#the bard's dad and mom w their adventuring party
venusmage · 2 years
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Our Waterdeep game has photography and its VERY fun to draw the pictures
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Character Ideas Day 3: Artillerist Artificer
During your tenure as a student in a college for creation bards, you were fairly convinced you were the worst spellcaster alive. None of it made sense to you, and even creating small inanimate objects companions seemed nearly impossible. So, fed up with feeling like a failure, you cheated, constructing tiny mechanical constructs to serve as fake versions of the companions your classmates could make so easily. You were caught and sent to your instructor’s office, but instead of being reprimanded, you were praised. Turns out, you’d made something conducive to a completely different type of spellcasting, one your instructor wants to help you improve at. It’s an offer you quickly and graciously accept.
As a child, you, like many others, enjoyed pretending to fight with sticks, a harmless game that should have caused nothing but good childhood memories. You even liked to carve your stick, a mighty sword for a mighty warrior. However, you unknowingly carved a legitimate arcane symbol on your “sword” one day, making an extremely rudimentary arcane firearm and accidentally hurting one of your dearest friends. Now, years later, some still haven’t forgiven you, and some deeply question the fact that you continued your craft, but you press on regardless, determined to make more of a reputation for yourself than the kid who made a dire mistake. 
You come from a place with an elite corps of warriors, able to fight off any single attacker with unrivaled proficiency with swords and shields. So, your people’s enemies got creative, sending swarms of flying beasts to overwhelm your protections. You, a weapons designer for the corps, weren’t exactly ready to unveil your experimental weapon, but circumstance gave you no choice, and with gritted teeth, you watched as your invention was singlehandedly credited with saving your town. Now, you’re off to pitch your invention elsewhere, but you know all too well that the swarms are moving faster, and beginning to target you. 
The eldest child of beloved and peaceful nobles, you’ve grown tired of the nice guy routine your family demands. Soon enough, a rebellious spirit begins to blossom, one that not only craves adventure and combat, but wants to do it in the most obnoxious way you could possibly imagine, just to stick it to mom and dad. You’ve always been savvy in the classroom, so redirecting your intelligence into making loud, obnoxious and visibly arcane weapons instantly appeals to you, and after you build your first one, you leave to join the first adventuring party you find. Any company is good company if they’ll let you blow shit up.
You grew up hearing endless horror stories about the time one of your parents spent lost in the feywild, honing skills of nature out of necessity, and a drive to survive alone in such an odd and often terrible place. These stories make the magic of machines seem much more beautiful than nature based magic to you, and for most of your life, it was the only sort of magic you trusted. It wasn’t until you met and befriended (or perhaps fell for) a druid that you began to reconsider, and even combine your ideas of magic into something entirely new. But a new threat is emerging, one that sounds a lot like one from those years old horror stories, and you find yourself reconsidering once again what exactly makes magic “good.”
You are a dragon living in a disguised humanoid form after being badly injured by an adventuring party desperate to find your rumored hoard. When they came out without a scrap of material wealth, they were livid, and your legend faded to obscurity. Until, that is, someone discovered the true meaning of the riddles that guarded your hoard: You did not hoard arcane goods, but arcane knowledge, and the exact details of how to make magical items of untold and unrivaled power. You managed to escape with much of the knowledge, and now, the hunt is on to find you. Thankfully, you’re more than prepared to build what you need to defend yourself.
Though your sibling is a powerful sorcerer, their physical health has always been extremely fragile, to the point where using their magic even to perform extremely minor spells can be extremely dangerous. They’ve expressed time and time again that they love their magic, and they want to use it freely, but it’s just not safe to do so. So, you and your family set off on a quest to make an item for them to channel magic through, something that will take the weight off of their body. You find you have a particular knack for it, and what starts as a necessity to help your sibling turns into a passion.
While exploring an abandoned or decimated town, you stumble upon the skeletal remains of a powerful mage, whom you quickly recall has no family or close connections. Before you can stop yourself, you steal and study them, shaping some of the bones into a powerful arcane staff that can sling spells you can barely conceptualize. All you can do now is adapt as you go.
You’re a toy maker by trade, one famed for your clockwork implements and wooden animals. It earned you a reputation as a jovial and loving person, popular with the kids of the town you lived in. But when war broke out, your technology was sought out by completely different sources, people who are desperate to turn your tech into weapons of war. Horrified by the production, you take some of the weapons for yourself, determined to protect and help those the war left behind.
You constructed and operated a state of the art shooting gallery carnival game in one of your town’s most popular traveling carnivals. The weapons were far from powerful, but they were easy to operate and fun, which mattered to you much more anyway. So, when a group of bandits robbed your carnival, and the other workers looked to you, you thought they were crazy to think your weapons would stop them. Thanks to some last minute alterations, they did the job well. Now, the people who own the carnival are paying you good money to work out even more improvements, and your reputation is quickly beginning to grow.
