#the adult ones have a heel but the kids ones don’t obv
sgstrider · 2 years
So I got the goth Walmart shoes but they didn’t have my size so I got the kids goth Walmart shoes for half the price :)
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missmaxime · 3 years
Some tag game
tagged by @joeyjoeylee and @bourbon-ontherocks who obvs see my need to finally type up something more relaxing than endless notes and other work thingeys Name: T
Gender: cis woman
Phone wallpaper: Lockscreen are some artsy peonies, and the other one’s some palmtree LA road with a Hollywood sign in the background  
Hogwarts House: Slytherin and FOR E VER sad by how dirty the movies treated my House because we rule. (Also Deatheaters are obviously terrible people but THEY ARE ALSO THE FUNNEST IDIOTS TO WRITE)
Ever had a crush on a teacher: Not like in high school or something, but I once had a writing teacher at university who incidentally was a tall redhead with big tits and blue eyes and that’s all I’m going to say about it.  
Coolest Halloween costume growing up: It’s really not a thing here. I’ve seen some bigger cities growing into it a little bit, but it’s not a big holiday. 
Favourite 90s show: Buffy the Vampire Slayer. It’s THE reason I got super invested in TV all together, got me into fanfic, and it’s one of the shows I used to teach myself to get better at English. So even though I’ve seen every episode a gazillion times I wouldn’t mind a full rewatch. 
Last kiss: Well, I have a cat that suffers my affection. But if we’re talking humans I’m not related to (no, don’t get a dirty mind on this one, you freaks), it’s been before the pandemic. 
Ever been stood up: Technically yes, but it was five years ago during a terrible summer storm that tore trees from the ground that crushed cars and trams, and there were no trains departing anywhere so I can’t really fault them. Rescheduled later, wasn’t worth it. 
Favourite pair of shoes: I’d prefer it if we’d forget about feet prisons and how they’re like mandatory in a workplace, but if you insist I suppose I’d go for - I don’t know some short heeled booties. (I have an embarrassing amount of shoes for someone who dislikes them, like 30/40 pairs).
Favourite book: I don’t really have a single title, but I used to read like six books a month as a child and the ones I remember best are those we’d now classify as Young Adult - but I can’t remember any that included weird vampires or children being forced to murder each other on live TV or anything kids like these days. 
Favourite fruit: I don’t really like fruits (it’s a texture thing - I consume them out of healthy reasons alone) but warm pineapple and I will take no comments on that, it’s the best. (ESPECIALLY NO COMMENT to the actual Italians of an Italian restaurant in Italy that made fun of me for ordering a Pizza Hawaii with anchovies which is my favourite pizza!!!)
Favourite TV show: Good Girls, currently. I have a million others, I’ll spare you all the extensive list. 
Last film in the cinema: Probably Parasite, which was a little over a year ago. I don’t really like going to theaters, other people distract me from the movie I paid money to see (Which, in all fairness, isn’t necessarily their fault, I’m just very easily distracted). 
Tagging uhmmm I was v absent the past days sorry if you’ve already been tagged, so... @lanafannabanana @mamey2422 @xstrawmari @whiskeyjack and @bathroombreaks
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thecloserkin · 5 years
fic rec: Are You Mine? and I Want Some More by PoetHrotsvitha
fandom: Assassin’s Creed: Syndicate
pairing: Evie Frye/Jacob Frye
word count: 54k and 50k respectively (one is a direct sequel to the other)
Is it canon: yes
Is it explicit: this is the most explicit material i have thus far reviewed on this blog
Is it endgame: yesssss
Is it shippable: yes
One thing you guys should know about me is I don’t read a great deal of smut. I don’t actively avoid it either, and I for sure consume more smut in the context of fanfic than in professional published fiction because I feel the following quote in my bones: “It wasn’t that friendship needed to be sexualized, it was that erotica needed to be … friendship-ized.” So when I stumbled on this fic that is 80% smut stretched over the thinnest pretext of plot, based on source material I have zero familiarity with, what did I do but fall headlong for this pairing and this story. Bless you, anon who brought Fryecest to my attention, and praise the Lord for modern AUs where knowledge of canon is not mandatory.
Jacob and Evie Frye are twins born into an Assassin family and raised by their exacting taskmaster of a father to take down the Templars. There’s no Templars or Assassins in this modern AU of course, just Evie’s looming A-Levels and their absent academic of a father. Evie’s still the golden child, of course—she’ll follow in their father’s footsteps and get her Ph.D. Jacob is the problem child. He’s already fallen in with the Wrong Crowd, he’s impulsive, he drinks and gambles and mostly solves problems with his fists. His relationship with their dad is hella strained. And because this is supposed to be PWP the author wastes no time in ratcheting the sexual tension up to 11 by having Jacob pick Evie up from her posh school on his MOTORCYCLE, each of them pretending not to be so turned on they could have combusted from desire by the end of the ride. Cool cool cool.
Their relationship begins barreling in a dom/sub direction almost from the word go. Evie is one thousand percent the take-charge, Type-A personality, so the idea is that she needs to relinquish that control in the bedroom, and Jacob is the only one she trusts to dominate her. Because they’re twins and they balance each other out adfkdfkdfjdkfd. The scene in the beginning where Jacob tells her not to button up her blouse while she’s making breakfast, and she actually listens to him instead of ignoring or insulting him, holy shit that was hot. It starts so small but eventually he’s got her wearing a wireless vibrator to class and begging for her “punishment” when she takes it out without his permission because it was too distracting.
I imagine this is what the 50 Shades of Grey phenomenon was about. I haven’t read 50 Shades of Grey myself, but I’ve interacted with people who rave about it and clearly got something out of those books, bad as they were. I’m not trying to compare the quality of this story to 50 Shades of Grey—it’s lightyears superior to that dreck—just that when I finished this fic I had the dazed realization that this was why people read smut.
There’s a throwaway line in Jacob’s internal monologue where he muses “they seem to be going about this backwards,” because he’s buying flowers for her the day after fingering her to a screaming orgasm, and yes I am 100% here for this trope. Ffs he sits with her in the library to keep her company while she studies! He waits for her/escorts her to her one hundred and one extracurricular activities! He’s a really immature 17-year-old and he’d never dream of doing this for anyone else, but when it comes to Evie he becomes suddenly sweet and thoughtful and solicitous. He’s constantly pausing in the middle of sex to ask for her enthusiastic & affirmative consent and reminding her to use the safe word. At the same time he’s madly jealous when anyone else shows a flicker of interest in her and he regularly makes her admit he “owns” her during their role-play. They are each other’s firsts which for some reason is really important to me in these kinds of they’re-teenagers-exploring-their-sexuality setups. This is Evie hitting up the lingerie boutique in preparation for their FIRST WEEKEND GETAWAY:
“I’m going away for the weekend with my-” Evie almost stumbled on the word, “-boyfriend.” What a strange concept.
