#the difference is that you can tell that moros fucks just a little bit more
spineless-lobster · 1 month
Moros is like if thanatos wasn’t a sad emo virgin all the time and actually managed to somewhat talk about his feelings, also long hair
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pepsiiwho · 1 month
Okay. Finished a checks watch 10 hour play session, without breaks no stopping.
General thoughts down below. No explicit spoilers but tone/ personality reads ahead. Long post :D feel free to respond or whatever.
One of the first things that I just wanna get out the way is, personally, the cast in this game is leagues better than the first game. And that isn’t like a “ah they’re all hotter!” (They are, don’t misconstrue what I’m saying, they very much are hotter then the first game’s cast) but the general vibe in cross roads is significantly more intresting. Which is very funny considering the set up, on paper, is remarkably similar. Hard ass, stuck up head of the place, shade mentor, emo bitch who hates you and wants to fuck you, emo boy who wants to fuck you, nebulous little thing that doesn’t serve a purpose but allows for comedic relief, hypnos, skelly— the works.
Yet the energy is wildly different. Idk I’m not like a zagreus dick rider or anything he’s cool but you really can feel how lonely the house of hades was in comparison to cross roads camp, a place not even half its size. The affection for Mel is like bursting out the seems of everyone around her (save Nem) and it goes past duty or obligation to the cause. It really feels like they all love each other dearly. I think that was so missing in the house of hades, intentionally or otherwise, but it felt so… cold? I always knew hypnos got that treatment because I’m crazy, but looking back that’s how everyone acting with zag too. They just talked to him. lol.
Ahhh to this point but a little bit to the left— hectate and Mel’s everything is incredibly compelling. Mel clearly and obviously seeing her as a mother figure, the only one she’s ever known and loving her deeply for it and frankly fighting in this war partly out of duty but more for her family she DOES have now, and then Hectate who knew Mel’s family and knew what they went through and refuses to take the place of “mother” when Mel has a mother, even if she isn’t here right now. But instead of detaching and making sure no real connection is made she’s so kind. She’s so supportive and loving and sweet and you can tell she cares about Mel so much. Zag’s mom came home and like, never gave off the vibe she cared even half as much. There’s a few moments when Mel tries to convey this love and this almost… mm… this idea that she doesn’t … need? A mom because she has one (hectate) and the witch shuts it down soooo quickly and Mel is always so dejected and it hurts but it’s sooo good. God. I want more of that. For the whole game. Please
Moros is a fucking delight. Like absolutely delightful. He’s sweet and polite and unassuming and kinda just sorry for taking up space but in the dignified way. I love everything about him. I am writing this checks watch May 6th, 2024 and at this point he is lovely. Assuming he doesn’t like, back hand hypnos he’s top 5 easy.
Nemesis is… unfortunately funny and charming. I hate emos I hate the bitchy dark thing I hated Meg for the same reason. This character shouldn’t work for me…. But it does. She’s the worst. I routinely cursed her out when she came on my screen. And yet. I think where Nem succeeds where Meg (and than) failed, is that nem genuinely is like, an asshole. And that’s endearing. She insults Mel and undermines her and talks down to her and clearly they have crazy beef. Meg and than just felt sooo put on with their back and forth with zag and it got old fast. Nem is a delight. If she doesn’t like, back hand hypnos she’s staying in my good graces.
Odess… has the least for me to say honestly. He’s sexy. Not much more than that. I adore how smitten he is with Mel, he clearly adores her.
Hypnos. Hand waves. No need to rehash that. Don’t touch me.
As for the oylmpus gods, they’re all as amazing as before. Apollo is my favorite, obviously, and he isn’t how I expected but he’s like just as wonderful in the opposite direction. This is the wrong way but it’s still took us to a great place. I’m content.
The goddess of fire is broken as hell as a boon also she’s a delight. Adore her. Same for the god of forges. Everyone is wonderful. I need more gods tho the current batch is amazing but I need ares and Athena yaknow everyone else. Idk if that’s an “add to the game later” thing or a “pepsi needs to play more of the game” thing. Either way I’m excited.
Story isn’t fully clear yet, as for what happened, it’s all just the stuff in the trailers tbh so nothing new there. All and all is having a fucking blast. I didn’t mention everyone I saw and enjoyed or didn’t because I’m tired sleepy but I have no one I don’t like RIGHT NOW. RIGHT NOW everyone is a delight.
Fic soon…
EVERYTHING AVOUT HER IS AMAZING!! Im gonna give her a separate post tmw i adore her down BAD
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terramythos · 4 years
TerraMythos' 2020 Reading Challenge - Book 27 of 26
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Title: How Long ‘Til Black Future Month? (2018)
Author: N. K. Jemisin
Genre/Tags: Short Story Collection, Fantasy, Science Fiction, Horror, Dystopia, Magical Realism, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Post-Apocalyptic, Female Protagonist(s), LGBT Protagonist(s).
Rating: 8/10 (Note: This is an average of all the stories -- see below the cut for individual story blurbs/ratings).
