#that's not a diss or mean or anything it's just true based on what I've seen on every set I've been on
jellybeanium124 · 2 years
how the fuck are they (ofmd cast) doing anything on their days off? I spend 2 10-hour days on a student set and want to go home and sleep for the next 36 hours. They are doing, presumably, 5 12-hour days in a row. wtf.
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golbrocklovely · 1 year
the nine books i read this year (part one)
while this isn't technically related to sam and colby, i figured i would tell you guys about the books i read this past year. originally i was trying to read at least one book a month, but that didn't work out in the end. but i did get to nine and that was like seven or eight more than i read last year, so i'll take it.
i'm gonna try not to give any spoilers for any of these books. just my general thoughts and overall how many stars i would give them. but if i do plan to talk about spoilers, i'll give you a fair warning.
so without further ado…
A Good Girl's Guide to Murder by Holly Jackson
this book was SO fucking good. i bought it bc i saw it in target and thought it looked interesting. then i literally read it all in one night because i could not put it down. if you like murder mysteries/crime solving novels, you will like this book.
super easy to read, and it made me immediately want to watch veronica mars again. it definitely gave me that vibe when i was reading it too, so if you like that show, you'll like this.
i know there is a sequel and then a threquel and then i think a prequel???, but i haven't read any of those yet. i did go out the next day and grab the sequel tho. i just never got around to reading it. but i plan to do that this year.
probably one of my favorite books i read this year.
Rating: 5/5
Belle Morte by Bella Higgins
yall know me, i love me a good vampire book. and i think this one got recommended to me on tiktok, or i might have saw it in target and thought to buy it. the cover of this book is fantastic, and i think that along with the general premise drew me in.
that being said, this book was… fine, at best. at worst? kinda lazy.
i think the overall idea of it is interesting. vampires being known to humans but living in almost fraternity like houses, and they themselves being celebs now, humans being donors to them - all of that sounded cool to me. this book kinda hits all of the vampire shows/movies in one: a bit of true blood mixed with twilight and vampire diaries and even bits of dracula. and i'm usually here for that type of stuff.
but… this story was just not hitting the way i wanted it too.
it read like a wattpad fanfic, and then come to find out it was publish by wattpad. and look i'm happy that bella higgins got her story published, that's great. but i just think parts of this story could have been so much better. like while i was reading it, all i could imagine was "if i was writing something like this, i would do this instead of that". that's not to say i think my writing is superior or anything, i just felt like a lot of the choices in the story maybe could have used another person in the room to either flesh them out or give her another avenue to go down.
there's a sequel to this book, but i will not be reading it.
also ngl, i completely forgot what this book was about until i had to write this review and the only way i remembered what this was about was reading ppl's spoliers on goodreads so… do with that as you will.
Rating: 3/5
The DUFF by Kody Keplinger
this was a surprise read for me. i remember hearing about this book years ago back in hs, but never read it bc i really didn't want to read a book about being a DUFF (designated ugly fat friend) which is what i kinda saw myself as back then.
there's a lot to unpack there.
but, i've loved the movie version of this book and ended up watching it like three times in one week and was like "let me see if i can find this book online". i did, and then i read it all in one night. and you know what? it was weirdly refreshing to read.
first off, nothing like the movie for the most part which was both intriguing and not. secondly, the author wrote this when she was 17, and it was loosely based off of her time in hs. and honestly, it read like a high schooler speaking about being in hs. and i don't mean that as a diss. i mean that as it was nice to hear a 17 year old talk like a 17 year old and not a 26+ year old trying to write like high schoolers.
you'll hear more about that in the next review.
this book also reminded me of hs, but not in the "oh gross i hated that time" kind of way, but in a more nostalgic sort of way. it was no where near how my hs experience went, but i still enjoyed my time reading it. it was written incredibly well for a 17 year old author.
also one fabulous line that stuck out to me so much so that i wrote it down: For a girl with a such a fat ass, I felt pretty invisible.
same here girlie lmao
Rating: 4.5/5
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne
another surprise read !
