#tenun no shou
kurayami-no-ko · 10 months
Translation of Sannan's first CG story in Tenun no Shou
Note: I said before I would translate at least some parts of it so here is it. I don't translate the entire thing but just the story that shows up when you touch on a CG. I think it is interesting because it shows some of his views towards marriage, red light districts, weird, disguised flirting (?) and also some very bad typically Sannan jokes.
Context: Matsubara, a captain, is getting involved with a woman and they are discussing him here.
The CG is this right here:
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So now, enjoy!
Once I returned back to the kitchen, I prepared Sannan-san’s dinner.
Then, on the look out for the eyes of soldiers who were unaware of the situation, I headed towards Sannan-san’s room.
Chizuru: …Hm, are you awake?
A small voice rang out from inside of the room.
As the door slid open, so did Sannan-san’s form emerge.
Sannan: Yukimura-kun, why are you here so early?
Sannan: Isn’t this the time that you always has dinner with other people of the corps?
Chizuru: That is the case but…I wanted to bring a meal for Sannan-san.”
Sannan: You are bringing…my meal?”
A little bit perplexed, Sannan-san gazed at me but…
Sannan: “…Oh my, it is fine then.”
Sannan: “It is exactly the time for a break.”
Sannan: “Come, please get in.”
Chizuru: “Thank you.”
For the time being, I was relieved because I was not driven away.
Sannan: “…Then, I will immediately enjoy this meal now.”
Chizuru: “Please do. However, I don’t know whether it will be up to your taste.”
Sannan: “You don’t have to worry.”
Sannan: “In matters of cooking, I believe in your skills.”
After saying that, Sannan-san put his chopsticks to the food.
Then, after picking one and two of the side dishes in the small bowl…
Sannan: “…By the way. Didn’t you have something that you want to ask me?”
Chizuru: “Yes, actually…”
I told him about what I heard from Heisuke-kun in the kitchen during the evening.
Sannna: “…I see,”
Sannan: “You are curious about whether a captain of the Shinsengumi is able to keep a family or not…is that the case?”
Sannan: “For a woman of your age, it is a strange thing to be worried about, isn’t it?”
Chizuru: “Just as I thought, that is a strange question, isn’t it?”
While inspecting Sannan-san for his reaction, the feeling of embarrassment welled up inside me.
Certainly, it was likely to be something that I shouldn’t have gone out of my way to go to Sannan-san to ask.
Chizuru: “I am sorry. I suddenly got curious about it…”
Sannan: “No, I don’t mind it. It was just outside of my expectation.”
Chizuru: “If that’s so, hm…”
Chizuru: “Can the captains of the Shinsengumi also get married?”
Sannan: “…Are you thinking about marrying one of the captains?”
Chizuru: “No, I don’t mean so! However, even when that is not the case…”
Sannan: “Yes. Of course, I was just joking.”
Sannan: “This current situation…of you still not being able to find Kodo-san…”
Sannan: “I don’t think that you are the kind of frivolous woman who would think about such a thing during this time.”
Chizuru: “Yes…”
Because the situation made me flustered and embarrassed, I was unable to look at Sannan-san directly in the face.
It was hard for me to immediately respond to Sannan-san’s joke…
Sannan: “In this current situation, it is not easy for an ordinary soldier to get married but…”
Sannan: “However, for the captains, this is not an impossible thing to do.”
Sannan: “Of course, this is a conversation that is left to himself.”
Chizuru: “As expected, that is the case.”
But Heisuke-kun also said something similar to that during the evening.
Chizuru: “During that situation, what will happen with the wife?”
Chizuru: “Will she live with us in this headquarter?”
Sannan: “If something like that happens, it will naturally cost animosity among other soldiers.”
Sannan: “Then, the disciplines among the corps will also be slackened.”
Chizuru: “Is that so…”
Sannan: “If there is a person one wants to get married with and one gains the permission…”
Sannan: “Then he can rent a room outside of the headquarters and let the woman live in that place.”
Chizuru: “Outside…of the headquarters?”
