#that i even have lmd
plsleafmelon · 1 year
so today in a sad attempt to show that i was a nearl simp
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i max levelled them (uncle is in the room !!) (ntrk is already m9 !!) (defender nearl is s1m3!!) and now i am Poor like. what was i doing. why did i feel the need to do this ????
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So tonight I was like, let's rewatch AOS's "Inescapable" ep, which was a bad (read: hilarious) idea bc it's LITERALLY a speed-run of all the most absolute batshit insanity that's happened on this show
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sassyshin · 4 days
Okay chat there’s no way I can do all 3 ehenbolz modules atm so if anyone would be nice to tell me what they’re good for I would be very grateful
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little-lanterns · 13 days
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*through gritted teeth* i will raise every 6* male op without exception
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
if you ever forget how much Fitzsimmons truly went through, tell your friend who doesn’t watch aos about everything that has ever happened to those two and watch their jaw just drop lower the longer you talk
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adanseydivorce · 3 months
agents of shield s7 really was a shockingly good conclusion to something I like… like on it’s own it’s a good season but I don’t really realize how highly I think of it overall (it’s not agents of shield s4 who’s praises I’ll sing any day of the week) until I think about how many concluding seasons or books of shows or series I love could have been better if they were more like it in a variety of ways…
#s speaks#currently inspired by me venting about my wishes for a raven king where Blue’s mirror powers were treated more like May’s empath powers#(which is funny since apparently Maggie’s og draft gave Blue literal empath powers although mirror is still in that vain to an extent)#and her having feelings and anger and resentment once LMD Coulson comes into the picture but she doesn’t see him as her Coulson#but also the way he can be a neutral space for her while she’s navigating the powers is comforting#I would have Lurved an arc like that for Blue/Bluesey#and the questioning if he’s real or not thread for Coulson himself and everyone around him and their relationships#which is helped by the existence of s6 which wasn’t the best aos season (although even though it had messy parts I liked how focused on May#it was and that Ming got to shine a lot. I could have done with less fs and far less Deke but that’s-)#but if that season didn’t exist at all s7 wouldn’t have landed because we needed to see those chars Without Coulson. If they had just#skipped to Daisy slamming the button and that’s that then he’s off on his road trip and that’s that—#but outside of trcbrainrot magicians could have used that season as a model so could legacies so could a lot of different genre things w#unsatisfying endings#sometimes I will have to do a list of my favorite conclusions to things since there’s definitely less that I wholly am a fan of and more I’#so so on or dislike.#in terms of tv shows would say community agents of shield and person of interest are the main ones that really hold up to me and are great#endings to shows I cared about#for books: CP2 TKM and others I can’t think of rn
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asuiru · 1 year
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skade supremacy :)
had to use the free 5 star selector on executor of all people but the whole gang's finally here (not pictured: durin. sorry durin.) there are a few more misc masteries im considering, such as: ng s2, executor s2, ceylon s1, maybe even specter s1 if im feeling funky... but past that ive just gotta finish leveling modules and im done and finally free to level other ops ahahaha
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cerastes · 2 years
What if Rhodes Island has a variety show like those Japanese shows where the contestants have to find out which objects are cake made to look like objects? So you have Amiya as the host (ratings up by a million immediately) and she’s like “Welcome, and get ready for another HEART-THROBBING episode of It Could Be Cake! Today’s contestants are: Death From Above, our very own Elite Operator, Blaze! The Hunter of the Depths, the enigma of Aegir, Specter! And last but definitely not least, she who delivers life with one hand and death with the other! The Infirmary Bruiser, Gavial!”
So it starts pretty normally, Blaze takes her turn, bites into a shoes, and it’s just a shoe, the audience laughs. It’s Specter’s turn, she bites into a TV, and she starts eating it. “It seems contestant Specter has found the first slice of ca--” but that’s when Amiya realizes in horror that it’s not frosting and sponge that’s falling off from Specter’s ravenous maw, it’s plastic and the mangled pieces of a timing controller board. She’s just actually eating the TV. Just chomping away at it. Without even a fork.
And Gavial loses her marbles and decides she can’t be outdone so she starts eating the microwave, and Amiya is like No!!!! Don’t eat the TV or the microwave!!!! Operators lent us those!!!! But SilverAsh, freak that he is, is having a hoot and a holler of a time and keeps throwing LMD bills on the stage as if this was a strip club, “yeah don’t worry Miss Amiya, I’ll cover everything, I want to see where this goes”, and Blaze is also way too amused by this to stop them and looking over at the couch tentatively, it DO be looking tasty, so Amiya is just left standing there 6 million LMD richer as Specter and Gavial eat the entire damn set, suffering from success.
