#the archive of the forgotten
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JOMP BPC - September 17th - Can't Wait to Start
I can't wait to start the Hell's Library trilogy by AJ Hackwith. isn't it always the way with series that you can borrow books 1 and 3 but book 2's gonna be on hold for a while 😅
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goblinchivalry · 1 year
with The Lines Between in the newest episode of Neverafter it reminded me of a favourite book series of mine!
If you are craving more stories about the power of storytelling, perhaps even one set in an extraplanar library, or a setting where characters in stories live and can even escape their pages... then you should absolutely read THE LIBRARY OF THE UNWRITTEN by A. J. Hackwith (and the rest of the Hell's Library series!)
I can't speak its praises enough! Look at a review, read the blurb, find a copy!
In short: the worldbuilding is incredible; the writing is glorious, heartwrenching and funny; the characters are sensationally nuanced: the vibes are imacculate! The main lead is a badass WOC librarian!
If you're loving Neverafter (or other d20 seasons) you'll love it. It's a trilogy, so start with Library of the Unwritten!
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Damn, the Hell's Library trilogy by A.J Hackwith really speaks to lovers of words; writers, readers, poets, singers; storytellers. So good💕💕
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annafromuni · 4 months
The Archive of the Forgotten - Dive Deeper Into Hell's Library
I fell in love with A.J. Hackwith’s writing style upon reading The Library of the Unwritten and The Archive of the Forgotten did not disappoint. There’s something so precious about this world, about the characters and setting and conflicts, that makes this feel like a comfort read on so many levels. Who doesn’t like a story set in a library? It automatically makes us feel some way, right? Now…
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supitsgdo · 8 months
Book review: Hell's Library trilogy by A.J. Hackwith
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The Library of the Unwritten - 4⭐
The Archive of the Forgotten - 3⭐
The God of Lost Words - 3⭐
I really liked the first book. The concept was pretty interesting. The classic trope Hell vs Heaven mixed with other realms from other mythologies, and a library filled with unwritten books. Claire is it's protetor, serving her punishment in Hell, with the company of Berity, a Muse also serving punishment. During their daily work, they are assigned a task to retrieve an unwritten book that had gone upstairs. Little did they know that their journey is about to take a BIG turn.
I enjoyed the characters immensely, all of them. The story is different from what we usual read. However, there's a lot happening in the first book. The events are soooo fast paced, and we know why (because of the condition to go upstairs), but once they get past that time limit, I was expecting the events to slow down. So I understand if some people get confused about that part. Although I had a good impression in the first book, I got slightly detached from the story after the second book.
In the second book we have the miscommunication trope and I instantly got bored. I'm sorry but I really hate it. Also, the romance started. I was already expecting that to happen but the build up/foundation was nowhere to be read. Maybe it was me and I didn't notice it, my bad. But the relationship felt weak. At least, the plot was ok and the things we discovered were really surprising.
In the third book, well I just wanted to finish at this point. The romance increased to a polyamorous relationship of three (again, I don't have any problem about that), but creating a relationship where even the characters don't have romantic thoughts towards each other, it's... Idonno, eh for me. At least, I was satisfied with the ending. It felt appropriate.
I think you should give it a chance anyways!
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libraryofbaxobab · 1 year
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May 14, 2021:
Went from lukewarm, to awesome, to... confusing. I'm not really sure what happened, really, like I'm missing some parts. But the characters are unforgettable, and a Certain Romance Subplot has me real stoked, what a pairing! Worth a trilogy. 6/10 #WhatsKenyaReading
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quirkycatsfatstacks · 2 years
Review: The Archive of the Forgotten by A.J. Hackwith
Review: The Archive of the Forgotten by A.J. Hackwith
Series: Hell’s LibraryAuthor: A.J. HackwithPublisher: Ace BooksReleased: October 6, 2020Received: Library The Archive of the Forgotten is the second novel in A.J. Hackwith’s Hell’s Library Series, and the more I read, the more hooked I become. I’m fortunate to have The God of Lost Words waiting for me to jump right into. The Library of the Unwritten has a new librarian, Brevity. Meanwhile,…
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writertrust · 2 years
The archive of the forgotten
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The plot of the ink well that appears in the archive is secundary to this. It is one of the biggest conflicts throughout the book that gets fueled extra by a muse friend of Brevity.