Sannan: “If they only spend their time there during their off-duty days, the disciplines of the corps will not be disturbed.”
Sannan: “Only like that…, he can get married with the woman he loves and start a family.”
Sannan: “However, he will have more things that he has to protect.”
Chizuru: “Things that he has to protect…”
Sannan:“Especially because we incur a lot of grudge from the ronin who believe in “revere the Emperor, expel the barbarians” while conducting our daily military affairs.”
Sannan: “It is likely that he will involve his family and his beloved woman into this dispute.”
Sannan: “Among the soldiers, there are still those who are determined to that point.”
Sannan: “…Because everyone is still young.”
Chizuru: That determination…is necessary, isn’t it?”
Sannan: “Nevertheless, with every day being filled with violence, it is the truth that everyone’s nerves will be worn down.”
Sannan: “In their days off, the soldiers all go to such places as Shimabara or Yuukaku.”
Sannan: “Do you know the reason why that is the case?”
Chizuru: “Do they go there to do such things like drinking alcohol…, and spending time with women?”
Sannan: “…I am glad that you understand quickly.”
Sannan: “Even I also have qualms about explaining such a thing to a young unmarried woman.”
Sannan: “Those men are spending their days without knowing when they will die. Be that as it may,…”
Sannan: “Mostly, they are still normal men.”
Sannan: “They are still scared of such things as death and injuries.”
Sannan: “For those men, in order to earn a short moment of bliss, will seek at every opportunity such things as alcohol and food…”
Sannan: “And also, the warmth from women.”
Chizuru: “…”
Sannan: “For my case, rather than giving out permission to the soldiers.”
Sannan: “I think that it is better for the soldiers to go to those kinds of places and play without any future trouble.”
Sannan: “If it is an ordinary woman, there is the nuisance of normal people.”
Chizuru: “…Is, is that so?”
As someone who was not a soldier, I was not fully aware of the circumstance surrounding this situation but…
Sannan: “…Anyhow, if Matsubara-kun receives permission, it will be a good thing.”
Sannan: “For the captains, it will be a great thing if there is a good precedent.”
Chizuru: “…Yes, I also think so.”
Quickly cutting off the conversation, Sannan-san directed his eyes towards the tray.
Sannan: “I have let myself get too carried away with the conversation.”
Sannan: “If I lets this continue, I will let this great food become cold so now I will enjoy it first.”
Chizuru: “Ah…, yes!
Please enjoy your food!”
Sannan-san once again took up the chopsticks and started touching the food.
(The picture shows up here.)
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Sannan: “Priorly, I had this thought but…”
Chizuru: “Y, yes, what is it?”
I was worried, waiting for Sannan-san’s next words.
Sannan: “The food that you make is delicious.”
Sannan: “I think that reproducing the flavours of Edo in Kyo is very hard.”
Chizuru: “Yes. Especially for miso soup, I cannot quite get the ingredients from Edo.”
Chizuru: “With these ingredients we have today, in order to achieve a flavour close to the food of Edo, I am having to contrive.”
Sannan: “…Only with these ingredients that you are able to get, you are able to give us this food to eat.”
Sannan: “Even the soldiers are not likely to be thinking about having a separate residence.”
“Is that so…?”
“…However, I think that the wives that these men will be married in the future will have a hard time.”
“Why do you think that will be the case?”
Sannan: “Because it will be hard to find a woman who is that good at cooking, they will have a discriminating palate.”
Sannan: “Because of that reason, everyone is likely to get married later.”
Chizuru: “I think that…it will not happen.”
Also, isn’t this also Sannan-san’s joke?
Of course, I was glad about being complimented but…
Sannan: “…Yukimura-kun.”
Chizuru: “Yes, is there anything?”
Sannan: “From now on, for the sake of everybody, I will entrust cooking, cleaning and washing to you.”
Sannan: “For the soldiers who put their lives on their lines and do military work, one thing you can do for them is to…”
Sannan: “Make delicious food and let them taste a comfortable way of living.”
