#that Hollywood reporter article was encouraging
lily-of-the-tardis · 23 hours
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*sigh* This article is actually not trying to ignore Doctor Who’s history so let’s take a look instead of screaming about a headline.
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First of all the headline’s been changed on the actual website but it doesn’t seem that Twitter reflects that.
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The lede has always been about how they’re talking specifically about the Doctor only as they are aware side characters have had same-sex kisses. I can’t verify for certain but I believe they added “explicitly romantic” to clarify things as this section always existed in the article:
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They always meant to discuss what’s actually new here: a completely reciprocal same-sex romance for the Doctor onscreen. We can argue about whether Nine was interested in Jack, but I think we can agree there was far more interest displayed by the Doctor when it came to Rogue. But it’s perfectly fine that they wrote an article detailing what actually is a huge moment for the show and honestly that should be encouraged. I want to see more articles writing about queer parts of shows instead of ignoring them.
And yes, this whole thing is a side-effect of Disney but only because their licensing rights (they don't have any control over the show) have made Doctor Who far more accessible in the US. Plus, they're doing some pretty serious advertising to put the show on more people's radars, which is likely why anyone at Deadline Hollywood was even aware of Rogue and wrote this article. No one is pretending Disney has erased the show's past and is doing all these new "firsts".
The issue here is primarily that the headline is disingenuous. Their article has always been about the Doctor’s first explicitly romantic same-sex relationship, but they wanted clicks so they wrote the headline to be vaguer and imply something much more groundbreaking. Even saying “first romantic same-sex kiss” is a bit disingenuous, as it doesn’t clarify the kiss is referring to the title character.
Thankfully they corrected the article after receiving feedback from the fans, which is great.
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But they did their research, which y’all would’ve known if you bothered to look at the article (which isn’t actually behind a paywall! A rarity these days, though I can’t speak to access outside the US). If something seems informationally off to you, go to the source and actually look at what they're saying, then find the facts. We're not going to get anywhere if we just continue to yell about headlines without reading the actual article that, you know, expands upon the snapshot headline.
The topic of critique should be their poor headline, not the supposed lack of truth in their article. It's great to call them out for poor reporting, as they claim to be a news source and those should be factual, unbiased reporting as opposed to a tabloid. But the issue in their reporting here is simply their phrasing. Criticize them for misleading, not for an assumed lack of information that was actually acknowledged and present in the article. They need to improve but they won't until the real problem is highlighted for them.
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melrosing · 2 years
the marketing has worked: I am slightly excited about hotd
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05/01/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Samba; Con; Rachel House; Gizmo Darby; Nathan; Vico; Leslie; Watch Party Reminders: Palm Royale tomorrow; Adopt Our Crew Breakdown of GLAAD Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika
= Cast & Crew Sightings =
= Samba Schutte =
It's the last week to order this limited edition Crew For Life T-Shirt! All proceeds go to benefiting "EVERY MOTHER COUNTS". Order your Crew For Life shirt here!
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Img Src: Samba Schutte's IG
= Con O'Neill =
Our dear Con O'Neill is encouraging everyone to get out and vote! #VoteTheFuckersOut
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Img Src: Con O'Neill's IG
= Nathan Foad =
Quick peak of Nathan on his IG again <3
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Img Src: Nathan Foad's IG
= Rachel House =
There's a new article out featuring Rachel House and her first time directing!
Rachel House on first-time directing and the power of mounga
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Img Src: @temaungafilm Instagram
= Vico Ortiz =
Vico's posted a few updates, the first link relates to recent events. Check it out below.
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Img Src: Vico Ortiz IG
In addition, there's a new episode of Date My Abuelita First Podcast! Date My Abuelita, First! Podcast Links
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Img Src: Vico Ortiz IG
= Leslie Jones =
Reminder! Leslie is hosting "Netflix Is a Joke" Fest at the Hollywood Palladium in Los Angeles, CA! Want more info? Visit NetflixIsAJokeFest
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= Gizmo Darby =
Samba must be out visiting the Darby Family because here's Gizmo taking residence in Samba's lap.
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Img Src: Samba Schutte's IG
== Watch Party Reminders ==
= Palm Royale =
Palm Royale WP May 2 via @LCWebsXOXO with the lovely @/dominicburgess approx. 4pm EDT/9pm BST/1pm PST!
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= Wrecked Season 1 =
Another week of Wrecked Season 1 is on the docket! Don't have access? Reach out to me on @gentlebeardsbarngrill on tumblr, or @aspirantabby42 on twitter.
Days: Apr 29 - May 3
Times: 3:30 pm PT / 6:30 pm ET / 11:30 pm BST
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== Adopt Our Crew ==
You may have heard that GLAAD released their "Where We Are on TV" report. Well our fantastic crewmates over at @adoptourcrew were kind enough to do a thread on twitter breaking down the various aspects. @adoptourcrew's Twitter Thread Here. If you have access to twitter, please head over there and give their post some love. Thank you friends for putting this all together!
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Full GLAAD Report
TV Line Article
The Wrap Article
Hollywood Reporter Article
Gay Times Article
= Fan Spotlight =
= Cast Cards =
Tonight we have the priest that officiated Stede and Mary's wedding, Benton Jennings! Thank you @melvisik for making sure he made it in with the rest of the cast!
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= OFMD Colouring Pages =
Ooo @patchworkpiratebear has done it again! This one looks so cool! I can't wait to color this one myself! Thanks hon!
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@patchworkpiratebear's Tumblr
= Pixel Art =
Our awesome @blueberreads started MerMay off strong with the SaveOFMD MerMay prompt of Spanish Jackie'z!
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Source: @blueberreads Tumblr
== Love Notes ==
Hey there lovelies. I know that there's a lot going on right now in the world and it's especially tense for those of you who are in Uni or in cities with Universities. This is a really tough time for you, and I want you to know we're thinking about you.
If you need to vent, or you need help getting access to something, please be sure to reach out to your crew. We care a lot about you, and we know these are scary times. Make sure to stay safe if you can, and if you're in a position to be out in harms way, make sure you've got emergency supplies and support in case things get hairy. There's a link above in the Vico section specifically regarding if things get really hairy where you can go for help (or how you can help those who need it).
You all are so very brave. Seriously, whether you're on the ground, or supporting financially, or bringing supplies, or just spreading the word online and keeping eyes and cameras on things to keep the situations honest, or even just staying put where it's safe and taking some self-care time-- you're doing everything you can.
Sometimes it feels like what we do doesn't make an impact. Sometimes it feels like these tiny ripples won't go anywhere. You're making the ripples, and those inspire others to make ripples as well.
