocktails menu. All the classics are on there, cosmo, sex on the beach, a Long Island, it’s all there. But on there specials list is a Cherry Bakewell cocktail. Dark rum, amaretto, cranberry & cherry juice, lime & maple syrup with a small amount of tonic over ice. Why not? You think. It goes on expenses. What’s one cocktail going to do? You order it & then find a table & wait for your drinks to come over. Dave then makes his enterance & comes & sits next to you before giving you a big kiss, clearly playing the boyfriend roll tonight. The golden wedding ring he wears so proudly missing from the finger to make sure appearances are what they should be.
“Sir, your girlfriend has ordered you a double Jack on the rocks” says the barman when he brings the drinks over “& for you mama your cocktail, our house special the Cherry Bakewell. I hope you have a lovely evening”
Daves face at the name of the cocktail is one of shock & embarrassment. “A cherry bakewell cocktail?,” Dave exclaims as he reads what it contains on the drinks list “What a waste of good rum, you’d do better with a Mojito” Dave moans & shakes his head as you sip on your long iced drink, but seeing you slurp through the straw & the smile on Your face as the alcohol enters your system, makes him realise that despite you being sweet you could always get a little bit sweater & let you inhibitions go.
“But it’s delicious Dave, why don’t you try it, or are you to sour for the sweet things in life?” Alcohol always after the first sip makes you flirty, that’s how we ended up with this arrangement, & Dave isn’t going to turn down sex offered on a plate is he. No man would. “Well as you insist darling” he says jokingly, before he takes the second straw sticking out of the glass & slurps. You decide to take matters into your own hand & slurp from your straw at the same time, keeping the intense eye contact. You see him try not to enjoy the taste, but there’s a small smile creeping across his lips. A smile of darn it she’s right. He won’t want to admit that this tastes delicious, but he’s drank more than just a sip.
“Could be worse” Dave scoffs “bit too sweet for my tongue but at least you can taste the rum. That’s a good find, I can see why you like it”. The smile & blush from my face is more than the effects of the alcohol. It’s one of the small victory’s you rarely get when conversing with Dave York. He always get the last word, he’s always right so this moment boosts your confidence. “A compliment? Wow! I’m noting this as a win Dave” he has a small laugh before returning to his drink. “This is much better though” he downs his whisky & double checks the name of your drink before getting up to get you both another drink. Even though you’ve started before him he’s already finished. His thirst needs more than just quenching & it’s not just with alcohol.
As the sun completely sets a few hours later Dave smiles at you, he’s loose & carefree & ready for a moment of passion. You’re feeling the effects of your 3 drinks & you just keep the flirting up. A touch of his hand, tucking your hair behind your ears, little side glances, it’s all working. You may not be able to resist this assassins charm, but tonight after 4 doubles, & mentioning how his tounge enjoys your sweetness too, Dave is starting to be enchanted by yours as well. He helps you out of your chair, making sure you are steady & wraps his arm around your waist. His large hand engulfing you, keeping you steady for now before he makes you weak in a few minutes times. “Still good darling?” Dave asks. Your lips capture his. The mix of rum & whiskey tastes scrumptious, not that his lips ever fail to make you fall further. The sex might be great, but it’s the feel of his lips on your body that make you moan the most. No man is as good at kissing as Dave York. His wife is a lucky woman.
“I’m fine baby, why don’t we go upstairs, & retire.” Dave smoulders at your reply, eyes flashing back at you filled with desire. He always prefers it when you ask him, it means you know what you are doing. He wants to be the one who consents to you. “I think that would be a good idea, the more Cherry kisses I can have from your lips in private, the better”. The look of lust is creeping in behind those brooding stares. You walk back through the hotel. A peck occasionally occurs, his hand running up & down your spine, making you tremble. You just can’t wait for him to undress you & make you feel like the sexiest woman in the world, as he makes you moan.
Dave, once you get to your floor drags you straight into his room. Usually he lets you go into your connecting room & you wait for one & other, but tonight he’s cut out the waiting. He wants you more than he usually does, & once the door is locked, he’s pinned you against it, kissing around your neck, sucking into the crook like he was slurping through the straw earlier. “I need you girl, I need to feel all of you” breathy words escape his lips occasionally, already feeling him harden in his jeans. Dave York has every right to be confident & he can back it up.
