#the brain fog is real and this is only thing that's stood out today lol
wraithwars · 1 month
remake of my first post using @arisenreborn's wonderful arisen & pawn questionnaire. both characters changed enough that i felt like i had to redo this & will possibly be posting a more detailed character sheet for them in the future. <3
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NAME: Valkyrie AGE: 22 RACE: Human PRONOUNS: She/Her/Hers PREFERRED VOCATION: Warfarer FAVORED GIFTS: Anything handcrafted, practical items & books FAMILY: Likely Deceased Parents, Sid (Adoptive Father)
POSITIVE TRAITS: Loyal, Determined, Curious, Willful NEGATIVE TRAITS: Reckless, Impulsive, Nosy LIKES: Exploration, Sunny Days, Learning new things DISLIKES: Uncontrolled Fires, Rich People (the self-serving, greedy kind), Goblins
1. What was their life like before becoming Arisen?
At ten years old, Valkyrie was found hiding in the recently razed village of Great Oak by a traveling merchant named Sid. She doesn't quite recall her life before, flashes of it sometimes reaching her, but whether she was repressing the memories or simply couldn't process them, she finds herself unable to stay fixated in the past. With Sid's help, she soon leaves it behind entirely and begins to forge a new path.
Perhaps it was because people knew of the tragedy that befell Sid before meeting Valkyrie, how goblins had taken the lives of his wife and son, but no one questioned the girl's arrival and welcomed her to the village with open arms. There she was raised by the community. She learned to cook, to hunt, and even to run Sid's shop while he was away. And as she grew older she developed a penchant for magic and even herbology.
By the time she was thirteen, she felt fully acclimated to her new life and even began to refer to Sid as her father. Though she still startled at the sight of flames and suffered from the occasional nightmare, she now felt safe. And for Sid, he made peace with the losses he suffered, knowing they were guiding him every step of the way as he raised this girl.
As she got older, Sid's health began to decline. Apothecaries and doctors were baffled, unable to find a cause or a cure, and as time went on Valkyrie found herself filling more of his roles within the village. By seventeen, she was running his shop full-time by day and at night, taking care of him. Were it not for the community of people helping her, they surely would have lost the shop and fallen into poverty.
At age eighteen, she finds Sid had passed in his sleep.
She shortly after relinquishes ownership of the shop to a trusted friend and leaves the village behind, unable to handle the reminder every nook and cranny held. Instead, she decides to travel like she always dreamed of and learn more of the world, hopefully finding purpose along the way.
Four years later, she finds herself in Melve enveloped in flame and a stillness in her chest.
2. How do they handle being Arisen, and the responsibilities that come with it? A gnawing preemptive guilt follows Valkyrie on her journey, no matter the amount of days that pass by. She's afraid she won't be able to save everyone, that her adventure will be packed with perilous missions and insurmountable obstacles. Despite this, she's still determined to try, unwilling to fail as Arisens before her had.
3. What are their thoughts on Pawns in general? Valkyrie only met a few pawns in her lifetime, but Sid always described them as a helpful people. Even when she loses her memories, she still holds them with the same respect she would anyone else and never treats them as less then. She even becomes a bit overprotective of them after learning how they are sometimes treated by others. Also, the scholar in her is just generally fascinated in their existence and ability to travel to other worlds.
4. What's their relationship like with their main Pawn? Valkyrie is a bit awkward with Nolan at first. She had never been a leader nor felt the inclination to be one, so when she was suddenly forced into the role it felt out of place. There wasn't much confidence in her decisions, and she felt rather guilty that he was stuck by her side.
As her confidence and abilities grow, she sees Nolan as her rock and her perfect counterpart, in fighting style and personality. He keeps her grounded, and she gives him purpose. Soon she finds herself unable and unwilling to be without him.
5. Do they have any interest in being Sovran? What are their opinions on the politics of the world in general? The idea of being Sovran makes Valkyrie throw up in her mouth, but when she sees how shady those in charge are, she's willing to fill the role if it means protecting the people. But she secretly hopes Sven takes up the mantle. Politics had never been her favorite.
6. Who are their love interest(s) and/or closest friends? Ulrika is the first friend Valkyrie had made after leaving her home, and though she no longer holds any memories of her prior to the fell curse, she still finds herself feeling calm in her presence. In the beginning, a lot of her will to move forward was powered by Ulrika's own dedication to protecting the people of Melve and her aid in nursing Valkyrie back to health.
Occasionally, Valkyrie stops by Melve solely to visit Ulrika and they often talk for hours. Ulrika is by far her biggest supporter, and their bond is only strength when she takes up the mantle of Arisen.
Valkyrie didn't really think of Sven when she first met him, the newfound role of Arisen dominating her thoughts, but after she discovers he's the regentkin she grows rather curious of his intentions. At first she's skeptical, assuming the worst and that Sven was simply there to lay out another trap for her. But as he shows himself to be genuine, she slowly lets down her guard and opens up to the prospect of being allies.
He inadvertently becomes one of her advisors, offering support and any aid he's able to provide without drawing his mother's attention. And sometimes a shoulder to cry on when she feels overwhelmed and not up for the task set before her. On occasion, she also takes the time to tell him tales of her adventures and frequently gifts him little bits and baubles she acquired along the way.
She feels very grateful to consider him a friend.
Valkyrie would be bit embarrassed to admit that she was enchanted by Srail at first sight. Initially, he had rescued her from a rampaging minotaur that had taken out her entire party. She attempted to flee and right before the strike of the club, she was yanked through a thin crevice between the crags and led to the village to recover. Though he was still posing as a traveling merchant, his untimely rescue had her flustered, something she chalked up to nerves.
The second time she meets him, she knows it isn't just nerves. While she felt like a fool for not seeing through his act, she couldn't help but see him a positive light. For one, he had believed she was the true Arisen with little convincing (the driving force behind his rescue), and then he aided her once again with information on Darragh. His helpful nature only served to amplify her captivation.
Perhaps, it was due to everyone demanding her help, yet for the first time someone had been helping her. And even when Srail later appears in Vernworth requesting her aid with a heist, she doesn't hesitate to agree, eager to repay a debt. After this event, they remain in contact, and she truly values his company.
Although she had good people in her corner, he was one of the few that didn't judge her for thoughts that often wracked her with guilt. Thoughts of abandoning her quest, letting someone else assume the mantle (they both knew she wouldn't let that happen), her developing distaste for always being the one at the rescue. He understood, sympathizing with her plight, and occasionally, he would simply offer comfort.
Valkyrie winds up developing fairly potent feelings for the thief, but fearing what's to come prevents her from taking the first step. She does let the truth slip after rescuing him from the dragon though.
(Has other important friends/bonds such as Brant and Glyndwr but that may have to be a separate post.)
7. What drew them to their preferred vocation? Do they have history with it? Valkyrie was already an eager student, so learning bits and pieces from different vocations simply came natural to her. Jack-of-all-trades, master of none.
8. Do they have any hobbies? Any way of relaxing between all that monster-slaying and traveling? Aside from reading, Valkyrie is an avid lover of music and sometimes will visit the pub simply to listen. She also enjoys writing, often detailing her adventures within journals and even wrote, and continues to write, a comprehensive guide on survival and fighting beasts.
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NAME: Nolan AGE: ???? RACE: Humanoid Pawn PRONOUNS: He/Him/His PREFERRED VOCATION: Fighter FAVORED GIFTS: In love with almost anything gifted to him due to never receiving any, but has a special fondness for baked goods and new armor/clothes INCLINATION: Kindhearted
POSITIVE TRAITS: Alert, Kind, Dedicated, Compassionate NEGATIVE TRAITS: Naive, Socially Awkward (often comes off as intimidating despite being a teddy bear), Self-destructive LIKES: Animals, Sculptures/Statues, Victories in Difficult Battles DISLIKES: The Cold, Sleeping in Beds, Bandits
1. What was their life like prior to being summoned by their Arisen? If he had access to the emotional range he gained after the fact, he'd say his life prior was bleak. Wandering aimlessly until an Arisen had need of him was a given. He would often travel along main roads, engaging in battles he'd happen upon with a near-unusual vigor. But otherwise, he felt positively neutral about his day-to-day.
But then he happened upon bandits. It was so strange to him how, despite it happening so long ago, it came back to haunt him just as he was slowly developing emotions. He remembered being captured and toyed with for amusement, the bandits possessing a clear distaste for pawns. And whenever he would get back up they would strike him down just as hard. If he could have felt anything back then, he thinks he would have felt fear and rage. Both at knowing there was nothing he could do stop them.
2. What is their opinion on the Arisen? How do they view their relationship? Valkyrie was the first to ever to provide him comfort, to speak to him so kindly, and support his ambitions even as they became different from her own. She was the first to drape a blanket over his shoulders, to call out his name in a worried panic and fret over his wounds while tending to them.
So it doesn't take long into their journey for Nolan to find himself entirely devoted to her. And while true in more fate-bound a sense, he feels as if she is his other half. Similar to her, the idea of being separated is not a pleasant one and she often finds herself with an imposing shadow at her heels.
The original intention of their dynamic was meant to be master and their pawn. However, Nolan feels as more of an equal to her and is treated as such. But he still feels a beaming pride at being her chosen.
3. Is there anything about the Arisen they find troublesome? Be it a small quirk or bad habit? (Or are they obviously flawless?) While Valkyrie is smart, she's not much of a planner so as battle-driven as he can be he finds himself in them before he even realizes it. He often chastises her recklessness and frequently finds himself reigning her in before she gets into trouble.
He also notices she doesn't have the best view of herself. Knowing it's something she can only truly fix herself, he still offers daily encouragements and compliments. Even if they leave her flustered.
4. What is their specialization and is there any story behind how they cultivated that skill set? Surprisingly, Nolan takes to learning Elvish rather easily. Outside of Valkyrie, his first non-fate guided friendship was with Glyndwr. The elf is one of the few that can handle his constant barrage of questions and is often met with inquiries in return. He already knew a bit of the language but practices it more intently in order to converse with his friend in their mothertongue.
5. Do they have any thoughts on the politics of the world and their place in it as a Pawn - or how Pawns are treated? Politics generally confuse and hold little interest to him, but as he gains access to a wider arrange of emotions, he does develop certain views on how pawns are treated. He mirrors his Arisen's disgust at the mistreatment in areas such as Bakbattahl and generally finds himself confounded as to where the hatred stemmed from.
He often thinks about that day with the bandits and during the coronation of the false Arisen, and he would not wish that on any pawn, no matter the morality of their master.
6. Does their journey with the Arisen change them in any significant way and how? Nolan was virtually mute before meeting her. He had no reason to speak, so he simply didn't. She helps him find his voice. There's no pressure to do so, but she often gives him little reasons, such as asking his opinion on something or simply engaging in small talk. Soon, he finds himself speaking without needing a reason, and that oddly provides him comfort.
7. Is there a reason they chose their preferred vocation? Nolan is very battle-driven and finds his biggest thrills come from downing imposing foes. And to inflicting as much damage as possible. Though a warrior may be better suited, he likes the ability to protect. (So he protecc and he attacc.) His favorite combination. Also, sliding down hills is easier with a shield.
8. Do they have any hobbies or preferred past-times? Nolan will try every hobby at least once while on his path to self-discovery, but he finds whittling to particularly relaxing and a source of pride for him as his skill increases. He often gifts little whittled creatures to friends he makes along the way. Were they to have the resources, he dreams of making a sculpture. For now though, he's content with smaller projects.
He also finds himself taking in the sights when they stop in major settlements, struck by the beauty of it. Really, he's an artist in a fighter's body. Aside from that, slowly transitioning into the more social one, he enjoys meeting and befriending new people--especially if he had no help from the Arisen in doing so.
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Humans are Space orcs, “Not the Hero
Alright guys, here is the ending to all the angst, everything after this is recovery, so you may rest easy. You should thank @heerojiro for the comment they posted earlier today b/c I was thinking about posting something else and making you guys wait for the end of this arc. In fact, I had most of that other idea written. 
However apparently  I have been causing a tiny bit of anxiety for some of you lol. So I have decided to end your pain today. hope you enjoy, and look forward to having a little more fun tomorrow. 
Also, sorry for the pacing. It was very hard to write this scene in two hours.
“Any movement?”
“No, except for those drones anyway, those suckers have been flying around for the last few days, almost nonstop.’
“Well that’s the first thing we’re going to have to deal with then.”
“Yeah, I was thinking we have our pilots feign an air strike, head in from the left and right and draw away their drones, then get in behind them with another group to cover our advance. I want to start up with trucks going straight down the middle, but send the real attack team in from the side. We have enough of those hand-held energy shields we could probably break through their line on the inside, toss a bunch of grenades to clear them out, and then use the light machine guns to mow down the rest. There are so many of them jammed in there that it shouldn’t be a problem, be like shooting at the broad side of a barn.”
“What did the commander say he wanted?”
“He wanted the Delta units light machine guns, or paired with someone with a light machine gun. The delta units will carry the gunner to the barrier and then set them up with a perimeter once inside.”
“How the hell do we plan on destroying their ship, a little C4 isn’t going to matter.”
“Yes, but a little C4 in their open engine compartment might.”
“That would kill everyone inside.”
“Which is why we will pull out before that happens. The explosion of their energy core will be contained inside their shields protecting the rest of us from what is going on inside.
“That…. Sounds good enough, I guess.”