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jq37 · 5 years
The Report Card -- Fantasy High Sophomore Year Ep 1
Sophomores and Spring Break 
Note: Hey guys! I decided to try something a little bit different and slightly more structured than my usual recaps for FH: Sophomore Year. I’m hoping this will be a little easier for me and a more useful tool for keeping up to date since there will be a lot more eps to keep track of and they’ll be easier to miss. Lemme know what you think and if you want raw, unfiltered opinions on anything specific, feel free to send me an ask. I’m always down to go off about literally whatever. 
We’re back, baby! It is Sophomore Year at Aguefort and the gang is on Spring Break. A lot is going down so lemme break it down. The Bad Kids, having defeated Kalvaxus last year, are all entitled to a share of his hoard and all the red tape is finally cleared so they all get 20k gold each (which is an insane amount of money converted to USD if you use the WOTC conversion rate of a gold coin being around $145 (circa 2006 when they answered the question)--which would be close to $330 with inflation). Jawbone and Sandra-Lynn are moving in after less than a year into a profoundly haunted house and it’s kind of a Full House situation because Adaine, Fig, Kristen, and Tracker all officially live there (plus it seems that Zayn has also anchored himself to Adaine’s tower--btw, Adaine took the tower that the haunted house obviously has) and you know all the other Bad Kids are gonna be there on the regular. 
More importantly, Aguefort gives the gang their big project for the year--finding the crown of the Nightmare King which was stolen at the end of last season--which is worth 60% of their grade (Adaine does a full Hermione at this information). Each of the gang has info about the NK but the trail has mostly gone cold. Luckily, Fabian just got a hot tip about where Falinel is keeping Aelwyn and she seems like a pretty good lead to start with since she was super tied up in the bad side of all the messiness of last year. Adaine is displeased to say the least. 
Going off to find the crown is super exciting story-wise for two reasons. First of all, it means the gang gets to hire, well, hirelings to help them and temporarily join the party! They ping basically every cool NPC they can think of (except for Tracker for some reason which is BONKERS because (1) she probably would have done it for free and cutting her in would still be keeping the money in the family, (2) she’s dope as hell, (3) she’s a cleric and the party can always use more healers, (4) she’s a werewolf so presumably she has skills that would help in the woods, and (5) they’re t r a c k i n g down a crown and the girl’s name is literally T R A C K E R, but I will not backseat D&D) and eventually end up with Ragh (who has been without an adventuring party all year, poor guy), Sandra-Lynn (swayed by a nat 20 rolled by Fig), Cathilda (!?) ,and, for some reason, Gilear (which Fabian is happy about, mainly for the opportunity to maybe bump him off on the way). Second of all, if you recall, Elmville is a pretty modern town but the rest of the continent is less fantasy high, more high fantasy. Horses and lanterns and all that pseudo-medieval goodness. They are gonna stick out like a sore thumb. I am very here for it. 
Everyone goes home to rest up but, after some ominous dreams, only four of them wake up. Riz and Fig are left asleep and then Brennan mic drops and ends the episode which is a power move and I am extremely upset about it but also, respect. Right for the jugular immediately. I heard Murph and Emily are on tour in the UK next week which probably has something to do with this but, in the moment, I did not know that and I really felt the hammer drop in my heart. It was wild. Cannot wait to see where we go from here. Plus, who doesn’t love watching characters freak out because their friends are in danger?
Random Thoughts
I have no idea what the title of this episode is or if it’ll even have one and not a number but I gave it a placeholder one for now. I also don’t have access to the stream yet so I didn’t get to include some info I wanted to (like a record of nat 20s, and nat 1s so I can track their stats for the school year) and I probably missed some stuff because my brain can only hold so much info guys. I’m not Brennan. 
I mentioned this yesterday during the stream, but there will never be anything better than the pure D&D joy of everyone, in character, talking over each other to clown on each other. They get the friend-group banter that’s a hair breadth’s away from bullying so true to life and it’s so fun to watch. On the flip side, the opening scene with everyone introducing themselves and affirmatively claiming each other as their best friends was also peak D&D. Found family= best trope. 
Fig and Adaine burn spell-slots at basically the same time to try and beat each other to the best room in the (Scooby-Doo ass) house--which is exactly the kind of thing that would happen in this world. It’s such an intuitive setting. I love it so much. (BTW, Fig ends up staying in the false space under the revolving grand piano because, of course).
Fabian and Gorgug went to recruit Ragh, who assumed they were propositioning him for a three-way. In his defense, they did do it in a super proposition-y way and they were in the middle of the LGBTQ student union.
Also, Gorgug gives Ragh an inspiring speech about thinking you’re your own dad which makes him burst into tears. 
Speaking of, Jawbone offhandedly says he’s poly but, like, based on some of the stuff he’s said, I feel like that’s not really a reveal. He also gets along well with Gorthalax and would be down w/ a three-way if Sandra-Lynn wanted to which, again, totally checks out. 
Arthur Aguefort uses Chronomancy to rewind time and catch a snide comment Adaine made under her breath, which is exactly the kind of frivolous use of God-like power I’d expect from him.  