so, this year i bought a hulu subscription. one of the first movies that popped up for me was "the hating game". i watched it, and then immediately watched it about four more times in the span of couple days.
safe to say it, i like the movie.
found out it was based off of a book and decided i had to read it. the movie and book, in my opinion, are similar enough that if you don't want to sit through reading the entire thing, you could just watch the movie and get the same general gist. also i kinda think the movie is better.
i realized after reading this book that ppl either LOVE it or they despise it. which is very weird to me only bc the story itself is fine. the language used either by the characters/author is a bit… questionable at times, but that doesn't sour the whole book for me, if that makes any sense.
minus one instance which i will tell you about in a bit.
i think the movie made the two mc very likeable and cute (but with their own problems) but this book kinda made them more…. realistic (so, less likeable lol). but i don't mean that in a rude way, just more of like "i've definitely met ppl like this, and while i didn't hate them, i didn't love them either".
slight tangent i want to go off on: i will NEVER understand how ppl that read romance novels get so up in arms about "toxic" relationships or men in these stories and then rate the book super low bc "this relationship is terrible! you should never strive to have a man like this in your life! this is all RED FLAGS" ect, ect. and it's like…….. yeah babe, i know that. IT'S A FANTASY. this isn't real life. i'm not looking for a dude like joshua templeman. calm the fuck down and stop sucking the fun out of everything you read bc it's not totally toxicity free.
it's the same reason i get so fucking annoyed when ppl point out in twilight "omg he's 109 year old dating a 17 year old girl he's disgusting!!" ………HE'S A VAMPIRE WHO IS PERMANENTLY 17. THIS ISN'T REAL LIFE.
i will say tho, there were some annoying parts to this story. like the amount of times the main woman character talked about how small she is compared to the guy just got a bit redundant after a while. like it's not like she's 4'11 or something. she's like my height or close to mine, somewhere between 5'0 to 5'2. and he's like maybe 6'4 MAX. so while he's definitely taller, he's not a fucking giant. that was like the only thing that stuck out to me the most while reading, bc i swear it's like every couple pages she's saying "omg i'm so smol and he's so big".
so i have to bring up the one instance of this book that i THROUGHLY did not enjoy. i had planned to rate this book a very soft 4/5. i enjoyed my time reading it, i thought the romance itself was cute for the most part, the love-to-hate/enemies-to-lovers was written decently well, a little bit too mean at times maybe, but overall i liked the book for what it was. but then…. i got to the end of the book. or the last couple pages. i won't give too much away in case you want to read it. but let me lay out the scene for you.
josh and lucy, the main characters, are in a room together. they might have just finished having sex????? i think, either way they're in bed with one another i believe. they're talking sort of romantically with one another. josh is speaking. he's telling her all of this stuff…. and then all of sudden he just casually says the r-word/r-slur. mind you, this man has barely uttered a curse word in this story, let alone a slur. and this man is intellegent, maybe a bit of a narotic dick sometimes, but not someone that would casually say that word, ESPECIALLY in the middle of borderline confessing his love for this girl he's been pining for.
so i had to knock this book down a whole ass number bc i was that upset that he said it. it felt like a word that the author uses, but not the characters, if you catch my drift. like it didn't feel like part of the lexicon josh would use, at least to me.
also earlier in the book, lucy uses the g-slur, in case you needed to know about that too. i know some ppl don't know that that word is a slur for romania ppl, so i try to give the benefit of the doubt with that, but just thought i would mention it.
Rating: 3.5/5
okay… didn't realize how long this was gonna be, so i'm gonna break this up into two parts. you can read the rest of my review on the books i've read this past year here.