Sunny listened only halfheartedly as the two officers planned their attack. Of course the Commander had given his orders, though at the moment he wasn’t capable of thinking past more than a few sentences. Though the nerve block was designed to stop pain, the Steel eye suit was apparently capable of partially overriding the block and sending nerve signals into the brain.
He couldn’t move, but was also in pain, though only marginally in comparison to what he could be under at that moment. She glanced over her shoulder towards the tent which had been erected for his privacy, and found that a lot of other people were staring too. Operation steel eye had been a largely publicized moved by the UNSC during the Drev war, a lot of people had heard about it though no one had actually seen one of the suits in combat, accept for a very special few, and even then they had only been witness to a few moments before the suits vanished into the ash.
The steel eye soldiers were to fast and too strong for your average soldier, and so generally tended to leave them in the dust.
Everyone was curious.
And now, it was almost time.
The delta units, other Drev, were gathering at the edge of the camp. They had come from all across the galaxy to participate in battle, and Sunny was glad to have them. They were a strange bunch in comparison to those in her childhood, carrying weapons and equipment that would have been considered heretical during the more traditional days.
It wasn’t every day you would have seen a Nine foot tall Drev carrying a belt fed light machine gun , but these were new times.
“We ready?”
She nodded her head, “Send of the pilots to draw away their fire….. I will get the commander.”
They nodded calling in on their radios for the jets to begin their flight, and Sunny turned walking towards the small tent her footsteps growing heavier with each moment she approached.”
She pushed aside the tent flap with one of her upper arms stepping into the dark interior of the tent. Light from above was filtered somewhat through the green canvas, and paired with the somewhat hot, humid nature of the little enclosure, it almost felt tropical.
Commander Vir lay on his back on a cot in the center of the room, his eyes closed, his face screwed up into an expression of immense pain and anguish. 
It made her sick to see.
His body trembled lightly against the pain despite the spinal block.
She walked over kneeling next to him, taking one of his cold clammy hands in hers.
His skin was cold, though the metal of the steel-eye exo suit was warm with humidity.
“Adam….. It’s almost time.”
His eyes opened after a moment. The mechanical eye adjusted almost immediately,followed more slowly by his real eye which glistened with an unshed layer of water.
His lips trembled.
She squeezed his hand tight.
The tent flap opened behind her, and she turned around to find the ex admiral standing over them. He paused hesitantly as if not entirely sure he should be here, though when no one said anything he stepped forward, “I understand that I can’t make you stop but….. At least save yourself some pain.”
He offered something out to them, and sunny looked down to find a small black box proffered in his palm. 
She recognized it almost immediately.
The box meant to be plugged into the drug port 
“I know you said no drugs, but commander…. I at least take it with you. Just in case.” There was a long silence, but Adam didn’t protest and Sunny grudgingly let the man through to clip the box to the waist belt where it would easily be in reach.
The door opened again, and one of the officers stepped inside.
“It’s time, Commander.”
Adam didn’t acknowledge verbally,  but turned his eyes to look up at Sunny.
She hated this.
She hated this more than anything she had ever done, but she reached out and disengaged the nerve block.
The response was almost immediate. Adam gasped in pain curled over teeth gritted and groaned hissing and whimpering through his teeth in agony. The cries that broke through his lips were like that of a wounded animal. 
Sunny found herself panicking unsure of what to do.
Everyone around the tent was quiet, and even the voices outside the tent had gone still.
Eventually the cries died away, and he sat up body shaking.
They watched in silence as he threw one leg off the cot and then the other, standing slowly.
The machine hissed and chatted with his movements, ready for battle.
He took one step, and then another, and then another forcing his back straight forcing his body to relax as he threw open the tent flap and walked into daylight, his movements accompanied by the hydraulic hiss and click of a machine.
The entire camp turned to look eyes wide as it fell on him inside his armor, a dark god  preparing to lay waste on their enemy. Rays of light bounded across the metal skeleton rolling in waves up and down lengths of parasitic metal.
His mechanical green eye opened opened wide against the sun, black aperture clicking open.
Everyone stared silently.
He held out his hands to either side, and the ex admiral hurried forward, placing the rest of the attachments onto the limbs,, blades for close quarters combat, a helmet to protect his head, and a few more pieces to protect his torso leaving him mostly covered.
The longer he stood still, the more his legs shook.
“LET’S MOVE!” he barked, voice raspy and ragged from screaming.
Sunny took up her spear.
She turned to look at him, seeing as a memory coalesced from the back of her mind resolving itself into a dark shape of power and anger emerging from the ash painted orange with the blood of a dying Drev Clan.
He hurt so much.
The pain was debilitating, maddening. The kind of pain that is visceral within the stomach, where all you can do is lay down and rock back and forth because the more still you are the more the pain consumes you.
He had to move, had to keep going, or risk the pain catching up with him, and consuming him from the inside working out.
As his legs thundered over the ground he wished for nothing more than to lay down and die. To fall into the sweet grip of blackness and be silenced from the pain. As if that weren’t enough, memories filled his head coming unbidden to the front of his mind, memories of battles, memories of brutal executions by his own hand, memories of the rocks painted orange, memories of crawling through inches of ash face first as his body began to shut down. And when that wasn’t enough it came with mocking laughter, agner, hopelessness.
And a horrible sense of loneliness he once though he had forgotten, but now remembered.
Tears streamed openly and quietly down his face as he ran, there was no point in hiding them.
He wasn’t strong enough to keep them at bay either.
Overhead jets roared and drones hissed in that way they had.
He could hear the sound of missiles, gunshots.
His feet pounded against the dirt rattling him to his core as the Drev clans followed after him, their spears held at the ready, their weapons polished to a shine.
On their backs, the human gunners waited.
And next to him, she ran, the cool electric blue of her armor the only soothing thing in a landscape of pain and misery.
The only thing, accept for that box on his belt
NO! He couldn't think of that.
A set of armored trucks rolled past in the distance, drawing fire from the open amber dome as the burg swarmed outwards to respond.
Machine guns rattled, and burg bodies jerked falling to the ground. An energy weapons caught one of the trucks disrupting the engine and sending it into a jackknifing somersault through the air.
He was one fire.
They continued to run, and with the thumb of one hand he engaged the delicate purple energy shield just as they were approaching the outer rim.
He was running through a fog of horrendous pain, but the power through his limbs spurred him on.
He broke into the first line of burg warriors sweeping them into the air with a bat of his energy shield. Bones and carapace shattered and cracked with the power of the blow. The mechanical suit screeched in glee.
Guns rattled behind him.
He dropped the shield for a moment bringing up his own weapon to fire into the churning mass. There was really no point in aiming. It would be impossible not to hit something.
The shield went up again, absorbing and pulsing as an energy bolt surged through it.
He crashed through another line, mechanical assistance whirring, pushing his body past the limits of his humanity, turning him into something more, something greater.
Bodies flew.
He was a machine.
A god.
A burg roared up at him from nowhere its pincers out, ready to dig into his flesh.
But like a spitting cobra, he reacted on the instant sending the creature hissing back screaming and clutching at its face as the human saliva burned it horrifically.
More screaming.
At the head of a pack of Drev they sunk into the burg line annihilating everything that came into their path.
Blue blood coated the ground, mingling with red and orange.
He practically broke through the line himself slaying the Burg who was attempting to close the breach.
The gunners leaped form the back of their Drev companions, posting up on the doors and fiering inward the continued report of their weapons no more than continuous background thunder.
He fell back so as not to get in their way.
His vision was graying around the edges leaning toward black as the roaring pain ripped through his body.
His head was light and he felt as if he was about to tip over.
How long had he been fighting?
It felt like it had only been seconds, though his implant was telling hi they had been at it for almost an hour now.
His stomach churned, and he fell to his hands and knees vomiting violently, mouth filling with bile.
He continued to wretch, though there was nothing left in his stomach. 
Something grabbed him by the shoulder, and he was hauled to his feet, just as the inner line broke and the gunners were stepping inwards.
THe trucks had stopped behind them and jets roared overhead.
He turned to his companion only to find sunny standing with him, her spear coated in blue sludge, her already blue carapace tinted with the enemy’s blood.
She urged him onward and he followed, and together they broke through the forward line and out into the amber light of the Burg dome.
The interior of the space echoed with a deafening sound. Gunfire was absolutely deafening.
The burg shouted and cried out in panic as they were systematically gunned down. Their small group of Drev and Gunmen advanced into the space covered by other soldiers pouring into the gap.
A burg ran at hi, and for a moment they were overwhelmed with bodies.
Energy fire rattled against his shield which only glowed brighter. Sunny held at his back with another energy shield, and together they plowed through the line.
He watched her spear two burg with one thrust, one through the neck and the other through the mouth before withdrawing her weapon and brutally smashing another set to the ground.
He ground his heel into the head of another burg as another bout of gunfire tore up the crowd just to his right.
A human body lay on the ground just to the right.
A marine with their eyes glazed over in death.
He thought he was going to be sick.
The fire in his bones was building. His body was screaming with an absolute horrendous and madding pain, the blackness at the edge of his vision was encroaching inward. The roaring in his ears was absolutely deafening.
In his pain, one of the burg caught onto his upper arm, and bit down hard.
He screamed, grabbed the creature with both hands.
And ripped it apart.
The moment was so explosive that bits of the creature were hurled many feet to the side, all the soldiers that saw it backed away in fear and terror screaming. 
But for hi, it was the last straw, his vision went white, he felt himself drop to his knees as pain thundered through him. He was going to pass out.
He couldn’t do it, he couldn’t move.
All around him, the Drev soldiers were filling his place in the line swarming around to cover him as he trembled and moaned at the center of the battle.
He couldn’t move.
Tears rolled down his face and into the dust.
He didn’t even have the energy to heave….. He just, couldn't, move.
It was as if his body was filled with fire reaching upwards threatening to engulf him.
And then a cold hand one his face. It wasn’t much, but it was enough to stave off the fire and bring his vision back from the brink of collapse, his heart hammered weakly in his chest as his eyes lifted upwards. 
Green met gold.
The world around him went dull and dim muffled accept for a bubble five feet by five feet.
Sunny knelt in front of him, her gold eyes calm and cool against the raging of battle, familiar and safe. Two of her hands rested on either of his arms, one hand rested on his shoulder and the other hand was cool on his cheek.
She forced him to keep eye contact with her as the blackness receded from his vision.
“I can’t do it sunny.” He whispered, “I ca-” His voice choked off
His body quaked with horrific pain.
She leaned forward a little until he felt like he would fall into deep pools of gold, soothing and warm.
“It will be over soon.” 
Her voice came to him, though very far away.
She leaned in resting her forehead against his four hands gripping him even as one of his hands held onto her arm.
“It will all be over soon, you just have to fight with me one, last time.” 
If it had been simply her words and his will, he would have been able to get up. He would have hauled himself to his feet, and he did, a little.
But his body failed him.
He sunk back to the ground in a well of mental misery as bad as the pain of his flesh.
He wanted to get up so bad.
But he wasn’t special, he wasn’t a hero, and simple words weren’t going to be enough to get him to his feet, no matter how badly he wanted it. This wasn’t a moment of cinema, but this was reality, a true story of the failing of the human body and the human mind. 
He couldn't not make himself get up. 
But he knew something that could.
The battle roared around him as he reached downwards and plucked the little black box from his belt. He saw sunny reaching out a hand to stop him, but she was too late as he slammed the little box home.
It clicked, and after only a few seconds of agony, his body was flooded with relief and a high so intense that the pain didn’t matter anyway.
He roared to his feet.
The world around him was a cloud of white and distant noise, but he was untouchable.
No pain could stop him now.
No exhaustion even hinted at bringing itself forward, and together he and Sunny broke a line through the burg ranks.
Their artillery was useless in this space for fear of killing their own. Their ships weapons were likewise but only worse, leaving the burg with their simple weapons packed together at close quarters with a raging machine and the drev, Ares and the Spartans, as they came to lay waste. They were destroying angels, and the burg were mandated by god to perish here.
Neither he nor sunny were the ones to finally place the charges in the burg engine.
They were too busy holding off wave after wave.
He had to be screamed at on multiple occasions to fall back. 
There were at times where he thought they were dead, though internally he didn’t really care, but somehow they always managed to break through partially because of their weapons and partially because the burg morale had been shattered. They were being physically ripped apart, pulled in half, and many of their comrades lay writhing on the ground hands clutching at their faces slowly being dissolved by human venom.
He tripped over a body and had to be dragged through the open port, the last one out as the shield was locked shut.
And one of the marines detonated the button.
The explosion on the interior of the shield would have leveled the city if not contained as the burg ship’s engine combusted with a wave powerful enough to atomize everything inside.. The first wave turned everything within the dome to dust and fused everything after that into glass. The shield itself was the most powerful piece of equipment the burg had ever made, and if they had just managed to close it off, the humans would never have gotten through.
And now it was their tomb.
Off to the side Adam was having trouble breathing. His chest hurt, and his body shivered with cold that shouldn’t have been there.
People were trying to talk to him, but the glorious high from earlier was gone leaving him with chest pain, difficulty breathing, and the slow creeping of agony back into his limbs. 
He was so cold.
The world around him grew white.
And he collapsed to the ground.
Finally allowed to sleep. 
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ladyfawkes · 3 years
FINALLY!!! AN UPDATE!!! Lol. Nice long one, too. Post-Cassandra's Revenge AU. Grievous injuries occur to more than one character during Cassandra's fight for magical dominance. These afflictions won’t become manifest until after they’ve left the Tower, however.
