#terra's proud dad energy
ljandersen · 4 years
Heart to Heart
Pairing:  FemShep/Kaidan Alenko, ME-3 Word Count:  2300 Summary:  Kaidan shares how his father looped him into joining the Alliance.
Shepard gazed up at Kaidan.  He stroked her hair idly, his eyes fixed on the observation window.  She was starting to feel sleepy again.  Her heart beat slow and hard to the rhythmic brush of his fingertips on her temple.  With her head on Kaidan’s lap and the stars glittering before them, it couldn’t get more peaceful on a military vessel.  But time was ticking down.  Each breath was one less separating Now from the End.  There was so much more she wanted to do with him.  To know.  She was wasting time dozing and not finding out.  Shepard sat up abruptly.
“You all right?” he asked.
“What did you want to be when you grew up?”
“We ever end up on a couples’ game show, I need to know the basics.”  Shepard twisted to face him and folded her legs on the bench.   “Don’t hold out on me.  What did you want to be?”
“What did you want to be?”
“Make me go first, huh?”  Shepard pulled his hand into her lap.  “ Fine.  What did I want to be when I grew up?  Well, not a farmer.  Not a biologist or ecosystem engineer.”  Shepard ran her thumb nail along the side of Kaidan’s finger.  “I didn’t know what I wanted to be.  I only knew I wanted to be in charge.”
Kaidan’s smile stretched.  “Had your calling young.”
“Ha, yeah, I guess.”  Shepard considered the idea.  “When I think about it, I could have gone a lot of different ways.  Could have ended up commanding a ship of pirates or smugglers, being in charge of a team of Terminus System mercs.  Who knows?  But instead, fate put me on the straight and narrow.”
“Fate?  Or you realized the good you could do by joining the Alliance?”
“You know something,” Shepard said.  “When I saw the Alliance fight on Mindoir, I wanted to fight alongside them.  I knew right then.  I had this feeling, I should be a part of it.  I thought it was so I could make the bastards pay who did things like that.  But I was wrong.  It wasn’t about that.  It was so I could be the one who got there sooner than help came for me.  It was about helping the helpless, not killing the worthless.  I wanted my family back.  Wanted what happened to them to mean something bigger by my actions going forward.  But it wasn’t dealing death like I thought, it was saving life.  That gave meaning to it.  Gave me meaning.”
Kaidan touched her cheek.  “Shepard, your family would be amazed what you’ve done.  You’ve made them proud a hundred times over.”
Shepard’s lips tickled with the beginning of a smile.  She kissed her palm.  
“What about you?” she said.  “Your dad was military.  This is what you always wanted to do?”
“After what happened at Brain Camp?  No.”  Kaidan’s fingertips traced down her jaw.  He covered their hands with his palm again.  “I always liked tech.  I majored in engineering at the university in Vancouver.  I think I’ve told you that.”
“Engineer Alenko?”  Shepard cocked her head with a soft smile.  “You wanted to map power grids and design Omni-Tools?”
“Something a little more exotic maybe.  Off world.  There were companies that contracted all over space, colonies or urban worlds.  Variety of tech systems, challenging, a lot of movement and chance to see things.  Opportunities to be on the edge of the unknown connecting comm systems and terra forming energy platforms.”
“Not a bad gig.”
“I didn’t think so.  The right company, I could be working with interspecies engineers, learning with new technologies, applying outside ideas.  See the galaxy, the cultures, the worlds.”
“Then what happened?”
“Well …”  Kaidan drew his hands away and fidgeted with the boot propped on his knee.  “After Jump Zero and everything that happened, you can probably guess.  I didn’t know what to do with that part of myself.  I wanted to be normal.  I enrolled in the engineering program at VU.  As students failed and dropped out of the program, the ones of us who pulled through became close.  By the third year, we left the engineering dorms.  We roomed together in a large house on the edge of campus.  We studied together, went out together.  I even stayed with some of their families.”
Kaidan rolled the boot lace between his fingertips.  Shepard shifted on the bench and waited.
“And?” she prompted softly.
Kaidan hesitated but met her eyes.  “The summer after our third year, there was an applied internship program.  Prestigious, competitive.  Teams submitted grant applications and project binders.  GPA, extracurriculars, interviews.  Our team was one of the teams selected.  There were ten of us working on the project proposal.  We all moved to Boston for the summer and first part of the fourth semester.”
“Something went wrong with your project?”
“No.”  Kaidan chewed the corner of his lip then sighed.  “Four months into the internship in Boston, I was at the lab.  We all were.  We were starting to get into the software application, running tests, joking around.  I can’t even remember.  Men showed up for me.”
Kaidan leaned an elbow on the back of the bench and touched his forehead.  “I forgot to register.  Forgot to inform the Bureau I changed residences, left the BC area.  The Biotic Registration Bureau had tracked me down.  They showed up at the lab since they didn’t know where I was staying.”
“They made a scene?” Shepard ventured.
“They were polite enough, I guess.”  Kaidan eyed her for a moment, then sat up straight.  He cleared his throat.  “You see, I had never told anyone.  Told anyone I was a biotic.  Maybe they could have recognized it if they knew anything about biotics, but you know how it was, it was new.  I’d never met another biotic myself outside of Brain Camp.  It was rare, unknown, stigmatized.  I just wanted to be normal.  I felt like it shouldn’t matter.  I didn’t use my biotics.  I had good control, never flared.  It was like they didn’t exist, at least, from the outside.  Maybe I was in denial or caught up in being what I wanted to be instead of what I was, but either way, the result was the same.  The Biotics Registration Bureau showed up for me.  My friends, my best friends I’d done everything with for three years, they were shocked.”
Shepard reached over and gripped his forearm.  “They turned their back on you?  Because you were a biotic?” 
“They turned their backs on me, but not because I was a biotic.  What they might have thought of me being a biotic, I’ll never know.  I never gave them a chance to find out.  They rejected me, not because I was a biotic, but because for three years I never told them.”
“You weren’t lying.”
“Yeah, but I wasn’t telling the truth either.  We finished the project.  After the internship, I finished the fourth year by myself.  I saw them in class, but there wasn’t any going back.”
“You dropped out?”
“No,” Kaidan said sharply.  “Of course not.  I finished my degree.”
“But your plans to join a galactic tech company?”
“That last semester changed a lot of things.  My dad …” Kaidan grinned at the floor.  “My dad never quite gave up on the military angle.  More than his own experience, I think he knew what I couldn’t accept: that it was a place where my being different wasn’t a liability but an asset.  Where this part of myself I wanted to leave behind could actually be used for something good instead of just alienating me, scaring or hurting people.  I think he knew it was the best path for me to accept myself, even be proud of it.  I could belong somewhere, find meaning, help people, see the galaxy.  Really, in a lot of ways, the perfect fit.”
“Your dad brought it up to you again?”
“He’d never stopped, but that last semester he knew I was struggling.  I think he knew all his talk about the Alliance only made me dig my heels deeper.  I had said ‘no’ so long, it was almost on principal then.”  Kaidan laughed and rubbed his forehead.  “There was a chink in my armor now though.  I’d lost everything I thought I’d made since Jump Zero.  I felt lost again.
“My dad had a spur-of-the-moment errand with an Alliance chum one morning.  He’d picked me up from campus, a holiday or something.  I was already strapped in when he told me.  I swear he waited for the click of the seatbelt, then it was, ‘Oh, I just remembered.  Told Chisholm I’d drop by with his book while he’s in town training the incoming officers.’  We could both see through the story.  He knew I knew, but we just pretended.  I turned on my Omni-Tool and said, ‘Whatever.  Just roll a window down for me and don’t take forever.’”
Shepard chuckled and flicked his shoulder.  “Your stubborn streak is well worn, I see.”
“Went pretty deep.”  Kaidan laughed.  “But, uh, I think I come by it naturally.  My dad must have known what I’d say.  He said he had to return a book, but when we got to the academy, all of a sudden it was books.  Not two books or three books, boxes of books.  Five or six boxes stacked to the top.  I remember just standing there with the hatch up and muttering, ‘What the hell?’  I even started digging down and reading titles to make sure it wasn’t filler.  I expected to see my mom’s old harlequins or something else off the shelf from home, but it was all military-related.  He couldn’t haul in six boxes of books by himself, so I helped him.  Conveniently, we took a very winding and slow path to Chisholm’s classroom.  Dad kept pointing out different areas.  I kept saying, ‘Are we going in circles?  I’ve seen that plant before.’”
“And when you reached your dad’s friend?”
“What do you know, he’s in the middle of an applied skills class for sentinels.  Up to that moment, I didn’t even know sentinels existed, a fusion of tech and biotics.  I stood against the wall, sighed, and looked around a lot.  I shifted the boxes in my arms and checked the time.  But I didn’t forget what I saw.  Dad was ready with all sorts of scripted ‘off-the-cuff’ questions for Chisholm about his teaching, the officer’s academy, sentinels, biotics.  Dad introduced us.”
Shepard beamed at him.  “Got over your stubbornness?”
“Yeah, I mean, I took my time about it.  Couldn’t fold right away.  I looked into it, networked, met with some other biotic officers.  I swore Captain Chisholm to secrecy.  He agreed not to tell my dad, but let me audit a week of his classes.  Later, do you know what Chisholm told me?”
“He said that morning, the morning I was picked up, my dad showed up to borrow Chisholm’s books.  He took the whole bookcase worth.  Even had a student haul it to the skycar with him.  That was 0900.  Then he picked me up at 0930.  We brought them straight back.  After I found that out, I didn’t feel nearly as bad taking my time.  When I had my paperwork in order, just needed to push the button, I went home for the weekend to tell him.”
“Your dad was probably thrilled.”
Kaidan grinned.  “I set down my bag, and Mom gave me a big hug.  When she stepped back, she asked if I’d heard back from the recruiter, then she slapped a hand over her mouth.  Turns out, Dad knew what I was doing the whole time.  I would have been mad, but I could see what it meant to him.  I was so fixated on avoiding an ‘I told you so’ and making clear it was my own decision, I never thought about it just making him proud.  He broke out the expensive whiskey from the top shelf.  Then we sat on the balcony, drank, and talked a long time.  
“A lot of things changed from that point out for me.  One of those things was with my dad.  Up to then, I was a kid.  An adult, but a kid in a lot of ways.  After I joined, things were different.  He was still my dad, of course.  I looked up to him, respected what he had to say, but we were friends too.  More equal footing.  I went from fighting him and trying to prove myself, to appreciating his advice.  I wanted his advice.  He could see what was better for me sometimes than I could see for myself.  Everything with the Alliance proved that.”
Air thickened in Shepard’s throat.  “I’m sorry he’s MIA, Kaidan.”
“I’m sorry about your family, too, Shepard.”
She fell forward and wrapped her arms around his neck.  He brushed the hair back from her face and kissed her lips.  She crawled over him.  He pulled back from the kiss with a tense laugh and looked over at the door.
“It’s almost morning, you know,” he said.
“Come upstairs with me.”  Shepard tugged him to his feet.  “You said you’re exactly where you want to be, right?”
“With you.” 
“I’m exactly where I want to be too.”  She grabbed his face with both hands.  “With you.  I don’t want your family ever reading those letters, but I’m glad you’re with me.  I need someone making me eggs.  You’re my best friend, Kaidan.  More than a best friend.  More than anyone’s ever been to me.”
Kaidan’s breath sharpened.  “You’re that for me too.  Always.”
“Always.”  Shepard pecked his lips.
They burst out of the lounge and shot to the elevator.
From “About Mars:”  AO3 and FFN
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bookdragonlibrary · 5 years
Second Friday YJ appreciation
1-3 ; 4-6 ; 7-9 ; 10-13 ; 14-16 ; 17 ; 18 ; 19 ; 20 ; 21 ; 22 ; 23 ; 24-26
—————————— Private security 
- Will has the dad belly! Lian is cuter and cuter! <3 (But it’s just me or she seems less Asian than in season 2? Where’s Jade?)
- Lucas Carr! :D (For those who don’t remember him, he appeared in the first YJ comic book and in season 2 when he teachs Gar at Mount Justice.)
-  Why Dr Jace stays at Luthor Grande Hotel, in Metropolis! 
- Bowhunter Security! With orignal Roy/Arsenal, clone Roy Will/Red Arrow and clone Jim Harper/Guardian (So if he’s Guardian again, what about Mal? He’s still a hero? Which one?) I love the dynamic of the Harper family and Roy calls Will bro!! He has finally dealt with his trauma (he seems to) and considers Will like he’s older brother! :3 
- Dick in a security costum! Just like in Titans with the policer costume. He has a new outfit every Friday! 
- “An old soul in an young body” Another clue for the Motherbox theory! So the first Halo is still alive inside or gone for good?
- Zatanna! TT.TT
- American genetically modified beef! xD
- Am I the only one who sees Jeff x Dr Jace miles away?
- “To the SUV!” My new war cry! 
- Now Brick has red skin, it means he activated his metagene. How did he get out of jail by the way?
- I love how they show the Prince’s not understanding. He asks questions instead of jugement and “it’s a machine. I don’t understand.” instead of “You’re dumb” or something.  
- I’m kind of afraid of Wolf sleeping. Don’t tell me he’s getting old and will die soon :( 
- All Halo knows from her post life is violence, torture and hatred. No wonder she doesn’t want to remember... 
- Don’t forget the clipboard! xD Will is more loyal to it than to his hat! 
- OMG! Giovanni aged so much in just 7-8 years! He’s what? Between only 40-50! Side effect of Dr Fate’s control?
-  “Wall” My heart, why? TT.TT So heartbreaking than Dick is too afraid to be part of a team because he lost Jason and Wally and Barbara gets injured.
- “I’m older than Jim.” So Jim was made after Will. interesting!