Date Began: 9/27/2020
Date Finished: 10/4/2020
I really liked this collection! Jemisin wrote my favorite fanstasy/scifi series ever with The Broken Earth trilogy, and I really enjoyed her recent novel The City We Became. I was in the mindset for shorter fiction so decided to read this collection of short stories. Of these 22 stories, my absolute favorites (9/10 or higher) were:
The City Born Great - 10/10
The Effluent Engine - 9/10
Cloud Dragon Skies - 9/10
The Trojan Girl -10/10
Valedictorian - 9/10
The Evaluators - 10/10
Stone Hunger - 9/10
The Narcomancer - 9/10
Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough Tomorrows - 9/10
Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters - 9/10
A more detailed summary/reaction to each story under the cut. WARNING: IT’S LONG.
1. Those Who Stay and Fight - 8/10  
Describes a utopia called Um-Helat that exists solely because no one is seen as superior or inferior to anyone else. Over time we learn it's a future, or potential future, of America. But America today is pure anathema to it due to rampant structural inequality. In order to achieve its utopian ideal, Um-Helatians have to root out and destroy people corrupted by the past.
This story was apparently written as a tribute/response to the Ursula K. Le Guin story “The Ones Who Walk Away from Omelas”. I first read this without context, then went and read the Le Guin story. I definitely see the parallels. Both feature a narrator describing a wonderful utopia in the midst of festival, trying to convince the reader of the place's existence, before introducing something dark that is the price of the utopia. In the Le Guin story, the utopia exists at the price of the horrible misery and suffering of one child, and everyone is aware of it. Most live with it, but a few leave for the unknown rather than continue to live there (hence the title). In Jemisin's story, the price is instead the annihilation of those tainted by exposure to the evils of the past. The choice, instead of leaving, is for those tainted yet capable to become protectors of the new world, or die.
The thesis is pretty clear: that only by abandoning horrible ideologies and refusing to give them any ground or quarter can a utopian society truly exist. I will say that rings clear, especially when one considers Naziism and fascism. Not all ideologies deserve the light of day or debate, and even entertaining them as valid allows it to take hold. I liked this story, though it comes off as a social justice essay more than a story in and of itself.
2. The City Born Great - 10/10
This one is told from the perspective of a homeless young black man who feels a strange resonance with New York City. He meets a mysterious figure named Paulo, who tells him the city is about to be born as a full-fledged entity, and the man has been chosen to assist with its birth. However, there’s an eldritch force known simply as The Enemy that seeks to prevent this from happening.
I've read this one before since it's the prologue to The City We Became. And honestly it was one of my favorite parts of that book. New York City is a phenomenal character. I love that the proto-avatar of NYC is a young homeless black man, one of the most denigrated groups out there. Cops being the harbingers of eldritch destruction is... yeah. It was fun to reread this. The ending is a little different, because in the novel, something goes terribly wrong that doesn't happen in this short story. There is also a flash forward where he is, apparently, about to awaken the avatar of Los Angeles. Makes me wonder if that is ultimately the endgame of the series. But otherwise it's the same thing with absolutely phenomenal character voice and creativity regarding cities as living creatures. I'm glad Jemisin expanded this idea into a full series.
3. Red Dirt Witch - 7/10
Takes place before the (1960s) Civil Rights Movement in Pratt City, AL. The main character is Emmaline, a witch with three kids. A creepy figure called The White Lady comes to visit and steal one of her children.
I love the little twist that The White Lady is a faerie. And the different take on rowan/ash/thorn instead being rosemary/sage/sycamore fig. There is a lot of touching bits about the horrible trials and human rights abuses during the Civil Rights marches (which are unfortunately all too relevant still), but ultimately a hopeful glimpse of the future of black people in America, though hard-won.
4. L'Alchimista - 6/10
Stars a Milanese master chef named Franca, who fell from glory for Reasons, who now works as head chef at a run-down inn. She feeds a mysterious stranger, who then challenges her to fix a seemingly impossible recipe.
This one was fun and charming. I thought the food (and magical food) descriptions were very vibrant and interesting, especially the last meal. I can tell this is an earlier story and it's pretty light hearted, but I enjoyed it. It felt like it needed a little more of.. something.  
5. The Effluent Engine - 9/10
In an interesting steampunk take, Haitian spy Jessaline comes to the city of New Orleans to meet one of its foremost scientists. Her goal is to find a viable, unique energy source to strengthen Haiti in a world that wants to see her nation dead.
I really liked this; it's one of the longer stories so there's more time for character development and worldbuilding. And it's gay. I'm not hugely into pure steampunk because a lot of it comes off as very... samey (hyper Eurocentric/Victorian, etc) but I thought this take was fresh.
Like much of Jemisin's work, there is a lot of racial under and overtones; this one specifically goes into the terrible atrocities committed against the Haitians during their Revolution, and the varied social classes of black/Creole people in New Orleans at the time. A lot of this is stuff I was unaware of or knew very little about. I thought it was interesting to bring all of these to the forefront in a steampunk story in addition to the dirigibles, clockwork, action, and subterfuge. Also, everything tries together in a very satisfying way by the end (the rum bottle!), which I love in short fiction.
6. Cloud Dragon Skies - 9/10
Takes place in a post-apoc future where some humans evacuated to space while others stayed behind and took on more indigenous traditions to heal the Earth. The sky has suddenly turned red on Earth, and some representatives from the "sky-people" come to study it and figure out why.
I really enjoyed this little story; fantasy/scifi fusions are my jam, but science fiction specifically told through a fantasy lens is just so cool to me. The cloud dragons were very interesting and imaginative. Also, I love how the opening statement's meaning isn't particularly clear until you read the whole thing.