In the aftermath from Cassandra's Revenge at Black Rock Tower, Eugene is trying to use his rare alone time to process all that had happened. Thankfully, he has Lance to keep him grounded with his own irksome ways.
One enormous weight had been lifted and Eugene's psyche was flying because he knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that Rapunzel reciprocated all of his feelings for her. He also witnessed exactly to what lengths Rapunzel would move heaven and earth to fight for him.
Amongst his euphoria for Rapunzel, however, he must also figure out how to forgive Cassandra for all that she’s done.
Chapter 3 Summary:
Although Eugene had originally explained that he wasn't otherwise affected by his experiences from yesterday at Black Rock Tower, today was proving out much differently.
Eugene had tried valiantly to keep things from Rapunzel in order to save her more grief. Yet he had to quickly make the determination to tell her everything instead, due in large part to Lance’s prodding. Nobody had known it at the time, but Eugene’s affliction symptoms would soon send him spiraling too quickly. Unfortunately for Eugene, he would be caught up within the throes of the fight's aftermath before he could ever tell Rapunzel anything else. Or even confess privately to Lance. He was no longer capable of giving an explanation about anything to anyone.
What, exactly, had happened to him and who was to blame?
Approximately 40 minutes later, Lance, Rapunzel, Varian, and Eugene had sat down for tea. And although Eugene had originally told Rapunzel that the new scars didn’t hurt, the skin around them had definitely become more sensitized overnight. It’s why earlier he had practically jumped out of his skin even at Rapunzel’s lightest of touches. But he didn’t want Rapunzel to worry needlessly and he wasn’t entirely sure if the sensation was real or if he was just in a state of hyper-awareness and imagining things that weren’t there. However, since their confrontation in Eugene’s room, the presumed-healed wounds were even stinging and smarting somewhat, quite unlike before. Again, Eugene wrestled internally with the idea of telling her about what was happening or not. He finally decided that after tea, he should take Rapunzel aside and tell her about this latest development.
During the past several minutes, Eugene had barely touched even a morsel of his hors d'oeuvres, much less anything more substantial. That was not at all characteristic of his notoriously healthy appetite. At the present, he preferred instead to sip absently from the same cup of tea. Before long everyone at the table kept giving him surreptitious double-takes. Certain he must’ve been imagining it, Eugene turned away from the group and laid down his head, pillowing it against his elbow on the table…..and he was still barely touching that teacup.
Moderately taken aback by Eugene’s abrupt change in mood, the rest of them simply let him alone for the time being. Although still a sensitive person, Eugene wasn’t usually quite so moody anymore. In fact, Lance quite liked to tease Eugene about how his once formerly nihilistic professional thief friend had instead become a rather insufferable eternal optimist. The rest of the group wordlessly seemed to agree that whatever was happening would perhaps blow over soon and Eugene would be back to his normal self in no time.
Little did his friends know that at this very moment, Eugene had been additionally and shockingly swept up in the personal hell of biting back against rather sudden and excruciating pain emanating from his core. Red hot burning sensations now simultaneously emanated from and rippled outward from the new impalement scars; they had quickly forged a web of blazing pain over the entire surface of his skin. So rapidly tuned out was he that Eugene became practically oblivious to the world around him. As each corresponding wave of burning sensations caused him more pain, he subsequently had to fight mounting nausea, overheating, and dizziness. What was being fought from within him was now manifesting outwardly upon Eugene’s face, deepening his complexion to an alarming shade of crimson. Something Eugene’s friends hadn’t yet witnessed was him taking on the shocking appearance of one who had been stricken with extreme sunburn -- over the entire surface of his body. After all, Eugene had turned his back and covered his head with his jacket.
Some mysterious internal source of heat had arisen within Eugene, almost as if his body were trying to fight off something particularly nasty and virulent. And although earlier he’d promised to tell Lance and Rapunzel the story behind why he thought he’d received his newest scars, Eugene was currently in no shape to tell them anything, especially now, as he’d fallen silent with the rapid spiking of his internal temperature.
The young man had become so light-headed, overheated, and overburdened with pain that he could hardly think, much less speak intelligibly. Oh lord, it’s so hot, was one of Eugene’s only lucid thoughts.
At this point in time, he was finding it impossible to merely sit at the table without needing to fall sideways off the chair or slump bodily over the table. He was additionally getting so annoyed with all the racket surrounding him...the bits that penetrated his thickened consciousness and brain fog, anyway….why couldn’t the people around the table just stop yelling, already?? Eugene wished they all would just shut the hell up, and stop clanking their silverware on the dishes so loudly. That way, his ears would stop ringing and he’d have a better chance of getting his head to stop pounding a little. Although his back was toward his companions, they noted his non-verbal mounting signs of distress nonetheless. Rapunzel had stood up out of her seat and walked around the table to check on him. She lightly touched his shoulder from behind.
Without any outward indication he’d noticed her, Eugene greatly startled Rapunzel and everyone at the table as he clapped his hands over the ringing in his ears and shot up unsteadily out of his seat. He attempted an announcement to the entire table his intention to leave and take refuge in his bedroom until he felt better. Yet before he could complete any of the words coming out of his mouth, Eugene’s eyes rolled back in his head and he suddenly collapsed like a sack of potatoes. Everyone in the dining hall simultaneously expressed alarm and dismay upon seeing Eugene’s current condition.
‘--Gene!’” was the only panic-stricken syllable that Rapunzel managed to utter in that moment. Before the princess could even fully comprehend what was happening, Eugene’s chin slammed into the edge of the hard wooden table in front of him. The princess sprang into action and managed to catch Eugene before he could cause himself any further injury. Everyone at the table began chattering worriedly at once, wondering how it was that Eugene could go from looking perfectly healthy just minutes ago to outright fainting and turning red as a sunburn victim.
“Lance!” called Rapunzel. Lance made it to Eugene instantly, saying, “On it, dear Princess,” as he took up his friend Eugene’s side opposite Rapunzel and the pair laid the distressed young man on the cool marble floor of the dining hall. Varian had dutifully sprinted from the large hall, having volunteered to go summon the palace surgeon. They needed to see what, if anything, could be done for Eugene. And hopefully even get some insight as to his current condition.
Right now, blood was gushing from a superficial wound in Eugene’s chin where his skin had split open upon making contact with the unyielding table. Rapunzel had ordered one of the kitchen servants to bring her a bowl of cold water and several clean serviettes. This, of course, was done immediately. The princess took one serviette, folded over a corner, dipped it in the clean water, and pressed it against Eugene’s chin wound. It was only then he began to stir a little. He had turned his head enough to dislodge the cloth, which in turn caused Rapunzel to shift and firmly press the cloth back upon the wound.
“That huuuurts,” Eugene whimpered semi-consciously, feebly attempting to push away Rapunzel’s ministering hands with one of his own.
“I’m sure it does,” soothed Rapunzel, running her hand across his fevered brow. She looked up at Lance with deep concern, “He is positively burning up. Could you soak another cloth for me and press it against his forehead, please?”
“Sure thing, Princess,” answered Lance, and did what Rapunzel requested.
That much cold moisture coming into contact with Eugene’s reddened overheated face, however, nearly succeeded in fully rousing the unconscious young man. Their charge soon settled down, however, as Lance restrained one of Eugene’s flailing arms and Rapunzel restrained the other.
“Lance,” Rapunzel queried worriedly, “do you have any idea about what might be causing this curious overheating within him? And do you know anything about those new scars that he hasn’t yet told me?”
“The only thing I know for certain, Princess, is that he received these marks yesterday during the time, ah….Cassandra…..was squeezing him with rocks? -- whatever that meant.” Rapunzel’s eyes grew larger than saucers and Lance couldn’t hold her gaze. “But he did say he….” even Lance was having difficulty finishing the explanation in the same place where Eugene had, though Lance had originally been the one goading his friend into telling the Princess, “....he did say he had literally felt himself get run through in four places whilst being held onto by those rocks.” Rapunzel’s complexion noticeably paled, even in the bright afternoon sunlight of the dining hall.
“No…..please….no…..” she whispered, wilting before Lance’s eyes in spite of her obvious desire to remain strong for Eugene.
“But -- but he also was positively adamant and was almost certain that Cassandra wasn’t the one responsible,” Lance fibbed, not wanting to see Rapunzel’s confidence falter. “And that’s all I know,” he said in a rush, before he could descend any deeper. This little white lie of Eugene being sure it wasn’t Cass felt practically necessary right now.
“Really?” asked Rapunzel hopefully. Suddenly Lance understood why Eugene would do anything to keep Rapunzel from being disappointed or feeling betrayed, especially when it comes to Cassandra. “I wonder why Eugene wanted to keep this from me, though….” she mused to herself.
“The only reason he didn’t tell you is because Eugene knew how worried you would become if you had even one inkling that Cass had actively tried to kill him. His sincerest wish was to keep you from experiencing even more distress.”
Rapunzel looked down at her intended and ran her free hand lovingly through his hair. “And to think, I was upset with him for keeping it secret….I should've known he was merely trying to shield me. Dearest Eugene….what’s happening to you right now? If only I could’ve asked you sooner….” her eyes grew moist and she said to Lance, "he’s forever the protector, even when he’s the one in worse danger, or the one who’s truly suffered --”
“Princess Rapunzel?” An authoritative yet kind voice interrupted her speech as more quickened footsteps echoed across the hall. True to his word, Varian had brought the palace surgeon to assist with Eugene.
“Dr. Eden,” acknowledged Rapunzel, nodding with some relief, “thank you for coming so quickly. While we’re not exactly certain what’s affecting Eugene, we can tell you that the visual symptoms you can see weren’t affecting him as little as an hour ago.”
Lance stood up from his place by Eugene, volunteering the empty spot for Dr. Eden. The doctor quickly knelt down and began examining her patient. “So he’s not sunburned, then?” queried the doctor. “Not at all,” Rapunzel answered.
“And his fever?” continued Eden.
“He showed no signs of it at all until approximately 30 minutes ago, when he laid down his head upon the table during tea.”
“Hmmm,” Dr. Eden’s brows knitted together as she mused to herself. “Does anyone here happen to have a spyglass or other magnifier?”
“I do!” Varian chirped, clearly pleased to be of further assistance. The young teen stepped closer and volunteered his ever-present prism goggles. After Varian showed the doctor how to work the goggles, she asked the nearby servants if the castle had any ice stores in the palace cellars. Unfortunately, they did not and had used up the last of the stores the week prior and had yet to replenish them. It was then that Varian again volunteered. “Uhm, actually, I have an alchemical compound that creates ice from regular water almost instantly,” he said helpfully.
“Can the ice safely touch human skin?”, asked Dr. Eden. Varian answered in the affirmative. “Can you make enough ice to fill an entire washtub with it too?” Dr. Eden continued multi-tasking by asking Varian questions and closely examining the surface of Eugene’s skin up close with the goggles.
Varian made some brief calculations in his head and affirmed that he did indeed have enough ice-making compound for the task at hand.
“All right, then -- retrieve your supplies, Alchemist, and I shall meet up with you again in the bath chamber. My patient is in need of your services too,” said Dr. Eden.
“Yes, ma’am!!” said Varian excitedly, very nearly saluting the doctor as he rushed out of the hall, nearly ploughing into one of the palace servants in his haste. "Whoops! Sorry!!" the teen exclaimed in a hurry.
Then the doctor turned toward the princess and said, “We’ve simply got to bring down Eugene’s temperature as rapidly as possible. Now tell me -- has he perhaps recently been struck by lightning?”
“No!!” Rapunzel answered immediately. But then thought better of it.
“Wait….actually....” The power and energies that she and Cassandra had been wielding yesterday had certainly resembled nothing if not so much as awesome lightning…. And poor Eugene and Varian had been haplessly trapped and caught up right in the center of it all. Oh, how foolish she had been to assume they had all somehow escaped her goddess-like fight with Cassandra completely unscathed…..therefore she nodded despondently toward Dr. Eden.
“Y-yesterday,” Rapunzel’s throat constricted on the word, and a hand flew to her mouth. The princess could no longer speak. That instantaneous tsunami of guilt which built within her over the mere possibility that her actions from yesterday might’ve led to Eugene’s current state of suffering today threatened to overwhelm her.
Lance had just explained to her that Eugene was all but certain that Cassandra wasn’t the one responsible for his newest gnarly scars. Was it possible that’s because Eugene knew that Rapunzel was the one who had given them to him instead, however unwittingly?
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big-idiot-wolf-boys · 4 years
Nightfall: Twilight Reimagined -3-
-1- -2
   Not much to say here, besides “forgive my excessive use of italics” lol!
    When I opened my eyes, something was different. There was a crispness to the air that hadn’t been there yesterday, and no fog blocked the view of the forest from the window.
    I jumped out of bed and raced to the window, then groaned. 
    Instead of my beloved sunshine, there was an even layer of snow dusting the yard, my truck, and surely the rest of the town. Not only that, but the rain from yesterday had frozen, creating a sheet of ice on the road and the driveway. Pine needles froze in complex, spiky designs on their branches. This was the worst-case scenario I had imagined when packing in Phoenix only a week ago. I longed for the sun of my home, I was clumsy enough on dry ground- ice was especially dangerous for me.
    Charlie left for the early shift at five in the morning, so it sometimes felt like I was living alone. Instead of resenting Charlie for it- like I had with Renee- I found myself enjoying the alone time.
