#the batch will get him next 😈
softer-sunny · 1 month
A Visit
Fandom: The Bad Batch
Word Count: 3,303
Summary: Echo is stewing in his head. Rex is going to fix that.
Ao3 link: A Visit
This is a tickle fic
After taking in Echo the batch hadn’t quite been allowed to leave base yet and, while Rex wasn’t complaining, he knew they were tired of being cooped up there. It wasn’t surprising that the batch were getting grumbly but Echo was starting to lose his patience too. The poking and prodding from medics wearing on his already frazzled nerves.
Rex was trying to soften the blow, walking back with Echo to the Marauder to try and draw some conversation out of him. He was giving one word answers, grunts, hums, anything except for actually talking. By the time they boarded the Marauder Echo was irritably fidgeting, removing his armor and stuffing it into one of the storage bins. The rest of the batch hadn’t even bothered to try getting him to talk, their eyes following him while they stuck to their respective tasks. He never came back from medbay happy and they must’ve learned to give him some space until he could sort out his mood again.
Rex was at a loss. He watched Echo sulk, stew in his own head, and grumble at every inconvenience. Rex wanted to help. He wanted nothing more than to pull Echo out of his head and get him to lighten up a little bit. Talking wasn’t working, and he didn’t want to spend his limited free time with Echo in a space where they couldn’t talk. Still, he hadn’t flexed those older brother muscles in a while and he was coming up short each and every time. It always used to be easy to get Echo to settle back into his usual self - wise cracking, mischievous - but he couldn’t help but feel like he wasn’t exactly doing something right.
There weren’t many methods he hadn’t tried yet. He waited, cracked jokes, and talked but was coming up empty. Nothing had worked and he was running out of options.
 there was one method he hadn’t tried yet but he wasn’t exactly sure how well it would be received. Still, Rex hadn’t become a captain through second guessing himself. This would be a little different, something he was going to have to feel out as he tested, but it was definitely worth a shot. With all the bravery he could muster he cleared his throat, clasping his hands behind his back, and regarded Echo with something akin to boredom.
“Do you need a visit?” Once it left Rex’s mouth Echo’s body froze, like he’d been paused, and Rex grinned, dropping the mask. Bingo. Echo turned to him, his face placid despite the wide eyes filled to the brim with apprehension. “Because it seems like you might need a visit.” There was a tense silence that followed it but the reaction was exactly as it used to be. That hadn’t changed. He was hoping a few other things hadn’t either.
“A visit? From who?” Hunter asked from his space by the Marauder’s computer, his head tilted to the side. The batch had clearly noticed Echo’s change in demeanor and had started to pivot their attention to them. Wrecker spun around in the gunner’s mount to listen in on their conversation, interested in the change in tone on the ship.
Rex’s grin turned wicked. “Excellent question, Hunter.” He let his head tilt towards Echo who was biting the inside of his cheeks to keep his expression even. Crosshair looked up from the bunk to study them, eyes narrowing at how Echo hadn’t taken his eyes off of Rex. He looked half a second from grabbing Echo and putting himself between the two of them - unnecessary, but an endearing instinct. Tech seemed to catch on too, rolling over in one of the bunks to watch Echo’s face carefully. “How about we show them?”
“Rex.” There was a silent plea in Echo’s voice but Rex ignored it, stepping forward. Times like these were the only times Echo ever backed away from a fight instead of running straight into one. He held his hand and scomp up at Rex to try and keep him at bay, that calm expression wobbling into something halfway in the direction of a smile. “We can talk about this.” The rest of the batch was now looking between them with interest. They would intervene if it seemed like they needed to but for the moment they were content to let Rex and Echo sort this one out on their own. Perfect.
Rex continued his lazy stroll forward, relishing in the way that apprehension dissipated into anticipation. He smiled sweetly at his former trooper. “Absolutely we can. But not right now.” He was close enough to grab Echo’s wrist now, yanking him forward to get him to let out a yelp. He knew from experience how slippery Echo could be so he didn’t give him any chances to control the situation, knocking his feet out from under him and controlling his descent to the floor. He pinned Echo’s legs to the ground with his own body but he still had his arms to worry about. He grappled with those arms with accuracy he only picked up from doing this time and time again when Echo was 501st.
It was comical to watch the batch work out what they were supposed to be doing while this went on. It looked like Hunter and Tech had caught on, both of them settling, but the other two were still wondering if they should help their new squadmate or not. Crosshair at least looked minorly amused by Echo’s predicament. Wrecker, on the other hand, still appeared concerned. They didn’t quite realize what Rex was up to.
They had never seen this side of Rex so he gave them a pass for now.
He battled with Echo’s arms until he could get them pinned to the floor next to his head. It was a shock that Echo hadn’t broken into a grin already. He was notorious for reacting before he was even touched but he was keeping himself in check enough that the smile was still fighting to work itself free. He was going to have to fix that.
He was going to have a lot of fun fixing that.
Now that his arms were pinned he was wriggling to find an out. “Rex! Please!” Rex considered taking some pity on him but he couldn’t resist the playful tug in his chest while he grinned down at Echo. The longer they sat there staring at each other the harder it was for Echo to control his expression. There was even some pink already spreading over his cheekbones and the tip of his nose. Anticipation always drove Echo up a wall. It seemed to set up shop right in his nerves and camp out to make him buzz.
Rex leaned closer, watching the preemptive smile grow the closer he got. “I told you. You need a visit.”
He didn’t let Echo protest before he let go of Echo and dove his fingers directly under his arms, getting trapped when Echo slammed his arms down to protect himself. The way Echo jolted would’ve been cause for alarm if it wasn’t for the immediate bark of laughter that tumbled out of him as Rex gently dug his fingers into the area. The sound brought something bright and light to his chest that he hadn’t felt in a really long time. Hearing Echo laugh was all it took to make years of war fall off of his shoulders, especially when he laughed like this.
