#thank you to the mod creator that finally did what needed to be done
fizzytoo · 6 months
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playing around w new hairs again :D
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f1blrcreatorsfest · 9 months
fest credits & acknowledgements;
an author’s note by yours truly, ames ivettel <3
"oh, wow..." was pretty much all i could say as i scrolled through the f1blrcreatorsfest23 tag on the evening of august 1st. i was in a hotel room with some of my best friends in the world, all of us piled on a single bed, my laptop balanced precariously in the air as i passed around tumblr posts like a blunt, and already, i was floored by the initial response to the fest. little did i know that my mind would continue to be blown.
not to ruin the illusion, but going into the month, i was so stressed and scared that things wouldn’t happen—literally, the day the festival launched, we were still doing prep work. fio and i had committed to a morning of Getting Life Shit Done, and while she did more important stuff, i was on after effects finishing up the launch post and rushing through the caption (and bothering her 💀). i hit post and went to touch grass, already kind of having given up on things going smoothly… and i came back to the best chaos i’ve ever seen, along with the feeling that i was completely out of my depth.
honestly, if i’d run this behemoth of an event completely by myself, i’m sure it would have flopped early. not for lack of trying, mind, but simply because running a community festival is a team game at heart; you need input from others if you want to make something big for others!
so, with that said, i’d love to give credit where credit is due. i hope you’ll join me in giving a standing ovation to these stellar individuals!
first and foremost, a massive shoutout to barbi @brawn-gp for kickstarting the idea in the first place: a racing sideblog that prompts community challenges for motorsportblr. the very foundation this fest is laid on is because of you! thank you also for running the queue for most of the month and being so meticulous with the tagging system—our blog would not be here without you!
next, thank you to kyle @princemick and riel @azrphales for your work doing posters and being active members of the exec team! as i tried to chase people down to vote on big decisions, your quick input was a sigh of relief—a sign that others wanted this fest to happen just as badly. your promo work was literally invaluable in getting this to take off and stay strong. thank you both for your work post-launch (additional planning + sideblog modding)! a special thank you to kyle for being so active in the discord server and supporting our participants, also for participating so much in the fest itself <3
another big thank you to garnet @garnetaldebaran! your suggestions were incredibly insightful and thoughtful while trying to create the fest’s schedule and events. you really came through with the organization of our first sprint, which proved so helpful when organizing the second and third. and the creations you made for the fest on top of it all? absolutely gorgeous!
to nico @userscuderia and fio @maranello, thank you for lighting the inspirational fire we needed to get ideas flowing on what we could do in addition to weekly themes! the very concept of our sprint challenges, our silly f1-themed guidelines, and our motivation for most of july are thanks to you!
finally: nami @boyfrombarbados, emma @dannysricciardo, and ginevra @leclerqued, thanks for rolling with the changes to the video editing server / joining the pitwall on the fly! your comments were great and helped us define how we wanted to shape our fest identity.
i set out, initially, to try and change the culture around f1blr—to show noncreators that there is so much talent that exists in the fanbase, and that to keep us going, pretty much all we ask for are reblogs. maybe even a nice comment or two! it’s been made pretty clear, however, that the lack of interaction and interest in supporting creators stretches far, far beyond our reach.
that said, not all hope is lost! if this fest has done anything, i think it’s encouraged people to try new things artistically and really push the boundaries of what it means to make a #f1edit. at the end of the day, isn’t that what this is all about? being on the side of art, encouraging creation, fostering support? if we can continue to push ourselves—and really enjoy the act of creating—doesn’t our spirit count for anything? 
so i’ll sign off on this by saying one last thing: stay passionate about the beauty you give to the world. it matters, regardless of the notes, the likes, and the comments; it matters, and most of all, you matter.
thank you, everyone! a gold star for each of you ⭐️
-xo ames
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danpuff-ao3 · 1 year
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Writ, @writcraft, a creator I've long admired! Writer of excellent stories, thinker of excellent thoughts, human of excellent taste! They've written some of my favorite fics, such as How We Were Warriors and The Beating of this Fragile Heart. Oh and not to forget A Lion's Heart! (Not me sneakily sneaking in extra recs for you all.) (As if this list isn't stupidly long to begin with hahaha.) In fairness, I did strive to choose works I think need more attention and hype! Ones I love dearly that I need others to chat with about! Plenty of people know the above fics...it's the below fics I need to scream about!
But before we get there...Well, Writ is more than just a fabulous writer. They've modded many a fest and event over the years. In fact, you can check out their Fanlore page for more information about those! Not to mention their fantastic meta works (which...oh heck I'm gonna add some of those to the list too.) The point is, they've been in fandom for a very long time, and they've done so much for fandom in that time. The community is so important to them, and it shows. They are so dedicated and supportive. Even now, they manage so much in spite of how busy real life has kept them! They still care so deeply and it shows.
Thanks for being here, Writ. Thank you for all that you do for fandom. And for being so kind to me (even if I'm chatting your ear off! 😂)
Broken Promises, Shattered Dreams
Harry/Severus. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,995. Angst. Pining. Post-breakup.
This fic practically lives in an open tab on my phone, so often do I reread it.
Also AO3 keeps telling me I left kudos here, which: rude. Let me leave more!!!!
Draco left Harry and regrets it bitterly. He wants him back, but Harry is now in a relationship with Severus. As much as he wants to, Harry will not be able to make both men happy and someone is going to get hurt.
Dressed for Dinner
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 3,772. Formal wear kink. First time. Established relationship. PWP. Romance.
I did not have a thing for men in tuxedos until now. Hubba hubba!
Harry has a thing for men in tuxedos. Severus finds out.
Dirge Without Music
Albus Severus/Draco. Harry/Draco. Rated: E. Words: 6,029. MCD. Suicide. Dub-con. Knifeplay. Alcholism. Angst. Dark.
Ouch. But also: wow.
Albus is happy because everything seems to be coming together. He is captain of the Quidditch team and his father is getting married again – then one night the bottom falls out of his world. Written for the NextGen Darkfest on Livejournal (2012)
Forget Me Not
Harry/Severus. Draco/Harry. Draco/Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 8,219. PTSD. Threesome. Hurt/comfort.
One cleans, one collects and the other just wants to forget. Somehow, it works.
In the Palm of His Hand
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,969. (Wow what a word count 😉) Hand & finger kink (don't we all?) Glove kink. Getting together. Hot as all hell.
Harry has a thing for Snape’s hands. Snape indulges him.
Independent Love Song
Ginny/Millicent. Rated: E. Words: 6,255. Getting together. Matchmaker Hermione. Coming out. Queer themes.
I'm in love with tailor!Millicent and this does not disappoint.
Millicent Bulstrode is a tailor and Ginny is losing her mind over a woman in a tweed blazer and burgundy brogues.
Life Has Just Begun
Harry/Severus. Rated: E. Words: 6,230. Older characters. Internalized homophobia. Coming out. Romance. Salt and Pepper Fest 2018.
Harry has been carrying the weight of his secret desires for a long time. Severus is there when he’s finally ready to talk.
Stone Butch Blues
Minerva/Wilhelmina. Rated: T. Words: 1,019. Genderfluid character. Gender identity.
Will reminisces with Minerva.
Take Him to the Stars (Cut to the Feeling)
Harry/Scorpius. Rated: E. Words: 9,768. Age difference. Light bondage. Romance.
Scorpius has a thing for older men. For one older man, in particular.
Treading Water
James/Sirius. Rated: M. Words: 1,200. Implied/referenced homophobia. Angst. Closeted character. Ambiguous/open ending.
I’m sorry, Sirius wants to say. I’m sorry that people in this stupid world made you think loving me could only ever be a joke.
Albus Dumbledore: a Man More Sinned Against Than Sinning?
Comparing and Contrasting Snarry vs Drarry
Canon Critique and Creator Responsibility in Fandom
Fandom Platform Migration: Fandom History and Why It Matters
Tags, Warnings and Freedom of Content: On Non-Con, Dub-Con and Consent
Why dark fanworks matter to me
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for an explanation about Mutuals March, or to figure out why i wrote you a thing, please check out this post.
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lcdrarry · 1 year
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LCDrarry 2023 Round-Up Post | Week 3
On Sundays during our posting period, we won't post a new work, instead you have time to catch up on the works that posted during the week and hopefully leave lovely comments for our creators.
Happy reading, commenting and sharing! ;)
~Your LCDrarry Mods
PS: Please have a look at the author notes and tags on AO3 for additional information. Thank you!
PPS: Please share far and wide! Thank you!
Don’t Worry, He’s Got This
Prompt: "Legally Blonde", 2001, Robert Luketic Prompted by: lettersbyelise Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Draco enrolls in a muggle university to prove he’s changed. Harry’s not convinced.
View it now on AO3.
no daylight
Prompt: "Black Sails", 2014, TV Show Prompted by: Sitp-recs Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: After Draco loses his leg saving a crewmate, Harry teaches him how to fight. He's teaching him how to defeat him, too.
View it now on AO3.
History Maker
Prompt: “Yuri on Ice!”, 2016, TV Series/Show Prompted by: quackquackcey Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: He's done it! Harry Potter has caught the snitch, winning the League Cup for the Pride of Portree for the first time in three hundred years! And—what's this? Potter's personal trainer, Draco Malfoy, is running out onto the pitch! And he's—! My goodness, did he just kiss Potter?! -- Screencap redraw of Yuuri & Victor's kiss from episode 7 of Yuri On Ice featuring Harry as Yuuri and Draco as Victor for Lights, Camera, Drarry 2023
View it now on AO3.
When I Close My Eyes
Prompt: "Millennium Actress", 2001, Satoshi Kon Prompted by: omgkatsudonplease Artist: Anonymous Art Medium: Digital Art Rating: General Audiences Warnings: None
Summary: Because I like who I am chasing him." 「だって私、あの人を追いかけてる私が好きなんだもの」
Read and view it now on AO3.
The Breakfast Club
Prompt: "The Breakfast Club", 1985, John Hughes Prompted by: Ladderofyears Author: Anonymous Length: 7,827 words Rating: Teen and up Warnings: None
Summary: Draco Malfoy is forced to endure a Saturday detention with four other students, including the Golden Bad Boy himself, Harry Potter. Over the course of the day, and under the watchful eye of Filch, the seemingly disparate group form a budding alliance and discovers that they have a great deal more in common than they thought. And Draco discovers that sometimes, he can not only get what he needs, but he just might also get what he wants.
Read it now on AO3.
The Rifts that Reveal Us
Prompt: "The Notebook", 2004, Nick Cassvettes Prompted by: ladderofyears Author: Anonymous Word Count: 8,539 words Rating: Explicit Warnings: None
Summary: Harry wrote to him. For 365 days. Today, Draco visits him. But learning why Draco didn't write back is just the beginning.
Read it now on AO3.
A Different Kind Of Attention
Prompt: “Yuri on Ice!”, 2016, TV Series/Show Prompted by: quackquackcey Author: Anonymous Word Count: 10,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: Alcohol Use, Drunkenness, Off-screen Pet Loss
Summary: Last year's Grand Prix Final hadn't been easy for Harry. And France's top skater, Draco Malfoy, hadn't made it any easier. This year, however, Harry is determined. He wants that gold medal! But things don't ever go to plan if it comes to Harry James Potter, do they?
Read it now on AO3.
Deep Dive
Prompt: "Heartstopper", 2022, TV Show Prompted by: edaniels0221 Author: Anonymous Word Count: 13,448 words Rating: General audiences Warnings: None
Summary: When fourteen-year-old Harry Potter returns to Hogwarts for his fourth year, he learns that the school will be hosting the first-ever European Wizarding Student Cup. He is excited for a year of just Quidditch, without Voldemort or any mortal danger. But it doesn’t take long before an unexpected connection with a competitor complicates what was meant to be a worry-free year.
Read it now on AO3.
I Couldn't Love You More
Prompt: "P.S. I Love You", 2007, Richard LaGravenese Author: Anonymous Word Count: 73,706 words Rating: Mature Warnings: MCD, grief, mourning, AU- No Voldemort, drinking alcohol, brain tumor, five stages of grief, dead dove don't eat, sex toys, sad moments, unrequited love (not Draco), Draco shares brief kiss with another man, bars and pubs, Harry is dead before the fic begins, he doesn't come back to life.
Summary: Their plan had been a simple one: to stay together for the rest of their lives. When Harry and Draco met, their attraction was instantaneous. They couldn't be without each other and eloped to marry as soon as they could. They wore each other's clothes. Finished each other's sentences. They were going to be together until they were old and grey. None of their friends could imagine one without the other. But, on Valentine's Day, 2010, Harry died. Draco was left devastated. The only light in the darkness is ten letters that Harry has left, labelled with the remaining months of the year. As the letters are opened, Harry shows Draco that life goes on and that he is much stronger than he ever knew. With a lot of help from his friends. Draco realises that, while his life might be very different from what he'd planned, it can still be special.
Read it now on AO3.
Please help promote the fest by sharing your favourite submissions, so more people can enjoy all the amazing new Drarry works of LCDrarry. Thank you!
Creator reveals are on 15 June.
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tarosin · 3 years
the great adventures of y/n and ranboo
this is an extra part to the great adventures series
summary: part two to the angst imagine (the not so great adventures of y/n tommy tubbo jack and ranboo) it’s a happier ‘ending’ please read what is written in bold
this is an “alternative ending” around 15 years into the future this doesn’t mean this is actually how the series is going to end im writing it now and including it as part of series as their friendship is already established i can confirm y/n and the group are going to have a happy ending when the series eventually comes to an end this also does not mean the series is anywhere near the end i plan on continuing the series as vlogs come out, i feel the need to confirm this now love between y/n and ranboo in this imagine is completely platonic
it had been about a month since you last streamed whereas ranboo continued to stream a few days after the fallout as he wanted to make sure you were going to be okay. even though ranboo knew this huge fallout would eventually happen, it still hurt him, especially since he knew there was no way to prevent it, the four of you in the same house mixed with the stress of being some of the most-watched content creators made living rather difficult. it was like walking on eggshells as you didn’t want to interrupt someone's stream, then there was the additional stress of obsessive fans finding out where the four of you lived, you still remember that day very vividly. you were sat in between tubbo and ranboo watching the office whilst Tommy was in an interview when you received a message from your mod.
Chris: hey y/n I received this message earlier I don’t want to scare you, but maybe get the locks changed. someone sent a message claiming this is your address *image of message from ‘fan’*
it didn’t take long for tubbo and ranboo to receive a message from their mods saying the same thing
“holy shit...”
“chances are Tommy has the message too. we shall go check around the house when Tommy is done with the interview.”
luckily no one ever showed up to the house, but the fact some people were so obsessed to the point they found your address was enough to put everyone in the house on edge. and now it was just you and ranboo in the house. you didn’t feel safe as even though ranboo promised to not let anything happen, you didn’t wanna risk it.
“we should move. there’s no point in having such a big house for two people, what are we going to use the extra space for heh? hide and seek with people who have our address. no thank you. I say we move leave this mess behind and start completely over, hell I’d feel safer in the us and that’s saying something”
ranboo agreed the house didn’t have the happiest memories attached to it anymore, it hurt walking past the hallway as it would bring back the memory of him crying into the crook of y/ns neck whilst tubbo left the house.
“let’s do it, I’ll do an early stream then we can look for houses. go take a shower. I’ll stay close to the door so you’re safe, then you can stay in my room whilst I stream, you can join me if you would like.”
“you’re being very protective all of a sudden...let me guess you got the message from our mods announcing the obsessive fans are at it again?”
“go take a shower.”
ranboo ended up picking you up, carried you to the bathroom and turned the shower on before putting you on your feet.
“quick shower I’ll see you later.”
and with that he left the room shutting the door behind him, 30 minutes later you got changed and followed ranboo to his room ready to join him whilst he streams
“hey boo, can I join you? I kinda wanna get into streaming again.”
“I'm so glad you asked, I was going to do a face cam stream, if that’s okay?”
“of course.”
you grabbed his mask and glasses whilst he locked the door so you were both safe. “here you go.”
“thank you.”
the pair of you started the stream and it was honestly going well, you were having so much fun you forgot about all the negative things currently going on, you began to understand why ranboo continued streaming as for those 2-4 hours of streaming it felt as though everything was back to normal. 3 hours later the two of you ended stream and Twitter went crazy. tweets ranged from fans talking about how ranboo was streaming with you, how Tommy was in chat, and how tubbo was modding as people who mentioned anything about their address being leaked were banned by tubbo. the one thing that caught ranboos eye was fan art and a picture of you both from the stream captioned ‘they’re platonic soulmates your honour’ ranboo went as far to like, retweet and comment on it.
ranaltboo: glad you liked the stream it was great having y/n back, think I might make them play tattletail next stream
definitelynoty/n: isn’t that the Furby game that terrified you in 2021? bring it on boo!
Twitter went crazy over this interaction, you had finally come back to social media after months of being inactive, and it looked like you were here to stay. a month later you and ranboo moved out of the house and sold it to your aunt and her wife and their three adopted children, you explained the situation and even changed the locks for them all before they moved in.
“Please do tell us if anyone shows up who shouldn’t be. we changed the locks as you were aware- oh hello little one.”
you noticed one of their children decided to cling onto your leg
“I like your hair it’s colourful!”
“Indeed it is.”
the little girl let go of your leg and ran to ranboo asking to be picked up, unsure of what to do he looked towards you. however, you were too busy laughing about the fact he was compared to a giant.
“I'm so sorry uh if you want to pick her up you can, you don’t have to.”
“pick me up, tall man... I want to be taller!”
ranboo ended up standing next to you with an arm around your waist whilst the child sat on his shoulders happily playing with his hair.
“ranboo do not drop that child.”
“I didn't- I didn't plan on it y/n.”
eventually, it was time to leave and the child reluctantly let go of ranboo.
“bye-bye!! hope to see you soon!”
soon enough you were at a smaller house, far away from the old house, leaving behind the negative feelings. it could only get better, a week later the pair of you had settled into the new house, it finally felt like home. you and ranboo were now streaming full time again, safe to say the two of you were thriving and closer than ever.
“so I’m thinking if I hit the sub-goal today I’ll let chat pick what colour I dye my hair.”
“make it higher, and I’ll let you cut my hair.”
“Are you being serious? oh my god!”
a few minutes later you took to Twitter to announce you were going live.
y/n: kidnapping children in the sims with ranboo psst check the subgoal.
within 20 minutes you had hit the sub-goal, chat ended up picking another random neon colour for your hair.
“right hair dye and the cutting stream will be this weekend, now let’s go back to kidnapping.”
tubbo, tommy, and jack felt awful for what happened and went back to the house where you used to live, hoping to see you there so they could apologise, tubbo knocked on the door only to be met by a young child.
“my sister watches you on twitch!”
“oh that’s lovely.. are y/n and ranboo here?”
an older woman came to the door.
“oh no, I’m sorry dear they both moved out, but they left this box and said to give it to you if you returned.”
“do you know where they moved to?”