    I had a quick breakfast, rushing in the excitement to go to school. This was the first time I had wanted to go to Forks High, and it was a little unnerving. It wasn’t the classes or my new friends that inspired this sudden drive in me. Deep down, I knew it was because of the Cullens. I was excited to talk to Edward, and unravel the mystery of his family.  After blabbing about my whole life to him yesterday, he owed me some answers about his.
    Anyway, I was supposed to be suspicious of him. Why did he lie to me about his eyes? And when I thought back to his glare from the previous week, it scared me. Still, he was so beautiful, and friendlier now. I got tongue-tied just thinking of his face, the topaz color of his eyes.
    While navigating the ice to get to my truck, I only fell once. I had to hold on to the door handle to maintain my balance when clambering in. It was becoming clear that today was not going to be my day.
    My thoughts wandered not to the mysterious Cullen family, or the very real possibility of slipping on ice, but to my new friends. How people were reacting to me here. I’d noticed the appreciative looks from some of the boys of Forks High, but it didn’t make any sense. I looked the same as I always had. Maybe back home, people had seen me at my most awkward and still thought of me that way, not that I was less awkward now. Maybe it was because I was still new around here. Maybe they’d get bored of me soon. Whatever the reason, Mike’s clinginess wasn’t something I had been prepared to deal with. I was glad to have been adopted into such a large group of friends, though. There was always someone to talk to.
    It seemed like an unexpected positive to driving a steel truck was the ease with which it drove over the ice. The weight prevented a lot of slide. I parked at the back end of the lot and carefully climbed out of my truck. A glint of silver at the corner of my eye caught my attention. After holding on to the edge of the truck and inching my way closer, I crouched to peer at my tire. Had I driven over a nail? 
    No, there wasn't a nail sticking out of my tire, but a thin, spiked chain crisscrossing over the rubber. Charlie must have gotten up even earlier than normal to put the chains on. I felt myself getting choked up. Would Charlie’s little acts of kindness ever stop taking me by surprise?
    As I stood, fighting back this rush of emotion, there was a deafening, shrill screech. My head whipped around, and I observed several things vividly-- my brain seemed to be working double, maybe triple, speed.
    Half a dozen cars away, Edward Cullen was staring at me with a look of undiluted horror on his beautiful face. Others were standing around him, but their faces blurred into a sea of blank features; something more pressing needed my attention. A large blue van hurtled towards me, sliding on the sheet of ice that was the parking lot. It was headed for the back corner of my truck. Right where I was standing, in fact. Bullseye. The van’s tires were locked, brakes squealing in protest. There was no way to stop this van from hitting me. I wouldn't even have time to blink.
    Before the impact could happen, something hit me. Hard. It wasn’t from the front, where the van was still coming from-- instead, I was slammed sideways, my head bouncing off the blacktop with a sickening crack, then something pinned me down. I couldn’t move.
    I was now pinned behind the car I had parked next to and the van was still coming. It had hit the corner of my truck, and was spinning towards me for a second time.
    Something was out to get me today.
    “You've got to be fucking kidding me.” Someone muttered, causing me to jolt. How had I not noticed someone right next to me? The voice was familiar, and when paired with two pale hands shooting out in front of me, there was no mistaking who it was. The van skidded to a stop right in front of me, Edward’s hands were pressed, seemingly unharmed, into a large dent in the side paneling of the van. Another sickening sound, more of a crunch. 
    Time was still moving faster than normal, Edward’s hands were a blur. One practically teleported to the underside of the van, and the other swung me around until I bumped the unharmed car I had parked next to. Another metallic screech pierced my ears and the van finally seemed to settle. Glass tinkled onto the blacktop, right where I had been laying.
    There was a collective hush for three whole seconds. Then someone screamed. I could hear both Angela and Jessica shouting my name, other classmates scrambling to call 911, and others still- calling for the adults. Staff members’ feet pounded on the pavement as they came running. Above all that noise, I could hear Edward speaking to me intently.
    “Bella, are you alright?”
    “I’m…” My voice was thick. “Fine.”  I tried to sit up, and realized that what was pinning me down was Edward himself. He was holding me in an unbreakable vice.
    “Careful,” He warned. “It looked like you hit your head pretty hard.”
    Oh, yeah. I was suddenly aware of my head pounding, centered around my left temple.
    “Ouch,” I grimaced.
    “Yeah, I thought so.” It sounded like he was suppressing a laugh, and a quick peek up confirmed his smirk.
    “Wait…” I reached up and pushed my hair back from my face as I tried to collect myself. “How did you get over here so quickly?”
    “What do you mean?” His face immediately lost any sign of amusement. “I was right here.”
    This time, Edward allowed me to sit up. He then slid as far away from he could. Despite this, I could only decipher concern in his eyes. My brain was once again fogged up by his intense gaze. Or maybe that was the head injury. 
    What were we talking about again?
    That’s when the crowd broke through to us. Some had tears on their face, others were shouting to get back or come closer.
    “Don’t move,” Someone, I think it was the gym teacher, instructed.
    “Get Tyler!” Someone else yelled, this time Mike.
    There were too many people, their movements frenzied, and Edward was pressing on my shoulder again. I tried to focus on my breathing.
    "Just stay still," He ordered.
    “Don’t tell me what to do,” I said, irritated. That was good. If I focused on the irritation, I wouldn’t get overwhelmed by, well, everything. So, I stubbornly pressed on, knowing I was right.
    “Bella,” He sounded exasperated. A perfectly delivered tone, as though he were an actor. “I was walking right by you, I pulled you out of the way.” He turned the full force of his gaze on me, as if trying to tell me something without speaking.
    Drop the subject.
    “No,” I insisted.
    “Please, just drop it.”
    “No.” I set my jaw.
    “Trust me,” He pleaded, and combined with the force of his gaze, I almost gave in. Then I heard the sirens in the distance.
    “I’m not dropping it.” We would have to finish this another time. “Explain later?”
    “Fine.” I snapped.
    It took a team of EMTs, and a couple of staff members, to move the van away from us. Then they brought the stretchers in. I almost wished I had been knocked out so I didn’t have to see everyone staring at us. Edward refused a stretcher but when I tried to do the same, the jerk told them that I had hit my head. 
    They put me in a neck brace, strapped me onto a stretcher, and loaded me into the ambulance. By now, it seemed like the whole school had arrived, and they were all watching. I waved to Angela to let her know I was okay and she answered me with a shaky smile. Because Edward wasn’t in a stretcher, he got to ride shotgun. I was fuming.
    To make things even more embarrassing, Charlie arrived before the ambulance could drive away.
    “Bella!” The panic overrode the cop voice, cutting down his intimidation factor.
    “Char- dad, I’m okay. Really.” 
    He turned to get an opinion from one of the EMTs. I rolled my eyes. Fine. While Charlie spoke to the EMT, I had time to consider what had happened. From the back of the ambulance, I could see a dent in the car next to my truck that hadn’t been there when I parked next to it. It was a distinct shape, humanlike. It looked like Edward had braced his back against it to stop the van. But it was impossible. He couldn’t have stopped the van and he shouldn’t have dented the car. He would've died.
    Then there were the other Cullens. They had watched the accident with varying degrees of surprise, disapproval, and anger, but no concern for their brother or his safety.
    I tried to think of a logical reason for all of this but I couldn’t quite make all the pieces fit together. Maybe I had started to go crazy.
    It was just my luck the ambulances receive police escorts when they go to the county hospital, I felt ridiculous the whole time. As if to rub salt in the wound, Edward just waltzed right into the front doors of the hospital all on his own, whereas I had to be unloaded from the back. I clenched my fists.
    They sent me to the Emergency Room, of course. A long room with rows of beds separated by cheerfully patterned curtains and nurses bustling about. They took my blood pressure and temperature.
    I tore the neck brace off, feeling defiant, as soon as the nurse walked away, and stashed it under my pillow.
    Just as I was getting settled, another round of chaos kicked up. Tyler Crowly had arrived. They put him in the bed right next to mine. He had a bloody bandage around his head and looked a hundred times worse than I felt. 
    “Bella, I am so sorry!”
    “Tyler, I’m okay, but look at you! Are you okay?” I asked, worrying my lip between my teeth. We talked as the nurses began to work on Tyler. They unwound the bandages, exposing a triad of slices over his forehead and left cheek.
    He dodged my question. “I thought you were gonna die, Bella, I was going too fast,” His words began to blur together, “And I hit the ice funny, and,” The nurse started carefully picking glass out of Tyler’s wounds with a small pair of tweezers.
    “Tyler, I’m okay.” I insisted.
    “How did you even get out of the way? It was like you teleported.”
    I hesitated for a beat. “Edward pulled me out of the way. Cullen.” I winced at how unnatural I sounded. 
    “Really? I didn’t even see him.” Tyler frowned. “God, it happened so fast. Is he okay?”
    “Yeah,” I said sourly, “They didn’t make him use a stretcher or anything.”
    I knew I wasn’t crazy! Tyler hadn’t seen Edward there because he hadn’t been there. But what had happened, then? How did he get there so fast? It didn’t make sense. 
    Soon, I was wheeled off to get my head x-rayed. I insisted again that I was fine, but Charlie overrode my word. I was right, there weren't any siogns of damage in my scans. I asked if I could go home, but the nurse said I needed to see a doctor, just in case.
    So I was stuck, listening to Tyler babble apologies over and over. Eventually, I resorted to pretending to fall asleep just to get him to leave me alone.
    Some time later, a soft musical voice cut through my near sleep, and Tyler’s frantic mumbling. “Is she sleeping?” It took everything in my power to not bolt up like I’d been shocked.
    Edward was standing at the foot of my hospital bed, a smirking angel. I halfheartedly glared at him.
    “Edward! I’m so sorry, man, I lost control on the ice-” Tyler turned his stream of apologies on someone else, finally.
    “No worries,” Edward waved one hand casually, “At least you didn’t hit anyone.” He flashed a set of sparkling teeth, then sat on the foot of Tyler’s bed, facing me. 
    “So? How are you feeling?”
    “I told you,” I sighed. “There’s nothing remotely wrong with me, but they won’t release me until I see a doctor. Why aren’t you being monitored like me and Tyler here, huh?”
    “It’s all about the connections,” Edward told me, clicking his tongue twice. “Lucky for you, I’m your connection.”
    Edward looked towards the ER doors, and I followed his gaze. A young doctor breezed in, and my mouth almost dropped open. He was the youngest doctor I’d ever seen, and more attractive than half the movie stars I could name off the top of my head. These things, in addition to his paleness and golden eyes, indicated that this was Dr. Cullen, Edward’s uncle. 
    “Isabella!” The doctor said in a cheerful voice. “How are you feeling?”
    “It’s Bella, and I’m fine. Seriously.” I was getting too tired to keep up much of a polite mask, but I smiled at the man.
    “Bella, then.” He nodded, and moved to switch on the board that displayed my x-rays, “Your x-rays don’t indicate a break, which is, of course, good news. Edward said that your head hit the curb pretty hard, are you in pain?”
    I glared at Edward, who was innocently in conversation with Tyler and didn’t even notice. “No. I feel fine.”
    Either my word wasn’t good enough, or Dr. Cullen was a stickler about procedure, because he started to lightly probe around my skull. When his cool fingers made contact with my throbbing left temple, I winced.
    “You’re sure your head doesn’t hurt?” He asked, raising a brow. 
    “I’ve had worse.” I shrugged. “Clumsy.”
    “I heard the chief arrive as I came through, you can head on home with him. But, Bella, if you start to feel dizzy or sick, I’d like for you to come back.”
    I held back a groan. “You mean I can’t go back to school?”
    “I think you should take it easy for the rest of the day.”
    I glanced between Edward and the doctor. “Well, does he get to go back?”
    “Someone has to recount our tale of glory,” Edward said, smirking.
    “Frankly, I’m surprised they didn’t just close school for the day,” Dr. Cullen said with an amused smile. “It looked to me that most of the student body was in our waiting room.”
    Crap! I groaned aloud this time, rubbing a hand over my face.
    “Would you rather stay here?” 
    “No!” I scrambled out of the bed before he could try to convince me.
    Luck was just out to get me today, I slipped on the linoleum and Dr. Cullen steadied me by the shoulder, looking concerned. Edward, however, looked like he was trying not to laugh.
    “I’m fine,” I promised again. He had no idea how clumsy I was, even on the days without head injuries. 
    “Some over the counter painkillers will do you just fine- if you need them.” The doctor suggested, stepping back. 
    “I’ll keep that in mind.”
    ”Well, Miss Swan, it appears luck was on your side today.” He said, signing my chart. I almost laughed, hysterically thinking that the doctor might have read my mind, ironically commenting on my luck. 
    “Lucky Edward pulled me out of the way, you mean.” I corrected, with a side glance to the aforementioned classmate.
    “Yes, of course. Now, if you can excuse me…” He trailed off, shuffling his papers and moving on to speak to Tyler. I narrowed my eyes. Whatever Edward was hiding, the doctor was in on it.
    “Tyler, it looks like we’re going to be taking you in for x-rays, you’re be stuck here a little while longer.” I overheard the doctor warn. As soon as I was sure he was done with me, I rounded on Edward.
    “Can we talk?” I asked in a low voice. He blinked, before taking a distinct step away from me. 
    “I thought you wanted to get home.” He countered tensely.
    “Home will still be there in five minutes. Let’s talk.” I paused, before glancing up at him from under my lashes and adding, “Please?”