7. The Trojan Girl - 10/10
This one is about sentient computer programs/viruses that struggle to survive in something called the Amorph, which is basically a more advanced, omnipresent version of the Internet.
Holy fucking shit was this a cool story. Probably the coolest take on cyberpunk I've ever read. The main character Moroe has formed a messed up little family of creatures like him who live and hunt in Amorph's code, but can upload to "the Static" (real life) if needed by hijacking human hosts. The way this is described is so damn creepy and unsettling. I love that while they're anthropomorphized, the characters are mostly feral and compared to a pack of wolves. Soooo much wolf pack imagery. And the ending is so fucking good and imaginative.
This was apparently a proof of concept story that Jemisin decided not to adapt to a longer series, which I'm kind of sad about, but it was REALLY cool nevertheless. The next story is apparently in the same universe and serves as the "conclusion".
8. Valedictorian - 9/10
This one is about a girl who is, well, top of her class in high school, and the stresses that mount as graduation approaches. But while it seems like a familiar setup, there is something decidedly Off about everything, which is revealed gradually over the course of the story.
I originally gave this an 8, but honestly I couldn't stop thinking about it so I boosted it to a 9. It doesn’t become clear how this connects to the previous story until the midpoint. I liked this one because it functions as a nice dystopian science fiction story but also biting social commentary on the modern American education system. I'm not going go say more on it because spoilers. While I personally like the first story more I think this is an interesting followup/conclusion with a more cerebral approach.  
9. The Storyteller's Replacement - 6/10
This one's presented as a traditional "once upon a time" fable told by a storyteller narrator, about a shitty despotic king named Paramenter. Desperate to prove his virility, he eats the heart of a dragon, which is said to be a cure-all for impotence. It's successful, but the six strange daughters that result seem to have plans of their own.
Not really my cup of tea-- it's pretty fucked up. But it's definitely cathartic by the end, which I appreciate, and I do like how creepy the daughters are.
10. The Brides of Heaven - 5/10
Framed as an interrogation in an offworld colony called Illiyin, in which a terrible accident occurred on the way that left all the adult men dead. Dihya, who lost her only son to an alien parasite, is caught trying to sabotage the colony's water supply for reasons unknown.
I like some things in this story. I love the trope of alien biology affecting human biology in unexpected ways. I'm not terribly familiar with Islam but thought it added an interesting faith vs practicality vs tradition element to the science fiction. However I found the sexual body horror REALLY squicky which turned me off the story as a whole.
11. The Evaluators - 10/10
Stylized as a collection of logs and excerpts from a First Contact team of humans visiting and studying a sapient alien species to potentially set up trade relations. There's a focus on one team member named Aihua and her conversations with one of the aliens, but there's miscellaneous important hints/excerpts from the survey that hint Something Creepy Is Going On.
This one was BIZARRE and took me two reads to fully appreciate, but it’s a great work of nontraditional science fiction horror. Just... the epitome of "*nervous laughter* 'what the fuck'". I can't say more without spoiling but dear lord. That whole Jesus bit hits different on a second read. Fucking hell.
12. Walking Awake - 7/10
Takes place in a dystopian society in which parasitic creatures known as Masters keep a small number of humans alive to be flesh suits for them, which they take over and trade around at will. The main character Sadie is a human "caretaker" responsible for propagandizing and raising well-bred human children that eventually become the Masters' hosts. She starts to have disturbing dreams when one takes over the body of a teenage boy she was particularly attached to.
This is apparently a response to Robert Heinlein's The Puppet Masters, which I have never read. It's a full damn novel so I probably won't. Google tells me it's about parasitic aliens, but was obviously also Red Scare paranoia about communist Russia. The argument in the Jemisin story is that the parasites are a result of human folly in an attempt to punish/control people their creators didn't like. This went poorly and resulted in the whole world being taken over.
The story itself is disturbing since the victims are innocent children, but it's ultimately about standing up and taking the first step toward revolution. I felt pretty neutral about the story itself; perhaps I would have liked it more if it was longer and I had more time with the world and protagonist. I wanted to connect to Sadie and her maternal relationship the boy who got killed more. Or maybe it's more impactful if you're familiar with the Heinlein novel and can see the nods/digs.
13. The Elevator Dancer - 7/10
A very short story that takes place in a Christian fundamentalist surveillance state. The protagonist is an unnamed security guard who occasionally sees a woman dancing alone in the elevator and obsesses over her.
I like this one but I'm not sure if I really get it. It's heavily implied the dancer is a hallucination, and the narrator gets "re-educated" but it's all a little ambiguous. I think it's about the struggle to find meaning and inspiration in an oppressive world.  
14. Cuisine des Mémoires - 8/10
This one's about a man named Harold who visits a strange restaurant that claims it can replicate any meal from any point in history. He orders a meal which his ex-wife, whom he still loves very much, fixed for him years ago.
This one was certainly different, but I really like the idea of food-as-memory, especially because that's an actual thing. This story just takes it to an extra level. Honestly this story made me feel things... the longing of memory and missed connections/opportunities. Jemisin did a great job with emotion on this one.