I really love Adaine’s energy coming into this season. She’s in therapy. She’s in a good home environment. She’s comfortable enough with her friend group to do stuff like prank Fig (love that they’re gonna be living together now). And she’s good friends with Zayn now which I want to see more of based on their one interaction in this ep which was very cute. I am already on record as saying I would be down with her getting a ghost boyfriend--I mean, for the aesthetic alone--but I’d be happy with just more friendship. 
Fabian is also hilarious this season because you can tell he’s gone a bit soft from having friends and leaning into that (the friendship necklace with Riz) but also he’s fully aware that it’s happening so he’s, like, ping-ponging back and forth like, “These are my friends,” and, “What am I saying? I used to be cool,” and it’s very funny. Very happy the Aelwyn storyline is happening right out of the gate, both because I think Aelwyn is a very interesting character with a lot of potential for nuance but also because Fabian reacting to her and Adaine reacting to Fabian reacting to her is always gold. 
Prompted by an offhand conversation from Fig about rock and roll, Brennan--earning another feather for his Cap of God Tier DMing--goes on an impromptu five minute long improved diatribe about a bard who played such a good concert that it instantly impregnated everyone in attendance (dudes too) who gave birth to kids with sick rocker hair and denim jackets and ascended to Rock Heaven on their 18th Birthday. You truly have to watch it to believe it. At a certain point I thought he was gonna drop it but that was the moment he doubled down and kept going. Amazing. 
Watching Murph, in real time, make up a girl/boy/whateverfriend in Fantasy Canada was a gift. 
I don’t have access to the stream yet but best quote of the night that I can remember is Kristen choosing her room: This is triggering and I’ll take it. (Her line about her lesbian starter kit and the one about wanting a horse were also bangers). 
The group talks about what they’re going to do for transportation outside of Elmsville since they don’t really use cars out there and they somehow get from “disguise Fig’s tour bus” to “commission Aguefort to create a brand new animal that can hold six people plus hirelings, one of which is Fabian who is also riding his motorbike”.
I love that Sandra-Lynn’s Mom Powers work on Tracker. 
Basrar doesn’t accept the invitation to come with on the quest, but he does give Kristen a bag of infinite ice cream sandwiches, which is basically just as good, IMO. 
Oh Gilear. The man is sleeping in the Seacaster garage, being bullied by skater kids, and now he’s stuck on this quest with his ex and Fabian who actively wants him dead.  
Speaking of, I’m psyched to see more of Sandra-Lynn. She was kind of a sleeper badass at the end of last season. 
Ragh is keeping secrets which I hope the cast doesn’t forget because it could be nothing serious (like the high school drama happening with Skrank and the 7 maidens--maybe he’s just crushing on Gorgug who did full kiss him during Promocalypse) or it could be Serious Business that will blow up if the don’t stay on top of it. We’ll see. 
Oh, almost forgot. Adaine wants an emotional support frog. Every time I think I can’t love her more.   
Fig for Not Respecting Personal Boundaries
Fig goes full Emily right out the gate and, after finding out that Skrank (nerdy bird dude who apparently can get it) was not only dating Ostentasia (rich, popular dwarf) but also dumped her in pursuit of Danielle Barkstock (one of Ostentasia’s party members, the scandal), disguises herself as him with Danielle to figure out what’s going on. And, wouldn't you know it, when she gives herself away, Danielle immediately is shocked and appalled, as you would be, obviously. We also learn that she’s still catfishing Dr. Asha which is, how you say, for sure a crime. Fig, please, I’m begging you. Cease. 
Honor Roll
Fig, Riz, and Adaine for Researching the Nightmare King
Fig made both lists, look at that. Wasn’t my plan for this to be a three-way tie (also didn’t expect to use the word “three-way” this many times in this writeup) but I think their contributions were pretty much equally valuable. Rainsolo on the Discord wrote up this summary of the lore dump Brennan gave them.
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scatterpatter · 4 years
15 w Corren!
15: What is your characters background story?
OHOHO, so I’m going to leave One Detail Out because there’s one part of his backstory I don’t wanna spoil for Jazz yet, but... >:3c
Also it’s under the cut because i totally infodumped and then some OOPSIE
oh also cws: serious illness, death, domestic violence, depression
Corren Hartwell grew up the youngest of 3 siblings, the oldest being his big sis Mila and the middle child being his bro Julian. Their parents were pretty detached emotionally, but that’s pretty par for the course where he was from, and they provided for the kids so it really wasn’t all that bad. Not a perfect family, no fam ever is, but they were happy.
His race’s culture is super inclined to intelligence and studying technology, the mind, etc, so Corren spent his childhood being a total bookworm. Studying history, arcana, all sorts of stuff... he never really minded it, though. He was actually quite good at what he did! 
