#thats more than my roommate had assigned as a fucking creative writing major. i never want to see words again
bonetrousledbones · 24 days
juist submitted my last final project for the semester
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wanna-one-imagine · 7 years
Jung Sewoon Enemies to Lovers Scenario!
I’ve sort of morphed together two anon requests to create my first Sewoon scenario, enjoy! (You + Jung Sewoon)
You and Sewoon were both music majors in college at a competitive music college that accepted very few students
You were majoring in piano performance, Sewoon was majoring in music composition
Sewoon was your senior at the school, and he was relatively famous at the school for being in a band and composing songs for others at the school and artists
In the band, he played guitar and sang, making him the “face” of the group, leading to widespread popularity
Because of this, you already knew exactly who he was before even getting accepted to the school
However, you (and pretty much everyone else) didn’t have any actual information on his personality outside of his music skills and band persona
He was relatively quiet in the classroom, only seen talking with his best friends Jaehwan, Youngmin, and Donghyun
(Sewoon and Jaehwan were actually caught wildly giggling together in class once, a rumor that had spread around the school earlier that year)
Basically anything that Sewoon did was talked about, but he didn’t really do anything about the attention
 You had gone through your freshman year without many problems, it was a pretty normal year
So when you returned to school for sophomore year, the last thing you expected was to find that your dorm room assignment was right across the hall from Sewoon and Jaehwan
Like you open your door and bAM thats their room ! ! 
You were pretty nervous at first about this situation, because lets be real who wouldn’t be... the two were practically celebrities at the school (Jaehwan was highly regarded by the students because of his stellar performance on a singing variety show)
It was really cool at first, being so close to Sewoon and Jaehwan on a daily basis, even though you never talked to them lol (I mean, they were practically celebrities at this point)
You would always greet them politely, though, at least at the beginning of the school year
But that got old FAST
The long nights of singing and guitar strumming quickly turned from interesting to heLLISH
Like how are you supposed to sleep if the two decide to sing the Jurassic Park theme on repeat at 3 in the morning
Soon, you were absolutely tired of the both of them (physically and mentally), and after holding back for weeks, you finally ended up bursting one night when they just wouldn’t stop singing: this time it was Sewoon doing impressions and Jaehwan maniacally laughing in response
So in a matter of seconds, you immediately switched from being some harmless neighbor to psYCHO BITCH and gave the two roommates a piece of your mind
It really was a frightening sight: you screaming at the top of your lungs in a ginormous t-shirt, your hair going every which way, a consequence of rolling around in bed for hours
Jaehwan immediately apologized, but you didn’t hear Sewoon mutter under his breath “this is a music school, what do you expect”
(good thing you didn’t hear that, or who knows what would have happened)
Anyway you thought it would be all fine and dandy after that, as you headed into your room, but as you closed your door you heard Jaehwan being the idiot he is, claiming that your hair looked like Chewbacca if he “walked straight into a hurricane”
You whipped the door back open to scream some more, only to come face to face with Sehwan’s closed door
You sighed and gave up, climbing up to your bed to attempt to save the last hours of sleep you had left
The next morning, before heading to classes, you met Sewoon in the hall outside your door coincidentally
Not the best timing; you were still pissed at the whole Chewbacca thing
“Ah, (Y/N), good morning... I see you’ve... improved your hairstyle”, he greeted you, unable to hold back a mischievous smile at his own “joke”
It was the first time he had ever called you by your name, but you weren’t starstruck at all; if anything this comment worsened your mood
You didn’t have it in you to respond, and just blankly stared at him before walking away
Your anger subsided throughout the day, but when you returned back to your dorm in the evening, you were greeted with the undeniably pleasant but to you, angering sounds of a strumming guitar and a quiet voice
You dumped your backpack in your room and immediately walked over to Sehwan’s room, banging on the door
“It hasn’t even been one day, can y’all just stop fucking playing for one second??” you screamed at the closed door, once again looking like a crazy person
“Or can you just go play in a practice room or a common room or literally anywhere el–” you continued, your rant suddenly coming to a stop when the door opened, revealing a calm-looking Sewoon, his soft eyes meeting your gaze
You were taken aback: based on looks alone, he really could be a rockstar or a boyband member or a solo artist or a CEO or a male model the possibilities are endless
Just like that, your anger was drifting away (Sewoon is Powerful), and it took all your might to keep a stern face
But that didn’t last long, when Sewoon finally spoke
“(Y/N). You realize this is a music school, right? Am I not allowed to practice in my room? This is for my career as well. Think about that,” he calmly said, closing the door
You were unable to respond to that, but still angry: just because it’s a music school doesn’t mean they have to play at night every day... right?