“How could you hide this from your new squad, Echo?” Rex tsked playfully. “Not very team player of you, now is it?” He tried to be tentative about his touch, exploring spots that he knew about from experience while trying to be cognizant of if Echo had new boundaries now. So far there weren’t any cues that told him he wasn’t welcome, or that this wasn’t okay. He knew Echo like the back of his hand and his eyes diligently watched for any worry or discomfort, listening for pleas for it to end, ready to pull away the second he needed to, but none of that came. Echo just melted into the floor and laughed, twitching against the gentle attack.
Echo shook, flailing underneath Rex to try to get some sort of control over the touch. “They-” He broke off into a round of chuckles when Rex got enough leverage to scribble at the sensitive spot. “They didn’t need to know!”
Rex took a moment to look at the rest of the 99, absolutely tickled at what he saw. It didn’t take a genius to realize that the batch hadn’t done this with Echo yet as each of them turned towards the noise with interest, now in varying stages of amusement and fascination over what was going on on the floor of their ship. They hadn’t heard Echo laugh like this yet, that much he was sure of. They maybe weren’t even sure he was ticklish, not yet venturing into playful touch since they were all still getting to know one another. Maybe they’d even attempted but Echo kept the reaction underwraps. Rex wasn’t going to let that slide any longer. If he was going to entrust the 99s with one of his own then they were going to have to learn what made Echo tick.
“Now, now Echo.” Rex let his voice dip into ‘evil brother’ territory. “They have a right to know. I think it’s only fair if I show them all the ways they can chase the bad moods away.” He wormed his hands free from under Echo’s arms and started to pinch down his sides, his smile growing at how Echo wiggled away, head shaking from side to side, smile stretched so wide he was practically beaming. Sides were still a good spot, easy to latch onto and reach, perfect to squeeze - which he did.
“Wait!” Echo’s eyes got wide for a second, hand scrabbling to grab at Rex’s. He did exactly as he was told, waited, watched how Echo had to try to catch his breath. The waiting just made Echo more squirmy, twitching fingers at his sides waiting to dive back in the moment he got his breathing more under control. Rex slowly curled his fingers to watch how he reacted. He squirmed but stayed put otherwise, a broken giggle escaping. Rex narrowed his eyes, putting more pressure into the touch to test the waters. He was verging on more sensitive areas and Echo was catching on now.
“What’s the matter?” Rex asked, dipping his voice so it was clear he was teasing. His thumbs found the bones at Echo’s hips and prodded over the area. Echo writhed while he wrapped his arms around his body, which only made it look like he was trying not to fight back too much.
“You knohohow wh-ah!” Echo twisted when Rex snuck his fingers under the hem of his shirt to tease at the softness of his stomach. Still a sweet spot. The melodic laughter softened into giggles as Rex traced along his abdomen, swirling over the muscles and feeling them jump underneath his fingers. He still wasn’t trying to push Rex away, stuck in the spot he was in and not ready to escape. Echo feet scrambled behind him, metal against the tough steal of the ship while his body tried to decide what to do next. It was like he was fighting his own reactions, caught between wanting to sink into the floor and wanting to run.
Turns out his decision was to melt. He threw one arm over his eyes to cover his face, while the other still wrapped tightly around himself, tossing and turning as Rex raced his fingertips over the hills of his stomach and the ridges of his ribs. He rubbed his knuckles into the spaces between, causing those tittering laughs to turn into a bright bark of a noise, bouncing off of the walls of the ship and filling it with the sound.
“What’s so funny?” Rex asked, pure instinct the only thing that drove his movements. He’d spent a long time learning how to tickle his brothers, reduce them to little puddles of giggles with just a few well aimed touches and some teasing, and he was putting that training to good use.
“Cahahan’t be you!” Echo shook his head back and forth, succumbing to the sensation with a hiccuping chuckle. He turned onto his side when Rex aimed for his stomach again, this time letting his fingers dance and circle around his navel. The blush that had started to form was already spreading, framing his face the more he fell victim to Rex’s ‘torture’. Echo looked tempted to push Rex away but he wasn’t ready to give up yet, despite how flustered he looked. “You’re nohohot funny!” Oh, you’re gonna get it now.
Rex huffed at the insult. “If I’m not funny then why’re you laughing so much?” He switched to using his nails to scratch at Echo’s lower belly, finally getting the reaction he was looking for. Echo flopped onto his back again and threw his head back with a yelp before melting into the floor again and letting panicked, giggly, babbling fall out of his mouth.
“Please! Rex! Please please please!” What Echo was pleading for exactly was always a mystery. Most of the time Echo didn’t know either - it was just something to say, something to do to stay a part of the game they were playing. Rex’s playful touch turned more devious as he moved to scritch his nails over Echo’s hips, the younger man arching before flopping down again. “WAIHAHAT!” He was definitely reaching his need for an out, feet kicking behind them.
Rex couldn’t help how amused he must look, eyes lit up and beaming as he sunk back into the familiarity of it all. He halted his attack on Echo’s midsection and dove forward to shove his face into the crook of Echo’s neck, a surprised jolt accompanying the absolute shriek he let out when Rex got to work.
It was a tried and true trick that he’d picked up from Fives who used to evilly rub his stubble against Echo’s neck to get him to scream. Rex didn’t have quite as much facial hair as Fives did and, hell, his stubble wasn’t very grown out, but he could huff into the sensitive skin under Echo’s ear. Rex could never tell if it was just the position that made Echo so squirmy or if he was actually succeeding in tickling Echo into a pile of mush, but the way Echo squeaked and pushed at him was enough for Rex. With one last slow puff of air and the deliberate rub of his cheek on Echo’s neck he relented, pulling away and dropping next to Echo on the floor.
He looked thoroughly tickled pink, his body going slack against the floor while he sucked in air. It took him a minute but he rolled up and away from Rex, pulling his knees to his chest while letting out residual giggles. That smile was now plastered onto his face and, really, that’s all Rex had wanted.
“There’s that smile.” Rex couldn’t resist planting a playful boop on Echo’s nose to get it to scrunch up. Rex reached out to pat Echo on the back, rubbing comfortingly to help him calm down. “Got you to laugh.”