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tremorsmackenzie · 8 months
I have another idea for a fanfic.
tw: daisys depression and generally sucky time in season 4
Basically, Daisy gets taken into the Framework instead of Fitz. After some flavourtext about how 4x16 would differ if there was no doctor and fitzsimmons had to find their path in the framework, the resistance base would get attacked, and theyd have to evacuate and relocate to a backup base - afterlife, as it turns out, because if aida doesnt need to provide fitz with specimen to study, it should be fine. There, they'd be greeted by the inhumans second in command, a woman named daisy johnson. She begrudgingly lets in shield, but is pretty miffed about it since theyre barely better than Hydra in her opinion. There are tensions, and fitzsimmons find out that daisy lost her dad when Hydra emerged and started tracking down subversives. Aka, her life is pretty sad here as well. Convincing daisy that this is all fake is pretty damn impossible, since shes not very receptive to the idea that her actual life in the real world is even worse than this. It takes a hydra attack that kills jiaying and most of the inhumans in front of her to get her to come around, and its mostly because she has nothing left to lose at that point.
Edit: there would also be a scene about lmd!daisy attacking fitzsimmons in the real world and retriggering all of fitz' ptsd about hive!daisy before they plug themselves in.
Also, aidas motivations would be pretty basic and unimportant here because she isnt literally trying to become a real girl for fitz.
Title would be change you like a remix from that one song by fall out boy.
And there would be lots of scenes with daisy and a jiaying who hasnt been abducted and tortured by Whitehall, but has instead raised her daughter with her husband.
i mean, a daisy who got to grow up in a loving home, surrounded by chinese and inhuman culture. the POTENTIAL. may and daisy suddenly being able to bond over chinese things as the children of asian-american immigrants. daisy actually being able to speak chinese, albeit with an accent. the pain of may and daisy being immediatley hostile towards each other once they meet in afterlife. the implications down the line of a daisy who feels even more responsible for the inhumans in the space arc of season 5a, and who would be able to shower them with the inhuman culture none of them ever got to experience. i am going insane over here.
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wealthyaardvarkgacha · 4 months
Arknights folks, FYI: even though Ideal City stages have closed, you can keep voting on the go-karts and recycling parts for 6000+ LMD per day until event homescreen is no longer accessible.
I expected the developers would have fixed this for the rerun but I'm pleasantly surprised.
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shuttershocky · 7 months
Got a question to someone with more expertise than I, if you don't mind fielding it? Does Carnelian have a niche over Lin? I pulled her yesterday on the Ines banner but I already have E2 Lin ready for the module once I get more LMD. Outside of the fact she has one of the best visual designs in the game I am unsure if there is any reason to build her.
Carnelian has a slow (upgradable to Bind) on her S2 and much higher DPS on her charged S3, but unfortunately you want the tank class to be made of tanks, and when it comes to that, Lin and her own sister Beeswax outperform Carnelian thoroughly. Lin is far harder to damage because of her shield, while Beeswax has constant regeneration that gives her ridiculous survivability even with little support.
Think of Carnelian as more of an AOE arts nuker that can be pretty tanky, rather than a phalanx caster. The DPS she can output when her S3 is fully charged can wipe out entire hordes, though there's plenty of competition when it comes to dealing high AOE damage, which means she's not very high priority.
HOWEVER, if you are a cool and extremely intelligent player like all Carnelian fans, that shouldn't stop you from finding ways to use her (and coping for a broken second module)
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illwynd · 3 months
Rules: List the first line of your last 10 (posted) fics and see if there's a pattern
Tagged by @berlynn-wohl. Ty!! It's been a while since I've done this one. Probably a whole new crop.
The Agreement (Blood Brothers!thorki) It hasn’t been going on more than six months when they agree to stop.
A Song in the Key of Death (thorki AU spookyfic) Hero worship is easy when you’re a high school outcast. Especially when your hero is Thor.
LMD (thorki) The world held its breath.
Still you lead me and I follow (thorki for bottomThoruary) Thor likes it hard.
What You Are in the Dark (thorki spookyfic) Anyone else, maybe, would have been grateful.
Illegal (thorki crack) “Brother, look at this!” Thor calls out (far louder than necessary, if one is being honest), hurriedly shoving the screen of his Starkphone in front of his brother’s face, where Loki lounges on the bed beside him.
Lokabrenna (Loki, Norse myth) He doesn’t know where the fire came into it. But it somehow always does, doesn’t it?
Alligator Tears (thorki, lokicest, alligathorki) In his own timeline, everything was different.
Unsaid (thorki) “Damn you,” Loki hissed, pulling at this bonds, the metal cuffs that pinned his wrists, the shackles on his feet, even the chains that always seemed to end up wrapped ludicrously about his waist whenever anyone meant to restrain him and wanted to make entirely sure of the fact.
The Bold One (thorki) “Give us a kiss,” Thor said, grinning while he bled, stretched out upon the cot with his tunic cut away while the healers hovered over him and Loki stayed near, trying not to worry.
So lol yeah I think there might be some trends there XD
Tagging, oh, @gorgeousgalatea, @philosopherking1887, @seamayweed, and anyone else who feels like doing the meme, I blanket-tag you :D
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tainbocuailnge · 7 months
i love promoting operators for the base skills ive barely even used mlynar in combat his job is to be a wagecuck in my control center so that everyone else will run 50 hour shifts without complaint i have never once deployed passenger we hired him to sit in a factory for 50 hours with weedy and purestream to cook up the gold that tequila needs for his 50 hour embezzlement shifts and when mlynar is about to fucking snap and demand his union mandated break i pull out the fiametta and back into the control center he goes. everyone in my base is chilling because at least they're not mlynar and mlynar is bearing with it because at least he's not fiametta and i make 60k lmd per day
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amelia-mariee · 1 year
Spoilers for AoS 1x17, 3x22, 5x14, 4x15
The twists on Agents of Shield hit SO HARD omg, and one of the main reasons for that is the diversions they utilize.