“Oooh so many buttons” he says as he starts working on your jump suit. “You do listen & learn” “I wouldn’t be good at my job if I didn’t Dave” he grabs your chin keeping your head in place. “& if you were just an average handler, you would not be working with me, & wouldn’t experience all of these additions benefits” Each button Dave flicks open makes you more vulnerable but also more sexy & powerful. “You’re a naughty girl”, “you do bad things”, “do you like a bad boy?”, “bet no other man makes you feel as good as I do” by the time he has said these & countless other praises of your body, & how he likes to ruin you, your jump suit & his shirt are on the floor. You are now allowed to touch him, kissing his wounds, trailing hands across his own chest as he unclips your bra to expose yours. These ever so large & firm hands on you breasts already have you moaning, desperately waiting to see where he wants to have you. This isn’t part of your job description, but you are here to support Daves every need & this is an added bonus & fun for the both of you.
“Dave?” you moans when his trousers are removed, in a question. A question that doesn’t need to be asked but you both know what it means & you just wait to hear his instructions. “Darling, I think we should use the sofa it’s nearest” He drags you onto the 3 seater & makes sure you are on all fours, ready to take him. He slaps your arse to make your body respond before that same large hand smoothly caresses your cheeks, removing your knickers. Your legs spread a little without even thinking about it, knowing you’re about to experience pleasure from a fantastic lover. “Always so ready & wet for me darling” Dave groans & you see a flash fly past you, his boxers landing on the floor ahead of the sofa. The cushions move behind you as Dave perched on the sofa. You grab a pillow & pull yourself nearer to the arm of the chair. You know what Dave wants to do & you know this sofa will move a lot less if you try & grip the other end which isn’t being preoccupied by Daves thrusting.
“Turn your head darling, I want you to see something” which you obey. Dave firmly grabs your chin before he runs his right thumb across your lips. “Suck” A command so firm & forthright that you do just that. His thumb trailing across your lips has always made you want this. The thumb responsible for bringing death to enemies, but also brings you so much to life, when he teases your clit. “That’s my girl” Dave then removes his thumb & sniffs it “your mouth still smells of cherry, well it’s add some sour to that sweetness” your still looking at Dave as he slowly licks his long delicious fingers. They aren’t dripping but they are glistening much like the thumb. But the next thing he does sends a shiver of pleasure down your spine. He takes that hand & starts to tease you. Your own arousal mixing with both of your saliva on his glistening hand. The way the thumb stays over your clit a few seconds longer making you want to cum already. “See mixing alcohol is good for pleasure” Dave sighs before his hand is replaces my his cock, & he breaks through your entrance filling you up in two deep powerful thrusts.
You squeal, in pleasure. It doesn’t matter how many times Dave has had you, he’s always the girthiest man you’ve ever had, & you prefer that to length, not that Dave is lacking in that either. He’s on his knees behind you, going in completely bare, knowing full well that you are both checked out from the medical you both had before you left 2 days ago & that you are on birth control. You feel full & exquisite as his large hand dig into your hips so he can pound away hard & fast as you both make explicit noises. “Dave yessss oooh yesss so good”
You quickly give up on holding the arm of the chair. Dave has started with a blistering pace & you are rocking back into him, so it feels deeper with each thrust, trying to make sure you can feel as much of him as possible. “Imagine if the rest of the people on our floor at work saw us like this darling, the look of disgust on some of their face & the rest of them feeling jealous that they don’t get to fuck your cunt” Daves word just make you moan more so you burry your head into the pillow trying to remain quiet. But the faster Dave goes the harder it is to muffle your screams of delight. “No one but you owns my pussy, no one else gets this service from me” you say when you come up for air.
Dave then grabs you around the neck as you go to bury your head back into the sofa to stop your muffled cry’s. “Darling I want to hear how needy you are” He makes sure your still in your knees as he pulls you up straight, his cock still inside you, pulsing with each thrust making you feel even more pleasure as he drags across your walls. “I want to hear that I’m the only one who gives you these benefits. I’m the only one who deserves them & you deserve mine each time for keeping me safe” Dave growls this before he thirsts his hand into your mouth. “Let’s make my hand wetter than you darling” he’s got all 4 fingers into your mouth & you suck & cover them in saliva before he removes them. Your left hand is teasing your breasts while you’re both still rocking into each other.
“Let’s make all of your lips taste of cherry & rum” Daves moist fingers go straight to your clit & start to stroke it, arousing you more, making you want to soak him instantly. The power of this passion sending you closer to the edge with each thrust & east stroke. “Oooh Dave, fuck baby baby, why are you so good at this?” You croak as your hand that isn’t teasing your breast goes into his hair. “Fuck baby ooooh fuck yesss” “oooh you are that good darling” Dave breathily replies. Your body is responding to all of this the way he hoped, as his hips continue to snap & he is on the edge of his own climax. “I know I didn’t take your cherry, but every time we have sex, & I claim your body, I feel like I’m taking something away from you that I shouldn’t” Dave then really ramps up his pace further with him hand & his cock. You’re both so close.