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twilightxcx · 5 years
Paul Lahote - Jealousy
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Anonymous asked: I would like to read a paul story... but i have no ideas! 😂 maybe some fight, break up and make up? Jealousy? Sweet Paul? Sexy Paul? All? 🤔🤔🤣 sorry, i'm not helpful 🙈🙈
Thank you for your request anon! Disclaimer, I do not see/and / or wanna keep up an ideal that Jared is misogynic. But for this story's sake I made him that. (I view my babes as nothing but perfect, and that's that)
Readers POV
It's 5 in the afternoon when I arrive at Sam and Emily's house. The welcoming smell of food is the first thing to catch my attention as I take of my jacket and shoes. Whilst the warmth fills my body little by little from the cold weather outside, I hear two laughs coming from the kitchen. Entering the kitchen, I find my best friends Emily and Kim chatting. Emily standing smilingly next to the stove with her big baby bump, stiring in a pot where the amazingly smeeling of food comes from, and Kim standing next to her cutting vegetables for our planned dinner together. In difference to Emily she carries no baby just yet, but a a beautiful engagement ring sitting on her finger from a month ago when her and Jared celebrated 2 years together. Looking down at my hand i am also finding a beautiful ring set on my left ring finger, a ring I got just a year after Paul and I started dating. Today we are 2 years and counting.
Since it's a girl night only today I eagerly start helping them with the food whilst chatting about the pack in general, laughing ocationally at funny things that's mentioned before the food is ready and we sit down to eat.
A few hours later we have eaten dinner, made and eaten a beautiful dessert consisting of chocolate cake and just chatted. Soon the boys and Leah are gonna be on their way back, having food already warming up on the stove whilst me and the girls take a seat in Emily's living room.
"I just can't understand you are gonna have a baby soon, I mean it's just about 3 months left!" Kim states with a happy tone making Emily smile looking down at her big belly stroking it. "You are right, it's all gone so fast. With me and Sam getting married last year and now we are having a family. I can't wait to see our baby girl grow up!" Emily says happily looking over at me as i also smile happily for Emily and Sam's sake. They have gone through so much but now they can finally just have a life together and raise a child, it's beautiful really.
"When are you and Paul gonna have one?" She then asks me making Kim also turn her focus at me. Directly i see a spark turn lit inside of her at Emily's question, making me feel a bit uncomfortable.
"Uhm maybe next year? I don't know. Paul talks a lot about it but I don't wanna rush into things." I answer before Kim interrupts my thoughts.
"Omg what if you were to get married whilst pregnant? You would look so good with a long white dress and a round belly." Kim says exitedly as I screw myself in the chair a little, unsure what to answer. Emily agrees with Kim.
"Who's gonna get married whilst pregnant?" Embry then all suddenly says, surpising me but also Emily and Kim with his presence. With him I also see Jared and Seth, Jared directly locking eyes with his imprint before siting down next to her in the sofa where both her and Emily is seated. Seth on the other hand sits down next to me, greeting me whilst doing so.
"Y/N and Paul!" Kim explains exitedly, making me feel even more uncomfortable then before now that there is a crowd. Jared kisses his girl on her cheek. "Nah I think if she's gonna have a baby it's gonna be with Emmet, you know based on her love for cold, vampire guys with too little brain." Jared jokes, making all of the guys in the room laugh, including himself and Kim. But I don't laugh, and Emily doesn't either.
In the corner of my eye I see Paul enter, hearing this out of context. Meanwhile Emily starts defending how good relationship Paul and I have and how much we love eachother since she knows that Paul isn't the happiest about me hanging out with the Cullens in the first place. But Jared doesn't listen, and also doesn't seem to know that Paul is present, so he continues.
"Come on. Like Emmet wouldn't diss Rosalie, a cold unfertlie vampire who also doesn't seem to be able to take a joke for a warm, fertile, funny girl like Y/N! Also, you call them 'friends' but who knows what happeneds behind closed doors!" Jared keeps on joking teasingly, making Paul turn furious. As I realise where this is heading, I then quickly stand up before placing myself between Paul who's shakings are increasing by the second and Jared who now finally is aware about Paul's presence in the first place.
"Paul nothing of what he just said is true. Let me guide you out and I'll happily stay in the forrest with you until you calm down so we can talk about this." I say placing my hand on his cheek, but it's too late. Pauls shaking are already increasing even further.