You're making a difference no matter how big or how small, don't forget that lovelies. Please stay safe wherever you are, were thinking of you.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Today's theme is "Zoom zoom zoom!"
Gifs courtesy of the fantastic @kiwistede and darling @meluli <3
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wildfernflower · 1 year
Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer. Problem is that except for the major media that interviewed Cait most are crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait. In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager. HIs name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation. He doesn't need a SM to do his work. Phone calls, messaging, e-mails and in person meetings are still used to do business and obviously he does them all.
The fact that you continue to use wrong info. to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides.
“Tony is a Band Manager not Music Producer”
Whether T is a music producer, band manager, or both, it doesn't make his persona look better, more professional, or just more "real". In numerous articles though he’s mentioned as a music producer:
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According to your own words, these are “crappy articles on dubious online sites that simply copy and paste wrong information from other shady sites and continue to post as clickbait”. So these are not credible sources, as you’ve admitted, but no others exist. Nobody can verify his qualifications and find out what his real job is, because there is no mention about him to be found either in serious press or on serious websites like Linkedin – you have surely read my reply to an Anon, where I compared T’s skills and accomplishments (zero entries) to those of N. Brown, the tour manager of The Fratellis.
The difference is striking and puzzling, but you deliberately ignore it. It seems natural and beneficial for a career and recognition in any field, specifically in the music/entertainment industry, to have many skills, achievements, contracts, etc. and to make these facts public and widely known to the potential new clients. Well documented career path proves professionalism and competences of the producer/manager and encourages the clients to start successful cooperation, regardless of what your working style is. Why to harm your own career by staying anonymous and hiding that all? (Unless you have nothing to show …). T does have a phone (we saw him sitting at the table glued to the screen during the events C had dragged him to), possibly he has an e-mail address, too … Do you expect him reciting his competences each time a client calls him? E-mails and phone calls are “still used to do business and obviously he does them all” – do you know him personally to be sure what his working style is and that he “obviously” do them all? Perhaps you believe T enjoys such a broad recognition and his accomplishments are so significant that he’s in great demand and doesn’t need any publicity? So why nobody has heard about him? If he was that recognized, why - when press reported on C's wedding 4 years ago - had there never been any mention of how outstanding and talented man Caitriona had married? Usually, the journalists (especially tabloid journos) dig a lot to find out some interesting facts and details about the person with whom the celebrity is getting married to. But nothing more apart from T being a music producer had been found back then and hasn’t been so far. Isn't it a bit weird? I’ll bet many people hadn’t heard about him and his profession until then.
“His name is mentioned twice on the band's last album with thanks and appreciation”
That’s possible, maybe his name was mentioned also on one or two older albums of Fratellis, you probably know better than me. But have anybody heard about his other achievements? Is that all he did during all his professional life? One mention on the album? Almost 20 years in the industry working supposedly as a producer/manager, almost 47 year old guy and his only “success” is his contribution to one album and being acknowledged once or twice by the same band? No cooperations with other artists? No other projects? Simply these acknowledgements? That’s all? T and the members of Fratellis are surely good friends, there was a photo of them on IG, and probably that’s why he’s mentioned occasionally as a manager, and why Fratellis are his only connection with the music industry over many years.
“In a recent podcast with Lauren Lyle, the host clearly said that he knows Tony very well and that he is The Fratellis' band manager”
This was the first time anyone had spoken publicly about T in the context of his career in the music industry. How do we know what he said is credible? Perhaps, as I wrote in my comment back then, that journalist wanted to give his good pal T some publicity if he’s not doing well in the music industry? It’s a bit suspicious to mention him at all, and definitely unprofessional to suggest him managing Fratellis links OL to great music. If T is such “an amazing fella”, why does C never say a word about him and never mention his name, why isn’t she proud of him, why does she never walk red carpet with him, why does she avoid being photographed with him in front of the media wall, why is he always trailing behind her along the corridors, why does she use him as a coat hanger, why does she keep him in a background, why is she ashamed of such an “amazing fella”? It seems to me that T is much more involved in his job as Cait's paid assistant whom she drags along everywhere, even to insignificant interviews, to prove he’s her husband than he is in his alleged job as the music producer/manager.
“The fact that you continue to use wrong info to push your own agenda is quite clear to anyone who is aware of both sides”
I’m not pushing my own agenda, I don’t force anybody to adopt my point of view. I’ve explained how I see the things.
If you think I'm using wrong info, please, tell me the source of the correct one if you know. If you're “aware of another side” – perhaps you're in touch with T, or hanging around with the people who know him, or have tips from reliable friends in the know, etc. - feel free to share your knowledge and prove me wrong by evidence.
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houseofbrat · 1 year
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Here's the thing. I don't get shit out of the UK unless one or all three of the following happen:
Harry and/or Meghan are there with a production crew and the crew starts to leak stuff back to LA was a
Harry has private conversations with his family which Meghan leaks to the tabloids and then tells Harry his family did it.
This has been locked down because the RF will not speak directly to Harry anymore. Big Daddy Chuck the Third has his attorneys speak with Harry's attorneys, and I believe Meghan is locked down to face sanctions or criminal charges for leaking that information:
This has of course not stopped her from leaking the email negotiations that ultinately culminated in her not attending.
3.  Her household staff leaks
I've not heard much except that she reportedly can't get anyone to attend a birthday party for Archie. The first reason for this is that famous people with kids want nothing to do with her and therefore allegedy refuse invitations.
I can't help but also wonder if his alleged school behaviors have also contributed to a dearth of party goers. If it is true that he demonstated behaviors consistent with such severe anxiety  that his original school allegedy sought the services of an official who is rumored to conduct home studies, to redirect the parents' behavior, and I've heard that the manners make the man mantra has been strongly reprimanded as age-innapropriate and as a cause of anxiety. Parental behaviors are reportedly being redirected to encourage attachment between the parents and their children.
Disclaimet: The above is gossip. It's ultimate source is unknown, but it's not the first time anxiety in Archie and attachment disorder has been rumored.
I would expect manifesting-type news articles reporting a star-studded celebration of Archie's birth. This party will not happen. You may see party like images, bouncy houses, a cake with Archie blurred out blowing out the candles. You might see Doria. But you won't see celebrities and their kids or any other kids. This will either be accompanied by articles from friends saying how successful these parties were OR you will hear that Prince Harry's book and behavior has ruined their reputation in Hollywood so much that he is the reason Meghan could not throw this star-studded birthday party for Archie. That's my prediction.
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spade-riddles · 8 months
Hey there, SR. I have been thinking some thoughts, and I wanted to share them. I would like to hear if others agree, or maybe why they don't. I will admit that I'm not the best at puzzling out her games, so maybe my thoughts are way off.