- Harper’s family business! Need more episodes with those 3!
- I really loves the humour in this episode! xD 
—————————— Away Mission
- Forager! Orion! Wait, what a bastard! :o 
- Gregor tries to protect his little twin brother and has compassion for the Quracis refugies. I love him! 
- Bear! Wait there’s a thing between him and Dreamer?! The notebook with the photos! The nostalgia!
- So the New Gods use metaslaves? O.o 
- Traci, Jaime and Bart! :D And Jaime finally talks! Now Scarab’s turn! “There’s no sound in space. The physics on the show is so messed up!” It’s Jaime or Scarab who speaks? Or Jaime took the comment habit of his bug friend? I definitely see Scarab saying something like that! xD So Traci watches the shw for the story or for Gar? “Hello Megan!” Their ringtone for the missions is the generic of this show! So cute! 
- Cassie and Tim have a conversation without yelling at each other. That’s an healthy relationship. So I hope they won’t break up :( “Awkward...” Sorry Virgil, you seem pretty alone :(  
- Jaime, why do you massage your side? Bart didn’t hit you that hard, did he? And he calls him amigo, sorry Bluepulse shippers... (Well, at least it isn’t hermano, so maybe Bart’s just pinning, whatever that means.) I was expected Scarab to yells “Incompatible!” to the boom tube... “Who watch the show for the physics? Who uses a boom tube for the physics?” I love the dynamic of this trio! And Traci is so adorable! Bart’s haircut changes every frame or what?
- “I hacked the Justice League’s computer!” That’s my boy! xD And G designation is for Grayson right?
- M’gann and Cassie are two mad girlfriends, poor guys (Jaime, Bart and Virgil) they didn’t do anything wrong :/ “Superoblivious!” xD 
- “Excuse me?” xD The Yj comic reference with Lucas Carr! Brion who wants to impress Halo.
- Even in bug form, M’gann is still white! :) It’s me or Blue just growls?
- Guys, stop stressing Brion, you gonna make him fail :( What did I say? —‘ “My trees” So Lucas Carr is a neightboor or something? “Excuse me?!” New color for Halo: Yellow is for attacking. I want to see what the green does!
- I love how M’gann put down her little brother like the older sister she is. So she used to hide behind a green form and her little brother behind a beast? You can see M’gann growth throught the comparison with her brother. “I have been dealing with the red and green oppression.” Wait, so there are red martians too? And is for Darkseid he made the bugs made at the New Gods? So they have less allies against him?
- Every metateens we saw so far doesn’t look human anymore. I don’t know if thee Light are doing that on purpose so we could not recognize them anymore or it’s because the forced evolution is too much for their body :(
- Is Halo healing herself like a reflexe or does Sphere help the processus to begin? Violet? That’s so cute! Wait, another supermartian parallel!
- Bart still has the same energy! (I hope this is not an act this time...) I love the Team dynamic: Virgil helping Cassie and thir hand five, Bart trying to stop the bugs from attacking Jaime, Cassie rescuing Jaime, Jaime helping Traci :3 The weapon has to be similar to Genesis tech to hurt Blue however...
- Baby martians look... cute? I think when he kills the green martian, it was on the mental plane and not a memory since he has that beast form. The nostalgia! Everyone is back in season 1 and with their season 1 version of themselves, except Artemis and... why do you have to bring Wally in every single damn episode?? Conner is M’gann shield! 
- And two more metateens dead TT.TT Wait, failsafe? Poor Forager! He just wants justice and kindness :( I love how Cassie and Jaime jump on his side and M’gann adds two arms to adapt to his appearance. I’m sure M’gann’brother made the green bug mad telepathically, because Mantis already knew Forager brought the Earthlings and Bear on New Genesis when he first stopped the bugs’ attack.
- I need more of the trio Traci/Jaime/Bart to see their friendship, Traci’s story. And more Cassie and Virgil screentime because we barely saw them in season 2 and in this episode :( 
- Why Blue seems so angry all the time? He had like one positive line in this episode. Is he still dealing with his trauma in season 2? Is he angry at himself? I don’t know if it’s anger, frustration or self-hatred :( I just want him to be happy after the nightmare in season 2 :( But I think it would be more human if he still has to deal with himself after being mindcontrolled for months... 
—————————— Rescue Op
- Black Spider and Terra. The goggles have to much screen time to not have an importance after. Who was Jackie? “All the bosses will be proud” So Shadows + Light + Darkseid?
- So Barbara is indeed in a wheelchair :( I love how she still can push Dick down :) And barbdick are a new couple :) We need another ship name, a more YJ like one :)
- The Outsiders trio is so cool! So Forager don’t use pronouns so much. So he’s a he, she or them? Wow, Halo knows a lot about New Genesis. Another clue for the Motherbox theory. M’gann is so done to explain she’s not a earthling: “I’m not from Earth” “I’m from Mars!” “Brion is the alien to Forager” this is so true. Thanks for putting this! I love how Brion is so enthousiastic to meet aliens :) He looks like a kid! So bioship is in a car camouflage. Maybe that’s why Halo hurt herself so bad :( Mars town xD “That’s what we were thinking too. We? Uh Me” (and Oracle xD) So is Tara controled, brainwashed, has her memories rewritten? Or is she willingly working for the Shadows?
- Why I think Forager x bioship will become a... ship? xD Like Will x clipboard xD
- Dick, if you don’t want them to go to the Shadows, why did you show Brion their localisation? --’
- Halo’s enthousiasm is so cute! Forager’s too! 
- Why it feels like Sensei is manipulating Brion with words just to make him mad? I’m sure he’s lying.
- Can we talk about Brion’s extreme reaction to Halo’s death? Parallel to Spitfire maybe? And can we please stop killing Halo? I know she will ressurect but it’s still painful :( 
- Why the ninja fighting style reminds me of Robin? Like an older Damian?
- It’s indeed Sphere who starts the healing processus. “Is Halo a new god?” Another clue for the theory?
- When Ra’s mention “the Detective”, Dick growls. Is he mad at Batman? Or at the comment? Ra’s isn’t with the Light and at the head of the Shadows anymore. So who? Sportmaster? Cheshire or Deathstroke would be good clues! Ra’s should be mad at Jade with how he said “Get out!”
- Talia with Damian? So who is... Jason?? An amnesic Jason. Ok. I’m fine. I just need to... WHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT???? (I don’t like the deisgn of Talia which is too close from the animated movies: no bra is definitely not a good idea to fight and she looks too white for an Arabic person :/ Damian is ok I guess?) Do Ra’s want to “return” Jason when he will have his memories back or to use him against the batfamily? Jason should have been trained by Sensei for Dick to not recognize his fighting style.
- Brion really looks like Conner’s mentee with his clothes xD The parallel with the first trio (Robin, KF and Aqualad) Why are you breaking my heart like this? Except they did save Superboy when we don’t have intel of where Tara is :( Dick is still so sensitive when we talk about Wally :( And he looks so much like Batman now: same speech. Same situation, same result: another team is born! Poor Violet :( And the guy with the spiderweb tatoo could work with the Shadows? Or am I confusing with RWBY? xD 
3 episodes = 3 trio. I love it! :D I know we will have more scenes with the Outisders but I also need the other trios: more screetime with the Harperfamily (the bowfamily?) and the Team!  
I guess we will see the Batman Incorporation next week? Since we didn’t see them at all in 6 episodes. And more second season team would be great too, they only have one episode so far :( 
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bevioletskies · 5 years
across the universe [2/8]
summary: Peter, the son of the Chancellor, has lived among the stars for the first ten years of his life. Gamora, the future Commander of Terra, has lived on the ground for the first ten years of hers. Though it’s finally time for the last survivors of the so-called apocalypse to return to Earth, they might not be prepared for what’s waiting for them. But when Peter and Gamora meet and find their worlds irreversibly tangled together, titles, obligations, and the impending war may be the very last thing on their minds.
a/n: The premise of this fic is very loosely based off of The 100, the television show more so than the book series. However, no previous knowledge is required, as I only used the basic concept and language, and none of the storylines or characters arcs from the show.
Fic title is from the song Across The Universe by The Beatles. Prologue can be found here. Warning for injuries, blood, and bad parenting.
word count: 11.4k | ao3 | tag
Gamora felt as if she looked a bit strange to anyone who happened to be nearby - hopefully, nobody - sitting under a tree, tapping one foot impatiently as she sharpened her favorite blade. Logically, she knew it would be safer to hide at the top of the tree in case she came across the wrong clan, but there was a sort of nervous energy pulsating through her that needed to be expended, different to the kind of energy she felt during a training session (or a real fight).
While she waited, her mind wandered to earlier in the morning when she was at breakfast with Nebula. It was hard to look at her sometimes, to see the pieces of her that were no longer her, the pieces that glinted in the sunlight and echoed with a metallic clang when struck. To their father, a broken leg meant a replaced one, an offhand complaint about being unable to hear something meant a complete overhaul of her sensory system. To him, a lost fight meant everything. Gamora looked down to her own arm, watched the silver twist and turn underneath her skin like new veins. They still burned sometimes.
She quickly drew her arm behind her back and looked up to see Peter standing there, a boyish grin on his face. He was dressed differently than when she saw him three weeks ago, his hair longer and curling slightly over his shining eyes. The most notable thing, however, was the glow of his hands, and in his cupped palms was a crudely-made rubber ball. “Hapotei.”
He blinked. “Sorry?”
“Happy birthday,” she sighed; she could’ve sworn she’d taught him that last time after they agreed to meet on his eleventh birthday. They’d been meeting in secret for six months now, starting off as her simply teaching him some basics of the language and the planet, then quickly developing into tentative, but hopeful friendship. She also conveniently left out the fact that she was a daughter of Thanos. In all fairness, he spoke fondly of his mother and sister but didn’t speak of his father, either, and they left it at that. She knew it was risky for both of them to be spending time together, but she found herself genuinely enjoying his company, found that she felt just a little bit less like their great and terrible world was waiting for her to lead the way. He was the only person in her life who didn’t know her predetermined fate.
Shaking herself out of her thoughts, she got to her feet and went to join him, stashing her blade as she did. “I think it’s weird that your people remember what day they were born.”
“I think it sucks that your people don’t,” he shot back, though not unkindly. “But c’mon, isn’t this cool? Made it myself!” He held out his hands, proud. She poked the ball gingerly, leaving a permanent fingerprint on its surface. “Okay, so it’s not the best thing ever - ”
“It’s...better,” she said slowly, thinking back to the time he’d presented her with what looked like an approximation of a deflated balloon. She had asked him about the light the second time they met since she never got the chance during their first encounter, and ever since then, he’d been far too eager to bring deformed creations along with him. “You’re getting better.” Her eyes flickered upwards to his shoulders, taking in the shiny red leather. “Your jacket...it smells new.”
“You can smell - yeah, okay,” Peter chuckled. “Yeah, it’s a birthday present from Yondu. Oh, and my mom gave me this!” He unhooked something from the belt loop of his jeans and held it out to her, some rectangular device that looked positively ancient compared to all the technology they both had access to. She carefully took it, turning it over in her hands as if it would magically explain itself. “It’s called a Walkman. Plays music.”
“My people don’t have music,” Gamora said. Peter looked scandalized. “What do you do with it?”
“Do? Nothin’. You listen to it. Or you can dance.” He shrugged.
“My people don’t dance,” she retorted, sullen.
“No birthdays, no dancin’...your people really don’t know how to have fun,” Peter grinned. “You gotta dance with me sometime.”
Gamora looked at him dubiously. “...no.”
He only laughed, bright and notably cheerful, even for him, and ambled on down the slope toward the stream, gesturing for her to follow. She huffed impatiently - honestly, she gave him one orienteering lesson and suddenly he was acting like he was the expert - but followed him regardless.
The weather was idyllic, far nicer than it had any right to be. Last night had been another night of war, the kind that raged on until sunrise, when blood seemed brighter and bolder and ridden with guilt. Thanos and Ego had been attacking each other from afar, still having never met in person, and every day it seemed like there was at least another name or two or ten that both sides were left to mourn. Gamora had grown numb to it; Peter had not, holding his breath every time his father had another announcement to make. It was something they never talked about.
“I don’t wanna learn nothin’ new today. Let’s just...sit.” Peter plopped down unceremoniously beside the stream, his legs sprawled out across the pebbles, not caring for the way the water trickled between them, dampening the underside of his jeans.
“If it’s your birthday, how did you get away from your family? Don’t they want to spend time with you?” Gamora asked, sitting neatly beside him. She drew her knees into her chest, away from the water.
“Parents are working, sister’s with her friends. They didn’t even see me leave,” he said, shrugging. “Mom said she’s gonna make me a cake later.”
“Your mother sounds so perfect whenever you talk about her,” she said wistfully. Peter perked up.
“You wanna meet her?”
Gamora was startled by the question. It had never crossed her mind that she and Peter could exist outside of the space they’d created for themselves. She knew she certainly didn’t want Peter to get anywhere near her world, still remembering the awful way he’d looked at her when she mercy-killed one of her soldiers on the night they met. She didn’t want him to look at her like that ever again.
“Maybe,” she hummed, hoping she sounded more nonchalant than she felt. The idea of a parent who loved their children was not something she’d ever entertained. There were plenty of loving families within Sanctuary’s walls, sure, but it was mostly parents adoring the children who were strong enough to become warriors, and disregarding those who weren’t. Her mind went to Drax again, how he used to sit by himself at meals until Gamora (and a reluctant Nebula) decided to join him. Losing his parents so young had done him no favors in so many unfortunate and unforeseeable ways.
“Then come back with me.” Gamora had been so lost in her own thoughts, she nearly forgot what Peter was talking about. “You can have cake and meet my family! Or I guess, my mom and my sister.”
“Not your father?” she asked.