“Dave, oooh Dave, I learn something else new about my body… every… single… time… we have sex”you response is through panting as you feel his lips in the crook of your neck making your gasp & that & 3 more thrusts is all it takes “moan baby” Dave says huskily as you cry out his name & you cum, soaking him inside you, desperately search for air to fill your lungs, as the pleasure makes you feel powerful & sexy, but also weak & vulnerable at the same time. The hands used for murder just a few hours can also bring you so much desire & joy. As Dave cums he groans & shuts his eyes before he sucks on your neck, the love bite he will inevitably leave can easily be covered up with make up. But that isn’t on your mind right now, you’re on a come down as lashings of Daves cum cover your walls, mixing with your own, a sticky mess inside your which will need seeing too.
Dave need is dealt with. There’s no time for feelings & emotions in this. You’re his quick easy but good fuck. There’s no afterwards snuggles, or romantic words after sex. He’s used his adrenaline over flow & it’s stimulated both of your sex drives. Once his cock is outside of you, he feels nothing for you. He goes to the bathroom & throws you a warm damp cloth so you can clean up as he turns his shower on for himself. “Check out is when?” He asks bluntly. No was that good for you, or do you want to stay. This is just an added benefit to both your working trips away. He knows every time he does this he’s being unfaithful to his wife & being so blunt & to the point is what has helped turn Dave into the greatest assassin in the world & made it easier for him to have this affair So your answer is always to the point back to him. “10am flight leaves at 13:15 Dave” & you head back to your room, your pleasure exhausted for the night but satisfied beyond your wildest dreams.
You are back to being Dave handler the next day & hand him his passport when you get to the airport, Daves in first class & you are in business, at least you are not in coach anymore, Dave always makes sure of that. He heads off to the first class lounge while on the phone to his wife, the wedding ring back on his finger, as shinny as a new penny. you head to the airport bar to use there wifi & have a small glass of wine while you write up yesterdays mission reports.
Over the tannoy you hear that your flight has been delayed by 90mins due to a thunderstorm & that this will have a knock on effect. You sit there typing away when the bar tender brings you a drink. “Oooh no I didn’t order anything” you say to them “it’s come from a gentleman who said you’d understand the note that’s with the drink mama, have a nice day” they say & head back to the bar. There next to the long ice filled drink is a note that reads
*delays mean time for some more cherry kisses, if you know what I mean?
You look up, past your own Cherry Bakewell cocktail now sitting in front of you, & see Dave sitting the far end of the bar slurping on his own Cherry cocktail, smouldering at you. & with those big brown beautiful eyes, who’s really going to turn that man down for another repeat performance. It’s not going to be you girl, you think to yourself as you put your lap top away & smirk back.
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anantradingpvtltd · 1 year
Price: [price_with_discount] (as of [price_update_date] - Details) [ad_1] Model Name L32M7-5AIN Color Black Display Size 80 cm (32 inch) Screen Type LED HD Technology & Resolution HD Ready, 1366 x 768 Series 5A Smart Tv Yes HDMI 2 USB 2 Wi-Fi Type Dual Band Built In Wi-Fi Yes Launch Year 2022 Wall Mount Included No Video Features Picture Engine Vivid Picture Engine Picture in Picture (PIP) Yes View Angle 178 Degree LED Display Type LED Aspect Ratio 16:9 Refresh Rate 60 Hz Audio Features Number of Speakers 2 Speaker Type Down Firing Sound Technology Dolby Audio Speaker Output RMS 20 W Sound Mode Standard, News, Movie, Game, Custom, 5 Band Equilizer Smart Tv Features Processor Cortex A35 64-bit Quad Core Graphic Processor Mali G31 MP2 Ram Capacity 1 GB Storage Memory 8 GB Supported App - Netflix Yes Supported App - Youtube Yes Supported App - Hotstar Yes Supported App - Prime Video Yes Supported Mobile Operating System Android, iOS Operating System Present Yes Operating System Android Screen Mirroring Yes App Store Type Google Supported Devices for Casting Laptop, Mobile, PC System Languages English Wireless LAN Adapter Yes Bluetooth Yes Built In Wi-Fi Yes Ethernet (RJ45) 1 Connectivity Features HDMI 2 (Side) USB 2 (Side) Headphone Jack 1 (Rear) Remote Control Features Battery Type 2 AAA Batteries Power Features Power Requirement AC 100 - 240 V, 50/60 Hz Power Consumption 50 W, 0.5 W (Standby) Convenience Features Clock Yes Auto Power Off Yes Sleep Timer Yes On/Off Timer Yes Child Lock Yes Parental Control Yes Dimensions Width x Height x Depth (without stand) 715 mm x 423.7 mm x 82.5 mm Weight (without stand) 3.9 kg Width x Height x Depth (with stand) 715 mm x 471 mm x 190.4 mm Weight (with stand) 3.9 kg Stand Type Table Top and Wallmount [ad_2]
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lomobabes · 2 years
Equil note pen for windows