So, I know a lot of us really don't like the mustached dudebro Taylor has attached herself to. I feel like the situation she's in with this guy and his thirsty family and the massive attention this whole thing has generated feels cheap. Like, the whole thing cheapens her and her brand. It seems like some of her PR moves are uncharted due to her massive popularity and to social media, so sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. I think it's way to soon to tell if this one is working/has worked because we have not clue what the point of it is. But I know we don't like this and how it looks like she is diminishing herself for this stunt.
At first, I thought the whole thing was all about the money and promotion for her movie - with the NFL involved, and given the reports of how her participation in this stunt has increased the fortunes of most everyone involved, this didn't seem like a bad guess. It was frustrating to think she was doing this for mere money. Like, babe, I love you, but how much fucking money do you need? I think, given how much she's made and the financial acumen of her parents, that she's already a billionaire, or close enough that it doesn't matter.
But then I was reading a post about the two of them, and someone mentioned that they didn't like how much physically bigger than her he is. And it made me wonder if this isn't a part of why she chose this particular guy to stunt with. And if that's important, why is it important? Who would care about that? I thought that maybe it was to make her more palatable to fragile men without really diminishing her power. Like she is what she is, but if you squint (and we don't), she needs a big strong man to be with. And if you believe that, then you can buy into the fact that maybe she isn't really that powerful (again, to make her more palatable to someone). But that took me again back to the why. Maybe she really is considering going into politics, or maybe it's about her conquering Hollywood or starting her own label. I suspect we will know the why at some point.
And then I circled back to the cash grab. Maybe she is working on getting everything she can - Eras could be a goodbye to the performing part of her career. If so, maybe she really is planning on coming out and wants to make bank while she can just in case. Then I thought of the Jack-O-Lantern messages, and how they seemed to indicate that Halloween was an important date. NGL, when I first read the messages, I thought it was about this year. But then when the international tour dates were released, I wondered if it wasn't about Halloween next year. She will be finished enough with the tour by then, after all.
Also, with all of the articles about how fake their relationship is, do we think Tree is either encouraging this or at least tacitly approving it? I have a hard time believing that all of those media entities are ignoring Taylor's PR directives, but maybe it was a situation that spiraled out of control. If it is being encouraged, or at least not being discouraged, I wonder if/how this plays into the mass coming out theory?
Anyway, that's what I'm thinking. Taylor, if you happen to read this, well, I'm not going to ask what your plans are, because I know you won't share that. And I'm not going anywhere, but damn, I'm tired of paying attention to all of the messages you send only to get made fun of by my friends and family. If you don't plan on coming out at some point, can you please stop with the gay signaling? If you keep it up, I am going to assume that you actually have a coming out plan in place, and that maybe this time you'll have the courage of your convictions. Much love, and I hope everyone is taking care of themselves and each other.
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Days before a failed drone assassination targeting Putin, Ukrainian banking baron Volodymyr Yatsenko offered a $500,000 bounty to any weapons maker able to land a drone in Red Square during Moscow’s upcoming Victory Day parade. 
Six months earlier, the “Army of Drones” campaign – which was set up to raise funds to assist Ukraine’s procurement of foreign-produced, unmanned aircraft – enlisted Star Wars actor Mark Hamill as its top brand ambassador.  
The following is extracted from the article ‘Ukrainian banker offers cash for drone terror in Russia’ published by The Grayzone on 2 May 2023.
On 23 April, a Ukrainian drone laden with 30 Canadian-made C4 explosive blocks crashed near Rudnevo Industrial Park in Moscow. Ukraine-based operators deployed the 37 LB arsenal in a failed bid to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin, who was scheduled to visit Rudnevo that day. 
The drone ultimately failed to hit its target, crashing roughly 12 miles from its intended destination. Russian media reported authorities discovered three similar unmanned aircraft in the surrounding area. By the time the Canadian-manufactured bombs arrived in Moscow, the government in Ottawa had provided Kiev with nearly 6 billion dollars worth of aid to support Ukraine’s fight against Russia’s military. 
The Ukrainian UJ-22 drone’s flight originated in the country’s Kharkov region. Yuriy Romanenko, a co-founder of a think tank with close ties to Kiev’s intelligence services, credited Ukraine’s Secret Service (“SBU”) with orchestrating the assassination attempt. Romanenko wrote on Twitter: “Last week, our intelligence officers received information about Putin’s trip to the industrial park in Rudnevo… Accordingly, ours launched a kamikaze drone, which flew through all the air defences of the Russian Federation, and fell not far from the industrial park.”
“Putin, we are getting closer,” Romanenko warned.
The drone was carrying m112 explosive charges, which are used by several states including Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom. According to Russian media, the explosives recovered from the botched attack were of Canadian origin.
The failed attempt on Putin’s life came amidst a wave of drone incursions into Russian airspace in recent months. A day after the unsuccessful 23 April offensive, the Russian outlet SHOT recorded 10 drone attacks in the Belgorod border region, some of which included French LU-213 fragmentation grenades and American-made Switchblade drones. The Switchblade has been used in previous air assaults on the region as well.
Ukraine recruits Hollywood
The uptick in drone attacks inside Russian territory followed Kiev’s July 2022 launch of an “Army of Drones” campaign, an official effort to raise funds, dubbed “dro-nations,” to assist Ukraine’s procurement of foreign-produced, unmanned aircraft.
The fundraising push, which counts the Western-backed online troll farm, NAFO, and the Ukrainian World Congress as formal partners, has enlisted famed Star Wars actor Mark Hamill, as its top brand ambassador.
Leading Kiev’s “dro-nation” campaign is Ukraine’s Minister for Digital Transformation, Mykhailo Fedorov, who “makes no attempt to hide the deadly nature of these drones designed to smash into targets like soldiers or tanks,” according to the BBC.
“But like the rest of his government,” the BBC continued, “he refuses to talk about recent drone strikes on Russian territory.”
Non-governmental actors, however, are not so tight-lipped. In fact, Ukrainian television kicked off a private initiative to encourage future drone attacks on Russian territory just days before the 23 April aerial attempt on Putin’s life.
Accused Ukrainian embezzler offers bounty for drone terror inside Russia
On April 6, Ukrainian finance and weapons industry magnate, Volodymyr Yatsenko, appeared on the Kiev-based TSN network and offered a cash prize worth approximately US$549,000 to any national weapons producer that manages to land a drone inside Moscow’s Red Square during Russia’s upcoming Victory Day celebration.