“Everyone says he’s not a ‘family man’,” he said dismissively. “Y’know, whatever that means.”
“I don’t,” she said, frowning. “Does he work a lot? You make him sound like a very important person.”
“He’s...uh...yeah, you could say that,” Peter hedged, refusing to meet her eyes. Gamora’s frown deepened.
“Is he part of your army?” she persisted. “Like a general? A captain?”
“Like...he’s kind of…” He scratched at a non-existent itch on the back of his hand, his gaze now fully cast downward into his own lap. “...the Chancellor.”
Gamora shot to her feet, her mind racing with possibilities, her heart beating with betrayal. Already, she could feel tears burning hot in her eyes, taunting her for letting trust overtake instinct. “Your father is the one killing my people?!”
“Your people started it,” Peter mumbled petulantly, cowering, though he knew it was only going to make things worse. “My mom and all them others, they just wanted their planet back. I don’t see why we gotta die for it.”
“I can’t - ” Gamora exhaled, resting one hand on her stomach, fingers splayed outward, willing herself to calm down. “There are orphans, Peter. Children who don’t have parents because your father wanted it that way.”
“You think we don’t got that, too?” His voice was rapidly rising; fists balled up in his lap. He didn’t want to give Gamora the satisfaction of knowing she’d angered him; Meredith had told him too many times before that he needed to be better with his temperament. “Everyone...everyone’s got dead people. ‘Cos of my dad, and...what’s his name again?”
“Thanos.” Gamora swallowed. “My father.”
Now it was Peter’s turn to have his blood run cold, to have his mouth fall open in a rather comical manner, though neither of them were laughing. “You gotta be kiddin’.” When she shook her head, he also got to his feet, shaking off the damp bits of grass that had stuck to his clothes. “Some birthday I’m having.” With that, he turned and ran off, ignoring Gamora calling after him, a voice he’d been so thrilled to hear when he first arrived, a voice that now made him feel vaguely ill.
“Peter, please!” Gamora shouted, even after he was long gone, and she groaned in frustration, collapsing back down onto the ground, not caring when her boots struck the water and splashed the hems of her pants. It amazed her how terrible everything had become so quickly, how awfully serendipitous it was that the one Skaikru she’d befriended was her equivalent in the worst possible way. She wrapped her arms around her knees, pulling them back into her chest.
Inhale, exhale, she told herself, trying to think of all the breathing exercises she’d been taught, the rules that had been drilled in her head. She could almost hear Thanos’s voice, paradoxically dull and menacing at the same time: “Your anger doesn’t feed you, daughter, it starves you. What you need is focus. You are a plangona, the future heda. Do not waste your breath on those who don’t deserve it.” Her eyes slid closed, her breath evening out, gentle. In. Out. In. Out.
In her peace, Gamora never saw the unfamiliar hands that reached out for her.
Peter returned to New Arkardia not too long after he left, his face and fists still burning with anger. He was instantly waved through the gates upon his arrival, weaving through the crowd of people who either reached out to greet him with far too much enthusiasm or looked at him with far too much derision.
He reached his house a few minutes later, a happy medium between his father’s lust for luxury and his mother’s desire for normalcy, built a mere two days after they landed on Earth. Peter had to admit, as much as he despised Ego’s over-the-top approach to just about everything, the New Arkadia settlement was something to be proud of. It was a small, self-contained town, with dirt roads winding and snaking along between the trees, houses and community buildings nestled along the way, running alongside the river. They had a steady stream of food and supplies, all the adults had settled back into the jobs they had on the original Ark, and the children had mostly adjusted to their newfound freedom, the ability to take in fresh air after a long day in the classroom. However, no one strayed too far from their territory, knowing that the other factions were still hunting them, waiting to chase them right off the earth.
“Peter, is that you?” Meredith called from the living room when he opened the front door. “Where’ve you been runnin’ off to, baby?”
“Followin’ Yondu around,” he lied easily, kicking off his shoes. He went to join her, still awed at the fact they had more than one couch, bookshelves that went all the way to the ceiling, thick pile rugs and quilted blankets and a crackling fireplace. It was a bit like the bigger apartment they’d had when he and Mantis were younger before Ego shuffled them off to their smaller place in favor of investing in their return to Earth, full of quiet luxuries he didn’t realize he’d missed so much.
“That’s odd, because I just left my graveyard shift at the medical center and Yondu was there, checkin’ up on that guard of his who got speared last night.” Meredith clicked her tongue to punctuate her point, though her eyes never left the book she was reading. “Don’t lie to me, Peter. You’ve been sneaking out on us, and as your mother, I have the right to know who, where, and why.”
Peter hesitated. “I made a friend.”
“What’s their name?” she pressed, flipping the page.
“Don’t matter,” he grouched. “We got into a fight. That’s why I came back.”
Meredith finally set her book aside, sweeping Peter up in her arms. “Oh, baby, I’m sorry. I’m sure things’ll smooth over eventually. They must be special if you wanted to spend your birthday with them. How far were you?”
“Outside the gates,” he mumbled into her shoulder. She instantly released him.
“Peter,” she exclaimed, the growl in her voice causing him to recoil. “Do you think your daddy made all them rules just because he can? Do you think I’m stitchin’ up wounds, day and night, because our guards just got a little clumsy?”
“I’m sorry, Mom.” He sank further into the couch cushions, ashamed. “I just...wanted to get closer to the river. The forest gets kinda boring after a while.”
“You only go outside the gates if you’ve got Yondu with you, you hear me?” She cupped his chin, tilting his head upward so his eyes could meet hers. “You promise me that.”
Peter muttered another apology, then curled into her side again, soothed by her warmth and her perfume. He didn’t want to think about how things had gone so wrong an hour ago, all the things he thought he understood about Gamora and their newfound friendship now soured by their respective truths. Of course, a part of him still wanted to see her again, but he had a feeling it wasn’t meant to be.
Gamora woke to a dull throbbing in her temples and an ache in her side. She pushed herself up into a seated position, taking stock of her surroundings, and her heart lurched in the realization that she was somewhere entirely unfamiliar. At most, she could tell she was in an underground cellar, with old-fashioned metal bars and sturdy stone walls, none of the advanced technology that Thanos used for the prisons on Sanctuary. An opposing faction, then. Can’t be Azgeda, she thought dizzily, prodding herself for broken bones, sprained joints and pulled muscles. They don’t take people alive.
It wasn’t long before two soldiers came thundering down the steps, leering at her from the cellar door. “Heda,” one of them said mockingly, threading his spear between the bars so he could prod her in the shoulder. He pressed deeply enough to draw just the tiniest bit of blood. “Did you sleep well?”
“Let me go - ” She banged her fists against the bars with a snarl. “I command you, shilkru. Let. Me. Go.”
“You are in no position to make demands. You are not our leader, wanheda is,” the other said; his voice was colder, more monotonous. “What business does he have, choosing a child as his successor?”
“Why do you care? You don’t follow him anyway,” Gamora retorted.
“It matters when we all live here, heda. It matters when your decisions could wipe out this planet, again. What is it about you that makes you so special?”
She faltered. Thanos always told her she was stronger, cleverer, fiercer than the others, but she didn’t feel that way. His army had children who were far more ruthless, and she could only imagine what the younglings of the rival factions were like. For people who had arrived here with some of the most sophisticated technology and weaponry in the entire galaxy, they’d all resorted to savagery far too quickly. “Let me go,” she repeated, gritting her teeth. “You won’t get what you want like this.”
“There must be something about you that wanheda prefers over his adult ‘children’,” the first one continued, tapping the spear against the bars, enjoying the way Gamora shivered with every rattle it made. “And if it means we should hold you here until he listens to our demands, so be it.”
“What could you want that you don’t have?” she asked. “I thought Boudalankru took most of our supplies during the first Conclave.”
The soldiers exchanged glances. “How did you know - ”
“You wear stones around your neck and waists, your cellars are made of stone,” she pointed out. “Who else would you be?” She felt an odd sense of satisfaction at their defeated expressions, though there was no time for celebration. “Wanheda will not come for me. He will not listen to you. So kill me, or let me go.”
The stone-faced one stepped even closer, pressing his face against the bars. She could smell his breath; he was close enough to see the sweat forming on her brow. “What did you say?”
“I said…” Gamora’s voice cracked as she reached out, trembling, to grip the head of his spear and pull it right underneath her chin, its tip pressing into the underside of her jaw. “...kill me, or let me go.”
The other soldier put his hand on his companion’s shoulder, tugging him back in warning. “Koken hainofi...tsa bants.”
“Heda, nou hainofi.” She shoved the spear back through the bars and into the soldier’s chest. Though her breath was still coming in short, her palms bloody and her knees buckling beneath her, she couldn’t help but smile as the two of them sprinted up the steps, a large wooden door hastily slamming shut behind them. “Bushhadas,” she muttered. She then turned to look at the cellar, how bare it was, how there was nothing she could to do to free herself. Well, she thought, rolling her jacket sleeves up, not yet.
Two days came and went, and Peter was still restless over what had happened on his birthday. The rest of the night had actually been kind of nice - they had an intimate family dinner at their house, with Yondu and Kraglin dropping by for cake. Even his father had been less moody than usual, though it was mostly because he’d been boasting about his recent “victory” over the Grounders, as the Arkadians had taken to calling them. Afterward, though, Peter moped around in his room, unable to concentrate on his studies or even his usual bouts of self-appointed mischief.
Then, on a miraculously quiet evening in which there were no deaths, no injuries, no war chants or cries to be heard, Peter and Mantis were doing their homework in the living room when she suddenly sat up. Her antennae glowered, casting an eerie light across her face. “Someone is at the gates.”
Ego, who was sitting opposite them, poring over his blueprints for a recreation center, shot to his feet. “Grounder?”
“I think...it is a Grounder child,” Mantis mused. Peter froze.
“Meredith!” Ego called while he pulled on his coat, not bothering to wait for her answer. “There’s an intruder at the gates, watch the children!”
“Dad, wait - ”
“No, Peter, you stay here. Be safe,” Ego insisted, sharply patting them both on the cheeks before sweeping out the front door. Meredith emerged from her private study and came down the stairs moments later.
“What was that all about?” she asked.
“There is a Grounder child at the gates,” Mantis repeated. “They are by themselves.”
“Oh, poor darling. Must’ve gotten lost,” Meredith murmured, resting a hand over her heart. “I’m sure your daddy’s gonna help ‘em get right back home - ”
“He didn’t say that,” Peter interrupted. “He said ‘intruder’, not ‘kid’.”
“Peter, you know that don’t mean anything,” Meredith scolded lightly, gesturing for them both to settle back down. “Finish your homework now, you’ve got that big presentation tomorrow.”
Reluctantly, they followed suit, sinking back into the couch and picking up their books again. Meredith briefly went upstairs to grab her stack of patient records and bring them back down with her so she could stay close by, though her eyes flickered to the door every few minutes, tapping her foot against the back of her opposite ankle in restlessness.
Not ten minutes went by before the door burst open and Ego stumbled in, practically tripping over his own feet, breathless. “I need all of you to come with me. Now.”
It didn’t take long for them to reach the gates, Peter’s mind and heart racing the entire time. Mantis reached for him and squeezed his hand. At first, he thought it was for herself, that maybe she was worried or scared, until he felt the tension in his body slowly ease its way out. Her breath hitched briefly, followed by a shaky exhale. He turned to smile at her in silent gratitude.
The four of them made their way to the top of the watchtower, joining the two guards who were eyeing something apprehensively on the other side of the gate. Peter had to squint to make sense of what he was seeing, the darkness of the forest swallowing up everything from sight. Then, a silhouette of a child came into focus, short and lanky, but clearly trying to stand tall, to look bigger than they really were. His heart sank when he realized this particular child had no hair.
“She’s been talkin’ that nonsense Grounder talk since she got here,” Ego muttered, his eyes full of hunger. “At first, I thought she was just a distraction for the guards, but then I heard a single word, just one word that I recognized.”
“Ai ste lufa Petr kom Skaikru au,” she called. Her voice was monotonous, dull. “Ai laik Nebula kom Trikru, strisis kom Gamora.”
“Peter? Any idea what she’s saying?” Ego asked urgently.
He hesitated. Mantis, noticing the tremble in his mouth, stood on her toes to peer over the railing, straining her neck to get a better look. “She is desperate.” Meredith made a soft noise of sympathy, reaching to gently pull Mantis back in before she could fall.
“Ai laik Petr kom Skaikru. Weron laik Gamora?” All three of them turned to look at Peter, astonished. Before they could ask the dozens of questions on their mind, Yondu came thundering up the steps, stopping to briefly growl at the guard who stood post at the bottom of the tower and dared remind him of the watchtower’s weight capacity, and shoved his way to Peter’s side.
“You know this kid?” Yondu demanded, gripping Peter’s arm. “You been talkin’ to Grounders?”
“You!” Everyone jumped at Nebula’s sudden language switch, turning back to look at her in time to see her scoff derisively at Peter in a way that made him shrink into himself. “You are my sister’s friend?”
“Not really,” he said, hating the way his voice shook, hating the way everyone’s eyes were fixated on him - not just his family’s, not just Yondu’s, but all the Arkadians who had gathered near the gates, watching the spectacle of the Chancellor’s child, of all people, speaking the Grounder language. “She’s not talkin’ to me no more.”
“She is missing.” Peter’s blood ran cold. “She never came home after she left camp to see you.”
“Did she...did she tell you about me?”
Nebula smirked; it was the first expression she’d made that wasn’t entirely neutral. Somehow, it was even more unsettling. The fact she was quite casually staring down the guards who stood directly opposite her, pointing guns at her head, didn’t help matters, either. “She keeps a box under her bed with these odd...things in it. When she didn’t come home, I went looking for clues in her room and found it, with the word ‘Petr’ written on the lid. There is no Petr in Trikru.” Peter’s face reddened, both out of embarrassment and delight.