15. Stone Hunger - 9/10
Stars a girl in with the ability to manipulate the earth who's tracking down a man she senses in an unfamiliar city. It's heavily implied the world is in a perpetual post-apocalyptic state. When she's caught damaging the outer wall of the city to break in and injured/imprisoned, she's aided by a mysterious, humanoid statue creature with motives of its own.
I have to say it's really interesting to see an early beta concept of The Broken Earth. Orogeny is a little different (and not named)-- there's some kind of taste component to it? Though that's possibly unique to the main character? While hatred of orogenes exists I don't think it's a structural exploitation allegory at this point. Ykka + proto-Castrima existing this early is pretty funny to me. People also use metal, which is VERY funny if you’ve read the series. But I was thrilled to see stone eaters were Very Much A Thing this early and almost exactly how they appear in the series (a little more sinister I guess. At least the one in this story is. I think he basically gets integrated into the Steel/Gray character in the final version).
Anyway as a huge fan of The Broken Earth it's inspiring to see these early ideas and just how much got changed. It's hard for me to look at this as an independent story without the context of the series. I think I'd like it due to the creative setting and strange concepts, but I appreciate the final changes to narrative style and worldbuilding, which really made the series for me.
16. On The Banks of the River Lex - 8/10
Death explores a decaying, post-human version of New York City. He and various deities/ideas created by humans are all that survives in the future and they struggle to exist in the crumbling infrastructure of the city. But Death gradually observes new and different creatures developing amid the wreckage.
I liked this! Despite a typically bleak premise the story is very optimistic and hopeful for the future of the world post-humanity. I like anthropomorphized concepts/deities/etc in general. I thought the imagery of decay and life was gorgeous. Also octopuses are cool.
17. The Narcomancer - 9/10
Told from the perspective of Cet, a priest known as a Gatherer, who can take the life of someone through their dreams in order to bring them peace. When a village petitions his order to investigate a series of raids conducted by brigands using forbidden magic, Cet joins the party. However, he is troubled by his growing attraction to a strong-willed woman of the village.
This apparently takes place in the Dreamblood universe, which I have not read and know nothing about. However, I really enjoyed this story. It's the longest in the collection so I felt I really got to know the characters. The dream-based religion and fantasy was captivating to learn about. It was also romantic as hell, but not in the typical way you’d expect. I thought the central conflict of a priest struggling between an oath of celibacy and his duty to do the right thing (bring peace to someone who needs it) was fascinating.
18. Henosis - 4/10
A short piece, told anachronistically, about a lauded, award winning author on the way to an award ceremony. He gets kidnapped, but there's Something Else going on.
Honestly I get the sense this one is personal, lol. I will say I like the disturbing play on expectations, but I didn't connect much with it otherwise.  
19. Too Many Yesterdays, Not Enough Tomorrows - 9/10
Follows a group of bloggers who have found themselves caught in isolated quantum loops. Their only human contact is through tenuous online conversations with each other. Styled as various chat logs and emails interspersed with the thoughts and perspectives of Helen, a young black woman who before the loop was teaching English in Japan.
This one is real depressing and definitely Social Commentary (TM). The central thesis about loneliness and disconnect at the end made me pretty dang sad. Good stuff in an ouch kind of way and made me think.
20. The You Train - 6/10
Told from the perspective of an unnamed narrator talking (presumably on the phone) to a friend about her struggles adjusting to life in New York City. She regularly mentions seeing train lines that either don't exist or retired a long time ago.
This is the kind of story I'd normally really like. I think trains are interesting and like vaguely supernatural, inexplicable shit. The one-sided phone call is also an interesting narrative device. But I'm not sure I really got this one. It comes off as vaguely horror-y but also optimistic? I couldn't really figure this one out, and it was too short to feel much investment on top of that.
21. Non-Zero Probabilities - 7/10
Luck has gone completely out of whack in New York City. Highly improbable events suddenly become way more likely, both good and bad. This story follows a woman named Adele and coming to grips with the new ways of life this brings.
I liked this one well enough but I don't have a lot to say about it. I liked how the story looks at how people would adapt to a life where probability doesn't mean anything anymore.  
22. Sinners, Saints, Dragons, and Haints, in the City Beneath the Still Waters - 9/10
A magical realism story about a man named Tookie struggling to survive in New Orleans in the immediate aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. He meets a talking, winged lizard and the two help each other out. But it soon becomes clear there is something sinister lurking in the flooded ruins of the city.
This story was very imaginative and a great cap to the collection. I thought it was an intriguing time period to set a magical realism story in. I love the little details, especially those of omission -- the "lizard" is never called a dragon, for example. I can see echoes of this story in The City We Became, especially the themes of cities as powerful entities, vague eldritch fuckery centered around hatred, and certain people being guardians of the city.  
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pellucii · 4 years
(( been doing some more thinking about Dragon Lore for fates so hee hoo consider this a lot of Optional Story Content I won’t try and force on you with the blog but know that if you like this post I can and will bully you with Made Up Lore ))
We've cut 3 dragons from the roster from 12 to 9- dusk, dawn, fire, ice, wind, earth, astral (moro), water (anankos), and the Great Dragon who presided over them as a sort of Naga 2.0, also known as the Rainbow Sage
There's actually a bloodline for each dragon that are generally all aligned with nobility from the kingdoms, so technically any legitimate members of the royal family can be of any bloodline as long as the dragon blood within them is strong (might bring brands in might not huffs). There is also a sort of hierarchy to which dragon’s bloodline the royal member hails from to also account for, Dusk and Dawn being understandably most desireable. Yes this is now riffing off of other FE entries no I won’t apologize for i-
Rainbow is also desirable but considerably rare and thus most people give up on finding it.