Russia’s annual Victory Day commemoration marks the anniversary of Nazi Germany’s 1945 surrender to the Soviet Red Army. Each 9 May millions of Russian citizens participate in marches throughout the country to honour their nation’s triumph over fascism. 
While announcing his competition for a drone attack on Moscow’s upcoming 9 May Victory Day parade, Yatsenko declared the winning aircraft must not only land in Red Square but be recognisable as Ukrainian.
“It must have Ukrainian slogans like ‘Glory to Ukraine,’” the banking magnate insisted, invoking Kiev’s Nazi slogan.
The Soviet victory in WWII, known as ‘The Great Patriotic War’ in Russia, remains a source of national pride in the country to this day. The Western-backed government in Kiev, meanwhile, has incorporated neo-Nazi battalions into its military and venerated Ukraine’s WWII-era Nazi collaborators with official state honours.
As the prospects of Kiev’s victory against Moscow on the battlefield wane, its elite are openly promoting a strategy of aerial terrorism inside the Russian Federation. A celebration marking the defeat of Nazi Germany is perhaps their most natural target.
Read the full article HERE.
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watchmenanon · 1 year
The scene may be intended to force the viewer to engage in a particular way, which I think is posed by the film as an open ended question: are we forced to “make sense” of what is truly happening in that scene by connecting dots and making inferences? Are we being forced to envision and extrapolate and think beyond more than what is shown on screen?
BvS forces us to process the ‘Martha’ event by extrapolating context in order to “make sense” of what has happened in the scene, and by so doing we are challenged and pushed to shift outside standard, traditional Hollywood cinematic narrative which is to simply to sit back and passively receive/accept information.
The film invites to consider a very distinct possibility that use of the name “Martha” was in fact not random. Rather, could it be that “Martha” is uttered intentionally by Clark precisely in order to elicit the psychological breakthrough in Bruce that we see it have? 
For this to make sense we must surmise the following, none of which is directly shown in the film: 1) Daily Planet reporter Clark has researched Bruce Wayne by then, and knows that their mothers share the same first name, and 2) Clark grasps that it was traumatic for Bruce to witness his parents being killed during childhood. And he realizes the destructive effect that trauma has had on Bruce over the years.
But BvS places superheroes in our real, actual world. And in the real world, the truth of many if not most relatively complex situations is not at all easy to detect on the surface level. I would argue that in fact usually it is just the opposite.
And in a sense this is the core problem at the heart of postmodernity. There are always deeper layers of meaning and truth waiting to be uncovered. In real life we are required (more often than not) to creatively and intuitively ‘connect the dots’, infer, and surmise in order to grasp deeper levels of reality. The deeper “truth” often isn’t conveniently sitting on the surface of our perception like low hanging fruit. We have to work to think beyond the immediate situation to understand the deeper reality, which often isn’t obvious at all. And we certainly cannot trust for the deeper reality to arbitrarily be handed down to us by the powers-that-be! The postmodern worldview demands that you must question what you are arbitrarily told by society is “truth” or “reality.” Here that social ‘authority’ is the conventional narrative style of Hollywood cinema that fills the empty vessel of the viewer’s brain with information as the viewer sits back and is ‘told’ through standard conventions what the story is. 
The fact that the Martha scene does not do that, as we have noted, is reflected through overtones of the noir genre in which the film’s plot isn’t ever satisfactorily resolved, there is no happy ending, no inherent fairness to life, individuals are ultimately helpless against larger social forces, and there is no absolute truth that is easy to understand. And the world remains an ever confusing and undependable place. With the Martha scene the film’s narrative, the dialogue, etc., aren’t what you depend upon to “get” what the film is actually trying to say.
As Bruce says to a battered, beaten Clark, “My parents taught me a different lesson… The world only makes sense if you force it to.” And in the pivotal scene of the film, we are literally forced to make sense of what is happening. Our sense of uncritical, passive reception as viewers is as as heavily brutalized by the movie as Superman is by Batman in their fight. The film demands that we engage with it by using our critical faculties and as active participants. And we are encouraged to think creatively and independently.  
Obsessed with this article and with the lines above it because they are so true and I never could've explained it better. BvS obliges the audience to think, to connect the dots of Bruce having C-PTSD for the death of his parents (and his adoptive son) and being descending more and more and becoming something he doesn't really want to and Clark being a reporter who was researching and investigating Gotham, ofc he'd google the billionaire who called Superman "a clown", ofc he'd know that the death of his parents was a soft spot for Bruce, ofc he'd know that Bruce was allowing Lex's men to kill another mother, another Martha.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill · 5 months
Hi, sorry didn't know who else to send this to.
I saw on twitter that cancelled pretty much never get uncancelled and the best bet is the show getting picked up by another streamer.
Is there anything that can be done to help with that?
Hi friend! Thanks for the ask! Great question! So it really depends on the network... The more we're hearing from Max / WB is that the don't want to renew it, per the article in hollywood reporter yesterday with the CEO of WB. Here's the article on that: Casey Bloys Reflects on HBO's Emmy's Dominace
That being said, all the fans have been reaching out via phone, email, snail mail, fax, twitter, and all the social medias and it DOES seem to be making a difference. Now, does that mean that Max will renew it? Maybe not, but it's getting SO MUCH media attention that it has to be catching the eyes of some other networks. The fact that David Jenkins and cast and crew are starting to share on social media again also seems to be a good sign. Can I guarantee that? Not really, but it seems like the fans are being heard and everyone seems dedicated to keep pushing until something happens.
That said-- in terms of anything that can be done to help with that, @renewasacrew is leading the main charge on how to help. You can follow them here on these socials:
Tumblr: RenewAsACrew Tumblr
Twitter: RenewAsACrew's twitter
Website: RenewAsACrew
I also encourage you to keep an eye out on tumblrs for the renewasacrew tag, there's a lot of great people posting helpful information (I didn't want to make a list and make them feel obligated to keep it up every day though) so just keep an eye out there too.
The main endeavors I know about right now to help are:
Keeping up the momentum in getting signatures for the petition
Calling in to HBOMax and expressing how you feel about it being cancelled (but being polite about it). Here's a helpful guide from @saltpepperbeard if you do decide to do this. As far as I know these are the latest contacts.
If you do decide to go on social medias and advocate for the show, the big thing is stay polite, positive, and use the following hashtags - #RenewAsACrew #SaveOFMD #TheNumbersWereThere. I'm still also adding #OurFlagMeansDeath, and #SaveOurFlagMeansDeath, but in some cases like IG, some sites are blocking the OurFlagMeansDeath tag as spam :/
Aside from that.. if you've done all that, I know a lot of folks are getting burnt out, it's always nice to send a kind note to your fellow crew and telling them they're doing a good job :)
I know a lot of people on twitter are doing things like tweeting @ other networks like @ PrimeVideo, FX, etc and products to gain visibility (the astroglide thing yesterday was crazy, but did work in getting a lot of visibility from a lot of places).