Your mind ran wild with insults and angry justifications for his behavior: He really let the “fame” get to his head, didn’t he. His band’s songs are lame anyways, whatever... 
But for the next month or so, your sleep was interrupted every day in the wee hours of the morning, after a few quiet hours from 10pm to then
Jaehwan and Sewoon thought you would be asleep by then, and resumed their practicing/singing/screaming
At first, you would confront the two every day, but after seeing absolutely no change (“we thought you were asleep sorry”), you just bought a pair of noise-cancelling headphones, which seemed to do the job (despite how uncomfortable it was sleeping with them on)
Other than those few meetings, you never met with Sewoon – the two of you just mutually and individually decided that talking with the other would not result in anything good
Jaehwan seemed politer though, and you always met him with a smile
But one night at the end of the first semester, you were surprised to hear a knock on your door – a switch from the times when you always used to bang on Sehwan’s door
You were getting ready to sleep, and opened your door... who was disturbing your nighttime routine?
It was Sewoon, looking like he hadn’t slept in days, looking like a crazy musician, and your expression immediately turned unpleasant
You were prepared to argue with him about whatever he had to say but fighting was apparently the last thing on his mind
“(Y/N), Jaehwan’s not here and I really need someone to run this piano verse by for an assignment due tomorrow; I need to experiment with the guitar while I hear it in the background, can you please help me I really urgently need this or I wouldn’t be asking” he rambled, some of his words completely incoherent
And how could you be angry at that? For the first time he looked not like this star of the school but instead like a normal college sleep-deprived kid, and you had to admit that was adorable
“Yeah, sure, let’s make it quick though,” you said, as he lead you into his room
“Sorry about the mess, I’ve kind of been busy lately,” Sewoon muttered as the two of you stepped around his strewn-about clothes and cans of energy drinks
You sat at the piano, where Sewoon set a piece of handwritten sheet music on its stand
Sewoon grabbed his guitar and sat on the bench, right next to you, your knees meeting under the piano
“Sorry about that (Y/N), I’d like to see the music as well,”
“It... it’s fine,” you mumbled, the words tumbling out of your mouth as a blush coated your cheeks: the position you two were in was... innocent but intimate
“Okay, you can start now,” Sewoon’s soft voice snapping you out of your daze
You began to sightread the music, and Sewoon’s guitar jumped out with random notes and chords, melting the sounds of both into a beautiful mixture that satisfied your ears
“Oh (Y/N), stop there hold on one second,” Sewoon breathed, grabbing a nearby pen and paper before he started furiously writing notes and rhythms
You were shocked at the sight: he really was a true musician, a genius even, and you didn’t understand the amount of effort he put into his songwriting until now
He asked you to play again suddenly, and he would pluck out the tune again in perfect harmony
At times he made you play a part over and over again before deciding if it was good enough, shocking you with how caring he was about a single measure, a perfectionist indeed
This pattern kept on going for hours: Sewoon asking you to play and then telling you to stop when inspiration hit him
Time flew by, and you had no idea how much fun you were having – sometimes you added in your own little flairs to the piece, causing Sewoon to add the bits he liked into the music permanently
Despite how much you two had despised one another, you made a good team 
Sometimes your arms would bang on one another’s while playing, causing the both of you to laugh when wrong notes were hit as a result
