marella-moon · 1 month
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and just when you've hit rock bottom, you want to fuck a blonde guy
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plainandgeneric · 1 month
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I've finally watched The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. A film about three men fighting over two hundred thousand dollars in their divorce- wait what do you mean that's not the film?
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jillie-boe-legweak · 3 months
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That one meme where we drew this comic panel as our comfort characters... If you think about it this could be literally canon
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nottboyd · 16 days
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you have no idea how much i love this man
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champagnecowboys · 13 days
My Rawhide/Dollars Trilogy crossover is finally finished! Follow Gil Favor and Rowdy as they navigate the complexities of attraction and the realities of existence in a tangled tale of love lost and love found.
Or, in the words of the blurb, “time and the rigours of life may have transformed Rowdy Yates from earnest drover to hard-hearted drifter, but vestiges of a difficult past continue to nip at his heels.”
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give-a-rating · 3 months
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elitecabela · 4 months
WHERE are the Rdr2 x The Good the Bad and the Ugly crossover fics???? Am I gonna have to do it myself?????
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hereforthefunnyguys · 12 days
the good the bad and the snuggly
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st0rmyskies · 2 years
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly by Polly Anon
@poly-polly's latest update brings us some much-needed closure and starts to mend the rift between the Townhouse and the denizens of Dark's apartment, starting with Twilight and Time. It was honestly very healing for my heart this week.
There's also some adorable Darklight fluff that I can't get enough of.
"Did I miss anything?” Dark hummed. The way his rough fingers carded through Twilight’s long hair almost made him want to fall asleep again... “Nothing really. A very boring game of Twister, which Wild unsurprisingly won. And a very enticing Game of Life. “You guys played Game of Life?” “Aryll insisted. She also insisted I play for both of us…” Dark tilted his head down and brushed his nose against Twi’s. [...] Twi blinked, though the fact that his boyfriend was inches away from his face didn’t help his heart rate calm down at all. Neither did the fact that he still felt Time watching their exchange. “Did you win?” Twi croaked, cursing his voice when it broke. Licking his lips, Dark let out a low chuckle. He came closer still and Twi felt his lips move against his own when he spoke. “Oh, buttercup, I would say I hit the jackpot.”
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River's Radio 7/17/2022: Spaghetti Western
Soooo idk if you all know the bizarre history of Spaghetti Westerns.
Westerns(for anyone who doesn't know) are movies centered around the setting of the American West, usually around the 1860-ish area, revolving around such characters as Cowboys, native Americans, bounty hunters, outlaws, soldiers, and Mexican-American settlers.
However, Spaghetti Westerns are Western movies that are written and directed by Italians, primarily, filmed and produced in Europe, particularly Spain, because of the climate and geography, which also had a lot of room to experiment with storytelling and plot and film, trying new and interesting things.
Anyways, one of the most famous is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, directed by Sergio Leone, and starring Clint Eastwood.
One of the things I love about this movie, beyond the sheer experimentation that it takes with scene movement and the creativity with the filmmaking, is the soundtrack. It's really incentive, and extremely fun to listen to!
Here are my favorite numbers from The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly soundtrack, by Ennio Morricone!
Main Theme
This one is just riding a horse through the badlands, a gun at your hip, chewing on a cigar, thinking about where you're going, forgetting where you're coming from. And the "ayayayayaaaa waa waaa waaa" is based on the sound wild coyotes make. It's just... A good vibe, especially if you like atmospheric tunes!
The Ecstasy Of Gold
You've heard this one before. It is featured all of the time. It is featured in a lot of Dolce and Gabbana ads, and then I think Taco Bell? Idk. Lots of ads sample this, and it's just an iconic piece of music. Repetitive, determined, and rushing, almost, searching. Just like the scene where it's from. The character(Mr. Ugly), runs, breathless, aimless, through an endless, neverending, cemetery of civil war soldiers, searching for where the gold is buried. I won't spoil the story, but this is him, dehydrated and desperate, looking for the treasure that's kept him going for the entire movie.
The Trio
FACE OFF!!! FACE OFF FACE OFF FACE OFF!!! One of the most iconic scenes in this movie is the duel, one of the final moments of the 2 hour plus movie where three men stand in a circle and the cameras slowly move in closer and closer on them, until the finale of them when the guns go off. This is a dramatic, important, loud piece of music. It's really good, and it sticks in your chest and makes you sit on the edge of your seat, waiting for the moment when everything grinds to a halt and goes out with a bang, much like how 10 Duel Commandments from Hamilton works, the moments leading up to a showdown highlighted and sharpened down into a song that makes you feel emotions. Good vibes, no?