I hope that answers your question and helps a bit-- I obviously can't say if we have a real shot, but I can say the effort has been so immense that we're starting to see responses in cast, crew, and sponsors that seem to indicate interest. I have faith in this crew! Thanks for the ask! Sending Love and Renewal Vibes!
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andizrmie · 1 year
Cancel Culture
As a fan, the Air Mail report both broke my heart and gave me hope. As a writer who is desperate for cancel culture and the treatment of public figures to change, it was enlightening and inspired me to write this piece.
I wanted to share my thoughts on cancel culture and Armie. If you haven't read the Air Mail article, encourage you to.
Discussion is encouraged, rude comments are not. EGBA
We hold people, both people in the public eye and in interpersonal relations to standards that are unattainable and unrealistic. People make mistakes. That is a fact. Cancel culture leaves no room for growth and learning from mistakes. Cancel culture dismisses the original issue without addressing it and moves forward.
While accountability is important, cancel culture takes away valuable lessons and how individuals can grow and change. Accountability can exist without cancel culture. We live in a time where most information is easily accessible and documented via the internet. Everyone has made a mistake in their life and will continue to do so, that is a very human thing. By that logic, everything is seemingly public. We are not perfect and placing people up on this pedestal only for them to fall is not only cruel but clearly not working. It is unfair that we get to pick apart public figures' lives and act as if they are not real people. Not to mention we do not know every aspect of a person’s life just because they are a public figure. This also applies to our friends, partners, family, etc.
By enforcing a culture that is unforgiving and cruel, we are leaving no room for growth, accountability, and rehabilitation. Constantly moving forward without addressing the reason for cancellation does nothing to help the issue and deprives us of opportunities to educate others. We can learn from others' mistakes and by denying this, we are doomed to repeat them. We cannot expect people to know things they were never taught. We cannot expect people to be squeaky clean 100% of the time.
This is part of a larger issue of how we as a society treat people. With sharing your life on the internet, boundaries can become unclear and uncomfortable to set. However boundaries are important, and this applies to everyone including people in the public eye. No one owes you their life story, no one owes you perfection in order for you to not write them off. Who you interact with, look up to, and watch in media is your decision, but that does not give you the right to dissect their entire life. Entertainers are in front of us for entertainment while they’re performing. Their lives are not and shouldn’t be our entertainment.
And now specifically talking about Armie
Firstly, I support Armie.
I stand with Armie.
He did not owe us information about his trauma and pain. He decided to open up about that publicly. I don’t know Armie personally, but I can imagine that wouldn’t have been an easy thing to do. I admire his ability to open up about his suffering. I do not condone all of Armie’s actions. That said, I don’t need to. You can love and support someone without worshiping everything they do. Armie is a person, he has made mistakes, and he is taking accountability for those mistakes. I am glad he’s doing better now and has grown from his pain.
I wish him all the best. I am truly hoping for his rehabilitation. I admire Armie’s passion for acting and will definitely continue to support him in whatever direction he chooses to go in, whether that be acting or not. Some people do have Armie’s back and I hope that they speak loud and clearly. I’m thankful for Howard Rosenman and his support of Armie. I’m thankful for Luca saying he wants to work with Armie again. He may not receive the support of Hollywood but I am hopeful that Armie will have support to return to acting in smaller movies if he chooses to. Most of all, I hope he finds happiness and enjoys his life.
It can get dark sometimes, but even in the darkest times you can find love and support and I hope Armie knows how loved and supported he is.
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nothingunrealistic · 2 years
Paramount Global top executive David Nevins told a U.K. TV industry event on Thursday that he is interested to see what writers have to say about the Supreme Court’s overturning of abortion rights and revealed an upcoming Showtime documentary about comedian Louis CK and his return after a sexual harassment scandal.
He also said that amid the war in Ukraine Billions will have “very interesting things to say” about Russian oligarchs in London given the show “has a particular angle on it.”
found this article via damianista of fanfunwithdamianlewis, who spoke with damian lewis and asked, among other things, if he’d return to billions (which he didn’t answer directly), and had this to say about it:
And only a few days after I chat with Damian, Hollywood Reporter reports that David Nevins, the top executive of Paramount Global, has revealed at Edinburgh TV Festival that Billions Season 7 has interesting things to say about the Russian oligarchs in London given the show “has a particular angle on it.” Huh?!?!?! Now, does this mean there will be some filming in London? I mean… we all know who lives in London! So I am more confused than ever now! Brian Koppelman tweeted that they are writing Season 7 and will start filming at the end of October so I guess we will have to wait and see what happens!
filming in london could mean that damian’s involved… and i suspect that billions having something more to say about russian oligarchs means we’ll see the return of grigor, with or without axe
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melfranco · 1 month
#MeToo and Representations of Power
The #MeToo movement originated in 2006 when activist Tarana Burke first coined the phrase "Me Too" to raise awareness about sexual assault and harassment, particularly in marginalized communities. However, it gained widespread recognition and momentum in October 2017 when allegations against Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein surfaced. Actress Alyssa Milano's tweet encouraging survivors to share their stories using the hashtag #MeToo sparked a global movement, with countless individuals sharing their experiences on social media. Since then, #MeToo has had a profound impact on society, raising awareness about the prevalence of sexual misconduct and empowering survivors to speak out. It has prompted policy reforms, legal changes, and cultural shifts, challenging long-standing norms and stereotypes surrounding sexual harassment and assault. The movement has also held powerful individuals and institutions accountable for their actions, leading to the downfall of perpetrators and fostering support networks for survivors. Overall, #MeToo has catalyzed significant social change, reshaping the conversation around sexual violence and advocating for a more inclusive and equitable future.
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The #MeToo movement continues to chart a course towards advocating for survivors' rights and challenging societal norms around sexual harassment and assault. With a focus on intersectionality, the movement aims to amplify the voices of marginalized communities and address the unique challenges they face. Policy and legal reforms remain a priority, as #MeToo seeks to strengthen workplace protections, improve reporting mechanisms, and ensure survivors have access to resources and support. Culturally, the movement continues to prompt shifts in attitudes towards sexual misconduct, promoting consent education, and challenging toxic masculinity. As #MeToo expands its global reach, it advocates for change on an international scale, fostering solidarity among survivors worldwide and working towards a more inclusive and equitable future. Overall, the #MeToo movement remains a powerful force for social change, striving to create a world free from sexual harassment and assault.