Mila was a spellcaster- I honestly forgot what school of magic she was in OOPS, and Julian dual-classed as a Necromancer and Bard! Jules and Mila were both pretty close in age, and they were like besties on top of being siblings, and they’d often team up to do small adventuring jobs: hit up the help wanted board in town and take care of short deliveries or a monster stalking a farm or something like that- both for the thrill and to also earn some extra gold for the family. They loved Corren, but they couldn’t take him with them because it was too dangerous for him since he was still just a little kid. Still, Corren admired them and wanted to be just like them(better, even?) when he grew up! ... Oh yeah I always forget this detail but Corren’s totally trans XD He came out pretty young but his family was chill with it so like... ayyyeee
Though one day, Mila started getting sick. Corren doesn’t really know what it was, but for whatever reason she wasn’t able to heal from it with simple healing spells. It was a slow process, but she was just getting worse instead of better, and one day she passed. The family was a wreck, understandably. The issue is... Corren and Julian had... different ways of grieving. Corr was still young, the equivalent of like someone 10-12 in human years, so he didn’t fully grasp the concept of death just yet. He retreated into himself a lot, had trouble grounding himself to the present and really struggling with depression. Julian, about the equivalent of someone 16-18, had a better understanding of what was going on, but he was wrecked. He wanted their sister back, and was so upset he couldnt do anything... but he wanted to try. He ended up doing something rash, and... well, spoilers ;) (dont worry he didnt hurt Corren or anyone else, but... he Fucked Up in what he tried doing)
Things quickly went downhill from there for the Hartwells. There was often a lot of fighting between Julian and their parents, or Corren would be chided for being unable to focus, like, at all, and... Corren and Jules never really fought, but there was a clear rift between them after what happened. They still loved each other, but it was so obvious their relationship would never be like what it was when Mila was still around, and that hurt both of them so much.
A few months later, things reached a boiling point and Julian was kicked out of their home. Before he left, though, he found Corren and gave him something: a small amethyst pendant on a necklace chain, something Julian used to always wear. They made a promise that this wasn’t gonna be goodbye, that they’d find each other again, and then Jules was gone. It was just Corren and his mom and dad.
Things were still strained, and Corren just did his best to keep to his studies to distract himself from everything. Not wanting Corren to end up like his brother, his parents forbade anything necrotic in the magic he learned. The problem was... Corren still loved Julian. And still wanted to be like him, to a point, so... he would study necromancy in secret. It was kinda like his little lifeline like “hey Jules is still here to an extent if I know the spells he does”, and things seemed to be going okay, for the most part
Well uh... one day his father caught him practicing his necromancy and... well, was far from happy about it. An argument quickly erupted between them both, a lot of yelling back and forth, and before Corr could react properly, his father grabbed something from the desk and struck him with it, giving him a pretty bad cut across his right eye(the smol scar I always draw? Yeah...). In a panic, Corren’s flight of fight kicked in as he cast a magic missile at his father in retaliation. Corren isn’t sure if his attack just stunned, knocked out, or killed his father, but the flight of fight-or-flight kicked in as he just ran from the situation. He had no idea what he was to do or where to go, but he just knew he couldn’t go back home after that.
SO this poor kid, probably the equivalent of a 14-15 y/o, is out on his own now... and he sure does his best. He mainly spends his time hopping from town to town, taking up small jobs to get some gold in his pockets, and is just... focusing on surviving. Going from this sheltered lifestyle to suddenly on the streets was a wake-up call and then some, but he found ways to make it work. Luckily his background of studying all the time gave him enough intelligence to take up tasks others weren’t as capable of, but it was still... far from easy. But he made it work!
One day he’s in a city known as Lilenthemar, just taking a break in one of the town squares, when an Elven man takes a seat on the bench next to him. They both sit in a comfortable silence for a while... but the elf then strikes a conversation. Corren, socially awkward like no tomorrow, tries to keep up the conversation... key word tries. The man introduces himself as Jethro, and I imagine the conversation took a turn like this:
Jethro: I don’t see many Marelienths around here, are you new in town?
Corren: Yeah, just passing through I guess. ... Gotta say, wasn’t expecting to see the Dragon Saint of the Green as I came here, though.
Jethro, laughing: Ah, yes, Raerose. Don’t worry, he’s a kind dragon. Though, it’s certainly surprising to those who are new to the city.
Corren: Oh, no, I know all about Raerose and his connections to this city and the Edgewoods. I just wasn’t expecting to... you know, run into his path as quickly as I did.
Jethro: Oh, so you’ve done your research, I take it?
At that point, Corren does what any neurodivergent would do when asked about his hobbies: Infodumps the hell out of what he knows. He’s far from a great scholar, considering he’s only the equivalent of someone 16-21ish at this point and spent quite a few years away from studying in favor of surviving, but he was still very intelligent and knowledgable about what he talked about. Jethro, picking up on this, decided to offer Corren a temporary position as a Family Historian. Jethro was actually a noble, something Corr somehow didn’t pick up on, and not only could’ve used the help... but also, he kiiiinda picked up on the fact that Corren looked like a kid who could use a place to stay for a while. Corren, not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, immediately accepted the offer.
