#thank you for the prompt ranna! :D
haledamage · 5 years
Ignipotent for Kai?
“Have you considered specializing in Evocation?” Fassina asked, flipping brusquely through Kai's grimoire. “You have an affinity for it, aimica.”
“I have an affinity for fire,” Kai corrected absentmindedly, looking through Fassina's spellbook in turn. There certainly was very little overlap between them. “And I don't like the idea of limiting myself.”
“That is one way to look at it, I suppose,” Fassina said dryly. “Why fire?”
“I don't know. Everything I cast ends up wreathed in flame. Even defensive magic.” Kai cast the smallest spell she could think of, summoning a tiny ball of light in her palm. It flickered warm orange like candlelight. She chuckled to herself. “The words come to me easier and take less energy. I thought it was a curse, when I was younger.”
Fassina scoffed. “Di verus. Yes, such a terrible curse, to have a natural affinity for one of the most difficult magics to control.”
Kai grinned, unperturbed by Fassina's venomous tone. “Not the worst curse I've ended up with, at least.”
Fassina scoffed again, but it sounded more like a stifled laugh. She still didn’t look up from the borrowed book, pen moving in sharp, aggressive motions on a scrap of paper at her side as she took notes of something she’d found interesting.
Kai kept talking, knowing the conjurer was listening even if she pretended not to. “My older brother told me once that that’s why I have red hair. I’m the only one in my family that does, and Gaius said it was proof that I was cursed. Called me fire-haired and said that everything I loved would burn to ash. I was young enough that I even believed him for a while.” It was hard to keep the cold bitterness out of her voice when she spoke of Gaius. Though she had long since reconciled with her sisters, Kai had no intentions of mending her relationship with her older brother. Those bridges could stay ashes for all she cared.
“Bazzo,” Fassina spat.
Kai laughed, but it was humorless. “You have no idea. He’s only grown more sour with age.” She studied her fellow wizard for a moment. “Is it a requirement to become a wizard? Having a shitty family?”
“Why else would anyone willingly spend so much time surrounded by dusty old books? Because they’re better than people.” Fassina handed her grimoire back. “Not much of use in there to me, aimica, but not completely useless.”
“Thank you,” Kai deadpanned. “Just past sixty years old and I’ve finally graduated to ‘not completely useless.’”
“It’s more than I give most.” Fassina held out her hand for the return of her own spellbook. Kai briefly considered holding onto it, just to see how long her friend would stay like that, but ultimately decided against it.
“True.” Kai said, though still dripping with sarcasm. “Perhaps in another sixty years I could even become ‘not that bad, actually.’”
“I would not get your hopes up if I were you.”
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rannadylin · 4 years
detailed oc asks: 20, 25, 26, 35 for Lottie, 6, 10, 39, 42 for Lenneth, and 14, 19, 33, 37, 51 for Dal, and 46 for all of them
Thank you, these were fun!
For Lottie:
20. Clothing/Aesthetic
Ixamitl Cute isher Aesthetic of course. :-D Skirts and embroidered vests and all that. Mostlyteals/purples. And braids!
25. City or Country?
She’s a citygirl, because cities are where the libraries are. And the academies. And theorchestras. And lots of interesting people to talk to!
26. Guilty Pleasure
Well at thispoint in the story, spending a lot of time with her crush for totallybusiness reasons after he gave her unlimited access to the city archives iskind of a guilty pleasure. XD Um but also…hoarding all the interesting littlecurios she has collected in her attic maybe? I don’t know that Lottie honestlyfeels guilty about any of that.
35. What are they like as a friend?
Lottie is agreat conversationalist, because she likes to talk but especially likes tonudge her friends into talking so she can learn from their stories. She is alsoa great storyteller! Depending on her friend’s personality, all that chatter canget annoying, though. But if she finds someone *coughAdicough* with sharedinterests, she will enthusiastically delve into those interests with them! Andfor those she knows best (Xipil especially, that twin bond) she has a knack foranticipating their thoughts/ideas, figuring out what they’re getting at even ifthey have a hard time expressing it. (Well, that’s mostly just Xipil, but Lottiewith an introverted friend is likely to develop the same knack. She’s observantand good at putting clues together, except not always savvy to the social cuesfor when she’s annoying someone with her exuberance.)
For Lenneth:
6. Headcanon VA
Ahhhh it wouldbe great if I knew more VAs than just the CritRole cast… XD Um the purple HawkeVA would probably work great for her since that was pretty much where I startedin developing Lenni’s personality when I started her playthrough?