Which how to tell: likely gameplay element, such as Dawn and Dusk blood yielding an effect similar to their respective statues but nerfed a bit for a unit that will obviously be moving and attacking.
For a good long while the dragons are pretty chill, haven’t developed/discovered dragonstones, and find themselves making the occasional Power Up with their human peeps:
At first the elemental tribes were made, but rather than dragon vein powers their ancestors were imbued with and given a closer bond to their chosen element rather than given a full dose of dragon blood.
The humans given a full dose of dragon blood that would be come to known as the ass kicking royal family capable of manipulating dragon veins did not come around until The War
The kitsune and wolfskin tribes are evolved from a common ancestor and were part of the Earth dragon's attempt to make a tribe of their own by imbuing wildlife with their power rather than humans, but this is largely forgotten lore and just here as a “what about the earth tribe then” answer, and present day most fateslandians believe the “earth tribe” to be a myth/snipe hunt.
“Water’s an element too” Valla can technically be the water tribe, as a treat. Also a snipe hunt to most fateslandians? Likely.
When the Dragon War happens we have 3 camps: Dawn leading Fire and Wind versus Dusk leading Ice and Earth, all of them mildly succumbing to dragon rabies that’s prodding their small rivalry into a World Domination War; Rainbow Sage Moro and Anankos are watching with popcorn until it's not so fun anymore. Humans are trying desperately to chill.
Seeing that the war was not coming to an end any time soon and getting worse with every skirmish, plus Moro and Anankos pleading for some time out, the Rainbow Sage set to work making the divine weapons to start lobbing dragon heads off. 
Meanwhile, Anankos and Moro put their brains together and developed dragonstones, and then the song/pendant wombo combo. Dragonstones at this point couldn’t fully stave off dragon rabies and would need a bit more research, so the song/pendant wombo combo was developed to help give that time and change the effectiveness from a limited time to potentially indefinite.
The Rainbow Sage was going to pick out the humans who inherited the divine weapons, but Anankos didn't want his fellow dragons dead before finding a breakthrough with this dragonstone idea and asked to pick them instead. The Rainbow Sage let him, and Anankos gave the divine weapons to humans he trusted not to use them to give himself a bit more time to refine this dragonstone idea.
The humans commit a few dragon murders, likely out of self defense/fear. His trust betrayed and on the verge of Fucking Losing It because of it, Anankos carves out the bottomless canyon and hunkers down in Valla to continue his research and try to create a paradise where man need not fear dragons going bonkers. The Rainbow Sage makes a few tweaks of his own to Anankos’s dragonstone idea, takes the form most people will remember him as, and lets the other dragons die at the hands of humans.
Anankos didn’t get the memo that death was probably the best cure for dragon rabies, seeing as it would release them from their physical forms, and the Rainbow Sage comes to foresee that letting Anankos take such actions would lead to him getting dragon rabies and eventually threatening the world, and thus this is why he refers to forging the divine weapons as his “great sin”, since he could’ve given it to the proper folk who would make sure that things went according to plan.
in the interim between then and present day, Valla is hidden so Anankos can make sure his little paradise works, the other dragons are dead and hailed as gods with the Dawn and Dusk dragon’s rivalry becoming Status Quo, and the Rainbow Sage lets humans who are powerful and wise enough visit him. 
The tee hee about being the Rainbow Sage comes from the fact that some of these humans he gives his blood to and, by being the Head Honcho Dragon, can by proxy bestow upon these humans blood that functions as that of an already deceased dragon instead (this also makes visiting him a highly sought after affair since you can go from peasant to viable nobility). Instead of getting Rainbow Sage blood they could, for example, get Wind or Ice dragon blood instead; or perhaps be given Rainbow blood only for it to be overridden by another dragon’s blood in their lineage, as if Rainbow blood is a sort of recessive gene I suppose?
Very rarely the Rainbow Sage will give his own blood, and coupled with above “recessive” trait perhaps even rarer it will stick around, Elise’s mother being one such human (that is a rad story for DLC and fanfic) and likely quickly elevating her into the Nohrian court.
The Water dragon Anankos’s lineage is forgotten almost entirely and persists only in Valla, seeing as the Rainbow Sage cannot by proxy give his blood since he is still alive.
Surprise surprise each sibling has a different dragon bloodline that takes the majority presence, leading for all 9 bloodlines on the table which hasn't happened in awhile. Corrin and Azura obviously have Anankos blood(tm), then the families are largely split down party lines: Xander, Camilla, Leo, and Elise have Dusk, Ice, Earth, and Rainbow blood. Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, and Sakura have Dawn, Fire, Wind, and Astral.
Why does Elise have Rainbow blood if Rainbow was a neutral party? For the Bifrost tee hee since it’s a Nohrian stave. Also nice to think of everyone lauding her a bunch for being Rainbow blood and expecting her to be a great ruler only for her to die in birthright (upside down smiley)
Sakura has Astral blood for the counterpart tee hee.