“If everyday here is comfortable, it is likely nobody will leave here.”
Chizuru: “…Yes, I will try hard.”
Chizuru: “Come to think of it, was Sannan-san born in Edo?”
Sannan: “My hometown is Sendai but…why do you think I was born in Edo?” Chizuru: “Because just now, you complimented the flavour of Edo’s food…”
Sannan: “I was born in Sendai but, my preference is for Edo’s flavour.”
Sannan: “Especially, since coming to Edo, I have become completely used to this flavour.”
Chizuru: “Is that so…”
It seemed like my food also fit the palate of Sannan-san.
I felt relieved because of this.
Sannan: “…Just now I said that the soldiers will get married later because they get used to and fall in love with this flavour.”
Sannan: “It is likely that I, too, am not in the position to be worried for the soldiers.”
Chizuru: “Eh…?”
Sannan: “During this time of staying here, I eat nothing but your food.”
Sannan: “If I get used to this flavour…I will start being unable to think that other people’s food is delicious.”
Chizuru: “Such a thing…!”
Chizuru: “I think that it is fine. It is because Sannan-san is a kind person.”
Chizuru: “I think that you will be able to think that other people’s food is also good…”
Sannan: “Do you really think so?”
Chizuru: “Eh…?
…………Yes, of course.”
Sannan: “So, even when I have the chance to eat other people’s food?”
Sannan: “If I who am now a rasetsu is able to leave here and eat food outside……?”
Chizuru: “That……I don’t understand……
I am sorry I said thoughtlessly.”
Sannan: “……I am also sorry. It seems like I tease you a little bit too much.”
Sannan: “I am fully satisfied with your food ,so, this is enough.”
Sannan: “Right now, I am not thinking about wanting to eat the food other people made.”
Sannan: “Because of this…from now on, please continue on making delicious meals.”
Chizuru: “……Yes.”
After this, I was still very perplexed about the joke that was characteristic of Sannan-san but……
Being able to have this conversation normally with him was out of my expectation.
Because of that reason alone, I was relieved.
After I put away the tray of Sannan-san……
After getting a light dinner, I went to bed.
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nollatooru · 2 years
Who is this?! Who?!
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The new bald guy seems to have some kind of story but based on the CGs I thought that it would be the shortest new route :P In second pic the woman even has purple kimono and sorta similar hairstyle to Chizuru’s anime look.
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So that could be the shortest route where Chizuru runs into the bald guy instead of Shinsengumi when she arrives Kyoto. No angst or death, just happy short romance.
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How romantic! <3
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rikakirinfu · 8 months
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Okita is so pitiful 💔
(Text in the photo "So, I tried to endure those bitter pills.")
A short scene from Hakuouki Shinkai: Ten'un no Shou
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fuckyeahbakumatsu · 2 years
Can't wait to see the Hakuouki bois get pissed off at Tani Sanjuurou
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
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Hakuoki Shinkai: Tenun no Shou Souji CGs
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lillartztranslations · 8 months
It took a long time but it's finally here! You can now 'play' chapter 1 of Hakuoki Tenun no Shou and explore Okita's, Iba's (sadly not finished jet...), and the common route. I hope you guys enjoy it. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
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widemushroom · 1 year
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queengurako · 2 years
Urgh. It’s frustrating to know that Hakuouki Tennun (the new fandisk) has an entirely discussion between Harada and Chizuru under the moonlight about how Harada knows Tani Sanjuro (the seventh captain), his days at Osaka and  differents topics which build their relationship and give more depth about Harada. 
Also it’s a nice reference and link with Hakuouki Reimeiroku when Shimada said he learned at Tani’s dojo (please read @koto-wari fantrad it’s good)(and Fujita’s one was a good enter too)
Why all the context I need are in fandisks and prequel not translated T_T ?!