It's worth it. If you liked the last song, try vibing with this one. It's a really short, really fun remix of a piece from The Trio. And the beat drop gets me every SINGLE. TIME.
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fryebitch · 10 months
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plainandgeneric · 26 days
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They call him Angel Eyes
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goiterinthegullet · 4 months
Tuco in "The Good the Bad and The Ugly" is honestly amazing
I've been watching TGTBTU (tuguttubutu) again recently and just thinking about how, unlike any other character in the movie, Tuco is the most human. I mean, Angel Eyes and Blondie are incredible, well-acted, compelling, aesthetically-grabbing, but you've got to admit they're rather alien, in a weird kind of way.
Angel Eyes is obviously evil to a classic standard, wanting nothing but to cause mayhem for extremely vague reasons related to general self-preservation and/or greed, and his reasons are much less important to the narrative as opposed to the threat he represents. Sure, he's got a bit of a past, but we never even learn his real name. He's an excellent villain, a perfect character in one of my favorite movies ever, but like Maleficent or Ursula or Scar, he's just that. A villain, and I love it, but it's definitely not "human", at least in an emotional sense.
And Blondie? Sure, its different obviously but his whole schtick is that he literally never tells us anything about him. We don't know his name, his heritage, his backstory, hardly anything. Anything we do know is just sorta vaguely picked up or known in a more personality way, like seeing how he responds to situations with complexity while never actually divulging anything more tangible.
But Tuco? Tuco? He's a creepy little criminal with a brother in the priesthood and two dead parents he hasn't seen for nine years. He used to have a wife somewhere, his eyes filled with tears upon hearing of his parents death. He's got more names than Blondie or Angel Eyes could ever hope to carry: Tuco Benedicto Pacífico Juan María Ramírez. He carries his name and his hastily-drawn sign of the cross everywhere he goes, gleefully cheats and steals and is genuinely a piece of sh/t, but also brags about how his brother is the "leader of the whole abbey!" after being thrown out by said brother who is also hurting. He's greedy and strange and a fantastic with a gun (prefers pistols to revolvers) and will sell anybody out for a nickel, and he's just so human.
Angel Eyes and Blondie don't try to not tell you anything about themselves. They're not interested in talking, albeit for different reasons, and would probably take it in stride if you did find anything out, but Tuco? Tuco is the only person who actually doesn't want you to know anything while simultaneously never being able to shut up. It's important to not use your own name in the brutal world they live in, a statement said by Tuco himself, and yet he's constantly speaking in a pseudo third-person, naming himself in a way that reveals how much he misses the life he left behind and even regrets the life he currently leads while also, and this is very important, totally vibing with his current life of debauchery and violence.
He's us. He's me. I think when watching movies, projecting onto characters is expected and even encouraged, but it's easy/enjoyable to see ourselves in those that are untouchable. Strange. Interesting. Vague enough to be Romantically projected upon I guess. But Tuco? He's got so much stuff to him it's spilling off the sides. He's pathetic, annoying, somehow worse than Angel Eyes, and that's how I am. That's how most people are. Sure, I've got a conscience, and I can say pretty proudly I'm leading a better life than Tuco over here, but like. Hurting, a little stupid, wanting to seem like Blondie or Angel Eyes (enigmatic, stoic), but coming off as overwhelmingly talkative and annoying instead, lashing out when accidentally becoming vulnerable, a walking contradiction, feeling my faults but never actually fixing them because, on some level, I haven't taken responsibility for my own actions? Tuco. We're Tuco.
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nottboyd · 7 days
Tuco save me, Tuco, save me Tuco
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floral-force · 1 year
ur babygirl clint edit was super good ! would love to see more clint and/or dollars trilogy edits in your style
hi anon! i’m so glad you liked it and so flattered you want more :’) i am currently with family for the weekend and taking a break from writing so your ask just enabled my current addiction (making girly edits of characters from a gritty western trilogy). i tossed in a bonus mortimer wallpaper and two versions of TGTBTU (i couldn’t decide which color i liked better).
enjoy, and please reblog if you decide to use them!
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*i tried my best to get HD/hi res photos and/or edit them but it’s hard since it’s from the 60s. i hope it’s still nice :)
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angel-eyes · 10 months
So there was??? A deleted scene from tgtbtu where Blondie sleeps with a prostitute and we find out it's so she can steal from tuco for him??? And he makes sure Tuco knows it's him who has his money but how does he do that? He leaves his cigar in Tuco's hat.
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