The elemental tribes were also given a vague prophecy by their respective dragons/the Rainbow Sage, and it’s one they hold onto fiercely even if some nations of the world think it’s silly folklore. As follows: “The 9 Dragons quarrel / One by one taken by flood / Heralded by the Yato’s chosen / Thus the world shall be destroyed / And recreated in the waves.”
Sounds Bad but actually thanks to Water Metaphor it’s describing how everyone’s fighting, but then Corrin- those darn grey waves -unifies everyone and breaks Established World Order to remake it with the power of friendship.
So we can rewrite a couple Rev chapters- say, the wind tribe one -into The Tribe Squad bickering over it being Time For Prophecy (of which it obviously is but also tee hee what if it isn’t)
Obviously there’s all sorts of dynamics to who has what blood and legitimacy of heirs and all that but its 2am braincell tired just take the content please
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giotanner · 6 years
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That’s it! Fabrizio Moro interview 05/October/2018 (LISTEN TO HIM HERE ♥ )
In summary: HE’S COMES EARLY IN THE RADIO (and btw he overran the radio-times - lolle)
-In his last Live (In Ostia, “the sea of Rome”) there were inconveniences, he was at an event where also a journalist was with her security and police. Fabrizio tells about the mafia and the sadness of this journalist and her family under threat. At beginning he didn’t know about all the security so for him it was a bit strange the audience, his fans were so far away from the stage. 
-He tells about his son Libero: he is awesome at football and right now Fabrizio is on the football field to watch him. He said also he wasn’t an ultras, but more a “fan from living room rather then a fan in the stadium. But he adds he likes Frosinone, a little team now in Serie A (excellence) ‘cause this team is like Rocky Balboa.
-He tells about his first single when he was at the beginning of his career, his change: “a few things haven’t changed, they have transformed/development, it’s changed the way I feel/sense them and I express them, for example the angry I had when I was 20... it’s different, you know. -Okay, well, I am a polemical nature(...)”
He gives an example: when he was a child he got angry if the surprise inside the potato chips wasn’t like shown in the advertising. So he says it’s part of his DNA, it changed just the way of express it.
-coughing: “SCUSATE ME SO’ ‘NGOIATO 'N MOSCHINO”, he says not in italian language, but in roman dialect… In english is more or less: cough cough “SORRY I SWALLOWED A FLY” (He talks, talks, talks and he was on football fields so ta-raah. In this period with rains and sun, poor man), ah the beauty of the Live Radio, folks!
-Following on his last speech he says now he spreads/he communicates more (in italian he says “Now I ‘veicolo’ more, a specifically verb--> “veicolare”): once he was on the stage like he was on the sidewalk of his neighborhood, he didn’t care if in front of him there was the President or someone else. But in the last few years he figured out that if he is “too angry, too pissed they understand you only those are pissed as you” (He said this sentence also in other interviews, he believes in this.)
“Maybe there are wiser people, and if you maybe talk with them more quietly and more determination without shout at them in the face YOUR MESSAGE IS CLEARLY UNDERSTOOD”
-He talks about comunication and he took 20 years to fully understand the advice of his friend (a friend he’s gone now), the advice was: “when you need to be listen DON’T SHOUT, BUT WHISPER.”
-Umanly he is satisfied, between so many rises and falls. Artistically still no.
“It’s not simple to make steady your goals. Your success, your positive energy(...) in my future so... well, I see still SO MANY RISES (from the bottom to), fortunately.”
Interviewer: “Many daily battles”
“Yes beacuse... when you stay in the plain (the comparison: the plain is flat. Not rises, not falls)... let’s be honest: YOU GET SO FUCKING BORED!/YOU BREAK YOUR BALLS!”
1)Frosinone’s anthems? One day maybe they want to me to sing it? Well, well this isn’t a bad idea, not at all!
2) Hey can I send to you (to the interviewer) a video of my son on the football field? Do you want it? #ProudFather
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okakebi · 6 years
sorry if this is weird but i ??? love your blog ??? a long time ago i had a moro blog and honestly it was the most fun i had on this website. i also used to write lily rammsteiner but quit bc when i had my blog the dogs fandom was dead af but it makes me happy to see that you have a heine blog too ! pls don't ever leave tumblr, you're amazing
this is weird in that … i would never have expected anything like this ?? i deeply appreciate your concern , and i feel like i’ve spent a whole week (if not longer) thinking about just how i wanted to respond to this and how i feel . 
i just want to start off by saying that this message means a LOT to me . i haven’t had many meaningful connections with people on this platform in a while and it’s nice to see that there may be someone around that does care about my writing and the material i’ve been working on . i had a lot of close friends on my lelouch blog YEARS ago that i could just meme the fuck out of and honestly that was the most fun i think i’ve ever had on this site . there are lots of amazing people here that i’m sure i’d click well with , but i don’t really want to try and make friends at this stage in my life where i’ve just graduated college and went through a major breakup . i’m doing my best to keep in touch with the friends i’ve had for years and perhaps neglected in real life because of my relationship and the amount of time i put into this site . 