"I'm sorry man, I didn't mean to, it was a joke. I didn't even know you where here" Jared is now standing up. The three of us stand close, with me in the middle trying to keep them away from eachother.
"Y/N let me go, I dont wanna hurt you" Paul voice is angrier then I first would have imagined it to be. He's shaking uncontrollably and breaths in angry huffs, tying to calm himself down.
Jared on the other half tries to get even closer to me and Paul, making Paul even angrier. Paul softly pushes me away, not hard enough to harm me but hard enough to increase the distance between us. Now he's face to face with Jared, who seems more worried then anything.
"Then why did you say those things? Some of things must be true if you were joking about them" Paul growls as I once again place myself between the two men, getting a worried look from both Seth and Embry, both of them prepared to drag two wolves out of the house if this goes out of hand.
"Paul don't take it out on him. He was just joking. Please just go outside with me and I'll happily stay with you until you have calmed down."I say sympatically placing my hand on his warm arm, directly getting lightly pushed away again.
"Don't touch me Y/N. Why would you defend him if it werent true? You are just as false as all of them, I regret that I ever trusted you. I don't want anything to do with you ever again." He barks at me, hurting me even more for each word he speaks, and I feeze in chock. Did he really mean that?
He soon realizes his mistake, and keeps on shaking uncontrollably whilst trying to erase the small distance between us. I shake my head at him, meeting his eyes filled with regret as I feel the first tears leave the corners of my eyes.
"I-no I didn't.." Is everything I hear from him before the guys drag him out, to afraid he might shift this close to me. I don't even react at him screaming my name, it's useless. He doesn't want me anymore.
As I keep on crying my vision turns blurry, and because of all the thoughts spinning in my head my world turns quiet. I don't really hear anything after that, all I see is how the guys drags him out of the house, into the forest where he shifts in anger, and fear. A second later he is gone before a howl echoes through the house.
All suddenly someone puts its arms around me, holding me close. Then another person also puts its arms around me. I don't react at any of the calming words or gestures. I just feel cold inside.
My whole world is still blurry and I see barley nothing. And I feel nothing, I'm just empty. I pull away from the embrance, hearing Emily call my name as I put on my jacket and shoes in a quick manner before running out the house. Luckily no one follows me, I guess they are to focused about what happened to Paul, my fiancé. Or atleast he was mine.
I run home in the pouring rain, closing the door with a hard bang before locking it. I already know I am home alone, Paul is most likely not in the mood to see me right now, or ever again for that matter. After taking of my jacket and my shoes I then stumble into our bathroom. Without taking of any of my clothes I turn on the shower with hot boiling water. Just before I stand myself under it I place my phone on the sink, still wanting to have a phone later on.
I am still numb from feelings, so non understanding what I did wrong. It wasn't me who spoke those things, and even less so me who wanted to beat up my best friend for saying them in the first place. But still he blames me, because he is jealous and can't take that I have other males around me. Male friends, nothing more. Only if he would understand that.
As the warmth fills my cold body I relax under the steaming streams of water. It's like they are waking up my shocked body into an awaken state again and soon I find myself crying. Crying over how much I love that stupid man, but also crying over the fact he didn't believe me, but he believe his friend that knows nothing about me, absolutely nothing.
I stand there until the water goes cold, and even then I don't step out. I don't know how long I stand there. 20 minutes, 1 hour? 2 hours? Time seems to go so slow, every breath I take feels like having a truck pushing down my own chest. But then finally, I stand out of the shower, finally ready to atleast go to bed. No toothbrushing, no hugs and kisses or cuddles from the man I love. No. Just me, my thoughts and my cries.
Stepping out of the shower, I trip and fall. It takes a minute or two to realise what actually happened, and I see that I've not only hit my head, but wrenched my left ankle, and that I am bleeding from my right hand. With a little bit of help from leaning against the shower door, I soon get up standing, only to reach for my phone to call for help.
As Paul got carried out through the door to the forest by Embry, Jared and Quil, I stayed in the house with Emily, looking after Y/N.
