#that one SpongeBob episode teehee
How is your relationship with your friends?
...do you Miss Black Sheep?
(yes hi creator is back anyways Anon, when you Anon, Anon when I catch you Anon, Anon when I catch you anon)
It's very nice..a lot of things are nice actually.
Crackle, he's in my opinion, the best..ahem, don't tell Le Chèvre that...thank you.
As I was saying, he is very, very fun to be around with, no wonder Black Sheep saw him as an older brother. I admit that there was a time where I thought as well, but now I don't, I was at least 19 back then......wait..I can't be that old..how old am I even..like..24 ..I think..then, I turn 25..in less than a month..oh. 😨
Tigress is uhm, okay to be with. I don't approve of her behaviour, especially with Black Sheep, but she can lighten the mood ever so barely. I don't think she's a bad person, more of a troubled one..VILE does contain many people with things troubling them, I'm no exception either. The only person she actually gets along with is Le Chèvre, but they only just make fun and gossip. I hope she changes soon or later, she can take her time.
If I start talking about Le Chèvre I might just end up making it as long as it already is. Uhm.. where to begin..there's a word I'm looking for..I know it in Tagalog and Spanish but I forgot the English saying of it..ehh..oh wait..uh..forgot it at this point I'll just say it in Spanish..it is "marilag"..no wait that's Tagalog.."majestuoso" is the Spanish term, I wonder why I mix them up often, it's not they are the same language..
Our relationship is better than more couples in my opinion. We were basically, inseparable on the island. But now that we are actually dating it's more like the average married couple who has been together for at least twenty-years, and we aren't even married (yet.) ..no wait..(actually they are -creator said so) hold on, me having completed a quarter of my life is messing with my head..
Our relationship isn't bad, it's just that some days he's actually nice to me and some days he treats me like he treats everyone else, and someday he's not nice to himself. Tigress calls him a uhm, "fem queen"..? Is that just some American label..or uh... But if I ask him to go and let's say, jump off a cliff, he would do it's just that he'll be questioning heavily before he eventually does it, that counts, not that I am going to tell actually to do it..
That last of your ask though, I don't like being questioned a lot. If I say what I want to say here then The Faculty would get involved, or then Le Chèvre would find it and one) try to make me not miss her, or 2) look for makeup remover because he would be crying with me. And yes I did just admit I do cry whenever I think about Black Sheep.
Yes, I miss her, we all miss her. All except Tigress to be clear..Tigress technically does miss her, just not in the way you would expect, like, miss making her life just hard for no reason.
Le Chèvre used to say back on the island that I'm way more suited for the older brother role than Crackle because of the amount of time I spent with her back on the island before graduation. Yes we did have some good times, but I don't believe that. I'm more of a side character, while she's the main character, I would say.
I guess it wouldn't be right to call her Black Sheep because now she's going by Carmen SanDiego..I don't think Carmen was in the wrong when she left the island. Sure, having riches and prosperity is nice but, she didn't believe in the thing you'll have to do in order to gain that. And I confess that sometimes I mess around with the things set up for my capers sometimes just to make it easier for her. But then in the process, Le Chèvre gets more annoyed by the fact she can capture her for good, i think he is just either annoyed or mad at her for what she did that day.
Now that I'm writing this I still question why Shadow-san decided to fail Black Sheep when she was the best in the class. She has yet to tell me that, but that's the day I get to make cookies with her again like we did back on the island.