I AM TRASH FOR THIS INCEST TROPE i love the way she stumbles over that word. Bc that’s not the box that Jacob occupies for her, is it? He’s much more than that. I love the way she alternates between begging him to put it in her cunt and calling him a prat and a shitheel; just because he’s the love of her life doesn’t make him stop being her insufferable little brother. You know what else I’m trash for? ALL the sneaking around tropes. One time while sexting with him in a storage closet at school she’s busted by one of the teachers and only barely has time to lock her phone before he confiscates it.
So the first fic ends with their dad finding the sexts and nudes on Evie’s phone, disowning them both, and Evie choosing to go to University of Edinburgh because their dad knows too many people at Oxbridge. The twins get a flat together and it’s happily ever after. Except no! In the sequel it’s ten years later and Evie and Jacob have returned to the house they grew up in to say goodbye to their dying father, and they’re ESTRANGED OH NO WHAT HAPPENED. Evie has a four-year-old in tow. We find out in fairly short order that the kid is Jacob’s, but Jacob doesn’t find out the truth until we’ve sent him through the angst wringer. The fic is about how they grieve and reconcile and how Jacob learns to parent, and this one is actually like 60% plot and I think I like it even better than the first one. This author’s note really spoke to me:
I’ve read a fair number of sibling incest modern AU fics in a few different fandoms and they all tend to end at “and then they ran away from their families and lived happily ever after/epilogue of sexy fun times possibly with the introduction of hey they've had a kid!”. And I mean I love that, don't get me wrong. But I guess I’m also weirdly preoccupied with the part about what comes after that, because it always seemed far too dreadfully simple an outcome. Normal relationships are rarely that easy, so why would these be? Then again I'm probably putting too much thought into a porn fic, LOL.
DEAR @poethrotsvitha, THIS IS A SIGNED PETITION TO PLEASE NEVER STOP OVERTHINKING THE PLOT OF YOUR PORN FICS. Like, nobody starts fucking their brother unless they really mean it, because the risk of the relationship going pear-shaped and the two of you still being stuck in each other’s orbit because there’s no “breaking up” with family? That’s a big risk. And also why incest pairings feel so high-stakes and I am trash for them, obvs. One of the reasons the dom/sub dynamic is so integral to their relationship was because Evie had a tendency to dictate to Jacob what he “can and can’t do,” and he understandably chafed against it sometimes. It’s what led to their breakup five years ago. And so him taking charge in the bedroom is a kind of counterbalance, and there’s a scene in this fic where she lets him role-play a noncon situation as a way to partly soothe his jealousy.
To a large extent it’s their son who brings about their reconciliation, but their son is also a hyperactive little git who throws a monkey wrench in their sex life, so now instead of hiding their relationship from their dad they’re tiptoeing around a four-year-old. And the big character development that happens on Jacob’s part is him recognizing that Thomas is Evie’s #1 priority now, and there comes a moment where he has to make a difficult decision to prioritize the two of them in his own life, too (by quitting his job and ending a toxic relationship). The other thing I really liked was how Jacob thinks ruefully he could have gone a another round if he were ten years younger, which he’s not, but Evie seems satisfied and that’s what matters. The recognition that he’s not a teenager anymore, and doesn’t have the stamina of one, but he’s also more mature and this time he’ll be able to give Evie what she needs? Oh, my heart. Like I said I loved them being each other’s firsts as teenagers but this, this second chance they’ve got as adults, this is beautiful.
Ok so this is Evie begging Jacob to fuck her in a closet in the middle of their dad’s funeral service??!:
“Please, I just need to forget. Just for a little bit- I need to forget, please-” Oh, God, this was a terrible idea. A terrible idea that she would die before she stopped- she felt like an addict after years of sobriety, pushed by stress and grief to needing that all-consuming high that she'd never quite been able to forget. Her fingers worked at his belt, pulling it open, unbuttoning his trousers to draw the heel of her palm along where he was already hard. “Evie,” he rasped, shuddering against her touch. “Shh,” she said, tucking his pants down enough to pull his cock free, giving it a few firm strokes. “Shh.” If they talked, it would be too real. It had to be rushed and frantic, to feel like it was just the once, to ease the ache in her chest.
And this is after they finish (“if only it could have lasted forever”):
Silently, she turned to let him zip up her dress … There was a warmth against the back of her neck as she felt him draw her hair aside and press a kiss to the sensitive skin, hesitant and uncertain.  "Thank you," she breathed into the darkness, listening to the click of his belt as it slid back into place.  He just sighed, leaning his forehead against her shoulder, saying a million things without speaking a word. 
Ok so to return an earlier point: When you want a canon incest happy ending in a modern setting (as opposed to if you’re both Targaryens) the most popular option is run away and live as an unrelated couple, which necessitates cutting ties with everyone you’ve ever known. This may be more or less difficult depending on the quantity and quality of those ties; unless this is Flowers in the Attic and you’ve literally been locked in the attic for years there’s bound to be people you care about other than your sibling so this is a monumental ask. The Fryes choose option B, “living openly as siblings and keeping the incest on the dl”. This option is not without risk, of course, since exposure is always a possibility, and Evie has to put up with the other moms at Thomas’s preschool eyeing Jacob like a piece of meat. Still, it means Thomas gets to bake cookies with his grandmother, who would not have let Evie and Jacob back in her life if they flaunted the truth. I mean, it’s not that she doesn’t know her kids are fucking, it’s just that a don’t-ask-don’t-tell policy allows everyone’s relationships to remain intact:
She seemed to be struggling to get the words out. “Is Thomas…” There were a few ways that this question could go, as far as Jacob could see, and he didn’t particularly want to deal with any of them. He leaned against the counter, palms rigid against the cold surface. “I’m really tired, Mother.” “I know. I just…” There was a terrible pause. “Are— are you and Evie…” Still facing the toaster, Jacob closed his eyes. He couldn’t muster a lot of fake outrage, but he planned to deny everything anyway. He didn’t care about how plausible it was. It was easier for everyone that way, especially Mother. Before he could open his mouth, though, Mother’s chair scraped back. “Actually, never mind. It’s nothing. Don’t worry about it.”