After Paul said those horrible things to her she just zoned out and just ran out of the house a few minutes later. I and Emily did even try to hug her to show our sympathy, but she didn't react. It hurt a lot in me seeing her that hurt, and I wanted to follow when she left but Sam made me stay. He said he was gonna talk to Paul as soon as he calmed down, and that this would soon be over as if it was a normal thing that Paul and Y/N had a fight in the first place. It's not, and knowing Y/N correctly I know she doesn't take this as lightly as Sam said she is gonna be. I don't know what she thinks, but all of us wolves feel Paul's angst and anger at himself. Shes his imprint and he fucked shit up, as always.
Looking at Emily contenly asleep in the sofa next to me, I sigh, before looking back at the TV on with some bad soap opera. I wish Y/N was here. Kim and Jared have already gone home, Sam told Jared to stay away a while until Y/N and Paul work things out. And whilst Paul is calming down with Sam and Jake the others had to go on patrol. Except me, I am looking after Emily.
After another while of hearing snoring coming from sleeping Emily across the couch and having the soap opera coming to an end, I stand up and take her in my arms, bride style, soon placing her in her and Sam's bed before heading out of the house. Whilst locking the front door since Emily is the only one home at the moment, my phone starts buzzing and I imedietly start wondering who wants to contact me this late at night.
"Hello?" I speak, not looking at the screen before answering. "Hey! Seth, I, I need your help" It's Y/N and she sounds sad, and afraid.
"Are you okey Y/N? Where are you now?" I ask worriedly, she sniffles a cry. "Just come to mine and Paul's house. Use the key under the door carpet to get in. Hurry." She says before hanging up. As soon as the call is ended I start running towards the forest, undressing quite messy while doing so.
When I shift to wolf form I hear all of the guys talking to eachother, through our mind link. Sam and Jake talk about Paul finally calling down, whilst Leah, Embry, Quil and the pups run around the border searching for vampires. As soon as they hear my thoughts Paul is on his way towards his and Y/N's house, together with me, Jake and Sam.
When we get there Paul is quick to pick up the key from under the mat, and unlocks the door before all four of us almost run inside. We are all wet from the rain, naked under our shorts entering the small house. A small cry hears from the bathroom.
"Babe? Are you in there." He calls, walking hurriedly over to the bathroom door, trying to open it. We follow.
"Paul?" She sniffles, all of us hearing the sad, desperate tone in her voice. "What are you doing here?" She continues sadly, not a single trace of being mad in her tone. He hums agreeingly.
"Yes its me baby please open the door. Seth called for us." Paul says yet again trying to open the locked bathroom door.
"Yes its me baby please open the door. Seth called for us." Paul says as I am sitting down on the cold bathroom floor, not able to stand and therfore not able walk another step. He then tries to open it again, hoping it might work but it doesn't.
"After you said those things I ran home and took a shower, trying to ease my mind but as I stepped out of the shower I think i fell wrenching my foot. I am bleeding on a few fingers on my right hand but I also seem to have hit my head. I don't remember that much. I called Seth whilst I still was able to stand up." I say as the guys outside turn quiet for a moment.
"It's okey beautiful, we are gonna get you out" Paul says, worry filling his voice. "You think you need stitches?" He asks as the other guys seem to have left the door in order to search for the spare key to the bathroom in other parts of the house. I nod to myself, taking in the deep cuts in my ring-, and longfinger but also thumb. "Yes" I say as Seth seems to have come back, giving Paul the extra key before the door seconds later turns open.
"Omg babe what did you do" He says crouching down to where I sit, gently placing his arms under my legs and back to carry my hurt body into the bedroom. Placing me down on the bed, something touches my feet and indirectly moves my hurt ankle, making me hiss in pain. Paul realizes this, and calls for the others to get bandaid, call Sue and a water bottle.
A few minutes later the guys have patched my thumb us as good as they till Sue gets here and can stich my wounds together. My foot is put in a bandage and I am not allowed to sit up, due to the dizziness of my head. Paul even snarls at Jake when he tries to see if anything in my hand is broken, but since I still can move all five fingers we think It should be fine.