Echo grumbled - embarrassed. “It’s not fair. A visit from the tickle monster always makes me laugh.” He looked like he was trying to glare at Rex but it never actually reached his eyes, too much amusement on his face to draw such a grumpy expression into the open. Rex couldn’t help but feel endeared.
“You needed a visit.” Rex squeezed his shoulder, fondness spreading through his chest.
Crosshair dropped down from his place on his bunk to stand nearby, folding his arms over his chest. “I didn’t know Echo was ticklish.” There was a lot of mischief tied up in that sentence, eyes glinting dangerously as he studied Echo’s reaction to it being pointed out - which was to shrink a bit more into his folded arms. A well placed poke in Echo’s side got him to reemerge, now more successful in his attempt to glare at Rex who simply grinned wider.
“Very.” Rex addressed Crosshair that time, letting his own expression mirror the rascally one Crosshair held. “Ya know. I wouldn’t be surprised if there were more tickle monsters lurking around here.” The way Crosshair’s eyes lit up meant danger and Rex was more than happy to poke that rancor.
Echo’s head perked up, looking between the two. “You can’t be serious.” He tightened himself into a smaller ball but it was no use. Crosshair was already crouching to get down on his level, evil grin displaying exactly what monster he was planning on becoming.
“I’ve heard of several just circling, waiting for their chance.” Rex pulled his hand away to let Echo start scooting backwards, Crosshair deciding to crawl forward after him.
Echo’s back hit the wall, a poorly suppressed wobbly smile making its way onto his face. He always did crack right before someone struck. “I haven’t heard of any others around here.” He knew he wasn’t getting away so he wrapped his arms around himself again, hiding most of his face in his knees to at least keep Crosshair’s expression out of his sight.
“Well then you haven’t been paying enough attention to your surroundings.” Crosshair teased, sidling up to him and hovering without actually touching yet. The anticipation of it all was making Echo squirm again, all of his nerves on display and he was doing practically nothing to keep it hidden.
“Echo!” Hunter scolded, drawing all of their attention as he took up Echo’s other side. Rex could sense the expression he aimed at Echo from a mile away by the way he shrunk away from his sergeant. “Didn’t you know that not paying attention could get you into trouble? I thought you were better than that.” They were practically circling him like sharks, waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Please.” Poor Echo. Already giggling and shaking his head as they descended onto him with playful antics that could rival Rex’s own. A fond smile made its way onto his face, knowing those phantom sensations were driving Echo up a wall - they always had.
“Well, since you asked nicely.” Crosshair teased right before he reached out for Echo’s neck, fluttering his fingers there to get him to scrunch up. His other hand prodded around Echo’s side so the dual sensation could force him to uncurl from his protective little ball, dissolving into frantic giggles already. Echo flailed a little when quick fingers found their way to scribble gently at Echo’s midsection, tickling over the spot that he’d observed could get a bigger reaction. Without thinking too much about it Echo melted into Hunter for some kind of protection but all it did was get Hunter to wrap his arms around Echo, a fond, content smile resting on his face, holding him in place for Crosshair to test out any tickle spots he wanted. Hunter let himself trace over Echo’s neck to join the fun, Echo yelping at the multiple hands trying to pull a reaction out of him.
Rex sat back and watched them. Echo was in good hands, he decided. If they were willing to play like this then he didn’t have to worry about if Echo would fit in, if he’d heal well. He had the 99 around him, ready to pull him out of his bad moods and harsh mindsets. He was going to leave him to the mercy of four brand new monsters and maybe that’s exactly what Echo needed.
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ox1-lovesick · 2 years
á„«á­Ą 투바투 ── reaction to you baking them cookies!
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⌕ . . . pairing. txt x gn!reader genre. fluff ☁ warnings. mentions of food, swearing (?) wc. 100-200 each
⌕ . . . synopsis. you bake tubatu cookies đŸȘ
⌕ . . . a/n: my first post on this smelly app i hope it doesn't eat ass đŸ˜» also craving cookies really badly rn
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we all know yeonjun is a BIG foodie,, he'd fall inlove all over again if you baked and cooked for him 💔
thinks it's so romantic.
you? took time out of your busy day? to buy ingredients? and bake cookies? for HIM??? my lordy lord he's so inlove with you
really doesn't matter how much you bake he'll finish them in an hour 💀 even if they don't taste that great, that doesn't matter. they were made by you, with your hands, your love and affection, he will absolutely eat every last crumb.
bonus points if you decorated them cutely, he'll take 15000 pictures from every angle and send them to everyone he knows. his mom, his dad, the members, his childhood friends, his choreographer, his manager, hitman bang, his teacher from the third grade, EVERYONE will know that you baked cookies for him and how delicious they are
he's a bit worried at first
traumatized from his own baking experiences (aswell as the members) he probably expects them to taste like charcoal
very hesitant to take a bite because he's worried he'll get salmonella but it surprisingly doesn't taste as bad as he thought it would???
what witchcraft if this???
suspiciously takes another bite and suddenly the entire batch has been polished
your cookies are his new guilty pleasure 😈
WILL NEVER EVER SHARE THEM WITH THE MEMBERS (even if you tell him to) they're his and his only 💔
will hide them up his ass if he has too, they must never know how good your baking is
suspicious #2
beom is a picky eater.
he loves you, don't get me wrong but you'll have to try extra hard if you want him to even nibble on one of your cookies 💀
would probably pick a crumb off the bottom of the plate and say they're delicious 💀
eventually he does give in because as mentioned before, he's whipped ^_^
takes the smallest nibble tho
he literally can't taste anything cause of how little he ate but he'll call you y/n ramsay
you'll have to shovel one down his esophagus for him to taste it 💀
would probably pretend to throw up
but once he's done teasing you he'll compliment your baking ofc <3
as much as he doesn't want to admit it he's now hooked on your cookies
needs them like he needs air
"if i hypothetically asked you to bake your gross cookies again would you hypothetically bake them for me 👉👈"
he prides himself on the fact that he can cook a decent meal and the others can't, so if you were able to do any better than him it'd bruise his ego 💔
he's not gonna throw your tin of cookies on the floor and call them disgusting ofc he'd just feel a little bit threatened đŸ€š
would probably say shit like "tell your mom her cookies are delicious"
if you call him out on it he'll start getting whiny and defensive 💀
although he'll admit defeat eventually and ask you to bake them again
stingy #2 the members must never know.