this will just go stream of consciousness , i guess . i like to have everything as concise and as organized as possible , but i don’t really feel like doing that now . i guess i can say for sure that i’m tired of the hyper sensitivity that has come up over the past few years . i am so scared of making ANY kinds of jokes or making ANY kinds of statements that might be risky because i’m so worried about these kinds of things popping up in callouts on me . i don’t think it’s unrealistic to fear getting called out , considering it happened to me before on a different platform when i confronted and got into a fight with a popular roleplayer over his TERRIBLE behavior . i am ALL for awareness , and for the fight towards a future of equality and freedom of expression , but it’s fucking hard for me to manage every little thing i say and post . i don’t consider myself racist or homophobic or anything AT ALL , but i recognize that i am flawed and may make mistakes and i want people to come to me personally when i fuck up , not create drama . 
i know that callouts aren’t on everyone’s minds at all time , and that a lot of the time they are a necessary evil . but i feel like sometimes callout culture brings out an abuse of power , as i’m sure people are a lot more likely to bandwagon on a callout rather than consider the other side and the possibility that this is an overreaction to personal discourse . 
there is also just such a strong need to be on top of all the roleplaying trends , be it pop up links or fancy sub text that i can barely read , or detailed icons that i just don’t have the time to learn to make . but someone did point out to me that this is all personal preference , and i do recognize that while i would probably greatly diminish the pool of people that would be interested in me and my content , i can more or less do whatever i want in this aspect . what i’m referring to more is just the constant waves of rules that come up and you have to admit that sometimes it just gets way out of hand . i fuck up , you fuck up , i read all the rules of the people i follow , but how the fuck am i supposed to remember the rules of 300-400+ people on every blog i have whenever i post anything ?? i feel so much pressure to be good , be in this box of expectations , and if i step out of line just a little bit then all of a sudden i’m satan and i deserve to be banished . does this sound like the real world , which a lot of us are trying to get away from by being on here ? maybe this is the anxiety talking , who fucking knows but i know i am not alone in feeling this way . obviously i’m not referring to the desire of freedom of expression in terms of morally corrupt topics like some of the sick shit people come up with . 
speaking of gray morality on tumblr , i still don’t understand why people condone mindless serial killer characters when r*pists aren’t okay . i understand having interest in murderers with motives and grand plans , but why are people that take the lives of others all good and encouraged when other types of criminals are not allowed ???? i don’t have answers for this , i don’t think anyone does , in fact . i have written my fair share of characters that intentionally take the lives of others (lelouch , makishima shougo , takasugi , zero two , fuck even san has killed people) , and why is this seen as cool when murder is a fucking terrible thing to do ? 
and then there are just a lot of things with race on tumblr i just don’t even want to get into ESPECIALLY as a korean woman who grew up in the states . a lot of the arguments i see over minorities that come up just don’t even make sense to me . like no one can tell me why real life korean fc’s on japanese characters are banned when we’re allowed to use japanese anime characters as fc’s for korean characters . also if it isn’t okay to mix up asian ethnicities like this , i don’t think it should be okay to mix up white or black or ANY type of broader ethnic group . if anything i feel like this rule of not using korean fc’s for japanese characters was created because asians are practically fetishized on this site and people are like !!! gotta look out for our precious asians !!! seeing this weird rule applied only on asians make me feel like we’re a lesser group of people compared to others because we need the special help or something . idk . 
i recognize i’m just going off at this point . i’m asking questions no one has the answers to , and it’s okay that no one can really come up with proper responses when i bring these things up . what i have a problem with is the discomfort i find myself in when i think about these things , and how i’m scared to mention these things  even though they’re often on my mind . i want people to challenge me , to TALK to me about these topics . what i don’t want are witch hunts , or drama , or a lot of the behavior i’ve been seeing . i’m sorry to say that i’m probably done with tumblr for good , and if i do continue writing somewhere on the internet it definitely won’t be here . 
0 notes
thornstocutyouwith · 7 years
send “🎧” and i’ll shuffle my music and the next 5 random songs will be our muses playlist
Anabel & Karma
Stronger (Uuugh?)
Become The Enemy(Hmmm?)
Some Nights ( I I just don’t...Tone maybe?)
Freaks ( So them. They are major freaks.)
Old Time Rock And Roll ( I have no GOD damn idea! hahhaa)
Lunette & Aries
Ready Aim Misfire (This could work for them because Lunette thinks stuff and Aries is just an asshole to her, but she did run him over with a car,so.
Hero ( This could probably fit that Aries is tired of Lunette holding him up to her standards, when he’s not her. And has every reason to be mad at her. So he’s not really in favor of being the poor girls ‘hero’.)
Inner Universe  (Weeelll,, I guess it fits, Kinda)
Right Here (This one works because Aries, even though he has plenty to be angry with her, he’s still trying. When Lunette (You, Skies) Would rather give up and send them to couples counseling. Or that Lunette acts like she’s better than everyone else, and Aries tells her, no, she’s not. But that’s okay. This works for Lunette as well, because she just wants Aries to forgive her and stop being angry about what she did.)
 Sick Of It (I don’t really know how to explain this one, but it does kind of fit.)
Lunette & Lucian
Something For The Pain ( Uuuh, I guess this fits more for Lunette?)
Sailor Moon Opening ( Because of course it fits them? -Glances to the side- Lunette is a total Magic Girl....And Lucian is also. lol Actually no. I have no clue what this is.)
All Star ( HAHAHA, yes. OH my GAWD, yes. This, SKies. THIS!)