"I'm here you guys! I'm here!" Sue, Seth's mom arrives maybe fifteen minutes after Paul told Seth to call her. She walks into the bedroom with a bag full of doctors equipment and if she were not to have come in regular clothes you would think I was a patient and she was my doctor. Sue is a nurse, and has even work some at the hospital where also Carlisle works.
"Let's get you into one piece again, shall we?" She says siting down next to me in the bed as I nod. She starts taking of the bandage of my wounded hand, reveling the wounds cut open from a sharp edge by the showerdoor. Both Paul and Seth gasps as Jake let's ut a quiet 'damn'. After she's examinated it for a minute she starts cleaning around it with some rubbing alcohol, me twitching at the sudden strong pain in and nearby the wounds.
"You okay?" She asks me as Paul circulate the room like a stressed out puppy. Sam mentions for him to sit down next to me in the bed, taking my unharmed hand in his stroking it gently with his thumb while doing so. He grips at it tighter when she starts stitching my hand back together.
"There you go Y/N. Now I just need to look at your head a little since the guys did such a great job at stabilizing your foot, so I think that atleast should be fine."
20 minutues later I am still placed in my bed, with absolutely no allowence what so ever to even go to the bathroom for myself. After Sue finished examining me it turned out I also got a small concussion. So on top of my sprained ankle and a cut open hand, I not will not to be allowed to do anything without help for the next two weeks. So I will not only feel like a dead zombie I will look like one too.
As in for now Seth and Sam are talking with Sue about further medication and treatment whilst Jacob and Paul stays in the bedroom with me. Sue got me some medication for the hand, already making me feel even more tired then before.
Whilst I'm laying here almost forgetting what happened between me and Paul a few hours ago, I can feel he's still pretty worried about it. Not because I don't think that is fair, but because I am to tired to care and both of us know what he said not will change my feelings for him. Jake speaks up.
"So, no work or studies for the rest of this month huh" He says, trying to start a conversation since Paul honestly looks to shaken to start one himself. I sigh.
"Yes. Exactly. Me and this bed are gonna spend a lot of time together." I say with a tired, sad voice. Paul murmurs something I can't interpret.
"What were you saying Paul?" I say, slowly turning my head towards Paul, not wanting to make any sudden movements. In the corner of my eye I can see Jake leave the room, probably so that we can talk privately. Turning my gaze back to Paul, he sits very sunken with his head hanging low, and a ashamed look on his face. He takes a long moment just staring at our intertwined fingers before he answers me.
"If it wasn't for me this wouldn't have happened from the beginning. I let my aggression take over before I even listened to what you had do say about it. I know nothing of what he said was true, but just the thought of it got me shaking in anger." He breathes out in frustration over his own actions. I just sit still listening whilst he continues.
"I just didn't want this to happen, I didn't wanna hurt you but yet here we are. I am so sorry Y/N, I am an god damn idiot. You are an amazing woman and I fucking failed you." He says, letting go of my hand to cover up his red puffing face from me, about to cry. I place my unharmed hand on his shoulder, trying to scooch over as much as I possibly can with on working leg and one working arm. He starts sniffling.
"Hey baby look at me. Don't worry I am not mad at you" I speak truthfully, moving my hand from his shoulder to stroke his hair and scalp, knowing this soothes him. He shakes his head removing his hands from his face, looking up at me.
"I hurt you" He says, eyes red from crying as I place my hand on his cheek, stroking away the tears. "To quote the best book in the world written by the best author in this world; 'You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices' " I say with a small smile as I stroke my tumb against his stubble, then lips and finally cheek. He grasps my unharmed hand in his two, prepping it with kisses before he closes his eyes placing my hand on top of his clothed chest, against his heart.
"I love you, so much. I really am so so sorry" Paul pleads as I put my arm around his shoulders pulling him to me for a side hug. When he hugs back I dig my face into his neck whilst holding him tight. "It's okey baby, I love you too. Just forget that it ever happened, it doesn't matter." I mumble into his hairline whilst caressing his hair. He thighteneds his grip on me a few seconds before we let go.