will hide your tin in his underwear draw or something maniacal like that
although yeonjun will probably be doing laundry or something and find them 😭
and when yeonjun asks him about it he'll come up with the lamest excuse too please
"who put cookies in the sewing kit?" 😟
does a backflip the second they touch his lips
you know that Talk X Today episode where soobin baked tarts and kai tasted one and started doing roly polys on the couch?
that's him.
bro levels up when he takes a whiff of your baking
unlike the rest of his greedy members he'll encourage them to try your baking and give feedback (although if it's negative feedback he'll rub onions on their pillows (⁠≧⁠▜⁠≊⁠)
will ask to bake them with you next time and to teach him the recipe so he can bake them for you some time as well
he'll get flour up his nose and sneeze white for the next few weeks but he has good intentions !!
will brag about it to his family and friends
"you're just mad y/n doesn't bake YOU cookies leah đŸ€š"
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© ox1-lovesick — all rights reserved. do not copy, translate, or repost my work without my explicit permission.
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whatitshouldvebeen · 6 months
Speaking of asks though I’d love to request a Johnny fic where the reader is completely aware that she’s being manipulated, and that nothing but bad will come of associating with Johnny. Except her saviour complex gets the better of her, and not wanting to waste the amount of effort she’s already put into the relationship, she pushes on with the mindset that she can be the one to change something inside him, only to be completely wrong and at his mercy, regretting the fact she ever thought of this man as fixable.
Johnny is of course making fun of her the entire time, finding her perception of him completely out of touch and naive, shaming and humiliating her. You can definitely make it smutty too should you want. 😳
Curiosity Killed the Bunny
Johnny Slaughter x you
Contains: degradation, no y/n, gaslighting
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Sorry for taking so long on this one, I had an idea for it forever ago but I had to wait for them to release Johnny's Shack so I didn't get to it until now, I hope it was worth the wait 😈
“Always knew you were a lil ditzy. Didn't think you were full-on stupid, though,” Johnny teased, grinning down at you. Your wrists were in one of his hands as he pressed you against the beverage fridge in the ‘Last Chance’ gas station. Drayton Sawyer cleaned the countertop, trying his best not to look curious.
“I just wanted to see where you worked!” You protested, trying to keep your voice low to keep from drawing attention. You had secretly followed Johnny here after he'd spent the night at your place.
But the moment you walked into the gas station, Johnny cornered you, as if he’d known you were following him all along.
“Told ya not to worry about my job, sugar,” he leaned in, his lips inches from yours. “Now you're really in for it.”
“Johnny,” you breathed in his exhale, cigarettes and iron. “Is something wrong? Let me help you.”
You knew there were plenty of things wrong with Johnny; how manipulative he was, his secretive nature, and that he was struggling to commit. But something told you not to give up. Someday, there would be a breakthrough.
You could still save him.
Johnny had left your house this morning with his mind elsewhere. He barely kissed you before he left to who knows where. You'd had enough with the secrets.
“Dumb little bunny. You can't do shit to help me. Best you manage is addin’ to my problems,” he said, sneering.
Your brow furrowed, the urge to protest growing stronger. “You've barely tried to trust me! Six months and I've never even seen where you live!”
A trucker stared at you two from across the gas station, quickly averting his eyes when Johnny glared over his shoulder.
Johnny turned back to you, drawing even closer, his grip on your wrists tightening. “You wanna see where I live, hm? Well, I guess I don't got a choice but to show you now, do I?”
Your next batch of complaints died in your throat. “W-wait, you mean it? I can see your home?”
“Now that Uncle Drayton has seen you, he'd think it were improper if I didn't.” He tilted his head, his smirk growing.
You wondered why Drayton would want you to go home with Johnny, but you were too elated to worry about logistics.
Johnny released your sore wrists and took you by the waist, leading you back to his truck.
Finally! Was this the breakthrough you'd been waiting for? Was Johnny finally opening up? You didn't want to get too ahead of yourself, but you felt proud as you hopped in his truck, and he took off down the dirt road.
It only took fifteen minutes before you pulled up the long gated driveway lined with sunflowers toward a beautiful home.
“Wow, Johnny! Your home is beautiful,” you said cheerily, holding his hand over the console.
He mumbled a response and continued down the drive, stopping outside of a brown shed with bull horns hung over the doorway.
Johnny turned the truck, which rumbled to a standstill, and then opened your passenger door, helping you down to the gravel.
Much to your surprise, he headed for the shed and opened the door, waiting for you.
“Oh,” you tried to hide your flustered expression, feeling stupid. Johnny laughed and smacked your ass as you entered his shed.
“Thought my ma's place was mine? Ya really are a dumb little bunny, ain't you?” He chided.
“Sorry, I just-” you trailed off, your eyes flitting around the shed. A ratty couch covered in beer bottles and empty cigarette boxes, a kitchen piled high with unwashed dishes, and far too many freezers greeted you.
Johnny's fingers caught your chin, pulling your attention to him.
“You’ll have plenty of time to look around later.” His hand trailed down your chin to your neck with a loose grip. He kept drinking you in, an inkling of regret in his eyes.
“You just had to stick your nose where it don't belong,” he said under his breath, his dark gaze intense.
“I just wanna help you, Johnny. If you'd let me see your place earlier, I coulda kept it clean for you.”
“You will, Bunny. You'll keep it nice and clean for me. And you'll make my dinner. And clean my clothes,” he said, smiling. But his smile was
“Do you want me to move in?” You asked.
“In a sense,” he said.
“Why are you lookin’ at me like that, Johnny?” You asked nervously.
“Cause I'm tryin’ to figure how you stay alive with so little brain function.”
You flushed with embarrassment. “You don't need to be so rude,” you said, averting your eyes.
“Will it make things more clear if I do this?” Johnny let go of your chin and walked over to the front door. He proceeded to lock three locks, and then padlock the final one, draping the key around his neck by a silver chain.