Every Wednesday Evie (who’s moved back in with her mom) leaves Thomas with his grandma and goes to “book club” which is really date night at Jacob’s. And the two of them get right up to their old tricks:
When he gave her just the slightest nudge upwards with his hips, she finally let a broken whisper rasp out. “I can't- I want- please-” Jacob clicked his tongue. “You know what I want you to say.” She twisted her neck around again, and he could see that her eyes were now glassy with longing. “Huh?” “It's simple— just ‘My greedy cunt belongs to my brother’. “ “I will not."
The process of turning that initial “no” into a “yes” is scorchingly hot so there you go, I love these two, I love this fic, I have definitely seen the light and I'm ready to embrace smut.
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min-drop · 6 years
Your blog is great I really enjoyed reading it xd How abt Jimin x Hobi teachers au? They obv look like they both have a thing for each other but don't rlly do anything abt it until...one day BAM! Again, love your works 🌻🌻🌻
yesss jihoppeeee. its not even my otp but im so here for it ?? then again i literally love all jimin ships
also tysm
          “Okay guys, good work today, go get changed.”
Hoseok dismissed his class of thirteen to fourteen year olds, walkingto the corner of the room to turn off the generic rhythm music thatwas playing as the pitter patter of kids leaving filled the hall.This was the one time of the school day where he wasn’t thinkingabout kids or lesson plans because he was thinking about foodinstead. In around five minutes, the bell for lunch would soundthroughout the entire school and Hoseok was free to go and devour thefood he had packed for himself this morning before he left. Hoseokhad been a dance teacher at this high school for roughly two yearscome April, and it was the best job he’d ever had. He was doingwhat he loved still – dancing – but at the same time he was alsopassing on that same passion to younger people, and even if only twoout of fifteen people in a class began to love it just as much as hedid then he was doing something right. He pushed his black hairback, sighing as he stretched his back a little, he always preferredto put as much energy into his lessons as he expected the studentsto so he always ended up a little sweaty at the end. Not that heminded much.
           “Hey, how was class?” He turned around to see afamiliar smiling face peeking around the double doors. The appearanceof the brunette man put a soft grin on his face, and he waved theother inside, shaking his head and ruffling his hair up so he lookeda little more presentable.           “Hey Jimin.” Jiminwas a little shorter than him with chubbier cheeks that alwaysbunched up when he smiled or laughed and made his eyes look likecrescent moons, not that Hoseok always paid that much attention…“Yeah, it was good. There are a couple students in this class I’mpretty sure are going to sign up for the summer show.” He said,noting that Jimin had loosened his navy tie and unbuttoned the firsttwo buttons of his white blouse for comfort, knowing that he didn’tlike when things were too tight and stuffy.           “Yeah?”Jimin’s voice was light and airy too, Hoseok found it pleasant tolisten to – it had this calming and relaxing effect on him that nomatter how tensed or riled up about something he was, all he had todo was simply talk and listen to Jimin and it was as though he waslistening to a lullaby and could momentarily push down those negativefeelings. “I think the show will be really good this year. I have acouple bands that are really serious about music who are going to doit.” So with a voice like that, it makes sense that he’s a musicteacher. The passion Hoseok has for dance is exactly how Jimin feltabout music and performing in general, though while Jimin wassomething of a dancer himself, he chose to focus more on music as acareer path and Hoseok was secretly glad. If he hadn’t, Jimin would neverhave applied for the music teacher position at this school and Hoseokwould never have met him.           “Good.” Hoseok nodded,trying not to get too distracted by that little glint in the youngerman’s eye or the way he crossed his arms and jutted his hip out tostand comfortably.           “You sound a little out ofbreath.” Jimin chuckled, teasing him a little but still sporting anunderstanding smile.           “Just a tad.” There was apause after that, and they both looked down at the ground, unsure ofwhat to say. Jimin worried his bottom lip, playing with the fabric ofhis shirt before he cleared his throat.           “Do youwant to get lunch?” He asked, and Hoseok wasn’t expecting thequestion, so he simply said the first thing that came to mind withoutmuch thought.           “I brought my own today.” Which hethen realised made it sound like he didn’t want to get lunch withJimin. Which he did. He very much did.           “Oh okay.”Jimin put on a smile, looking a little awkward. “Nevermind then.”           “No, we can still…We can still eat together. If you want.” He tried to salvage thesituation. After all, any time he had with Jimin alone always endedup being a time that left butterflies in his stomach and made himforget that he was almost 26 years old.           “It’salright, I should probably get some marking done anyway.” Jiminshrugged, putting his hands in his trouser pockets and clicking thepen that was left loose inside.           “We could get lunchtomorrow?” Hoseok quickly interjected, knowing by the shuffle ofJimin’s feet that he was getting ready to leave.          “It’s Saturday tomorrow, Hoseok.” Jimin scoffed, an endearinggrin on his face replacing the previous stiff one that was hidingdisappointment.           “Yeah?” Hoseok wasn’t quitegetting what Jimin was insuating, not seeing the problem.          “Well, we’re not at school on Saturdays...” Which is whyJimin’s explaination had his mouth gaping open in an ‘o’ shape.           “You’re right, sorry.” He laughed, shaking hishead at himself and leaning his hands on the rail against the mirrorbehind him. “Monday then.”           “Yeah, cool.Monday.” Jimin nodded his head in confirmation, smiling down at thefloor. Once again, they reverted into silence until Jimin’s footstepped backwards with a hesitant tap against the floor. “Erm.Well… I’ll see you around.” He said and Hoseok nodded his head,waving as Jimin eventually turned around to walk properly away.          “Yep.” Hoseok whispered to himself, his hand droppingdown to his side with a sigh as the door swung closed behind theyounger man.
Hoseok wondered why he could never have a normal conversation withJimin. The two could talk for hours and hours about anything andeverything but by the end of it, it was always awkward. He didn’tknow if it was his fault or Jimin’s – most likely both of them –but whether it was conflicting plans or reluctant goodbyes, Hoseokalways felt that uncomfortable feeling in his chest that made himwant to scrunch his face up and sigh loudly in an attempt toalleviate said feeling. Maybe it wasn’t necessarily awkwardness butHoseok still found himself mulling over words he could have saiddifferent or things he could have done instead when it came to Jimin.Only when it came to Jimin.