(hi creator is back Anon I will find you and when I find you no one else will find you after that okay okay good night Anon)
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makeyoumine69 · 5 months
Omg I wrote an ask but then my app crashed, I’m not sure if it sent ☠️ um. Okay if you got this ask already, please feel free to ignore this… lets see if I can remember what I wrote hahaha rip
Like the recent anon you got, I may also need some reassurance about something. What do you do if you really like a character, but then they do something highly triggering, and then it changes your entire perspective of them? And yet, you still want to be with them? I just watched AP a week ago and I was starting to hyperfixate on it. I really like Patrick a lot, probably the first time I’ve ever shipped with a villain who is THIS ruthless, and I’d see him murder ppl on screen and I’d think “oh teehee he wouldn’t hurt my OC though :)” sjfhkshdjg it also helps that I skipped almost all of the murder scenes except the Paul one (my friend who LOVES this movie watched it with me, told me to look away while they fast forwarded through the scary parts) I really cannot handle horror at all, but I wanted to try seeing this movie because I love Christian Bale. So I suppose you can say I technically only watched 30 minutes of this movie XD
I was having a real good time coming up with fluffy stories for my OC and Patrick for a full week now. But then I foolishly watched the deleted scenes yesterday without asking my friend to check the video to see if it had any triggering content… and I liked the scenes very much, except the one with Courtney. That scared the shit out of me. I have had a personal experience of being sexually assaulted and hit in the bedroom without consent, so seeing Patrick kind of yank Courtney around and yell at her, and roughly pull out, hurting her, it definitely triggered me and I was stress vomiting afterwards for a few hours. And today I woke up and I still cannot stop thinking about it. I felt really, really good with Patrick up until I watched that yesterday, and I am so shaky and nauseous just remembering it. It just keeps replaying in my head, despite me trying to stop thinking about it. I believe the director commented that they deleted that scene and replaced it instead with the scene where Patrick and Courtney are simply talking after they had slept together, where she’s just feeling depressed and saying “if you don’t call before Easter, have a nice one” or something like that, I am paraphrasing. But it didn’t imply any violence had occurred beforehand, at least I really hope not
I know Patrick is awful. I know he’s horrible. I know he is the worst, I did this to myself by liking him in the first place. I feel very stupid when I vent about this to my friends, they’re like “well… just don’t ship your OC with him if it bothers you. He’s literally a serial killer, it shouldn’t surprise you that he would also hurt women sexually. Just stop thinking about it.” but it doesn’t feel that simple, I can’t just… stop, you know? I spent an entire week *obsessing* over this character. I got serotonin out of this, it was a habit to think of him; my brain cannot simply just say “oh whatever I’ll drop him then, move on to something else”. I have absolutely tried distracting myself with other interests in the last 24 hours. I have watched other movies that aren’t scary, I have looked at different characters from romantic comedies that don’t involve murder, I have binged SpongeBob episodes lmao, but my brain is very much attached to Bateman. I want to feel comfortable with him, I like him. I wanted to ship my OC with him very badly, and I still do! I know he’s fictional, I shouldn’t be overthinking this, but I feel so shaky and unsafe when I think about him now. I feel heartbroken like I’m going through a breakup, as silly as that sounds, because I have been really looking forward to making this character someone fun to write about. I keep reminding myself it was just a deleted scene, he didn’t really hurt Courtney in bed, but god… it was jarring to see it happening regardless. I know he does these things in the book, I know he’s despicable, but I really wanted to hope that movie!patrick could be someone I could potentially try testing the waters with. Like the anon you answered recently, I have also had a poor experience shipping with villains and I am trying to reclaim that for myself. It feels scary knowing he has the potential to be physically or sexually abusive, when I am trying to practice the whole “I am the exception with villains” thing. I’m so sorry, I am writing so much omg I promise I’m almost done
So I guess I’m just asking for you to lie to me and say he’d be gentle with people in the bedroom, or that he wouldn’t bother hitting somebody or hurting them because it doesn’t bring him satisfaction...? Or even just… he didn’t hurt Courtney… *wouldn’t* hurt Courtney. Or Evelyn. Or Jean. Or whomever else. Like, if he’s ruthless, I’d rather he just murder people, not assault them, does that make sense? Oh my god I know that sounds completely out of character but I need somebody who knows him very well to try to reassure me, if you were okay with that of course. You’ve been writing him for a long time so I think you’d know him best and i know if anyone can convince me that Patrick has a gentle side to him, it would be you. And if anybody else wanted to write reassurances in the replies as well, by all means, I need all the help I can get lol. If you wanted to respond to this, of course. Please don’t feel pressured to respond if you don’t want to! Forgive me for sending such a lengthy ask. I feel very silly. Have a lovely day, I very much enjoy your blog btw you seem like a very kindhearted person :) sending you hugs. Again, please don’t worry about responding if you don’t wish to.