    I honestly hadn’t thought that was going to work, but Edward’s glare softened, and he sharply turned to march down the hallway. I slid on the linoleum when I hurried after him, and when he suddenly stopped- I bumped into his back. 
    “Oops, sorry,” I huffed. 
    “Can you at least watch where you’re going?” He asked, glaring at me. 
    The hostility had finally made a comeback, then. It was bound to happen sometime if his past behavior was an indicator. I didn’t back down. 
    “Look, you promised to tell me how you saved me.”
    “I saved your life, does the ‘how’ really matter?”
    Grinding my teeth, I leaned forward. “You promised.” I reminded him.
    “Bella, come on!” He was getting impatient, maybe he’d slip up. “I don’t know what to tell you, I was standing right by you. You must have hit your head really hard.” 
    “I don’t even have a concussion, so it seems pretty unlikely that I imagined you on the other side of the parking lot.” I hissed. 
    “Can’t you just let it go?” He turned to pleading now. 
    “No! I just want answers - I’ll tell people you pulled me out of the way, if you want. That’s not even a lie. But you were standing next to your car across the lot, all I want to know is how you got to me so fast.”
    “What do you think the truth is? Clearly you won’t accept my word.” 
    “I know the truth,” I insisted, speaking in a quiet rush. “I know you were six cars down from me, standing next to your car. Tyler didn’t see you next to me. That van should have killed me - should have killed you! - But it didn’t!”
    “Your hands, your back, left a dent in the cars. You should be all kinds of,” I lowered my voice as a nurse walked by, “Fucked up. My legs should have been crushed, but you pushed me out of the way, you held the van up to do it.” My anger was reaching new heights, tears pricking at the corners of my eyes. How dare he try to convince me none of this had happened? 
    Edward was staring at me like I had lost my mind, but his eyes were cold; defensive. 
    “You think I’m strong enough to do something like that?” He asked, velvet voice twisted into a kind of surprised sneer that made me just want to slap him. I didn’t buy it for a second.
    “Like I said,” I snapped, “I know.” My hands were tense at my side, a focused effort. 
    “You know that sounds crazy, right?” He asked, patronizing now, “No one would believe you.”
    “I…” blinked up at him, “wasn’t going to tell anyone.”
    This time the surprise Edward displayed seemed more genuine. “Then why do you even care?”
    “I could have died, but I was impossibly saved. Don’t I deserve to know how? Or why?”
    “Can’t you just be glad instead?” He pleaded. 
    “Thank you!” I snapped, throwing my arms up in exasperation before crossing them over my chest.
    “You’re not letting this go.”
    “Not even a little.” 
    “You’re not going to get any answers.” 
    I glared at him until the moisture in my eyes dried up some. He raised a brow, like he was waiting for something. I tried not to be distracted by the way his hair caught the light, or the shape of his lips. It was like having a staring contest with a beautiful statue.
    “Why did you do it?” I finally asked. 
    It was my turn to take him off guard. It looked like he short-circuited for a moment, fumbling for an answer. 
    “I don’t know.,” He said, turning on his heel and walking away. 
    My body shook with anger. I deserved to have answers when it came to matters of life and death. When I gathered myself, I slowly made my way to the double doors at the end of the hallway. 
    The waiting room was more crowded than I had thought possible. It really did look like the whole school was here, and it was more people than I thought. They were waiting for news. Waiting for me, Tyler, or even Edward. The first person to make it to my side was Charlie and for that I was grateful.
    “I’m okay,” I reassured him, before he could even ask. 
    Instead, he just wrapped his arms around me, hugging me tight for a long minute. 
    “What did the doctor say?” He asked when he finally stepped back. I tried to hold in a sigh. It wasn’t Charlie’s fault I was in a bad mood.
    “Dr. Cullen saw me. He said I was okay, not even a concussion. He said I should go home, but to come back if I feel sick.” I recited in a dull voice. Mike, Jessica and Angela were pushing their way through the crowd-- towards us. “Can we go? Please?” 
    He took pity on me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and leading me to the automatic doors. I waved meekly at my friends, hoping they would just let us pass by. And despite hating to ride in the cruiser under normal circumstances, I was relieved to do so, just to get home. 
    While he dove, Charlie rambled about how he had been worried about me, how glad he was that I was okay, and even made an offhand comment about putting Tyler’s license on hold. Later, I would try to talk him out of that, but right now I could only think of the Cullens and what they were hiding. Edward’s defensiveness was only confirmation that I was onto something. 
    We parked in front of the house but when I tried to get out, Charlie cleared his throat and looked at me sheepishly. “You… might want to call your mom.”
    “You told her?” I groaned. 
    “Sorry, it’s in the Dad Handbook.”
    I indulged in a little bit of teen melodrama and slammed the door when I got out. It had been a long day, and Charlie would forgive the outburst.
    Renee was hysterical when I called. It took more than a dozen reassurances that I was fine before she would even listen to me. She begged me to buy a ticket to Phoenix - she would meet me there, she promised - but I resisted. The mystery of the Cullens consumed me, even if Edward was beginning to piss me off. It felt stupid and dangerous, but it kept me grounded to Forks. 
    The best thing to do would be to go to bed early, and reassure my parents with the extra bed rest. I took a couple of Tylenol - my head was beginning to hurt in earnest after that phone call - after changing and brushing my teeth. Charlie checked on me three times that night. 
    When I did finally sleep, my mind was still plagued with thoughts of the Cullens.
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martinscardigan · 5 years
Sweet Dreams (Reader x Elmer)
Word Count: 2,770
Warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Delanceys, Violence TW, and just general angst tbh
You were kicked out of your home for being friends with the Newsies and Elmer finds you crying on the streets. He recognizes you from selling around your house a few times and takes you to the lodgehouse. Elmer is an adorable human, and I love him
Soooo, I had this idea like a week and a half ago and it wouldn’t leave me alone. I guess in my brain I always Headcannon Elmer as just a sweetie and so this happened. Apparently hurt/comfort is like the only thing I know how to write lol
You were kicked out of your house in early January. And it was cold on the streets of New York, so your first priority was to find a place to sleep that wasn’t under a well cut tree in central park. You had seen the newsies around before, even talked to most of them before but never really in depth until one of them saw you crying as you walked down the street in the Bowery.
“Hey, Hey, I knows ya right,” He grabbed you by the shoulders and tried to get you to look up at him. “You live off of 5th, right?”
“Used to, my father just kicked me out,” You pulled away from him in anger, but the boy put his arm around you.
“The name’s Elmer, and I am not going to let you wander these streets alone, it’s getting dark-” The boy explained before you cut him off.
“And who gives you the right?”
“I mean, I just don’t want ya to freeze to death, you were always nice to me, so it’s time I repay the favor.”
For a moment you weighed your options, he did make a good point about not freezing to death, but also, you weren’t anyone’s charity case. Only giving in to walk silently at Elmer’s side, his arm dropping when he realized you weren’t going to bolt. You followed him all the way to the Newsboy’s Lodgehouse.
“No, no way. I ain’t no newsie,” you protested, placing your feet firmly on the ground.
“You don’t gotta be a newsie forever, but until you find something you like better, this is gonna be the safest spot for ya,” Elmer shrugged.
“I just- the whole reason I’m in this mess is that my father- well, he saw me talking to a group of you one day. It was Race, Albert and Specs- I think, and he didn’t like that, he said it brought shame on the family name to associate with lowlifes like that. Said if he saw it happen again I’d be out on the street selling papes faster than I could count to ten,”
Elmer just looked at you for a moment and you took it as a hint to keep talking.
“And this morning he saw me walking around town with Les, the younger one. And after working today, he came home and threw me out, with just the clothes on my back and told me I’d disgrace the family less if I just-” You started crying and Elmer looked at you with sympathetic eyes. He put his arm around your shoulder and practically dragged you into the lodgehouse.
The inside of the lodgehouse was warmer and more humid than it was outside, and the break from the harsh wind was much needed. Your fingers had started to go numb and your ears were  nearly frostbitten- you were sure of it. The first thing he did was push you on to a couch and told you to stay there, which was easily accomplished as you knew you couldn’t go back outside now that you were remembering what it felt like to actually have feeling in your fingers.
It could have been just a few minutes to over an hour before Elmer came back, you weren’t sure. You could see the shoes of the Newsboys shuffling around you, you didn’t want to look up at any of them though, lest they recognize you. When Elmer came back, he carried a mug of hot water and a blanket.
“There,” he said, after getting you wrapped in the blanket and sipping on the hot water.
“Thank you,” you smiled at him weakly. He smiled back and despite it all, you found his smile to be the most comforting thing about this whole experience.
“You don’t have to stay around here for long, but I think it’s better than the streets, and besides a lot of the guys know who you are already,” Elmer offered, the smile continuing to glow on his face.
“I don’t want to be a bother,” you whispered, another stray tear leaking from your eye.
“You ain’t gonna be a bother, besides, the bunk next to mine is open and I’d rather have you as a neighbor than someone else,” he explained. And for a moment you deliberated the idea, your hands started to have feeling in them, and it provided some new clarity.
“Well, I suppose bein’ a newsie won’t be all that bad, right? You just gotta promise to teach me,” you shrugged. If your father decided the reason you should be kicked out was because of the newsies, then why not lean into it, right?
Elmer did a little dance in his seat at this, and gave you a hug. At first you stiffened but then leaned in.
“This is gonna be so great, Y//N!”
A few days later was your first day selling papes. You needed the time to recuperate from getting kicked out and being on the streets. Your small mattress was basically a new home at this point.
It was precious, all the guys had pitched in to buy you a coat, and a scarf. Race had brought a catalogue that he had found and you were in the process of tearing pictures out of it so you could have some photos of things you liked in your space.
And then there was Elmer, he was so kind to you that sometimes you didn’t know what to do. The first night you stayed in the lodgehouse, he slept on the floor next to your bed in case you needed something or started crying. The second night, when you did start crying in the middle of the night, he jumped into action, wrapping his arms around you and humming an old Polish song until you calmed down.
This morning he woke you up by jumping on top of you.
“Y//N! It’s time to wake up! Yous gonna be my partner today!!!” He half shouted, and you couldn’t help but smile as you heard all the Newsies groan.
“Could you not have waited for the mornin’ bell to ring?” You accused, and just as soon as your sat up in your bed, the bell rung. In the dark blue morning light, you barely contained a giggle as Elmer flicked his eyebrows up at you.
“Get a move on!” He lept back off of the bed, and held a hand out to help you out of bed. You ran your fingers through your hair, put on socks, boots, and your cap. You caught a glimpse of your reflection as you walked past a window, you looked like a real newsie now. Elmer tossed you a biscuit for breakfast and you grinned as you took a bite.
“Y//N likes Elmer,” Race drew as he was putting on his suspenders.
“Shut up Race, we’re just friends, that’s all,” You laughed taking another bite of the biscuit.
“Uh-huh, friends like me and Spot Conlon, right?” Race wiggled his eyebrows. You cringed slightly, unable to forget when you had accidentally walked in on them making out, no one telling you what the cap on the door meant.
“Shut up Race,” You repeated, still laughing. You put your coat on, and your scarf just before walking to Newsies square. The air was cold, the morning still mainly dark, but the laughter of your newfound friends made up for it.
You waited at the gate between Elmer and Albert, purposefully trying not to shiver because you had heard that the Delancey Brothers could smell weakness from a mile away and would harass you endlessly for it. When you saw the two brothers come to open the gate, you could smell the entitled coming off of them.
“LINE UP!” The Weasel called, truth be told you were so scared and your heart was racing so fast that the only thing you could think to do was to follow Elmer so closely that you were almost holding onto the back of his shirt. You got your papes and followed Elmer to a corner that you didn’t recognize. For the first little bit you watched him hawk the paper and you made some mental notes.
Unfortunately the headline wasn’t great so it wasn’t the easiest thing you had ever done. But at the end of the day you were able to get your own food, and that was what mattered to you.
“Sorry, I don’t think I was very good at that,” you took a bite of your food.
“It takes lots of practice, and admittedly, I may not be the best teacher,” Elmer shrugged. You were walking home in the orange of the street lights and the air seemed to be freezing around you as you went.
“You did better than me,” you shrugged, ahead of you and Elmer you saw two figures who you barely recognized in the fog of your breath but as they got closer, you recognized the rich, entitled Delancey brothers from earlier. In a moment of panic you grabbed onto Elmer’s arm.
“This is not good, if I told you to run and find Jack, would you be able to get back to the lodgehouse?” Elmer turned to you and whispered frantically, you paused for a moment racking your brain to remember and you frantically shook your head that you couldn’t.
“I’m not gonna let them hurt you,” Elmer said with the most anger you had ever heard in his voice. He took a few steps in front of you, and stood there protectively.
“Well, look what we got here, two newsies,” Oscar cracked his knuckles, and Morris smirked.
“We ain’t lookin’ for any trouble Oscar,” Elmer said gruffly.
“Yeah, well, we’s got express orders to rough up a certain new newsie,” Morris said and looked pointedly at you. “Your father ain’t too pleased with ya, are they?”
You gasped in mild horror, and held to Elmer’s arm a little bit tighter. You watched in abject horror as they walked closer to you. The next several moments seemed like they stretched for years. Oscar and Morris rushed forward and pushed past Elmer quickly, and then you felt a strong pain in your jaw. You balled your fist and swung, hitting the air in front of Morris’ face. Elmer managed to pull Oscar off of you, and knocked him out.