You really felt yourself enjoying the time you spent with him: as a performer, you practiced a lot, but you had never experienced how much creativity it took to write music
He wasn’t just this incredibly beautiful and popular guy: he was talented and hardworking as well, and you felt the respect for him welling up inside of you
In the middle of the morning, Sewoon was finally finished with his writing
“Thanks so much for your help (Y/N), I would’ve been up all night if it weren’t for you... it’s so much more time efficient when I don’t have to play both parts,”
“It’s no problem,” you mumbled back, glancing shyly at Sewoon in response
You two stared at each other for a moment, still right next to each other on the bench, before Sewoon’s gaze snapped away and broke the silence
“It’s already 2, you should get back to your room,”
What?? 2??? Already?? I haven’t even been here that long, you thought, before checking your phone and gasping in shock, making Sewoon laugh
You had given up your precious sleep to be with him, and for some reason you weren’t mad at all about that
You stood up, ready to leave, but the thoughts you’d been having escaped your mind and out your mouth
“That was actually kinda fun, sorry I stayed so late... if you need help in the future just let me know,” you said, immediately getting embarrassed at your own words
Sewoon hit you with that charming smile, replying that “it was fun, nighttime is actually when I write best, so this isn’t late for me, no worries”
“Oh that’s why you–” you began, realizing that all those noises at the middle of the night were literally Sewoon composing like he had been today
You felt like an asshole and quickly bid him goodnight before escaping his room and jumping on your bed to attempt to sleep
But even though it was the middle of the night, much past your bedtime, you couldn’t seem to stop your mind from racing and your heart from beating about what had just happened
From then on, instead of meeting Sewoon with a glare or ignoring him completely when you saw him, you would subconsciously sneak glances at him or smile or blush and get all fluffy inside
You two would actually talk sometimes now, making Jaehwan completely confused on what changed the relationship between the two of you so dramatically
You suddenly didn’t mind the nighttime music sessions, and you actually found yourself falling asleep to the sounds of Sewoon and Jaehwan’s voices singing together
You weren’t sure if you two were friends now and didn’t know if you should approach him again or what
But about a week later, Sewoon approached you himself, thanking you for your help and letting you know that he had aced the assignment
You envied his being able to come talk to you like it was nothing (but little did you know that Sewoon had been looking for an excuse to talk to you again after that night
“Oh, I’m glad everything worked out, you really worked very hard on that”
“Thanks, I couldn’t have done it without your help, (Y/N),”
*cue awkward silence of twiddling fingers and stealing glances at one another
“Uh, so to repay you for that, if you want I can help you learn some guitar, it seemed like you were really interested that night,” Sewoon coughed out, nervously glancing at you (looking like a complete 180 (or 360 as ong would say) from his confidence-exuding stage presence)
“Oh, y-yeah sure that sounds fine, I mean I’d really like that,” you replied, this whole situation not making it any easier for you to focus
“Okay, Jaehwan won’t be here again tonight so just pop in when you’re free?”
“Sure, yeah, will do,” you replied, the both of you standing there for another second before waving goodbye and walking in different directions
For the rest of that day you couldn’t stop thinking about your meeting/lesson/date thing with Sewoon (what was it??) and zoomed back to your dorm after classes, stressing about what to wear and how you looked before giving up and settling for your normal sleep outfit
Don’t get ahead of yourself, (Y/N)...