“Peter, what is going on here?” Ego said lowly, reaching around Meredith to grab Peter. Before he could, Yondu stepped sideways to block him, holding up his hands defensively. “Captain, step away from my son.”
“You let your boy be, Chancellor, clearly they got a lot to talk about,” Yondu countered, half-bowing his head out of respect, though it only seemed to infuriate Ego further. “And boys, can you stop pointin’ your weapons at the kid already? You’re makin’ me nervous!” The guards slowly lowered their guns, exchanging shameful looks amongst themselves. Nebula seemed unbothered either way.
“We were yelling at each other a bunch, and then I guess I just...left her there,” Peter said, turning back to Nebula, his heart sinking. “Do you think that maybe...someone took her? Like one of the other clans?”
Her chin tilted downward, casting her gaze to her feet. “Maybe,” she repeated, her voice hollow. Then, shaking herself, she turned to leave.
“Wait,” Peter called. She paused mid-step. “I can show you where we were, maybe it’ll help you find her.”
“No, you are not to leave Arkadia,” Ego interrupted firmly, finally managing to step around Yondu and make a literal attempt to shake some sense into Peter, his fingers digging welts his shoulders. “Can’t you see, Peter? This is a trap! Their men are waiting for you on the other side of the ridge.”
“But Dad, if somethin’ happened to her, it’s all my fault,” Peter protested. “I shoulda stayed - ”
“And whoever took that girl would’ve taken you, too. You think they’re looking to make the distinction?” Ego growled. “No, you’re coming straight home with us. Let Yondu’s guards take care of the little actress down there.”
“Ego,” Meredith warned. “Don’t you go after that girl. She’s just lookin’ for her sister, she’s not here to play tricks.”
“This is the first day in months that we’ve had no attacks, and suddenly she shows up, you think that’s a coincidence?” Ego snapped, gesturing wildly in Nebula’s direction. Still, she remained unmoved, arms folded across her chest and tapping her foot like they were mildly inconveniencing her. “You take the kids home, Meredith. Right now.”
“If I may, Chancellor, I think your missus has a point,” Yondu said, clearing his throat. “Now, you know me, I can smell a rat a mile away, and I don’t smell nothing right now. Let me take your boy to help ‘er, and he’ll be safe with me.”
Peter turned to Meredith with wide eyes. “You said I could only go outside the gates when I’m with Yondu, remember?”
She couldn’t help but chuckle, bending down to meet him at eye level, running her fingers through his hair, stopping to cup his chin. “I did, didn’t I? What kind of mother would I be if I went back on my word, hmm?”
“Still the best kind,” Peter said simply, smiling. Meredith laughed, kissing his cheek before straightening up. She then turned to Yondu, her expression hardening somewhat.
“You don’t go any farther than where he was with his friend. After that, you let her people, her sister, find her. You come straight home, you hear me?” Meredith ordered. Peter nodded eagerly while Ego let out a resounding protest that fell on deaf ears. “Now you two go and help bring her home.”
Peter could still hear his parents whisper-shouting urgently at each other as he and Yondu passed through the gates, could still picture Mantis’s tiny but brave face as she stood between them, wondering silently if taking their emotions would do her more harm than good. He reached out to grab Yondu’s arm, knowing he’d be embarrassed if he attempted to grab his hand. “Thanks, Yondu,” he said, grinning up at him. “It’s real nice of you to stick up for me.”
“Yeah, yeah, I just don’t want no dead kids on my conscience,” Yondu grumbled. “Let’s go talk to her before she gets any ideas. I don’t like the funny way she’s looking at my boys.”
When they reached Nebula, Peter immediately noticed that, like Gamora, she was shorter than her demeanor made her seem. Even so, she was even more intimidating than her sister with her inky eyes, hardset mouth, and bits of metal seemingly dispersed all throughout her body - pieces in her skull, her neck, what he could see of her hands through her fingerless gloves. Peter had seen the occasional new glints of silver in Gamora’s face every now and then, but he was never sure if it was okay to ask. Looking at Nebula, he was certain it wouldn’t have been.
“You got some nerve comin’ all the way out here by yourself,” Yondu commented brazenly by way of greeting, his eyes flickering briefly behind her to check for any signs of movement in the forest beyond. “Your parents know you’re here?”
“We have a man who thinks he is our father,” Nebula said; that seemed to shut Yondu right up. “If you’re lying, Petr kom Skaikru, I will kill you.”
Peter swallowed. “Cool.”
It was a brief fifteen-minute walk to the tree where Peter and Gamora liked to meet, far from the battles and the bases, away from prying eyes. He thought about how he approached her just two days ago, excited to see her and talk to her and ask her all sorts of questions about what her life was like. He thought about how Ego was probably right - whoever took Gamora would have taken him, too. He shuddered.
“Tracks.” Nebula walked slowly beside the tread marks along the riverbank, taking a few steps back and then forward again, trying to judge the direction they’d come from and where they’d gone. “No extra footprints, no animal prints.”
“So maybe she just got lost?” Peter suggested, feeling rather silly. Nebula lifted her head to glare at him.
“No,” she said coolly. “Stealth ships don’t make any sound and only leave one set of tracks. There is only one clan who stole them from Father - Boudalankru.”
“Bow-dah-what?” Yondu repeated dubiously.
“You’ve been useful, Petr,” Nebula said, sounding about as surprised as Peter felt. “Now leave.”
“Wait, are you really gonna look for Gamora all by yourself?” Peter asked. “That don’t sound safe.”
“Nothing is,” Nebula said blithely. “Most of wanheda’s army was sent to look for her in Azgeda and Sangedakru. It will be too late by the time they get to Boudalankru. It has to be me.”
“I wanna help,” Peter volunteered. Nebula looked at him incredulously, though before she could say anything, Yondu grabbed him by the wrist and unceremoniously yanked him aside.
“Hey, I promised your mama I’d take you straight home,” Yondu reminded him. “I know you feel bad ‘bout your little friend, but there ain’t nothing we can do. We don’t know nothing about this boh-dal - ”
“Boudalankru,” Peter repeated, remembering the time Gamora had tried and failed (on his part, that is) to teach him all the clan names. It seemed so long ago. “There’s gotta be something I can do, Yondu. Please?”
“No,” Yondu said firmly. “We’re goin’ home and you’re goin’ straight to bed, or your mama’s gonna skin me alive.”
Gamora’s palms were scraped raw, her fingernails broken, her skin cracked. She’d torn a strip of fabric from the bottom of her shirt, then ripped it in two and wrapped it around her hands to suppress the bleeding. Her throat burned from the lack of water, her stomach ached from the lack of food. It had been at least a day since she was taken, and the guards had refused to relieve her of any of her discomforts for her insolence. Now, she was sat cross-legged on the floor of the dirty, damp cellar, contemplating her next move.
Think, Gamora, think, she muttered inaudibly, running her hands over the length of her body for the thousandth time, checking to see if they’d somehow left something sharp on her person, and somehow she hadn’t noticed until now. Then her thumb snagged on the zipper of her jacket, and oh, she thought, there it is. With a quick jostle and a sharp yank, she broke the zipper head clean off its teeth.
She crawled toward the cellar door, then flattened herself against the ground so she was eye level with its bottom hinges, silently assessing the size of its screws. Grimacing, she got back to her feet and began pacing the length of her tiny confinement, running her fingers along its stone walls. She startled a little when she felt a sharp pinprick on the pad of her finger, enough to draw blood. Gamora stepped closer to examine the spot in question, how invisible it was, even to her enhanced eyes, then lifted the tiny zipper head to its surface. Slowly, but surely, she began to file away at its edges.
Long, arduous minutes went by as her shaking fingers moved back and forth, sometimes catching her skin instead of the metal, sometimes slipping from her hand and clattering to the floor. Once she was satisfied with her handiwork, she knelt back down and slotted the sharpened metal into the slot of the screw, turning it ever so slightly. She stretched upwards to reach the top hinges, too, straining with every last bit of strength she had. She stepped back, taking a moment to let her breathing slow to something that wasn’t threatening to swallow her up. You will not die in here.
Gamora stepped forward and rattled the bars. “Chek ai au, bushhadas!” she hollered. “Ai laik yu heda!”
It took less than a minute for the guards to return. “You’re a noisy little thing, aren’t you?”
She merely glared at them. “I’m hungry,” she said, her tone that of an impatient child.
The soldiers exchanged glances, then laughed. “We already told you, you are in no place to make demands, heda,” one of them sneered. He pushed his spear between the bars like he’d done earlier, its end hovering mere inches from her nose. “Why don’t you tell your father we have demands to make of him?”
“He is not my father,” she growled. With that, she gripped the head of the spear and yanked it towards her, jolting it right out of the soldier’s hands so it hit the cellar bars with a loud clang. Using her momentum, she then shoved forward, both her hands braced on either end of the spear, and the door collapsed onto both guards, the hinges shrieking precariously as it fell. They both cried out in shock, their hands scrabbling desperately to get a grip on her somewhere - her hair, her wrists, anything they could use for leverage - but she had them pinned down, the door weighing heavy on their bodies. “If you have demands, you tell them to me.”
The only noise that escaped either of them was an awful, guttural choking sound, sputtering and spitting as the metal bars and the spear laid perfectly across their necks. Gamora got to her feet, pausing to stare at them, swallowing down the acid burning in her throat. They will live, she thought urgently, her heart racing. You didn’t kill them. Not this time.
She sprinted up the stairs, finding herself in a small entryway that seemed to branch off into a whole series of stairways that led to other cells. There, she found her utility belt and weapons tossed aside, and she quickly gathered them up and slipped them back on her person, staying alert to the sights and sounds nearby. When she was ready, she took a deep breath, then pushed her way out of the prison entirely. She was greeted by the blindingly bright sun and the sound of a dozen soldiers’ war cries descending upon her.
“Can’t believe you talked to me into this nonsense,” Yondu grumbled. He, Peter, and Nebula were hidden just outside the vicinity of the guardsmen quarters, where the vehicles were stored. While the Grounders used all manner of technology, as old-fashioned as horses and as high-brow as cloaked ships, the Arkadians kept close to their base, and therefore never needed much more than a few ships and a fleet of armored cars, courtesy of Ego’s limitless powers. “If we don’t die out there, we gonna be dead when we get back. Your daddy’s gonna spear me like an Orloni, then he’s gonna whoop your ass into shape ‘til you’re his age.”
“Do you people ever shut up?” Nebula hissed before Peter could protest. “Why are we hiding from your men?”
“Some of my men are more loyal to the Chancellor than their captain,” Yondu said begrudgingly. “Now get in there ‘fore they see us.”
Their initial take-off was a bit of a tumble since Yondu hadn’t flown since they arrived on Earth - it certainly didn’t help that Peter was trying to push all the buttons on the console in a futile attempt to make himself useful - but then they were airborne, heartbeats pounding rapidly in their ears as they watched the ground get further and further away. Nebula shoved Peter out of the co-pilot’s seat to assist Yondu, grumbling under her breath about his poor steering. Peter then situated himself in the passenger’s seat directly behind her, peering over her shoulder.
“You know how to fly a ship?” he asked, awed.
“Yes,” she replied shortly, though she almost sounded proud of herself.
“Does Gamora?”
Nebula huffed. “How did a goufa like you become friends with my sister?”
“By being awesome,” Peter grinned, leaning back into his chair.
Now it was Yondu’s turn to snort. “Alright, buckle up, kids, I ain’t responsible for you two flyin’ out the window if you don’t.”
Meanwhile, back in New Arkadia, Mantis was curled up by the large bay window at the front of their living room, her face and hands pressed against the glass. She watched as the telltale lights of the underside of Yondu’s ship soar up into the night sky, then peel off into the darkness. “Baby, I thought I told you to go to bed.”
She let out a startled squeak, turning to see Meredith standing in the doorway, her arms folded across her chest. “Sorry, Mama,” she mumbled. “It is just...Peter is not back yet.”
“Your daddy already sent some guards to go looking for ‘em. Nothing we can do not but wait and hope for the best,” Meredith said soothingly, moving to sit beside Mantis by the window. She reached over to tuck a loose strand of hair behind her ear, smiling when Mantis nuzzled affectionately against her hand. “You want me to tuck you in tonight, maybe read you a book and take your mind off things?”
“I do not think I can sleep,” Mantis admitted. “My stomach hurts.”
“I know you’re worried,” Meredith nodded, clicking her tongue sympathetically. “I won’t pretend I’m not worried, too. I know you can see right through me. But we have to take comfort in the fact that Peter isn’t alone. This isn’t like that night, okay? This isn’t like when he ran off trying to protect us.”
Mantis shuddered in memory of that fateful night, the night where the Grounders made themselves known to the Arkadians, storming their camp and chanting their war chants, crying their war cries. The night where Peter was there one moment and gone the next, leaving nothing but a trail of light behind him. He had returned with a sort of haggard look in his eyes that no one ever expected to see on a child. He’d collapsed into Meredith’s arms, mumbling about how tired he was, reached out for Mantis’s hand so he could squeeze, so he could know she was still there for him to look for. In that moment, Mantis felt everything he felt - shock, guilt, disgust, and oddly enough, the tiniest glimpse of hope. Now, she wondered if that was the night he met Gamora, if she was the one who helped him feel just a little bit less like that night was the worst night of everyone’s lives.
“Mantis?” She shook herself out of her thoughts to see Meredith staring at her, brow furrowed in concern. “I asked if you wanted some tea for your stomach. I don’t want you on any medication of any sort unless you really need it.”