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chishigure · 7 months
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elmundotech · 2 years
Lista de venta de juegos en Japón: Semana del 3 al 9 de octubre de 2022
Lista de #ventadejuegosenJapón: Semana del 3 al 9 de octubre de 2022 - #videojuegos #elmundotech
Mientras que Splatoon 3 aún mantiene el liderazgo en la lista de venta de juegos en Japón durante la semana del 3 al 9 de octubre de 2022, solo dos nuevos juegos llegaron al Top 30. Desde su lanzamiento de Splatoon 3 el 9 de septiembre, ningún juego había estado ni siquiera cerca del número de copias vendidas semanalmente. En esta tabla de ventas recientemente informada, NieR:Automata The End of…
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kurayami-no-ko · 9 months
Well spoilers for Tenun no Shou regarding Sannan
Sasuga Sannan-san?
Well you know that in the original game, even in Sannan’s route, he is doing some sus shadowy shits we never get told about?
We actually manage to get some info here and they don’t really hesitate in making him scary af here.
In the spring part of the game (with Iba and Okita’s routes), I have only played Iba’s route, but I think if you choose either route, you won’t know the truth about who kills Tani. Okita is suspected of killing Tani by a lot of people but he obviously doesn’t do it, the Itou’s faction is suspected by most of the main cast, but they also do not do it (as shown in Iba's route).
However, if you play the common route of this spring story, you will find out that it is Sannan's rasetsu all along and Sannan tells this story to Hijikata. So basically, on that night, Sannan is stalking Tani in the streets and Tani, when he comes back, unluckily meets the rasetsu. The rasetsu are all those whom he knows, and he says that he thought they die from seppuku or illness and wonder why they don't tell him about their being alive. The rasetsu are of course scary af. Then Sannan shows up, looking the calmest out of the rasetsu group and nonchalantly tells Tani that he is unlucky because all of the rasetsu dislike him. Then the rasetsu stab Tani to death with Sannan looking on without much expression.
Back to the present, Sannan tells Hijikata about this story then says that it is also a helpful thing as Tani's death is good for his research as he gets to see the rasetsu not going mad despite seeing Tani's blood. Hijikata says that Sannan is a scary person.
I think it is heavily implied that though Sannan tells it as if he doesn't intentionally cause it, it seems like he means it to happen. Tani so far has been annoying as he keeps trying to get Kondou to adopt his brother so the brother can inherit the dojo. In this story, Tani is also getting suspicious of Chizuru cleaning up the dishes in front of Sannan's room every morning, thus, the secret of the Shinsengumi is in danger of being revealed. The death is thus convenient af to the Shinsengumi and of course to Sannan...
Also, we get to know about another thing of what Sannan does in the shadows in an explanation of the soldiers leaving the Shinsengumi (Sannan, Souji, Saitou are the ones explaining). So after Itou leaves, a lot of the Shinsengumi soldiers also leave, among them, there is one that joins Itou's group then plans to go back to the Shinsengumi, but then the rasetsu group handles him, as Sannan suspects he means to spy on the Shinsengumi.
These stories without Chizuru present in the scene are interesting as Sannan never reveals this to Chizuru so we never really understand what kind of sus shits he does in the dark.
Now we know.
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nollatooru · 2 years
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Couple other new CGs first impressions.
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rikakirinfu · 8 months
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This scene is so romantic ❤️
Text in photo: "Thank you, Chizuru-chan."
A short scene from Hakuouki Shinkai: Ten'un no Shou
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lightmelodyva · 10 months
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It's done. The fake cover art is done for Hakuoki Alter! I had fun with this and the bg was a challenge but I got the idea from the cover of Tenun no Shou.
Enjoy Haruka and Chizuru!
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
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Hakuoki Shinkai: Tenun no Shou Extra CGs Part 1
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Next project: Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou!
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Well the results are in! I’ll be translating Hakuoki Shinkai Tenun no Shou! \(@^0^@)/  It will take some time before I’ll be able to post the translations, so please be patient m( _ _ )m. In the meantime you can check out @koto-wari translation of Reimeiroku! (thank you @scarletfantasia​ for sharing this info (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ) ) I hope you guys will give them some love.
Thank you all so much for voting and you’ll hear from when the first chapter of Tenun is done! 
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