          “You’re hopeless.” Yet another recognisable voicedrifted into the dance hall; this time it made Hoseok roll hiseyes with a groan.           “Yoongi, I swear you are alwayseavesdropping on me.” He huffed, pulling away from the mirror asYoongi walked over to him.           “No, I came by to see ifyou were finished with your class and I heard you and Jimin talkingand I can’t pass up on anything that might give me a reason totease you.” The older maths teacher hummed, a mischievous grin onhis face as he popped a crisp in his mouth from the packet he washolding in his right hand. “And your plain awkwardness is enoughfor that.”           “Oh shut up.” Hoseok frowned, notbothering to tell Yoongi that he couldn’t eat in here because theolder man would just continue anyway and tell him that he has tobecause he needs his sustenance.           “You two confuseme.” Yoongi said, loud crunching following his words. “Youliterally turn into teenagers when you talk to each other. ‘ohum, sorry… I, I mean if you want. Oh’.”He pulled a face and mockedthe way Hoseok and Jimin had spoken with each other, definitely notacting his age and pulling yet another eye roll from the dancer.          “Okay, I get it.”Hoseok started organisingthings, pulling the plug out of the wall and rolling the long wireup.          “Why don’t youjust ask him out to dinner or something? You’re both grown adultswhat’s the worst that can happen?” Yoongishrugged, speaking with his mouth a little full and Hoseok let out along breath before replying.          “He says no andwe have to live awkwardly avoiding each other which will beimpossible because not only are we co-workers but we work in the samedepartment and have to work together for the performing arts shows.”Yoongi looked at him with adead stare and Hoseok stared back with an equally blank gaze.          “You’rehopeless.” Yoongideadpanned before he turned on his heel and walked away, leaning hishead back to tip the rest of his crisps into his mouth whilst Hoseokglared at his back.
It’s not as if Hoseok didn’twant to ask Jimin out. He definitely did. However, it had been solong since he realised he had feelings for the younger man that hewas worried he would ruin things between them if he tried to pursueanything further. In hismind, even though Jimin doesn’t give him any inclination that hewould say no, there was no explicit reason for a yes either and theuncertainty was Hoseok’s biggest problem in trying to find thecourage to finally ask…
So once again, Hoseok found himselfthinking of Jimin as he sat on his couch not watching the TV that wasplaying a show he didn’t recognise. Hetapped his fingers on the arm, puffing his cheeks in boredom.
However, his boredom wasn’t goingto last very long as there was faint knock at his door. At first, hethought he was just hearing things as it was so quiet but then itrepeated, much louder but still hesitant sounding. With a confusedpout, he stood up and pulled his shirt down a little, making his waypast the kitchen and through the hall to the front door. He had noidea who was knocking at his door at 7pm, it definitely wasn’tYoongi because Yoongi didn’t leave his house for anything but workor to go to a pub and if it was going to be anyone else, theywouldn’t come unannounced. Without any expectations, he reached hishand out and enclosed it around the cold handle, turning the lockwith his other hand.          “Oh, Jimin. Hey.”Hoseok opened the door to seethe slightly wind blushed face of the music teacher, hands in his coat pocketwith a scarf wrapped around his neck and touching the bottom of hislip. He looked bundled up despite the dashes of pink acrosshis cheeks and nose.          “Hoseok.” Jiminsmiled, bowing his head a little and sniffling.          “What are youdoing?” Hoseok asked, alittle confused and slightly concerned at how cold Jimin was lookingand sounding. Jimin looked down at his feet, rocking back and forth alittle.          “Well, I justwanted to take a walk and I guess my feet just took me here.” Hesaid with a shrug, glad that he could hide his blush behind the coldthat had been nipping at his face.          “I’m surprisedyou remember where I live.” Hoseokchuckled, stepping out of the way to let the younger man in, noddingat the small utter of a ‘thank you’ sent his way.          “Well, I’vebeen here enough.” Jimin said, unwrapping his scarf and taking his coat off, slightlytaken aback when Hoseok took them off of him to hang up.          “What’s up?”He asked, doing a good job athiding the fact he was slightly nervous Jimin was currently in hishouse for the fifth time but it was the first time he had come completely out of his own volition.          “Erm, nothing…Like I said - just took a walk.” Thebrunette said with pursed lips, clasping his hands together in frontof him and swaying a little on his feet. Avoiding Hoseok’s eyes forsome reason.          “You came herethough. You could have gone anywhere else.” Hoseoktook a teasing tone, walking to the kitchen with Jimin trailing behindhim.          “I guess I justwanted to see you.” Jiminsighed, smiling and leaning on the counter as Hoseok took a glass outof the cupboard. “Even if Ididn’t realise it.”          “I’mflattered.” ThankfullyHoseok had his back to the younger, so the heat colouring his facewasn’t on show and he could pass his comment off as a joke.          “Shut up.”Jimin chuckled, watching asHoseok moved around the room.          “Do you want adrink or anything?”          “You actually havedrinks? Other than water and alcohol?” Jiminmock gasped, pretending to be shocked because he knew exactly whatHoseok was going to say next.          “No, I havewater… And alcohol.” Theolder pouted, holding up the glass and staring at the tap in thesink.          “Never change.”Jimin shook his head,grinning endearingly. “I’lljust have water.”          “On a Friday? You’rea riot.” Hoseok quipped,pouring Jimin a drink and then getting himself the same.          “I don’t wantto end up saying or doing anything stupid tonight thanks.” Jiminreplied quietly, taking the cup and looking down at the water insideof it as he talked rather than at Hoseok.          “Like what?”          “Nothing...”Jimin shrugged, flushing andwondering why he had even said anything in the first place.          “Do you want towatch a movie?” Hoseokasked, noting Jimin’s sudden change in demeanour and not wantinghim to feel uncomfortable even if he wasn’t sure whyexactly he felt uncomfortable.          “Yeah, sure...”
Theyboth settled on the couch andplaced their drinks on the coffee table,each sat on either end with a space left between them, as Hoseokflicked through the channels until he found the only movie that wasclose to have started to watch. It was some coming of age movie thatHoseok is pretty sure he was made to watch in high school but Jiminseemed interested so he went with it. The silence soon washed over them asHoseok vaguely remembered the plot, he knew sometime soon that therewas going to be some big dramatic reveal that the main character’sfather was dead and that would, in turn, kick start the plot.