Now, Corren wasn’t intending to stay for long. A few months, maybe a year or two... but. He realized he was building a pretty stable life by having a consistent job for the elf- it didn’t make much sense to just leave that in favor of hopping from place to place with no purpose. Not to mention, he was actually growing quite close to his boss. They’d often spent time together during off-hours, sitting in a comfortable quiet, just taking comfort in each other’s presence. Jethro’s actually the only one Corren ever opened up to about his past, and over the years Corren really grew to love him in a strong platonic way. They both struggled with their own grieving, Jethro with his passed wife and son he hadn’t seen in years, and Corren with his passed sister and brother he hadn’t seen in years, which only helped them grow closer, since they understood each other’s pain, in a sense.
He still struggled with depression, but overall Corren was doing pretty damn well in life. ... Many years later, Corren being 44(idk which human-equivalent this would be. Mid-Late 20s? Early 30s?), actually gets to meet Jethro’s son, Jericho, and the party he traveled with... called the F.U.C.K.s. ... I couldn’t make this shit up even if I tried. They needed help getting to a place called the Menoa Tree, which Corren happened to have studied for a long while, so he offered to help the party. ... They totally broke him with their antics. He proceeded to have a mental breakdown in front of them, and essentially went “FUCK THIS IM GOING HOME AND TAKING A NAP”. Jethro got a laugh out of the furious rambling Corren came home with.
... But despite that, something stuck with him. He just couldn’t quite get the party out of his mind. Something about them, as frustrating as they were, was almost... magnetic? ... Well, weeks later, word came to Lilenthemar about a war that had been raging on for years now... but specifically of a battle at a city known as Joshua, the forces being lead by Jericho alongside many others. Jethro was of course worried about his boy... and Corren... well, something in him changed. He wanted to know more about the FUCKs and just WHAT their deal was, and he wanted to ease Jethro’s worries, so... he grabbed a sniper rifle and decided that he’d go help protect Jericho and his friends as they fought. 
He eventually caught up to the party, convinced them to let him help, and after many battles... the war was won(Corren kinda came in at the tail-end of it all). The only thing is... after that, Corren didn’t really want to go home just yet. He actually enjoyed spending time with the party... and then it clicked: They were powerful adventurers who were totally crazy, stupid, and had no sense of self-preservation... they were just like Julian. And Corren loved it, even when they drove him crazy. He felt alive, which is something he realized he hadn’t felt in a long time... and quickly grew attached to his party, Alistair now taking the reigns as leader as Jericho retired from adventuring. And, well, he’s stuck with them ever since!
He still has Julian’s amethyst, as they’ve yet to reunite(yknow, assuming Jules is still alive even), but... certain events are causing some concern with the story I’m telling. Mainly... Corren is slowly facing Aboleth Corruption(he doesn’t know this yet, but is starting to suspect there’s something wrong with him), and that’s causing parts of his memory to be... patchy. Certain things aren’t lining up, and there could be more(or just different altogether) pieces of this story than what I’ve just told... but we’ll have to wait and see until we get to the quest that deals with that before we find out what’s REALLY going on ;)
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sincerelyensouled · 6 years
1-10 w mozzy!
So many questions! this is gonna be a long post, thank you
Oh yeah, Mozzy’s a D&D character, I don’t think I mentioned that before. She’s a elf/tiefling Ranger
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
!!! Yes I was hoping to be asked this because I’m really proud of this!
Mozaic “Mozzy” Denova Kamajd
Her first name is an alternative spelling of the word “mosaic,” a word her mother often uses to fondly refer to their family. Mozzy was the first (and only) child to be born into the family after her mother and her father married and brought all the kids together so in a way she’s kind of seen as the glue that brought them all together. Her middle name has no special meaning.
Her last name is interesting too. She’s the only child of both her mother and her father and neither of her parents have a last name (Her father had to abandon his for safety and her mother …. I haven’t decided why her mother doesn’t have one) and all her siblings used the last names of either or both of their other parents (some are half-siblings, some are fully adopted.) So Mozzy’s last name is a re-jumble of all her siblings’ names. 
2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
A nickname most, if not all, of her siblings call her is “Tiny” because she’s the baby of the family.
Tornado - because she’s a wurlwind, kinda messy, always moving forward and quickly
Sharp Shooter - she shoots good
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Mozzy had a really good childhood! Hi-lights for her are probably the way the family celebrates birthdays. The entire family goes to the same local restaurant, and when I say entire I mean entire, those who have moved out will come back and visit for birthday celebrations (no one has missed one yet). A couple of tables have to be pushed together and the family has a nice meal together, it’s really sweet. And then the birthday-haver gets their head shoved into the cake.
But until the family found a good place to live, which was when Mozzy was 12, they moved around a lot. They got thrown out of a couple of towns. Mozzy was made fun of a lot and she hated it.
4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents? 
She’s really close to both of her parents. 
