#thanks for trusting me with this rant asdfdas i wont be posting this in the main tag
caelumsnuff · 2 years
Fair warning: long rant-y post.
I think you’re the account that mentioned people favoring the “good” characters over the “bad” characters, and I put those descriptors in quotes because I really don’t think characters are as black-and-white as good and bad. I mean, case in point, David, he was a complete asshole in the beginning of his storyline, but even at that time, people still saw him as a “good” guy. Regardless, I just wanted get this off my chest because it almost feels like I can’t within the fandom. I feel as though people here have unified to push this sense of unfair character superiority. 
I completely understand liking characters over others, but to take offense to the differing opinions of others is a bit derisible. Especially because there is very clear approbation (sometimes a little undeserved, in my opinion) for the typical comfort characters, while the storylines with real angst and a more gripping plot are seen as lesser than. For example, I posted a tier-list a while back, after which multiple people messaged me telling me that I was “bold” for posting such a thing. Or even some people hinting at my moral standards because I put Kody, Vega, Adam, and some inversion characters above or in the same as characters like Geordi, Asher, and Lasko. And while, yes, some of those people were joking, I know that others weren’t. I had to go as far as to state clearly that I wasn’t comparing and ranking morale, I was ranking my interest in the storylines. 
It’s not that I’m annoyed at people for liking the more traditional comfort characters, this world is a shitty place and I would be lying if I said that I didn’t seek solace in Redacted myself, but nobody should be berated or criticized for expressing interest in an antagonistic character because you don’t particularly enjoy that character. Or because you don’t find easement as a result of listening to that character.
I also understand that the love for a particular relationship may very well come from a place of empathy for the listener or character or both. A point that I’m making is that not every character has to be resonated with in order to still be deemed like-able or listenable. Going back to the whole respect-other-people’s-opinions thing that we’re all taught as children. 
P.S. I think you have a really good take on allegory used within the Redactedverse.
Hi! So no problem with the length askdkffads, noticing a lot of people apologize for that, but i genuinely appreciate them so thank you.
I looked through my posts to make sure i knew what post youre referring to, and there was one i made a while back (that didn't go in the main tag) about most people ranking the characters that were "bad" in the lower tiers where as all the "good" characters got put higher and how i was judging them. I didn't really clarify why i had this opinion or why i was judging them, so i think i'll do so now asdfada. When i specified "bad" over "good" characters, i definitely meant in a narrative sense. Antagonists vs protagonists, characters that are favored by the narrative and framed as "good" guys, vs characters who are not. And when i talk about grey characters, i am talking about both characters who have a grey personality, grey actions (mix of good and bad or just complex), or are not exactly painted as good or bad in a narrative sense.
I feel like in this fandom, there is a remarkable lack of critical thinking while consuming the content. Not critical thinking as in "being critical of," but critical thinking as in just analyzing the media and making decisions and conclusions for oneself. I agree with you, people are pushing the superiority of some characters over others. Its odd to me that such a large portion of the fandom seems to hate characters that are "bad", especially considering how many of them are interesting, suave, or charming (at least in my opinion). I think they’re letting the story just tell them which characters you should like and which you shouldn’t. It really seems like a lot of people are deciding that because these characters are "bad" that you can't like/enjoy them without displaying some sort of personal moral short-coming. It's an opinion about how reality and fiction interact that im very much not a fan of, no one should have to explain that liking a villian doesn't mean you condone their actions. Most of us are adults, we should just know this by now.
It is also strange to me that because the "good" characters are "good", people often ignore their downfalls as characters. It wasn't until very very recently that i started to see people actually talk about how much of an asshole David was in the beginning of his story. Not that i think having flaws or previously being an asshole makes a character grey or bad, but its just odd that the same people who berate others for liking antagonists also choose to not acknowledge these faults in their “good” favs.
I understand why so many people favor the typical comfort characters, they exist primarily for the audience's comfort. I would also be lying if i said i didn't find comfort in many of these kinds of characters on his channel, but I think we should respect the opinions of others, and their like and dislike for characters whose actions you don't agree with.
I’m sorry that people berated you over your love for some of these characters. If we want to love Regulus, or Vega, or Adam, then we should be able to without others questioning our own morals.
Also thank you, im glad you think im based asdkfas
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