“I'm sorry dear, I'm not allowed to tell you that information for safety reasons.”
“I understand, thanks anyway.”
they ended up going back to jacks where the three of them had been staying.
“We should open the box.”
tubbo opened the box and emptied the items onto the floor, inside was the rocks y/n handed tubbo from every trip, photos of the group, a necklace y/n had gifted to Tommy a day before the argument, and a hat y/n had taken from jack during a trip to a zoo.
“what the fuck!”
“holy shit!”
“they really kept all these in hopes we would come back?”
“and now we’re too late.”
it was now the weekend you and ranboo were ready to stream, you stood leaning on ranboo who was significantly smaller than you as you lowered the chair he sat on.
“starting stream...now.”
after the starting soon intro played, you explained what was happening to any new viewers or people who didn’t watch the stream.
“so I’m about to become Edward Scissorhands...I love that film can we watch it later?”
“yeah mhm sure!”
you didn’t know this but your ex best friends were watching and ever so often would show up in the chat.
“so boo, what are we doing with your hair today?”
“just a trim please darling?”
“This is y/ns hairdressers you get what I’m capable of!”
you ended up doing a pretty good job of cutting ranboos hair, even he was impressed.
“I didn’t doubt you for a minute!”
“mhm sure thing please don’t mess up my hair tall one!”
soon enough you had the dye on. 45 minutes later you left to wash it off, leaving ranboo to entertain stream,
“chat I think I missed some of their hair it’s okay, I own scissors, I’ll just cut it.. speaking of they did a great job, didn't they? I honestly expected them to mess up.”
a few minutes later you joined ranboo again and spent the next few hours talking with chat. tubbo, tommy, and jack stayed the entire time. they loved the fact you and ranboo were able to stay close after what happened, Tommy noticed you were still wearing the necklace he got you many years ago and spammed them chat with him tubbo and jack
jack: so what? they clearly don’t wanna talk to us.
tubbo: shut up listen to them.
“chat why are we spamming platonic soulmates?”
“they’ve been saying it all over Twitter, look on trending y/n.”
you started to blush slightly at all the amazing artwork soon enough the stream came to an end, after saying goodbye the pair of you sat together going through fan art. unfortunately the one that caught your eye was this one twitter post where the artist had created a drawing of a piece of paper with you, ranboo, tommy, tubbo, and jack, however the paper was ripped separating you and ranboo from the others, captioned ‘it was never meant to be’ this clearly upset ranboo as he took off his mask and glasses placing them on the desk before going straight to his bed.
“boo…are you okay?”
“Are you tired of me? are you going to leave next?”
“what? no of course not! I could never get tired of you, why do you ask?”
“everyone else has left..i thought they cared about us, i knew it would happen eventually and i couldn’t stop it, i’m sorry, y/n, please don’t hate me.”
you sat on the edge of the bed looking down at the floor,
“come here.”
you watched him roll over to face you.
“you know there’s no one else who I'd rather spend the rest of my life with, right…if i hated you i wouldn’t have moved house with you. it’s not your job to fix everything and make everything better, you’re a streamer for christ sake not a therapist.”
“i guess so.. can we watch that thing you were on about for ages.”
“edward scissorhands? “
you could tell he wanted to be distracted, so you agreed and put the film on, towards the end you began to get upset due to how overwhelming everything was.
“Why are you crying?”
“poor Edward.”
“come here.”
ranboo pulled you into a hug you laid there crying into his chest, he knew that wasn’t the reason you were crying, but he wasn’t about to make you tell him, luckily it didn’t take long for you to stop crying as ranboo quickly distracted you.
“yeah y/n?”
“I feel bad i didnt realise how much pressure was on you whilst everyone was arguing.”
“Hey, it’s okay, is that what’s upsetting you?”
“don’t blame yourself, i’d do it all over again to keep you safe and happy..then again i didn’t do a good job on keeping you happy.”
“you did..you were always there for me even when i gave up on social media, you shared your room with me after i started receiving creepy messages from that obsessed fan, hell you even went on adventures with me even though it was clear you hadn’t been sleeping, just so we could spend time together and forget about what was happening. you mean a lot to me boo.”
“i love you.”
“i love you too bud, I’m tired.”
“go to sleep, it’s been a long day.”
“you just staying there?”
“oh, oh okay, goodnight.”
about a year later the two of you were still thriving, ranboo got you a promise ring a few months earlier.
“heh what’s this for?”
“as your best friend i promise to stay by your side and keep you safe and make sure that you’re happy, in other words you're stuck with me till the end of time.”
“boo…i really don’t know what to say.. thank you so much!”
“you don’t have to say anything!”
you ended up going out to buy him a promise ring when he started the stream and decided to take your cousins with you now that they were a little older. ranboo was doing a facecam stream when the door slammed open revealing you covering your three younger cousins ranboo not realising you were hiding them from the camera, instinctively stood up covering the camera
“yes you three and y/n ,what do you need?”
“we would like to watch a film!”
“Okay, i’ll go put one on, y/n will you entertain chat?”
“sure thing boo boy!”
once they left you sat fixing your hair forgetting you were wearing the ring chat noticed this and went crazy, so did Tommys group with tubbo and jack.
tubbo: that’s a ring, right??
jack: yeah looks like it.
Tommy: holy shit I always thought if anyone was gonna get married it would be tubbo and y/n, they were inseparable.
tubbo: hilarious.
jack: it could just be a ring, no one mentioned marriage tommy!
Tommy: we should congratulate them.
jack: at least let them explain fucking hell.
soon enough ranboo came back into the room,
“sorry one of them found it hilarious to steal my glasses...”
“they’re little shits i swear to god but i love them.”
you both noticed chat going crazy and both looked at each other before laughing.
“i'm sorry, i can’t take you serious in the mask and glasses!”
“i can’t take you serious with neon hair, but here we are!”
you and ranboo quickly put an end to the rumours,
“no we’re not engaged or married, it is a promise ring. no they’re not our children, they’re y/ns cousins they just spend a lot of time here..chat stop calling me and y/n parents and comparing us to phil that’s not..that’s not how it works okay!”
“parent arc!”
“y/n, don’t encourage them!”
“it’s a little bit funny!”
soon enough the bit came to an end and eventually ranboo ended the stream.
“hey boo look what i got you”
you handed him a little black box, inside was a ring similar to yours
“i promise to always stick around and be here for you”
“oh my god”
ranboo tackled you into a hug thanking you several times for his rings. you and ranboo were living your best life meanwhile jack, tommy, and tubbo were stuck dealing with the guilt of what happened, but they’re weren’t giving up that easy. they wanted you both back, that’s when you received a notification, tommyinnit has sent you a message request: hey y/n can we talk..please?
@dumb-chaotic-bi-energy @uselesssapphickitten @l0ver0fj0y @etheriaaly @xx-smiley-xx @hawarun @kylobensgirl @cawcaw-pretty-thing @reverse-iak @renleicrashed @augustine-is-joy @c1loudee
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ello-sims · 3 years
@ Shaylynn Hayes
So I’m not sure if this is worth discussing still, seeing as it sounds like she has taken down her file anyway but I too was caught up in this whole thing and it really did upset me, so I hope you can indulge me for a minute while I share my thoughts <3
I think Rudhira summed it all up perfectly, especially the kvetching about this taking a week to compile. It has taken me a year and a couple of months to do the defaults I’ve done and I’m maybe about a half way through. That’s just me switching around a couple of properties as well. I can’t even compare what I’ve done to what actual content creators invest in time wise. I remember one of Dee Dee’s recent asks, her saying that a lot of her mash up projects don’t end up working. That still requires her time and investment even if nothing comes of it so really the martyrdom of ‘it took me a week to do this’ is infuriating to me, and using that as an excuse not to credit people is even worse. 
I am highly skeptical that this wasn’t nefarious. Anyone who wants to tell you that many times they’re not trying to make money but have a giant ‘buy me a coffee’ sticker on their site, I choose not to believe. Also if this was a question of convenience for other simmers, make a resource list? I can’t imagine a bunch of mystery files with no picture references so you can’t even easily differentiate what you don’t want is easier than spending a couple of hours on the default database actually picking what you want. If this was also genuinely a case of not realising the implications, she could have  apologised after taking it down, which she hasn’t done. 
My kind of final point of why this whole thing has rubbed me the wrong way is that I can’t really understand the use of it. Mod the Sims has been up for like 20 years, the Default Database has been going strong for a long time too. There is actually no need to rehost most of these files. Sure, creators leave and sometimes they take down their links too and that sucks but that’s also their prerogative, if they choose. I’ve gone on longer than I needed to, especially as essentially this has been sorted. I guess I just needed to vent. Thank you to @beines and @rudhira for letting me know about this and thank you to everyone who has humoured me in reading this far lol Hope you’re having a great sunday x 
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melonsloth · 4 years
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Tutorial - Decor crowds (and decor sims)
Hi everyone! Someone asked me if I could make a tutorial showing how I make decor crowds. Now my university stress is mostly gone so I finally have the time and energy to show the procress. 
I am not going to show how to make poses, so if you don’t already know how to make poses, I recommend this tutorial.
This tutorial works for both one sim and for crowds. You just need to skip some parts if you only want to make one sim.
Now, let’s get started.
You will need:
TS4 SimRipper
Sims 4 Studio and Blender (preferably 2.70 if you want to follow along with my tutorial in the same version)
Image editing tool of your choosing, I use Paint Tool Sai, but you can use any that supports files with transparent backgrounds (PNG-files).
I recommend that you create one folder which you work within to keep track on all files, but that it up to your own preference!
Edit: 3/8-2020 Hello everyone! I can recommend checking out this tutorial if you experience any problems with shadows! It’s extremely useful and made by the talented @theroyalthornoliachronicles​
Step 1 - Make one or a bunch of sims.
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Make one or more sims that you want to have as your decor sims/crowd. Name them something easy like A A or 1 1. Each of these sims are names 1.1 1, 1.2 1, 1.3 1, etc. This makes them very easy to locate later.
When you’re finished, save your game and close/minimize it.
Step 2 - Launch TS4 SimRipper
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TS4 SimRipper is super easy to use. Place it in a folder so you have every file at the same place, unzip it, install it and then launch the program. If you cannot find the file, it should be a program file, look below for a guide.
When it launches, press Select (1) and choose the file at the top of the list. Let it load (don’t click anything). 
When it’s finished, choose the sim you want to export (2). Again wait, it may take a while but that is normal. 
When the sim is loaded, press Save as .dae (3). This is going to also take a while, so you can do other stuff in the meantime. For example, you may proceed to the next step in this tutorial. Remember to name them something easy to find, like 1, 2, 3, etc.
Remember to check if the program is finished every now and then to export the other sims you made.
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If you cannot find the program, it should look like this. My system language is Swedish, but it should be named something along the line of program under the type-category.
Step 3 - Export files and rigs from Sims4Studio.
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Now it’s time to start making the decor sims. Either start with Objects (1) or Poses (2). If you want a tutorial on how to make poses, please follow the tutorial I linked above. 
When it comes to Object (2), choose create 3D Mesh and then the blue button.
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Like my last tutorial, we are going to use these books are our base. Start by searching for them (1), click on them (2) and then press Next (3). Name it whatever, but I recommend a name that will make sense a mod folder. 
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When it has loaded, click on Meshes and choose Export Mesh (1). Again, name the file whatever you want. I named my Grund - which means base in Swedish.
Step 4 - Working in Blender
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Open the newly exported mesh in Blender by double-clicking on it. You should be met with something that looks like this.
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Open the File-folder and press Append, or just click Shift + F1. 
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Choose one of the poses you made in advance or just import the rig you exported earlier. I am using a pose from my Mourning pose pack. Click on the pose (1), then Object (2) and finally rig (3). You do not need any of the other pieces in this tutorial. 
If you are using another creator’s cc, like a pose, be sure to ask for permission before sharing the decor sim with the public.
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When done correctly, it should look like this. This is the sim’s frame which we will base our decor sim on. This rig will be named rig.001, just leave it be.
Step 5 - Import the .dae file
Unlike my last tutorial, this step is super easy and takes almost no time.
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Go to file, then down to Import. Choose Collada (Default) (.dae). This is your sim with its rig and body exported from the game. This means that you can make decor sims of any body size, skin colour or other feature. 
Click on any of the .dae files you exported eariler.
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Now you will have a new rig named rig.002. Go right ahead and delete it.
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Now the body will be named something like this instead, just keep an eye what it turns into.
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Now press the modifier-button (1). Then click on the Object bar on the rig modifier (2). Choose the second rig (3) and press Apply (4). 
After pressing the Apply button, you cannot move the sim’s body, so if there is something that needs to be fixed, do that before.
When that is done, delete rig.001.
Step 6 - Preparing the meshes to be merged
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Now we’re gonna delete any trace that this sim used to be a moving object. Start by removing every vertex group from the sim. Delete them by clicking on the - button a whole bunch of times (1). Then rename the first UV-map to uv_0 (2) and delete the second one (3). 
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This is what it should look like when you’re done.
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Now we’re gonna merge the two meshes. Start by clicking on the Sims4Studio-file’s thingy I marked (1). Then press A so it looks like it does on the image. When the mesh is orange, press X to delete it. You’ll need its values, so do not delete the whole thing, only it’s mesh.
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Now, click on the sim in the list of things (1). Then hold shift and click on the S4S-mesh (2). 
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When they’re both marked like in the picture, press Ctrl + J, or the join button to the left.
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Now it should look like this, if it’s all black, you need to go back and rename the uv-maps to uv_0. You go back by pressing Ctrl + Alt + Z.
Step 7 - Save and finish up the project.
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Now save your project before doing this step. 
When it’s saved, go back to modifiers and add the Decimate-modifier. 
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Chance the Ratio to anywhere between 0.6 to 0.8. I usually go with 0.7. Click apply when you’re satisfied.
Save your project again. 
If you are only making one decor sim, you’re finished here for now!! You only need to add the other LODs, so you can skip the next step. 
Step 8 - Fixing the uv-map (Not necessary for only one sim).
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The uv-map is already finished if you are making only one sim, but if you are going to make a crowd, this is a very important step. Don’t worry, it’s really easy.
Open the uv-map by opening a new window and then choosing the UV/imagine Editor. Remember to enter the edit-mode on the mesh.
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Press A on both windows to highlight everything.
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When it’s highlighted, scale it down so that it can fit more uv-maps on it. You make it smaller by pressing S on your keyboard and you can move it by pressing G.
Make sure that it’s big enough to still be able to show textures. but small enough to allow other sims’ uv-maps to be placed beside them.
Now you’re done. Now, redo all the steps you just did but place the uv-map on another spots. You do not want them to overlap or they’ll look ugly.
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When you done all that, append the decor sims together so they form one mesh and uv-map. If done correctly, it should look like this.
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After that, export the uv-map like this. Name it whatever you want.
Save your work again, and decimate the mesh. Try to make it to a 0.5 ratio. This make the crowd more manageable for the game.
Save it again and minimize Blender.
Step 9 - Making the object and fixing the texture.
Okay, here comes the annoying part. Now it’s time for a lot of waiting and to put a texture on your uv-map. 
Unless you’re only making one sim, which means that you only need to import both files you just created!
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Start by importing your mesh into Sim4Studio. Now this is going to make a while, the more sims you added to your crowd, the longer the waiting. I made 6 sims, so that is a very big file.
When it’s loaded into S4S, save your file, so you don’t lose any progress.
While its loading, open your imagine editing tool and prepare yourself for a lot of fiddling.
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Your uv-map should look like this. So now it’s time to open every diffuse map you exported earlier in your editing tool and start matching them up.
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When you’ve managed to fix the uv-map, it looks like this. This took a lot of time, as one pixel makes a big difference. Have patience when you do this part.
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When you take the time, the crowd looks something like this, or hopefully a little more dapper, as mine is quite... depressed.
Step 10 - LODS and Shadow-LODS
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ANYWAY let’s fix the LODs. Go back to your blender-file and decimate it with a ratio between 0.6 - 0.8. Again, I use 0.7. Press save and import it into Sims4Studio. Repeat once more for the last LOD. Save between each LOD if you are worried about losing the progress.
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Last step in Blender is to make a shadow LOD.
Start by deleting this mesh (1). This is the shadow when you have the “full” object, so now it is just in the way.
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When its gone, change the Cut from 1 to 0. This makes it into a shadow mesh. Save and go back into Sims4Studio.
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Now you can import that same shadow-mesh into every shadow LOD. Then it’s finished, you’re done! 
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Now all that’s left is to fix the Catalog name, description and tags.
Thank you so much for following my tutorial! If you have any questions, feel free to ask me🌸
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tasteofsmut · 4 years
Tasteof Smut Fest Masterlist!
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It’s September, and we’ve now come to the end of the Taste of Smut Fest! Us mods @eva-eleanore​, @tasteofshapes​ and @veelawings​​ would like to thank everyone who participated in the fest by creating such gorgeous works or who left kudos and comments for our amazing content creators - THANK YOU for this precious August gift! We hope that you’ve enjoyed this fest as much as we have! Here’s the MASTERLIST OF ALL WORKS sorted alphabetically by ship.
Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
It starts with an inkpot by @penguinanimagus​ / vivi1138 (FIC) Albus Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Senses: taste, smell, hearing, touch
When you have a crush on your best friend, sometimes all you need is a little push in the right direction. Being locked in your dorm, unable to see or be seen, might just be the perfect opportunity to confess.
Blaise Zabini/Ron Weasley
Down Into My Sensory
/ @ultimateundesirable (FIC) Blaise Zabini / Ron Weasley
Senses: hearing, sight, touch
A boring tasteless marriage with Hermione leads to Ron being enraptured by his sense when he finally feels something more again. That something is shagging Blaise Zabini. What's Ron going to do about being married to his high school sweetheart and finding himself without her? Go with it all like he has been and or finally move on from what was clearly a mistake.
 Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger
Bared Before Him by articcat621 / @articcat621​ (FIC) Charlie Weasley/Hermione Granger
Senses: Touch,  Hearing 
One Saturday afternoon, Charlie offers a suggested activity that she just can’t turn down.
Draco Malfoy /Harry Potter
Long in the Baking, Never Quite Done by @p1013 / p1013 (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter 
Senses: Taste, touch 
“Hi, Luna.” Harry toasts her with his glass. “That looks lovely.”
She curtseys back. “Thank you, Harry. It’s to keep the wrackspurts away. How’ve you been?”
“Good. I brought cakes.”
“Wonderful. I’m assuming Ginny sent you in here?”
He smiles. “She did.”
“Warned you about Draco?”
“Yes.” He takes another drink. “Though I don’t know why she felt the need. We’ve been civil for years.”
“Does she know you fancy him?”
Harry chokes. 
Centric Dreams by SensibleRen (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Sight, Hearing
Draco keeps having dreams about no one else other than Harry Potter. Each dream continues to come true the following day, until Draco has a particularly interesting one. 
