#thanks mihoyo (derogatory)
anominous-user · 1 year
which valk will you get in 6.4 and which equipments? i'm sooo torn between brand new valk vs support gear like cezanne >_<
you know anon. i said in a previous ask that i would be pulling for hofin and hoo gears but after looking at these recent beta changes to both battlesuits im reluctant to even roll for either of them (i know that hoo has the special supply but wow her performance is...ehhh, expected of a free valk but idk man its still disappointing seeing her nerfed to only be useful in the trio team. maybe v3 or on release itll change but im not holding my hopes up. shes only gonna be useful as an img dps for me but. thats it.)
and i was REALLY hoping for mobius to be on the cny expa select but. well. shes Not. so to say my plans have been kind of fumbled wouldnt be wrong. hope she still shows up at some point.
(i still want to get that hof card from the spending event shop, so i HAVE to pull on something. the question is: what exactly. ill have around 170-190 pulls by the end of the spending event (which excludes the cards from the hoo special suply) and looking at the expa rounds...i might just pull either sushang or hof gears. maybe ill even get hotr and her gears. not 100% sure yet.)
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animeniac-writings · 3 years
Asses of Teyvart part 2
Fuck It Let's Finish This . Mihoyo may be a coward but I am not
Game: Genshin Impact
Albedo: Soft and very grabbable, hidden under that coat is something you can't help but knead every opportunity.
Baizhu: For someone who hardly leaves the pharmacy his ass is a plump and sweet little thing that the snake always calls you out as a pervert for.
Xiao: The firmest little bubble butt that you cannot get enough of, you could bounce a coin off him and say thank you for the spear against your throat. Mesmerizing.
Lisa: Her ass is toned from all the squats she does for chasing down overdue books.
Jean: Very nice ass, plump but still small, bubble-like
La Signora: Hourglass with extra plump but will kill you with her thighs before you get that far.
Beidou: Very toned and she will smother you.
Ningguang: Thicc as her thighs and pretends she doesn't perfect her outfits to always accentuate it. She is fooling no one but you sure as hell aren't complaining about it.
Rosaria: She has a small ass but very toned from stepping on everyone, regularly talks toning techniques with Kaeya and will give each other either appreciative or derogatory comments.
Eula: For all her training she has a flat ass that will not change and swore vengeance on every mirror that reminds her off it.
Yanfei: Very small and nice, not quite bubble but has definitely had you try bouncing a coin off her.
Ganyu: She has cake, thicc and so soft that makes you weaker by the minute.
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dandelion-wings · 3 years
I really think mihoyo plans (insofar as they plan anything) to have kaeya be royalty-adjacent or something, but I love your headcanons that he was just a random smart frail kid with a father who wanted to protect him. superior writing.
Thanks! TBH, while that may be where they go eventually, I'm going to keep hoping it's not until proven wrong, because if he's royalty it entirely changes how I feel about his character! I have strong feelings about the feudal social contract, which is to say, if he's royalty, I can only respect him staying loyal to Khaenri'ah, because royalty has duties. While if he's some random kid, I'm a lot more sympathetic to the split loyalties. (It's a rich vein to explore in writing either way, but at the moment in my head he's "traitor (affectionate)," while if he's royal it becomes "traitor (derogatory)," and that reflavors how I approach everything.) Hence clinging to my headcanons until miHoYo pries them from my hands. XD
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