doodlesandbooks · 3 months
Fire emblem engage text posts again
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Ok but why is m!Alear so different to f!alear? even though they have the same lines so I don’t know how the voice actors, directors, and designers managed. Like they’re so different? It’s crazy what voice acting decisions can do huh? Past m!alear is emotionless and blank, past f!alear is always on the edge of emotion, and so broken. M!Alear in the past became the blank slate f!alear desperately wanted to be, but couldn’t. I don’t know why or how but they are so different. M!Alear feels like he’s closer with lumera in cutscenes, and Diamant and temerra and pandero mesh well with the voice acting style so feel closer to him. With f!alear she doesn’t have quite so much of a closeness with lumera (but wants to, like her voice has so much yearning in it all the time (don’t get me wrong she’s still close and the pinky promise line is always a kicker no matter who your playing as)) but feels closer with Alfred and Seadall (voice acting meshing well again) than m!alear. F!Alear feels more broken by her past, and more angry at sombron (her voice actress is amazing at full throttle emotions) m!Alear feels more frightened of failure and more damaged from lumera’s death. It’s amazing what a difference voice acting and animation of expressions can do.
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doodlesandbooks · 7 months
Fire emblem text posts because I can
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doodlesandbooks · 7 months
I tried drawing three dragons and the royals in a more realistic style, and I'm quite proud of how they turned out!
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Bigger versions of each:
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Alfred is good at the flute and good at singing and that's why they didn't have him do a duet with temerra (we were robbed!)
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doodlesandbooks · 4 months
Do you have any head cannons for Alfred, Alear, Etie, and Veyle?
I absolutely do!!! Thank you so much for the ask Anon, this was so much fun!
I have quite a few, so I'm going to put them in a list:
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Even though he wants to be strong and exercises a lot, he's actually not that strong, in fact, he's fairly delicate physically.
He has this sort of beautiful handsome prince air about him that is immediately shattered when he opens his mouth, it's hard to be a mysterious heart throb when the first thing out of your mouth is "what's your favourite muscle?"
He eats pretty much plain chicken an boiled veg because he's worried that eating anything too adventurous will set off an attack
He's besties with Yunaka, and even though they didn't have supports in the game, I like to think that he actively seeks out Alcryst because he likes to make people feel happier
He struggles with his body image, and feels uncomfortable in the pool when there are guys with his ideal body type there, particularly Seadal and Diamant
He loves dogs.
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Alear is autistic and ADHD (Me projecting? More likely than you think)
She has a lot of issues with self disgust due to her heritage and trauma, but she is working on it, particularly with the help of Veyle who struggles with a lot of the same stuff.
Due to her having nightmares (Tiki bond convo) she likes to sleep with Sommie, and post S-support struggles to sleep without her pact ring person (cough Alfred cough). An emblem will do, but she prefers something physically there to hug.
She loves watching birds, and would love lofi if it existed in the FE universe (maybe it does?)
She plays piano, but only by ear, she found trying to learn reading music restrictive.
She doesn't have much of a sense of pain, which is why so many supports have a 'let me fix you up, since you don't take care of yourself' bit, because, not only is she a bit reckless, but also can't really tell when she's hurt.
Her eyes do the cat eye shining thing and some of her teeth are sharp.
Her hair, due to the magic dragon thing, always pools or billows in just the right way with just the right lighting, Hortensia is envious. I like to draw her a little more chubby than she is in game because body diversity in fire emblem exists if I say it exists
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She's not super tall, but is wide and buff - body diversity in fire emblem exists if I say it exists!
Her hair is quite thin, so she puts a lot of effort into styling it
She says her favourite food is her protein shakes, but really, her favourite food is Boucheron's home baked jam donut.
She loves the smell of honeysuckle and citronella candles relax her, when she went camping with Temerra and Fogado, she had no trouble sleeping because of how comforting she found the smell.
She gets really bad cramps, so once a month she always needs at least one day in bed with a hot water bottle and the Ibuprofen equivalent, I don't know why this is a head canon of mine, I just know that it's true.
She has freckles! She deserves freckles!
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I love Veyle.
She trims her own bangs, which is why they're choppy.
She wears the broken bits of the dragon stone as a sort of good luck charm.
She goes nonverbal when seriously stressed, and tends to use a younger voice when coming out of it. She has some age regressive behaviours on bad anxiety days.
She loves to have her hair brushed, and likes Alear doing it best of all.
She doesn't like physical contact unless its with someone she trusts and who has explained what sort of physical contact it will be, hug, hair ruffle etc.
She's really not very good at setting boundaries after her time with Sombron, which means sometimes with people who are a bit more outgoing or heavy-handed, like Temerra or Etie, she feels overwhelmed and struggles to express her needs. She often likes to have someone to help her express herself in that sort of situation.
She uses her hair as a self soothing method.
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doodlesandbooks · 26 days
you said you wanted to chat about fire emblem so here i am lol, who are your favorites from each of the games you've played??
Eee! Thank you for the ask!! Would you like asks about fire emblem too?
I have played conquest (partially - got a bit stuck), fire emblem engage, most of 3 houses, and have a friend who's playing through awakening, and have watched a play-through of it.
My favourites from each game are:
Xander, what a dude, he looks about 40, he's adorable, he's in his late 20s, he's such a looser boy I love him, but I can't marry him since Corrin is his sibling. Camilla? Bizarrely? I thought I would hate her due to the fanservice-y design, but she's actually so cool??? I really love all of the Nohrian royals actually, they are all really cool. Arthur is obviously marvellous, but also so gimmicky. I like Jakob because he has saved me so much with his healing and daggers. I really like Lilith, she's so cute! (Obviously, I also like Corrin :D) I tried marrying Jakob off, but the L rip-off Dwyer disturbed me so much that I unsaved it.
I have not yet decided on anyone to S-Support with Corrin. I would 100% go for Xander if he wasn't Corrin's kind big-brother.
Fire emblem Engage:
Alear. Alear is so blorbo to me. I love her. so. much.
Alfred, what can I say, I'm a bit vanilla... He's cute, he's got a cute design, yes he's gimmicky, but he's also so sweet! Temerra, I think her design is sick! I also love how fun ridiculous she is, also with Ike she has saved me so so many times. Alcryst is sweet, I love him, Celine is really interesting, and I love her support with Alcryst, Zelestia is so cute (although I hate her outfit) Seadall, Nel, Yunaka, Jade, Diamant, Ivy, Fogado... I don't know who my favourites are, I love the vast majority of the cast so much!
3 Houses: Ok, a lot of the cast is so cool in FE3H.
I love Claude. hands down favourite lord. I also love Dimitri, I think Dimitri is really interesting, but I do prefer Claude. I really like Rhea actually, I don't condone what she did, but she's a complicated antihero type and I find her fascinating. Other favourites include Dedue - my man, Catherine, Seteth, Sothis, Mercedes, Sylvain, Lorenz, Ignatz, Lindhardt.
Awakening: I like Robin, I think he's cute and dumb, I like him. Chrom: So Dumb, Himbo dumb, sweet dumb man, he is so wonderful. what are his boots. Lucina, interesting, cool, doesn't get jokes, the cutest S-Support, I love her. Henry. I love him, who gave him the right to go that hard? I find Tharja's character arcs in her supports past marriage really compelling, how she becomes kinder.
I love so so so many of the characters, thank you so much for the ask, I love just telling people about my interests! :D
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