#the barian
trickstermelon 3 months
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These 3 inch, holographic foil double-sided Protag/Rival charms have been added to my shop! Each charm features the the protag(s) and their main rival(s) from DM through Zexal
Draw your card 馃専
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warchord 1 month
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this was supposed to be a doodle so i stopped after i added minimal color.
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dreaminginmysoup 1 year
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Coming to a channel near you! Gadget thought he had the perfect relationship with Infinite- a convicted war criminal- but when he finds his boyfriend with his cousin, their fairytale romance is shattered. Then Gadget gets to know his cousin's ex, Barry, but will their newly blossoming love story last? What's Infinite planning anyway?
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scattered-irises 2 months
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I love school
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kaiowut99 3 months
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"Yuma... When people grow up, they usually end up throwing away something that matters to them... But... don't you go and throw away... that power to believe in people, and that heart that never gives up... Don't you dare throw 'em away."
"See, I would've liked to see the future you guys get going myself... but it doesn't look like I'll get to."
"Kotori... Don't take your eyes off this idiot. Thanks, Yuma... Astral... My friends for life... I'm glad I got to have one last great duel with you two. Later..."
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cyberdragoninfinity 9 months
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continuing my yugioh tradition of every time i finish a series i ask twitter for 9 characters to draw... i was busy for most of summer so this one took like. THREE MONTHS TO FINISH. but we got there!!! zexal time!!
since zexal characters all have like 45385 forms i asked for specific versions of characters this time, and rly love the end assortment :3c
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bradbradleyart 4 months
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Barian life
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unhingedandcringe 10 months
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this is how I see the barians
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sweebat 10 days
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It鈥檚 late bc I got busy with other things, but here鈥檚 little overview of Seven Emperors of Spacetime, or Seventh Tachyon
Literally cannot wait for this card to come to the TCG, I am going to search ALL of the feeshhhhhhh 馃馃馃馃馃馃
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itsana004 7 months
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The end.
@zexalmonth is it still too late for my 7th day entry???
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irisgoesgardening 1 month
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I finished all the fairy barians!! You can find them in my Happy猸愶笌Heroine猸愶笌Sniper fic, The Slumbering Prince. Also, bonus 8th fairy.
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sanmisui 24 days
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I'm partecipating in a pretty important art contest for Italian artists about anime and manga, so I chose to draw for it my favourite anime character and one of my biggest fictional crushes Vector from Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal in his human form 馃槏馃槏馃槏
I also used a new technique for the shading and I hope I did a good job despite my lack of experience with this technique 馃槄
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shitpostingkats 9 months
I know they're not gonna do it but please imagine we get to the xyz dimension and the refugees are getting aid from astrals and barians and everyone rightly flips out and Shay is like "What, do you guys not have aliens in your dimensions? :/"
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baddyzarc 6 months
New cospa merch! !!!
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overobsessedfanboy23 7 months
Just a reminder that Mizael in his previous life as a human was murdered by the humans who smeared the name of the dragon who protected him and his people in order to launch an ambush that lead to the deaths of himself, the dragon, and potentially many in his village.
Of course he says things like this after being reincarnated into a barian:
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He doesn't fully remember his past life at this point or potentially doesn't want to believe it because of the disdain he holds for humans, a disdain I believe is a subconscious result of the way he died in his past life.
Also, double reminder that the dub, desperate to censor the darker parts of this story, completely screwed up the story and Mizael's character by having Mizael murder the dragon for glory. And this is quite possibly the single worst thing the Zexal dub did. I'm still not over it honestly.
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