“Yes, please.” Mantis turned back to the window while Meredith went into the kitchen, silently pleading for the lights to come back, to bring her brother back so she would know he was safe. She closed her eyes, antennae glowing faintly, trying to see if she could detect Peter above all the noise of the thoughts and heartbeats of their people.
She turned again, only to find herself looking up into Ego’s face. “Mama is making me tea before I sleep,” she said before he could ask. “My stomach hurts.”
“Worried about Peter, huh?” Ego sat in Meredith’s place, clapping her on the shoulder. “Well, you heard me back there. I made it very clear to your mother that letting him go off wasn’t a good idea, but unfortunately, she’s about as stubborn as I am. We all are. So let’s just hope Yondu makes good on his word because I’m certainly going to have a few for him if they come back.”
“If?” Mantis repeated.
Ego’s face softened. “I meant ‘when’,” he said quietly.
“And what about everything else that is out there? Those bad men who took that girl’s sister?” she asked.
“That’s what I'm trying to protect you from. All of you,” he insisted. “Because they aren’t men. They’re animals, trying to keep people like your mother from getting their planet back, from taking back what’s theirs. And I’ll be honest, I don’t like that Peter decided to be friends with one of them. Not one bit.”
“But she is a child, like him and me,” Mantis said defensively. “She needs friends, too. Maybe she does not have any.”
“Wouldn’t surprise me,” Ego said, chuckling derisively. “They may inhabit a planet of humans, but there is no humanity left in them.” He got to his feet as if to leave, only to stop when he saw Meredith approach them both, holding two steeping hot mugs of tea. “Meredith.”
“Ego,” she replied. “I thought you went to bed.”
“It’s hard to, when our son is out there, possibly dying or dead. I’ll be surprised if any of us get any sleep tonight.” His voice was low, dark; he didn’t wait to hear Meredith’s response, turning and sweeping up the stairs to their shared bedroom without a backwards glance. She stared after him for a moment, then carefully rearranged her expression into something that resembled a smile and rejoined Mantis by the window.
“Sorry, baby,” she murmured after they’d taken their first few sips. “I keep tellin’ myself not to fight with your daddy in front of you, but we both got tempers we ain’t proud of.”
“I am used to it,” Mantis shrugged.
Meredith shook her head adamantly. “No, Mantis, don’t get used to it. It’s not healthy, for us or for you and Peter.”
“I am trying to listen for him, but it is so hard.” Mantis pressed her palm against the glass once more. “I can only hear our people. They think about him.”
“Don’t let those powers of yours take over your life, baby,” Meredith urged, reaching to gently pry Mantis away from the window and pull her against her chest, Mantis’s head resting over Meredith’s heart. “What you need is to drink your tea, go to bed, and when you wake up, Peter will be home. I swear it.”
“Can you stay with me?”
Meredith’s heart simultaneously broke and swelled at the same time, pulsating so sharply she was sure Mantis heard it. “Of course, baby. Always.”
It was pitch-black by the time they reached Boudalankru territory, but Peter was still wide awake, perhaps a little too wide awake. He’d spent the last half hour of their trip trying to formulate a plan for how to find and rescue Gamora, and was promptly shut down by Nebula every single time.
“Leave it to me, Petr kom Skaikru,” she insisted, twirling one of the many blades she had on her utility belt, something that reminded him too much of Gamora. “Stay here and don’t get in my way.”
“Finally, something we can agree on,” Yondu commented as he brought the ship down to land.
Peter followed Yondu and Nebula off the ship despite their protests, looking around in awe at their surroundings. Boudalankru was more modern than its name implied; Yondu and Peter had expected old-fashioned stone huts and gravel paths, but instead were met with a micro-city juxtaposed against the impossibly tall trees that masked the horizon. Modern buildings made of limestone and glass were lined up in a too-straight line along the paved concrete roads, small passenger ships were parked neatly beside them. Metal signs were embedded with what looked like Kree language, and seemingly brand-new lampposts flickered overhead as they continued walking down the barren streets. The most jarring thing of all was just that - there was not a single person to be found.
“Are we in a horror movie or somethin’?” Peter whispered uneasily. “I don’t hear or see nobody.”
Yondu let out a low whistle, prompting his yaka arrow to shoot out of its pouch and hover by his temples. He gestured for both of them to get behind him, but Nebula ignored him in favor of walking up to the nearest building and pressing her face against the glass, peering inside for any sort of indication that they hadn’t just stumbled across a ghost town. Peter hesitated, then ducked into Yondu’s side, though he kept one hand extended, letting it glow faintly to lead the way while they continued on, the street lights getting dimmer the further they went.
The minutes dragged on forever, Peter’s heart beating so rapidly he thought it would collapse, until they finally heard something - suddenly a lot of something, the sounds of victorious shouts in alarming numbers. Yondu sprinted in the direction of the noise, the children following closely at his heel, and found themselves in proximity to what appeared to be an outdoor in-ground arena, the kind with endless rows of seats and blinding floodlights, filled to the brim with every last member of Boudalankru. The three of them quickly made their way to the edge, pushing their way to the front of the crowd, and looked down, astonished at what they saw.
In the middle of the whole spectacle was Gamora, blood streaked across her face, her torso, her everywhere (Peter was starting to become more accustomed to seeing her with blood than without, and he wasn’t sure if that was a good thing), thrusting her short blade above her head in the clear universal sign of victory. Lying at her feet was a boy who looked no more than sixteen, panting and heaving and wounded by more than just his pride. Around them, the crowd stomped their feet, clapped their hands, chanted: he-da, he-da, he-da…
“Yo laik ai kru,” Gamora shouted, her voice amplified by the device that was wrapped tight around her neck. “Ai laik yu heda!” Everyone roared back with vigor. Nebula recoiled.
“What the…” Peter turned to look at Nebula, speechless. “What’s goin’ on?”
“She called for a Conclave,” Nebula murmured. “And she won. As she always does.”
“She don’t look like she needs our help,” Yondu said, sounding half-impressed, half-terrified. “But alrigh’, let’s go get ‘er.”
They continued to shove their way through the throng of people, though Peter and Nebula soon found themselves constantly getting knocked aside due to their obvious height disadvantage, clinging onto the tails of Yondu’s coat before they could lose sight of him. Eventually, Peter’s impatience got the best of him, and he simultaneously let out a frustrated shout and a blast of light, startling everyone within a fifty-foot radius. They managed to sprint the rest of the way down to the arena ring without trouble after that.
“Sister!” Nebula shouted. She didn’t wait for Peter and Yondu, instead vaulting herself over the electric fence perimeter like it was nothing. Gamora’s eyes lit up with a different sort of elation upon hearing Nebula’s voice, and she ran to embrace her, much to Nebula’s chagrin.
“Nebula!” Gamora burrowed her face in Nebula’s neck. “It’s so good to see you, sister.”
“Do not - ” Nebula wrestled out of Gamora’s grip and shoved her back; she was now covered in blood, too. “You’ve been gone for two days, and suddenly you rule Boudalankru?”
“Something Father has never done before,” Gamora said gleefully, her face shining. “Do you think he will be proud?”
“Is that why you did this? Is that why you hurt their champion?” Nebula looked over Gamora’s shoulder to the boy, still crumpled on the ground, now being tended to by his people’s doctors. He blinked blearily up at them in a daze, though one of his eyes was swollen shut.
Gamora faltered, the light in her eyes starting to dim. “It was either a Conclave or my death, Nebula. I chose to survive.”
“Of course,” Nebula said hollowly. She nodded behind her. “Your lukot is here.”
“My - oh.” Gamora finally seemed to notice Peter standing there with his mouth hanging open, now that he could see her up close, see the story of her battle written out on her clothes, her skin, her face. “Petr...what are you doing here?”
“Nebula found me and told me you were gone, and I wanted to help.” He stepped forward, shooting her a strained, but hopeful smile. “I feel real bad about all that stuff we said to each other. Your people are just as important as mine, and maybe...maybe if your dad and my dad talked, all of this could just...stop. I don’t wanna fight anymore. Me and you, and my people and your people.”
“You don’t know our father,” Gamora sighed, though she looked relieved to see him regardless. “He does not want peace. He will not talk. He didn’t even look for me.”
“That’s not true,” Nebula interjected. “Father sent nearly his whole army looking out for his beloved heda.” Gamora narrowed her eyes at Nebula’s tone, though she decided not to comment on it. Instead, she glanced up at Yondu, who was stood firmly over Peter, staring down at her in mild perplexion.
“Who are you?” she demanded.
“Captain Yondu Udonta of New Arkadia, and Quill’s chaperone,” Yondu replied gruffly. “And you are the scariest little thing I’ve ever seen.”
Her entire expression shifted into something far more childlike, and Yondu found himself regretting his choice of words. “I do not want to be scary,” Gamora said, hastily trying to wipe the blood off her face; it only rubbed it in further. “I just wanted to survive.”
“Well, you did just that.” Yondu tried not to look at the Boudalankru boy, tried not to listen to the way he cried out when the doctors lifted him onto a stretcher, cursing heda to the heavens. “Let’s go ‘fore these boo-doll folk get any ideas about looking into me n’ Quill.”
“Boudalankru,” all three children said in unison. Yondu threw his hands up in defeat and motioned for them to follow.
Getting back to the ship was easy enough despite Yondu’s apprehension, with the crowd parting like the sea for Gamora, letting her and the others pass through. When he asked her about it, about the Conclave and the little things she and Peter had said about her father, she had a strange, far-away look in her eyes and merely said, “You still don’t know much about life around here.”
“An’ I’m guessing you won’t tell me,” Yondu had replied, getting an affirmative nod in return.
The walk back would’ve been silent if not for Peter’s incessant chatter, pestering both girls with questions until Gamora silenced him with a single glare. Once they were on board, though, she quietly took a seat beside him, gratefully accepting the medical kit when he set it down on her lap. He wordlessly began to help her dress the wounds she couldn’t quite reach while Yondu and Nebula sat at the controls, getting them back in the air.
“Thank you,” she murmured, craning her neck to watch as he placed the last bandage over the puncture wound in the small of her back. “And...I feel bad about what I said, too. I’m sorry. I’m not good with...words, I suppose.”
“You talk way more like a grownup than I do,” Peter countered.
“I mean like...how I say things, not what I’m saying,” Gamora explained carefully. Her face fell again, remembering what Yondu had said to her. “Do I scare you?”
“I guess...a little bit,” he admitted. “I don’t wanna lie to you anymore, so...yeah, a little bit. But that don’t change the fact that you’re my friend, and I want you to be my friend. Not just ‘cos you’re teaching me Trig and stuff, but ‘cos I like hanging out with you.”
“Ai lukot,” she said, smiling tentatively. “My friend.”
Peter smiled back, taking her less-bandaged hand and giving it a gentle squeeze. “Ai lukot,” he repeated.
“Father is calling for us.”
Gamora shot to her feet, instantly letting go of Peter’s hand. “What?”
Nebula held up her communicator, her mouth set in an even harder line than usual. “Maw heard of the Boudalankru Conclave and sent spies to find you, and now he knows you’re not alone. Father wants to meet with us...all of us.”
“Oh, you gotta be kiddin’ me,” Yondu groaned. “This is already the longest damn night of my life, can’t I jus’ drop you two off and take Quill home?”
“If you don’t do what Father wants, he will kill all of your people, just like that.” Gamora snapped her fingers. Peter shivered.
“Is he gonna hurt us?” he asked, dreading the answer.
“If he is in the mood,” Nebula replied bluntly, scratching at the now-dried blood on the front of her jacket. Peter wasn’t proud of the whimper that escaped his throat.
An hour later, Gamora stirred, not realizing she had even fallen asleep in the first place, startled to find she had dozed off on Peter’s shoulder. All four of them had been restless the whole way, a tense silence filling the entire cabin, none of them daring to speak about what was ahead or what was already behind them. Even Peter had been too anxious to ask, because as much as he wanted to pester Gamora with a hundred questions about Thanos, he had the feeling that no answer would ease his worries.
They touched down outside of Sanctuary; the first thing Peter was thrown by was the sheer size of the ship, far outweighing the Ark, stretching far above the fences that were meant to contain it. The front gates were also similar to New Arkadia’s settlement, with watchtower guards waving them in, though their armor only reminded Peter of the night he and Gamora met and the young, dying soldier who looked a little bit too much like Kraglin. “Monin hou, heda!” one of them called.
“‘Welcome back, Commander’,” Gamora murmured in Peter’s ear. He watched in astonishment as every last person they passed bowed their head in her direction, muttering words of respect under their breaths.
“You’re the commander?” Peter asked, agape. “What about - ”
“He is wanheda, the commander of death. I am heda, to be wanheda someday.” She bit her lip so hard she drew blood. “Only some factions listen to Father and his generals. Boudalankru was one of our biggest enemies.”
“And now what, they like you or somethin’? I still dunno what happened back there,” he admitted.
Gamora smiled ruefully. “Neither do I.”
They were accompanied by two guardsmen through a winding series of hallways, though Gamora and Nebula seemed to know exactly where they were going. Peter could see Gamora was itching to reach for Nebula and take her hand, but Nebula had flattened her palms against her thighs in a very militant-like posture, her footsteps even heavier than Yondu’s. He took a moment to look around, amazed and horrified at how different Sanctuary looked from Boudalankru. It was far less friendly-looking than the original Ark, with wide corridors and tall ceilings, all dark and hollow and intimidatingly massive.
Finally, they reached a huge set of double doors; stationed in front were two alien beings who seemed impossibly tall, wielding weapons that stood higher than the top of Peter’s head. Unlike the other Grounders, neither bowed upon their approach. “Corvus, Proxima,” Gamora said tightly. “Is your army back?”
Proxima’s lip curled into a sneer. “We’ve called off the search for our precious heda, yes. And Father has heard of your victory in Boudalankru.”