You had no idea how you had gone from hating this guy to now... whatever you felt about him, but either way you weren’t thinking about it
That evening, you knocked on Sewoon’s door, and he opened it for your eyes to be greeted with a completely cleaned room
“Wow, Sewoon, you clean up well,”
“I assume you mean the room, not me,” Sewoon laughed back at you, as you finally looked at him, wearing a t-shirt and sweatpants lol
“You look really good too,” you let out accidentally, mentally kicking yourself as you caught Sewoon’s smile at your response, teasingly raising his eyebrows
The two of you walked into his room, Sewoon telling you to take a seat on his bed because that’d be the most comfortable place for you two to sit
He grabbed his guitar and sat next to you on the bed, immediately placing his guitar into your hands
“Uh, Sewoon, isn’t this your guitar,” you whispered nervously: it must be incredibly expensive, Sewoon was known for being extremely attached to and taking perfect care of his instruments
“It’s fine, (Y/N), I trust you, for now...” he replied, poking you
He started by teaching you the strings of the guitar and how to hold it, his fingers occasionally brushing yours, and his arm purposefully holding yours to demonstrate how to carry it
You felt his chest softly pressing against your shoulder and part of your back, and you thought that there was no way you would be focusing on the actual lesson
After that though, Sewoon let you play by yourself, you quickly picking up easy tunes like twinkle twinkle little star and hot cross buns (aw)
Your “lesson” thing lasted about an hour, and you actually started learning well – Sewoon was a great teacher
The lessons became a regular occurrence, happening most nights if not all, at the same time every day: Sewoon claimed that Jaehwan had an activity every night during that time anyway, so it’d be fine for you to come over
(what you didn’t know was Jaehwan was banished to a practice room or Youngmin/Donghyun’s room every night per instruction of Sewoon SLKDFJ LOL)
Sometimes your meetings would morph into a jam session, with you either playing like a n00b on the guitar or like a virtuoso on the piano, the both of you having a lot of fun together
One day Jaehwan got tired of having to wait forever to leave you two alone, and crashed your party, screaming “JUST DATE ALREADY WHY SHOULD I HAVE TO SUFFER FOR THIS”
“Wait, why are you suffering, Jaehwan,” you asked, unknowing of the situation
“SEWOON KEEPS KICKING ME OUT SO THAT HE CAN BE WITH YOU BECAUSE HE WON’T JUST TELL YOU ALREADY THAT HE–” Jaehwan exploded before Sewoon tackled him out of the room, slapping a hand over Jaehwan’s mouth, closing and hardlocking the door so that Jaehwan couldn’t even get in with his key LOL
“Sorry about that, (Y/N), I was going to tell you eventually but I guess he pretty much did the job for me,” Sewoon mumbled, sheepishly scratching the back of his neck
“I am honestly so confused right now, I barely could hear what was going on, Jaehwan honestly just seems psychotic,” you replied
“Oh, well...” Sewoon started, grasping one of your hands, “it’s pretty obvious but we’ve been spending a lot of time together and you’re a really good musician and really cute and I like you a lot,” Sewoon spewed out, as you stared in awe at his blushing face
He looks... adorable.
“UGH FINALLY!” Jaehwan screamed from outside the door (he must be listening lol), but the both of you ignored him (hah take that psycho)
“oh- oh? You do?” was all you managed to get out
“I mean, if you don’t like me that’s completely fine, I don’t have a problem with continuing to teach you guitar, I’ll just have to charge you now,” Sewoon laughed out, attempting at a joke as he let go of your hand
But instinctively you grabbed his hand with the both of yours
“No– no! That’s totally not it I mean I really like you too you’re practically a musical genius and you’re really nice to me even though I treated you like an asshole at first and–,” you awkwardly rambled, Sewoon cutting your words off by pulling you tightly into a hug
You expected him to say something, but all Sewoon was giggle like a fool and unlock the door for Jaehwan with one of his hands
“Hyung you can come in now,” letting Jaehwan fling open the door to find the two of you all cuddled up on one another
“EW I’M LEAVING THAT’S SO GROSS GET AWAY FROM ME” Jaehwan screamed, leaving the two of you alone again, laughing at whatever the hell just happened in the past 10 minutes
And that was that: you and Sewoon had somehow transformed from enemies to lovers
Lots of music dates, you willingly compromised your sleeping schedule to play music with Sewoon, sometimes writing your own
Guitar lessons continued, but... they became less innocent than before (I’ll let you decide what that should mean heh)
Nighttime karaoke was not unusual, and Jaehwan couldn’t resist participating
The two of you learned from one another, and brought different perspectives to writing and playing
You supported him at his concerts #1 fan lol and he always came to your piano performances 
so darn cuTe yay
Music truly does bring people together :’)))
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A/N: OMG this ended up way longer than I thought it would. Must be because I tried to incorporate both requests LOL whooops
also ahHH I feel so bad for not posting more in the past few days – I had to finish up exit presentations for my job but NOW I’M FREE for the most part so I promise to be a good admin and finish up all these requests! Thanks for your patience once again!!