When Oscar’s body hit the ground, Morris stopped and turned his focus onto Elmer. You felt a surge of strength and managed to get up off the ground.
“Morris, stop!” You kicked him, and then tried to look around for anything to hit him with. There wasn’t anything you could think of, but you couldn’t handle to see the sweetest person you knew in this situation. You managed to pull Morris off Elmer, and dodge his fist as it swung at your face. “Just get Oscar and go.”
You pushed him onto the ground and went to Elmer who was leaning up against a building trying to catch his breath.
“Are you going to be okay to get us back to the lodge house?” You asked, putting your arm around his shoulders.
“I’ll be okay, he missed most of his hits, but you look like hell,” Elmer grunted.
“Thanks, lets go,” you started to walk, half dragging Elmer. When you made it back to the lodgehouse you nearly collapsed on the couch and called for Race and Albert to bring the first aid kit.
“Oh my God what happened to you two?” Race asked as he rushed in with the box holding the medical supplies.
“My father paid off the Delancy’s,” you explained, Albert and Race helped to patch the two of you up. Coming to the conclusion that there would be some pretty horrible bruises, but not much worse than that. Elmer had sprained his ankle, but he said the pain was manageable. Just as you were about to help Elmer up the stairs, you saw Jack come through the door.
“Delanceys?” Jack said simply sighing. You hadn’t seen much of him since coming to the lodgehouse, but you knew him on sight.
“Yeah, and someone can’t walk anymore,” you jokingly glared at Elmer. Jack grumbled and apologized that this happened, sending you a tired smile.
“I’ll help you with Elmer,” Jack walked over and Elmer hobbled over to Jack, who carried the extra weight significantly better than you did.
“Y//N’s dad paid off the Delanceys to soak us.” Elmer explained as you all walked up the stairs.
“Are you serious?” Jack turned his head and looked at you with shock on his face. You nodded grimmly.
“They didn’t get me too bad, just my ankle,” Elmer shrugged.
“You gonna sell tomorrow?” Jack asked, you followed a few steps back just listening to Jack and Elmer talk about what the plans were for the next day. You felt an ache in your legs from kicking so hard. You were thankful that the room you were in was on the third floor instead of the fourth or fifth.
“Hey, Y//N, if ya need anything, I’ll be on the roof, got it?” Jack smiled, he touched your shoulder comfortingly, and had a kind look in his eye. You decided that while you definitely had a healthy fear and respect for Jack, he was also very kind to the younger Newsies.
“Come on Elmer,” you helped him over to his bed. “I’m sorry this happened. I knew my family would get in the way sometime soon, but not in just a few days, and not like this.”
“Hey, I’d get in front of the Delancey’s for you any day,” Elmer grinned and patted the bed next to him.
“You’ve been so kind to me since I got kicked out and this is how I repay you,” You sighed as you sat next to him on the soft mattress.
“Don’t worry, I’ll be okay in a few days,” he put his arm around your shoulders.
“It’s just not fair,” you shrugged. “Well, I better get some rest if you ain’t gonna sell tomorrow.”
You went to stand up, but Elmer grabbed your hand as you did.
“Uhm, stay. I’d rather you be here, since I can’t make it over if you have a nightmare,” his voice was barely above a whisper, with a few boys milling around you nervously closed the short distance.
“Are you sure? Won’t we get in trouble or something?” You sat on his bed next to him, the close proximity making it hard to think straight.
“Nah, we’ll just say it was cold or something, now help me take off my boots,” Elmer laughed, and his smile was charming. Next thing you knew you were helping him unlace his shoes, and take off his jacket, and scarves. You put them in a pile on the floor and then undid you shoes, placed them next to his, and added your coat to the pile.
You saw Race out of the corner of your eye and he winked at you. You rolled your eyes, and then laid down next to Elmer. There wasn’t a lot of space so you were really close. You rolled onto your side and Elmer pulled you to him.
“It saves space,” Elmer shrugged, a smirk on his face. You rolled your eyes, but as Elmer started to hum the song that was so familiar to you by now you fell under the current of sleep quickly.
The nightmares stayed away that night.
Over the next few days as Elmer was healing you went and sold with several of the boys. Each had their own take on it, Race talked to as many people as possible, Jack made up headlines that caught the attention of everyone, Albert was very specific about who he talked to and what he said, and Les, well, Les was just adorable, so who wouldn’t have wanted to buy from him?
You brought back sandwiches for Elmer everyday, you would split them and sit on the floor, talking about whatever you did that day. His ankle was getting better, and slowly but surely you were able to get out and sell together again.
With the skills you learned from the others, each day blew by like a breath of fresh air. The routine was simple, and you got into the groove quickly. No matter how much you loved joking with Elmer during the day, when it came time to go home at night, you looked forward to sleeping next to him. You never had a nightmare again.
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singtotheskiies · 7 years
Say You Won't Let Go
pairing: alexander hamilton x reader modern au words: 2700 warnings: angst, drinking, death, and puking yeah boii (and I am obviously an underage minor so I have no clue what drinking and all this adult stuff is like lol) summary: song imagine based off of "Say You Won't Let Go" by James Arthur. this is literally the worst thing I've ever written so please brace yourselves. might have a james madison one next!!
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I met you in the dark, you lit me up You made me feel as though I was enough ------ His life had been chaotic. Anyone could attest to that. ​​​​​He had pushed his childhood away from him, as far as he could. Reliving those hellish years was the last thing he wanted to do. But lately, they had begun to resurface, and the dreams, the nightmares that shook him and forced him awake, sweat pouring off him, began to drain him. His work was growing busier and the load forced upon him became too much to bear. There was no time for anything else; his days consisted of writing and eating quickly, with an hour or two of sleep shoved haphazardly into his crammed schedule if at all possible. Even a man of his constitution and pure stubborn will couldn't keep up with such a timetable. He began to feel dark tendrils of hopelessness, of depression, curl around him, their hold ever tightening. That was, until he met her. He hadn't wanted to go to the party, but Hercules and Laf had insisted. "Alex," Hercules pleaded. "Only for a few hours. I promise it won't be much. You don't even have to drink. Besides, you need a break and I'm going to push you out of this door and into that bar if it's the last thing I do." ​​​​​​ "You might even meet someone special," Laf added. "That doesn't interest me," Alex told him, although something inside him, a small voice in both his head and heart exclaimed that it did. His weary soul was desperate for some type of companionship, someone who would care for him and make sure he was fine. Needless to say, Lafayette must have predicted the future. He walked into the bar and promptly sat on a stool, shaking his head at the bartender when asked if he wanted anything. He prepared himself for five hours of extreme boredom, until the voice came along and wiped everything away. "Is this seat taken?" you had asked, your light perfume wafting across him. He looked up and promptly forgot how to speak. Beautiful eyes, soft-looking mouth, hair slightly disheveled. Every small imperfection blended into a perfect vision. "Uh—um, no, no one's sitting here," he stuttered out, feeling his face grow warm. "(Y/N) (L/N)," you said, shaking his hand. "It's a pleasure to meet you." "Alexander Hamilton," he managed. "Can I—can I buy you a drink?" The rest was history. He stammered out a request for your number and texted you ten minutes after you had left the bar. That led to a couple dates and he finally asked you out three months after that fateful night. You made him feel like he owned the world, like he was worth it. You gave him an incentive to work through the fog in his brain, to endure the long hours of stress, and your smile swept him away every time. ------ We danced the night away, we drank too much I held your hair back when You were throwing up
"Alex, please? It's my birthday!" You pleaded with him until he finally gave in. It was your birthday, and you wanted to go to the same bar you had met him at. He was wary (he didn't like to drink and his tolerance levels were astronomically low) and secretly didn't like you being in such an atmosphere (he felt like the first man you saw would sweep you away from him), but he finally relented. You bounced excitedly on your feet and kissed his cheek. "You're the best!" He blushed and touched his cheek softly. Your heart melted at the small action. "You're so cliché. I love you," you added. No matter how many times he heard you say those words, a spark went through him that felt brand new each time. "I love you too." When you arrived at the bar, you went straight for the seats that you had occupied when the two of you first met. Thankfully, they were empty and you plopped yourself down. "One shot of (drink), please," you told the bartender energetically. "And for your man?" he responded. "I'll take a wine," Alex said, thinking of the least potent thing he could. You had downed three shots when Alex put a hand on your arm. "Babe, you better stop. I don't want you hurting yourself." You smiled at him, already feeling a buzzing from the alcohol in your system. "Oh, stop. I'm responsible; I'll be fine," you replied. "Come dance with me." Alex looked hesitant, but put down his barely-touched drink. You led him to a mostly uncrowded spot on the dance floor, and the two of you began to dance. You looked up at him and he gazed back with a small smile as the bright lights streaked across his face. His eyes were full of love and you beamed even brighter. "Thanks for taking me," you told him happily. ​​​​​​ "Anything for you," he replied. The lights and loud sounds were beginning to get to you, and you could feel a queasy sensation starting to build up within your stomach, but it wasn't bad. You pushed it aside and continued to smile, although it was more forced. Suddenly, your gut twisted unexpectedly and you ran for the bathroom. You heard Alex calling your name but couldn't stop. You could feel the alcohol coming back up and you bolted for the nearest toilet. Thankfully, no one else was in the room. You retched into the porcelain bowl as your stomach turned itself inside out. It subsided for a bit and you clutched the sides of the toilet, your hands shaking. The door opened and you turned to see Alex. "(Y/N), what's wrong—oh," he said, as he took in the scene. "Alex, I don't want you to see me like this," you told him, but then had to stop as you doubled over again. He ran to your side and held your hair back as you emptied your stomach again, rubbing your back softly and murmuring comforting words to you. You finally finished and stood shakily up. "I need to wash my face," you said, and proceeded to do so as he flushed the toilet. "Are you feeling okay?" you asked him when you had finished.   "Yeah, just a little light-headed. You're the one I'm worried about, though. Do you want to go?" he asked you. You nodded. "I'll be fine, but I think we should go. I don't wanna risk anything else."
Then you smiled over your shoulder For a minute I was stone-cold sober I pulled you closer to my chest And you asked me to stay over I said, I already told ya I think that you should get some rest
------ You smiled at him, pouring all your love and gratefulness into that one gesture, and Alex felt a shock wave crash over him. Any trace of fuzziness and alcoholic affects was purged from his body and his thoughts ran on a crystalline track, sharper than ever before. He held out his arms to you as this happened, and you collapsed into them. He pulled you tighter, catching a whiff of that same perfume over the much more prominent smell of bile. You looked up at him—and oh, the things those eyes did to him—and said, "You should stay over tonight." "As long as you get some rest," he told you. "I want you feeling your best." ​​​​​ "That rhymes," you said impishly, and he rolled his eyes. "Glad to see your sense of humor hasn't suffered any." "Shut up," you giggled playfully, cuffing him on the arm. "Let's go home."
I knew I loved you then But you'd never know 'Cause I played it cool when I was scared of letting go I know I needed you But I never showed But I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go ------ You fell asleep in his arms, feeling the safest you ever had in your entire life. His body seemed to form a barrier between you and the rest of the world and he was warm and real and this was love. He noticed you had fallen asleep, and he brushed a piece of hair away from your face as he traced a heart on your shoulder. As he stared lovingly at your sleeping face, his mind began to work overtime—you always had that effect on him. Sure, he knew he loved you, but something within him shifted in that moment, something that shifted him up another notch. I want to spend my life with her, he realized. She's the one and nobody else.
I'll wake you up with some breakfast in bed I'll bring you coffee with a kiss on your head And I'll take the kids to school Wave them goodbye And I'll thank my lucky stars for that night ------ You blinked as your eyes opened to seemingly blinding sunlight flooding into the windows of yours and Alex's bedroom. A shape materialized in front of you—Alex (unshaved) with a tray in his hand. "I brought you some breakfast, darling," he said. "You deserve it." "Alex—" you started. "And I took the day off. We have the entire day to ourselves." "Alexander Hamilton, you shouldn't have!" "That's the name. And don't you 'Alexander' me," he grinned. "I'm taking Philip to school." "I'm so lucky to have you," you told him. "No, I'm the lucky one," he said, pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "Just relax. I'll bring Philip in after I make sure he's ready." He left the room, closing the door softly. You were left alone with your breakfast, and you smiled out the window as you put on your ring. The peace didn't last long, however, and your oldest son burst into the room with all the whirlwind joy of a nine-year-old boy. "Morning, Mama!" "Hi there, Philip," you said, smoothing back one of his curls sticking straight up on his forehead. "Ready for school?" ​​​​​​"Yeah," he said. "I have a history quiz today, but I think I'm ready." "Knock 'em out, Philip. I know you'll blow everyone away," you said. "Thanks, Mama," he said. "Love you." He kissed you sweetly on the cheek and you held him tight. "I love you too, my son." He exited in the same uproarious manner he had arrived and you heard the car backing out of the driveway. What a family.
When you looked over your shoulder For a minute, I forget that I'm older I wanna dance with you right now Oh, and you look as beautiful as ever And I swear that everyday you'll get better You make me feel this way somehow
------ Alex turned on the radio, a love station. A song came on, one of the ones that had played on the night you first met. ​​​​​​ "(Y/N) Hamilton, your husband of ten years admits that he is not as young and handsome as he used to be, but he requests the singular honor of this dance." "How can I not accept," you responded, and he took you in his arms. The two of you twirled around the living room, and your cheeks grew rosy and your eyes sparkled with laughter. "I see you're still as dashing as always," you told him, a slight pant edging your voice. He looked down at you lovingly. "You're so beautiful," he whispered softly, and a wave of happiness washed over you. Your swaying slowed as your lips met and he traced the same heart on your shoulder as he always did. Every kiss was as pure, as beautiful as the first.