10. Do they have any markings, piercings or scars?
None that I’vedrawn/written her with so far, but getting piercings and/or a tattoo would behighly likely for her!
39. Your character walks into a cafe. What do they order?
The sweetestthing possible! Probably caramel apple spice something or other, or somethinglike that? I avoid drinking my carbs as much as possible so I have very littleexperience in the kind of sugary drinks Lenni would crave!
42. What’s the dumbest thing your character’s done?
Oh Lenni. She has done a lot of dumb things in her time, afterall, but she does not let that stop her! Hm…probably getting scammed by a conartist herself back when she was first orphaned, which in turn led to her tryingto run scams of her own, which sometimes worked out and often did not, it was alot of trial and error and getting run out of towns that got wise to herschemes. She always just tries again in a new town though! Which is either veryresilient of her or…continuing to try to con people when it’s clearly notworking out might actually be the dumbest thing she’s done. XD
For Dal:
14. Can they cook? Can they bake?
Indeed she can!(Vi would be jealous, probably.) Most of the skills I picked for her werepretty domestic – she’ll be much happier settling down with her family inIxamitl than adventuring, that’s for sure – and cooking was rank 3 or 5 Ithink? Dal is happiest when occupied with tasks that make her feel helpful, andgravitated to kitchen tasks pretty early on (along with thegardening/herbalism, because she enjoyed seeing what she could do with theherbs she was growing) and has developed into a pretty intuitive cook.
19. Hobbies
Well, thecooking and the gardening of course. Reading, sometimes. She’s watched Siofraknit often enough but never got around to learning it from her, alas. She willattempt to learn embroidery in Ixamitl but that may not go any better than Vi’smuffins…
33. How have they changed over time?
As far as my ideaof her, she was originally supposed to be older, a bit more jaded, actuallycapable of intimidation via divine glow (I put intimidation on her skill listbut it ended up so way out of character I only tried once to use it, and thatwas after she was ex-godlike and also was an attempt against Yarrow so ofcourse it didn’t work XD), and nowhere near the skittish little sweetheart sheended up being. As far as her actual character development in game, she has hadto…confront a lot of things she took for granted and decide what really mattersmost to her? And navigate dilemmas where her innately extreme honesty may notalways be the best policy? Basically she’s scarred for life, really, buthopefully comes out of it all stronger in the end…
37. Do they have any phobias?
I mean she’s abit scared of everything out in the real world so far but I don’t know if that’sa phobia as much as excess caution from a tiny girl in a big world. It’s morejust that so many things are new and unfamiliar to her, rather than actualphobias. I have yet to identify actual phobias for her…She probably did have afear of public speaking but at some point she gained some ranks in Oratory (she’sa priest, come on, she’s gotta do sermons sometime) so she has worked her waypast that fear to some extent.
51. What were some inspirations for your character (people,movies, games)?
Uhhhh…wellmostly the reason for her being so quiet and hesitant about everything is thatthis was Ranna’s first time in a ttrpg and I was slow to figure out how to roleplay. :-D My next character will hopefully be a little more decisive? Otherthan that, the inspiration for Dal was mostly just looking at the rpg guide andseeing “Dawn Godlike” and going “YES I WANT THAT” and also I apparently can’tnot play an orlan if orlan is an option. (I’ll probably be a LK orlan in thenext campaign, of course XD)
And then for that last one…
46. If this character was in a musical, what would their motifbe (what kind of instruments do you hear, what’s the tempo, etc).
So uh this question may have prompted me to dig out my Noteworthy Composer CD and install it again since it turns out I hadn’t done that yet since the last computer upgrade. :-D I had some plans to try to show-not-tell the answer for this one by putting together a little midi motif for each of them, but then…I found some of my old compositions (like, this was 20 years ago in college, I am Old) and actually…
This one is a pretty good Dal theme! For her I wanted something sort of mellow, sweet, and slightly melancholy, not a whole lot of variation (she thrives in routine, day-to-day domestic life, not this harrowing adventuring business) and it turns out my Winter theme works for that.
And this dance tune works for Lottie! Cheerful, and also - it’s in 7/4 time. We can’t have something too simple for a chanter that clever! And it’s sort of a balladic melody too, also very chanter-suitable.