Their roles have changed and neither knows how to truly navigate that. Their interactions have gone from librarian and assistant to archivist and librarian. It has caused a big strain on the relationship between the two. Claire is now head of the archive which in fact is a demotion. In this installment the characters are still dealing with the aftermath of the near destruction of the Library of the Unwritten. The setting of a library in hell of unwritten books with an archive next to it of forgotten items. The thing with these books is that it is all about the setting and the characters. The Archive of the Forgotten immediately became my most aniticipated release of the year. I read The Library of the Unwritten earlier this year and was immediately hooked. The true nature of the ink could fundamentally alter the afterlife for good or ill, but it entirely depends on who is left to hold the pen. When a representative from the Muses Corps arrives at the Library to advise Brevity, the angel Rami and the erstwhile Hero hunt for answers in other realms. But when the remains of those books begin to leak a strange ink, Claire realizes that the Library has kept secrets from Hell–and from its own librarians.Ĭlaire and Brevity are immediately at odds in their approach to the ink, and the potential power that it represents has not gone unnoticed. Former librarian Claire and Brevity the muse feel the loss of those stories, and are trying to adjust to their new roles within the Arcane Wing and Library, respectively. The Library of the Unwritten in Hell was saved from total devastation, but hundreds of potential books were destroyed. Tags: Adult | Fantasy | Hell | Found Family | Friendship | Muse | Angel | Books | Library | Archive | LGBTQ+ | Bisexual MC’s Book: The Archive of the Forgotten (Hell’s Library 2) by A.J.
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riveracheron · 4 months
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ive had an epiphany
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theyellowmistress · 2 years
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Lichtenberg Figure (he finally found that book he was looking for)
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royalarchivist · 6 months
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For folks who missed today's QSMP Movie Night or want to rewatch it with the original audio intact, I've uploaded the Movie Night portion of several members' VODs to a public Google Drive. I will keep these files up until Monday, December 4th, so be sure to watch and/or download whatever you need before then!
UPDATE: The lovely folks at @mcyt-archives have added all Movie Night 2 VODs to the QSMP Archivist VOD Masterlist. If you're still having trouble finding an unmuted version of the VOD you want to watch, check out their archive!
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[ As a side note: thank you to everyone who left such kind comments & messages on the previous VOD Archival post. You're all so sweet, it made me feel really happy and appreciated :') ]
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cosmic-nopedog · 19 days
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Fallen Angel
[Patreon March 3 2023]
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pilesofnonsense · 25 days
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The Rusty Quill Big Bang is back to challenge you (yes, you!) to put your creative talents to the test. If you’ve been waiting for the chance to take on an ambitious project or collaborate with other folks in the fandom, now’s the time!
Writer sign-ups open on Monday, May 20th, with artist sign-ups to come in August.
Schedule for 2024:
Writer Sign-ups: May 20th - 26th
Full First Draft & Summary Due: August 18th
Artist Sign-ups: August 26th - September 1st
Art Draft Deadline: September 29th
Final Fic & Art Due: October 13th
Posting: October 16th- 27th
We will post a link to the sign-up form along with a list of rules and requirements on the appropriate day, but if you’re interested in participating, you can have a look at the full Challenge Guidelines and other information on our blog right now!
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aseuki · 5 months
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Posting it on main too, but here's my contribution to the @hoshinokaabi-secretsanta with a gift for @mastercrowned!! All of the given prompts were So Delightful, but in the end I had to go with drawing Morpho ordering a Kirby Burgie (or maybe 10) asdlkgjn
version without the text bubble under the cut!
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This whole event was a Delight to participate in! Had I more time and energy I would have Defo scribbled out more, but for Now pls enjoy my Favorite part of the image that Unfortunately got masked by the completed piece which is.
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Scrungle Dee
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rqgender · 4 months
Today’s gender is very simple, as long as you don’t think about it.
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oshaskell · 5 months
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Dozing noblewoman and her strange young friend.
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