“Is there something dangerous outside?” You asked, your eyes growing large.
Johnny barked a laugh. “Sort of. You see, my uncle Drayton don't take well to me keeping girls around. My ma neither.”
He saunters back over to you. “I was doing well keepin’ you a secret, but well, now that Drayton has seen me with you, he'll be wanting meat.”
“What?” You asked, your throat running dry.
“My uncle Drayton is famous for his BBQ. And for good reason. After all, he uses the freshest meat,” he said, coming to a stop in front of you. You were still standing by the wall beside the front door, which he pressed you against.
“What does that have to do with me?” You asked anxiously.
“Young, supple little bunnies got the most tender, sweet meat,” Johnny purred. “Just can't get enough of it. I keep hunting down naïve little rabbits, and he cooks ‘em up and sells ‘em at the station.”
“Rabbits? You're talking about rabbits, right?” You asked.
“Ditzy little bunny. I could scoop out half your brain and you might be better off.” He gripped your ass, pulling you against him. “You're the meat. Or you should be. I tried to keep you out of it honey, but you just had to get curious.”
“Drayton eats people?” You squeaked, horrified. “Wait, he feeds people to people?!”
“Mmhm. I catch ‘em, we butcher ‘em, Drayton cooks ‘em. Nice lil system we got goin’. And you should be next on the table.”
You gasped, all the blood draining from your face.
“But don't worry, sugar. Johnny won't let that happen. The moment you walked into the gas station, I hid your face from Drayton. All’s I gotta do is find another girl who looks like you to take your place.”
“This can't be happening,” you groaned, feeling sick to your stomach.
“Hey, hey now,” Johnny soothed, caressing your clammy cheek. “I got you, bunny. As long as you stay nice n’ quiet and don't leave home, I can keep you alive.”
“I c-can't leave?” You asked, your lip trembling.
“If my ma sees you, she'll kill ya herself. Na, it's better ‘f you stay right here.”
“I'm gonna be sick,” you said, pushing him aside and running to the sink. Your vomit coated the old pots and dishes, adding to the already rancid smell.
“Now, bunny,” Johnny said as he placed his hands on your hips, “remember this is all because you didn't listen to Johnny. Because you thought your dumb little fantasy of saving the bad boy was gonna come true.”
You whimpered, your entire body trembling as you dry heaved again.
“Now, I'm gonna be the one saving you, baby girl. All you gotta do is behave, and be a good girl for me. Can you do that?”
You stared at the vomit-coated sink and wondered if the rancid meat in the pan swarmed with maggots was human.
Johnny spun you around, pressing you against the disgusting sink.
“I said, can you be good for me?”
You shook in place, terrified and frozen.
Johnny slapped the dumb expression off your face, replacing it with one of anguish as you fell to the floor, hitting your head on one of the cabinet knobs beneath the sink.
“Answer me, dumb little bunny,” he snarled, kneeling down and forcing your gaze up to his by gripping your hair.
“Yes! I c-c-can! Please stop!” You sobbed, cradling your cheek.
A malicious smile unfurled on Johnny's face.
“I Caught and killed plenty of pets before, but never kept one,” he said. “I promise I'll try my best to take care of you, baby. Keep you bright-eyed and bushy-tailed,” he said happily.
You couldn't hear him, your ears were ringing so loudly. And still somewhere in your dumb little bunny brain, a little voice shouted- “I can still fix him!”
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moodymisty · 1 year
Ahh your writing is so wonderful! I have a request for Crosshair x F!Reader for “I’m not letting you out of my sight”
Like they both have a secret crush on each other but they are at a bar and Crosshair sees someone try to hit on you and he gets sexy possessive jealous?? đŸ«ąđŸ€Œ NSFW is ok! 😈
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❀ Milestone prompts list ❀
Author's Note: Ohhhh I love me some possessive tropes... Lets get it on~ I might come back and touch this one up a bit since i'm not totallyyyy happy with the way things flow, but I really wanted to write and post some naughty Crosshair; I've been doing so much fluff
Relationships: Crosshair/Fem!Reader
Warnings: NSFW, mild instances of a stranger being a little pushy flirty, Semi-public sex, Slightly rough sex, It's crosshair so any sort of emotional communication is awful, Unprotected sex
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This bar is, shady. To put it lightly.
It could be worse, but it's very clear that this is the bar to go to when one is finished with some less than savory business, or you're persona non grata everywhere else.
But as such, it's also the only bar in this dank, dreary city that'll serve clones, so it's not as if you are all swimming in options. Of course you all finally get some shore leave, and it's on this sunken heap of a planet. The whole place smells like smog; Like some of the lowest, darkest levels of Coruscant.
The rest of the Batch is all late- held up by some repairs on the Marauder that needed immediate attention and multiple sets of hands. They encouraged you to head on without them and that they'd been done quickly, and Crosshair had decided to follow you.
You might normally have told him to stay and help them, but now that you're here, a part of you is a little bit glad that he didn't stay behind. He's a nice anchor point, as otherwise you'd be totally alone in a completely new place. A bar no less, one that doesn't seem exactly used to people like you and Crosshair inside of it.
"You look like a fish outta water, girlie."
You're not against petnames and nicknames, the Batch and most people you know rarely call you by your name anyways, but you're not a fan the way this bartender says it.
You also aren't fond of the way he's acting as if Crosshair doesn't exist, though he more than lets himself be known on the barstool right next to you as you respond.
"Just waiting for some friends," You respond. He fills someone's glass full of an unfamiliar and strong smelling liquor that burns your nose, giving it to them before looking back.
"Not more clones, I hope."
Crosshair speaks up, his eyebrows raised and shoulders firmly set. You'd say he's trying to seem intimidating and unfriendly, but that would imply it wasn't working.
"A problem?" The bartender makes a nonchalant noise in his throat and continues to serve some of the more demanding, drunker customers surrounding the two of you.
"Not if you're all payin'." Even if the answer isn't as negative as you would've expected, Crosshair is still less than pleased. The man looks at you, failing to give Crosshair even more than a wayward glance as he speaks.