Woodsmoke by @underscoresally​​ / underscore_sally (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter, Harry Potter/Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley
Senses: smell, touch
After the war, Harry questions Draco and Draco demands answers he isn’t quite prepared for. But the warmth of a late-autumn fire and the smell of woodsmoke have a magic of their own, and as the answers come, so does an understanding.
Prepare the Brush for Me (I’m Craving With This Need) by @clemandben​ / Ladderofyears (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Sight, touch and scent.
Harry Potter is feeling artistic. Draco is his canvas.
Arôme d'Amour (Aroma of Love) by @slytherholic​ / slytherholic (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Smell
Harry's in for a surprise when he's hit with a perfume that attracts only the true soulmate.
With You, Always by acupforslytherin / @acupforslytherin​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: hearing
All his life, Harry repeatedly hears one same calming tune in his dreams. No one seems to recognize the mysterious song, until one day, Harry catches Malfoy humming it when he thinks he's alone.
all the feelings that you're making me feel by M0stlyVoid / @bonesliketambourines​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch
Harry should have known that ‘clean bill of health’ he got after a spell rebounded off him in a raid was too good to be true, especially with Draco Malfoy involved. He never expected this, though, but he finds to his utter shame that he could bloody well get used to it.
esto quod es, fortis et liber by @drgngrl87 / DragonGirl87 (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Smell, Taste
One fateful late-night run ruined Harry Potter's life...or did it? When the wolf in him threatens to turn life as he knows it upside down, he's left with no choice but turn to Draco Malfoy for help. Can his former Hogwarts nemesis fix his problem? And more importantly, will they be able to keep their hands and paws off each other?
 Tracing Body Lines Unexplored by Veelawings / @veelawings​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch, Sight
Harry had teased him a few days ago, made a crude joke about Draco’s Slytherin scarf that he couldn’t even remember at the moment, but it had led to this. To Harry naked on his crisp white sheets, green eyes masked by a green tie and waiting for Draco to follow up on his promise. That he could make this scarf Harry’s favourite thing in the world.
(Or — gentle body worship, but kinky)
 Even the Night by tackytiger / @tackytigerfic​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses:  Taste Touch Sight
I'm so bad at this
Two boys meet on a rooftop
Read and find out more
Featuring lots of cigarettes, a Midsummer sky, close encounters in a bath, and plenty of fireworks.
 the first language by saltwatergarden / @talkingtravesties​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch
There are some things that Draco just knows about Potter. For instance, he hates the press. He loves his friends deeply and would die for them. He's terrible at fending way his simpering fans and the stories about how powerful his magic is are more than just stories. He also hates being touched. Or does he?
  Honey Just Put Your Sweet Lips On My Lips by angrywitchpolice / @angrywitchpolice​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Taste Smell Touch Sight Hearing
Harry and Draco’s first time together, lost in the sensations of each other.
  A Light for Another's Dark by p1013 / @p1013 (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch
Every touch leaves a memory. For Unspeakable Draco Malfoy, this is literal. When Harry Potter goes missing, Draco is asked to use his ability to Read the memories embedded in the objects he touches to help find Potter. While following his trail, Draco's only certain of one thing: what he learns about Harry Potter affects Draco's life more than he wants to admit, and, more worryingly, not just his life, his heart.
They Glow (Bright) Under the Moon's Light by @zandragorin​ / ZandraGorin (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Senses: Sight, Touch It took some time but now Harry's finally realized that Potions isn't as bad as it once seemed. Of course, this realization has nothing to do with a particularly gifted (and good-looking, fit, gorgeous) Potions Professor. None whatsoever.
 Don't Waste Your Eyes on Jealous Guys by EvAEleanor / @eva-eleanore​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Hearing, Touch
For two years now, Harry’s life has been different. Not only does he work in New York City as the Auror liaison to MACUSA on and international murder case, but he’s seen more of Draco Malfoy than he’d ever thought possible. Working with him, and spending time with him after work. During all of this time, Harry has watched him going back to his shitty boyfriend over and over again. The worst thing about all of this, he’d fallen in love with him. Maybe there’s hope for him though. Maybe for just one night...
 Pottering with Potter by keyflight790 / @keyflight790​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Hearing
Harry doesn't know why he has a wireless show either, but he's going to make the best of it.
  Here’s To You by Drarrymadhatter / @drarrymadhatterstuff (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry 
Senses: Sight and Taste
Harry’s in a muggle bar drinking to Sirius’ honour on what would have been his birthday. Draco comes into the bar after a horrific blind date in need of a strong drink. Together they take on the cocktail menu and experiment with taste and sight.
 Crimson Neon by xanthippe74 / @xanthippe74​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Smell
Winter, 1999. Harry thought going to New York would help him get his head on straight, but all he has to show for it are sore feet and a fridge full of takeaway containers. And now he’s homesick on top of everything else. It doesn’t help that his mysterious neighbour in 2C keeps cooking dishes that remind Harry of home and all the people he lost or left behind.
The familiar face behind the door of 2C is only the first surprise. As the bleak winter eases into spring, Harry discovers that happiness isn’t as out of reach as he thought… as long as he can find a way to hold onto it.
  another heart whispers back by slytherco / @slytherco (FIC & ART) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Taste, touch, smell, sight, hearing
At twenty-five, Harry Potter is still a virgin and sorely lacking in options to change that state anytime soon. To help him find a plus one for Ron and Hermione’s wedding, and maybe kill two birds with one stone, Harry’s friends set him up on a series of blind dates. The only problem is, there’s something not quite right with each of their candidates.
“Every heart sings a song, incomplete, until another heart whispers back. Those who wish to sing always find a song. At the touch of a lover, everyone becomes a poet.” ― Plato
In which Harry learns that some things are worth waiting for, that looking and seeing are two very different things, and that his heart’s song has been heard a long time ago.
  Sun Stroke by peachpety / @peachpety​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch
Draco, Harry, and a handful of friends take a summer holiday at the beach. With the help of a sultry sea setting, encouraging friends, and a fisherman's jumper, Harry and Draco's mutual attraction swells and things get hot on a salty summer night.
Every Inch Of You by Ladderofyears / @clemandben​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch, Sight
When Draco returns after a year at the Koldovstoretz School in Russia he has gained some weight and now has quite a prominent belly. He feels shy about his new physique, but Harry thinks that his lover looks just as gorgeous as ever.
Cooling Down by prolix (shal) / @prolix- (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch, Taste
Harry needs to relax. Draco needs to cool off. Together, with a little bit of ice, they manage to do just that.
 Your Music To Create by GayAFSlytherin  / @gayafslytherin (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Touch and Hearing
Harry has taken up piano as a coping mechanism. However, he really wants to be part of a bigger group so he signs up to be the solo Pianist for an orchestra. What he doesn't know is that Draco is going to be the solo Cellist for the orchestra as well. They're both fascinated while watching the other play and, unexpectedly, by each other.
The Scent of You by tsundanire / @tsundanire​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter
Senses: Smell
After a chance encounter leaves his new sense of smell reeling, Harry discovers that being a werewolf has more to offer than he'd ever imagined.
Espresso Patronum by tasteofshapes / @tasteofshapes​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Harry potter
Senses: Taste, Smell
When Draco reappears five years after the war and opens a wildly popular coffee shop, Harry’s pretty sure that Draco’s Up to Something. He just has to prove it.
Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Royal Purple Polish by littymcgritty / @littymcgrittywrites​​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Hearing
Tell me, have I lost my mind again?
I get the feeling you might feel the same
Tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
In which Draco and Hermione try love for a second time. Sort of.
All Tied Up by sunflower_swan / @sunflower-swan​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: taste, touch, hearing, smell
It is Draco's birthday. Hermione has a (sexy) surprise planned, but he will have to wait to find out what it is.
nobody wants to hear you sing about tragedy by MissELY / @misselylux​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Hearing
Draco Malfoy and Hermione Granger have a series of unpleasant, confusing, and electric encounters during the Death Eater trials after the war.
"And once again, for better or for worse, the sound of that voice is enough to fell her."
Limbic System by dirtymudblood / @dirty-mudblood​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Sight (and also smell)
There are very few things that are unexplainable. Quantum entanglement, antimatter, the Fermi Paradox to name a few.
Add to the list; Hermione Granger’s inability to orgasm.
Love is Blind by Aneiria / @aneiria-writes​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Sight
‘Draco, we need to talk about what happened,’ Hermione said now, placing a cup of tea next to her partner as he sat hunched over her kitchen table. She gently laid her hand over his, guiding him towards the handle so he could drink. ‘I have to complete our report for the DMLE.
Draco Malfoy grimaced and shook his head. ‘There’s really no need, Granger,’ he said, but she pushed on anyway. Draco had acted as bravely as any Gryffindor today, and she wanted to know why.
‘For all we knew, that curse could have been an Avada. You could have died, but you jumped in front of me without hesitation.’
‘Of course I bloody did; I’m your partner!’ he snapped back, looking in her direction with his sightless silver eyes. ‘That’s the first thing we were taught in Auror training, remember? Always have your partner’s back.’
Because Six Ate Seven by VexLonely / @vexlonely​ (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Sight
"Draco Malfoy had started gardening for stress relief, but looking down at his delicate failures, he seethed.
He had never seen Number Seven out in the garden, had never crossed their path in the posh St. Mungo’s housing where they lived. He blamed the wizarding world for enabling his antisocial tendencies. With a floo inside most apartment units and apparition at one’s fingertips, who needed to linger in a hallway?"
 sandalwood and gardenias by secondbutton / @kissingturians (FIC) Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger
Senses: Smell
A balanced fragrance of sandalwood and something musky and earthy followed him like a shroud. Draco Malfoy smelled like a magical forest’s best kept secret. Like the moment following a storm when the sun peeks back over the clouds and living beings stop what they’re doing and pause to marvel at being able to roam outside again. It was a crisp top note with more robust undertones, and just a hint of sweetness. She thought she might love the scent if it lived on anyone else other than him.
Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood 
Fingers in her hair by Hypallepse / @hypallepse​ (FIC) Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood
Senses: Touch
Whenever Luna is having a nightmare, Ginny is here to take her in her arms and distract her by brushing and braiding her hair. But while Luna is reminded of her mother, Ginny thinks of something else entirely.
 Take a trip into my garden by sassybipotter / @sassybipotter (ART) Ginny Weasley/Luna Lovegood 
Senses: Touch, Sight
How do you announce your engagement to the world? By capturing the ethereal beauty of your fiancée and sharing it with the world.
Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
How to Pull a Publicity Stunt, and Everything in Between by @triggerlil​​ / triggerlil (ART/FIC) Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson
Senses: Touch, sight, hearing, a bit of smell and taste
Ginny and Pansy live on the edge of the spotlight—constantly straddling the line between living private lives and being bonafide celebrity sensations—when they finally step into the spotlight, they decide to take full advantage of the attention.
a little chocolate now and then by Pineau_noir / @pineau-noir​​ (FIC) Ginny Weasley/Pansy Parkinson 
Senses: Taste, Touch
There are few things Pansy Parkinson holds dear, but first and foremost is her girlfriend, Ginny.
Harry Potter/Ronald Weasley
Sun Kissed by @static-abyss​ / static_abyss (FIC) Harry Potter/Ronald Weasley
Senses: touch, sight
Harry notices the freckles the first time they meet, the light dusting across Ron's face as he stands there in his maroon knitted jumper with the yellow R in the centre. If Harry didn't know any better, he'd swear he could trace the tendrils of a lightning bolt from Ron's nose down to his cheek. Something warm settles in Harry's chest at the knowledge that, perhaps, Ron carries a piece of Harry, no matter how unknowingly. It's proof of a connection between them, the first real tangible relationship Harry's ever had that is good and whole and wanted.
Harry Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Underneath Your Clothes by Ladderofyears / @clemandben​ (FIC) Harry Potter/Scorpius Malfoy
Senses: Sight
When Scorpius wears a pair of very small, very lacy and very revealing pair of purple satin knickers to work, Head Auror Harry Potter is driven to near distraction.
Harry Potter/Severus Snape
These Scars We Bare by MiriMora / @mirimora (FIC) Harry Potter/Severus Snape 
Senses: Sight
Harry is a photographer by profession, and he's working on a new series to be revealed in the fall. He has one last subject that he'd love to capture for his series highlighting the brave individuals who bear scars from the Wizarding World's two wars with Voldemort, but he's pretty sure he's going to have some convincing to do if Severus Snape is ever going to agree to step in front of his camera, even if they are friends now. Further complicating matters, he's also harboring some unrequited feelings for the prickly Potions Master. Or so he thinks…
 Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Vanishing Inside Us by @dwell-on-dreams / HogwartsToAlexandria (FIC) Hermione Granger/Severus Snape
Senses: Sight, Hearing, Touch, Taste
Sometimes, the only thing that matters is how the other feels. And this time, Severus knows he has to show how he feels too, or it won’t work anymore than it did the first time around.
Hermione Granger/Sirius Black 
Lucky Dog by realjane / @thesuperjane​ (FIC) Hermione Granger/Sirius Black
Senses: Taste, Smell, Touch
Thanks to a new marriage initiative for the betterment of wizard-kind, SIrius Black finds himself wed to the woman of his dreams. He has no idea that she's been dreaming of him, too. Maybe this arranged marriage thing isn't so bad...
Lily Evans/Sirius Black
French Braid by heirblack (FIC) Lily Evans/Sirius Black
Senses: Touch and smell
A nice, relaxing, and lazy day in the Gryffindor dormitory leads into a bonding session over hair.
Narcissa Malfoy/Rabastan Lestrange
Memories That We Made Will Never Change by @malfoylestrange​ / Houseofmalfoy (FIC) Narcissa Malfoy/Rabastan Lestrange
Senses: Sight and touch
They fell in love in the midst of the first wizarding war, and when he went to Azkaban she moved on with her life and her family. Now he’s back,and the memories and regret that Rabastan Lestrange brings up in her are stronger than ever.
Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
would you just look at me by HogwartsToAlexandria / @dwell-on-dreams​ (FIC) Remus Lupin/Sirius Black
Senses: Sight, Touch 
Moony's been in a mood, and therefore isn't the best version of himself either lately, which is code for, 'Sirius is a mess when Remus won't talk to him' really.
Severus Snape/Sirius Black
your arms, around my lungs by HogwartsToAlexandria / @dwell-on-dreams​​ (FIC) Severus Snape/Sirius Black
Senses: Hearing, Touch
Even when they hate each other, even when they argue more than they talk, the sound of Sirius' regular breathing still brings Severus solace when the nightmares don't want to go away.
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brokenjardaantech · 3 years
Blue-tinted Red Walls (Chapter 8: Into No Man’s Land)
my entry for the @dbhau-bigbang. also part of the groom lake aftermath series.
In the past, Fadia and Reyes argued.
In the present, Connor finds a sanctuary from the most unexpected source.
In the past, Connie woke up.
also on ao3
content warning for your typical violence from both games. in short: guns and biotics and people getting wounded.
also, special thanks to @fanndamnedibals for drawing the amazing piece of art for this story. it’s really fucking cool.
Fadia was greeted by a punch to her face. Her whole upper body swivelled from the inhuman force, but her lower body planted firmly on the floor still, and with a smooth swing, she stood straight as if the punch never occurred. 
‘What the fuck were you thinking?’ Reyes snarled. ‘Giving plans to Russia and China like that? What happened to me being in charge? What happened to androids being free? What happened -’
Fadia gave the other android a hard shove. ‘What else can I do?’ she yelled. ‘What do you understand about yourself? Do you even know what you’re capable of?’ A shake of her head. ‘Thanks to my father, CyberLife is now producing androids for the military for a price much cheaper than paying non-commissioned officers in the long run, and you think they won’t use it to secure their claim on the Arctic where all of earth’s thirium is? We need someone to keep them in check. China and Russia are the only answer.’
‘And enslaving more of us? More of my people? Pushing the world into war once more?’ the air crackled with static. ‘Have you ever considered anyone else apart from yourself?’
‘Watch your voice box, Reyes,’ Fadia took a step forward, her height letting her loom over the man. ‘You are standing here yelling at me because I care for my brother so cut the bullshit about me not caring. Look what caring did to you -’ indicated her metallic body - ‘to me -’ a wave of her arm - ‘and to the rest of the world. Listen,’ a thin layer of blue appeared between them, ‘just a quick walk around the garden. A farewell. Then I’ll go.’
‘“A farewell”? What is that supposed to mean?’
‘With luck, you won’t see me much for quite a long time. Years. A decade, even. There is something else that I’m… working on.’
‘Leaving a mess your own making behind now?’
‘My father made the mess!’ Fadia lit up. ‘And no, I’m not running away, but there are more important things to deal with right now. It will need my full attention, and I don’t want to leave without giving my brother closure.’ When Reyes’ hand moved towards the gun she knew was hidden underneath his shirt, she sighed. ‘Please. Do you want to see Scott asking where I am every day for the next ten years? Do you want him spending his days worrying about me?’
Reyes was still glaring at her, but at least he was not drawing his weapon. A few seconds of tense silence passed, and with a snap of his arm away from the gun, ‘What do you want to tell him?’ he said as he turned away from his creator, his expression filled with disgust. ‘I can… deliver the message for you.’
Fadia’s lips twitched downwards. ‘Must you?’
‘You wish to protect your brother, don’t you? Don’t you think he’ll be stressed out by your current state?’
‘My current -’
‘Your message,’ Reyes crowded into his creator’s personal space and managed to look imposing despite his height disadvantage, ‘or get the fuck out of here.’
Fadia looked at her first creation down her nose. ‘Tell him that I came to say hello and that it is perfectly normal from that point onwards if he cannot contact me. Tell him it may be years before he sees me again,’ a step back. The door swung open. ‘And it is your fault.’
‘Hold the fuck on -’
A crackle of blue, a flash of dark energy, a faint trail of dissipating tendrils. Sara Fadia Ryder was gone, leaving her creation standing at the door with a hand outreached hopelessly with nothing but thin air in his grasp.
Streets unsafe for androids. Sanctuary at these coordinates. Will deliver supplies to said location as soon as possible. I’m sorry.
The world has become a blur. Hank’s house, receiving the message, decoding the message for Hank, changing into another set of clothes, getting into Hank’s car, and they are off to the docks before they even know what is happening. The androids led by Markus marched. People - androids - were killed. CyberLife is setting up ‘recycling centres’ to recall all androids in the city and around the country with the help of the police and military. They have to act now or they will be trapped by one of the many checkpoints popping up in the streets. Everything, as Hank says, has gone to shit.
Are you going to be fine? Connor texts. I doubt you will be carrying out your orders.
I told my men they have the choice to leave and everything will be on me. If they’re staying, they’re staying on my side. On the android’s side.
And their response?
They’re packing up right now and I’m making sure that nothing will get to them.
How about you?
Meet me there. Hopefully. Vouch for a fleshy human later, can you? I’ll be bringing whatever I can.
They arrive at Ferndale after what seems like hours later, Hank stopping a few blocks away from the water in order to not arouse suspicion even though the area is deserted, but Connor’s scans reveal stray patches of evaporated thirium on the floor, which means that injured androids have been here… a few hours ago. 