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Several celebrities have played key roles in expanding awareness of the #MeToo hashtag and driving action to address sexual harassment and assault. Actress Alyssa Milano's tweet encouraging survivors to share their stories using #MeToo in October 2017 helped ignite the movement, leading to a flood of testimonies from survivors around the world. Additionally, high-profile allegations against influential figures such as Harvey Weinstein, Kevin Spacey, and Bill Cosby brought widespread attention to the issue and spurred public discourse on the prevalence of sexual misconduct in various industries. In addition to Alyssa Milano, celebrities like Gabrielle Union and Lady Gaga have played pivotal roles in expanding awareness of the #MeToo movement and driving action to address sexual harassment and assault. Gabrielle Union has been vocal about her own experiences with sexual misconduct in Hollywood, speaking out against workplace harassment and advocating for survivors' rights. Lady Gaga, known for her activism and advocacy work, has used her platform to support survivors and raise awareness about sexual violence, including delivering powerful speeches at events like the Oscars and the Women's March.
Since the #MeToo movement began, significant changes have occurred in imbalanced power structures, as highlighted in the Forbes article "The #MeToo Movement Six Years Later: What's Changed and What's Next." Perpetrators of sexual harassment and assault, particularly those in positions of power, are facing increased accountability, with many experiencing professional repercussions such as resignations and legal actions. Additionally, empowered by #MeToo, survivors are speaking out more than ever before, challenging perpetrators and reclaiming agency in their narratives. This cultural shift, as reported by Forbes, has prompted organizations to implement new policies and training programs aimed at preventing misconduct and fostering safer environments. Overall, the #MeToo movement, as depicted in the Forbes article, has spurred accountability, empowered survivors, and raised awareness, leading to tangible changes in power dynamics.
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These revelations prompted significant actions, including the resignation or removal of perpetrators from positions of power, the implementation of new policies and training programs to prevent harassment, and the launch of advocacy campaigns to support survivors and promote systemic change.
A gender-balanced world to me would be one where individuals are valued, treated, and paid equally regardless of their gender. Opportunities for education, employment, and leadship would be available to everyone. Gender stereotypes would be dismantled and people would be able to express themselves fully without fear.
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I think that people that are willing to speak out are the ones rebalancing media representation among the #MeToo era. A film that I loved and that immediately stuck out to me was SHE SAID based on the book of the same name by Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey. The film chronicles the investigative journalism that exposed Harvey Weinstein's history of sexual harassment and assault, which catapulted the movement. Bringing this story to screen amplifies the voices of survivors and sheds light on the systemic issues of harassment and abuse in many industries. This film certainly sparks important conversations about consent, power dynamics, and accountability.
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playermagic23 · 4 months
Box Office 2023: Punjabi films grossed Rs. 235 crores, Marathi films grossed Rs. 201 crores, Bengali films grossed Rs. 66 crores in 2023
Of late, Bollywood Hungama has reported on the box-office performance of Bollywood, Hollywood, Tamil, Telugu, and Kannada cinema in 2023. In this article, we shall discuss the box-office figures of Punjabi, Marathi and Bengali films in the domestic market.
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Punjabi films had a historic 2019 as collections went up to Rs. 249 crores, the highest ever. In 2020, the figure was a mere Rs. 19 crores while it was Rs. 91 crores in 2021. 2022 was a bit disappointing as the total collections were Rs. 147 crores.
2023 figures were the second best of all time as it jumped to Rs. 235 crores. It is lesser than the 2019 numbers but the signs of improvement are there. The footfalls also grew from 1.50 crores in 2022 to 2.3 crores in 2023, which is almost at par with 2017 levels (2.3 crores). The biggest hit of the year, Carry On Jatta 3, was also the biggest Punjabi hit ever, collecting Rs. 54 crores gross. This was followed by Mastaney (Rs. 33 crores) and Kali Jotta (Rs. 21 crores).
The Marathi box-office performance, meanwhile, was underwhelming. It went on a record high of Rs. 268 crores in 2022. But the figure reduced to Rs. 201 crores in 2023. Footfalls are also down from 2.60 crores in 2022 to 2 crores in 2023.
2023 saw Marathi cinema delivering Baipan Bhari Deva, which exceeded all expectations. Backed by Jio Studios, this woman-centric film collected Rs. 92 crores gross in cinemas. It is also the second-biggest Marathi grosser of all time. Sadly, this was the only major blockbuster of the year. The second biggest grosser, Subhedar, collected Rs. 18 cores. Jhimma 2 collected as much as the first part - Rs. 14 crores. It suffered from mixed word of mouth and if the reports were encouraging, it had the potential to cross the Rs. 20 crores mark. What's unfortunate is that a film like Vaalvi got all-round acclaim and yet, it didn't even cross the Rs. 10 crores mark.
The Bengali industry similarly saw a drop in collections - from Rs. 77 crores in 2022 to Rs. 66 crores in 2023. While the footfalls were 70 lakhs in 2022, it was 60 lakhs a year later. Chengiz, the Eid release which was also the first Bengali film to release in Hindi, was the biggest hit of 2023 followed by Raktabeej and Dawshom Awbotaar.
