#the Meganium in the photo is glowing because its an illumina pokemon
quillpokebiology · 11 months
Meganium Facts
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-The genus name for the Meganium line is "Latecosaurus Aromus" which roughly translates to, "Fragrant Apatosaurus Lizard"
-Meganiums are related descendants of the Aurorus line, and are also related to Tropius
-Ancient Meganium looked really similar to current-day Meganium, since they didn’t need to evolve much to fit their current habitats
-Because of their friendly nature and cute appearance, Meganium are often used as a way for young children or people with anxiety to get used to larger pokemon
-Meganium’s long necks help them reach high leaves to wat, but it also helps them seem more intimidating to Pokemon that would try and attack them 
-Their flowers have been used to make medicines and perfume for thousands of years. There are ways to get the ingredients from them without having to kill them
-Their flowers often attract bug-type Pokemon. Most of the time, they don’t mind them, as the pollen-like substance can grow back
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-The flower can also release pheromones to other grass type pokemon that would view Meganium as a potential mate
-They're antenna also do the same thing. Please don't pull on them, as they're very sensitive and can damage those pheromones
-Meganium can be either monogamous or polygamous. It differs with each one
-Depending on the season they were born in, Chikorita, Bayleaf, and Meganium can look and behave differently. Summer Meganium are usually bigger, more vibrant, and friendlier, Autumn Meganium are more skiddish and have more warm colored flowers, Winter Meganium are smaller, have more saturated flowers, and tend to be lonelier, and Spring Meganium are the ones we see in the Pokedex
-Meganium's flowers can come in many different varieties of colors, with pink being the most common one
-Meganium will often lay Chikorita eggs in the ground and bury dirt over them, and then hiding the spot they buried them with a pile of leaves for added protection
-The most common Meganium crossbreed in captivity is a Meganium eith a Tropius father or a Meganium with a Venasuaur father
-They have very sensitive tastebuds and can taste food a lot better than we can
-They're known to be quite affectionate with their trainers and will rub their heads against theirs as a way of showing affection
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