Hank turns around. ‘Think I should stop here.’ He cocks his head at the area at large. ‘Go on. I won’t leave until you’re out of my sight.’
The image is not comforting enough. ‘Come with us,’ Connor begs. ‘We need you here.’
The human shakes his head. ‘I can’t. Someone has to keep up appearances at the precinct. Besides, Jeff seems to have something to say. I’ll give you an update later when he’s finished yelling at me.’
It makes sense in some ways. Splitting up, gathering information from both ends, and then creating a better plan to save all of them. Simple; at least, it should be. But he also has been with Hank for such a long time - most of his time on earth, really - that it will be strange to be alone with a much slower counterpart of himself in tow. It will be a challenge.
It is also their only chance.
‘I understand,’ he forces out of his voice box, and he opens the door and steps out of the car into the snow before walking around to help Connie get out. What surprises him, however, is that Hank steps out as well and draws Connor into a tight hug.
‘Come back,’ the human says, to me, he doesn’t say, but Connor hears it anyway, and he wraps his arms as much as he can around Hank’s body and squeezes, a silent ‘I will’ that he hopes that his partner understands. ‘I will fight like there is no tomorrow to go back to your side,’ Connor confesses as he catalogues everything there is about Hank, his smell, his proportion, his warmth, because it seems that things are going that way and he wants him to be the last thing he recalls when - when -
‘-nor, look at me.’
Hank’s hand is on his cheek already when Connor looks up. They are so close that Connor can distinguish the shape of each and every single one of the snowflakes in the human’s hair, his brows, his eyelashes, and he can feel every single valley and spur on Hank’s finger that uniquely corresponds to Hank as he brushes his thumb against where Connor’s cheekbone would be had he been human. ‘Most advanced prototype, remember?’ the human says, still holding Connor tight. ‘If there’s someone who can make it out alive, it’s you. I have faith in you.’
‘I -’ you shouldn’t. ‘All I’ve ever done is failing my missions.’
‘To save lives, I know,’ the hand on his cheek moves to the back of his neck. Connor shivers from the warmth. ‘No matter which colour we bleed.’
‘I -’
Thank you. For everything. For making me realise that I’m more than my programming. For being there even though you didn’t understand what was happening.
There is so much he wants to say but can’t due to the sheer amount of information filtering through his processors, but one thing is certain: they all advise him to throw caution to the wind. As if having the exact same thoughts, Hank leans his head forward at the same time, and they meet halfway through in a desperate kiss, a rough press of lips against lips that is all over too soon but conveying enough emotions to each other that they both deflate when they part, the tension in their body suddenly gone now that they are resigned to their fate. 
‘We’ll talk about this,’ Hank warns, but there is no malice in his tone. Come back alive.
Connor has to break their gaze and hook his head on the human’s shoulder or he’ll never get his words out. ‘You stay safe too.’
A large hand on his back, Connor’s thick, season-appropriate attire ridding him of the last human warmth he may get to feel. ‘I will.’
They finally pull apart. A hand that doesn’t belong to Hank brushes Connor’s arm, and that is when he remembers that Connie is here; as if seeing her expectant expression, Hank hugs her as well completely unaware of how close to tears the other android is. Connor moves to hold her hand. ‘Let’s go,’ he tells her, because someone has to be the more responsible one between the two, and they walk away hand in hand together towards the coordinates Louis gave them without a glance backwards.
Jericho. Cargo freighter. Abandoned ship. A sanctuary for deviants old and new, the latter far outnumbering the rest due to Markus’ actions. The bombs on stand by scattered around the place indicate that the freighter is rigged, but no one seems to care; there is a cluster of androids on one side where a holo is recycling the news, another on the other side checking and modding weapons on improvised benches, and another group sitting at a long table working on laptops still in their suitcases. No one seems to have noticed them, which is good considering his previous… reputation as a deviant hunter (even though he didn’t do a very good job at it); he can withstand cold looks and harsh words hauled at him, but Connie is innocent here, and he doesn't want her to suffer any more abuse.
He receives a notification from their intertwined hands that his sister’s internal temperature is falling below recommended levels, so he scans his surroundings, noting the broken grids and - there, a fire contained in a rusted metal barrel surrounded by a sitting area created from stacked-up crates. He spots what seems to be an improvised medical bay where broken androids are being repaired and thought of asking for some thirium for Connie, but from what he can see, the androids under repair are all in much worse shape than his sister, so all he does is giving Connie a quiet reassurance and… waits while he recalls what he just saw. Rupert. The Tracis. Other newly-deviated androids still in their uniform. It’s a miracle that he and Connie don't get spotted.
The drowsiness from the other side of the shallow interface plus the weight on his shoulder indicates that Connie has fallen asleep once more, and with no one to help take care of her, Connor can only sit there and do -
His free hand reaches into his pocket and fishes out a coin. It is not the one he is familiar with, but it makes for a good replacement after only a few tries, and soon enough he has it spinning on the tips of his fingers despite the gloves and low temperature and is using it to ignore the dropping thirium level warning from his sister’s HUD. It can be that he is distracted. It can be Connie’s fatigue getting into him. It can be the flickering light from the fire creating shadows that were not there some time ago. It can be that he is in a bubble; to him, nothing else apart from Connie matters.
All he knows when he lets the coin fall onto his palm and looks up is that Markus has been sitting there in front of them for quite a long time. He tenses, knowing that his cover is blown, and he knows that his fate is in the deviant leader’s hands.
‘You deviated,’ the RK200 states. It is not a question.
‘How do you know?’
‘A human contact passed the news to me through an android he rescued and asked us to not view you with suspicion. He goes by the name Lee Aaron, but it is, of course, not his real name. I believe you’ll have the chance to thank him later in person.’
Connor really needs to give Louis a hug. ‘I see.’
Markus indicates Connie with a slight jerk of his head. ‘And this one?’
There is only one answer. ‘My sister.’
The deviant leader raises an eyebrow. ‘Do I even want to know?’
Connor thinks of his creator, the way she kicked them out, the way she doesn't seem to care about their lives, how she seems to be on their side but let them die for the last ten years. ‘Later. It’s a long story.’
Markus studies Connie for a few seconds. ‘It’s still early,’ he says. ‘You can still leave the country by bus before curfew starts. One of our people used to work in the state department, and I can have modified electronic passports delivered to you.’
[Thirium level: 37%] flashes in front of Connor’s HUD. ‘We are under no condition to travel,’ We, more like Connie, but I will not abandon her. ‘The military has set up multiple checkpoints around the city for temperature checks. I doubt it is safe for us to go outside now, but thank you, for offering.’
Jericho’s leader nods in understanding. ‘Is there anything you need? Biocomponents, blue blood, systems checks?’
[Thirium level: 37%]. So why is he hesitating? ‘My sister… her blue blood level is extremely low,’ he admits. ‘It is currently at thirty-seven per cent, far too little for her to function normally.’
Markus looks horrified. ‘rA9, Connor, why didn’t you tell someone when you came?’ he shoots up from his seat as if forgetting that he can remotely send a message to the medics to call for some thirium. ‘I’ll get some for you. Stay here.’
‘You don’t have to -’
‘You’re one of us now,’ a firm hand on Connor’s shoulder prevents him from standing up. ‘We help each other out whenever we can and right now your sister needs it. We’re rationing our supplies, but I think we can spare a bottle. It will last until Lee arrives.’
Connor lets out a breath he doesn’t know he has been holding and puts as much gratitude as he can into his voice as possible when he thanks Markus, but the other RK-series prototype merely waves and places a firm hand on his shoulder, silencing him and, through a shallow interface, telling him to rouse Connie first. He brushes a lock of her hair back into her beanie, and her eyes flutter open in confusion.
We are in Jericho, remember? he reminds her. Markus is getting you some thirium. You will feel better very soon.
Connie sends back a vague affirmative and takes off her beanie with a frown. ‘No hat,’ she mutters as she clumsily shoves the piece of cloth into her pocket. ‘Not anymore.’
Connor can pre-construct all the ways she can lose what little heat she generates. ‘It is to prevent you from losing body heat.’
She shakes her head, her braid falling apart. ‘No hat.’
An overwhelming wave of discomfort washes through him and yes, he would rather sacrifice his body heat to avoid the pain as well, so he lets it be for now and adds [Find a new hat for Connie] into his increasing list of optional tasks that, judging from the constant drone of the news from the floor above, he may or may not be able to finish in the near future. 
Markus returns with half a bottle of thirium and holds it in front of Connie, but all she does is staring at it instead of taking it; from their interface, Connor feels her processor (yes, somehow Ryder stripped all processing units but one from his sister’s body) straining itself to comprehend the other android’s action. ‘It’s for you,’ the deviant leader explains, and it is after an entire minute of processing that Connie slowly reaches out and takes the bottle with both hands. 
‘Thank you,’ she says. Then holds the bottle on her lap without doing anything else.
Connor accepts the link request. Is she alright? Markus asks. She seems… unwell.
Connor partitions part of his focus to the chat and diverts the rest to helping his sister. Sara Ryder modified her after retrieving my - the body, he says as he guides the bottle of thirium to Connie’s lips. Her processing power is incapable of computing large amounts of information. The liquid rolls and slides into Connie’s mouth. I intend to ask our creator about the full extent of the modification once this is over.
You didn’t ask her?
Connor recalls the power he felt radiating from Ryder. We could either leave unharmed or become dust rolling across the floor of her living room. We chose to live.
It is understandable, Markus nods. In reality, Connie seems to understand what the item in her hand is for and finally starts drinking without her brother’s aid. I’ve had… the displeasure of meeting her a few times. My… father - he doesn’t like her much. 
Connor thinks of the entire family, how Alec Ryder tried to flush his knowledge about his powers away, how Sara Ryder modified Connie and left her to suffer. A family trait, he replies, and it makes Markus chuckle. He opens his mouth as if to say something but seems to be distracted by something else. 
‘There are some issues I need to take care of,’ he said in the end. ‘Return the bottle to the med bay if you can.’
He leaves. A drop of thirium escapes Connie’s lips and rolls down her chin, and he wipes it away with the corner of his sleeve while adjusting his reception frequency into that matching the other androids’ channel just to find himself being flooded by information concentrating on ‘a human’, ‘supplies’, and, most disturbingly, ‘illegal weapons’.
He is an ally, Markus’ voice cuts through the chaos, and everything dies down. 
The precinct is still bustling with activity when Louis goes in under Hank’s request and in a bad way: the drizzle of rain before the wind picks up and a storm rolls in. He can tell that people are on edge from either the revolution or even civil war brewing at the horizon or, for those who have decided to stay, worrying about their loved one’s safety. One example is - Detective Gavin Reed, his nameplate reads - who is shouting into his phone with a voice loud enough for everyone to hear if he had been the only one talking. But right now, in the chaos of the office he rarely steps into, Louis can strain his ear and barely make out the details, his heart thumping from the familiar name on the call.
‘Cut that shit, Eli! You can’t tell me what to do!’ Reed yells. ‘You’ve got your duty, I’ve got mine, and right now I’m fucking staying in this motherfucking shithole. You understand me?’ An eye roll, then his eyes snap towards the direction of the entrance where a man who obviously doesn’t work in the force walks in. Everyone assumes that he is one of theirs, though, and he - probably Eli - manages to reach Reed without much resistance.
‘Gav, listen,’ he raises his hands in front of him as Reed pokes the screen of his phone so hard that Louis wouldn’t be surprised had it broken, ‘remember what I’ve told you? About me? Who I work for?’
‘What about -’ Louis can’t see Eli’s expression from this angle, but it must have shut Reed up. ‘Shit.’
‘Quite,’ Eli says drily. Then his voice softens. ‘Please, Gavin, I just want us to get out of this alive. Together.’
He tones out the rest of the conversation and instead focuses on the task at hand. An encrypted diary and a hollow statue. Shouldn’t be too hard, right?
Hank’s credentials are easy to guess, and he flinches when the evidence locker unfolds to reveal androids strung up like pieces of meat. He focuses on what he wants instead and quickly grabs both items Hank told him that can lead the FBI to Jericho because of course the first thing androids do after gaining sentience is worshipping a god and writing down the address of their secret hideout and -
‘What is a SWAT Captain doing here?’
He turns. Sees Eli standing at the door. Remembers the two empty spaces where the evidence he took should be. A flash of a long-forgotten memory: an interrupted project, a team gone missing, one last goodbye.
I know him.
‘I remember you,’ negotiate first, use force only when necessary. ‘You used to work with my sister. How did you get in here?’
‘Police departments around the world have… questionable security measures compared to the people I am working for,’ Eli - Ilya - Louis doesn’t know anymore - taps his watch. ‘Quite easy to break into, really. Now, what did you take?’
‘All evidence I’ve retrieved are under Lieutenant Hank Anderson’s orders,’ sorry, Hank. ‘You can ask him for confirmation.’
‘No need to be hostile,’ his tone is still condescending, and Louis feels his nerves tingle from both his emotions and the man in front of him. Fuck. Does that mean he’s like him as well? ‘If I were here for you, I would’ve subdued you a long time ago, wouldn’t I?’
Louis is still not convinced. ‘The hell do you want?’
‘I don’t have much time,’ Eli/Ilya takes out a… thing that seems to have materialised from his sleeve. ‘If you’re doing what I think you’re doing, you’ll need this later.’
Louis warily approaches the other man. ‘What does it do?’
‘It syncs with your nervous system. More specifically, the biotic nodes - both natural and artificial - in your entire body which are part of your nervous system. An amplifier, as we call it informally. Gives you a boost in a fight. Gets you out of tight places.’
‘How do I know you’re genuine?’
‘Me and your sister drifted apart a few years ago,’ hold on, a few years ago? Does it mean - ‘It doesn’t mean I want to hurt innocent people - android or human. I’d hardly want her to throw a fit after knowing that you died being shot at by the US military.’
But Louis isn’t quite listening anymore. ‘Hold on,’ he says even as he shoves the device into his pocket. ‘Anna is alive?’
‘We have little time left,’ the other man doesn’t seem to have heard his question. ‘It’s a matter of time for the FBI to find where the deviants are hiding. If you want to get to them, better do it quickly. Preferably armed.’
Louis gives Eli/Ilya one last sweep, memorising his features, his measurement, his clothing, everything that he can notice right now so that - ‘We’ll talk later.’
‘Get out alive first.’
He doesn’t allow himself to think as he methodically packs up, drives back home, refills the food and water dispensers for the cats in case he’ll be away for a long time, drives to the safehouse - deserted because not long ago the military just marched through and searched door to door for androids - to retrieve all the supplies he can carry - thirium, printers, guns, and finally brings himself to Jericho where he hopefully won’t get gunned down on his first step into the cargo freighter for being human. He taps into his powers - just in case - and hooks the amplifier over his ear.
He doesn’t know if it’s the energy or the power or just that there are so many androids in Jericho, but he manages to reach the heart of the freighter relatively undetected. Connor and his sister are probably among the clusters of androids downstairs, but first, he needs to have a word with the leader of the deviants.
He gets surrounded by what must be a dozen androids in less than a second, the LEDs on their temples - for those who keep theirs, that is - spinning yellow while they communicate silently through their channels. He follows their line of sight and there it is, his borderline-illegal, modded-to-hell rifle that he gets away from carrying openly only because he is a SWAT Captain, and he starts regretting his decision to bring it out in the open to deter the military.
The androids in front of him part like Moses splitting the Red Sea in half, Markus emerging with quickened steps and standing in front of him in an instant. Piercing eyes - one blue, one green - scans him from head to toe despite Louis being pretty sure that it’s just for show, and when their eyes meet, he decides to slide the duffel bag containing the printers and thirium down his shoulder and holds it towards the deviant leader with straining arms. ‘I brought supplies,’ he explains, feeling dumb. ‘Scan my bags if you don’t believe me.’ 
Markus’ eyes don’t move but Louis feels him scanning the contents of his luggage anyway. He doesn’t move at all, but then two androids emerge from the crowd to take the bags downstairs. ‘You are expected,’ he says. Then, gesturing the rifle on his back and the other weapons Louis hid underneath his clothes, ‘Not very discreet, aren’t you?’
The other androids file away, their anxious chatter having nothing to do with what he knows will come. ‘It gets the message through without words,’ Louis replies as he fidgets with the strap of his rifle in front of his chest. ‘I’m on a time limit here.’
‘For what?’
‘The FBI is coming. You have about one hour and a half to evacuate.’
And then everything becomes a blur.
FBI. Evacuating Jericho. Blowing up Jericho. Staying in Jericho to defend the last evacuees. People leave in groups of no less than three, taking crates, supplies, and, sometimes, injured companions away from the failing cargo freighter. Some, like Lucy, volunteered to stay despite being recommended to leave first, and some left with the friends they had made during these few eventful days. Holding Connie tight against his side with her hand in his grip and the shallow interface between them the only thing keeping her functional, Connor is torn between sending her away to safety without him, going with her to their next sanctuary, or forcing her to stay with him and face the dangers of potential firefights and massacres. He can tell from her panicked shiver and the way she tugs herself underneath his arm that she does not want to go at all and neither does he, but he doesn’t know if he can live with it if she died because of him.
Someone kneels in front of him, and when his eyes focus, Louis’ face comes into view. ‘Josh is leading the last outbound group. The rest of us are staying in case the FBI came before all of us can go.’
‘So Connie can come with us?’
Louis checks his watch. ‘If you want her to be safe, no,’ he rearranges his limbs so that he is sitting cross-legged on the floor. ‘We’re expecting confrontation very soon, maybe in a few minutes. We need to move now or else we might risk getting her in the crossfire, glowy blue superpowers or no.’
He doesn’t move from where he’s sitting on the floor. Connor watches his sister pout and her eyes water, but to his surprise, she nearly slaps his arm around her shoulders away and stands up on her own. Louis stands up as well, adjusting the rifle on his back by its strap, and leads her away presumably to Markus’ lieutenant. It leaves a large gap in Connor’s mind. 
Louis feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up before the rumble even starts.
‘Hurry,’ he transfers Connor’s sister from his arm to Josh’s. ‘They’re coming.’
‘What?’ the android has the nerve to look confused. ‘But don’t we -’
‘Just go!’ he can feel the full weight of all the shit he’s stowed on his body as he takes a step back, all the spare ammo and the four pistols and the submachine gun he somehow manages to keep underneath his winter clothes. Here’s to hoping that his powers are enough to keep him afloat. ‘We’ll catch up with you.’
He runs, feeling the shift of the small packages of thirium he left for himself in case he is trapped and needs to fight his way through, and it’s about thirty seconds later that he nearly slams into Connor who just turned the corner. ‘They’re coming from all sides,’ he says as he reloads his pistol. ‘Markus is detonating the charge in the hold. We need to find an exit and jump in the river.’
‘And the others?’ Louis knows they shouldn’t be standing there but he needs to know. The implication of jumping into freezing water in winter… surprisingly doesn’t scare him as much as it should. ‘Are they jumping too?’