I’ll have to actually compose something for Lenni though, didn’t find any in the old files that work for her! Something a bit jazzy probably…we’ll see…
Extremely Detailed OC Ask Meme
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masterskywalkers · 4 years
Pillars of Eternity for the fandom thing, of course! :-D
Thank you Ranna, and for @dreamerinsilico too as the both of you asked for Pillars! :D 💖
The first character I first fell in love with:
Not to be predictable but it was Aloth for me.
I loved him from the first meeting, and his character only continued growing on me throughout the game. I thought his story and dynamic with Iselmyr were also just so unusual and engaging too, not to mention well written.
The character I never expected to love as much as I do now:
I really didn't think I'd like him all that much, but when I finally recruited him and started playing him more, I ended up finding him really interesting. Him and Faeluna get along really well throughout her playthrough of the first game, and I honestly found his character to be surprising to my expectations for him.
The character everyone else loves that I don’t:
I don't dislike any characters, really. Even any I'm less keen on I respect because the time has been taken to flesh them all out and they're all so well developed and written.
The character I love that everyone else hates:
Again, I don't think the fandom as a whole really hates anyone. I've not often come across an opinion where I've really sat and stumbled with disagreement upon reading it.
I will say that I do really like Eothas, and I have seem him incorrectly labelled as a villain before now. That I don't agree with, even if it is his actions that prompt the events of the second game. It goes a lot deeper than hero or villain, and this game series is so special in that it does paint so much in grey.
I also have to say that Iovara is severally underappreciated in the fandom circle. There's a lot of potential for further exploration via the fans there, and I find her story so saddening. She has a bit of a special place in my heart because I found her rather special.
The character I used to love but don’t any longer:
I don't really have one, as I don't believe any returning characters were truly treated badly in comparison to their first appearances.
The character I’d want to be like:
Sagani! And not just because it means I'd get Itumaak (although that is a big bonus) but because I absolutely adore her character.
The character I’d slap:
Durance, just because he's Durance.
A pairing that I love:
Watcher/Aloth is my main pairing, but I also enjoy Watcher/Éder be it romantic or seen more as a familial connection and Iovara/Past!Watcher.
A pairing that I despise:
Again, I don't really have one for Pillars, honestly.
Send in a fandom!
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haledamage · 5 years
Hmmmm, how about an "overdramatic arguments about non-important subjects" for Kai and your choice of her BFFs? :-D
“That should be ‘koska’.”
“I beg your pardon?” Kana looked up at Kai as she continued to glance over his shoulder.
“‘Codail’ is the Glanfathan word for sleep, not Engwithan. The rest of the writing looks to be Engwith, so that should be ‘koska.’” She shrugged and moved to head back to her own chair.
“Are you sure?” Kana stared at his paper for a long moment. “I’m fairly certain it’s ‘codail.’”
“That may be how they teach it at your college, but I assure you it’s incorrect.” Kai’s tone was clipped, but she picked her own book back up and pretended to no longer be interested in the conversation.
“If you say so, my friend,” Kana chuckled, but he made no move to correct his writing. “If it’s all the same to you, I will stick with the way I was taught.”
“That’s your prerogative, of course, dear.”
Aloth looked between the two of them incredulously. “Are you arguing about… grammar?”
“No, we are not arguing.” Kai turned the page in her book, somehow managing to make the motion look imperious. “We are having a discussion in which Kana is very clearly wrong.”
“Wrong?” Kana set his writing down. “I’ve been studying this for decades!”
“I was there!”
Kana stood up from his chair, so Kai did too. “In a past life! That hardly counts in this case,” he said in an offended, booming voice.
“Of course it counts,” Kai said, very carefully not raising her voice. “I’m literally fluent in Engwithan.”
“You’re also fluent in Aedyran, but that just means you’re wrong in both languages.”
Kai opened her mouth to say something else, but she and Kana both froze as Aloth’s voice rose over the room in a sudden, sharp “ENOUGH.” She realized with embarrassment that she had climbed onto a chair in an attempt to close the extreme height difference between her and her aumauan friend, perhaps hoping to intimidate him. He still loomed over her by over a foot. He also didn’t look very intimidated.
Instead, he laughed, any tension in the room abruptly dissipating with the sound. He clapped her warmly on the shoulder, nearly sending her flying from the chair at the strength of his affections. “I am very lucky to have a friend as passionate about history as I am.”
Kai didn’t know how to respond to that, so she just said “Indeed” and sat back down to continue her reading.
She only barely stifled a smug smirk when she saw Kana scribble a correction into the margins of his paper.
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