Hello dear!
Jesus, it's such an honor to hear people say that I know Patrick very well, it literally makes me cry! 😭
I would tell you this - when it comes to having crushes and just interacting with different characters, we all have our own visions of them. Speaking for myself, as much as I try to write Patrick canonically, I don't really write any gore or him committing murders because my psyche blocks those aspects of his personality, but I don't judge people who write him really violent and brutal - that's just not my cup of tea. I can't say that I tried to find some good traits in his personality, no, I just accepted the fact that I fell in love with a narcistic, arrogant man who has mental problems and loves to manipulate people. All those "I can fix him" things never worked for me and I never really tried to imagine him changing in a good way for me. Actually, I just let him live rent free in my head, and as for the way I write him - sometimes I feel like I want to write him being gentle and loving - I really have a thing for sweet and affectionate Patty, sometimes (most of the time lmao) I'm into some really angsty shit, so probably most people don't like my writing because in my stories Patrick appears to be a dickhead and a total bastard. But like I said, we all look at characters from our own perspective and we have the right to imagine our crushes the way we want them to be. After all, only Bret Ellis can present Patrick's character the way he is supposed to be, since Ellis created him.
Speaking of the deleted scene with Courtney, it was a little different in the book, but yeah, I wouldn't recommend reading the book because it's much more triggering and disturbing than the movie. Honestly, when I read the book for the first time, I had a big breakdown because I felt disgusted by the things Patrick did in the novel and Bret did a great job of making Bateman a real monster, so I can say that the movie version of Patrick is less off-putting. Even now I try to avoid reading the book too often because some chapters make me really depressed. But I can confess that I'm one of those people who believe in the theory that Bateman didn't commit all those murders and that they were all in his head. In Lunar Park, Bret Ellis' other book, he hinted that all the murders were actually not real. So I can recommend you to read this book because it has a lot of interesting facts about Patrick Bateman as a character from the novel.
I hope I made you feel a little bit better, and my DM is always open to talk! Thanks for sharing this with me! 💕💕💕
*sending my love and hugs!*
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tomgregs · 4 years
I was tagged by @gyllenhaalsjakes thank you i was wondering when i was gonna be tagged smh... thanks for real tho kdgjd
RULES: pick 5 shows, then answer the following questions. don’t cheat! tag 10 (or however many) people.
     1. Barry      2. Gotham      3. 3rd rock from the sun      4. IASIP      5. Mr. robot
Who is your favorite character in 2? oswald cobblepot me babieee
Who is your least favorite character in 1? oh jeez i dont have one???? i love everyone? i would say fuches but hes such a good character no matter how horrible he is omfg uhhHHH shit this is a tough one thanks a lot. i literally dont know!!!! can i just choose jon hamm and get this over with. i seriously dont have a least favorite characters thats crazy
What is your favorite episode of 4? oh mac finds his pride definitely made its way up there but alssooooo the gang goes to hell is super good i like to watch both parts when im super bored. as well as gun fever idk why. chardee macdennis 2: electric boogaloo as well. SEE I HATE QUESTIONS LIKE THESE I CANT JUST SETTLE ON ONE THING. EVER.
What is your favorite season of 5? oh season 4 killed me so probably that 
Who is your favorite couple in 3? pfft. me and harry. next question
Who is your favorite couple in 2? pfft. oswald and edward. next question.
What is your favorite episode of 1? SEASON 1 EPISODE 7 !!!!!!
What is your favorite episode of 5? OH OH OH SEASON 3 EPISODE 8 !!!!!!!!