I'm so in love with you And I hope you know Darling your love is more than worth its weight in gold We've come so far my dear Look how we've grown And I wanna stay with you until we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go I wanna live with you Even when we're ghosts 'Cause you were always there for me when I needed you most
------ You flipped over in bed, surprised when your arms met only air. Not again, you thought. You got out of bed and made your way to Alex's study, your nightgown trailing behind you. The door was closed and a crack of light shine through the bottom. You opened it softly to see your husband scratching away in a notebook like you knew he would. Even now, at age fifty, his store of words flowed unchecked. "Alexander, come back to sleep," you implored him. "You write like you're running out of time." He turned and smiled at you, his hair glinting with threads of gray in the light. "I'll be back before you know I'm gone," he replied. You knit your brows together. "Hey. You're the best of wives and best of women." You kissed him on the bridge of his nose, just above the wire of his glasses.   "Don't be too long."
I'm gonna love you till My lungs give out I promise till death we part like in our vows So I wrote this song for you, now everybody knows 'Cause now it's just you and me till we're grey and old Just say you won't let go Just say you won't let go
------ You knew something was wrong with Alex when he began complaining of chest pain. The doctor had thought nothing of it at first, diagnosing it as just high blood pressure. However, your instincts told you otherwise and, after his pain began getting significantly worse, you had him taken in for scans that revealed a tumor on his heart. He had two months to live, if that. "How could you miss this?" you sobbed to the doctor. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Hamilton. I really am." "Please. Just leave." A month later he was rushed to the emergency room. You rode in the ambulance, your heart feeling as if it was being ripped apart as you held your husband's hand. The doctors tried an operation, but shook their heads when you asked them frantically if your husband was still alive. Finally, you were called out of the waiting room and into Alex's room. ​​​​​​ "He's got a few minutes, tops. We'll leave you two alone," said the lead heart specialist, and the medical personnel all filed quietly out of the room. They had seen it a thousand times before. You sat on the edge of the bed. "Alex?" you whispered, trying not to cry as you took his hand. He opened his eyes and gave a weak smile. "(Y/N). My love." "Are you all right?" you asked him, the tears flowing freely now despite your efforts. "A lot of pain. I know what's going to happen. (Y/N), I love you more than anything in this life." His other hand moved and you saw he was holding out a piece of paper. "This is what I've been working on. For you. Somehow, I could sense my time was running out." You looked at it briefly, unable to see through your tears. A song. "Oh, Alex," you cried, your voice choked. Suddenly, his eyes clenched tightly in pain and his breathing began to slow and become ragged. You held on tighter, as if that could stop the pain, stop the whole nightmare.   He opened his eyes. One last time. "(Y/N).' "I'm here." The words were barely distinguishable. "You're—you're my everything. I love you." A machine beeped, but you didn't need to see the now-flat line that measured his heartbeat to know that your love was gone. ​​​​​​ You wept, alone with his legacy in your hand.
Just say you won't let go Oh, just say you won't let go
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fanfic-shiz · 7 years
Weak- Cassian Andor (Part Two)
Pairing: Cassian Andor/OC
A/N: This literally took me hours, lol. I’m not even ashamed, I just hope it turned out aright since I’m not normally a smut writer. Also– ft. alternate ending for Rogue One but fair warning, it’s still mildly depressing. It’s not fluff, it’s not angst…it’s like…flangst. I’m also a huge hopeless, romantic sap. Okay I’m done waffling now. #fixitfic2k17
@libsybum @princeofsassgard
Cassian’s grip was tight around my shoulders as we watched the world around us fade away. Fear clutched my heart in a cold, iron grip, making it feel as if my blood had turned to ice. The three of us exchanged worried looks, Cass slung in-between Jyn and I, too weak to stand on his own. Hopelessness began to replace the triumph I had felt only moments before, until I heard the sweet sound of a ship engine. I craned my neck and heard a relieved laugh escape Jyn as a rebel fighter ship lowered itself onto the beach and hovered over the sand. Inside, several rebel fighters were watching frantically at us and I knew we had maybe seconds before Scarif was gone.
Cassian grunted in pain as I helped him climb into the ship, two other pairs of hands reaching from inside to pull him him. Jyn and I followed, hopping in just as the pilot began to pull away from the beach. My entire body ached with exhaustion, but it was nothing compared to the state of my heart as I looked around the ship and saw no other familiar face. I tugged on the sleeve of the nearest rebel fighter. He leaned toward me, turning his head to hear my voice over the road of the engines.
“Did you find anyone else?” I shouted. In my heart, I already what his answer would be. I could feel the loss of my companions. I wasn’t sure how, but I just knew…they were gone.  
The soldier pulled back and I saw the sympathy in his eyes as he shook his head. I squeezed my eyes shut and dropped my chin to my chest. Bhodi, Chirrut, Baze…K2. All of them gone. It suddenly didn’t feel fair that I was still breathing. That I was still there, alive. I clung to the fact that my friends had died for something good. Something great. Something that would hopefully save the lives of thousands.
I inhaled deeply and opened my eyes, looking out of the ship’s window and toward the horizon. A brilliant, white light cascaded across the landscape. It rushed over the open water like a deadly fog, destroying everything it touched. As we flew higher and higher, I could only watch as the Empire’s weapon consumed the entire planet. The colors mixed together like a watercolor painting…oranges, whites, blues, yellows, browns. How could something so dangerous look so beautiful? It was yet another reminder of how far the Empire would go to get what they wanted. They were willing to sacrifice all their prized data, the lives of their own, just to stop us. A merciless, selfish act. One that had cost my friends their lives and had almost cost me my own.
I felt a sudden weight on my thigh and glanced down to see Cassian, resting his head in my lap. Without thinking, I threaded my fingers through his dark hair. Relief swept through me. He was alive, and he was here. It wasn’t too long ago that I had thought I had lost him. My heart had cracked as I watched him fall from the data tower and been forced to leave his crumpled form behind. He made me promise that morning, as we stepped onto the stolen ship. He had pulled me aside and tucked a stray strand of hair behind my ear and made me promise that no matter what happened, I would stay with Jyn. That I would help her finish the mission. When I saw him again, standing behind Krennic, my knees had buckled. I swore to myself then and there that I would never leave his side again. It was a vow I intended to keep.
My fingers continued to absentmindedly comb through his hair, as if to keep reminding myself that he was real. I felt his gaze on me and glanced down at him. Our eyes locked, my pulse jumping. When he looked at me the way he was now, it felt like we were having a wordless conversation…our eyes speaking volumes without the need for actual words. My fingers lightly traced the lines and plains of his face, over the crinkles at the corners of his eyes, across his cheek bones, and skimmed his perfected lips. I wanted to memorize him, to know every inch of him and commit him to memory. After today, I was so afraid to lose him. More than ever.
I swallowed hard over the lump in my throat. Cassian must’ve seen the change in my expression. He grabbed my hand, interlacing his fingers through mine. I glanced at our intertwined hands, then back to him. I wanted to lean over and kiss him, but maintained myself control. We were surrounded by others. Not to mention, he had made it clear the night before that this was something that could never be. It was the perfect kind of torture, to be so close to someone and know you would never have them.
Cassian pulled our hands to his chest and I felt the thrum of his heart beneath his shirt. His eyes fluttered shut after a moment. With my free hand, I went back to stroking his hair as his breathing grew deep and even. I turned to look out the window once again as we left behind a ruined world, and with it, some of the greatest men I had ever known. 
When we landed back at the base, we were greeted by a swarm of cheering rebels. I could heard them chanting for Rogue One, for the spies that had done what no one else had dared to do. A tentative smile tugged at one side of my mouth, though my heart still felt so heavy. The engine was cut and a team of med-droids appeared at the ship’s door. Cassian’s hand slipped from my own as they lowered him onto a gurney. I moved to follow, but they were swallowed up in the crowd. Jyn and I exchanged hesitant expressions, and I knew she was feeling the same complicated mix of emotions as I was. We had done it, but the cost had been so great. I was silently thankful then, that at least their memories would live on through us. They would never be faceless or nameless to me.
My limbs felt like lead as I was jostled through the crowd, patted on the back and pulled into hugs by strangers. I let their happiness and relief wash over me, the joy on their faces reminding me of the good we had done. I let it erase my guilt just a little. Finally, I was able to slip away from the celebration unnoticed. I met Jyn’s eyes from across the room and she acknowledged me with a nod. I had a feeling she knew exactly where I was going. I didn’t go back to my quarters to shower or change, and instead went straight to the med ward at the center of the base.
The heavy metal door was closed. I hit the buzzer with my thumb, not once but twice. Rocking back on my heels, impatience running high, the door finally slid open to reveal one of the sleek, chrome med-droids.
“May I help you?” it asked, in its stilted robotic voice.
“I need to see Cassian Anodr. Please, I need to know if he’s alright,” I said in a rush, trying to step around the droid. It immediately shot out a metal arm, blocking my way.
A disgruntled sigh escaped me. “Please?” I asked again.
“Captain Andor is currently recovering from his injuries inside a bacta tank. He will be on bed rest until further notice,” the droid responded.
A bacta tank? I wondered just how bad his injuries were. I leaned against the doorframe. “What’s wrong with him?”
“It is against my programming to break patient confidentiality.”
I let the droid’s answer wash over me, and felt a ting of annoyance. “Fine, fine. Just tell me…is he alright?”
“Yes,” The droid answered, and I swore I heard a hint of impatience in its voice. “You should accept medical attention as well. Perhaps you would step inside and—“
I shook my head, automatically taking a step back. “No, no. I’m fine. I just…I just need to rest. I’ll be fine.” The last thing I wanted was a team of med-droids fussing over me, poking and prodding with their cold, metallic hands.
“Very well. Good evening.” Formal as ever, the droid turned its back and closed the door in my face. I stood there for a moment longer, blinking at the door, before pivoting on my heel and heading for my quarters.
Everything felt so surreal. Like I was having some sort of hallucination, or incredibly vivid dream. I wandered aimlessly down the quarters, getting turned around several times in my exhausted state, before finding my own room. I pressed my palm against the scanner and the door slid open. Inside, everything was just the way I had left it that morning. The blankets on the bed were pushed back, as if I had just climbed out only moments before. Discarded clothes littered the ground, and a dark green jacket was draped over the back of the desk chair. There was even still a half filled glass of water sitting on the nightstand.
It was so…normal. Yet inside, nothing about me felt like it would be normal ever again. Not only because of what we had done today on Scarif, but because of the secret kiss Cassian and I had exchanged in the ship in the dead of night. When I closed my eyes, I could still see him there, leaning against the wall with his head hung low, like a man in pain. After almost losing him today, after almost dying myself, it felt even more of a waste. How could he not see we were better together than apart?
I needed sleep. I needed to shut my brain off for a while so I wouldn’t think so much. I stripped out of my dirty, battle worn clothing and threw it into a bin the corner. I jumped into the shower and let the hot water run over me until it turned cold. It was with clean clothes and damp hair that I finally crawled underneath the covers and turned to face the blank, metal wall. I closed my eyes and willed myself not to think of anything at all. But damn it if the last thing I didn’t see before sleep swept me away was a familiar pair of warm, brown eyes and a rare, teasing smile.
It felt like I had just fallen asleep when a knock at the door awoke me. I sat with a start, heart pounding. My sheets were twisted around my legs and I blinked in the heavy darkness, struggling to pull myself out of slumber and back into reality. The knock came again and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, looking toward the doors. I had no way of knowing what time it was, but it had to be late. I felt a tinge of worry as I stumbled out of bed. I hit the button and the door opened with a soft ‘whoosh’. My heart leapt into my throat when I saw him standing on the other side.
Cassian offered me a small, sheepish smile. His hair was tousled with sleep, but his eyes looked alert. My pulse stumbled at the sight of him, standing there barefoot in a simple pair of brown pants and a tan shirt. My gaze swept over the rest of him, but he seemed perfectly alright. I let my shoulders sag a little. Thank god.
“I know it’s late,” he began softly, leaning one shoulder against the doorway. “But I needed to see you. I needed reminding that you’re alright.” The breath was stolen from my lungs as he reached out and pressed his warm palm to my cheek, as if making sure I was really there.
I fought the urge to lean into his touch, to close the space between us. Instead, I offered him a small smile in return and stepped back, holding the door open. “You better get in here. You’re supposed to be on bed rest.”
I caught him rolling his eyes before he stepped into the room, walking inside and sitting on the edge of the bed. I flicked on the light of the adjacent bathroom, giving me just enough of a glow to see him sitting there, watching me. It wasn’t new, him being there. Countless times we had visited one another’s rooms, laying side by side and talking, sometimes even laughing, as we reminisced on our childhoods and daydreamed about how one day the world might be different. Something about this felt so different, though. I felt the same raw tension as I had in the ship the night before, the same magnetic pull between us.
I’m fine, I don’t need bed rest,” he mumbled, running a hand through his hair. I followed the movement, watching as his hand fell into his lap. I was hesitant to get any closer, unsure if I could keep my hands to myself. I knew how odd I looked hovering near the door, though, so I sighed softly and dropped down onto the bed next to him. Our shoulders gently bumped.