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flowerpotfanfics · 7 years
Updated AU List
This is a list of the recent AUs I’ve been reblogging…we’re only going to write each one once! Pay attention to this list when asking for an AU :) 
I need new glasses and you’re the optometrist running my vision tests, but your good looks are really freaking distracting
You’re allergic to cats but my cat really likes you my bad
I adopted a kid and you help me take care of them all the time since we’re neighbors, but you came over and got so involved in the kid’s life so much they think that we’re both their parents instead of just me
I got caught in the rain without an umbrella and an attractive stranger is sharing theirs with me
We’re playing Monopoly in the local library and the game just got serious, I think the librarians are about to kick us out
You caught me having a Barbie movie marathon and now I’m trying to keep you from telling anyone about this!
My pet ran away, I got fired from my job, it started raining out of nowhere and I fell in the mud, and you’re just a random stranger at my bus stop but I really need someone to talk to
Alternatively, I’ve always wanted to tell a stranger my life story and I’m choosing you
We got put in the same group for the senior trip
This is a big ass mall and I just got lost, please help me
My rival and I are determined for us and our respective partners to be the ultimate power couple, but you and the other person in our rival couple really don’t care
You keep coming in to get your laptop fixed but I’m pretty sure your breaking it on purpose but you’re cute so I’ll let it slide
I met you at a convention and you’re cosplaying Person B to my OTP and I’m cosplaying Person A
You got me addicted to playing Love Live and I’m ruining my life
I’m an artist who was at shit creek until I met you, so please be my muse, no, I’m not asking you out
I just showed you all the Shrek is Love, Shrek is Life videos and I think I just scarred you for life
I just crashed this wedding and one of the guests just asked me to dance and I’m pretty sure that they know I’m not a guest from either the bride or groom(brides, grooms) fml
Dude check it out this pair of jeans fits us! Shut up, they aren’t sweatpants they’re jeans
I’m donating blood today and I’m afraid of needles
Pack up man; we’re going on a road trip
Hey I just met you, and this is crazy, but can you go on the bungee jumping thing with me? Cuz I’m too scared to go by myself
I’ve never had a proper conversation with you, but I always see you at this cafe folding paper cranes and I you’re really peaking my interest
I’m forcing you to watch my favorite show and you’re more into it than I am now
We’re having our first argument as a married couple: do we explore this island, or do we stay in bed all day
“I’m trying to make macaroni but I’ve burnt 3 pans and set off the fire alarm and I heard the lady above us say you were a chef please help” AU
“I know we just met yesterday but the landlord is coming over and I have 2 cats please hang out with them for a few hours” AU
“I bought too many popsicles at the store do you want some?” AU“We both got kicked out because our roommates are having sex so now we’re playing poker and talking about gardening” AU
“I locked myself out of my apartment so I have to climb out your window and onto my balcony” AU
“I made too much food wanna come in and help me out oh who set up a table with candles and wine thats weird” AU
“I’m at work and my son needs to be picked up from school do you mind?” AU
“Okay well it turns out you’re really good with kids and my son has started calling you daddy and insists we move in so ‘we can be a real family’” AU
“Your laundry got mixed up with mine somehow and now we’re sitting in silence sorting underwear” AU
“I barely know you but my boyfriend just broke up with me and you heard me crying so you brought over ice cream and movies” AU
“Our dogs whine whenever they’re apart so we spend pretty much every day together” AU
“I walked in on your ex yelling at you so you grabbed me and kissed me  so she’d go away and I’m kind of freaked out I literally just met you last week” AU
“your country’s trying to take over/annex my country and you’re making it difficult to hate you because you’re so nice and attractive stop it” au 
“i’m a prince/ss and you’re a servant and we’re not supposed to hang out but we’re gonna fall in love anyways” au
“i’m a prince/ss and you’re my bodyguard and we’re so not supposed to bang but we kind of did anyways” au (bonus: limo sex is great sex)
princess diaries style “i grew up not knowing i was royal and suddenly my royal grandparent showed up out of nowhere and told me i was so now i guess i’m the heir to the throne and you’re my crush from my pre-royal days but i still have a crush on you” au
“i’m a prince/ss from a small country nobody’s heard of and i’m in college pretending not to be royal and you’re another student who’s always calling me out on my bs” au