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They claim that by adding new algorithms to their 3D laser interferometer, they are bale to achieve this high degree of accuracy and detail. According to the creators of Phree, their patented high 2,000dpi resolution sensor technology allows it to accurately capture images from any surface no matter how small it is. The second issue that Phree aims to resolve is responsiveness. Hence Phree isn’t confined to one material or surface, it can truly be used on the go. Just the pen is enough to jot down your ideas without having to worry about extra baggage. Users don’t have to worry about running out of specialized notebook or ink at the time of urgent need to make notes. Phree does not require any additional device like a specialized notebook, white board or a pad. Phree aims to solve this problem by moving all the work off your devices screen to practically any surface. As our devices get smaller, we are in need of input devices that use less of the already reduced surface. The most prominent issues that smart pens could resolve in order to make the device more efficient are the use of screen area, responsiveness and ease of use. Even though it has made our lives simpler, there are still some issues that the smart pens need to overcome. VALUE PROPOSITION Input devices like smart pens have been around for a long time now. Phree is also pressure sensitive, so it knows when you’re applying pressure to make dark stroke (Gokey, 2015). Phree understands user’s hand movements the same way as that of human eye. Information is then processed by a set of algorithms that translates the data collected by the sensor in 3 dimensional. It then monitors the interference between the laser beam and the reflections coming from the surface. The science behind interferometer is to measure small things with incredibly high accuracy by comparing light beams (, 2016).It works by blasting a laser beam onto the surface you placed the pen to write. Technology: 3D Laser Interferometer Phree works with technology called laser interferometer.
It can also be used as a Bluetooth mouse for PC’s and laptops. All this without even having to take out your phone. It can be used as a wireless headset, display incoming text messages. Phree comes packed with a wide range of other useful functionalities. Phree’s usage doesn’t end with just taking notes or doodling. It can connect to any device with a Bluetooth function.
It syncs the data in real time onto your portable device, computer, phone and even smart TV’s through the use of Bluetooth. Sync your notes between devices using Dropbox.INTRODUCTION Phree is the world’s first smartpen that lets you write, draw on practically any surface. Attach your notes to an email or share them on Facebook and Twitter. Share drawings, notes, and collections instantly with colleagues, students, family, and friends. Tag your notes to make it easy to find important information with the search tool. Organize your ideas into notes and collections. Import your saved notes when you are connected. Using Equil Smartpen 2 or Equil Smartmarker, record your notes anytime your device is not connected to your Equil product. Send text in an email, insert it back into your note for better readability, or convert your writing into a title or tag to make your notes more searchable. Or, collaborate and participate by joining someone else’s Note Stream.Ĭonvert your writing into editable text using the handwriting recognition feature, available in 11 languages through in-app purchase, or by connecting Equil Smartpen 2 or Equil Smartmarker. Host a live session––called a Note Stream––with remote colleagues and friends by streaming your paper or whiteboard notes. Annotate, insert photographs, record audio, resize sketches, and more. Customize your notes using different pen colors, line thicknesses, and various backgrounds. Use a variety of tools and colors to highlight key ideas. Notes can be digitally reviewed, edited and enhanced on the fly, or later, when it’s convenient. Equil Note is the ultimate note-taking app for everyone who wants to capture, enhance, stream, share, and organize their paper and whiteboard notes: business professionals, educators and students, parents and homemakers, designers and project managers, and more!Įquil Note, when used with Equil Smartpen and Equil Smartmarker, lets you write notes and diagram ideas on any paper or whiteboard surface––and save them to your favorite device in real-time.
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updatestitta · 2 years
Equil note pen for windows
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Equil note pen for windows how to#
Equil note pen for windows apk#
Equil note pen for windows android#
Equil note pen for windows software#
Equil note pen for windows Pc#
Host a live session––called a Note Stream––with remote colleagues and friends by streaming your paper or whiteboard notes. Annotate, insert photographs, record audio, resize sketches, and more. Customize your notes using different pen colors, line thicknesses, and various backgrounds. Use a variety of tools and colors to highlight key ideas. Notes can be digitally reviewed, edited and enhanced on the fly, or later, when it’s convenient. This way, you can avoid any system-related technical issues.Equil Note is the ultimate note-taking app for everyone who wants to capture, enhance, stream, share, and organize their paper and whiteboard notes: business professionals, educators and students, parents and homemakers, designers and project managers, and more!Įquil Note, when used with Equil Smartpen and Equil Smartmarker, lets you write notes and diagram ideas on any paper or whiteboard surface––and save them to your favorite device in real-time. In addition, you can check the minimum system requirements of the emulator on the official website before installing it.
