#that game is wild in how it fluctuates between legit punching me in the teeth with emotion and being absolute garbage
adozentothedawn · 3 months
Six Sentence Someday
Tagged by @orime-stories thank you!
Despite what it looks like, I am in fact ocasionally still writing, I just tend to word vomit about my current obsession and then never finish it.^^° So yeah, my last game that I finished was Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest and it made me go insane, so have a part of my 1k monologue that I wrote for a potential time travel fix it. It is only 5 sentences because 6 would have been awkward, but if I ever get to it again you'll get a lot more.
"They ordered me to kill you but I couldn't do it. I would have ruined everything because I looked at you and remembered cherry blossoms and warm nights. I remembered off key lullabies and larger hands than mine on my back. I couldn't do it. And I think when you looked at me you knew that."
Gonna tag @adraveins and @stylishanachronism if you have anything you'd like to share.^^
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