“I had no choice.” Gamora glanced down at her hands, fiddling with the gauze wrapped around her left thumb, causing its exposed end to fray. “Their champion still lives.”
“Then it is not much of a victory after all,” Corvus drawled, keeping his head straight forward, refusing to look at her. He and Proxima stepped aside, allowing the guardsmen to open the doors, a rush of ice-cold air hitting all four of them in the face before they entered the throne room.
Like seemingly everywhere else in Sanctuary, it was dark and damp and unfriendly, devoid of anything that could make it feel remotely welcoming. There was a single long platform that led to the center of the room, where two thrones sat side-by-side. One was significantly shorter and unoccupied, and it made Gamora shudder when she saw it. She only ever sat in it once per year, on her birthday, a time when wanheda liked to remind everyone who his successor was and what she was capable of. The other throne was concealed in the shadows, but there was no doubt as to who was sat upon it.
Yondu and Peter stared dumbfoundedly at the impossibly large man as he got to his feet, turning so his back was to them, casting a darkness down the length of the platform and across their faces. “I’ve been told of your call for a Conclave, Gamora. Bold of you, considering they are only meant for the most dire of situations, for a threat to your title.” His voice rumbled, bouncing off every surface, shaking everyone’s ankles and knees from the vibrations in the floor.
“They were going to kill me to weaken you,” Gamora said evenly, bowing her head out of respect despite him not looking her way.
“And your first Conclave was to be when you turned fourteen,” he continued, ignoring her. “You could have died tonight, little one.”
“But I did not.” She tilted her face back up, held her chin higher; Nebula’s entire upper body seemed to slouch in contrast. Peter and Yondu still weren’t sure what to do with themselves, glancing around helplessly, but neither sister made any attempt to guide them.
“No, you did not.” There was a hint of a smile on Thanos’s face as he finally turned around, the full effect of his vastness overwhelming Peter, who took a few steps back, heart pounding rapidly in his ears. Though he wore simple armor, it was his face that caught them by surprise; the violently purple eyes narrowing in their direction, the mottled constellation of battle scars covering every inch of his skin, the sneer of a man who had looked upon gods and found himself wholly unimpressed. “This is the boy you’ve been meeting in secret? Petr kom Skaikru?”
“Yes,” Gamora murmured. “Ai lukot.”
“How did you meet my daughter, Petr?” Thanos demanded. “And how did you come by her in Boudalankru today?”
“I - uh - um.” Peter cleared his throat, fiddling with his thumbs in a failed attempt to stop his hands from shaking. Thanos looked bored already. “My camp was attacked by your army. I ran away so they would chase me, and that’s when I met - ”
“Why would they chase you?” Thanos interrupted. Maw and Cull, who were stood at the foot of his throne, turned to look at Peter, to really look at him, Maw’s gaze flickering up and down with clear distaste in his otherwise soulless eyes. Thanos gestured to the guards stationed by the doors, and they opened them for Proxima and Corvus to step inside, both of them lifting their weapons so they were pointed directly at Peter’s back. It sent a short, but clear message - impress me or die.
Peter inhaled sharply, then held out his hands, forming a glowing orb of light no larger than a piece of fruit. Then it grew bigger, big enough that it dwarfed his own head, obscuring his face from everyone else, causing Proxima and Corvus to stumble back, blindsided. He then pulled one hand away from the other, splitting the orb in two. The one in his right hand morphed into a light dagger, the other into something he had never been able to do before - a flower, fresh and vibrant and the exact same shade of red as Gamora’s hair. He turned toward her, holding them both out for her to take. Astonished, she wordlessly accepted them both, her heart thumping in concern when she noticed the wetness in his eyes from his concentrated effort.
He looked back to Thanos. His voice shook when he spoke again. “Once I stopped running, I was real lost. That’s when I met Gamora. I asked her to help me find my way back.”
Thanos sank into his throne, leaning forward to rest his elbows on his knees and his chin in his hands. “And today?”
“Nebula came to New Arkadia to find me ‘cos Gamora was missing. I took her to where I saw her last, an’ then we went to Boudalankru together. The Conclave was over by the time we got there.” Thanos nodded slowly, his brow raising in surprise at Peter’s somewhat-correct Trigedasleng pronunciation. He then waved for the Black Order generals to leave the room so only he, his daughters, Peter, and Yondu remained.
“You have strength, Petr kom Skaikru, and abilities I have never seen before in my countless years of crossing the galaxy,” Thanos commented. “You are no mere human, are you?”
Yondu, who had been mostly petrified (not that he would ever admit to it) throughout the entire encounter, finally moved silently to warn Peter, to stop him before he gave it away, but - “I’m half-Celestial.”
“You are the son of the man who is calling for the death of my people?”
“And you’re the one callin’ for the death of ours,” Peter retorted suddenly, clenching his glowing fists. Gamora let out a startled noise, barely noticing the way Nebula clutched at her arm automatically to brace herself for his retaliation.
Thanos merely chuckled, albeit in a very sinister way, and leaned back. “I like this one, daughter. He is too naive to know what to fear and too vulnerable to know how not to trust. Yet, he holds the powers of the universe in his hands.”
She stepped forward. “Father, I - ”
“You want this war to end, don’t you, Petr?” Thanos asked, silencing Gamora with a single raise of his hand. “You want to grow up in a world where you know nothing but full bellies and clear skies.”
“Don’t everyone?” Peter slowly unfurled his fingers, though they still remained alight. “Then no one’s gotta die for no reason.”
“And if there was a reason?” Thanos cocked his head to one side, seemingly staring right through him. “What then?”
“I - ” Peter faltered. “I guess...well, people die ‘cos of reasons, right? Like, when they get sick or hurt or just...old. That don’t mean it has to happen. It just does. And war makes it happen faster. Makes it happen to kids like me. Even if we don’t die, our parents do. My mom is a medic, and she has to tell families all the time that people didn’t make it. I don’t want no one to have to tell her that I didn’t make it, or someone to tell me that she didn’t. I want my mom to see me grow up. And...I think you wanna see your daughters grow up, too. You sent a whole army lookin’ for Gamora ‘cos you wanna see her become your heda. There won’t be no heda or Chancellor or nothing if everyone is dead.”
Thanos hummed, contemplating; Gamora and Nebula sucked in their breaths. “When you return to your father tonight, you tell him I will make peace with your people under these terms: we cease all fighting immediately, and neither of us are to pick up a weapon again for six months. Consider it a show of good faith. Then we meet in Polis to discuss the future of this planet and what is to become of those who live on it.”
Gamora made no attempt to hide her astonishment, glancing rapidly back and forth between Nebula and Peter with wide eyes. Even Yondu looked stunned despite being largely unfamiliar with what was happening, realizing the gravity of Thanos’s offer, the levity of its generosity. “I will,” Peter said, the light dimming entirely from his hands. “Um, thank you.”
“You thank me too early,” Thanos drawled, smirking. “My last condition is that you will not speak to my daughter until we convene in Polis. I can only imagine what sort of insights and intelligence she has shared with you in your time together. I will not let it happen again. The potential resumption of your companionship will be determined in my discussions with your father.”
“Wanheda, I never said anything - ”
“You keep interrupting me, little one, but I assure you, I will speak with you another time. Know your place,” he growled. “Now leave, and do not let me see or hear of you until then.” Peter shot Gamora one last pleading look before he and Yondu were promptly ushered out of the room by Corvus and Proxima, caught one last glimpse of her before they were taken back to their ship and told to never return. “Gamora, leave us.”
“I...thought you wanted to speak with me,” she said quietly.
“I did not mean now,” Thanos said, instead directing his attention toward Nebula. “I have words for this one first.”
Gamora’s legs felt heavy as she made the walk back toward the doors, trying desperately to shut out the continuing conversation behind her. “I have returned your heda, Father, something the gonakru could not do - ”
“You do not speak ill of those under my command, Nebula. In fact, you should not speak at all.”
Gamora was numb by the time Maw escorted her back to her quarters, thanks to what seemed like a never-ending night, barely listening to his non-stop chatter about “that funny-looking Skaikru child” or her “bushhada of a sister”. She felt like she only just managed to make her way through the motions as she bathed, finding it impossible to get all the blood out of everything, changed into her sleepclothes, and approached her bed. How she wished she had the chance to finish her conversation with Peter, all the conversations they’d been having since they met, about how her world worked, what it meant to be heda, what his agreement with Thanos really meant.
Instead, she knelt on the floor to pull out the box from beneath her mattress, setting it down and opening it to reveal all of Peter’s little misshapen gifts, still in their imperfect perfect condition. She put both the dagger and flower inside, surprised to find the latter hadn’t wilted in the hour that had passed since its creation, wondering if it was Peter’s doing. Smiling faintly, she put the box back in its place and turned off the light. As she climbed into bed and under her sheets, she had a feeling she wasn’t going to be sleeping tonight. Not when she could hear Nebula’s screams clear across Sanctuary.
a/n: Hey all, it's been a minute - sorry this chapter is so incredibly late, my semester had been going terribly and I barely had time to do much of anything outside of school. When I did have time for fic writing, I indulged in a little Scott/Hope (here and here if you're interested) since it was a lot lighter and less plot-heavy than this fic, but I promise I haven't abandoned this!
I know there's a lot of world-building going on right now but the next chapter will be more about character relationships - there hasn't been a ton of focus on Drax, and Rocket and Groot haven't even shown up yet, so that will get rectified soon. Also, I hope y'all enjoy Endgame when you get a chance to see it! I'll be going on vacation two days after it comes out so I'll be late to the post-movie fic party, but I'm very likely going to be posting at least three (I'm thinking Peter/Gamora, Scott/Hope, and Carol/Valkyrie, because yes) one-shots. In the meantime, thank you so much for reading, likes and reblogs would be much appreciated, and I hope you enjoyed :)
Trigedasleng translations: plangona - warrior woman / shilkru - guard / goufa - child Koken hainofi...tsa bants. - Crazy princess...let's go. / Heda, nou hainofi. Bushhadas. - Commander, not princess. Cowards. Ai ste lufa Petr kom Skaikru au. Ai laik Nebula kom Trikru, strisis kom Gamora. - I am looking for Peter of the Sky People. I am Nebula of the Forest Clan, little sister of Gamora. / Ai laik Petr kom Skaikru. Weron laik Gamora? - I am Peter of the Sky People. Where is Gamora? Chek ai au, bushhadas! Ai laik yu heda! - Look at me, cowards! I am your commander! / Yo laik ai kru, ai laik yu heda! - You are my people, I am your commander!
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perfectirishgifts · 3 years
5 ‘Star Trek’ Actors Are Out LGBTQ, But How Many Are Nerds? This Guy!
New Post has been published on https://perfectirishgifts.com/5-star-trek-actors-are-out-lgbtq-but-how-many-are-nerds-this-guy/
5 ‘Star Trek’ Actors Are Out LGBTQ, But How Many Are Nerds? This Guy!
Actor Anthony Rapp plays Paul Stamets in the Star Trek: Discovery Season 3 episode Terra Firma, Part … [] 1
Note: For fans who have not yet seen this week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery, there are spoilers ahead.
“I don’t think it’s a secret, I’ve been a nerd,” said actor Anthony Rapp. “I’ve been very outspoken about that.”
He has. but don’t just take his word for it. Check out the Star Trek: Discovery star’s Twitter feed: Rapp tweets ratings for science fiction and fantasy novels, and most recently: Dungeons and Dragons games with stars of the show and their friends.
That’s of course in addition to Rapp’s tweets promoting social justice, LGBTQ equality and his pro-mask pandemic posts. The Illinois native engages with his fans on a daily basis, and interacts with them about everything from civil rights to politics and theater, and when appropriate, he gets personal.
But when it comes right down to it, Rapp is a nerd. And he’s not alone:
Anthony Rapp as Lt. Commander Paul Stamets and Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber of the CBS All Access … [] series, Star Trek: Discovery.
That’s a parody of perhaps the most well-known song from Rent. Rapp starred in the original production on Broadway in 1996 as Mark Cohen, alongside his current co-star Wilson Cruz, who played the part of Angel in the touring production. Together, they play the science fiction franchise’s first regularly appearing gay couple aboard the U.S.S. Discovery, serving aboard a 23rd century starship that in this third season has flown 930 years into the future.
In our present day, the veteran actor of stage and screen — known also for roles in the films A Beautiful Mind and Adventures in Babysitting — is in Toronto, Canada, where he is filming season four of the CBS All Access streamed series. He took a break Wednesday evening to talk about being a nerd, his castmates, his thoughts on acting and LGBTQ representation in Star Trek.
This interview was edited for clarity and space limitations. Scroll down to watch the video of the full interview. Note: if you have not yet viewed this week’s episode of Star Trek: Discovery, Terra Firma Part 1, there are spoilers aplenty ahead!
Dawn Ennis: The mirror universe is back!
Anthony Rapp: Yes!
Ennis: How long ago was it you filmed this?
Rapp: Oh, my goodness. Sometime, maybe about a year ago? I want to say, -ish, give or take.
Ennis: The wonders of Hollywood. Your character, Stamets, in the alternate universe, in the Mirror Universe, has a devious plot. Do you remember anything about the idea that you would have what every actor lives for, a glorious death scene?
Michelle Yeoh stars as Empress Georgiou in the Star Trek: Discovery episode, Terra Firma, Part 1
Rapp: Well, it’s not just a glorious death scene, but it’s a glorious death scene at the hands of Michelle Yeoh. You know, when I was first cast in this show, about three and a half, four years ago, one of the first things that was shared with me was that Michelle Yeoh was going to be a part of it. And my jaw just dropped because, I mean, she’s a legend. And you always hear that you shouldn’t meet your heroes because they’ll so often disappoint you. And it’s the exact opposite with Michelle. She is a consummate human being, in every way.