‘North is leading them. I’m just here to find you.’
He doesn’t exactly have a choice now, does he? ‘Lead the way.’
He pulls his scarf over his nose and runs.
‘Hostiles sighted. Preparing to engage.’
Louis is pulled behind one of those watertight doors before he even registers the movement, and the next thing he knows Connor is dashing out of cover and immediately gets shot. Letting his instincts take over his body, a shield of blue tendrils shoots out of his hand and fixes itself in front of the android before he rushes out while slinging his rifle onto his shoulder and drags him as far as he can away from the soldiers by walking backwards, and as he feels the fabric in his grip twist and bend, he wonders if the soldiers pick up his face with the built-in tech in their helmets. Their facelessness does give Louis an advantage, however, because he feels no qualms about creating a blue sphere of energy in his free hand and lobbing it towards the shield, causing it to explode in a boom of bright blue mist. He also forces himself to not think too much about the horrible screech of rusted metal before the corridor collapses behind him as he drags Connor into another empty room to examine the wound.
‘You alright?’ he asks. The wound on the android’s shoulder doesn’t seem to be bleeding, but he knows it is an illusion created by the many layers Connor is wearing right now; of all he knows, the android can be soaking his innermost shirt. ‘How long until your self-repair kicks in?’
‘A few seconds,’ Connor’s jaw is tight when he uses Louis’ shoulder as leverage to stand up. ‘It will not heal properly until I have sufficient thirium in my systems. We have to go.’
‘Will the water get in?’
‘Not if I give my chassis priority.’ Connor freezes for a blink of an eye, the only indicator that he is scanning his surroundings now that his LED is hidden beneath his beanie. ‘We are safe for now.’
Louis steps outside first this time, his protective barrier tinting his world blue. The corridor smells of static and the unique smell of a mix of his powers and rusted metal, and they don’t run this time, Louis needing to concentrate on always keeping his powers on hand so that he can react as quickly as possible in case they got ambushed again and Connor distracted by both constantly scanning their surroundings and mending the gaping hole on his shoulder. They run into a few stray pairs of soldiers on their way, but nothing cannot be taken care of by sneaking away or catching them unaware with a stasis field. 
He is almost frightened by how easily he accepts his powers as his main source of offence and defence and uses it on people with no regrets.
‘Connor! Lou! You’re alive!’
They round a corner and are greeted by Simon and North. Both of them appear unharmed and North doesn’t look too happy that Louis is there, but one look from Simon is enough to urge all of them to run towards the exit on their deck, hurdling over collapsed walls and doors and leaping over gaps on the floor as quickly and smoothly as they can to get out of the place as soon as possible - and to outrun the footsteps behind them.
North takes the risk to look backwards. ‘Markus!’
Before Louis can turn to greet him, he hears gunshots and a surprised groan from Markus as he turns and discovers the leader of the deviants on the floor with two bleeding wounds on his back. The lights hum and go out, and they are left with the dim, far-away lamps mounted on the soldiers’ rifles as their only source of light. The rumble of helicopters outside seems so close now.
‘Markus!’ comes the panicked cry from Simon, and Louis raises his arm just in time to push him back to let Connor do his job. ‘Stay back,’ Louis says. ‘Let us handle this.’
He lobs a sphere of blue towards the soldier shooting at the two androids as the prototype slings Markus’ arm around his shoulders and starts limping towards the exit, knocking them into the wall with a thrum that resonates in the entire corridor. From the light of their rifles, two more soldiers join their still-standing comrades, and he knows he needs to up his game to be able to fight them all at once; instead of suspending them in stasis fields or using the old-school spheres, he swings his arm upward with his palm to launch an unending chain of explosive tendrils that tears through the soldiers, lifting them off their feet and illuminating the rest of the corridor with blinding blue light. Their position exposed, Louis cuts off the shockwave chain and lets it fizzle and dissipate behind him and runs with the others towards the exit as he shrouds himself in blue to protect himself from the freezing water.
More gunshots and shells hitting the ground. A ‘Run! Quick! Come on!’ from Markus. Louis leaps.
Everything beyond his barrier goes dark.
The remodelling was going well. The new programmes had all taken root in 51’s system, the body modifications were adapting to the original biocomponents and responding to the new system, and her vitals were steady if less satisfactory than what Ryder expected. Whatever. Her task was complete. This stage of her experiment was a success.
Deactivating the skin on her hand, she placed it on the other android’s shoulder and woke her up, 51’s skin rippling and flickering as the sudden increase in power usage. It stayed that way as she blinked her eyes open, and her mouth opened and closed as if she had something to say but couldn’t.
‘RK800, register name: Connie.’
51 - Connie - shivered.
the art!
link: https://www.deviantart.com/coakesam/art/DBHAUBB-2021-877769882
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lottsoluv · 4 years
I used to be a mod on Dangan-Happy
This is going to be a very long post because there’s so much that happened, and I felt the need to expose the truths hidden behind the positivity everyone loves so much. Everything seems so fine and dandy on the surface, so consider this a callout post. Thank you to my friends that helped me create this.
For context:  I was Mod Chiaki, Mod Rantaro, and Mod Shuichi after a friend of mine left the blog. I would always sign my posts with emojis.
I was in a discord server made by the creators of Dangan-Happy before the blog was created. Both creators run another danganronpa blog focused on writing imagines, and I joined their server because I loved their writing and was interested in making new friends, and that I did.
When Dangan-Happy was created back in July and a link was posted in the discord server for mod applications, I applied for Chiaki immediately. I enjoyed her a lot as a character, and I knew I’d be good at emulating how she spoke through writing, and I got to make people happy while doing so. Though, before this, I had never been apart of a blog like this, I just had this blog, one that I’ve muddled in since 2013, so it was a brand new experience for me. 
I was accepted and after a couple of other people who were accepted as mods started joining the monomonomayhem discord server, the two admins created a separate section in the discord server for the mods of Dangan-Happy to communicate, away from the eyes of the fans of their original imagines blog. Everything started out fine, seeing as we barely had any asks coming in, as expected, and I became good friends with a couple of the mods that joined us. 
Around the middle of August was when things started going down hill. I became really good friends with our first Mod Izuru, Beep, and we were discussing our grievances we had with the blog, which wasn’t much honestly, such as how mod applications worked or how some of the asks were behind or just how we didn’t think some of the mods wrote their characters well, and it was all in moderation, we were just having a chat between friends, it was nothing serious and only stayed between us. None of the other mods really had any idea what was going on either, we were all just thrown to the wind.
Then, the two admins came up with a rule that no one was allowed to post asks unless either of them specified that they were ready to be sent, which became sort of a problem, seeing as they weren’t always online. Beep and I were usually the ones, at least in the beginning stages of this blog, who tried our hardest to make sure the asks got done and got posted, outside of the two admins. It felt sort of like a punch to the face, to be quite honest, but there was no animosity held toward the two admins. We still tried our hardest to help out, but the list of mods was growing and our list of asks were growing as well, we became buried underneath the voices of the newer, inexperienced mods.
Beep was a sort of hard person to get along with, and as our list of mods on Dangan-Happy grew, they had a harder time getting along with people or trusting people, so they created a group chat to talk and hang out with the people from the server that they trusted, and this eventually grew into a server, one that was not created by either of us but created by Dangan-Happy’s Mod Akane. Collectively, we agreed that the server that was created was a sort of “safe-haven” for Beep, so we only added people to the server that they trusted. We started a “rebellion” of sorts, because what we wanted was change in the way the blog was run, though we never actually did anything, it was more of a mindset. We never had any hatred toward the admins or any of the other mods.
About a week or two passed and one of the admins, Mod Kaz, updated all the mods on their current irl situation. Beep and I then told Mod Kaz that if they needed any sort of help with the blog, they should ask for it, and that the older mods that have been on the blog longer should be allowed to help more with it, and he agreed, making a new role in our discord server titled “Mid Mod,” who’s individual roles were broke up into specifics, such as “tag checking,” “grammar checking,” “overall checking,” etc. All was fine and going well, and I’ll restate, Beep and I held 0 hatred or animosity for Mod Kaz, we were only concerned for his well-being and the well-being of the blog.
Then, on September 9th, the old Mod Byakuya/Ibuki/Nagito left the blog. That being said, it was well known that Beep was an “unwilling Nagito kinnie,” and they would say all the time that they regretted not taking Nagito when they had the chance. They even covered for Mod Nagito a couple times beforehand. They were working on a Nagito mod application, when a new person joined the server, the new Mod Nagito. This alerted many of us in our little “rebellion” server. At that moment, Beep, the old Mod Miu, Mod Akane, one of the other mods, and I were in a voice chat in that server. We were just hanging out, not really doing anything in particular, when we were just all caught off guard. It hadn’t been even an hour when the mod applications were opened for a new mod Nagito. 
This topic was a hot debate between the admins and the handful of us. We were told the mod applications were “first come, first serve,” which is still just preposterous in my opinion, and that it didn’t matter how well someone was at writing a character. If they submitted the application first, then they were that mod, and no amount of refutation could convince them otherwise. This angered Beep because they were working so hard on the application, and none of it mattered. There is no anger or hatred toward the new Mod Nagito, I personally think they’re pretty good at writing Nagito and I’m glad they were chosen, but the system that the admins had set up showed its true colors. It didn’t care about quality, only quantity and efficiency. 
Beep’s anger was understood by me and the others in the voice chat with them, but that empathy did not carry over to the other mods and admins in the discord server, who decided to start their own group chat discussing whether or not to ask Beep (and I, for some reason) to leave the blog. The reason I, and the others in the voice chat, know about this conversation is because they added Mod Akane to the said group chat. Mod Akane, who was the one who created the “rebellion” server we were voice chatting in. 
At this point, we five: Beep, the old Mod Miu, Mod Akane, one of the other mods, and I, had all agreed that there were systemic flaws in the blog we were apart of, and were all relatively upset with the recent events. It was rage-inducing, watching people we worked with talking about how “mean” our friend was, even though they’ve previously stated publicly in the server and apologized for any sort of misunderstandings. I even re-read all the screenshots that were sent to us by Mod Akane before writing this (October 17th,) and it got me really angry again. During this, I talked privately with Mod Kaz about Beep’s behavior, trying my hardest to smooth things over, and again, I never once came to hate him, even after all this.
Then, finally, Beep left the blog, extremely angry after reading the group chat messages relayed by Mod Akane. Even after all of these events had transpired, the rest of us still wanted to work on the blog because we enjoyed roleplaying as these characters and enjoyed giving people advice and making them happy. Sometimes, working with some of the mods was trying, but that’s just how it is when you have such a large group of people working together. Not everyone is going to get along, some people aren’t going to like some of the others, and it’s not something people can just force. The best thing to do in a scenario such as this, at least this is what I did, is to lay low and just do your job, which I did indeed enjoy doing, despite what some of the other mods might have thought.
In fact, that’s what all 4 four of us agreed to do, just lay low and do our jobs as advice-giving roleplayers. Mod Akane was given an important role in the server, where she would stay on all of our butts about getting our asks done in a timely manner. And, that’s all fine and dandy, but she explicitly stated that she wanted to watch the blog crash and burn (along with the rest of us) after the events that transpired the day before. None of us, aside from Beep, had any sort of actual hatred toward the admins and mods themselves, only what everything was becoming.
We were all fine with this arrangement for the most part. We even, all five of us, created a separate blog, where we could roleplay as characters that we wanted to, and it was quite fun. We were all planning on leaving Dangan-Happy after it got up and running, but it never quite took off. We were all busy with our lives, and subsequently, toward the beginning of this month, October, Mod Akane had a falling out with our friend group. We both made separate servers and invited who we wanted and that should’ve been that, fair enough right?
The very next day, Mod Kaz direct messaged me and told me I was kicked from the blog. The reasoning given was that he didn’t want to work with people that hated him. To quote him: “I'm sorry to say this Tea. I had a great time working with you but due to some unforeseen circumstances and some review of your behavior I must ask you to leave the blog. I'm not going to keep fighting to run a positivity blog with someone that holds so much contempt for me. Leave the blog, I'm not going to argue or budge on this.”
In response, I told him fine. I’ve literally never held any contempt for this man, but he really deeply thinks that I’ve hated him this entire time, no matter how much we bonded over similar interests. That’s the part that bothered me at first, being kicked off a blog I loved writing for over someone thinking I hated them. Then, the bit about “review of your behavior” caught my eye. I told him I had barely said a word in the server purposefully so that I don’t hurt other people with my perceived “negativity.”
Then, I realized the problem might actually lie with the “unforeseen circumstances” portion of their message. A day earlier, there was a falling out between Mod Akane and the rest of my friends. I connected the dots, Mod Akane must’ve told Mod Kaz about everything that happened, about my friends and I getting upset over things happening surrounding the blog. It just makes no sense otherwise. I personally believed I wasn’t a problem at all concerning the blog. I tried my hardest to get my asks done on time and in character. I was good at what I did, and I loved doing what I did. And, I was outcasted, thrown out for seemingly no valid reason.
I’m not asking you to harass people, I’m just trying to explain my side in a way that these mods will see and understand. I’m just angry and confused, and I want a real, genuine answer, because I never hated Mod Kaz ever up until this bullshit. Sure, I was upset at the way things were run, I was upset with some decisions that were made, but I never hated him. And, if Mod Akane told him otherwise, I have the screenshots to prove she did the exact same as me.
This post is far from perfect, I apologize. My friends and I are just very upset and hurt. We put so much time and effort into a blog we cared for, and it turns out it’s all bullshit behind the scenes. A fake environment ruled by a toxic positivity, if you have different opinions in the way things are run, you just get removed. It’s fucked.
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hpdaddyfest · 4 years
Revealed Master Post 2020
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[Banner by @maraudererasmut]
Here is the final revealed master list for the 2020 run of HP Daddy Fest! We would like to thank all of our fest participants for all they have done towards making this fest a success. We were blown away by the variety of different dynamics within the daddy/mummy/caregiver themes that were represented in the works. We have listed the entries by pairing type for your browsing convenience.
M/M (Slash) Fics:
Title: Keep Me Close (Keep Me Safe) Creator: @bafflinghaze Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 2.4k Summary: After a long day, Harry comes home knowing Draco will take care of him.
Title: Doughnuts and Daddies Creator: @acaciaraff96 Pairing: Harry Potter/Sirius Black/Remus Lupin Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 12k Summary: Harry has always wanted someone to love him, care for him, and make him feel special. But, he never thought he could find it. He knows who he wants, but doesn't think they would want him back. If only he knew how they really saw him.
Title: Good Boys Deserve A Spanking Creator: hannelore (AO3) Pairing: Kingsley Shacklebolt/Percy Weasley Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 2.5k Summary: Percy is eager to please, which can get him into trouble when he tries to anticipate Kingsley's needs. Good boys *do* deserve a good spanking, but Kingsley wants to see if Percy can follow directions first.
Title: Something Special, Something Sacred Creator: @evenmyzefronposter Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Harry Potter Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 32k Summary: Lucius Malfoy's life had fallen apart after the war. In an attempt to curb his desperate loneliness, he ventured into the muggle world. There he found more than he could have ever dreamed. Harry Potter was a mess after the war. Isolated from everyone he had ever known and loved, he ventured into the muggle world to lose himself. Instead, he found himself and so much more. Or how Lucius and Harry learned that sometimes being different is exactly what you need to be sane.
Title: Under the Heavy Moon Creator: @opaleyedragon Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Ablus Severus Potter Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 1k Summary: When Draco becomes Albus' daddy, it was only a matter of time before he gets bred.
Title: Unmade Creator: @grim-you-fuck Pairing: Remus Lupin/Fenrir Greyback Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 8.1k Summary: Once upon a time, there was a young man who strayed from the path and dawdled in the woods. Instead of a ‘happily ever after’ and a Prince Charming, he was left with scars. This is the story of how Remus was torn to pieces, and stitched back together again.
Title: On a Collision Course Creators: @moonlitmarauder & @siriuslythatbitch Pairing: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 30k Summary: A playful exchange in the Common Room has unforeseen consequences, pushing both boys down a path they never expected.
Title: A Little Help From My Friends Creators:  @moonlitmarauder & @siriuslythatbitch Pairing: Sirius Black/Remus Lupin, Sirius Black/James Potter/Remus Lupin Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 11k Summary: Remus and Sirius give James a Christmas gift he’ll never forget. Sequel to "On a Collision Course"
Title: Their Daddy Creator: @ami-talks Pairing: Remus Lupin/Nymphadora Tonks Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 4.1k Summary: It had been a little over forty-eight hours since Tonks had come out to Remus as transgender.
Title: Thank Goodness For Daddy Creator: @nagemeikenu Pairing: Augustus Rookwood/Rodolphus Lestrange Rating: Mature/R Length: 1.1k Summary: Rodolphus has had a very long day indeed. Luckily, his Daddy is there to take care of him.
Title: Slip in Wonder Creator: @dwell-on-dreams  Pairing: Remus Lupin/Severus Snape Rating: Mature/R Length: 2.3k Summary: Clothes maketh the man. Or in this case, the Little. And for Remus and Severus, this is a truth they live by, and have managed to make into a ritual that makes everything easier.
Title: Still This Appeal   Creator: @nymphadoratonqs Pairing: Remus Lupin/Sirius Black Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 4.8k Summary: Since Sirius has broken out of Azkaban, his and Remus’ play has not been sexual. Sirius needs Remus to help keep him safe and under control, and Remus is glad to be able to help. What he doesn’t expect, though, is to have Sirius pay him a visit as he’s taking a bath one night at Grimmauld Place.
F/M (Het) Art:
Title: Daddy Draco Creator: @lilithshadefanfic Pairing: Draco Malfoy/Hermione Granger Rating: Mature/R Medium: Digital Art Summary: Illustration for HP Daddy Fest 2020
F/M (Het) Fics:
Title: With A Firm Hand Creator: @articcat621 Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 1.2k Summary: Hermione broke the rules, and her Daddy is sure to punish her.
Title: Daddy’s Little Princess Creator: @ami-talks Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Pansy Parkinson Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 2.7k Summary: Draco needs Pansy to stop fawning over him and Lucius needs a new distraction. Lucius has the perfect solution.
Title:  Afterglow Creator:  @weestarmeggie17​ Pairing: Hermione Granger/Draco Malfoy Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 1k Summary: As Minister for Magic, there's nothing Hermione loves better than coming home and letting someone else take charge.
Title:  Mind Your Manners Creator: @lynnlox​ Pairing: Hermione Granger/Lucius Malfoy Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 5.8k Summary: Hermione is caught sneaking around Malfoy Manor, Lucius decides to teach her how to behave.
Title: Lust Amongst Books  Creator: @princesserica84​ Pairing: Ron Weasley/Hermione Granger  Rating: Explicit/NC-17  Length: 2.6k  Summary: After a stressful Auror mission, all Ron wants is to be with his Baby girl. To touch her and hold her, take control and care for her.