Wasteland ( Uuuh)
You Suck At Love ( Well, This song is pretty good for them? I guess, since Lunette is fucking Jaded and shallow as fuck, a lot of the times. And Lucian is mostly clueless. Which really doesn’t fit with the song...Buuut meh, I guess it sort of can for Lunette.)
Harper & Calypso
Let This Die ( This could work for them, I guess?)
Gone Too Soon ( Uuuuum? Yeah I guess, it could?)
She Doesn’t Mind ( AHAHa this is good for them, I think. Because Harper, Girl, woman, Lady. Come on.)
So Cold ( I guess it might work a little? Even though they have never lived in a house.)
E.T. ( I guess they are both kind of Alien to one another, hahaha.)
Eleanor & Harper
Wasted ( This is great for them since these two are kind of like, stern and kind of dicks to each other, and then they get drunk. Eleanor...)
OST Naruto Shippuden 18 ( Uuuh,....)
Don’t Like You ( hahaha Okay, yes, this is perfect. Even though they are married, our only married couple, this could be them. Because shit these two are a force.)
On My Own (Eeeeh, No? Doesn’t really work for them, for the most part.)
More Human Than Human (What!?)
Atticus & Asher
Jinchuuriki ( It’s good, because, Asher is to his brothers and the rest of hell, what basically Naruto/Gaara/Ex are to their families and villages? lol)
Waiting ( This one is good for Asher, because he spent many years waiting... But yeah, it’s pretty good for Asher, Not so much for Atticus, who was just a victim of all of Asher’s waiting-ness, lol)
Bye Bye Boyfriend ( hahaha This is great, since they are boyfriends technically.And Asher just wants Atticus to go bye bye, and Atticus can take their Son: Lovecraft, with him. HAHAA)
The Way ( Eh, I don’t see where this fits them.)
Undead ( Wellll...)
Lucy & Sage
Want You Back ( Ahaha This could work for them, I guess.)
Shin Chan Theme (Well it’s not too bad, on Sage’s side of things, of a song for them)
Super Freak ( Perfect)
Son of Man ( Uuuhm. Well, I guess it fits Sage more than Lucy, buuut, sure, it fits, kind of.)
How You Remind Me (Perfection, Skies, Absolutely perfect. Again. More of a Sage thing.)
Morrigan & Moros
Here I Stand ( This could fit them both pretty well, honestly. But I think a lot of it could be more for Moros, since he’s canonically a ‘lonely’ being from Greek Mythology.)
Sun Is Shining ( I have, no. Not for them? Certainly not for Moros, lol)
Don’t Stop Believing ( ahahah- No.)
Video Killed the Radio Star ( Hahaha, Whyyyy. Nothing to say about this.)
All Out Of Love ( Okay, this playlist was just fucking Terrible.)
Jonah & Micah
Magic Carpet Ride ( I like it for them, good, Yes. This could fit because Jonah.)
Baby Monitor (Uuuuhhhhhhhhhhh, Yes? It Fits, sort of, I guess. lol)
One Day (Yessssssss!!!!! Mostly on Micah’s part, because the guy isn’ a totally shitlord, Jonah. lol)
Earthquake ( This could fit for Jonah on Micah, ahah. It is funny.)
All Signs Point to Lauderdale ( This fits great for Micah.)
Jaeden & Colden
Payphone ( This might work a little bit because Colden was kidnapped from their home as a child and they are soulmates. Soooo.)
Baby Mine ( I have no idea how this works for them...Lol, Besides all their fucking DEVIL CHILDREN)
Another Night ( I give up.)
Sexy Can I
Say My Name
Ezekiel & Travis
Give Me A Reason
Kiss Kiss ( lol Yes! This is good for them, These two guys  are going to be married to this song...)
I Don’t Care  ( This is Ezekiel >:])
Queen of Hearts
Elliot & Sage (Platonic)
Coming Down
The 12th Day
If You Could Only See
World So Cold ( This works for them)
Morrigan & Arawn
I’m a Believer
Just The Tip
Ever After
Piece of Me
Memphis & Set(h)
To Kill a King
Tearin up My Heart ( HAhaha, yes, This is Memphis? Haha.)
Fade Away (This is Seth)
Cinderella ( Remember that time he threw her out of a Helicopter, good times. Save yourself next time, Memphis.)
I Want a Mom
Caleb & Chase
Armageddon ( This is good for them both, because listen to the song? Idk. I could be wrong ahah)
Stutter ( Oh shit, this is nice, I don’t think it explains them much, but...)
Sexin On The Dance Floor ( I wish My player wasn’t this random, and perfect. Again, doesn’t fit them much.)
Let It Burn (Playlist, can you fucking not? This is perfect for Chase, not so perfect for Caleb.)
Paradise Lost ( Why weren’t you like this for the last few muses playlists?!?!!?)
Bailey & Simon
Cause It’s Saturday
Gimme More ( Am sure these songs fit kind of well, we just haven’t worked on this pair a lot, lol)
Until The Day I Die
They All Fall Down
Bray & Tancred ( Platonic)
Break Stuff
Draw The Line
Me And You
So Beautiful
Loser Like Me
Juliana & Mattheus
We Found Love ( This works for them, considering where they are from and stuff? lol)
Drunken Whaler
Jet Lag
When I Grow Up
Remember Everything
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