I didn’t get a lot of chances to work opposite her with her directly as part of the show, but we hung out and our cast is very close. We do social things together. And she was always fantastic to talk to and be with.
But to finally get to play opposite her a couple of times over the last season and a half, and then to get killed by her, that’s the sort of “pinch-me” moment that if you’d asked me, when I first saw Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, I would have looked at you like you were speaking in tongues, because it would have seemed so unlikely that anything like that would ever come my way.
I don’t remember exactly how many times we did the shot. There were a couple of different shots, but one of the main shots was me creeping up behind her, and then she quickly turns and stabs me in the throat. She did that perfectly every time; the knife was incredibly, perfectly situated exactly at the right angle to my throat.
She has an otherworldly gift at such things. We are so lucky to be graced by her.
Ennis: You have a theatrical background which plays into this particular episode in which you are the the narrator of a big production. And I imagine that you must weekly call upon your theatrical skills, because acting on the small screen is not small.
Rapp: I think other actors have said something like this, that acting on a show like Star Trek is in some ways at times like acting in Shakespeare or a period piece, where the language can be really heightened. Like when you’re in Hamlet, you’re talking to a ghost; When you’re in Star Trek, you’re talking to an alien.
Some of our training comes from inhabiting any kind of fantastical realm or world, or you’re doing Midsummer Night’s Dream, or the Scottish play, and then also having the heavy lift of of technical language, or language that I would never utter in my normal life.
I think a lot of actors who grow up only doing film and television sometimes can feel a little nervous about taking big risks, because there’s this notion that when you’re on film, things have to be small, quiet. I think in Trek, people like Patrick Stewart, William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, they had tremendous theatrical backgrounds. Brent Spiner, too, and that that absolutely served them incredibly well.
Left to right: Brent Spiner, William Shatner and Patrick Stewart, Leonard Nimoy with William … [] Shatner.
Ennis: You stand on the shoulders of giants, that’s for sure. Now, you and Wilson Cruz, you play partners on the show, and now you each have a death scene that you can compare notes. And of course, they’ll be fans who say, ‘”Oh, they’re killing off the gays again!” Any thoughts on those two things?
Rapp: Well, I think A., in the Mirror Universe, who knows what anyone is? I think everyone’s a little bit pansexual, probably. And B., Yeah, not to give any more spoilers away, but you know this version of the Mirror Universe we’re seeing is also in some ways a mirror of the mirror.
So it’s not canon in quite the same way as what we saw in season one. It’s another peeling back of the curtain, and the layers of of these mirrors. But back in season one, Stamets was a part of the plot to overthrow Georgiou. So this is just the natural extension of that.
Blu del Barrio plays Adira on Star Trek: Discovery
Ennis: Those you follow you and Wilson on social media have seen that people are starting to call Wilson the Space Papi and you the Space Dad to Blu del Barrio’s character, to Adira. Not being a parent yourself, is that a stretch?
Rapp: Well, I’ve been a parent to pets and animals my whole life. I’m not equating Blu with a pet or an animal. But, you know, from the first day of meeting Blu, I was there for their very first day that they ever set foot on a professional film or television set. Jonathan Frakes was directing the episode, their first scene on camera, when I confront them at the foot of the ladder: “What are you doing up there?”
Ennis: No pressure or anything.
Rapp: And, you know, but Jonathan and I would be watching them work. They’re so incredible, already and with no experience in this arena, in training and acting experience.
Having been on a set for the first time when I was 15: It’s a little weird. And then there’s all kinds of strange things happening. It’s easily intimidating and strange and bizarre, and you have to absorb a lot. They just hit it right out of the park right away. and came at it with such incredible grounded and human energy. So I fell in love with Blu right then and there. Then I just naturally gravitated toward being a kind of, I don’t know, mentor, protective big older brother, dad, kind of thing. That felt very natural to me, personally. That was something that was very easy to “live into,” because I felt that so naturally anyway.
Anthony Rapp as Lt. Commander Paul Stamets and Wilson Cruz as Dr. Hugh Culber of the CBS All Access … [] series, Star Trek: Discovery.
Ennis: As a pioneer in Star Trek, in terms of being an out gay man, playing a gay character, in a relationship with another man, do you see that the unfolding of having non-binary characters like Adira and a trans character, even in a ghostly version, how does that make you feel in terms of the craft and and our community?
Rapp: I think it’s long overdue. I’ve said things like this with you before, probably as we’ve talked over the years: There were times when people within the world of creating Trek were agitating for these kinds of characters to be a part of the fabric, off screen and on screen, but there was resistance from networks or whatever. So, it just took too long, frankly.
Blu del Barrio, left, with Ian Alexander in the Star Trek: Discovery episode, “Forget Me Not”
But the fact that it has come about makes it feel earned. I just feel incredibly lucky and proud that Wilson and I first were entrusted with carrying that mantle. Then, Tig Notaro coming on board, now, of course, Blu and Ian [Alexander].
Blu and Ian are quintessential Gen Z kids, and I am going to say “kids” with total affection and respect. They’re really young, but they’re so much a part of this younger generation which truly is willing to break down all kinds of barriers, and just shake things up in the most grounded way.
Recognizing that all of these different facets of identity and expression and being deserved to be seen, and all light needs to be shining everywhere, at all times. I’m sure that there are aspects of it that sometimes might be a little overwhelming or intimidating, but they are so up for it, and so ready to to carry that that mantle.
Ennis: When I spoke to Tig, they reminded me that her character had lost her wife in the battle of the binary stars. And she addressed a question from a fan about whether the knocking of heads between your characters was carried through into real life. And she said, “I certainly hope not!” She said, ��I think that we get along just great.”
Rapp: Yes, I love Tig. I was first was introduced to her with the piece that she’d done when she was first diagnosed with cancer.
Commander Jett Reno, played by actor, podcaster and comedian Tig Notaro, left, with Lt. Commander … [] Paul Stamets, portrayed by actor Anthony Rapp, appearing in the ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ third season episode, ‘Die Trying’ on CBS All Access.
I wasn’t warned what it was about. And my mom passed away from cancer, but just like immediately, I was just so taken by it. And some of the things I was so taken by was her honesty, authenticity, and also humor in the face of it, but just her willingness to be totally authentically herself, and share every aspect of it.
That’s something that I really strive to do with my life. So when I heard that she would be part of the show, I crossed my fingers, this is one of my heroes: “I hope she’s as cool as she seems!” And she absolutely was. We’ve had we’ve got a complete blast. And I really love when she’s on set, and I wish she could be on set more often.
Ennis: What’s next for you? I know you’re so busy shooting the next season of Discovery, but what other projects do you have going on? Anything on the horizon?
Rapp: There’s a sort of small scale thing. I got invited by Swapna Krishna, who’s a writer. She’s written for my SyFy Wire, I believe, and other outlets. She invited me to contribute a story to an anthology that she’s editing called Sword Stone Table, in which writers are taking the Arthurian legends and doing spins on them. That would make them multicultural, LGBTQ, finding ways to adapt some aspect of the legend. Any aspect. That was the only brief: the Arthurian legends, find some way to adapt it to a story you want to tell. I’m incredibly honored to do that and I worked really hard on a story that I’m proud of. It turned out pretty well, I think. And so that’s going to be coming out sometime in the spring or summer.
But not now. We’re very much in the thick of season four production right now in Toronto.
Ennis: Thank you for taking time away from that. Please extend to everybody in the Star Trek: Discovery family, our eternal thanks. I know this seems like I’m blowing gas up your tailpipe, but y’all have brought back Star Trek, real Star Trek, and made us all excited again.
Rapp: Thank you. It’s an honor.
Watch a video of the full interview with Anthony Rapp, in which he discusses playing Dungeons and Dragons, the real Paul Stamets, more thoughts on acting and advice for beginners as well as those hoping to do so professionally.
12/11 Wilson Cruz was inaccurately listed as starring in the original production of Rent on Broadway, but first appeared in a touring company production. Wilson Jermaine Heredia originated the role of Angel and won a Tony Award for his portrayal.
From Diversity & Inclusion in Perfectirishgifts
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tilly-tali · 7 years
30 day #mearydercountdown
1 Day: Which song/songs would be “theme songs” for Ryder? Are there any symbols you associate with Ryder? If you’ve created a moodboard for them, share it here. If not, what sorts of things would be on their moodboard? Describe their aesthetic. What Hogwarts house would they be sorted into? If you’ve written fanfic involving Ryder already, share it here. [you don’t need to do all of these, they’re merely intended as creative exercises]
a song: follow me by muse.
his moodboard might contain a space image, alliance dogtags, a book/tech manual, space hamster, an omnitool, hockey gear, a flare of biotic energy, and a shotgun.
aesthetic: softened grey-scale minimalism with a few pops of color.
2 Days: Provide a “famous quote” from Ryder that sums them up as a character (like the ones for the squadmates in their official character profiles).
“I won’t sit idle while someone’s substandard plan gets us all killed, or worse: demoted.” - Scotty Ryder
3 Days: Do you plan on romancing anyone with Ryder? If so, who? Why? What qualities would Ryder find attractive in a partner (if applicable)?
this all depends on  the personality of the romance/flirt options are like and where they come along in the storyline. i have picked a romance on a first playthrough just for the sake of the experience/achievement but i am only going to do so if it feels right for Scotty this time around.
Scotty would be interested in someone who was a thinker, but also a listener. a good sense of humor and an easy going nature would be important, as well as some spontaneity. he is a sucker for pretty eyes and shy flirters and he likes holding hands. he’s kinda a soft romantic boy.
4 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, is there anyone you think Ryder won’t gel so greatly with, dislike or otherwise come into conflict with? Why?
5 Days: Out of the squadmates, Tempest crewmembers and other characters shown so far, who do you think Ryder will get along well with? Who do you think they will get along best with? Why?
i have tried my best not to be too spoiled so while i know of my squad and crew, i don’t have many details about their personalities or backgrounds. from the little i do know/have guessed or assumed, i want him to befriend liam because liam and i want drack to almost take him under his wing once scotty shows a slightly reckless reaction after getting caught up in the moment, possibly after riding in the nomad since Scotty drives like a maniac (you’d almost expect that Shep was his driving instructor). he would respect peebee’s ability to ignore the norms but not sure they are going to be best buds or lovers, but who knows, she might surprise us.
6 Days: Does your Ryder know your Shepard? What do they think of Shepard? Would they get along? What would Shepard think of Ryder?
no, they do not actually know each other, but Scotty would know of Shep, possibly have seen her in passing on the citadel or at alliance hq or some N7 function his father attended. i think they would get along, both being team players. i still have yet to decide which specific Shepard (as i have several, like everyone) is my canon Shepard for Scotty’s playthrough. I am leaning towards my very first Shep, Juliette, just for the sake of 1st with 1st. She would see the true potential Scotty has and that he will achieve it if he gets out of his own head in Andromeda and starts fresh, no chip on his shoulder. She would trust him to have her back in a fight (eventually, as hes still pretty fresh and shes a true veteran and a little crazy yet, not sure he could keep up) and would value his input and insight on situations and strategy (again, once he proved himself once or twice to be standup but she unlike most would give him the chance).
7 Days: Ryder’s father gave the twins informal N7 training in the past. How did Ryder feel about this (pressured, resentful, grateful, motivated, overworked, excited, etc)? What are their feelings on “N7” as a symbol? How do they relate to it, if at all?
scotty was excited to be trained by his father not only because he knew such training from a man with his father’s status and credentials was invaluable, but because it meant quality father/son time. the training was rigorious and scotty did feel his dad was pushing for him to meet impossible standards but he usually just commiserated with his sister over the physical aspects of the training. sara was always more about the practical/scientific/mental focus training lessons.
8 Days: How does Ryder feel about aliens? Are they uncomfortable, wary, intrigued, curious, intimidated, not bothered, etc? In the Milky Way, where did they stand on humanity’s place in galactic society - Earth first, Terra Firma, human superiority, peaceful cooperation, pro-galactic integration & unity, etc? How will they feel upon discovering that there are sentient alien races in Andromeda?
the twins are very much for peaceful cooperation, galactic integration, and unity among the milky way species. they are both curious about any new species they will encounter. sara would much rather be a sideline observer to study and research the new races while scotty would like to be more involved, get to know them, create alliances, work together to better all races in andromeda.
9 Days: Did Ryder have any notable friends or connections in the Milky Way? How about past relationships? Which friendship or relationship was the most significant to them?
he might miss a friend that has been with him since they met as alliance recruits and possibly a few of his crewmates from his last deployment, but since sara will be with him, that is all that really matters. she is his person. any past romantic intrests are no longer on his radar to begin with so they will not be missed. Mom Ryder would be missed if she elected to stay in the milky way.
10 Days: Will Ryder ever miss the Milky Way? What things and places will they miss most?
if mom is not involved on the initiative and stays in the milky way (or died at some point and is laid to rest there)  that is who he would miss, and the only reason he might ever want to return. if he does not find romance in andromeda, he might long for the comforts of his home galaxy and chance for finding a familiar partner with more variety than those who joined up with the AI.
11 Days: Once in Andromeda, what are Ryder’s goals? What drives them?
i think this depends more on exactly what is happening in the storyline. he is going to want to help fix any immediate problems that he feels need to be addressed and then will want to get back on task with the original mission plan and find/secure a new world. he just wants to do his job.
12 Days: How will Ryder feel upon waking up from cryo? Relieved, excited, scared, impatient to get going, lost, etc.
mostly excited. thankful that they survived such a process and long journey. i can picture him heading directly for the nearest window as soon as possible just to glimpse the new galaxy, staring in wonder for a minute or two, then quickly going to find (and hug) his sister, then father.