"Didn't think a chick looking like you would spend time with that kinda lot."
Your face curls into a bit of a grimace, even as the shout of another patron beings the bartender's attention elsewhere. But even as he's gone off you can still feel how testy Crosshair is, as if the air around him is almost electric. You glance towards the front door for what feels like the millionth time and still, no sign of the rest- so you lean in towards him and whisper.
"Crosshair, relax. Go splash some water on your face or something."
Sure this isn't the most comfortable scenario, but you could do without him snorting fire every which way. You can shove off someone being a little bit skeevy without his help.
Instead of calming down however he snaps right back at you, his lips as tight as his brow when he spits out a response.
“I’m not letting you out of my sight. I see the way everyone's looking at you."
You don't know what part to focus on; The fact that he's noticed some less than appropriate stares happening behind you that you hadn't, or that he's openly admitted to keeping such a keen eye out for you. You tuck a chunk of hair behind your ear and look around.
Part of you is a a bit hungry, but you'll probably end up just eating some of the rations back at the Marauder, at this point. Especially if the others plan on taking even longer, glancing towards the entrance with pursed lips.
"Still waitin?" He's back, and you can feel Crosshair bristle just as you stretch a thin smile and nod.
"I'm sure one of the guys 'round here could show ya a better time than this." He's smiling, and you don't know in what way he means 'better', but innuendo or not it's not a deal you're going to take him up on. Crosshair seems to agree, beginning to hiss something from between his teeth.
"How about y-" "I'm taken. No thanks."
Crosshair stops speaking, and looks over at you. The bartender shrugs. When he looks at the sniper beside you and clearly presumes you're both together, you don't correct him.
It fits with the narrative and, you wouldn't mind roleplaying Crosshair being your lover for just a moment. It's almost hard to remember when you'd first fallen for him, but you've yet to speak anything about it to a single soul.
"Shame. Worth a shot."
He seems to at least get the hint, and turns around to go about some more of his business. Your shoulders relax a bit knowing that you don't have to deal with any of that anymore, leaning back. When you look over at Crosshair however, he's looking off in no particular direction, clearly lost in thought.
"Cross?" You're one of the few people that can get away with calling him any sort of nickname, raising your eyebrows as you look at him and raise a hand to touch his shoulder. When he turns his face is firm set, and you feel your face get hotter under his stare. His eyes have always been intense, but it feels like he's almost staring into you, instead of at you. It's making your heart beat a little faster, heat going to your neck as his eyes flicker around your face thinking things you don't even have a chance at guessing.
Suddenly out of nowhere he grabs you by the wrist and tugs you off your barstool, walking in the direction to the back of the bar. When you attempt to ask him why, he doesn't answer.
There seems to be only a storage closet and a refresher back here, alongside the backdoor into presumably With one fell swoop he opens the refresher door and pushes you in, closing and locking it behind him.
"Crosshair! What are y-"
His lips press against yours before you can say anymore, feeling the small of your back press against the countertop. They feel surprisingly cool against your own, your still open eyes having barely caught the way his are squeezed shut.
You've had a thing for Crosshair for the longest time, and while there's far better ways in the galaxy to confess to someone that you don't hate them, you aren't going to look a gift kybuck in the mouth. Not when Crosshair is so impossible to read, how he really feels is usually seven layers deep.
It takes you more than a moment to get over the overwhelming sense of surprise and actually reciprocate, instead of standing frozen like a statue. You can feel the gentle ghosting of his breath across your face, the aggressiveness he'd had at the beginning of the kiss fading away to be almost lovingly gentle. His lips move slowly with yours, catching your bottom lip between his teeth for a moment before he pulls away.
"Why'd you let him assume I was your date."
It sounds like there should be another half of that sentence, but Crosshair doesn't say it.
"I thought you wouldn't mind, as long as it got him to stop talking." He keeps stepping closer in this tiny closet of a room, and so you hop up onto the countertop and part your thighs enough to let him in. It's never exactly been a secret that you've thought about this, and finally being able to indulge in him has your hands grasping his shoulders so tight he'd have to wrench them off to get away.
"I didn't think a random bartender would make you so upset. Why’d you never tell me you were jealous?" You say, before his lips quiet you again. When he pulls them away with a soft 'pop' you can't help but trail after them, more drunk off of him that any sort of liquor you could get at the bar. He's feeling the same, judging by the fact that his pupils are blown so wide you can barely see the dark brown of his eyes.
"I told you, I didn't like how he was looking at you." It's not the first time Crosshair has pulled a stunt like that, but you normally thought it was because he found any sort of flirting in his vicinity annoying. Not that he liked you that much. It's not as if you can blame yourself- as Crosshair is just that hard to read.
“I didn’t think it mattered to you that much,” You say, illuding to the fact that he’s never given you so much as a hint that he might feel some way about you. He doesn’t formally respond, but you think you might’ve barely utter something along the lines of ‘it does’ against your skin.
Body tangled with yours the way his hands clamp around your hips is like a vice, fingers slipping into the waistband of your pants and underwear. When he pulled off his glove you don't remember, but so much has happened so fast it's almost a blur. They brush along your outer lips and instantly the sensation makes you tighten around nothing, already anticipating them slipping inside of you. The way your cunt is already wet enough to soak his fingers isn't lost on him, nor is the way make a noise loud enough that you feel the need to bite your lip and try to silence it. His fingers slip between your folds and brush against your clit, thighs tightening around him as your hips twitch towards him. The sensation already feels intense, silently begging for more.
The room is tiny and stuffy, if you stretched your foot out you could probably almost brush against the opposite wall, but every sound bounces off of it and fills your ears. The soft rustling of clothing and harsh breathing, the wet sounds of his fingers thrusting in and out of your cunt pace limited by the fabric of your bottoms. Your body warms and stretches around him, wetness slick over his hands and staining the fabric of your underwear.
He only stops when your own hands start grasping at the front of your pants and impede him, trying to finagle them off. Slick hand pulling from where it'd been cupped around your pussy, he helps pull them off in one fell swoop, pants and underwear dangling by only your left ankle.