Her father is a tiefling and is out of the house quite a bit for work but Mozzy gets super excited when he comes home! She probably still does that thing where you wrap yourself around your dad’s leg?? Or if she doesn’t she does it emotionally. Her dad is the person who cheers her on the most at sporting events. A good dad and a good daughter
Her mother is a elf who always seems to be in the kitchen and Mozzy loves to annoy the hell out of her but it’s done with love. She’ll ask her the dumbest theoretical questions, lean over her back/shoulders and insist she can help cooking in some way even though she’s the absolute worst at cooking and will burn anything to a crisp. Mozzy just loves to hang around with her mom.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Mozzy doesn’t have any full siblings but she has a ton of half and adopted siblings, 6 to be exact. She’s the 7th child and the youngest. So this bit is gonna be real long… (ordered from oldest to youngest)
Ashel is a tiefling who left the house when Mozzy was pretty young, she was probably 10. He’s the trademark adult and is runs his own small business. He’s lowkey intimidating and unfortunately visits home the least out of everyone but he loves to share hot drinks around the fire when he does make it back. 
Dayla is a dragonborn fighter with a desire to own and use at least once every weapon imaginable. She is the one who taught Mozzy how to fight and introduced her to bows and crossbows. Dayla is probably the one who moved out that comes home the most (mostly to add more weapons to her hoard that she discovered on adventures) and every time Mozzy excitedly waits to stay up all night hearing about the adventures she’s been on with her consistent adventuring party. Dayla acts as Mozzy’s inspiration to leave home one day and become an adventurer herself.
Kaffe is a half-orc who prefers spending most of his time alone or with his tiger, Lily and Mozzy respect him for that. When Kaffe is into hanging out with people and hangs out with Mozzy the two are a terrifying unstoppable whirlwind that can’t be stopped. 
Akili is an elf druid and is almost like a second mom to Mozzy. One time when they were little she accidentally magically wrapped a poisonous plant around Mozzy’s arm and Mozzy still has a scar. Akili runs a flower shop in town and speaks much more Elvish than Common so she has kind of a strange accent. Akili is the sibling Mozzy turns to when she’s feeling sad and they go out to a coffee shop to get something and talk it out. 
Melody is a tiefling bard who probably put all of his points into charisma. He changed his name when he was roughly 14 but still fully identifies as a cis male. You know that motherfucker, what a tool, plays Wonder Wall at every party? That’s Melody and Mozzy LOVES to rag on him for it. They’re the type of siblings that fight all the time but as soon as someone outside their family makes fun of the other even once they become [other person] fan club president founder number 1 and will stick up and fight to the death for their sibling. They also share the horse and is probably 5 years older than Mozzy.
Jacey is a half-orc and she’s the closest in age to Mozzy, the age difference being about 2 years. They’re pretty close, what I’d call a normal sibling relationship, but the two aren’t as close as Mozzy is with some of her other siblings. They have opposite interests in school but that’s ok.
6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Mozzy loves school and just graduated high school. She’s a star student, kind of to an annoying degree because she asks too many questions and argues with teachers for marks and stuff. She’s also really into extracurriculars and sports stuff. Her favorite class is biology but dislikes English.
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
It’s kinda bullshit that she didn’t have a lot of friends as a child because she was the type of person who wanted to make a ton of friends, she was nice, outgoing and smart but honestly, kids were scared of her because she’s half elf half tiefling and her family situation was really weird (Is that too Mary Sue?? idk). She made a couple of friends and called their group “The Misfit Trio” and stuck with that group for a really long time. 
In high school people became much more accepting of her and I geuss she would be considered popular but she still loved and hung out with the rest of the misfit trio a lot. She just graduated high school and is slowly losing those connections which is sad but she’s doing her best to keep her friends. 
8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals? 
Mozzy co-owns a grey horse with Melody. She calls him Bubbah as an affectionate nickname even though Melody calls him Adagio. She rides the horse in some ride and shoot sports she does. She can also borrow a tiger from her brother
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals?
Neutral. Animals don’t hate her but animals don’t go out of their way to listen to her either. Animals actually kinda ignore her a lot, she just wants to pet that dog that’s across the room at a party, the dog isn’t coming for pets, dog please let Mozzy pet you.
10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Children don’t particularly like Mozzy and she wouldn’t go out of her way to hang out with kids nor does she have any real desire to become a parent but she has a lot of respect for kids. Like “hey you tiny person, you have wants and desires. Cool, keep doing you.”