Wanting to get comfortable, he movedfurther down the couch to pull his legs up, arm laying on the back ofthe couch so that his torso wasn’t awkwardly trying to stayupright. He was closer to Jimin in this position however and he sawthe younger man shift his eyes to look at him, shuffling a little inhis seat and clearing his throat, the tips of his ear turning red.Hoseok tried not to thinkanything of it, and he especially tried not to look at the way thelight of the television highlighted Jimin’s face, from the wisps ofhis eyelashes to the tip of his nose and the outline of his plumplips that were slightly pouted in concentration. Instead, he tore hisgaze back to the movie and tried to look interested. He also tried toactually be interested but he was finding it difficult. The movie wasactually boring him and he wasn’t sure if the heaviness of his eyeswas just a random sensation or if he was slowly falling asleep… Hisblinks grew slower and slower and his limbs weighed down on him moreand more until his eyes wereclosed longer each time he blinked. He tried but eventually his eyelids just stayedshut…
          “Hoseok?” WhenHoseok finally woke up, not even realising he had fallen alseep, hewas greeted with the sight of everything appearing horizontal. He heard Jimincall his name but he didn’t respond as he tried to make sense ofwhat position he was in. He figured it out when he felt a hand in hishair and saw the edges of Jimin’s kneesin front of him. In his sleep, he must have started to fall over onthe couch and had ended up in Jimin’slap. If that wasn’t enough for his poor heart, the younger had also started to play with his hair at some point in his sleep (a sleep that waslong enough for whatever movie they were watching to have finishedand gone to advertisements). “Areyou awake?” Jiminasked but yet again, he didn’t respond. Rather, he wanted to relishin the moment for a second because he could just about believe it. Hewould have expected Jimin to push him off or at least lay him down onthe couch or something but instead he decided to twirl his fingersaround the black locks of hair as though it was the most naturalthing to do… He could barely believe it. He closed his eyes,planning on enjoying the feeling for a little while longer. He didn’texpect any more than this. This was enough. This was more thanenough. However, Jimin didn’t want to stop there it seemed as hecould soon feel the brunette leaning down and his heartbeat picked upin anticipation, though he wasn’t entirely sure what he wasanticipating. Then he felt something soft press against his templeand linger there. It soon clicked that Jimin was kissing him. He waskissing the side of his head. This is where Hoseok was sure his heartwas going to stop and he almost held his breath but Jimin didn’tlinger for long, soon sitting back up and also removing his hand fromHoseok’s hair. “Iwish we could do this every day...”Jiminwhispered with a sigh and Hoseok could no longer pretend.          “Jimin...”Hebegan, pushing himself off of the comfortable lap and turning to face the other man who was now staring at him with wide, scared looking eyes.          “You were awake?”Jimin gaped, hands coming upto cover his mouth in disbelief. “Ohmy god, I’m so sorry.” Hebegan to panic and Hoseok reached out to try and calm himdown.          “Jimin, no -.”          “I have to go.”Before his fingers could evenreach Jimin however, the younger man was bolting upright to a stand,brushing his hair back and looking around in a fluster, as though hewasn’t sure what to do with himself – which in all honesty, hedidn’t.          “Jimin, wait.”He said before the othercould walk off, effectively grabbing his attention. “Wait,sit down.” Jimin did justthat, a guilty look on his face that made Hoseok feel bad even thoughhe had nothing to feel bad about. This wasn’t a bad thing.          “Hoseok, I’mreally sorry. I thought you were asleep and I just. I don’t know.”Jimin couldn’t even look athim and Hoseok could only smile understandingly.          “It’s okay.”           “You’renot mad?” Hoseok shook hishead, unable to stop the little breathy chuckle that tumbled out fromhis lips.          “Why would I be?In fact, I’m… I’m actually happy.” Hesaid, rubbing the back of his neck. “Youjust did something I’ve wished I could do to you.” Fora second, Jimin looked surprised but that surprise soon melted downinto relief, and then there was soft grin on his face as his entirebody relaxed. The trust he already had in Hoseok telling him that this wasn’t a joke, Hoseok was being serious.          “Why didn’tyou?” Jimin asked, his voicewas quiet and near a whisper but yet loud enough for Hoseok to hear himloud and clear.          “I was worriedyou would reject me.” Heanswered honestly, unconsciously moving closer to Jimin, their kneestouching.          “So we’ve beenthinking the same thing this entire time?” Jiminhuffed, tilting his head and feeling rather silly as he buried his face in his hands with an embarrassed groan.          “I guess so.”Hoseok hummed with a nod ofhis head, the tips of his fingers brushing against the fabric of Jimin’strousers as his eyes looked down.          “We’rehopeless...” Jimin let his hands fall down onto his lap, somehow managing to both pout and smile at the same time.          “I guess we are… Neverthought I would agree with Yoongi.” Hoseokscoffed, thinking back to what Yoongi had said to him earlier thatday that he had primarily refuted.          “What?”          “Nothing,nevermind.” Hoseok shookhis head, just now realising that he hadn’t stopped smiling sinceJimin had sat back down.          “Sois it safe to assume our feelings our mutual?” Jiminasked hesitantly and Hoseok could only find it endearingly adorablethat even in this obvious situation, he was still nervouslyuncertain. Although, he could understand.          “Mostdefinitely.” He said, theirhands finding each other without looking, fingers naturallyintertwining on top of their laps. Jimin bit his lip as though he wastrying to suppress a smile – though it didn’t work.          “So can I kissyou again?”          “Also a most definitely...”Hoseok leaned forward, and sodid Jimin, their heads tilting. For a second they stayed there, as though they were waiting for the other to make that final move and Hoseok was more than happy to be the one to do it. With one hand holding Jimin’s and the other resting atop the younger man’s thigh, he pressed their lips together together and ifHoseok thought Jimin’s lips were soft when they were touching his head thenhe had no idea what soft felt like… The kiss was warm and more than hehad ever dreamed about (and he’d dreamt about it a lot). 
Everythinghe’d wanted to say for the past year, he poured into the kiss, andwhen Jimin’s hand came up to cup the side of his face, hecould say for certain thatthis was probably the happiest he had ever felt. Not even dancing couldcompare.
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run era was iconic tbh
hope you liked it!
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closetofanxiety · 7 years
50 wrestling questions
I answer these burning questions here, below the cut:
1. What got you into wrestling?
I don’t really know. I’ve gone through three phases of being a wrestling fan in my life. The earliest was probably just because all the other kids in the neighborhood liked wrestling, and I was a people-pleaser even then, so I wanted to fit in. I remember the older kids like AWA or NWA because they were “real,” while us littl’uns thrilled to the exploits of Hulkster Hogan in the WWF. I like nothing else that I enjoyed as a child, not the movies or the TV shows or the books or whatever, so there was something about wrestling that stuck with me.
2. What is your favorite wrestling promotion?
ECW, if I’m being honest. A lot of that stuff has not held up well, but I got into it at the perfect age, when a lot of my friends were getting into it, and I have very fond memories bound up with ECW. For better and for worse, the most influential American wrestling company of the last 30 years. 
3. Favorite male wrestler of all time?
Gorgeous George, but if we’re talking about people who were alive when I was alive, then Dusty Rhodes. 