What is your favorite season of 2? mmmmmmm  season 3 or 5 they both have their flaws that make me wanna puke next question
How long have you watched 1? oh since september of last year im pretty sure
How did you become interested in 3? boredom. sheer boredom. also my brother told me about the show soooo long ago and when he showed me a few clips or whatever i instantly fell in love lmao
Who is your favorite actor in 4? charlie dayyyy babeyyyy
Which do you prefer: 1, 2, or 5? fuck you........... barry tho
Which show have you see more episodes of: 1 or 3? if ur counting how many times ive rewatched episodes then barry without a doubt but if just episode count then 3rd rock cus barry is sooo shorttt.
If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be? fucken..... dont make me say dennis man. dont make me say dennis. dont make me say it.
Would a crossover between 3 and 4 work? *spongebob blinking sound effect.mp4* sure why the fuck not
Pair two characters in 1. Who would make an unlikely, but strangely okay couple? fuches and gene teehee *blushes* 
Overall, which show has the better storyline? fuckinnnn barry
Which has better theme music: 2 or 4? 4. i am so tired of that fucking wooWEEEEEE *clang* from gotham and nothing is more iconic than iasip’s royalty free music dkfjgdfg
i literally have no one to taagggg so whoever sees this and wants to do it tell everyone i sent em ur way !
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countessofsnark · 6 years
Snarky Recap - Thunderbirds Are Go: ‘Chaos - part two’
The One Where Chaos Meets Order.
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Business as usual for International Rescue. But looks like the tinies are home alone, which leads to the following brilliant piece of dialogue:
Alan: ‘Did someone say space rescue? I’m on it!’
Gordon: ‘Actually, he just said situation.’
Alan: ‘Mmm, close enough. See you in space.’
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I think someone ought to cut down on Alan’s daily sugar intake. *squint*
 But halfway through gear up, Big Bro announces that the GDF bot has the situation under control.
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‘This is the most embarrassing moment of my life.’ Nah, could be worse. You could have been wearing your Spongebob Squarepants boxers. The ones you got from the kids’ section when Grandma wasn’t looking. But look at that poor pup’s face. My heart is breaking, yo.
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Meanwhile, at the GDF facility, Captain Rigby’s patience has proven to be thinner than Mars’ atmosphere. He’s going to try and roast Havoc. Something is telling me that this is just what she’s been hoping for.
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Just as Rigby goes full on bad cop mode, Havoc appears behind him, having deployed a hologram that’s sitting behind the table. A few seconds later, she effortlessly sprints past Rigby and the guard. TOLD YOU.
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Back up on Thunderbird 5, John is spinning a hologram Earth with all the vigor of a drugged hamster. Poor Space Trash. 
That is... until he picks up an automated distress signal that could turn into a situation. Thank goodness for the high altitude civilian transfer station and its faulty rotor blades. International Rescue is go, fuckyeah!
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Just as Scott is getting all excited about no longer being useless... oh never mind, bots on the way. Better luck next time, LOL.
Speaking of being employed, Kayo and Captain Rigby sure have their hands full with their escape prone prisoner. Havoc not only managed to trick her would-be interrogator, she also disables GDF ships and steals mysterious briefcases like it’s the easiest thing in the world. 
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Captain Rigby feels confident that the power of numbers will see Havoc back in her cell.
‘Oh but you’ll have to do a better job searching me this time... soldier boy.’
Never mind, Captain Rigby. Your former charge blows her way out of the prison, where her personal Uber is waiting to take her away. 
Rigby: ‘Can somebody please get me a plane?’
Have you tried contacting GDF customer service?
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Meanwhile, on Tracy Island, Brains has figured out why the GDF are not being very active: they are caught in a feedback loop that freezes their decision making protocols. Time for the humans to step in!
If you don’t appreciate me at my...
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..then you don’t deserve me at my...
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Also, Alan’s response to Scott giving them the green light to go on a rescue is all kinds of effing precious.
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Kayo has intercepted the Chaos Cruiser. Havoc’s response is the need for speed.
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‘They think they can go fast. How cute.’ NYOOOOOM.
Fuse launches some smart and stubborn rockets in Kayo’d direction but you’d have to try a lot harder to take down Thunderbird Shadow. 