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jhapalitimes · 1 year
Travis Scott Escapes Criminal Charges in Astroworld Tragedy, Investigation Concludes
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Travis Scott Escapes Criminal Charges for Deadly Astroworld Festival: Houston Grand Jury Decision In a recent development, Travis Scott has been cleared of criminal charges in connection with the tragic Astroworld festival. A Houston grand jury made this decision on Thursday, relating to the incident that occurred in November 2021. During the festival, a crowd crush resulted in the loss of ten lives and left hundreds injured as eager fans surged toward the stage for the rapper's performance. Despite the declaration of a mass casualty event at 9:38 p.m., the concert continued until 10:15 p.m. Earlier reports had confirmed that all ten victims, including a 9-year-old, succumbed to compression asphyxia caused by the immense pressure exerted by the surrounding crowd. The festival hosted an estimated 50,000 attendees, which was below the maximum capacity of 200,000 specified by the Houston fire code. Notably, Travis Scott served as both a headliner and a promoter for Astroworld, alongside Live Nation and ScoreMore. While criminal charges have been ruled out for Scott, all three entities still face multiple civil lawsuits alleging negligence, wrongful death, and other offenses. During a press conference, Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg emphasized their responsibility to determine if any criminal activity was involved in this "disastrous, horrific event." When faced with such incidents where the presence of a crime is uncertain, the customary practice is to present the cases before grand juries, as stated by Ogg. Houston Police Chief Troy Finner revealed that his office will release a comprehensive report detailing the findings of their extensive investigation. Acknowledging the complexity of the case, Finner highlighted the importance of providing the report, which spans almost 1,200 pages, to the public. He expressed heartfelt sympathy for the families who have patiently awaited answers for over a year and seven months. In response to the grand jury's decision, a representative for Travis Scott stated, "My client Travis Scott will not be charged with criminal charges or any wrongdoing for his involvement with AstroWorld festival." They asserted that this outcome confirms their belief that Scott is not responsible for the tragic events at Astroworld. The representative also highlighted Scott's efforts to halt the show on three separate occasions and his unawareness of the unfolding events. With this chapter now closed, they expressed hope that the government's focus will shift towards preventing future heartbreaking tragedies like Astroworld. The Times received a statement from a spokesperson representing Kherker Garcia, a Houston-based firm handling civil lawsuits on behalf of numerous Astroworld attendees. Expressing disappointment in the absence of criminal charges against Travis Scott, they affirmed their commitment to pursuing justice on behalf of the hundreds of injury victims. Their objective is to ensure that the responsible parties are held accountable. In March, Travis Scott made his first festival appearance since Astroworld at the Rolling Loud festival held in Inglewood's Hollywood Park. Despite stopping short of encouraging wild behavior among the crowd, Scott appeared content to reclaim his position as the "king of the pit," as noted by The Times' Mikael Wood. The performance, although brief, effectively showcased the resilience of his brand, undeterred by controversy. Read the full article
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learnasl · 1 year
Utilize Media's Representation of the Deaf Pop Culture to Learn ASL
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An easy method to learn ASL (American Sign Language) is as simple as observing Deaf personas utilize signs in movies, video clips, and television shows. Recently Deaf representation in Hollywood has expanded. Positive change has taken place in the way Deaf individuals are depicted on the screen. From light-hearted TV comedies to serious movie dramas, the Deaf community’s representation has become much more refined, accurate, and inclusive.
Positive Instances of ASL Use in the Media
Academy Award-winning movie "CODA"
CODA is among several recent movies to feature the usage of sign language. The movie includes the same volume of scenes in ASL as with spoken English. Within the article on the Today Show web site, reporter Meghan Holohan stated, “CODA has certainly sparked conversations in the Deaf community. Audiences loved the movie, and many appreciate that Deaf actors play all the Deaf characters.”
Switched at Birth The Television program "Switched at Birth" highlights ASL. These types of show increasingly bring in audiences to sign language at the same time gaining deaf awareness, with many therefore opting to learn ASL.
Paul McCartney's “My Valentine” With more than 2.5 million audiences, music videos presenting ASL, like “My Valentine” clearly reveal popular taste. In the “My Valentine” video, 2 lovers convey emotions by signing to one another. The video casts Oscar winner Natalie Portman and Johnny Depp emoting intensely while utilizing sign language to perform the song’s lyrics.
Lauren Ridloff, a Deaf actress, accomplished a historic milestone within the Marvel Cinematic Universe by playing the very first major Deaf character in the movie "Eternals." Makkari quickly became a fan favorite and developed some real-world service for ASL together with the Deaf community at the same time. With regards to the language-learning company Preply, a 250% rise in online inquiries about learning sign language took place after the Eternals debut.
Besides CODA and Eternals, other films which feature Deaf actors utilizing ASL are A Quiet Place 2, Hawkeye and Sound of Metal.
Each videos stated above benefit Deaf representation in Hollywood as these productions hired Deaf performers and professionals. This approach may lead to normalization of deafness, having more jobs for the Deaf, and motivating a lot more hearing people to learn ASL.
Favorable Deaf representations in pop culture can help to develop a more significant understanding of the Deaf experience. Witnessing accurate portrayals of Deaf people on television as well as in cinemas and videos helps reduce stereotypes. Furthermore, it really encourages audiences to think more deeply regarding issues of diversity and inclusivity.
Moreover, more exceptional Deaf representation in popular culture can provide role models for younger generations of Deaf people. It can also inspire them to pursue their aspirations. As increasing numbers of stories showcasing Deaf characters are produced for television and films, the public will come to understand the Deaf experience a lot better. And this, subsequently, can result in greater acceptance and inclusivity by mainstream modern society.
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The forces of the natural world remain in ultimate charge. The air, water, sunlight, soil and plants on which we rely are the ultimate sources of our health and will remain so.  Yet governments ignore natural products and natural processes, such as natural immunity, and aggressively push Big Pharma products.  Why?
Medical systems around the world have become monolithic structures dominated by the wide reach of pharmaceutical company money and involves a carefully curated web of mutual interest. Corporate media in the internet age relies on new sources of funding which include incentives designed to influence content. Media funding comes from corporate bodies, including pharmaceutical companies, and government support. Governments rely on the support of corporate media to get elected. The income of medical professionals relies on big pharma incentives and government funding. And governments feel obliged to support the commercial requirements of investors in biotech and big pharma. They are all looking towards each other but away from the obvious truth.
What should a real preventive health system look like?
By Dr. Guy Hatchard
A report in The Sunday Times newspaper entitled ‘Moderna to build £150m vaccine centre in UK after NHS deal’ records the misplaced enthusiasm of UK Health Secretary Steve Barclay for a failed system:
The deal follows lobbying by the pharmaceutical industry to avoid a levy on their revenues instituted to control NHS spending on drugs. The sector has warned that the voluntary scheme for branded medicines pricing and access could deter companies from investing in the UK. Accordingly, the Moderna deal includes a “guaranteed purchase clause.”
In other words, the Moderna deal appears to guarantee that the UK government will buy future Moderna mRNA vaccines come what may. It will also bypass regulations designed to control the excessive profits of pharmaceutical companies. The deal is expected to be followed by another with BioNTech (a partner of Pfizer). 
The article makes no mention of the excessive rate of adverse effects and fatalities associated with Moderna and Pfizer vaccines. It is as if the UK government has determined these high rates of medical injury are acceptable and will have to continue regardless—a blank cheque for risky biotechnology medicine.
This is not an isolated incident. Drugs with high rates of side effects are gaining not only approval but positive encouragement from governments and/or the media. An article in the New York Post ‘Hollywood weight-loss drugs could trigger deadly side effect, researchers claim’ reports a new study of approved weight loss drugs Ozempic and Wegovy used to treat clinical obesity and type 2 diabetes.
According to the study entitled ‘A potentially serious adverse effect of GLP-1 receptor agonists’: 
The study monitored disturbing restrictive changes in the intestinal structure of rats taking the drugs. The authors concluded:
In recent months, injections of the weight-loss drug have been taking over Hollywood, as many stars have admitted to taking it at one point or another, including comedian Chelsea Handler, who claimed that she “didn’t know” she was taking Ozempic. She alleged that her doctor just “hands it out” to anyone.