4. Favorite female wrestler of all time?
The Fabulous Moo- no. I don’t know. I don’t have the background in Japanese grappling that would allow me to make an informed answer here. Women’s wrestling in the USA was pretty terrible between the mid-1950s and the mid-2000s, and I mostly know American stuff. Let’s say Gail Kim, though.
5. Favorite current male wrestler?
Joey Janela
6. Favorite current female wrestler?
Su Yung, obvs
7. Favorite theme song?
"Psycho Killer,” when that was Ciampa’s theme song. One of my favorite wrestling memories is Americanrana ‘16, when the PA system died and the crowd sang the song a capella for his entrance. If we’re talking songs written specifically as wrestling entrance music, then Steve Austin’s music. With Shawn Michael’s “Sexy Sexy Boy Ooh La La” or whatever it’s called as a close second. That song makes me laugh every time I hear it.
8. Least favorite theme song?
I hated Ballz Mahoney’s ECW theme song, it just encouraged the worst meathead elements of the crowd, and it always heralded a crummy match. For wrestling-specific theme songs, Lana’s, while new, is almost unbelievably shitty. It’s like incidental music from an episode of “Night Court” where they go to a jazz club.
9. Favorite gimmick?
Gorgeous George, which is still being imitated to this day. Again, if we’re talking about people who were alive when I was alive, the Road Warriors. They were almost 100 percent gimmick, and they were massive stars for years. They were the only non-WWF guys us WWF-loving kids would buy action figures for, because their look was so good.
10. Least favorite gimmick?
It’s hard to choose from all the racist and gay-hating gimmicks that have been used over the years. By sullying the image of the immortal Prince Rogers Nelson, fucking Velveteen Dream is making an impressive run for this designation right now.
11. Best entrance (either their usual entrance or a special one, like a Wrestlemania entrance)?
Again, Gorgeous George had the best entrance of all time, it was 70 percent of his act and it made him a fortune, and everyone has copied it since. In terms of more recent stuff, I liked the Sandman’s entrance. It was 90 percent of his act. Pretty much everything Sandman did except his entrance was so-so to terrible, if we’re being honest.
12. Best Undertaker Wrestlemania match?
The one where he got his ass beat by the savage god Roman Reigns
13. Most overrated?
The Undertaker. I acknowledge that he made a massive, unthinkable success out of a truly ludicrous, sub-Memphian gimmick, but he was never a real draw, and I was never a big fan of his at any point in his career. Maybe no one in WWE history benefited more from protective booking, where he was always billed as an unstoppable, supernatural monster even when he had a mid-life crisis and decided he wanted to be a motorcycle man instead. 
14. Most underrated?
Pretty much anyone who had their entire careers, or the bulk of their careers, prior to the 1980s and the attendant explosion in wrestling’s popularity. It’s hard to properly rate someone like Nick Bockwinkel, when so much of his best work was done in the 1970s, let alone Gorgeous George or Buddy Rogers. Of guys since then, I’ll say Ted DiBiase, who is fixed in the public mind as the cackling rich guy caricature, but who was a phenomenally talented wrestler who could effortlessly pull off being a charismatic babyface or a cheating, despicable shitheel. Ted’s Mid-South run is amazingly good stuff.
15. Have you ever been to an event? If so, which one?
I have been to many pro wrestling shows. Last year I averaged three per month, which is, I’ll have you know, Too Much Wrestling Shows. My mother took me to my very first one, and since she died when I was five, I must have been very young indeed. I remember almost nothing about it, except that Bob Backlund was there.
Since then, I’ve been to a lot of ECW shows, including the 2000 Living Dangerously PPV with the famously hideous New Jack scaffold bump; many WWE shows, ranging from Raw and Smackdown episodes to house shows to Backlash 2003, where Goldberg met the Rock in the ring FOR THE FIRST TIME ANYWHERE; and lots and lots of indie shows, which are my favorite. I’ve sort of limited my show-going this year to Beyond Wrestling, Blitzkrieg Pro, and Northeast Wrestling, and I don’t go to all of their shows. 
In the late 1990s and early 2000s I used to go to shows with big crews of friends, but these days it’s usually me and one or two other people, or sometimes just me. It turns out most people my age are not down to drive to West Warwick, R.I. to see Zack Sabre Jr vs. JT Dunn! I enjoy it, though, it’s been a nice thing to have in my life at a time when there isn’t much else going on.
16. Who has the best merch?
The Young Bucks have something for every aesthetic.
17. Do you own any merch?
Yeah, I mean, too much. T-shirts, 8 x 10s, DVDS, loads of old wrestling magazines. I have a Young Bucks foam “Too Sweet” hand. I have a little plaster sculpture of AJ Lee where she’s a zombie, because WWE Shop was selling it for five dollars. I’m a disgrace, as a grown adult man.
18. Best nickname?
"The American Dream” Dusty Rhodes.
19. Worst nickname?
I’ve always thought “The Cerebral Assassin” was the dumbest goddamn nickname. Is the assumption here that assassins are typically stupid?
20. Best mic skills?
Bobby Heenan. He could do screaming and angry, he could do calm and menacing, he could do blustering and funny. He had the timing of a professional comedian and the verbal dexterity of the Midwest’s best used car salesman. People hated this man so much that a member of a Chicago crowd shot a pistol at him. 
21. Most annoying?
All-time: The Ultimate Warrior. Currently: Bray Wyatt.
22. Most attractive male?
Roman Reigns. The WWE is leaving money on the table by having him wrestling in a shirt/vest and long pants.
23. Most attractive female?
I really like Hikaru Shida’s complex aesthetic, which combines “hard-hitting Japanese wrestling” with “elaborate theatrical strangeness” and “Hey, check out my ass.” 
24. Favorite faction?
The first two incarnations of the Four Horsemen. If pressed, I prefer the Flair/Arn/Tully/Windham lineup. 
25. Worst faction?
It’s easy to pick one of the five million here-and-gone WWE factions like the Union (ugh) or the Social Outcasts or the League of Nations, but they didn’t really last long enough, or have enough of an impact, to be truly wretched. Same deal with, like, the Aces & Eights: they just stunk up TNA, which was already bad to begin with. The answer is the nWo, from January, 1998 onwards: until that point they had been the most compelling thing about American wrestling, but after that they became a bloated, tedious, airtime-gobbling monstrosity that helped drag WCW down into depths it never recovered from. 
26. Best ring gear?
Su Yung and Penta El Zero Miedo. I like the spooky stuff.
27. Who do you think would be the nicest in real life?
I’ve had very few interactions with wrestlers beyond the standard “Hey, great match, how much is that DVD,” but among those I have had more substantive encounters with, JT Dunn, Swoggle, Gangrel, Su Yung, and Santana Garrett stand out as particularly nice. I’ve also heard people from all walks of life praising Little Guido as the nicest dude around, and universal praise is vanishingly rare in pro wrestling. I like to imagine Kevin Owens is a good egg.