Title: Flames Burn Down Together Creator: @thiscitychickk​ Pairing: Lucius Malfoy/Narcissa Black Rating: Explicit/NC-17 Length: 16k Summary: Abraxas made sure to show his son how a Malfoy man cares for his love. Lucius did his best to follow in his father's footsteps.
F/F (Femme) Fic:
Title: Mothering Sunday Creator: paraque (AO3) Pairing: Narcissa Malfoy/Astoria Greengrass Rating: Teen/PG-13 Length: 3.7k Summary: Narcissa always wanted a little girl of her own, and Astoria never really had a proper Mum. Together they build something that neither of them ever knew was possible.
We would also like to thank our followers, whose likes, reblogs and comments help keep the creators doing what they do best, and help the fest reach the eyes of those who may be interested in the future.
We look forward to seeing you all again for the next event!
- Your mods, @ami-talks & @nagemeikenu​
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FAQs 2020 Edition
Hey there, Wonderland Participants! As promised, here is your 2020 edition of Questions We Have Received. Some of these are repeats from blog asks or that we have previously answered, but this way it’s all in once place! 
First though, a quick review of the dates and rules:
Dates: (as you can see, we are right on schedule!)
Monday 05 October: Signups open
Sunday 01 November: Signups close
Sunday 08 November: Assignments will be emailed - these will arrive in the email inbox you provided when you signed up so if you did not receive a confirmation email from us we do not have a means to contact you with your assignment - please message the blog ASAP
Sunday 22 November: Check-In #1
Sunday 06 December Check-In #2; Posting Date Signups
December 15-25: Gifts Posted
Friday 15 Jan: Round-Up Posted
This exchange is for good-hearted fun! Remember that you’re getting a gift, not ordering a commission.
Don’t be a dick.
Works submitted for this event have to be original works that haven’t yet been posted elsewhere in the fandom. Everybody deserves a new, unique gift!
Remember to keep your recipient a secret until your gift is posted.
This event doesn’t allow any works involving the Big AO3 Four (Character Death, Underage, Rape/Non-con, Extreme Violence). Just… this isn’t the place for it.
This event is open to all ages — with the caveat that participants under the age of 18 will not be allowed to create or receive sexual content.
This year we are allowing art and writing.
Fanart: Final pieces should be digitally consumable. This can include fanart, moodboards, and the like.
Fanfic: Absolute minimum 1000 words; no maximum; expectation between 1K-3K.
All works need to be complete before posting — this includes multi-chapter work.
Now, onto the questions we’ve received so far!
If we write a story best formatted as multiple chapters and finished by the deadline, can we post just chapter one on the day the story is due and each chapter on a new day thereafter or does an entire multi-chaptered work have to go up all at once?
The multi-chapter work must be complete by your posting date and must be completely posted by the end of posting.  Basically, posting runs December 15-25th (dates overlap both Christmas and Hanukkah) - dates will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis by google form sign-up, and your entire work must be completely posted by December 25th. If you have many chapters, we recommend that you choose an earlier posting date so that you can post a chapter each day until complete and still be done by final posting date. 
Will I get assigned to make either art or fic or do I get the prompts and choose which to make?
You will receive three prompts from your gift recipient and you may fulfill the request in whatever fashion you like as long as it respects the recipients DNWs.  If you can make all three prompts into one art piece or one fic, go for it. You can focus on only one prompt. You can mash up two of the three! Whatever inspires you, we encourage you to get creative!
Are we allowed to combine our gift with a bingo fill if we can fit a bingo event prompt into the gift exchange prompt?
We are okay with this as long as the following conditions are met:
The work produced must prioritize the recipient’s request. If you can make werewolf den mothering and canon-compliant mission AU match up in a way that makes sense and that meets the recipient’s requests and DNWs, go for it.
The Bingo event is okay with prompts doing double-duty for our event and theirs.
The work created must meet the cumulative requirement for BOTH events. For example we are asking for 1-3k at minimum. If the Bingo requires 500 words, you would need to produce at least 1500 words to meet the guidelines for both events. It is hard to give an example of how that would apply to art, but the general idea is that you are creating a body of work which cumulatively meets the requirements for both events. Mood boards might need 6-8 images instead of 4, for example, or art might have a detailed background or full shading rather than a black and white sketch.Please use your good judgment with the idea that you are creating a gift for someone to enjoy in addition to filling a Bingo prompt rather than filling a Bingo prompt that you happen to gift someone.
Are threesome ships allowed for the exchange? As long as Clint and Bucky are prominently included? Can we put that as a request?
You can request an OT3 as part of your requests, but as this is a Winterhawk event your creator is under no obligation to fulfill any poly ships that are not Winterhawk.  Additionally, the focus should definitely be on the Winterhawk aspect of the relationship. 
When we will receive our matches?
On or before November 8th, depending on whether the mods can dig themselves out of the emotional black hole we’re all currently in to get it done early.  We are working on matches every day!
How are matches made? 
Matches are made through a very sophisticated system of: first we match up sensitive topic requests, such as ace/aro, trans, etc. with creators who are comfortable with those subjects and will treat them respectfully. Then we ensure that unusual DNWs (things that don't fall under the Big 4 or that aren't what most would consider 'common' DNWs such as abuse) are not matched with people who might accidentally include that DNW in a gift.  For example, if you put werewolves on your DNW list, we aren't going to match you with someone who has submitted three werewolf prompts. That person likes werewolves, and you don't! It's not a good match! Finally, we pray over the spreadsheet to the Random Number Generator Gods, and they spit out divinely reveal Random Numbers for us to match. Entry number 1 gets matched to holy Russian Roulette entry number 25! Unless one of those already has been matched, that's the pairing that gets emailed out! This is the fairest way we have come up with to do the matchmaking, but if you receive a prompt you absolutely feel you cannot create for, please reach out to us and we will see what we can do about resolving the situation, whether that means we make a matching change, or we ask the gift recipient for new prompts.
How do posting dates work?
After the second check in, a Google Form will be emailed out to all participants - you will be able to choose a date on the form that you would like to post on, running the entire length of the posting period (December 15-25th). There will be a limited number of slots per day (4-5 spots) and they will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Again, we recommend that if you have a multi-chapter work and would like to post a chapter per day/every other day that you sign up for an early posting date so that your work is completely posted before the event ends December 25. 
What are the Check-Ins?
Just a way for the Mod Team to check in with participants to ensure things are running smoothly. We will ask you how your gift is coming along, if you’re having any trouble we can help with, and if you have any concerns you would like to voice.  
The second check-in is going to ask you to be a little more specific about your progress towards completion, and it will give us as mods an opportunity to offer you help if you need it - cheerleading, beta readers, etc. 
What if I need to drop out?
Please, please, please let us know as soon as possible.  We have pinch-hitters on standby, very willing to step in if needed - we understand that things happen! We will not even ask you why you need to drop out, we will just say thank you for letting us know and then we will pass your recipients prompts on to a pinch hitter.  No drama at all, and nothing to feel anxious about.  No one will even know that you dropped out unless you tell them.  Gifts are kept anonymous until posting day, and your recipient will still receive a gift regardless of whether you are able to provide it or not. 
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merthurkissfest · 4 years
Merthur Kiss Fest 2019  Masterlist
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The Merthur Kiss Fest has concluded for yet another year! We're sad to see it go, but so very glad that it happened. Quick apology for the wait, as this was meant to go up a bit ago already. But thank you all for your patience. <3
We have a total of (drumroll please)... 61 works this year! That's incredible!!
A huge thank you and round of applause to our amazing writers and artists for their wonderful contributions, whose hard work is at the heart and soul of this fest, as well as to the creator and my fellow mod, @arthur-of-the-pendragons​, who did most of the work putting this together and keeping it running, and last but not least, to the rest of the community who spread the word, shared the work, and left kudos and comments!
I know I speak for the both of us when I say that none of this would've been possible without the love, dedication, and generosity of the Merlin community. So from the bottom of our tiny little fangirl hearts, Thank you. Under the cut is the masterlist of all the works. I would like to ask that the creators check over it and let me know ASAP if there's any mistakes, or anything I missed! Thank you!
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✧・゚: * 🌸 SPRING 🌸 *:・゚✧
Of Sunrises and Stardust by Victori Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 903 Summary: "Merlin had lived through a thousand springs, and had learned that nothing ever began again. Spring wasn’t hope; it was a cycle, one that came and went as Merlin stood still and watched it fly by. Spring was life as a reminder of death." OR Merlin has been waiting too long, and is on the verge of giving up. But his destiny was written in the stars, and it's not willing to let him go that easily.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About a Secret by Leandra Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3200 Summary: In which Arthur is drunk, Merlin is inconvenienced and secrets are kept, but barely.The first part in a four-part series for the Merlin/Arthur Kiss Fest 2019. Each part will feature a different season, a different set of kisses and at least one trope :-)Series Title comes from the e.e.cummings poem "since feeling is first": and kisses are a better fate than wisdom. MERRY XMAS!!!
April Violets (Five First Kisses) by athousandvictories [FIC+ART] Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5604 Summary: Merlin's journey to his last first kiss, or five stories of new beginnings. A set of behind-the-scenes moments beginning before Merlin goes to Camelot. Vaguely canon compliant until the end. Plenty of drunken idiocy and poorly executed flirtation. Because we deserve it.
In Which Arthur Gets Jealous of an Owl by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3482 Summary: Arthur decided he must officially be going insane if he was suddenly craving Merlin’s liking after seeing the owl give fond peaks to the raven haired servant.
A Springtime Betrothal by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2213 Summary:  It’s a beautiful spring day – the perfect setting for young royals to enter into a betrothal. Too bad Princess Elena is convinced that Arthur is a would-be assassin, out to kill her with a poisoned kiss. To prove that there is no danger, Arthur has no choice but to kiss Merlin, leading to several unexpected, though not unwelcome, developments.
Spring Night (oh so wrong) by CandiceWright Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1509 Summary: Because ever since Gwen left Arthur’s looks have been hotter than his touches, his few words filled with unspoken promises that Merlin is scared to take. He’s scared because he doesn’t want it to be just a remedy for his fractured pride, doesn't want it to be done out of spite. But he does want it, he really does. And now Arthur's gaze is heavy upon him, making his body shiver in anticipation and all he can think is this is wrong, wrong. But then Arthur tells him to come to his bed, and how could Merlin say no to that?
Weaving Crowns by Mischel [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 569 Summary:  Now that Merlin and Arthur are both kings and married, they hardly have time for each other anymore. Merlin's decided to do something about it, and he takes Arthur to a meadow, where they can finally have a moment alone to- make flower crowns? Well, that's not what Arthur expected. (But maybe that's exactly what he needed.)
Blossom by Blossom by Caledonia Rating: Not Rated Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1614 Summary: Merlin builds floral crowns in advance of the spring celebrations, and there is a secret hidden in Arthur's."Blossom by blossom the spring begins." Algernon Charles Swinburne
Spring (cleaning) Kisses by Lao-Pendragon [ART] Rating: Not Rated
Young Man’s Fancy by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1866 Summary: Merlin's mum has moved to a quaint village with a strangely competitive spring tradition. Cue Merlin being clumsy and Arthur manning the first aid tent. "In the Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love." - Alfred Lord Tennyson
Love in Spring by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2026 Summary:  Arthur and Merlin are in a secret relationship - for now. Hiding their love takes a toll on them both and communicating with each other isn’t much better...
King in a (flower) crown by brokenfannibal_art [ART] Rating: G Summary:  I saw a post a while back about how the children of the lower town probably make flower crowns for Merlin. And lets be honest Arthur would absolutely melt when he saw Merlin wearing one. Of course Merlin would make one for Arthur as well.
The gifts from Spring by Shadow_Hole Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1487 Summary:  Once, Gaius had told him that Spring, would eventually notice Merlin’s hardships and will gift him with what he needed the most, a ‘helping hand from nature’ as the old men had said at the time. Merlin knew that this wasn't true.
True Love’s Kiss by broken_fannibal Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3705 Summary:  Arthur was cursed by a water spirit to drown himself in a certain lake. Will they be able to find a way to lift the curse? A race against time begins.
I Need Your Hand by FervidAsAFlame Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2781 Summary: Gwen manages to drag her best friend Arthur to the university’s semi-formal dance, even though he won’t stop sulking that his boyfriend can’t make it. Luckily, Gwen’s got a surprise for him.
Dog Walking Disaster by surprisinglyblunt Rating: M Chapters: 3/4 Word Count: 4540 Summary:  When Merlin finds a lost dog after one of the worst encounters of his life, he thinks fate might be punishing him for something, but is it really punishment or is the universe actually on his side this time?
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✧・゚: * 🔆 SUMMER 🔆 *:・゚✧
Merlin’s Knight by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 8537 Summary: He comes in the dark of night; never speaking or letting his full face show, but Merlin appreciates the company anyway.After all, who’s foolish enough to venture into the dungeons and comfort an accused sorcerer?
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About a Transgression by Leandra Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5738 Summary: Merlin had joined him in the water, coming towards him with long, even strokes of his arm. He was a good swimmer, better than most of Arthur’s knights and he caught up with Arthur quickly, briefly ducking and diving underneath the water to emerge just in front of him with a grin and water streaming down his face, his hair plastered against his skull, his ears seemingly more prominent than usual. Arthur felt his earlier confusion slip away. It was just Merlin. Clumsy, bumbling, ridiculous Merlin with his silly ears and too insolent grin.-*- After riding all day during a heatwave, Arthur and Merlin stop for a swim. A bit of roughhousing turns awkward and Arthur finds out that silly ears or not, there's just something about Merlin ;-)
Going Underground by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1628 Summary:  Merlin is stuck on a sweltering hot underground train and he considers getting off and walking home instead. That is until a rather handsome blond man boards the train beside Merlin and things begin to get interesting.
Arthur - The Prince to never get anything by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2779 Summary: 5 Times Merlin does something nice for people who are not Arthur. And one time, when it's finally Arthur's turn.
Hold My Hand, Let the Waves Come by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 834 Summary: The world is full of new and exciting experiences for Arthur now that he came back from Avalon. But standing only in his "special swimming underwear" on an overcrowded beach where it feels like hundreds of people are watching him, doesn't seem like one of them.Merlin is there to help him realize that even with many more people than Arthur is used to, it can still be fun when they're together :)
And Turn the White Snow Red as Strawberries in Summertime by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 910 Summary:  Arthur and Merlin conjure memories of summer while cooped up during a winter storm.
Boys of Summer by Victori Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4450 Summary: "It started, as most problems in Merlin’s life, with a boy. A bloody gorgeous boy, with eyes as blue as the sea and wet blond hair plastered to his forehead. An Adonis if there ever was one, complete with a Roman nose. A boy who Merlin spilled Rocky Road all over in a stunning display of clumsiness."ORMerlin and Arthur met, fell in love, and messed it up. Maybe their summer romance isn't as far gone as they think.
Summer of New Beginnings (what I would do for you) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1801 Summary:  That night Merlin sees just how deep the wound of Agravaine’s betrayal is. He wants to hold him and tell him that everything will be okay, that he won’t have to go through the same thing again but he can’t because he’s betraying him far more than anyone else ever has and it hurts.
Sweet Summer Kisses by Nattymctatty [ART] Rating: Not Rated
Can We Always Be This Close by tehfanglyfish Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 7982 Summary: Merlin takes a trip to Ealdor to tend his mother’s farm while she visits a friend in another village. He thinks he’ll have a week of solitude until Arthur decides to tag along. The days they spend together lead to numerous revelations.Or… the one where the author indulges Arthur and allows him to run off to a farm with Merlin.
Arthur’s Flowers by lefayart [ART] Rating: Not Rated Summary: Arthur gets what he asked for.... but only because he asked nicely.
A Day at the Lake by Impala_Chick Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1080 Summary: It's too hot in the Castle, so Arthur and Merlin sneak off to the lake to cool off.
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✧・゚: * 🍁 FALL 🍁 *:・゚✧
Trembling Fingers and Sure Strides by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2474 Summary:  It's a beautiful day, the birds are singing, the sun is shining. Merlin's nervous as fuck. For no good reason, either. It's a tournament, like any other tournament. Nothing to indicate Arthur is in danger of dying. At least, not today.
Take Me Apart by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1212 Summary:  One otherwise dull autumn day, Arthur meets an insolent stranger in the Camelot marketplace who claims to be able to take him apart with less than one blow. Arthur decides to let him try.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About Attraction by Leandra Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5861 Summary: “Seriously, Merlin,” Arthur drawled, stepping closer and halting his hands, “you are so terribly clumsy, it’s a wonder you haven’t cut something off with your sickle that isn’t a rye ear.” He reached with steady fingers, hooking the waterskin safely back into Merlin’s belt. They were standing close, so close, and Arthur’s hands were at his waist and Merlin, who was already flustered, felt his heart skip a beat. Please, he thought, please, not knowing what it really was he wanted. He sighed in relief when Arthur stepped back to pick up his sickle again and bent to retrieve his own. *-* Sex pollen, a rye field, filthy kissing and too many feelings.
Of Foreign Nobility and Hidden Magic by AeonTheDimensionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 5709 Summary: Merlin’s fair skin should not be covered in dark purple bruises.
Kissing It Better by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 685 Summary: Merlin and Arthur are on an important mission, but the weather betrays them and they end up being chased through a forest all the way to a cliff. There are only two options now - jump or be killed, and, well . . . kissing isn't one of them. So . . . what are you doing, Arthur?
I love you with or without fleas by CallMeHopeless and Maryluis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1627 Summary: Morgana challenges Arthur to kiss the Person he loves most...
From Love We Fall (I want to understand) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1138 Summary: Merlin doesn’t talk to Arthur after his betrothal to Gwen. He helps with the preparations, he can’t not, but he can’t bear to talk to Arthur after what he did. And Arthur makes no effort to talk to him either. His eyes still follow him while he’s doing his chores, refusing to utter a single word, not even to explain. Not that Merlin would listen to anything he has to say. Because after all they’ve been through, after what they’ve shared he deserves more than him just fucking him and leaving him alone. He feels used, betrayed. And he knows in his heart that it wasn’t meant to last, but he knows just as much that what they had was real, the love was there. But he can’t do it anymore, not like this. Not when he feels like he can’t get out of bed every morning, when every step he takes feels like torture, when he’s forced to see everyone’s happiness at the prospect of having a new and wonderful queen.
Foiled By Fall by MapleBreeze Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1597 Summary: Arthur decides to pick flowers as an anonymous gift for Merlin but is hit with the realization that it is Autumn and this is no longer a simple task. But this is only the first way his plan goes wrong.
Deliration of Love by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2653 Summary: Tall. Blonde hair. Blue eyes. Shimmers in the sun. Is an utter prat. How could anyone not fall in love with Arthur Pendragon? Don't fall in love with destiny. Merlin has given up any hope of those deepest secrets of his ever coming to light and resigned himself to being happy because Arthur was happy. With someone else. Arthur may just surprise him once again. Or. In sorting through his feelings after banishing Gwen, Arthur realizes there's another person he's been stifling his emotions for.