I press a short kiss to his lips, getting a kiss back the same second. "Okey?" I ask, unsure if my message got through. He nods. "Yes, thank you. I promise it will not happen again" He says with a determined but sweet voice. I smile.
"I know. Now please warm me up I'm freezing" I say, gesturing to the small blanket put on top of me whilst the sheets are placed behind my head and by my feet and hand for support. He smiles at me before doing as I propose, placing his arm around me letting me lean onto his shoulder. Paul gently kisses the side of my head and scalp making me close my eyes.
"On a other note. I actually wouldnt mind marrying you whilst pregnant. It would honestly be pretty sexy if you did." Paul whispers into my ear with a deep voice making me shiver in excitement. He notices my reaction, laughing as I with my unharmed hand i hit him in his rock hard chest, marking that that is not the way you speak to your future wife! This makes Paul laugh even more, making me roll my eyes at what a dork of a man I have. I sigh.
"You are an idiot you know that?" I tease back as he smiles one of his sexy, stomach fluttering smiles at me. He takes my hand stroking it easily with his thumb whilst answering.
"But I'm your idiot baby" He says as I sigh yet again but agreeing defeat to his words.
"And only mine"
"Only yours"
Thanks for reading!
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funkymbtifiction · 7 years
Hey could you please do a type contrast between ENFP and ISFP because I'm trying to figure out which I am. I think I might be ISFP because I'm pretty sure I have inferior Te because I'm quite impulsive and I don't usually think things through and I used to like to have things in control and to behave according to rules. I've always typed myself as ENFP before though or very initially I also thought I was INXP. I looked on ur type contrast page and couldn't see this one so I thought I'd ask!
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Someone out there is laughing at me. My phone literally hit me with this ask 35 seconds after The Scarlet Pimpernel ended and I watched it with an ISFP.
Why does that matter, you might ask? Well, Percy is an ENFP and Margueriteis an ISFP. Go watch it. It’s worth it, I promise. It stars Anthony Andrews and Jane Seymour. The plot is about a British aristocrat (ENFP) who goes under the alias of “The Scarlet Pimpernel” to rescue people from the French Revolution and winds up falling in love with a French actress (ISFP), who is then manipulated by her ex-boyfriend (INFJ) into trying to find out the identity of the Pimpernel.
As a Ne-dom, Percy has a few excellent things going for him, and a few pitfalls.
One, he’s absolutely hilarious and can snark at the drop of the hat. He enjoys manifesting his feelings through barbs, insults, innuendos, and suchlike, often to express his contempt for the current state of French politics (”You should send your tailors to the guillotine!“ he quips, dissing French fashion; Chauvelin says, “We shall send our king instead, and exalt our tailors,” and Percy retorts with, “Alas, then tailors will rule the land and no one will make the clothes. So much for French fashion!”)
Two, he keeps the larger picture in focus at all times and manages to stay one step ahead of his adversary – this is Ne/Te, allowing him to innovate on the fly just enough to keep ahead of Chauvelin; he engages “plans” and easily sets them into motion, he delegates tasks to subordinates, and he argues rational reasons why they must remain a small group and incognito.
Three, he can revise his plans and abandon all former ones at the drop of a hat, which in the end saves his neck because he had a few minutes to scheme.
Four, he is largely concerned with philosophical abstractions – even though he is using them for mockery much of the time, the real focus of his jabs is the sensory world (he’s pretending to be “the most idiotic fop” in England, for the greater good, because he self-identifies with the French aristocracy - Fi) – fussing about clothing, mocking French fashion, and over-exaggerating his feminine traits to throw people off (emphasis on low Si).