28. Who would be the rudest in real life?
Like anyone else, I’ve Heard Things, but I haven’t had a really bad encounter with a wrestler beyond this one guy who works local indie shows and who is a rude chud in real life. It seems unfathomable to me that Matt Riddle is the kind of person I’d want to share a cab ride to the airport with, but maybe that’s just the strength of his brand working. 
29. Favorite heel?
The Dudley Boys in ECW. I legitimately hated them, and bought tickets in the hopes of seeing them get their asses beaten. 
30. Most hardcore?
I bet the real answer to this is like the answer to the great “Who is the most legit tough guy” question that everyone asks. Like, it’s someone we’d never suspect. It’s not Nick Gage, it’s Eva Marie. That woman has seen some shit that would turn your hair white, I bet. I honestly don’t know the answer to this. Probably a guy in Japan who blew himself up in a volcano. 
31. A wrestler you could beat?
At wrestling? Absolutely none of them. Eva Marie would destroy me, Goldberg style. It’s like sports: the worst fucking guy on the worst fucking NBA team would beat the best pickup player in your town by a hundred points in a one-on-one matchup. Once-a-monthers who have office jobs and still wrestle in singlets and are 30 pounds overweight could put me in a coma without breaking a sweat. But what about ... trivia regarding papal history? Ah, now the worm has turned, Eva Marie! You’re on my turf now.
32. Best story line?
Have to agree with Tape Machines, it’s the Freebirds vs. the Von Erichs 
33. Biggest missed opportunity for a story line?
The WCW Invasion angle didn’t work for a lot of reasons, and some of those reasons were probably beyond WWE’s control, but holy shit did they bungle what could have been a gigantic machine that spit out money. 
34. Worst story line?
I can’t pick just one. The 1990s were an absolute golden era of terrible storylines, from Cactus Jack getting amnesia and thinking he was a sea captain to the terrible saga of Katie Vick. I’ll say the Chuck and Billy storyline, because it somehow managed to be insulting to people who had never heard of wrestling in their lives. 
35. Which wrestler should turn heel?
Matt Riddle. I mean, I guess he is a heel, in the sense that his act today is the exact same as it was when he was breaking into the business in 2015 and was hated by indie audiences. He hasn’t done anything differently, but the smug choads from the Internet Wrestling Community have decided he is their savior because they can chant the syllable “bro” in public. 
36. Which wrestler should turn face?
Kevin Owens. I’d love to see what he could do as a fearless asskicker with witheringly sarcastic putdowns on the microphone. 
37. Who would be the worst to room with?
If you’ve ever had close friends or relatives with drug problems, you know the answer to this is Jake Roberts. On a more lighthearted note, sharing an apartment with the Ultimate Warrior would have been a mindbending ordeal, since he was pretty much like that all the time.
38. Who would be the best to room with?
Candice LeRae is a former professional baker, so as a fat guy, I would be very happy to be the person she tests out new cakes and stuff on. But most contemporary wrestlers are people obsessed with the gym, video games, and meal prep, so calibrate your roommate expectations based on those parameters. 
39. Who would be your best friend if you were a wrestler?
I like to imagine it would be Kevin Owens, and I would constantly joke about him betraying me like he always does with best friends, until finally he’d stop responding to my texts. AND THEN I’D KNOW.
40. What would your job be in a wrestling promotion?
I would be styled as “Engagement Director for New & Emerging Media and Content Outreach,” and my job would be taking tickets at the door, applying wristbands to people old enough to drink, and keeping my fucking mouth shut when the wrestlers were hanging around.
41. Favorite wrestling podcast/Youtube channel?
AIW’s “The Card is Going to Change” is the best wrestling podcast in the world. I recommend it to people who don’t even like wrestling, mostly because it’s three dudes telling picaresque tales about restaurants getting trashed and bizarre exploits in northern Ohio. Their recent episode about being paid to put on a show for a child’s 10th birthday is amazing. My favorite wrestling YouTube channel currently is Rassle Reel, which is constantly uploading obscure shit from the 1970s and 1980s.
42. Favorite finisher?
Mr. Perfect’s Perfectplex, a thing of artistic beauty
43. Least favorite finisher?
The Pedigree
44. Favorite match?
Taz vs Sabu at Barely Legal in 1997
45. Favorite PPV?
I’ll always have a soft spot for the first Survivor Series, which is the first PPV I ever watched (we didn’t order it; the neighbors did, and a bunch of us crowded into their den to watch). I don’t know if the first Starrcade was technically a PPV, but that’s one I can watch over and over.
46. Guilty pleasure wrestler?
I don’t like the concept of guilty pleasures, but if we mean which wrestler do I like that some vague critical consensus insists I should hate, I’ll say Honky Tonk Man. 
47. Favorite submission?
THE KATA HA JIME, otherwise known as the Tazmission. 
48. Most entertaining to watch?
Randy Savage
49. Best spot?
Anyone spitting mist into the unsuspecting eyes of their foes 
50. Who do you most respect?
 I respect you, booker man. 
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crownuponherhead · 7 years
FOR THE THINGS YOU SAID MEME: 3, 5, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17, 18, 19 and obv u don't have to do all of them like usual cause that's a lot but uGH what a good meme
i can’t believe this has been in my drafts for two years. ily. 
things you said too quietly
“I’m scared.” Her voice came out as a whisper while they curled up together in her bed. The sun was rising through the window they’d forgotten to pull the curtains on the night before. Nevan looked at her tiredly, as if he hadn’t heard her correctly. In three hours they’d be heading to the airport to fly to visit his family for the weekend. and just from hearing what Nevan had been through growing up, the last thing she wanted was to actually witness it first hand. Shaking her head, Ana just gave him a kiss on the cheek. “Nothing I just need to get ready soon, you know what I’m like in the mornings.” She gave him a tired smile and curled close to him. “I can wait a few more minutes though.”
things you didn’t say at all
She should have said it, she knew that. They were sitting on the bed in his room, her evening gown still on, her hair falling out of the curls she’d pinned away to look professionally elegant at the gala for the night. Now as the numbers on the clock clicked through to the early morning, Nevan’s hand twined with hers as they just sat in comfortable silence. The three little words sat on the tip of her tongue. I love you. She didn’t say them though, the thought just staying in her mind more instead. Dear God, I love you so much Nev. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I just want be with you forever and have moments of silence like this that feel like the best thing in the world. She didn’t  say it though. She just moved his head to hers and kissed him sweetly letting her words do all the work. As she pulled back, she stood up turning her head to look at him. “Will you unzip me?” 