“my country’s going through some issues so i’m here in hiding and you’re a civilian who lives in the same apartment complex as me” au
“waiting in line at registration because for some reason, the computer system wouldn’t just let us sign up for classes there” AU
“I don’t mind that my roommate’s boyfriend stays over constantly; I mind that he walks around our apartment-style housing naked” AU
“excuse me, I know we don’t have assigned seats in college, but I’ve been sitting in this one for eight weeks and it seems you’re in my spot” AU
“I’m exhausted, feverish, and hacking up a lung, and the student health center’s first suggestion was pregnancy, can you help me get to the ER in town” AU
“hey, I left my student ID in my room and you’re the first person who’s walked by my building for hours now, I hate to be such a bother but can you pretty please swipe me in, it’s freezing” AU
“bless the spring semester stage combat class for practicing on the North Lawn, because watching my crush get sweaty and worked up while pretending to fight people really Does Things to me, okay” AU
“oh, jesus, that annoying group of LARPers is playing D&D on the lawn underneath my window again and I’m trying to fucking sleep, I have a fucking midterm tomorrow” AU
"there’s a cute punk who I keep chatting up at the bike racks outside the library and one of the lecture halls, and I kinda have a crush, but there’s no way they’d ever think of me like that, right?” AU
“I know that this probably isn’t a good idea but it’s included in the meal plan and I’m stressed out, so I keep hitting the ice cream sundae bar in the buffet style dining hall at least a couple times a week” AU
“fuck shit fuck please help me, I’m supposed to be in chemistry for non-science majors but somehow, my little humanities major ass got registered into the really hardcore chem class” AU
“if I pretend to be interested in your student social activism oriented club and help you hand out flyers and run your bake sale and shit, is there a chance that you’ll go with me to the spring Sleaze Ball dance” AU
“somehow, we always end up sitting next to each other during the weekly gatherings to watch [Game of Thrones, SVU, Rupaul’s Drag Race, pick a show] in our dorm’s really good TV room” AU
“I was abroad last semester and forgot to fill out the housing form, but your old roommate dropped out so hi, hey, how’s it going, I guess we live together now” AU
“wait, you’re not the roommate i requested”
“i wouldn’t have offered you a blunt if i’d known you were the RA”
we both got the same disgusting food at the diner and have no one else to complain to about it
free STI testing at the health clinic… meeting when their hands touch as they reach for a free condom from the giant bowl on the counter
“we’re the only ones that signed up for this club, where the fuck is everyone else”
walking in on hot roommate masturbating oh my god
got caught having an orgy in a classroom in the middle of the night (this has happened at my school. multiple times.)
“we heard meningitis is going around and we’re both terrified and buying hand sanitizer in bulk”
the only ones in the dorm that go out for thirsty thursday
the only competent ones in the group project
“are you asleep on that bench because of midterms, you’re homeless, or you’re dead?”
“omg did you see me pet that squirrel???”
turns out that random hookup from the club sits right next to you in your favorite class
skipping class to get high
“i really need to pass this midterm and rumor has it you have the best study guide”
I’m a barista and you’re the obnoxious customer who comes through and orders a venti macchiato while talking on the phone the whole time so I misspell your name in increasingly creative ways every day AU
I’m a busy businessperson and my barista keeps misspelling my name in increasingly disrespectful ways, honestly, who does this person think they are AU
We were both playing wingman for our friends who have now decided to go home together, and after five minutes of conversation we fucking hate each other, let’s bang it out AU
I saw you trying to hit the “door close” button in the elevator but I made it in and then I pushed every single button to make you later for work, but now we’re stuck in this fucking elevator as it stops at every single floor and I don’t know what to say other than “you started it” AU
I asked for your help getting a book off the top shelf and and you laughed at my taste and called me a nerd so I shoved you into a table of nonfiction best-sellers and that’s how we both got banned from the quirky community bookstore AU
I take my grades very seriously and you’re the lazy asshole who asks a ton of off-topic questions to distract the professor and I might be a foot shorter than you but I swear to god I’ll fight you AU
You tried to barge into a private conversation so I said something devastatingly witty and dismissive but you came back with something even meaner and more clever AU
Shouting match over the last Thanksgiving turkey at the grocery store AU
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