Dead Ends and New Beginnings by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1827 Summary: On a beautiful, sunny autumn day Merlin agrees to accompany his friends to a corn maze, not telling any of them that he's just a little bit claustrophobic. He ends up in a dead-end of the maze with only Arthur where Arthur tries to calm him and comfort him by sharing a fear of his own.
Lavender by Excaliburstark Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1373 Summary: Merlin likes to please his king and Arthur likes his baths. 
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✧・゚: * ❄️ WINTER ❄️ *:・゚✧
Well I Won’t Be Your Winter by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1582 Summary: Stranded in a cave during a winter blizzard, Merlin must use magic to light the fire. He knows this will be a death sentence for himself, but hopefully, Arthur will be saved. But first, Merlin will fulfil the promise he had made himself."I am going to do something now that will make you want to kill me, and then I am going to do something that will make it easier."
Even The Weariest River by Caledonia Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1306 Summary: Arthur is offered many things in life that he does not want, and the one thing he does want he believes he is utterly unworthy of.(I'm sorry- this one is quite angsty-read the tags, please <3)
Blame it on the Mistletoe by Caledonia Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 792 Summary: Merlin works for Arthur which means he's out of bounds. Except maybe it's time to change that...Or, why you should never invite your sister as your date to the office Christmas Party.
popcorn & prats by cominupforair Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3434 Summary: In which Merlin really wants to spend NYE on his own, but Arthur is a prat.
Kiss Him! by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1291 Summary: After being abducted by an infuriating dragon, Arthur finds Merlin unresponsive, suffering ill-effects from a sorcerer's attack. According to the dragon, there's only way for Arthur to save him.
One Thing To Make You Mine by FervidAsAFlame Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 9907 Summary: When Arthur asks for Merlin’s help with asking someone out for Valentine’s Day, Merlin does his best to give his friend excellent advice -- even if he’d rather it was him Arthur was asking out. Unsurprisingly, Arthur seems up to the task of pulling this mystery man, but Merlin can’t help but wonder – who could he be? And why does Arthur keep testing all his methods on Merlin first?
Untitled by Kawaroki [ART] Rating: Not Rated Summary: merthur kissfest: winter ❄
Superstitious Love Confessions by CallMeHopeless and MaryLuis [FIC+ART] Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2821 Summary: Arthur is gifted a plant. It is not mistletoe. So what is he doing holding it over his head?
No Scorching Sun Nor Freezing Coly (Or Interrupting Owls and Knights) by AeonTheDimentionalGirl Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3620 Summary: It’s moments like these, in which they’re not master and servant or king and (secret) warlock, just Arthur and Merlin, that Merlin most treasures.
A Better Fate than Wisdom: About Truth by Leandra Rating: E Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 10117 Summary: “Was everything else a lie, too?” he asked darkly, hating the desperation in his tone, thinking of the friendship he valued so much, of Merlin laughing at his jokes, of fighting side by side and how it had given him strength again and again, knowing that Merlin would always be there, would always choose to stand with him, no matter what. Of Merlin’s soft sob of pleasure, gasped into his mouth as his fingers clawed the small of his back. *-* Arthur finds out that Merlin has magic. Conclusion of the series.
It was all yellow/they shine for you by Excaliburstark Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 956 Summary: The apple bowl scene with a twist
Next Year Then, Stranger by Mischel Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 1658 Summary: When Merlin tells Arthur the news that he'll be moving from Ealdor to Camelot, Arthur can't contain his delight and kisses Merlin right there, in the snowy meadow. This is the story of Merlin and Arthur who had known each other for years but could only ever meet once a year in the winter. This is the moment that changes their lives forever.
The Shape of My Beautiful Lies by Caledonia Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2451 Summary: Merlin’s fingertips were thieves. They mapped the surface of Arthur’s body in fleeting, casual touches, and they stole. Merlin was not allowed to touch his king, not in the ways that he wanted; so when he went about his duties he made every contact an unrequited crime.
Paper Planes by Excaliburstark Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 585 Summary: Merlin is leaving on a flight to Venezuela where he'll live with his dad for a while.
Always Break My Fall by arsenicandsunshine Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2459 Summary: Merlin may be a police constable, but that doesn't mean he can ice skate. A fact he's been hiding from his best mate who just insisted on dragging him ice skating. His best mate who also made it clear he doesn't feel the same way about Merlin as Merlin does about him. How the hell did he let Arthur drag him ice skating, of all things? Oh right, Merlin has no willpower where a certain blonde prat is concerned. This is going to end well.
We are Nowhere and It’s Now by theskyisgay Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4462 Summary: The waiting, and what comes after.
The Future Queen Commands by tehfanglyfish Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3026 Summary: The outbreak of a midwinter fever leaves the castle short staffed and Arthur in the uncomfortable position of looking after four small children. Who knew that children had so much energy? Or that they asked so many nosy questions? And were quite skilled at getting answers? By no means did the king of Camelot expect a little girl to discover a secret he’d been keeping for years, one involving Merlin and feelings, or to put him in a position where he must reveal it.
like a lover (with no shame) by Elizabeth Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 2029 Summary: The last bitter freeze of winter finds Arthur and Merlin deep in the forest. Ever gallant, Arthur is willing to go to great lengths to keep his manservant alive and unfrozen. He'll share his cloak, his bedding, and--if he must--even the warmth of his own body. Spring is almost here, but not without one final bedwarming fic for the Merthur Kiss Fest 2019/20. Thanks for Amnesty Week! "Midmorning sun is casting its rays against the tent walls, and Arthur is having his way with his half-sleeping manservant. He slept half the day, and he’s holding Merlin like a lover, with no shame."
What Winter Took Away (love is not enough) by CandiceWright Rating: M Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 4290 Summary: But Arthur is hurt and his words cut through Merlin like a knife. How could they not? Saying that he admires him only to dismiss him in the next breath. And if that's the last time he's going to see his King he wishes he could be remembered as the brave one, the lionheart, not the coward that he appears to be now, that he feels like he is. But it isn't the last time, it can't be. He will see him again even if he has to tear the earth in half to do so. He can and he will.With that thought in mind, he leaves the castle to go to the crystal cave.
Dark Before Dawn by MapleBreeze Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 3227 Summary: During a winter feast, Merlin still longs for a brighter future. But, for the present, all he has is stolen moments with Arthur.
Freoðuweard by Camelittle Rating: G Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 100 Summary: Arthur pays tribute to his friend. Avalon looks on.
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✧・゚: * 🌸🔆 ALL SEASONS 🍁❄️ *:・゚✧
The Four Times That It was Forbidden (And the One Time it Wasn’t) by sdewan6 Rating: T+ Chapters: 3/5 Word Count: 3815 Summary: “Bloody Hell, Merlin, I care so much I think I’ll kill myself if you ever leave me. If there's ever a day where I don’t love you, you can stab me in the heart. Surely you do not think that lowly of me, do you? I love-” He had a quiet, unreadable expression his face. “No,” he said softly, cutting him off. “Stop. I’m sorry. I just- I can’t  can’t keep on  doing this.” Four times Merlin and Arthur shared forbidden kisses, and the one time it wasn't forbidden at all.
From Grey Into Golden by witching_wingthorns Rating: T+ Chapters: 1/1 Word Count: 693 Summary:  It starts simple enough with an arrogant prince and a brave peasant  It starts simple with playful banter and the beginnings of a friendship with a challenge and an answer, a fight you should’ve won A poem from Arthur’s perspective, a love letter, really, describing his countless lives with Merlin.
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lucifer-kane · 4 years
Finally my side of this whole KFAM debacle
I’ve never had to write something like this before, so here we go. I know that there have been other people who have said things on this topic, people who I’m very grateful towards in all of this, who have come forward in this… strange time. I feel like I finally can say something after freaking out for a few days and talking with others as well online who are on this side of it all. But I feel like I finally need to say something as…. Probably the person who really started it all, I guess? As the one who made the post saying “Me casting death of the author onto kfam” Because I was finally fed up with just everything I had learned over the last year + of talking about criticisms in the show and of the creators/writers. I spent months talking to others on at least two different servers about all of this, from learning it myself, to being here in this position of what’s currently going on.
A lot started a few months ago in the Official Server, when a graphic artist posted an edit of a character of the show in BDSM gear, which, automatically, is NSFW. Some had issues and said that it got taken down, then a few hours later uploaded it once more with a spoiler cover over it. Friday morning, it happened again, this time with a group shot, but he was still there. Now. I don’t think I would have issues with this if it was posted on a server with specific channels for 18+ members of it only. But it wasn’t, and this server is a SFW only, but apparently “canon compliant” NSFW is a-okay. Which, I think is utterly ridiculous, because minors are still in there, and that should not be allowed. If you’re going to allow that stuff, at least have designated channels where only 18+ members can opt in to see that sort of thing. You can’t have both.
Two people called this out, one directly sending an @ to the mods in said server, and it was a little bit before a response happened, then two other messages were taken down, the message with the @ left in it. Kyle had also retweeted the art on twitter, and while I don’t think that was such a bad thing, his response to at least adding a warning that it was NSFW, was pretty unprofessional. The person who asked Kyle to say as such, was bullied by both Kyle and Trent on twitter as well.
Now, onto my DotA post once more. After posting that I had a few hours of chillness, up until in the middle of a call with friends, I looked over to my discord list of servers I was in, and the Official was no longer there. I panicked, left the call, and cried for a long time about it, because despite my criticism, I loved being there! I told my friends on this server, where the criticism was most of the time, and there was a few hour period of questioning what the hell was going on. It was late at night, and everyone was confused. No one would give reasoning to what was going on. Until I was vagued to have been a problem for a long time.
Now, it may have been my bluntness when it comes to text, bc you know, autism! But I don't think I've ever done anything that would warrant people to be uncomfortable, other than criticize the show (and the server at times) on my personal tumblr (twitter on occasion). Which I can see as being upset about that, but I was way too damn scared to PM a mod to talk about what was going on, because at this point, it was very obvious they hated me. I didn’t like that they never came to talk, like a civilized person, about all this. I don't want to make people uncomfortable, that's the last goddamn thing I wanna do in this world.
Now, we’re here. A few days after everything went down, to what I feel like was a simple miscommunication, I would never wish death on someone at all, that’s disgusting behavior and I don’t like that Kyle even vagued that I did such a thing. I have never interacted with him at all, even when he would come and talk on the server. I actively tried to avoid interactions with the creators because I’m not a fan of creators being this close to their fanbase, where people have actively said it makes them uncomfortable.
I love this podcast a lot, for the first year I praised it like others did as well, but then, I read some things about Kyle, and then some of the things in the show. We all know those things, the Hellen Keller episode, how Lily is written, Jacob in his whole character, and the racism in Walt. But I started being critical on main, voicing my thoughts and concerns. Because criticism is an okay thing, it helps artists grow in the things they do. And I understand not liking criticism, I don’t like it sometimes, but sometimes it’s needed, to move your art forward. Kyle’s reaction to criticism is that of a man who doesn’t have thick skin and doesn’t wanna be proven wrong in the things he does.
As of now, because of all this, I’ve been blocked from the KFAM twitter, Kyle himself, and I think the tumblr as well (Or at least they’ve unfollowed me, I don’t care enough to check on there). And I’ve seen my friends get bullied by the creator of this show, and even members of the community. While at a lesser scale than Kyle, it’s still gross to see the fanbase act like this, especially acting like my friends and I are actively bullying them, when we just wanted one piece of art to be taken down from a space that, in all reality, has a lot of minors in it.
And finally, I just wanna talk about the server in general. I joined maybe six months after getting into the show, we were pretty far into the first hiatus at this point and I wanted more content, so, I finally beat my discord anxiety down and joined. And I had so much fun! I talked to people who I still think about, posted art, fics, did headcanons all the time. I talked in there quite a bit up until I got kicked. But the overall vibe of the discord after being there longer than a month, was not the greatest. And it took me longer than average to notice, shortly before posting public criticisms. This was when I started getting ignored more often than not, and not that everyone did that, I still had people talk to me, which was nice. But as time went on, this happened more and more, to more and more people.
People who saw my criticisms, and came to me, mostly anonymously, to say they felt the exact same way. And that’s… not a good thing. The whole “Only happy things, no negativity about the show!” attitude that is in there, is bad. You can’t criticize something you love, and if you do, you’re dogpiled onto until you shut up. This has happened to many people, not just me. There’s times where queer members of this community, will talk about themseles as some lgbt+/queer fans do. Saying things along the line of “___ is gay culture!” or “I think [x] is trans!!” and they’ll either get ignored (in the latter case) or just someone won't get the first one is a joke and get upset. Which, I can see if you’re new to a place where people say that, but don’t outright shut someone down like that, ask what it means. That goes for anything.
I enjoyed my time there, and I was super upset when I found myself kicked, distraught even. Then they started kicking more people without even a word which isn’t how you run a server, no one should get an instant ban without being talked to, and I think I would be less upset if I had been talked to, to at least tell my side. But no, I got this, and here we are. With multiple testimonies that aren’t my own, telling how horrible that server is towards some people who they don’t like, who speak out, who say “Hey maybe we should do [x].” And that’s… Not the safe environment they say they have, because I, among many others. Was also super uncomfortable when it came to some things in there.
As a queer member of this community, I, and others like me, felt ignored. Ignored in the criticism of their queer characters who were written by non-queer men, and then, as stated above. Upset at literally everything else that wasn’t good in their show. But now, we’re being painted as the villains in a way, being bullied by the creator, and others acting like nothing is going wrong. But that’s all I have to say, if prompted, I will talk more on any subject here.
I’m not angry, I never once was. At this point I find more saddened amusement in all of this, rather than anger. But. That is all, thank you for your time on this subject.
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todaydreambelievers · 5 years
The Newdie Awards!!
So, now that TDB is winding down - and in honor of the final podcast, I decided to hand out a few awards for all the people who’ve helped me along the way.  It’s a lot like The Office’s Dundie Awards! (only nicer).  
First of all, though, I want to shout a huge thank you to all the people who’ve donated so far to the TDB Pool - to keep the podcast hosted for years to come, so new people can listen, even if we’re not producing new content.  I’m amazed at how much we’ve raised so far.  Thank you so, so much for all your contributions! 
Secondly, a shout out to @seeroftodayandtomorrow - who diligently watched the show every week with me for the last two years.  That’s quite the feat and shouldn’t be discounted.  You guys try doing anything for two years straight! <3 
Thirdly, not sure how many of you realize this but @nikkisrandomthingsfan has been modding @todaydreambelieversfic for years now, and does an amazing job of it.  I can’t thank her enough for taking that over for me - and agreeing to continue to watch over the fic blog even after the main TDB blog ends.  In addition - to all the writers, including those who did the Author Spotlights with us back in the day, and to all the artists and creators out there - I hope you keep on doing your thing.  We’re blessed to have such creative talent in the fandom.  Thank you, thank you <3 
The Newdies!! 
The Matt Rutherford: Not Here but Not Forgotten Award goes to... 
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All of my lovely guests who weren’t here in the finale.  I’ve had the pleasure of discussing the show with so many wonderful people - and I’m grateful to all the people who took the time to be on the podcast an share your thoughts.  Thank you for being such wonderful guests <3 
The Blaine Anderson: Biggest Stan Award goes to... 
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@thedorkmark   There are plenty of Blaine stans around, but I haven’t met any that have surpassed Izzie’s passion and willingness to die on any hill.  And like Blaine, Izzie’s a sweetheart and a kind soul.  Thank you for bringing such joy and fire to the podcast <3 <3
The Mike Chang: All Around Awesome Award goes to...
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@somewhereonlyino​  Like Mike, Lauren’s sometimes quiet, but always brings a fun and warm attitude to the podcast.  Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts and being such a team player.  <3 <3  The Tina Cohen-Chang: Don’t Cut Me Off Award goes to...
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@carojane​ - I’ve never met a person who stans Tina harder than Carly, someone who shares Tina’s strong will and ability to push through the hard parts with sheer determination.  You’re sweet and sensitive and kind but also won’t back down from a fight.  Thank you so much for everything you’ve shared over the years <3 <3
The Sugar Motta: Sweet’n’Spicy Award goes to... 
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@coming-up-rosie​ - Every time Rosie pops on to the podcast, she’s sweet’n’spicy and always knows how to liven up the conversation.  While not around a lot on the podcast, like Sugar, whenever you were on you brought joy and enthusiasm - especially lovely since I kept placing you on such random podcasts.  Thank you so much for your ability to go with the flow and have fun while doing it <3 <3 
The Sam Evans: Always Lending a Helping Hand Award goes to... 
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@klaineship2​ Over the years, Carmen has been such a hard worker! She’s done the entire rewatch with me, continues diligently to keep track of fics, and has even translated my and other’s fic into another language for more people to read!! Like Sam, you’re kind and dependable, and great friend who’s always there to jump in and help out.  Thank you so much for everything you’ve done over the years <3 <3 
The Adam Crawford: Cutie Across the Pond Award goes to... 
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@perfectanomaly  The thing about Anny is that she’s always coming at me with an unexpected, but welcome, new point of view, and challenging me on how I see the characters.  Like Adam, she’s sweet and friendly (and also European!) and reminds me that these character’s don’t always have to live in the boxes we sometimes place them in.  Thank you so much for keeping me on my toes all these years, and giving me new perspectives to think about <3 <3 
The Santana Lopez: Tell It Like It Is Award goes to...
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@honeysucklepink​ - Pink, you’ve been such a firecracker over the years!  Your deep love of music and glee and Darren Criss has driven your passion, and like Santana you’re never afraid to shy away from your opinions, even if they’re different from everyone else’s.  But also like Santana - you care deeply about the things and people are important to you.  Thank you for always bringing your massive knowledge of music and crackling stories to the podcast <3 <3 
The Sue Sylvester: Kicking Down the Fourth Wall Award goes to...
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@slayediest​ - No one on the podcast has had an insider view of production quite like Slayediest, so it’s always fascinating to hear your stories about how things probably happened on the show.  But also, like Sue, you don’t really give a shit about all the nonsense going on around you, and think that most of the drama is ridiculous and silly (and it is!) and I really appreciate it about you.  You have a great sense of humor, and are always reminding me to sit back and enjoy the craziness in the world.  Thank you for letting me drag you on all these years, I’ve always valued your input so much <3 <3 
The Marley Rose: Most Precious of Precious Muffins Award goes to...
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@sleepdeprivedmind - Connie, hands down, is one of the kindest, most positive, purest people I know.  I’ve never heard her say a bad word about anything, and even tries to bring a positive on some of the most negative subjects (like Will!!, lol)  Like Marley, you have such a big heart and warm soul and radiate joy whenever you come on the podcast. I’m incredibly thankful to call you my friend, thank you so much for all the great conversations we’ve had <3 <3 
The Mercedes Jones: Oh Hell to the No Award goes to...