He'd not taken a piece of armor off when you had all arrived earlier, coming here in his full kit minus helmet. As such he's peeling away the only piece that offers resistance to his goal, it coming undone and falling to the floor as the fabric of his blacks gets awkwardly torn aside. Only then can you suddenly feel the heat of his cock against your thigh, heavy and hard as he pulls you close enough to the edge that he can grind it against your cunt. There's a quiet groan he lets out through his teeth while moving against you, wanting to just sink himself in you. His hot breath fans over your face, your arms tight around his neck and thighs squeezing his hips.
You're desperate- hot and wanting not in a mood to play around in some dirty dimly lit refresher, hand slipping between your bodies and almost forcing his out, guiding his cock to press against your entrance.
Fuck, you've thought about this. Far too many times. Crosshair has too but, it's only tonight that he's finally breached the awkward air that always hung between you two. When your hand returns to his shoulder he's already sinking himself in you, burying to the hilt as your body feels almost unbelievably tight and soft around him.
"You're gonna rip holes in it," Crosshair mumbles against your skin, slyly referencing the way your nails and digging into the fabric of his bodyglove in the small spaces your managed to sneak in.
You might've considered spitting some sort of demand from him, but instead you push your hips closer to his own, listening to him groan in your ear as he drives his cock deeper into you.
It's all awkward and clumsy, an unfavorable spot that's completely spur of the moment. Then again a lot of the things you end up doing with Crosshair are spur of the moment, like midnight runs for food or running off to the middle of nowhere for some quiet, so perhaps this confession is just par for the course.
He's rough and unforgiving, frantic nose pressed against your face as he deepens your kiss. His armor keeps brushing against your bare skin as he thrusts into you, rough and unyielding against your soft meat of your thighs. It's a bit uncomfortable, but any thought of him removing it involves him having to stop fucking you- stop having his hands clench your hips so tight you think he'll leave little bruises as he pulls you closer to the edge of the counter.
"Then throw it out. I'll get you a new one if I do." Slowly his lips drift to the corner of your mouth, before down your jawline to your neck before he responds.
"I'd keep it." His kisses are rough; Not rough enough to leave a mark, but you wouldn't mind if they did.
If you ever had any concern of someone noticing your absence it's long gone, skin hot to the touch in any spot it's exposed as Crosshair pulls you harder onto him. His cock keeps brushing against every soft, sensitive nerve and muscle, making you gasp and your toes curl in your boots.
It's all so much; Your stomach turning and twisting as every single thrust of his hips and brushing of his teeth on your skin fulfils and thirst you'd had for ages.
Your legs wrap around his hips ever tighter, as you cum and bite your lip enough to leave dents. Your ankles lock and have him trapped close to you, snug deeply against and inside of you so much so that he can barely move.
Maybe it's that feeling of closeness, or maybe he's just been barely holding on this whole time and your cunt clenching tight around him is what does him in, but it isn't to long later before you can feel his nails digging into the skin of your thighs, cumming inside of you with a hiss through his teeth.
The countertop feels cold against the back of your thighs, but your body is running so hot; Skin flush and nearly boiling underneath the clothing you still have on. It's all a wreck too, bunched in odd places and wrinkled. Not that it matters, in the long run.
Your legs flop limp away from him, and he leans back enough that his cock pulls out of you, as he quietly catches his breath. The insides of your thighs are slick and feel a mess, and you can feel the way his cum leaks out of you and onto the countertop.
Your legs feel like absolute mush; There's no way you'd be able to walk at the moment. Thankfully you don't need to, as your chest gently rises and falls with each caught breath.
"Warn a girl next time you're going to take her for a ride like that, yeah?" You joke, hoping to soften him up a bit. Crosshair is alway so aloof, no matter what the situation.
"You want a next time?" You glance up at him and see his softened eyebrows and tiny crook of his lips- he's clearly teasing you. It still makes you doubt for just a moment, however.
"Do you?" His face is close enough that you could tug him in for a kiss if you wanted, your hands now more gently just laying on the crook of his neck.
You'll stipulate that you'll be wanting a date first, but you can barter later.
Sliding off the counter with now steady legs you clean yourself and the refresher up to a presentable state and follow him out, thankfully not bumping into any unfortunate souls along the way. The worst thing imaginable, that would be.
But once you enter the main bar area again, it's not long before you notice the rest of the Batch, all standing around waiting. Echo is the first one to turn and notice you and his brother heading towards them, tilting his head.
"Where were you two?" Echo speaks up, raising his eyebrows. Instead of answering, Crosshair instead flips the question.
"Where were you? We've been waiting."
You were doing a little more than waiting it seems, having a silent conversation with Hunter as his eyes are on you. And, they look a little surprised. Any longer and he might just get keen, so you quickly invent a reason to leave them behind.
"I think me and Cross are gonna head back to the ship. We've had our fill of this place for tonight." They look about to speak up, but Hunter cuts off any objections.
"Be careful on the walk back, you two."
The two of you take your leave, the rest of the batch getting to have their night of fun while you two head back. The air outside is brisk but not enough to shiver, adjusting your clothes as the wind blows them awkwardly. Crosshair keeps exact pace with you, walking quite close- almost shoulder to shoulder.
"How long do you think they're gonna spend drinking?" You casually look up at him, swaying a little to the side while you walk and almost bumping into him.
"A while," He says, before glancing down at you with no shortage of suspicion. "Why?" You shrug.
"No reason."
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anothermarkedone · 5 months
THERE’S LITERALLY NO RIDOC FICS AND I THINK THAT’S CRIMINAL! So thank you for being an absolute legend and taking requests for him 🙏🙏
I was thinking what about a Ridoc x reader who is Dain’s little sister but she’s the completely opposite of him. A Weasly twin style prankster who thinks rules are just suggestions. I’d love to see the shenanigans she and Ridoc get up too while also trying to keep their relationship a secret from Dain bc we all know he would freak out
Fourth wing pranksters
Word count: 834 Pairing: Ridoc x Aetos!reader A/N: I saw this request and was immediately inspired. They're head canons, I hope you don't mind nonnie.