This is really long! Sorry about that, probably more information than you wanted. It took me all day (on and off) to answer. Thank you Callie! :D
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punkrockinchairs · 7 years
smallspaceplant replied to your photo “me doing the absolute goddamn MOST when making up new d&d characters”
OK IM GONNA TELL U ABT MY DAUGHTER VADANIA BC SHE IS CLOSE TO MY HEART (there’s only one other post in her tag rn bc she’s a brand new baby but it’s fine let’s move on)
the setting is of my own creation bc i’M MY OWN DM, GODDAMN IT, so it’s very much based on the real world. also her party is in a more modern setting w/ guns & tech & shit bc i love the modern magic unearthed arcana more than my own life
ok sO vadania is a tiefling (but one of the variant ones; she doesn’t have horns & shit altho she does have pink hair) bard and a bi trans girl. she was born in a traveling circus and had an affinity for music from a veeeery young age, but she also was FASCINATED by the sword-swallowers & knife throwers in her troupe and would always follow them around & mimic them etc (she’s fucking adorable). her mother is from a region basically equivalent to the appalachians (lol) & taught her how to play the mountain dulcimer, and she also plays viol, the lyre, and the drum. after like 10/15 years of travelling, her troupe eventually makes its way to the city of Minéti (essentially Athens lmfao) in the country of Meddi, and her mom & dad decide that they’re getting a bit old to be in the circus so they decide to settle down there. Minéti is a huge center of worship for the goddess Minétha (Athena; i’m not all that clever honestly), with the city centered around this GIGANTIC FUCKING SPIRE called the Citadel. Minétha is a goddess of civilization and knowledge and teaches her devotees that knowledge is essential to life, and that no one should be denied access to education (kind of a radical stance in the setting of the “””campaign””” such as it were), so there’s a HUUUGE (free) college connected to the Citadel. vadania and her parents are more-or-less uneducated since they all basically grew up in the circus, so her family gets really into the religion & starts attending the classes that are offered--vadania & her mom especially love the classes about music & music theory, and her mom gets rly into math too for some reason while her dad basically gets a technical degree in construction and architecture.
ANYWAY one day while she’s at the college vadania meets a girl named Selêne, who she finds out was raised in the temple & is a cleric and one of Minétha’s chosen (made obvious by the giant owl tattoo-like symbol that spans her chest from shoulder to shoulder, wings splayed across her collarbone). vadania is IMMEDIATELY SUPER GAY for selêne & they start hanging out a bunch, & eventually selêne introduces vadania to a VERY unusual being that seems to be a living suit of armor, which selêne explains is one of Minétha’s Warforged: living constructs from a bygone era of war and famine, when the gods themselves had to take sides in order to decide the fate of the world. this one is seemingly the last of them all, and selêne calls him Pally due to the fact that....he’s a paladin. lmfao. pally remembers very little of his life before selêne woke him back up, but one thing he does remember is that Minétha Herself crafted a magical item known as “the Heart of the Warforged”, and that that item has since been stolen--or at least hidden away. selêne has promised pally that she’ll do anything she can to help him find it again, and vadania........... well, like i said, vadania is SUPER GONE on this girl so she immediately is like “I HAVE NO OTHER PLANS, I’LL HELP YOU FIND IT, LET’S GO NOW” bc she has NO CONCEPT OF CHILL lmfao
and that’s basically where the adventure starts!!!! i haven’t figured out anything past the starting point since i’m still crafting backstories & histories for all the characters but...yeah!!!
ur turn!!!!!!! also sorry this got so long lmao!!!
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minscellaneous · 7 years
my dnd ocs,,, all in one post
wethrolra bloodbreaker
light ghost cleric for the goblin fuckers (my current party)
neutral good 
nonbinary (they/them/theirs)
can’t hold frogs
allergic to nuts
can’t stealth for shit despite being a ghost??
professional wine taster
tragic backstory™
formerly human; was beaten to death by one of their party members bc they were blackmailed into poisoning the wine supply of another party member who owned a tavern 
killed a few people bc of it but their party got really sick
felt really guilty when they came back as a ghost
whoa holy shit are those my friends
goes by Noone now (pronounced “noon”) bc they don’t want to give away their real identity to them
proficient at the Deception skill 
the Good One™ of the party; doesn’t use violence unless necessary, really kind to aberrations and beasts
darhana alerteyes
tiefling ranger
chaotic neutral
father was an incubus
pansexual but has a strong preference for female-aligned ppl
wants to seduce All the monsters
has an imp familiar named zap!! i love him
zap is in love with darhana but he’d never tell her that
really, zap and darhana are the best of friends,, it’s super cute
zap kinda saved darhana’s life?? all they have is each other aNYWAYS THIS ISN’T ABT THEIR RELATIONSHIP
has patterned skin sorta like a giraffe; short curly blond hair; sharp teeth; red eyes with gold speckles
5 feet tall!!!!!!
wears her loot
Refuses to cross high bridges
affectionate towards farm animals
easily angered
handaxe dual wielder
i love darhana more than my own life
taret hamedris
half-elf fighter
lawful neutral
gay boy (none of my dnd ocs are straight so.., jot that down)
has shitty parents, tho his mom is less shitty than his dad
really wants to become a legendary hero like the ones he has heard stories of
shortsword dual wielder
best friend is a half-orc fighter named saneg
saneg helped him train 
but she’s recently gone missing and taret wants to know where she is 
because he basically just stole what was left of the family funds and set off to find work as an adventurer after his dad left him and his mom
really stubborn 
he has the passion but he’s also really young and inexperienced…
june chari 
human druid
neutral good
was pressured in her tribe to become one of its protectors against encroaching modern civilization but she’s really fucken lazy and doesn’t want to do all this spell studying and plus she wants to experience life outside of the nature she grew up in
she doesn’t really go along with basic druidic principles
also has shitty parents
after her mom found out that june was thinking abt not becoming a tribe protector she basically threw her out and told her that ok if you want to see the “outside world” go ahead, and then would you see the evils that corrupt it
that’s fucked up
also she’s blind
she uses animal guides and her other senses to get around and use her powers w/o sight
quilrish jesbrand
dragonborn bard
lawful good
call her rish if you want
white dragon ancestry
mainly plays the bass violin and mandolin!!