Being so laid back and trusting his ability to get himself out of messes has its disadvantages – Percy almost gets himself killed because he permits one of his League to disobey his orders – his strong sense of Fi (“I am not your boss, and you must do what you believe is right”) is almost his undoing, and his lower Te prevents him from stepping in to lay down the rules, which would have been for everyone’s greater good. His Ne is naive and idealistic – he underestimates how dangerous Chauvelin is due to personal dislike (Fi), and underestimates how dangerous individual situations can be. His Ne’s “we’ll wait and see what happens, and I can revise it later if need be” isn’t always in his favor.
His low Si is also a pain when it comes to believing a piece of information about the woman he loves. Percy has such a poor connection to his own sensory impressions that he cannot contrast and compare what he’s told about her actions with the woman he knows (stronger Si required) and thus believes the ideas he hears (Ne) and retreats into himself, emotionally – he tries to hide “his contempt” but cannot really manage it (Fi).
Since there are two introverted feelers at the heart of this story, there’s a huge presence of misunderstandings, lack of communication, the inability to be frank with one’s feelings as things happen, and the inevitable frustration that comes from each person pulling away from the other to process their feelings, when it might resolve everything if they just… talked.
If Percy is the idealist, Margueriteis the realist who sees more than Percy because she pays attention with Se and interprets with Ni. Early on, strangely drawn to him despite his foppish behavior, she asks him, “Are you an actor too, playing in some strange charade?” She knows he’s lying to her, and to society, but cannot put her finger on why; she senses the shift in him when he believes something about her that isn’t true and says he “wears THE MASK (his fake self) in private now, as well as public.” This is her Fi/Ni loop, sensing Percy is not being authentic to his true self in others’ presence and intuiting his reason why – he must be hiding something because he doesn’t trust me.
Her intuition isn’t quite strong enough to figure out that he’s the Pimpernel, until she sees a visual representation of the Pimpernel symbol and associates it with her husband (Se). She is willing to accept him as he is, though it frustrates her (Fi-dom, disinterested in changing another person; Percy expresses his open disapproval in a much more brutal tert-Te manner, intended to punish her for her perceived wrongdoing and in so doing, change her). She reacts to his coldness by pulling away. Marguerite is offended that he will say nothing in her defense when the accusations become public – society’s opinion matters to her less than that he doesn’t believe her, nor intend to forgive her; and instead of telling him it’s all a lie, she stops confiding in him altogether. Since she isn’t an extrovert, she’s far less confrontational and cutting than he is, when she’s upset (she never confronts him with aggression or demands answers for his strange behavior, but rather tries to appeal to his better Fi-nature).
She isn’t as good at innovating on the run as he is, because he’s an extrovert and has stronger Te, but her impression of who she is, who he is, and who Chauvelin is, is much more grounded and realistic than his (”You shouldn’t tease Chauvelin; he’s very important in the government” = he’s dangerous, Percy, and whatever game you are playing, you need to stay out of his way).
She aligned with the Revolution until it became something she disagreed with, and could no longer morally support, then her Fi slammed on the brakes and she ceased any involvement. She refuses to pretend to be anything she is not. Percy is more willing to compromise who he is, behind a facade; he puts aside his pride and loops out of his emotions as much as he can, in order to deal with what is in front of him (even as his marriage falls apart, Percy focuses on “getting the Dauphin out of France”).
So, in short:
Percy’s Ne is naive and idealistic and he relies on it a lot, reasoning he’ll deal with that problem when he gets there; he falls back on strong Te to get things done, but all the mistakes he makes are sensory-based (underestimating people and situations, making failed escape attempts, etc). His lack of a strong connection to a stable Fi (it’s under Ne’s influence) means he can dismiss his love for Margot, and show her nothing but contempt, disapproval, or a false side of his nature (Te and Ne).
Margueriteprefers to take things at face value (Se) unless something tugs at her subconscious awareness and informs her that this person is dishonest, hiding part of themselves, pulling away from her, or malicious in nature (Fi/Ni). SHE is the one who tells Percy that their romance is moving too fast (he responds, “My heart dictates the pace” – aw, such a romantic sap he is), and because personal integrity is so important to her, it pains her a great deal that he is being inauthentic to himself and to others (Fi) until she understands why.
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