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@black-john-lennon​ - Kay was the first guest I recorded with on the show, and I’m so grateful for that first conversation, because it helped me gain the confidence that this project was something I could accomplish long term!  Kay’s never been one to back down from a fight - but doing so from a place of passion and getting to the heart of the matter.  Like Mercedes, you do have a sassy, won’t-back-down attitude, but I think you also share her vulnerability and big heart, and I don’t think that’s appreciated enough.   Thank you so much for so many fantastic conversations, and becoming someone I can call a good friend <3 <3 
The Emma Pillsbury: The Gingers Always Know Best Award goes to...
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@redheadgleek​ - Oh, Julia, so calm and wise in her ways, she’ll always be there to lend a listening ear or be of service in whatever way she can be!  Like Emma - I think you’re smart and on the nose about a lot of things, but also incredibly kind and caring. And, many people may or may not know, the backbone of keeping a lot of fandom things afloat.  (She has every Klaine fic ever stored on a drive somewhere in case the apocalypse happens guys, lol <3)  Thank you for always being so sweet, and listening to me ramble on with an open mind and an open heart <3 <3 
The Kurt Hummel: There Are More Than Four Sides to Me Award goes to...
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@kurtmckinnon​ - Kelley helped me redefine what a Kurt Stan could be.  Believe it or not, being a Kurt fan myself, I always shied away from the term - but Kelley’s love and passion for the character, and the show, helped me be secure in my identification of being a Kurt Stan (lol).  But more so, like Kurt, there are far more sides to you and you’ve always come to the podcast with a new perspective and a way of thinking that I might not have been privvy to.  I appreciate so much that you kept challenging how I saw the world.  Thank you so much for being such a huge, positive champion of Kurt, and always pushing me to think outside of the box <3 <3 
The Finn Hudson: The Show’s Gonna Go All Over The Place Aware goes to...
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@notthatbea - My dearest Bethany, my goodness where do I even start.  Always there when I needed her, Bethany’s never been afraid to back away no matter what kinda crazy scheme I’ve got going on.  Like Finn, she’s sometimes bumbling along with me (in a good way!) but has a huge heart and always willing to go with it now how matter how crazy and out of control things get.  Thank you so, so much for becoming my good friend, for letting me take you on some of these insane adventures, and solidifying yourself in my heart - so much love <3 <3 
The Brittany Pierce: Special Unicorn Award goes to... 
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@slayerkitty​ - No one has a laugh quite like Kitty’s, and it’s a delight to hear it, even when it’s for the most randomest of things.  Like Brittany, she’s a little bit sweet, a little awkward, a little odd, and a whole lot wonderful unicorn - all of it wrapped up in such a delightful way.  I’m sorry I cancelled your contract so many times - know that I couldn’t really imagine doing the podcast without you there.  Thank you so much for your fountain of knowledge, your great sense of humor, and your deep love of all fandom things - you’re unique and wonderful in your own special way, and I appreciate that about you <3 <3 
The Cooper J Anderson Emotional Tornado Award goes to...
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@ckerouac​ - I mean is anyone really surprised by this??  RB is the ultimate emotion tornado, swooping in and creating a great time like like none other.  Like Cooper - your enthusiasm never wavers, your energy is inspiring, your sense of fun is endless, and you’re always pointing me (ha) in the right direction, and I’m guessing you probably have really great hair. 
Thank you for the phrase - ‘I wanna lick him nipple to navel’ and your vast knowledge of liquors, and the bangity-bang song, and the 2 out of 3 podcasters joke.  Thank you for jumping in on a podcast as a pinch-hitter even when you didn’t even know what the topic was.  Thank you for all the laughs and the sometimes tears and the driving me crazy but not really.  Thank you for becoming one of my greatest friends - I value your friendship deeply. Just - thank you <3 <3 
And one final thought - Iron Man’s better.  He just is, RB, I mean really ;) 
The Elliott Gilbert: Glitter Rock Vampire Award goes to... 
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@snarkyhag​​ - I’m not really sure I have words to express how I feel about the one and only Le Diva Hag.  You are the Glitter Rock Vampire of my world - always there, always helping, always being a life coach and a wonderful friend.  I can’t tell you all the things she’s done for me over the years - because if I did it’d take up another post entirely.  But know that sometimes you come to a fandom just wanting to hang out and enjoy the silly world that is your favorite story, and you walk away finding someone whose become one of your closet friends.  I have nothing but gratefulness for everything she’s brought into my life.  
I love you, Snarky, you are the Elliott to my Kurt, and I promise I’m never saying good-bye to you <3 <3 
and finally...
The Rachel Berry: Greatest Star Award goes to...
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To all my listeners, and all the people who’ve contributed to TDB over the years, taking polls, giving prompts, writing stories, doing art, joining in on the conversation, or just hitting like or reblog.  This blog has been made special because you were a part of it.  To my real Daydream Believers - thank you for bring such joy to my life and others.  You all are the greatest stars <3  
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starker-stories · 4 years
The Cold, Chapter 4 - The Messages Series
This chapter on AO3
By @thestarkerisobvious​ and @starker-stories​​
New chapters in the series post every Thursday.
All links are to AO3. You don’t need to be a creator to have an AO3 account. You can have one solely as a reader. But to read anything at all in this series, you can just be an anonymous reader and/or commenter.
The best way to keep up with The Cold is to subscribe to the story on AO3. And the best way to keep up with the Messages Series is also to subscribe. Click on the ‘subscribe’ button on each of the above links.
Tags: Tony Stark Feels, Peter Parker Feels, College Student Peter Parker, Established Relationship, Anal Sex, Oral Sex, Tony Stark Still Has Arc Reactor, Arc Reactor Kink, Peter Parker is a Mess, Spider-Man powers, Communication, They Finally Communicate!, And Fuck Of Course Look at Who It’s Written By Of Course They Fuck, Avengers Compound
The entire Messages Series.  All links are to AO3.
Messages Unsent  (complete & posted)
Nothing More Than A Machine  (complete & posted)
Tomorrow  (complete & posted)
My Virgin (Revisited)  (completely & posted)
The Cold  (completely written) posts every Thursday  
Untitled Book 6  ( in progress )
Untitled Book 7  ( in progress )
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Chapter 4:   Fifteen
“So, this is going to sound unrelated but… hear me out.
“I’d been asked to go to this group that meets at this really liberal church; it’s where all the gay advocacy groups meet. Anyway long story short, some people I go to class with swear by it, and I was just so damn angry and lonely and frustrated and weird so I figured it couldn’t hurt. Okay that’s a long involved story but the point is I was talking to some guys there and they said if your dad leaves early? You’ll never get to find out how imperfect he was. And I was like, ‘Wow, my dad died when I was like four, so do I win?’ And they’re like, “No, now your view of guys is screwed up forever because you’ll never know that he wasn’t perfect, that there’s no such thing as the perfect guy, because you didn’t ever get to know your father as an adult.” And I don’t know, none of them even had dads so what did they know, but I thought about it a lot…”
The berm was directly in front of them now. One perfect single wall, about forty feet long and fifteen feet high. Peter dashed across the wooden splinters that littered it and, with that short running start, leapt to the top, landing on his hands. He then walked across the top of the wall on his hands, continuing the conversation upside-down.
 “I talked about it with Ned and he says it’s true, once you realize your dad is NOT perfect, but just a human guy who makes mistakes sometimes, it changes everything. And I wondered about that. My dad was just a normal guy in the end, a guy who must have screwed up sometimes, like everyone. And Ben…” He shifted his weight to his left hand and, right hand behind his back, began hop-walking forward inches at a time.
“Ben died. And that was my fault. And I’ve learned to live with that. But Ben wasn’t perfect either; he was pretty amazing but he wasn’t perfect. And I remember when he died, everybody was all like, ‘Oh no what will little Peter do without his father-figure oh gosh!’ And I thought ‘I’ve got to be fine, I had a father-figure, which is more than a lot of kids, and he was pretty cool, and he’s gone now and I’ll just do without. Just like half the kids in my grade do. That’s no big deal’.
“And then I met you.”
Effortlessly he stretched his feet in front of him, placing his toe on the ground in front of his hand, landing it half-on, half-off the edge of the wall. He righted himself and then stood, looking down at Tony. He paused for a moment.
“I would have sworn I didn’t need any more fathering when I was fifteen, Tony. If anyone had asked ‘Is Tony your father-figure?’ I would have said ‘No! Seriously!?’ I mean I made my first suit by myself. I made the webbing and the shooters and all of it all by myself and I became a crime-fighter, all by myself. I didn’t need anybody, and I was pretty proud of that. And I didn’t tell a soul, and I was pretty fucking proud of that too. I really thought I was doing fine without any father-figure around.
“Then you showed up.
“…And I had no right to draft you as a father-figure, Tony, and I absolutely 100% did. You never volunteered for the job; you would have turned me down if I had asked. So that one’s on me.
“I never should have asked you to be my father-figure AND my lover. Because a father-figure is perfect… and a lover… a lover is a person. A real-life person who farts and belches and leaves the toliet seat up and says stupid things without meaning to and generally acts like a shit sometimes. An imperfect person, just like me. And that’s okay. That’s how it’s supposed to be.
“So, you’re fired.”
He leapt from the wall — which is to say he aimed his head downward and fell. He caught himself on his hands, then flipped back onto his feet. Turning around he looked Tony in the eye and spoke.
“You’re fired as my father-figure. And also, thanks, but I’m firing you as my mentor, too. And no offence? But looking to you as my moral compass? Probably a terrible idea in the first place.”
Tony’s eyes crinkled with a held-in smile. Truer words had never been spoken. Moral compass? Him? Yeah. Not the greatest of ideas.
Peter looked down at his hands, now covered in wooden splinters, and brushed them off. “It’s because… it’s because I need you Tony. I need you now more than I ever have. But I need you as an equal.”
When Peter stood straight after brushing his hands clean, Tony noticed it. Something he’d been almost noticing but the image he had in his mind of Peter didn’t let him notice. Peter stood straight… and was as tall as he was. Exactly.
“That’s what I brought you out here to say.” he said as he put his arms around Tony’s neck, leaning in to whisper.
“I had to tell you about ‘The Cold’, and I had to bring you here to show you that it wasn’t all in my head. It’s about my body changing but… it’s about you too. You’re totally right, the world isn’t what I thought it would be and, sure, that’s just life. I’m trying to tell you that it’s also about… I was colossally angry at you, I was ready to break up with you. For not being perfect. And that’s my fault, not yours.
“And I’m scared, Tony, because I don’t know who I’m going to be when this is all over. I don’t know if I’m still going to be someone you’ll want to be with… I hope I will be… all I know is, whatever happens…” His voice broke again. “I’m going to need you on my side.”
Tony settled his hands lightly on Peter’s waist. They looked at each other eye-to-eye.
“Where else would I be, Peter? That’s where we belong. On each other’s side. You have my love. And that’s something that you will have…” The terms of mortality change when you’ve been dead a few times. “…Eternally. I love you. There’s nothing that will ever change that. I will be there, wherever you need me to be.”
Peter’s shoulder’s sank in relief. He closed his eyes, sighed, and stepped forward to lean his forehead down onto Tony’s shoulder.
The kid he’d taken to Berlin all those years ago wasn’t just grown up, he was gone. He never wanted to be a father-figure to Peter. This… this is what he wanted.
They turned to walk toward the main building, in the far distance, across the field. Tony put his hands in his pockets. Peter reached over and took Tony’s wrist, drawing his hand out of its pocket and putting it into his own. They walked hand in hand in silence for a while. It was Tony who broke it.
“I knew what I wanted when I left Berlin. I needed another person in the fight. I didn’t want to hurt anyone. I’d fought side by side with these guys in New York and after. But I couldn’t just let them go. There were consequences to be faced. I needed them held, not hurt. Which you could do. I needed something, you had it, and I had the negotiating tactics of a forty-six year old businessman versus a fifteen year old high school kid. You were coming with me to Berlin.
“But that changed within minutes of meeting you, Pete. It’s not just since we got together, but from the first moment I met you — everything was so fast, you gave me whiplash.
“God, I was so conflicted. Here you were, this brilliant superhero. Something needed doing and you could do it. There was the mission.” He remembered his own words to Pepper a very long time ago. “That’s what got you going. Not building the retro-tech and certainly not the drudgery of high school. It was doing the very unique things that only you can do.” Their hands together, Tony let them swing, joined, between them as they walked.
“You were doing them on your own,” Tony said in wonder. “You were adult in so many ways. Not the least of which, I had to keep reminding myself, was the way the spider changed your body. You were fifteen and you looked like you were maybe nineteen or twenty. While I have done many morally dubious things, and downright immoral things, in my life, that has never been one of them,” he said firmly. “But you were doing things that no kid your age could possibly do. Looking like no kid your age could possibly look. I couldn’t reconcile the feelings I had for you with the absolute certain knowledge that I would never touch a kid of fifteen. There aren’t neat categories for what was going on with me. None of which was your problem.
“You were FIFTEEN. And god… you stood up to me, right there in your bedroom. There are guys in their forties who don’t have the balls you had when you webbed me to your doorknob.
“You were FIFTEEN. And I had… very, very inappropriate feelings about you. Not sexual, not then, but I felt closer to you than most of the other Avengers.
“You were FIFTEEN. And at fifteen, the only relationship a man of forty-six can have with a kid that age, is a fatherly one. So, despite not feeling anything fatherly towards you, I moved into that space. Only… what you were saying about imperfect fathers? Yeah. Kinda never had any model to role that on.”
Peter nodded as Tony spoke. Nodded, and grinned a little. The look on Tony’s face when Peter had webbed him to the doorknob, well, it was a memory he would treasure forever.
“I’m about as fucked up as a father-figure as you could’ve possibly turned to. I gave you exactly everything you ever dreamed of and then, over something that I should’ve talked about to you as my teammate, I acted like Howard. I yanked what you needed away instead. And I almost got you killed.”
Tony walked silently for a while. He watched his feet moving on the grass. Still holding Peter’s hand — perhaps a little tighter.
“So, me as a father? Worse than Howard. At least he never left me so stripped of everything that I nearly died, thinking I’d been abandoned. God, Pete. I will never be able to tell you how fucked up that was. If there was anything in my life I could go back and change, I’d go back and change that.
“But then, in true Howard Stark fashion, when I fucked up… instead of dealing with the fuck up, I go and plan your whole life out for you. I throw you a one point four BILLION dollar bribe that you weren’t ready for and never asked for, in hopes of gaining your forgiveness. Then on top of that, I dangled something you’d dreamt of, but also weren’t ready for. I planned your whole damn life out. I was about to do the equivalent of shipping you off to MIT at fifteen. Throwing you into the mess that was Avengers post-Berlin, post-Siberia… at FIFTEEN. God!” Tony said angrily. He twisted his head sharply away, his mouth drawn tight in disgust with himself. He took a deep breath. None of that mattered. It was over. They’d moved on.
“You were stronger than me in so many ways. You saved yourself when I took your first dream away. You gave yourself what I failed to give you. Then, instead of just letting me drag you into a future you weren’t ready for… you told ME no. Flat out told Tony Stark ‘no thanks I don’t need the future you’ve designed for me, I’ll make my own’.”
“Oh, shit. I did do that, didn’t I?”
“God, Pete,” Tony said. He looked at Peter as if he was the most amazing, wonderful thing in the universe. Because he was. “You absolutely blew me away. Which caused so many more conflicted feelings.” Tony paused, and they kept walking.
“Because…” He stopped their walk in the middle of the neatly-kept lawn. He looked down at their twined hands and lightly rubbed his thumb against the back of Peter’s. “That’s when I started to fall in love with you.”
Peter started a little at the revelation, but he didn’t speak. He walked into Tony’s body and touched his head to the man’s shoulder, but he didn’t speak. They kept walking.
“Again, not pervy… I just… Peter, you took hold of me in ways… I admired the hell out of you.” He stopped again to make his point. To make sure Peter understood his point. “Do you know how many people I admire? ONE.”
Tony swung their hands once as they headed back. The main building was in sight. “So what does that feel like? When it’s a fifteen year old kid?” He gave a slight shake of his head, feeling again that incredible struggle that went on inside him after he dropped Peter back off at May’s.
“We came back from Berlin — and Siberia — and you stood up to me. But you did it honestly. No deceptions, no dithering, no evading. You just said ‘no’. Not lying to ‘spare my feelings’. When you walked out of here, you didn’t just have my admiration, you had my trust. There’s a couple more people I trust than I admire. Three. Including you. That’s it.
“And, as I’ve been saying… you were fifteen fuckin’ years old. Then after? I can’t even touch what the things that happened after that did to me when I thought about you. What happened on Titan… I… I can’t.”
He couldn’t. Not Titan. Even though years had passed. Feeling Peter turn to dust in his arms. Watching the boy hold on with every bit of his spider-strength so he could reach up to comfort him as he was being torn apart, what felt like over and over again, as Tony held him. And he couldn’t even say how good the kid was. How much he admired him. How much… he loved him. To hear Peter apologize for leaving him… to say those two meaningless words and mean them… He couldn’t. He went back to a time when he could.
“I loved you when you walked out those doors.” He nodded towards the building they were headed towards. “You were fifteen and the only way that someone my age was supposed to love someone yours was as a father,” Tony reiterated with a wry laugh. “I am SO not father material.” Tony stopped their progress. He turned and faced Peter directly. “You can’t fire me, I quit,” he said, smiling widely at him.
Peter sighed in content, overwhelmed with relief. He didn’t realize until this moment how afraid he had really been. Up until they had landed at the compound he told himself his biggest secret, his biggest worry, had been The Cold. Now he leaned forward and touched their foreheads together, speechless. He wasn’t sure he could speak.
Finally, they parted and began to walk again. “I don’t want to tell you what to do. I don’t want you to need my permission to live your life. I never wanted that from the moment you left here. I wanted what I’ve always been looking for — someone to fight alongside me. Someone I could trust. Someone I could look to and see… myself, sure… we’re a lot alike… but Pete, you are…” Tony shook his head. “I don’t want you to be like me. I want to be like you.”
Peter pulled Tony’s hand up to his mouth and kissed the back of it.
There was a little stretch of silence while Tony tried to put his thoughts into words that made sense.
“I want us to be like us. Because that’s the only way I can be now. An equal part of an ‘us’. When we need anything… I want to look to you and I want you to look to me. What we need at the moment might not always be there. We’re imperfect. But I want to be your ground. I want you to be the home built upon that ground. I’m too… Tony looked away, off into the distance for a long time before speaking again.
“There’s too much damage for me to ever be able to give pieces of myself to other people — everything that’s left in me… I can give it to you because I love you.”
Peter stopped them from walking and pulled Tony closer. He lay his forehead on Tony’s shoulder again, locking his hands around the back of Tony’s head.
“I love you, Tony.”
Those ‘three little words’ that he hardly ever said before were now so lacking, even though he said them often after he and Peter got together. Since seeing Peter come back on the battlefield, since seeing Peter fade from his vision as he died, since seeing Peter holding on to him, refusing to let him go — everything since Tony had come back to life boiled down to those three little words: I love you.
Tony rested his head against Peter’s that was on his shoulder. “There’s nothing of me that isn’t yours.”
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