Likes, comments and reblogs are greatly appreciated!
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One thing was crystal clear
Under no circumstance can Dain find out about you and Ridoc
It’s bad enough that his sweet darling little sister would start dating a guy
But Ridoc?! 
The guy who’s known to be the best prankster in the entire quadrant?
Hell to the fucking no
It’s bad enough that you don’t follow the rules, no matter how much Dain and your father try
You don’t need someone to enable you and join in your behavior
Not as a classmate or as a friend and certainly not as your boyfriend
But if you play it smart, he won’t easily find out
He’s too busy drooling đŸ€€ over Violet, glaring daggers 😡 at Daddy Xaden đŸ„” and being a stuck up rule follower
He’s literally Percy Weasley đŸ§‘đŸ»â€đŸŠ° since we’re talking about HP references
There was a silly tradition in Fourth Wing that when it’s someone's birthday🎉, they bring a snack🧁 to Battle brief
And it just so happens that Dain’s birthday was the next day
The day before his birthday, he had roped you into helping him make your grandmother's famous caramel apples
He told you that he needed your help last minute of course, so you didn’t have an excuse ready😑
The perfect opportunity for a prank, if you say so yourselfđŸ€«
When you and Dain were finally done, you wished him a happy early birthday and told him that you were going to study for a bit with Violet.
He knew that Violet was still pissed at him for reading her memories without permission, but he never expected that his sweet fragile Violet would insure that there would be retaliation
*Cue evil laughter*😈
Dain of course insisted to walk you to Violet's room, to make sure you were safe, he claimed, definitely not to maybe see VioletđŸ€Ą
You walked into Violets room (or rather, Violet pulled you through the wards that đŸ’ȘđŸ»overprotective đŸ„”Daddy Xaden installed)
You used your signet to see through the wall and waited until you saw Dain walk away
The second he was gone, you slipped out of Violet’s room and into Ridoc’s, who was already dead asleep😮
You climbed on top of him and settled in his lap
Of course, he’s a horny bastard and had other activity ideasđŸ„”
You promised him whatever he wanted after he helped youđŸ€­
He was 100% in after you explained your plan, as if he wasn’t already after your spicy promise😏
You two sneaked into the kitchens
You two went to make another batch of ‘caramel apples’ but oh nođŸ˜±! there are no apples leftđŸ˜„!
Guess you two have to use the onions
While you started making your grandmother’s caramel sauce, he went to peel the onions
It was one hell of a job to get it done before battle brief, especially since your promise didn’t do anything to lessen Ridoc’s horniness
There were a lot of steamy kisses and inappropriate touchesđŸ€€
But Ridoc’s ice signet đŸ„¶ came in handy when the ‘apples’ were done and they had to be cool enough so that it seemed that they had cooled down during the night
You two sneaked the actual caramel apples 🍎 into your room to snack on later
Then you went to battle brief
Once you two were seated with your squad, Dain came in with the tasty onions🧅
He handed them out to professor Kaori, professor Devera and, to your slight horror, even to major Varrish
When Dain handed them out to your squad, you quickly warned them not to eat them🙊
The whole time, you and Ridoc had trouble to keep from bursting out in laughterđŸ€Ł
Professor Kaori had just started battle brief, everyone’s apple temporarily forgotten in favor of taking notes, when major Varrish suddenly leaped from his chair with an angry shoutđŸ€Ź
Pieces of onion falling from his mouthđŸ€ź
Ridoc’s hand squeezed your inner thigh, as if that would keep him from bursting out in laughter
Varrish demanded to know who did it
Of course Dain was his first suspect, but professor Kaori pointed out that it was not something Dain would do😯
Everyone checked their own apples and found onions under the thick layer of caramel
Bodhi subtly suggested that one of the first years could have a signet that can change objects, which would make sense, since the first years had only just bonded their dragons, so they have no control over their signet🙄
And thus, Varrish’s rage turned on the first years
He ordered everyone to leave, except the first years and Dain
You shot your horrified brother a (hopefully) comforting look 😬
As soon as your squad was out of the room, Ridoc grabbed your hand
In his other hand, he held his onion and he was busy licking the caramel from the vegetableđŸ€ą
Sawyer laughed that he was disgusting, Violet was satisfied with her small petty revenge and Rhiannon was shaking her her head while mumbling how she was stuck with idiots
Ridoc gave your friends an innocent wave, before dragging you off to fulfill that promise that you made.đŸ„”
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masterjedilenawrites · 1 year
I'm on answering your questions, but JOKES ON YOU you already get the next bunch >:)
I'd be dying to hear your thoughts on 4, 21, 22, 38, 42 👀
Oh boy, we're really in this now 😅 lmao
4. Which Batcher do you think would be cutest with a pet?
I've envisioned all the clones with different pets, but I'm obsessed with the idea of Tech having a "delightfully tiny mouse" ... just perched on his shoulder, watching him tinker, slipping into his pocket on missions 😭 If someone ever drew this I think I would explode and/or fall into a coma...
21. Which Batcher is the best cook?
Lol I've done this best to worst list before! The answer's Tech :))
22. Which Batcher do you think had the most awkward first kiss?
Okay okay I'll make a list for this too 😁
38. What color do you associate with each Batcher?
Some of these may be boring... Blue for Echo. Even though he's an official Batcher, he'll always have a part of the 501st blue in him. Red and black for Hunter and Crosshair, but just a little more red for Hunter and a little more black for Cross. And then Tech... I get earth tone vibes, like brown or even green. And Wrecker is sunshine yellow (that could shift into a heated orange for his more chaotic moments).
42. FMK, dealers choice
😈 hehehe
Well, I wouldn't want to kill any of them, so I'll cheat a little and go with Tech since he's already dead 😭 Call me old fashioned but I'd want to fuck and marry the same guy, aka Crosshair my beloved bastard 😂 But if I haaaad to, I guess I'd just fuck him and then while he's busy with the Empire, marry Echo.
From the Bad Batch Ask Game
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