“You alright?” he asked after a moment of silence.
I nodded. “I think so…I don’t know, Cass. I think I’m alright as I can be right now.”
“I know how you feel.” There was another silence, filled with unspoken words and hesitation. I scooted closer to him against my better judgement and dropped my head onto his shoulder. He grabbed my hand, covering it with both of his much larger ones. I bit my tongue, unsure of what to say. Unsure of what not to say. I was so irrevocably in love with him.
“I almost lost you today,” I finally said quietly.
I heard him let out a soft sigh before he turned, brushing his lips over the top of my head. “I know…I almost lost you too,” he murmured against my hair before resting his cheek there. “It made me think about what you said last night.” I felt my heart still inside my chest, hardly daring to take a breath for fear of shattering the moment. I swallowed hard but said nothing. “About not wasting the time we had…You were right. I don’t know why I’ve been fighting this so hard when you are everything I want.”
His words made everything feel even more dream-like, and I hardly dared to believe what I was hearing. After all this time, all these years…He shifted on the bed, angling his body to face me and I raised my head from his shoulder. He cupped my face in both his hands, his dark eyes boring into mine. “I’m in love with you. I want you more than I’ve ever wanted anything…”
“Cassian…” I whispered, and it was as if I had suddenly lost my ability to form words. He leaned his forehead against mind, our breaths mingling. I closed my eyes, pressing my palms to his chest.
“Tell me you love me. Tell me you want me and I’ll never let you out of my sight,” he whispered, his words barely audible over the pounding of my heart.
It suddenly felt hard to breathe, like my lungs were gasping for air. My mind had gone blank, wiped clean by his touch and by his words. God, I’d been waiting years for this. For him. He was crazy if he thought I could ever not love him.
“You know I do. More than anything. I love you, Cass.”
I felt his fingers sliding through my hair before one of his hands ran down my spine, resting on the small of my back and pushing me closer to him. “Tell me again.”
I smiled a little, despite myself. “I love you, Cassian Andor.”
The barely audible groan that escaped him made my breath hitch. Without warning, he pressed his mouth to mine. His kiss was rough and sure, without hesitation or uncertainty. I gripped his shirt tightly in my fists, pressing myself closer to him. His tongue slipped in between my lips, like he was breathing new life into me. It was slow and deep. So achingly slow and filled with a passion I had never felt before in my entire life. It made every inch of me feel alive, like electricity was coursing through me. And all he was doing was kissing me.
His hands found my hips, guiding me into his lap without breaking the kiss. I rested one leg on either side of his waist, my hands sliding over his shoulders, following the curve of his neck before cradling the back of his head.
I pressed myself against him, vanishing any remaining space between us. Even then, it still didn’t feel close enough. I wanted to lose myself in him, to forget about everything and anything else that existed outside my bedroom walls. With the way that he was touching me, fingers splayed beneath my ribcage, gripping me tightly, he could easily make me forget my own name. His hands slid to my waist, my stomach tightening with anticipation as he inched my shirt up my torso. He broke the kiss, both of us struggling to catch our breath. I opened my eyes and we locked gazes. I could see the question behind his smoldering gaze and I nodded my head.
He pulled his lower lip in-between his teeth, in nervousness or excitement, or maybe both. I lifted both arms in the air and let him lift my shirt up and over my head. He tossed it to the floor where it was quickly forgotten. My cheeks flushed as his Cassian’s eyes drank in my newly exposed skin, reminding me of the way an artist might study a canvas.
“You’re so damn beautiful,” he murmured, leaning forward to press a kiss to the hollow of my throat. He didn’t stop there, though, and continued kissing his way down my chest, his mouth featherlight against my skin. My breathing became more and more shallow, and the second his mouth covered one of my breasts, my head fell back and my eyes fell shut. The softest of moans escaped me and Cassian’s hands tightened on my waist. For a moment, I was lost. Dizzy. Unable to pull myself down from the high.
His perfect mouth continued to work over me and I began tugging at his shirt, wanting it off, gone, far away so I could feel his skin against mine. He finally seemed to get the point and gave in, detaching his lips from me so I could pull his shirt off. The second it was gone, I pressed my palm to his chest. I could feel his heart pounding furiously, matching my own heart’s frantic beating. I slid my palm down over his muscled abdomen until I reached the waistband of his pants. He thought I was beautiful? I wondered if he ever looked at himself. Tan skin stretched across taught muscles, nicked with scars and freckles. Every inch of him perfect. My eyes flickered to his eyes and I struggled for something to say, something to express the way I felt. When nothing came, I pressed myself against him and kiss him, letting the heat of his skin meld against mine.
My body seemed to take on a mind of its own then, hips rocking against his. I felt a shock of pleasure ripple through me, pushing me closer to the edge but not nearly close enough. I gripped his shoulders in my hands, grinding my center against him despite the layers of clothing between us. I whimpered against his mouth as his hand slipped between our bodies, his palm sliding over my chest. My hips involuntarily bucked against him as his thumb brushed my nipple. I knew he could make me come undone right then and there if he wanted to. He could reduce me to nothing more than a puddle with just his hands and his mouth.
I realized I wasn’t the only one who was having trouble breathing. Cassian’s breath was shaky against my lips as he pulled away. “Slow down, love,” he said in a gruff voice. “Let me take my time with you.”
His arm tightened around my waist then as he shifted, picking me up and laying me flat against the mattress. His legs went on either side of me, holding himself up on his forearms and keeping just enough space between us to drive me insane. He brushed his lips over my forehead, then my cheek, my nose, my chin, kissing every part of me but my lips.
“I want to remember every second of this for as long as I live,” he continued in that same low, husky tone. “You don’t know how long I’ve imagine what it would be like…” He began kissing his way down my neck again and over my collar bone. “To undress you. To kiss every single inch of you.” He began a trail of kisses between my breasts. “To figure out all the right ways to make you come undone.” 
My stomach clenched as his lips ghosted across my navel. He tugged the waistband of my shorts down just enough to kiss my bare hip, reducing me to a panting mess beneath him. I tugged at his pants, going for the button but he suddenly grabbed my wrists and pinned them both next to my head. I heard him chuckle and my eyes flew open to see him smiling at me, eyes heavy with want and adoration.
“Slow down,” he repeated gently. “Let me drive you crazy first, so you know exactly how you’ve been making me feel all these years.”
I let out a huff of frustration that only succeeded and making him laugh again. It only spurred my impatience. “Cassian, please.” It came out as a breathy whine.
He responded by pressing his lips to mine in a soft, gentle kiss. My wrists were suddenly free and he resumed his trail of kisses. I felt him hook his finger beneath the waistband of my bottoms and in one smooth, motion, he was dragging both my shorts and my panties down my thighs. I didn’t have time to feel self-conscious about suddenly being completely naked in front of him for the very first time. He was already distracting me, kissing my inner thigh and sending a shiver running down my spine.
He settled himself between my legs, his large hands grabbing onto my hips and pressing them into the mattress. His kissed his way up the apex of my thigh and I lifted my head, unable to resist watching. His eyes met mine, the predatory glint I saw there making my heart feel as if it might break free from my chest and escape. Then I felt his mouth on my center. My reaction was instant, my back arching and his name leaving my mouth in a ragged whisper.
My head fell back against the pillow, my chest heaving as his tongue worked some kind of miracle on me. He teased me and tormented me, heat pooling in the pit of my abdomen as he explored me without abandon. Staying still seemed impossible, but his fingers dug into my hips, giving me no chance for escape. I couldn’t remember ever being so worked up before, my hands twisting in the sheets as sounds left my mouth I never knew I was capable of making. My stomach tightened, every nerve in my body singing. I tangled my fingers in his hair, encouraging him.
Tiny little whimpers fell from my lips like rain drops. Just as I felt myself dangerously teetering on that precipice, the heat of his mouth was gone. My legs, all but useless, fell open around him. He nuzzled my stomach, placing soft, delicate kisses against my skin as he crawled over top of me. I was sure I looked a wreck, trembling beneath him, wanting him so badly it hurt.
“Cassian,” I moaned, reaching for the button on his pants once again. I could feel how much he wanted me through the fabric, and it was like throwing fuel on an already blazing fire. This time, he let me have what I wanted.
I unsnapped the button and slipped my hand inside, wrapping my fingers around him. He groaned, eyes slamming shut. I felt something like a bit of pride, amazed that it was me who was making him feel this way. My impatience continued to grow and I pushed his pants and briefs down the rest of the way until there was nothing but skin between us. I couldn’t take it anymore, my need for him so intense it was hard to think straight. 
“You’re making me crazy,” I heard myself say.
“Likewise,” he murmured. “You have no idea.”
We were a mess of teasing hands and mouths, but somehow through the haze, I managed to lean over and rummage through the nightstand drawer. I pressed the square package into his hand, the heat of his body momentarily vanished as he ripped it open. Then he was back, his body covering mine and pressing into me. My hands moved to his waist, encouraging him as he captured my mouth in a breathless kiss. One of his forearms rested next to my head, his other hand curling around my thigh. I felt him tease my entrance.
“Oh,” the moan tumbled from my mouth as shocks of pleasure rolled through me.
Cassian nuzzled my neck, his breath warm against my ear. “Don’t stop making those sounds, for the love of god.”
He pushed himself inside me. I gasped against his mouth, my arms locking tightly around his neck. He stayed perfectly still for a moment, both of us struggling to catch our breaths as we looked at one another.
He brushed his nose against mine, his mouth ghosting across my lips. “I love you,” he breathed.
My heart swelled. “I love you too.”
He gave an experimental thrust of his hips and a groan escaped him, his eyes falling shut. With careful, controlled movements, he pulled out of me almost all the way only to slide back in with tantalizing slowness. I moaned, wondering how anything could feel so good. I locked my legs around his waist, sliding my hands over his shoulders and down his muscled back. I loved the feeling of his muscles contracting beneath his skin, I loved the way he moved against me with deep, even thrusts that made me shudder underneath him. I loved the way that he was trembling, his lips parted ever so slightly as our uneven breathing mingled in my dark bedroom. I wanted to close my eyes, to lose myself in the feeling but I couldn’t look away, memorized by the perfect expression on his handsome face. For a few, agonizingly perfect minutes, we moved together in a slow, even rhythm, each dip of his hips coaxing a soft moan from my lips.
I was breaking into piece beneath him, losing myself in him completely. If there was anyway to stay in this moment forever, to somehow freeze it so I could go back to it whenever the rest of the world went dark, I would. There were no walls or barricades between us any longer, his caution nowhere to be found. He was whispering something in my ear, maybe in another language, or maybe I was too far gone to understand what he was saying. It didn’t matter. Nothing mattered but how he was making me feel.
All at once, everything seemed to speed up again. Cassian sat up, sitting back on his knees and pulling my hips to him. The position allowed him to hit a new spot, deeper inside me, but I craved the closeness, the heat of his skin. I pushed himself up, wrapping my arms around his neck with my legs still on either side of him. Something about it was so incredibly intimate, the way our hips moved against one another in sloppy, uneven pulses, the way our torsos rubbed together slicked with sweat, and the way he suddenly couldn’t stop kissing me as if his life depended on it. My core brushed against him with each movement and I felt myself falling, the heat inside me turning into an inferno until it engulfed me. I buried my face in his neck, twisting my fingers into his hair. I cried out his name as he wrapped his arms around me, holding me close. And then I was floating back down, heart pounding, head in a dizzy daze.
Cassian grunted, losing his rhythm. He thrust into me once, twice more before my name tumbled from his lips. I clung to him tightly as he rode out his own climax, burying his fingers in my hair. When it was over, we stayed that way for a few, lingering moments. He turned his head and kissed my neck, before finding my lips and giving me the kind of kiss that made butterflies swarm inside my stomach. He gently lowered us back to the bed, and we both laid on our sides so we were facing one another. We were both flushed, unable to stop grinning. He reached out and smoothed back my damp hair.
“Just think,” I finally said, breaking the silence. “All these years, we could’ve been doing that.”
“I know, I really dropped the ball on that one.” He wrinkled his nose adorably. “Forgive me?”
I pretended to look thoughtful about it. “I suppose…you sure do have a lot of lost time to make up for, though. You kept me waiting quite a long time, you know.”
At that, a familiar mischievous shine appeared in his eye. “I think we have a long, long night ahead of us then.” He leaned in and nipped at my lower lip. “If that’s alright with you.”
“So much more than alright with that.” I sighed happily.
He laughed, the sound sending a thrill through me. The room grew quiet once again as we watched one another, sharing yet another one of our silent conversations. “I meant what I said earlier, you know. I’ll never leave your side.”
I reached out and brushed my thumb across his lips. “That’s all I want. Now and always…”
He grabbed my hand, pressing his lips to my palm the same way he had in the ship the other night. Though now, the gesture meant something entirely different. “I’ve lost so much sleep over this war…it would be easy to lose myself. You’ve always kept me grounded, reminding me of the man I’m supposed to be. Loving you doesn’t make me weak…it gives me the strength to keep going,” he said, and I swore I couldn’t have loved him more. “You’re the reason I keep fighting for a better world.”
“War or not, I’ve never loved like this,” I said softly, squeezing his hand.
He moved closer, resting his forehead against mine. I could hear the smile in his voice. “I’ll love you the rest of my life, and even then some.” He whispered against my mouth before giving me a slow, lingering kiss.
“Cassian Andor, I couldn’t stop loving you. Even if I tried.”
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