things you said under the stars and in the grass
“Okay! All set, blankets, pillows, telescopes, popcorn, Cass’ very special star cupcakes and drinks for all three of us!” Ana announced as she walked out the door for the final time holding the tray of cupcakes and the bowl of popcorn. Looking ahead she smiled at the sight of her husband and her four year old playing on the swing set that they had in their back yard. Setting the stuff down, Ana grabbed her daughter quickly as she slid down the slide. Kissing her forehead. “Come on, Princess, Daddy’s gonna show us all the stars!” Ana grinned ear to ear at Cassidy’s smile and she let her down. Watching the little girl run to the blanket she smiled even more when she felt Nevan’s arms wrap around her waist from behind. “You know if it weren’t for the fact that our four year old is calling all the shots tonight and we weren’t in our back yard and if our drinks weren’t non-alcoholic it’d be like our first time.” She murmured leaning against him. Turning to give him a quick kiss, but he’d already beat her to the punch. “Make sure to show her the constellation we named her after.” She smiled against his lips and let herself be dragged to the blankets where she sat with her husband and her daughter both with incredibly dorky and happy smiles on their faces. 
things you said when you were crying
He finds her on the floor, where she sits surrounded by broken glass. She’s sobbing hysterically, her blood on her hands, some of it on her legs. Her hair is in her face, the curls flat and stuck to her face now from the tears. She shakes her head every time the words. “it’s okay” and “you’re okay” come out of his mouth. Choking on a sob, she buries her head in his chest as he picks her up, abandoning the glass on the floor. “I don’t want to die!” She sobs harder with each sentence. “I can’t - It’s not fair my life has been shit and I can’t die early now that I have you!” She just repeats her words her mind not properly working. When he sets her down in the bathroom to wash the blood off her arms and legs, she immediately leans over to the toilet empty her stomach contents from all the distress. “I can’t die, I can’t it isn’t fair.” She hiccups, letting him wash her hands off and listening to his comforting words.
things you said when i was crying
One thing they’d always had in common was how much their families both viewed them as failures. Granted it was in completely different ways but they both did. Right now she wishes she would have gotten home earlier and checked the mail first, although knowing herself it probably would have blown up if she had seen the letter from his father first. She probably would have booked a flight straight to Tacoma just to destroy him with words like she had countless people who just annoyed her. Instead she sat on the ground with her fiancé’s head in her lap completely speechless and she dumped all their pills down the toilet just in case. How she’d come home and scared her to much to even risk it, she’d call in all the prescriptions again in the morning. She hummed a old song they used to yell sing in the car while they drove endlessly around Arizona exploring and enjoying their young lives. Because if Ana was honest she didn’t think that words would come out if she spoke.
things you said when you were drunk
“Nevan, baby, I don’t know how I don’t fight every girl in this damn frat house every time they look at you.” She might have taken too many shots of vodka earlier but she totally blamed Aaron because he thought that he could out drink her and boy did he mess with the wrong girl. Now however she was feeling it as her boyfriend held her up right as they swayed on the makeshift dance floor of the house. Honestly, she felt ridiculously sloppy but she also knew it didn’t matter in his eyes. “Really though, especially all these freshman you guys invite because their clueless but like...I just hate it I feel the need to make it you know obvi that they’re messing and looking with the wrong guy. Like that girl, Mia’s grand little, ugh I wanted to punch her in the face for even trying to flirt with her like god what an annoying bitch.” She sighed again before grinning up at Nevan. “but like, baby, I just love you so much.” Ana let out a giggle and kissed his shoulder the only place she could reach in her state. 
things you said when you thought i was asleep
It’d been two weeks since they’d gone camping, laid in bed with him in her room, staring at the pictures on the wall with a sigh. “I’ve never been in love before you, I know you know that but it’s different. I know my mother loved me with all her heart and her side of the family tries their hardest to fill that void but it’s different. The love I feel from you is unlike anything in the world and I feel so at home in your arms. At ease knowing you’ll never hurt me with your words that there’s something so real with us that it’s not just me dreaming. I feel so at ease knowing this is real and not what I was doomed to live fake, all for money. I just...I love you so much.” She sighed looking over at her boyfriend who she thought was asleep and curled closer to him with happy sigh. 
things you said after you kissed me
“Nev,” Ana let out a soft giggle as her fiancé pulled her closer despite the fact that her family was just a few steps away in the ballroom. She’d pulled him away from the pretentious crowd a few moments ago after seeing how he acted around her baby cousins who were fascinated with seeing their Ana’s boyfriend. With another grin against his lips she pushed him back a bit gently. “Baby, you know those kids are gonna be searching for you in a few minutes, they’re head over heels for you. You’ve officially won the hardest approval in the Vanderbilt family, the children.” Looking at him with another grin she gave him a quick kiss before walking back towards the ballroom hand in hand. “Once the kids love you, the adults fall too.” She teased with a wink.
things you said with no space between us
if I do this one I'm gonna write literal smut and this is a PG ask meme. 
things you said that i wish you hadn’t
“Nevan I know you don’t want to but maybe this counseling will be good, and hey at least your Mom seems to care about it. Isn’t that a step up?” Ana said as she drove down the not so familiar streets of Tacoma in his car that she was so not used to. She really missed her BMW when she came to visit him but she didn’t want to kill her mileage Washington was too far for her precious car. As she held onto his hand she couldn’t help but feel how he squeezed it gently and then stronger each time the GPS gave out directions. “Plus I’ll be interning at Gucci this summer and the boss is a family friend and she’s already made sure I’ll be able to fly back every weekend and you’ll be done by fourth of July and can come back to the city with me and we can explore it like it’s our future. I promise it’ll be okay.” If only Ana knew it would be the first promise she’d ever break to him. 
things you said when you were scared
She sat in the in the waiting room with a blank face her arms had been picked and prodded all day, Nevan by her side had almost been force-feeding her all day with her nerves. Ana had been too silent the whole time too scared to speak the truth until this moment when they only had one more hour until the last test. “What if I’m dying?” She let out looking down at her arms now covered with bandages and her hands shaking from nerves. “What if I have to leave you like my Mom left me?” It’s all she got out before her nerves got the best of her and she found herself leaning into him to hide her tears too afraid that this moment was fleeting. She couldn’t even hear his promises of you aren’t to calm herself down, her demons were too real in this moment. It was almost as if it was karma catching up to her for everything she did after her Mom died. 
things you said when we were the happiest we ever were
please press the following to see the realest love in the world 
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