Lady Penelope reports in, having a bit of a ‘situation’ of her own.
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If that bot gets any closer I’m pretty sure it’s not the dog that’s gonna need rescuing, teehee.
Virgil, Gordon, and Scott, have arrived at the slanted civilian transfer station, ready to intervene.
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Virgil: ‘Alright, I’m gonna try and get this thing horizontal again.’ That’s what she s-yeah, too easy, I know. *hangs head in shame*
Scott gets to try out a new toy called the Skypod...
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...and Virgil is definitely joining Gordon’s enthusiasm regarding seeing that thing in action.
‘How come Scott gets all the best gear?’ Yep, TOTALLY not jealous.
When Virgil’s efforts to align the platform are failing, it’s Gordon’s turn to head out there. With a little help from his brother, who knows just how to motivate Squid Boy. 
All chase and no play make Fuse a dull boy. That is, until Havoc tells him to give her GDF loot a go. Which just happens to be a GDF rescue bot remote controller. Oh boy.
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This guy is the Thunderbirds Are Go equivalent of every gaming lobby’s worst troll/tryhard.
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Gordon is their first target, but no one messes with Squid Boy when Nanny!Virgil is around.
Oh, to make matters worse: these things are pretty tough to destroy or reprogram if you don’t have the right tools...
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Poor MAX. Talk about most embarrassing moments...
Up in space, it is time for Alan to intervene before the suspended passenger cars are being crushed.
Alan: ‘Lemme see if I can... pull a few strings to help you out.’
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Oh no, he didn’t.
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Kayo can’t be fooled by an empty bridge. Or a sneaky hatch. Bye bye, controller. Look at all this badassery. We are not worthy.
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The moment Virgil realized he should’ve brough his shades along for the ride. Poor lumberjack pup.
Kayo gracefully re-enters Thunderbird Shadow and proceeds to disable the malfunctioning bots, thus ending up saving the day like the badass queen she is.
Bots everywhere stop working on the spot. In some cases this leads to somewhat uncomfortable situations...
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Is that an abstract painting up there or has Virgil drunk-painted a Google Maps search? Hmm. *squint*
And finally, the Hood meets up with his Chaos Crew. As expected, Havoc did get something far more precious out of her prison adventure: the Mechanic’s whereabouts. Has that poor fella not been through enough yet? SERIOUSLY.
Anyway - this episode definitely made for a great two-parter, but part two was far more entertaining if you ask me. We’ve got the rest of the season set up and I’m looking forward to both season arc and standalone episodes! 
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hankkd7 · 3 years
OG Bass is finally here in DiVE!
RiCO: Everyone~ Player-san has recruited a new member. And you will be surprised to see who it is. Come on in! Gates open Forte (Bass): Tsk. I dont have to listen to you. Netto (Lan): Is he... Rockman.EXE: Looked like... Forte: Well. Well. Well. If it isn't my arch enemy, Rockman! Rockman: Forte?! Forte: Rockman! Rockman: Forte! Forte: Rockman! Rockman: Forte! Forte: Rockman! Rockman: Forte! Spongebob (TV): Spongebob. (From episode 'Imitation Krabs') Rockman & Forte: Would you turn that off!? Pandora: What? I want to watch it. Forte: So, Rockman. I heard from Tab Girl say that you, Shady (Protoman) & Blondie (Roll) are here as Player's recruits. So, I thought I could be Playable so I can deal with you. Rockman: Face it, Forte. We're Player's recruits now. We don't fight each other. We fight against other Players' recruits. RiCO: He's right. So let's be good friends and- Forte: Friends? BAH! I wish... X: So, this is Forte you guys talked about. Blues (Protoman): Correct. Forte is made by Dr. Wily to destroy Rockman. Forte: Tsk. Says to that Old Fool (Dr. Wily) had failed many times. And, who the hell are you? X: M-me. I'm X. Forte: X? That's a ridiculous name I ever heard. And your design looked like Rockman is awful. Vava (Vile): Hmph. I like that guy. Roll: Shame on you, Forte. He is my 'younger' brother you're talking about. Forte: Your brother? Hahahahahahahahaha. Rockman: What's so funny? Forte: Don't make me laugh. He... is your 'Younger' Brother. Where do he comes from, the future? RiCO: That's right. X was created by Dr. Light it was after he & Rockman death. Forte: Rockman is dead? Does that mean that I killed him in the future? RiCO: Oh no no no. It was Zero. Forte: Who? RiCO points at Zero Forte: What?! You?! RiCO: Zero was created by Dr. Wily. It was his masterpiece to destroy Rockman. Zero: No matter what she's talking about. But, I'm not made by Dr. Wily. Forte: Gr... That Old Fool make this hunk of junk to replace me?! I want to kill that fool! RiCO: No chance. Because Dr. Wily is already passed away when Zero was born. Which of course you died too. Forte: ... I see. By the way, Blue-haired girl. Where's my partner? RiCO: You mean Gospel (Treble)? Well, he's not available yet. But, I'm sure Capcom will complain to me for added him into the Deep Log. After all, I am an administrator of this game. Forte: Hmph. Well, you've better. You! X: Me? Forte: Show me what you've got. Show me your strength. I want to see that you're stronger than Rockman. X: Uh... Alright. At Simulator Room X: I won't go easy on you, Forte. Forte: Ha. You're just being a robot chicken. Bring it! Later Forte: Ow... How did I lose to him? X: I guess I am stronger than Rockman. Or not. Next Forte: Name & Occupation. Volnutt: Rockman Volnutt, I'm a miner. Forte: Lame. Fight me. Later Forte: Ow... Why am I lose to a miner!? Next Forte: Name. Rockman.EXE: Rockman.EXE, a Navi. And this is my operator & my brother- Forte: Enough chitchat. Fight! Later Forte: Ow... Oh, Come on! Next Forte: You are? Copy X: Copy X. Do you have what it takes to take me down? Forte: Pfft. You're just being a showoff. Have at me, Imposter! Later Forte: HOW DID I LOSE AGAIN?! RAAAAAAAAAGH... Copy X: That's for calling me 'Imposter'. I'm outta here... Forte.EXE: It seems you had trouble with battling all Rockmen, eh. Forte: Who the hell are you? You looked just like me. Forte.EXE: I'm a Navi version of you. Forte.EXE. I heard that you're powerful just like me. Forte: Forte.EXE. Ha. Only one who can named Forte. And that is, ME! Bring it on, chum! Let see who is the strongest! Forte.EXE: Show me. Forte: Oh, I will. Take that! Later Forte: Depressed Why... Forte.EXE: Hmph. What a drama queen. Guess I'm powerful than you. Walk away RiCO: Okay, Forte. That is enough. And it looks like Player-san is choosing you on this mission. So, come on. Forte: Bah! Player, you better control me carefully or else. Player texts 'OK' Forte: You'll see... You all see...! That I am better than Rockman! I am Forte! I AM FOR- Trip on the teleportation panel Ow. Transported RiCO: Hmm...
Layer: What's wrong, RiCO? RiCO: Oh, nothing. It's just... about what Bass-sama said to me during the event mission. He said that a mysterious girl that looks a lot like me. Iris: Oh, Kinda like Iris C, where she & Nii-san merged together. Iris (Another): Really? A girl looks like RiCO. That was surprise. RiCO: I know right. Ooh, I can't to meet myself. I feel like something for me. Pallette: And what's that? RiCO: Well, I really want to have a twin sister just like Iris-sama & Iris C-sama. But... I will be older sister to my other self. Iris: I see. Teehee. Iris (Another): Kinda like Player, eh. Alia: What do you mean? Iris (Another): You see, Our Player named is 'Soon'. He has a twin brother that is his older brother, 'Nega-Soon'. X: 'Soon' & 'Nega-Soon'? Axl: Our Player sure is mysterious person that we met. Zero: Hmph. Tell me about it. End scene
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