13 Days: Why did Ryder join the Alliance military? Later on, what were Ryder’s reasons for signing up to the Andromeda Initiative? Were they seeking adventure (or glory, or a challenge), wanting a new start, running from something, following their family, trying to secure a future for humanity, did they simply feel railroaded into it, etc. 
joining the alliance was expected of the twins. they had talent, skills, and great potential that needed to be put to service in the military, for humanity, the galaxy. attempts to make dad proud, fill his shoes. signing on with the initiative was scotty’s chance to finally stay with his father on one of his great adventures. he thought he might have a better opportunity to really prove himself out in andromeda. sara saw it more as a great challenge and wasn’t ready to let her sibling and father have all the fun.
14 Days: Describe some important or formative events in Ryder’s history. How did these impact and shape them?
Ryder was affected by his father’s long absences during his childhood years. he wanted to sit down and have family dinner more often, to come home from school and share about his day, participate in a take-your-child-to-work-day. all scotty wanted was his dad to be home, stay home, to not have to worry that he might never come home. he knew his dad and his work were important to not just the ryder family, but humanity and the galaxy as a whole and thus felt guilty for wanting him to stay.
15 Days: Delve into the Ryder family background - how is/was their relationship with their father, sibling and mother? Do they get along, hero worship, close twin connection, sibling rivalry, was it strained, was it distant, etc.
close with his twin. he is closer with dad than mom because dad tried to take him under his wing, but scotty feels distant from him, resenting that he will ever live up to dad’s greatness. this might have been reduced if Alec hadn’t been away for much of scotty’s childhood.
16 Days: How would Ryder define their sexuality?
when it comes to humans he is straight and bi with turians, but i think he would prefer an asari partner.
17 Days: List some of Ryder’s favorite things - colors, food, music, etc. Is there anything of this nature that they hate? Do they have any hobbies or skills outside of combat?
he likes the color green and is a burger and fries kind of guy. he turns his nose up at most seafood. has always wanted a dog or pet varren, but birds are scary. outside of combat he enjoys movies and tinkering with electronics (though he’s not all that good at it) and doesn’t mind working out or going for a run. likes rugby, hockey, and lacrosse, not a strong swimmer.
18 Days: What qualities does Ryder like and dislike in other people? Are there any things they particularly appreciate or can’t stand?
scotty is all for people who work hard and put forth their best effort. he dislikes those who create drama for the sake of drama. he greatly appreciates those with a good sense of humor, especially when they can lighten an intense moment.
19 Days: Where would Ryder fall in the classic Paragon/Renegade morality system? What would their D&D alignment be? If you know their personality type in any personality typing systems (such as MBTI and Enneagram - you can find various type descriptions and tests using Google), feel free to add and discuss them here.
mostly paragon, neutral good, istp (the craftsman)
20 Days: What first impressions does Ryder tend to give people? Do they have any ‘odd’ or specific mannerisms, habits or other quirks? How do they present and carry themselves?
scotty is a little on the quiet side, especially next to his sister. he is very contemplative and will occasionally ‘drift off’, lost in thought. has a habit of rocking up/down on his feet, heel to toes, when standing still for too long. he keeps a low profile, but will make his presence known when he has a point to make. is friendly when engaged in conversation, personable and very nearly charming.
21 Days: What are Ryder’s personality traits? Describe 5 strengths and 5 flaws.
scotty feels overshadowed by his father, that he can never live up to Alec’s example, nor everyone’s expectations.
he is slightly embarrassed by his biotics, as the only member of his family with the powers. he feels like its ‘cheating’ to use them and thus hasn’t fully realized his potential.
loyal and protective of his friends, squad, and family, especially twin, she is his ‘person’. also generous to others, helpful.
he is adventurous, which is both a strength and a flaw as he can get caught up and become slightly careless from time to time. perhaps a product of his youth, naivity, and inexperience.
22 Days: Will Ryder craft? What are you most excited about crafting? Do you have any names in mind already for weapons?
not obsessively, but enough to keep the crew equipped as best as necessary. as long as i can craft a shotgun ammo mod i am usually happy. i am generally lame in my naming unless inspired in the moment. maybe scotty will be more creative and/or attached to his weapons to name them.
23 Days: Which weapons or category of weapons will Ryder prefer? Describe their favorite loadout. 
shotgun and assault rifle make the most sense. though if ryder ends up attracting trouble the way shepard does, i could see him eventually becoming the type to always carry a pistol on his person at all times.
24 Days: Which squadmates do you think will best compliment Ryder’s combat style? Alternatively, who do you plan to take out most in the field?
the way i wanna play i think it would make sense that any mate would pair well with ryder as he would suit his style to compliment their strengths and pick up any slack off their weaknesses. a sniper or someone more tech heavy might be the best match for him though, so probably vetra! and/or jaal. liam and drack would maybe be a fun team for a big all out fight.
25 Days: Describe Ryder’s favorite combat style. Bioware call Peebee a “gunslinger” and describe Liam as a “close-range fighter” - how would you describe Ryder’s combat role/strengths? What are some of their favorite biotic/tech/other abilities?
a strategist. going to try to play it smart, study the field, make every shot and ability count, and try to set up some wicked combos. my actual play-style is screaming and panicked button mashing so i’m not confident this will work out well. i’d love to play around with biotic charge and throw though. beyond that, it all depends on how combat feels in game and exactly how powers work and evolve and interact and how bonuses play out.
26 Days: Do you have a specific class profile or mix of class profiles in mind for Ryder?
i loved playing vanguard in the past and will most likely go that route again, but it would be nice to take a few points in some tech skills to supplement the biotics and combat. i was always annoyed that not everyone had the fancy overload app on their omnitools, surely that would have been standard issue for every alliance solider.
27 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance for Ryder’s sibling or customize them? Describe your ideas for their sibling’s and father’s physical appearance.
i will probably check out the female hair options for sis because even though the ponytail makes logical sense and i like the face framing layers i am not totally feeling it on her. love her nose though so that stays.
28 Days: Are you going to use the default appearance or create a custom Ryder? If custom, describe your Ryder’s physical appearance (hair color, eye color, skin color, height, weight, facial features, any scars or tattoos, racial origin, etc). If you have art and/or a face-claim, feel free to add them here.
first round will be default i think, maybe a few minor tweaks just to make him mine.
if i get around to ever playing sis erin ryder i picture her as blonde but i like to see what the character creator has available first. i would rather design a character then name them.
29 Days: What is your Ryder’s name? Why did you pick this name - is there a meaning or origin story behind it? Do they go by any nicknames? What would you name their sibling, father and mother if you were able to choose?
i’ve come around to embrace him as ‘scotty’ (can’t handle ‘scott’ just yet though) so i am going to go with that most likely.
i did brainstorm some family names before anything was announced and came up with parents Jason and Triss and possible twin combos of Mason and Shelby or Ethan and Erin.
30 Days: Will you play SisRyder or BroRyder first? Why? How does your Ryder define their gender?
broRyder, default scotty probably. I just kinda felt more of a connection to him right off the bat (probably because his introduction was more substantial with a fuller trailer as compared to a mere glimpse of sara). i am also afraid that if i make my first ryder female as i did with shepard, i will again end up with more female characters and neglect to play a male. mostly though i was worried that bioware would horribly kill or maim your sibling and since losing my own brother, also named scott, i am not sure i am ready for that kind of parallel just yet.
1 Day too long: In Citadel space, AIs are illegal. How does Ryder feel about Artificial Intelligence? Are they wary or afraid, are they pro-AI, do they consider AIs to have personhood, etc? How does Ryder feel about SAM and their constant connection to it? Are they glad for the upgrade, do they find it invasive, have mixed feelings, etc?
He is pro AI, they are people too, but is wary of purposeful, intended AI creation/experimentation. if you accidentally create one, treat it well, but no need to immediately mass create any. He is of course fond of SAM but does wish for occasional separation, sometimes to the point of ignoring input from SAM until he can come to his own conclusions first.
2 Days too long: How does Ryder feel about being thrust into the role of humanity’s Pathfinder (burdened, honored, rewarded, excited, etc)? Are they confident or unsure about this? How will they cope?
Scotty is a little unsure, doubtful and hesitant at first, but will come to the conclusion that he really is fit to lead, that no one else would be able to do any better or any worse than he himself. He recognizes it as his chance to prove himself, to live up to his father, and he will not fail. he will seek reassurance from his sister and SAM immediately, followed by friends and other crew, and be bolstered by a few successful missions and any praise from other authorities and the other pathfinders. he is going to cope by either tinkering with something to relax and then going to for a swim (if there wasn’t some kind of pool on the nexus or something i would be pissed as a space citizen) to workout his frustrations (he is not a strong swimmer but for some reason doing so and working so hard makes him feel slightly better).
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About Me
Hey everyone, my name is Piri! I know, I know… Who am I? Well, long story short I am The Prophetess of Radiant Garden. I can see the future but can’t tell anyone. The truth is the future is NOT left to chance, but the actions we choose. Get the picture?
Enough about me, Time to meet my Family!
There’s Aqua! She’s older sister and one of the best. Not to mention, she’s a keyblade master! (Quick shout out: I’m proud of you, sis!)
Isa… Well, he’s quiet sometimes but he picks on me for almost everything. One more thing: half brother…
Lightning is my cousin and gives me good advice when times are tough. She acts like a mother towards just as Aqua does.
Serah, the sister to Lightning and overly concerned about me. It’s sometimes a bad thing. I’ll tell you a little story once I’m done with intros.
Now, my friends and love ~wink
Sora: Sis, what cha doing?
Piri: putting up a blog about us! *Giggles*
Sora: *grins* Tumblr? Sweet!
Piri: I’m in the middle of intros!
Sora: OH, HOLD ON!!! *runs off* RIKU! KAIRI!
Piri: Oh, did I mention my friends are keyblade wielders, too? It’s so awesome!
Sora: Come on, you guys! *Pushes Riku and Kairi in the room*
Riku: Watch it! *growls* What am I here for?
Sora: go on Piri, tell ‘em!
Piri: you know it’s not a big deal…
Sora: *pouts*
Piri: *sighs* fine, I’m doing a blog on our adventures. They get to ask me or any random questions.
Kairi: Cool!
Piri: I was introducing everyone-
Sora: I brought you both here to introduce yourself.
Piri: *glares* Sora, I wanted to do it!
Riku: Yeah, let her do it, Sora!
Sora: *crosses arms* Kiss up!
Riku: At least I don’t work on my hair 24/7
Piri: *snickers*
Sora: Hey, I try to have good looking spikey hair for my fans!
Piri: Little brother, don’t kid yourself.
Sora: We aren’t actually brother and sister, but really close! I have been getting alone with your family!
Piri: Yeah! But Serah still doesn’t like you.
Riku: What did you do?
Piri: Well-
Sora: She thinks that I’m too optimistic sometimes.
Piri: …And she not exactly wrong. *Sweat drops*
Sora: Hey! Excuse me, princess!
Piri: Why you-
Kairi: Don’t kill each other, please! Piri’s got to finish!
Piri: *narrows eyes at Sora* … indeed.
Anyway, Terra is like a father to me but is my friend. He has the biggest crush on my sister and hasn’t told her yet. (And I definitely know she has a thing for him too but was to shy to ask.)
Ventus, also know as Ven, is a good friend. He made a stuffed kitten for me on my fifth birthday.
Lea was my first crush. He is so cool and funny! It was through my brother we meet.
Riku: Wait, he-
Piri: You known that every since he got his keyblade.
Sora is like a little brother to me. We’re basically siblings and even get into mischief together.
Kairi is my best friend who likes to hang out at the market places of Twilight Town and Radiant Garden. We go shopping for accessories and clothes!
Sora: Do they ever!
Kairi/Piri: Shhh!
*blush* The most gorgeous creature ever, Riku. He’s my knight in shining keyblade armour! He helped get Aqua get out of the Realum of Darkness. When we were little, used to share a room back on Destiny Islands and had a bunk bed. Of course this was after Aqua dropped me off there.
Riku: *smirks* Oh, so I’m a creature?
Piri: *giggles* MY creature!
Riku: *chuckles* You crack me up.
Piri: *snuggles close and kisses*
Sora: Get a room, you two!
Amara is my heartless that first come as a shadow heartless. She turned into my heartless when I lost my heart. We are still good friends and I protect her like a little sister.
Riku: Your heart scattered in pieces, remember?
Piri: *sighs* I don’t want to talk about it.
Yuffie is also a good friend and shopping partner! She’s trained by Lightning.
Kairi: Do you remember when all three of us got together?
Piri: Yeah!!! We did a Snapchat with that one guy… all though I don’t know his name. Do you?
Kairi: Jared… Something.
Leon… Uh, not much to say but he can be a real dad to Sora sometimes. Oh, I also know he has a crush on Light! …I know it…
Sora: He’s like a… dad guy?
Piri: You mean father figure?
Sora: Eh, same difference…
Cloud is very cool! He saved my hide back on my first adventure with Aqua. I got lost in Radiant Garden. I was running low on energy to fight the Unversed and he stayed with me until he knew I was safe. Sometimes I call him Storm Cloud.
Aerith is a really good friend. She watches out for everyone and puts others before herself. Surprisingly, she’s not much into shopping that much…
Mickey, his Majesty, has been great friends ever since that whole Castle Oblivion thing me and Riku had to go through. He helped Riku with saving my sister, too.
Goofy is my good friend and is the king’s captain of royal knights. It would be fitting since he protected me so many times. When we were first visiting Atlantica, this shark almost got me and Amara when Goofy shrunk into his shell. It broke his teeth, even.
Donald is a really good friend, too, and is the king’s magician. I love to pick on him. What? It’s not my fault duckboy is easy to pick on.
Welp, this is a little bit about me and my friends and family. Feel free to ask us anything!
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