Equil note pen for windows Pc#
If you follow the above steps correctly, you should have the Equil Note ready to run on your Windows PC or MAC.
Equil note pen for windows apk#
If you do not want to download the APK file, you can install Equil Note PC by connecting your Google account with the emulator and downloading the app from the play store directly.
Open Equil Note APK using the emulator or drag and drop the APK file into the emulator to install the app.
Equil note pen for windows android#
Firstly, download and install an Android emulator to your PC.
Equil note pen for windows how to#
So it is advised that you check the minimum and required system requirements of an Android emulator before you download and install it on your PC.īelow you will find how to install and run Equil Note on PC: However, emulators consume many system resources to emulate an OS and run apps on it. There are many free Android emulators available on the internet.
Equil note pen for windows software#
Equil Note is an Android app and cannot be installed on Windows PC or MAC directly.Īndroid Emulator is a software application that enables you to run Android apps and games on a PC by emulating Android OS. In addition, the app has a content rating of Everyone, from which you can decide if it is suitable to install for family, kids, or adult users. It has gained around 10000 installs so far, with an average rating of 3.0 out of 5 in the play store.Įquil Note requires Android with an OS version of 4.0 and up. Access your notes from anywhere by linking your Evernote account!Įquil Note is an Android Productivity app developed by Luidia Global Co., Ltd and published on the Google play store. Sync your notes between devices using Dropbox. Attach your notes to an email or share them on Facebook and Twitter. Share drawings, notes, and collections instantly with colleagues, students, family, and friends. Tag your notes to make it easy to find important information with the search tool. Organize your ideas into notes and collections. Import your saved notes when you are connected. Using Equil Smartpen 2 or Equil Smartmarker, record your notes anytime your device is not connected to your Equil product. Send text in an email, insert it back into your note for better readability, or convert your writing into a title or tag to make your notes more searchable. Or, collaborate and participate by joining someone else’s Note Stream.Ĭonvert your writing into editable text using the handwriting recognition feature, available in 11 languages through in-app purchase, or by connecting Equil Smartpen 2 or Equil Smartmarker. Equil Note is the ultimate note-taking app for everyone who wants to capture, enhance, stream, share, and organize their paper and whiteboard notes: business professionals, educators and students, parents and homemakers, designers and project managers, and more!Įquil Note, when used with Equil Smartpen and Equil Smartmarker, lets you write notes and diagram ideas on any paper or whiteboard surface––and save them to your favorite device in real-time.
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retphienix · 4 months
All told this update had a little bit of everything mod wise.
We got new melee mods for heavy builds (and arcanes for fucking everything melee style- so many of which are undoubtedly getting nerfed ASAP because they break the game open lmaooooo)
We got a whole new style of support with half the tome mods, allowing your secondary to be "pretty good" but also buff all your buds or debuff all the enemies
We got a whole new style of self buffing with the other half of tome mods with MASSIVE 60% buffs for efficiency/duration/strength available for people who accept using a lesser secondary damage wise which is definitely a fair trade for plenty of players.
We got a nice little batch of radiation mods which are hit or miss for each category BUT are universally applicable to this current content AND are useful even with the lesser side buffs for a lot of builds since they just add a combo element for free.
But for me, those 2 new ability mods stand out the most lol I'm not the most hyped by heavy attack builds, I'm not into the tome much, and the rad mods are something I immediately started using but I wasn't hyped about it
Energy Nexus is enough energy in 1 mod for a good amount of builds tbh. I can't pretend energy economy is something I worry much about in most cases, but I'm taking a second look at it which says a lot- 3 E/s isn't nothin', and having tested it on a few builds it turns out that's a pretty nice sweet spot to compliment orbs on blind rage spam like hell builds tbh. Also it's funny to watch number go up on a nourish build, usefulness may vary.
A whole mod slot for energy is always a tough sell, especially in competition with Equilibrium, but not every frame creates enough orbs for Equil- and this is up 100% of the time even without kills, it's definitely something I'm peeping.
And I am beyond excited to fuck around with precision intensify lol
I don't generally run builds that only care about their ult, but I mean, neat toy to play with lol
Precision + the tome mod for 60% strength could make some frames beyond silly lol
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forfreejust · 2 years
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