loves the creative arts 
really, really naive; sees the good in everything and everyone
only surviving one of her clan
her clan was murdered by people who thought they were ordered by a white dragon to attack this one town
they were wrongfully accused 
luckily rish is really fucking charismatic and she got out of being executed 
but she has to go on a quest to find out who really attacked the town
v loyal 
secretly fond of embroidery
she’s Really Cute!! wears a big pink and white dress over her leather armor with a small fabric pink rose on the corset
overall the main thing to get out of her character is that i mean it when i say she’s naive. she’s honest, trusting, optimistic, and emotion-driven so if you have her on your side you will know everything she says is the truth
but just be aware that being too honest and trusting also has its flaws
kenku rogue
chaotic neutral 
pangender (they/them/theirs)
lives in a desert town with their flock/clan of thieves
really skilled at deceiving, which is no surprise due to their race
kinda rude and mistrusting but they’re a hopeless romantic at heart
they fell in love with this merchant guy but when they confessed to him he was horrified and accused them of stealing from his shop and family and in general, fucking up the town
they have a chipped beak now bc the merchant dude hit them across the face with a hammer
also a dragon attacked the town one night and giggler, when fleeing, was separated from their flock
now they’re just a nomad trying to survive
carries an annoyance towards dragons bc of that attack
probably my least developed character next to june and taret
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whatsdnd · 7 years
my dnd characters because i love them:
- lyrata: my main girl. i play her in the campaign i’m in. she’s a druid wood elf w/ the circle of the moon, neutral good. she’d rather be a wolf than a humanoid, confirmed. she’s pretty solitary and only really connects with her adopted sister, roy, and their single parent (who they left behind for this adventure). she’s also very much the try and think about decisions before making them type, so people just rushing in gets on her last nerve. her background is sage so she likes to study situations and try and draw upon prior knowledge first. she views everything as a chance to learn. she’d die for roy and her pack, so once she trusts the party she’ll be a lot more at ease. we’re getting there.
- sabrae: my lonely girl who i want to play as one day. she’s a drow who came from a family of assassin’s. basically, she couldn’t kill her mark (blame chaotic good) and was banished from her family. she chose to leave the underworld because it was too painful for her. her background is outlander because she wound up living in the wilderness (it was either that or hermit). she’s a rogue and i love her. she’s definitely mistrusting of people because they mistrust her. her big goal is to learn what happened to the bard she refused to kill and his family.
- vola: big. strong. iconic. she’s a half-orc sailor who was raised in a human village, making her alignment chaotic neutral due to nurture. her mom died when she was a baby and her dad died when she reached half-orc adulthood (around 14). suddenly, her human village was a lot less welcoming towards her. feeling called by the see and shunned by her people, vola became a sailor. her class is a fighter......and so is her personality. expect to find her in a brawl at the tavern. she’s slow to trust anyone but her crew, but warms up quickly to proven friends and those who prove to not be racist against orcs/half-orcs; her crew has always been full of different races.
- nala “caster”: a dragonborn sorcerer with a soldier background. she’s got blue scales, pride, and a clan loyalty that led her to an army life. if there ever was an impulsive character, caster rushes in would have to be her motto. she’s quite impulsive and is loathe to admit she’s wrong about her impulsive choices. definitely someone who you could trust with your life, but who won’t trust you for quite a long time. she’ll stare down a hell hound but flounders in social situations. after seeing all of her friends die in combat, she is paranoid and anxious about losing anyone else. it keeps her from getting close to others. she’s pretty willing to die and just isn’t afraid of her own death. her powers come from her draconic bloodline; she is true neutral.
- adelaide bennet: an aasimar paladin noble whose angelic guide, tadriel, is kind and parental. most aasimar’s prefer to remain hidden. as a child, her status hid her, but she decided that to marry into nobility could only harm her. she chose to spend her time helping the impoverished in town and began to assimilate herself into them. her family became disgraced by her, and while her pediree still upholds, she no longer lives among nobility. it serves adelaide best to hide in town with peasants. she abides by the law (lawful good) and inspires those around her to do the same. she loves meeting new people but has a secret wariness of them as evil hunts aasimar.
- brook down the mountain (“brook”): a tabaxi bard with an entertainer background. as cat people, the tabaxi are natural performers who lean towards chaotic (she’s chaotic neutral). you can always tell how she’s feeling by the language of her tail and her tabaxi fixation is on a lost civilization she hopes to find if she leaves her village to adventure. her songs mostly focus on the hero of that civilization. because she cannot hide her feelings, she is quick to react and has a sharp tongue that gets her in all kinds of trouble. she loves to make friends and get to know people, but is quick to be hurt by them. she hopes to change the world through performance, ideas, and bold actions.
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