Like I never in a million years would’ve seen that Ward twist coming, (most people didn’t) especially after how betrayed he seemed when it was revealed that Skye was still in communication with the rising tide. They make it seem like “oh yeah, that’s the twist, Skye is the one who’s most likely to secretly work against everyone for a little while, but she’s not doing that anymore so that’s solved” and then Grant kills Hand and stabs everyone in the back and it’s insane.
I thought that the whole Necklace Of Death storyline was leading up to Yo-Yo’s death, and that passing it around and different people wearing the jacket was just another huge diversion to make us think that it was going to be someone besides her. It was her necklace. I was absolutely certain it would be her. I NEVER would’ve thought it would be LINCOLN.
We thought it was an evil fear-dimension doppelgänger of Fitz, only to find out he was never there and it was all Fitz. They really make you think it has something to do with the fear dimension, because that’s the main conflict, right? No.
AND OF COURSE WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT SELF CONTROL. OMG. Maybe other people saw this part coming, but I never considered that one of Fitzsimmons would also be an LMD. I got literal chills when they discovered that their friends were replaced. That’s what I was focused on. And then they reveal that one of them was replaced. (Also, I just have to say the acting in that episode is absolutely phenomenal)
The writers are just so good at distracting you with other elements of the story, just so that they can completely catch you off guard with new, even more insane twists.
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brightnote · 11 months
Secret Invasion episode 2 spoilers
I knew she was for real really dead.  Plus Cobie said so but anyways before I discuss this in a civil manner I just want to say…..
At least they gave her a mom? (Even though that feels not right?) Would have preferred if they gave her a girlfriend but ok. Cobie said she had siblings maybe that was the person in the background? 
Obviously they had to kill Maria for real to actually fire Nick Fury. Since we know she would have done anything for him if he was fired or not so killing her is less of an emotional arc and more of a procedural one.  Major spoiler but not a surprise: Maria gets a body bag and Nick gets a wife. Typical Marvel!  The men always get a family.
Theories I have no support for
Theory 1: Cobie had 2 episodes credited left to her on imdb yesterday episodes 4 and 6 but it reverted to all six again today! — are there flashbacks coming? She still got special guest star billing for her 6 seconds of dead body air time I hope at least Cobie gets paid legit for this nonsense. 
Theory 2: in order to pretend Maria was never in Russia they LMD her? Although a for real dead Maria is hard to take at least more Cobie air time is a trade.
More interesting story would be if there was images of fake Fury killing her and things really turn for Fury!?
I just don’t understand the purpose of killing off a woman character who wanted to stay in the MCU forever! Cobie said she will “always answer the call” for more marvel work which is hopeful and cute. Still nothing official on whether she is or is not in the Marvels—lots of contradictory reporting on this. As my heartbreak has turned to rage and after this series likely it will soon be indifference toward the MCU all together.
P.S. Cobie posted a goodbye Maria IG earlier today with the image of maria escaping skrulls as an LMD from the comics. (I doubt she knew this was what the image was from though tbh) she deleted the post! Maybe because of the comic photo error but i wonder if marvel was like hey no take this down!?
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bentosandbox · 1 year
have you seen this rat?
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now you have :)
translated the blurb from weibo
Proficiencies: Manipulating sand with Originium Arts, managing interpersonal relationships, the Four Arts (琴棋书画)
Lin Yuxia, Gender: Female, Race: Zalak, Lungmenite. About 166cm tall, has long lavender-coloured hair, often wearing a long black and purple dress. The suspect is accused of being involved in financial crime, battery, vandalising public property and other malicious acts. We have released this arrest warrant publicly in order to capture the suspect and eliminate any hidden dangers in society in a timely manner. Residents who are able to provide assistance or clues please dial this private number at xxxxxxx; a reward of 100000 Lungmen Dollars will be awarded to meritorious citizens. Caution: The suspect is able to use Originium Arts and proficient in a number of close combat techniques. Has a impetuous personality, extremely aggressive and highly dangerous. Citizens are advised not to be deceived by the suspect's appearance and to pay attention to their own safety." ...... "See this? The next time you slink off silently, I'll have this plastered all over the city— reward money? Out of my own pocket of course!" "Then you'd best prepare yourself for the possible increase in collusions when we're at 'work', Madam."
Italicised madam because she says it in english
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I still think 诗sir is cooler but I'll yield.....
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Chen will always be chen sir for me though 😋 also only 100k LMD??? That can't even buy you the ch5 piano...
re: four arts: doesn't chen also play a Guqin in the AS group or is it a Guzheng I can't tell
also also... I'm sure she's not unskilled but >managing interpersonal relationships?? Lin "doesn't even know how to write the word 'co-operation'" Yuxia? I love unreliable narrators fr fr
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