Confirming the laissez-faire about adverse effects, independent medical experts (???) consulted by the New York Post offered the reassuring opinion “the medication should be safe for most.” In other words, casualties are inevitable but apparently unimportant in the push to roll out new profitable drugs which might help you look like a slim Hollywood star (in a coffin).
I can’t help but think of the recent tragic earthquake in southern Turkey. Some of the buildings that collapsed were very modern and designed to withstand shocks. Reportedly in a number of buildings, columns essential to structural integrity had been illegally removed to create large open spaces for retail and other projects. The foundations should never have been tampered with. Those doing so, had no knowledge of structural engineering and the implications for building stability, just as our politicians have no knowledge of biotechnology safety or scope.
Genetic structure and its expressed biochemistry form the essential foundational basis of our enormously complex physiological system. Yet modern medicine has come to be reframed in terms of tinkering with these foundational genetic principles, seemingly unconcerned that this is known in documented cases to lead to mutagenic physiological instability – total system collapse which is all too often fatal.
As researchers look deeper into physiology, biochemistry and genetics, they seem to have missed the point that there are actually very effective safe simple natural strategies to prevent or alleviate a wide range of illnesses. Strategies which don’t cost a lot and can be rolled out through public education offered through the mass media, doctor’s surgeries, and classrooms, as well as legislative and taxation options such as those used to control smoking and excessive alcohol consumption. 
I have discussed many of these issues and offered solutions in my book ‘Your DNA Diet’. Ultra-processed foods are unhealthy, fresh foods are incredibly beneficial. The same is true of a sedentary lifestyle versus regular exercise. Sufficient rest, routine, a lighter natural diet with more variety, enough fluids … The list might appear to be a long one but very easy to follow once a few essential principles are grasped. No great expertise is required on the part of individuals, but if the government remains intent on pushing pharmaceutical magic bullets as the gold standard of prevention, little progress will be made among the general public.
There is a tendency among the public to lump all medical endeavours together under the “miracle” banner. However, safety and effectiveness are not uniform. Heart surgery, transplants, and hip replacements for example are truly miraculous surgical fixes for conditions that in bygone days were automatic death sentences. But remember that more than 50% of the population now suffer from chronic health conditions for which there is no pharmaceutical cure, merely palliative pain relief and all the addictive problems this entails (well-illustrated by the opioid addiction epidemic). Many of these problems such as diabetes and other inflammatory illnesses are known to be effectively addressed by natural options. Options that do not figure in current professional medical education.
The potential profits involved in biotech medicine are mouth-watering for big pharma. The government seems to have swallowed the bitter pill on offer. They are gladly handing over billions for overhyped biotech research when the early research outcomes haven’t worked and aren’t safe. We have been guinea pigs in a failed experiment. In fact, even just doing nothing might have produced a better pandemic outcome for the government. NBC News reports a study has found “immunity acquired from a covid infection is as protective as vaccination against severe illness and death.”
Let us just replay that: trillions of dollars have been spent and lost globally (estimates vary up to $114 trillion, more than the world’s total annual GDP), money that you and I will struggle to repay for decades in increased taxes and a reduced standard of living. After millions of lives lost, we might have been better off trusting our natural immunity to pull us through, along with a few simple lifestyle and dietary adjustments. Just remember that the New Zealand government officially labelled “natural immunity” a conspiracy theory (yes, they did). Idiots.
Historically New Zealand has been a leader in public health provision. The 1938 Social Security Act provided government-funded healthcare for all, ten years ahead of the formation of the NHS in the UK. But whether there is funded public health provision or not, medical systems around the world have become monolithic structures dominated by the wide reach of pharmaceutical company dollars. The profit-orientated structure of healthcare and regulation has dictated that this is the case everywhere. Governments could have distanced themselves, but they have chosen not to do so and instead fallen into the trap. As is the case with the latest Moderna UK deal, clever lobbying and financial arrangements have placed blinkers on health policy (the US version of the UK deal: NIAID funds gain of function research at Wuhan, Moderna rewards NIAID with $400 million).
This involves a carefully curated web of mutual interest. Pharmaceutical interests have been controlling these since the start of government-funded healthcare and large-scale integrated health systems such as those in the USA. Media in the internet age relies on new sources of funding which include incentives designed to influence content. These can come from corporate bodies including pharmaceutical companies. They can also come in the form of direct government support as happened in New Zealand and elsewhere. Governments rely on the support of the media to get elected. The income of medical professionals relies on big pharma incentives and government funding. Finally, governments feel obliged to support the commercial imperatives of investors in biotech and big pharma. They are all looking towards each other but away from the obvious truth.
There is no doubt that the term “blinkered” is the right descriptor to use. Blinkers that now only allow for a biotech road ahead, a cul de sac which inevitably ends with the destruction of health. Moreover, the commercial arrangements that have come to dominate healthcare are self-destructive on an industrial scale. The casualties are starting to mount beyond millions and growing. The instigators are systematically destroying their own interests and their own health. Every day we read reports of sudden and unexpected death among all ages, but the government and media maintain near-total silence about the causes. At this stage, the end result is not in doubt.
How we face this future might be up to us, but the window allowing medical choice is being firmly closed. The practices involved are monopolistic, the pandemic has brought us face-to-face with legislation and international agreements designed to restrict or outlaw alternative approaches and even punish those exercising the right to choose. These are particularly the result of efforts by the pharmaceutical industry to control regulatory structures at the International Coalition of Medicines Regulatory Authorities (“ICMRA”) and the World Health Organisation. The consequent loss of national sovereignty has involved the ultimate betrayal of the duty of care that governments owe to their people. By this very act, politicians have lost their legitimacy and any moral right to dictate healthcare funding and policy. Governments, health czars, and the media have failed to protect us. 
Negotiating this minefield is complex and challenging, we have to step back and look at the big picture in a way that governments seem unable to comprehend. The forces of the natural world remain in ultimate charge. The air, water, sunlight, soil and plants on which we rely are the ultimate sources of our health and will remain so. They need to be honoured and utilised. It will take all of our intelligence to continue to do so, but ultimately there is no other way.
About the Author
Guy Hatchard, PhD, was formerly a senior manager at Genetic ID a global food testing and safety company (now known as FoodChain ID). You can subscribe to his websites HatchardReport.com and GLOBE.GLOBAL for regular updates by email. GLOBE.GLOBAL is a website dedicated to providing information about the dangers of biotechnology.
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